SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Distribution > Inventory Setup

Inventory Setup

You use this program to define the setup options of your Inventory module.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.


Field Description
FIFO valuation

FIFO valuation

Select this to value your inventory on a First-In-First-Out basis.

  • Implications of selecting this option are that stock on hand cannot be allowed to go negative in any warehouse. However, items defined as Floorstock (Stock Code Maintenance) and stocked in the Floorstock warehouse (WIP Setup) can have a negative balance (see WIP Issue Floor Stock Allocations).

    In addition, inventory costs cannot be held in a unit of measure other than stocked.

  • If you selected the option: Costing per warehouse, and the costing method for any warehouse is set to FIFO (Warehouse Maintenance), then FIFO valuation is automatically enabled and cannot be deselected.

  • When you enable Actual costing, this option is automatically selected, because Actual costing uses the FIFO valuation architecture to track and process costs.

Multiple bins

Multiple bins can be enabled for all warehouses or for selected warehouses only.

If you select this option, then picking slips cannot be printed for non-stocked items (see WMS Pick Slip).

Multiple bins

Select this if you require a specific bin to be entered when you receive items into stock, issue items from stock, transfer items between warehouses and capture stock take information.

When you select this option, all warehouses are set to requiring multiple bins. A single bin is created for each stock code/warehouse combination with the entire quantity on hand for the stock code/warehouse against it. If a bin location has been defined against the stock code's warehouse, then this bin location is used to generate the default bin, otherwise, the warehouse code becomes the bin location.

Once you have enabled multiple bins for the company, you can optionally disable bins for specific warehouses, using the Warehouses function below. However, this function is available only after you save your settings and reload the Inventory Setup program.

If you are sharing Inventory files (Company Maintenance) and you want to use multiple bins, then this option must be enabled in all companies sharing Inventory. Thereafter, bins can be disabled against the individual warehouses as required.

The following points should be noted if you change this option after the system is up-and-running, particularly if sales orders or lot numbers already exist on file:

  • When switching multiple bins on, the Purge and Archive program is automatically run to ensure that the default bin created is inserted into existing lot records and their associated transactions against your traceable or ECC controlled stock items.

    You should run the Balance function of the Order Purge program to ensure there are no quantities in ship without bin allocations.

  • If you activate this option at any time after the system has been running without it, you must run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program, to transfer the quantity on hand to the default bin created.

  • When switching multiple bins off for all warehouses, the system automatically performs the processes required to roll the bins (i.e. transfer the quantity on hand to the default bins).

    All bins are deleted against the stock code/warehouse combination and all sales order bin allocations are deleted. The quantities on hand for stock items in the warehouse are transferred to the default bin. The default bin location is generated from the warehouse code if no default bin is setup against the stock code/warehouse combination (Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).

    The Purge and Archiveprogram is automatically run to ensure that the bins are cleared from existing lot records and their associated transactions.

    You can run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program and the Balance function of the Order Purge program, although this is not a requirement.

See also: The Capture serial numbers for orders setup option (Sales Orders Setup)

Fixed bins

This requires a bin to exist in the newly-created InvMultBin table before you can transact against it. This feature is only available in a SQL environment and if the Multiple bins option is enabled.

Initially, all warehouses that use multiple bins will be flagged as fixed bin warehouses. Use the Show Warehouses function to switch off this facility selectively for individual warehouses.


Select this to apply multiple bins selectively by warehouse.

The Browse on Warehouses program is loaded automatically, enabling you to toggle the Multiple bins in use option for each warehouse. This facility is only available from within the Inventory Setup program.

  • The Warehouses function is available only after you have enabled multiple bins, saved your settings and reloaded the Inventory Setup program.

  • When activating (or deactivating) multiple bins for a warehouse, a number of processes are performed to ensure data consistency (see Warehouse Maintenance).

When a warehouse does not use bins, but the company does, then there is a dummy bin on the file that is used internally by SYSPRO programs. That dummy bin always contains the warehouse code. You therefore never have to indicate a bin number when posting for a warehouse with no bins as the program involved uses the dummy bin number automatically.

Amendment journals required

Yes Monitors information that has changed for stock items.

This includes details of changes and deletions of items within the Stock Code Maintenance, Cost Implosion and Lead Time Calculation programs as well as changes to information for a stock item's warehouse.

Amendment journals are also created for changes to the status of ECC-controlled items and changes to the revision/release of ECC items using the ECC Change ECO status and Set ECC Control for Stock Code programs.

Amendment journals are only created for changes to the Stock Master and Stock Warehouse data and not warehouse changes or additions. Therefore, amendment journals are not created when copying a warehouse or adding, changing and deleting a warehouse.


Does not monitor information that has changed for stock items.

Yes, with additions

Equivalent to selecting the Yes option, but includes details of any stock items that were added to the file.


You can print details of additions, changes and deletions using the Inventory Amendment Journal program.

Rounding of WIP allocs to stock code's max no of decimals

This is used when the number of decimals assigned to the stock item differs from the number of decimals specified at the Quantity per field for the same item.

5-up, 4-down

Select this to round up decimal places of .5 or larger, and to round down decimal places of .4 or less.

Round up

Select this to round up decimals. This option is appropriate only where the full 3 decimal places is not held against the stock item on the product master file.

Round down

Select this to round down decimal places. This option is appropriate only where the full 3 decimal places is not held against the stock item on the product master file. In this case, you are advised to select the Round up option, as values less than 0.5 will be rounded down to zero.

Percentage breaks for ABC analysis

A/B percentage break

Indicate the cut-off percentage for A and B items for classifying on the ABC Analysis, based on the annual usage value of items (i.e. the total cost of each item sold or issued over the past year).

This defaults to 80.

B/C percentage break

Indicate the cut-off percentage for B and C items for classifying on the ABC Analysis, based on the annual usage value of items (i.e. the total cost of each item sold or issued over the past year).

This defaults to 95.

Acceptable cost variance percentage

Indicate the percentage by which:

  • the cost of an item received into stock is allowed to differ from the cost of the item held on file. Receipts include receipts from Work in Progress and from Purchase orders.
  • a cost change to an item is allowed to differ from the cost of the item held on file (Inventory Movements).

A warning message is displayed if this percentage is exceeded. You can, however, define a password which has to be entered when the variance is exceeded. See Inventory override on inventory cost variance (Password Definition).

  • The warning does not apply to receipts if your costing method is set to Standard costing, as items are receipted at standard cost and therefore no variance occurs.
  • The warning only applies to cost changes made to individual items and not to bulk cost changes (e.g. Price-Cost Percentage Change and Transfer BOM Costs to Wh Costs).
Reject import receipts if cost variance exceeded

Select this to reject imported job and purchase order receipts if they exceed the acceptable cost variance percentage defined.

When this option is not enabled, no check is performed to ensure that the receipt cost does not exceed the acceptable cost variance percentage when importing job and purchase order receipts.

This check is performed at the time of actually processing the import and not at the time of validating the import file.

Goods in transit  
Use Full goods in Transit transfers facility

Select this to be able to monitor inter-warehouse transfers generated from the Inventory Movements program, as well as supply chain transfers generated from the Sales Order Entry program.

You need to select this option if you want to perform Requisition Issues and/or Transfers (Purchase Orders Setup - Requisition tab).

  • Any stock transfers that are still in process should be completed before you enable/disable this feature.

    If the program detects that warehouse transfers are currently in progress, a window is displayed with the option to either run the Warehouse Exception or to run the GIT Conversion Program program.

    • Running the Warehouse Exception will highlight where there are unfinished transfers that need to be addressed.

    • Running the GIT Conversion Program program will convert existing warehouse transfers to Goods in Transit transfers.

  • A Conversion function is displayed if you save your selection to use the full goods in transit transfers facility, but have not yet addressed the issue of stock transfers currently in process.

Use sales order description for stock items originating from SCT Select this to allow the description of an item that is in transit (or which has been transferred) to be obtained from the originating Supply Chain Transfer.

This is useful for customers who regularly change the description of items being transferred through the Supply Chain Transfer process, and need to see this description at all times.

When this option is enabled, any use of the stock description is obtained by tracing the appropriate information in the relevant sales order reprint file (the transfer can originate from a sales order or a dispatch) and using that description if found. If the reprint has not been retained, then the inventory description is used.

Use absolute days when applying lead time to transfer supplied items

This applies throughout SYSPRO where the lead time is applied to calculate the due date or receipt date of a transfer supplied item.

When a stock item for a warehouse is supplied by another warehouse, instead of a purchase order or job, it is defined as being transfer supplied.

This option is typically used where the transportation of goods between warehouses is handled by a third party.

When this option is enabled, non-working days are not taken into account when applying the Lead time (days) defined for transferring items between warehouses (Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).

In addition, if the calculated date falls on a non-working day and the date is not used for display purposes only, then the next working day is used. In the case of the date being calculated backwards (from the present) the previous working day is used.

Costing method

The costing method you select determines the manner in which your inventory is valued.

A single costing method can be applied to all warehouses within a company (costing at company level). Alternatively, various costing methods can be used within the company, by assigning a costing method to a specific warehouse (costing at warehouse level).


Once defined, changing costing methods must be considered in detail before proceeding with the change.

Refer to Costing for additional information on inventory costing methods.

Costing per warehouse

Select this to apply costing methods selectively by warehouse.

You typically use this option in cases where high value, low usage items are stored in a separate warehouse and require a different method of costing (e.g. FIFO) for accuracy. Alternatively, you may manufacture and distribute a product and want to apply Standard costing to your Work in Progress and Average costing to your distribution warehouse. This is only relevant in locations where mixing costing methods is an acceptable practice.

When you select this option, each warehouse is set to requiring the costing method you select on this tab page. Once you have enabled costing per warehouse, you can optionally change the costing method for specific warehouses, using the Warehouses function. However, this function is available only after you save your settings and reload the Inventory Setup program.

If you do not select this option, then the costing method selected here is used for all warehouses.


Select this to apply the costing method you require to each warehouse.

The Browse on Warehouses program is loaded automatically, enabling you to select the Costing method to use for each warehouse. This facility is only available when the Browse on Warehouses program is called from the Inventory Setup program.

  • The Warehouses function is available only after you have enabled the Costing per warehouse option, saved your settings and reloaded the Inventory Setup program. However, stock for items defined as Floorstock (Stock Code Maintenance) and stocked in the Floorstock warehouse (WIP Setup) will always be allowed to go negative, regardless of FIFO costing or your warehouse settings.

  • When activating (or deactivating) costing for a warehouse, a number of processes are performed to ensure data consistency.

Apply warehouse BOM costs

Select this to use the BOM costs held against the warehouse for costing purposes for all stock items held in that warehouse.

When you enable this option, you use the Costing function of the Warehouses for Stock Code program to define the BOM costs to use for each warehouse.

You must select this option to be able to use the cost against an alternate route when you transfer costs from BOM to Warehouse in the Transfer BOM Costs to Wh Costs program.

If you do not select this option, then the BOM costs held against each individual stock item are used for costing purposes (Stock Code Maintenance).

In addition, if you do not select this option, then you will be unable to process the cost implosion by warehouse (Component Where-used).


You should use the Cost Implosion program to roll-up costs before selecting this option.


Select this to average out the unit cost of an item that is received into stock. This is calculated as the average between the new cost of the item and the existing cost of the item held on file.

The average cost is calculated at the time the transaction is processed. When a receipt is processed into a prior period, the average cost is not recalculated.


If you want to switch from FIFO costing to Average costing, then you must run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program and select the option: Recalculate current cost from FIFO bucketsbefore changing to average costing.

If you do not recalculate the current cost from FIFO buckets before changing to average costing, then there will be a difference between the Inventory valuation and the General Ledger. You will need to post manual journals to correct these discrepancies.


Select this to define a cost for each item and thereafter only update this cost using the Cost Changes function of the Inventory Movements program or using the Transfer BOM Costs to Wh Costs program.

You typically select this option in a manufacturing environment and when the costs of your items are relatively stable (i.e. not subject to constant change).

Last cost

Select this if you want to value your inventory according to the last cost that was entered for an item when it was received into stock.


Select this to create a new FIFO bucket for all stock receipts and for all issues/sales to be made from the oldest bucket held on file.

You can only enable this option when you enable the FIFO valuation option.


Select this to create a new LIFO bucket for all stock receipts and for all issues/sales to be made from the newest bucket held on file.

  • You cannot select this costing method if:

    • Costing per warehouse is selected.
    • FIFO valuation is selected.
    • Actual costing is selected.
  • If you change to LIFO costing (company-wide or against a warehouse - if you are using costing per warehouse) then you are prompted to run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program to ensure that your current data remains valid.

Do not calculate average cost on negative receipt

Select this to prevent the average cost of a stock item being recalculated when you post a negative receipt using the Inventory Movements, Purchase Order Receipts or Job Receipts programs.

If you do not select this option, then the average cost for a stock item is recalculated only if the negative receipt does not cause the quantity on hand for the stock item to become negative.


Any variance between the current average cost and the new cost entered is posted to the W/h variance account configured against the warehouse (Browse on Warehouses).

This option only applies if the costing method is defined as Average at company level or against a specific warehouse. The option is therefore only available if the Costing method is set to Average, or if Costing per warehouse is selected.

Actual costing Actual cost tracking (also known as item or batch specific costing) can be set for lot traceable and/or batch serialized items.
  • Actual Costing overrides any other costing method defined, either by company or by warehouse. When selected, Actual costing applies to all lot and/or batch serialized items in Inventory.

  • Irrespective of your company costing method and whether FIFO valuation is in place for all warehouses, all actual costing items are processed using FIFO costing at the detail level.

  • Actual costing is only applied to new transactions processed from the time you select this option. Existing transactions are not changed.

    Therefore, if you have stock on hand for an existing stock code/warehouse combination, you will be prompted to manually allocate these to cost buckets.

Actual costing uses the FIFO valuation architecture to track and process costs, so when you select to use actual costing, the FIFO valuation option is automatically selected if it is not already selected.

In addition, if you are currently not using FIFO costing at company level and Costing by warehouse is selected, then the following message is displayed:

"When the current costing method is not FIFO then the actual cost bucket cost should be derived from:

  • Lot transaction value
  • Current inventory cost

This enables you to indicate whether the costs for the actual costing buckets must be derived from the lot/serial transaction value or the Inventory warehouse value. If a variance exists between the actual cost value and the warehouse value, a variance journal is created with transaction type "t".

  • Existing warehouses which use FIFO costing will base the actual cost buckets on the lot/serial transaction value.
  • If you are currently using FIFO costing at company level and Costing by warehouse is not selected, then this message is not displayed. The actual cost buckets are based on the lot/serial transaction values.

With actual costing, processing of the buckets is at stock code, warehouse and lot/serial level as opposed to only stock code/warehouse level. Buckets retain the original receipt quantities to allow for accurate reversal of transactions when required.

You can indicate the number of days for which you want to retain history of these buckets on the History tab of this setup program.

When actual costing is selected, the system creates FIFO buckets for each lot and/or batch serial number.

Actual costing is applied in every program in Inventory, Sales and Work in Progress that depletes or adds to a FIFO bucket.

Actual costing is not applied to manuals serials.

None Select this actual costing is not required.
Lot traceable Select this to use actual costing for all lot traceable items.

This option is only available if the Lot Traceability module is installed.

  • Costing by lot is only possible when manual lot numbering is used (Lot Traceability Setup).

    With Automatic lot numbering, you cannot process two receipts into the same lot.

  • The FIFO buckets table is used to retain the history of costs for affected items. This caters for the situation where you receipt quantities for the same lot from the supplier, but at different prices (due to commodity price fluctuations).

When you select this option, the system performs the following conversion procedure (see Actual Costing Conversion Review):

  • Value the stock on hand for the item at the current valuation method.
  • Remove the existing FIFO buckets.
  • Per lot on the lot detail table:

    • Create a FIFO bucket for each positive Receipt, and Transfer In on the lot transaction table, recording the cost from the transaction and the receipt date.
    • Process each negative transaction, running through the FIFO buckets for that lot, until the transaction quantity is used up, updating the issue date.
    • At the same time, other positive transactions are processed, based on the issue date.
    • FIFO journals are written for tracking purposes.
  • Once all transactions are processed, a list of all the lots that have been processed and the FIFO buckets / costs created is displayed in the Actual Costing Conversion Review program. You can redistribute these if required.
  • The final process of the conversion is to check the valuation of each lot again and, if different from the initial value, to post a variance.
  • The lot number is recorded in the Inventory Journal Detail table and the Inventory Movements table for tracking purposes.
Batch serial

Select this to apply actual costing to batch serialised items.


The following prerequisites apply to setting actual costing for batch serials:

  • If against any serialized stock item you selected: Record serial numbers - During order entry (Stock Code Maintenance - Tracking tab), then you need to change these to Record serial numbers - During receipt.

    With actual costing, serials must be captured at time of receipt.

  • The option: Serial tracking system required must be selected (Options tab).
  • If you are currently using serials, then before selecting this option, you need to run the Serial File Balance Report and ensure that all batch serials are in balance.

When you select this option, the system performs the following conversion procedure (see Actual Costing Conversion Review):

  • Value the stock on hand for the item at the current valuation method
  • Remove the existing FIFO buckets
  • Per batch serial on file:

    • Create a FIFO bucket for each positive Receipt, and Transfer In on the serial transaction table, recording the cost from the transaction and the receipt date.
    • Process each negative transaction, running through the FIFO buckets for that serial, until the transaction quantity is used up, updating the issue date.
    • At the same time, other positive transactions are processed, based on the issue date.
    • FIFO journals are written for tracking purposes.
  • Once all transactions are processed, a list of all the batch serials that have been processed and the FIFO buckets / costs created is displayed in the Actual Costing Conversion Review program. You can redistribute these if required.
  • The final process of the conversion is to check the valuation of each serial again and, if different from the initial value, to post a variance.
  • The serial number is recorded in the Inventory Journal Detail table and the Inventory Movements for tracking purposes.
  • Actual costing does not apply to manual serials.

Auto depletion of cost buckets

Select this to automatically deplete lots and/or serials when processing multiple issues for the same lot/serial. The buckets are depleted in bucket sequence.

If you do not select this option and more than one FIFO bucket exists for the specific lot or serial, then you are prompted for the bucket(s) from which to issue the quantity (see Actual Cost Allocation).

  • This option only applies to issues in Work in Progress and Inventory.

  • Cost buckets used in Sales Orders are always auto-depleted at the time the invoice or dispatch note is generated. A credit note attached to an invoice or a reversal of a dispatch note will automatically find the buckets used for the original transaction and reverse those.

  • Actual cost buckets are also automatically auto depleted when processing a Transfer out of a warehouse (especially since you can process a bulk transfer out with apportionment from a Supply Chain Transfer (SCT)).

  • This option is ignored when processing negative allocations in Work in progress. A negative allocation mimics a receipt and therefore a new actual cost bucket is always created.

Record inventory movements by serial or lot Select this to be able to view details of actual costs used in Inventory movements and on lot or serial transactions.

If you do not select this option, then the unit cost displayed is the warehouse cost based on the costing method applied to that warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance).

If the Actual costing - Lot traceable option is selected together with this option, then it applies to all modules and a movement record is output per actual cost bucket per lot. Therefore, to get a breakdown of the actual cost buckets used, you can view the lot transaction records.

If the Actual costing - batch serial option is selected together with this option, then it applies to all modules and a movement record is output per cost bucket serial. Therefore, to get a breakdown of the actual cost buckets used, you can view the serial transaction records.

Stock on hand allowed to go negative
  • Traceable, serialized, and ECC-controlled items will not be allowed to go negative, regardless of your warehouse settings.
  • If Multiple Bins are in use and stock on hand is not allowed to go negative, then bins can go negative if they are not tied to a lot traceable item, but the stock code/warehouse combination will not be allowed to go negative.

  • Floorstock items stocked in the Floorstock warehouse (WIP Setup) and Returnable items (Stock Code Maintenance) will always be allowed to go negative, regardless of your warehouse settings.
  • If you select to apply automatic depletion and multiple bins are in use, then the system will only deplete available stock even if stock is allowed to go negative, unless the option Negative on hand - deplete remainder from default bin (Depletion tab) is selected and the conditions governing this option are met.
  • If any warehouse is set to FIFO costing and/or you selected FIFO valuation required, then you will be unable to allow stock on hand to go negative in any warehouse.

Yes Select this to allow stock on hand to go negative at company level. This will apply to all warehouses for the selected company.

If you select this option together with the option: Back orders - Automatic (Sales Order Setup - General 3 tab), then items you place on backorder are automatically moved to ship by the Sales Order Entry program.


Select this if stock is not allowed to go negative. This will apply to all warehouses for the selected company.

Dependent on w/h list

Select this to indicate a specific list of warehouses in which stock is allowed (or not allowed) to go negative.


You use this function to indicate a specific list of warehouses in which stock is allowed (or not allowed) to go negative.

Dependent on w/h range

Select this to indicate a range of warehouses in which stock is allowed (or not allowed) to go negative.


Use this to indicate a range of warehouses in which stock is allowed (or not allowed) to go negative.

Dependent on warehouse

Select this to display an additional warehouse option that allows you to indicate whether negative stock is allowed for the warehouse.


Selecting this option does not activate negative stock for the warehouse, it merely displays an additional warehouse option that allows you to specify whether negative stock is allowed for the warehouse.

You must select the Warehouse function and maintain details against a warehouse for this option to take effect.


Use this to maintain specific warehouses for which you want to allow stock to go negative.


Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Inventory module setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.


Field Description
Miscellaneous options

Aged inventory valuation required

Select this to print an Inventory Initial Aged Valuation report of stock quantities over the last five years.

Update last cost if standard costing in use

Select this if the last cost entered for a receipt must be held separately from the standard inventory cost.

This only applies if the costing method is defined as Standard at company level or against a specific warehouse (Browse on Warehouses). The option is therefore only available if the Costing method is set to Standard, or if Costing per warehouse is selected.

Include non-merchandise costs in last cost

Select this to add the calculated cost multiplier value to the receipt cost of an item when using the Inventory Movements program to process a Receipt or a GIT Transfer In.

GIT Transfers only apply if you selected the option: Use Full goods in Transit transfers facility (General tab).

When this option is disabled, the cost multiplier defined against the item (Warehouses for Stock Code) is ignored and its value is not reflected in the Last cost of the item.

If you select this option, then you must also select the option: Apply cost multiplier when processing receipts to include the cost multiplier in the last cost of the item.

Serial tracking system required

Select this to record serial number information when processing transactions for serialized stock items.

Once selected, you can only deselect this option when:

  • no active orders exist for any serialized item

  • there is no allocated quantity in serialized items

Same serial to be used for multiple stock codes

Select this to allow the same serial numbers to be used for different stock codes when accepting items into stock.

If you select this option, then when you receipt a batch serialized item, you can enter a serial number that already exists against another stock code. If the option Multiple batch serial receipts allowed is not selected, then the existing serial number must be stocked in the warehouse in which you are processing the current receipt. If the option Multiple batch serial receipts allowed is selected, then the existing serial number can be applied even if it is not currently stocked in the current warehouse. If the stock code is a manual serialized item then you can enter a serial number that exists against another manual serialized stock code regardless of the warehouse in which it is stocked. If this option is not selected, then you cannot enter a serial number that already exists against another stock code regardless of whether the stock code is manual or batch serialized or irrespective of your selection at the option: Multiple batch serial receipts allowed.

When this option is not enabled, you cannot receipt reserved serials into an alternate stock code from inspection (see WIP Inspection Maintenance).

You must not select this option if you require your stock items to be assigned unique serial numbers at company level.

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Serial tracking system required.

Retain all serial information after negative receipt

Select this to retain the history of header and transaction details for manual serial numbers against which a negative receipt has been processed. A negative receipt is typically processed when reversing a receipt that was processed against the incorrect serial number.

If you select this option, then you cannot re-use the serial number for the same stock item.

When this option is not enabled, serial history is removed if the only other transaction for the serial was a receipt. (i.e. the system assumes you are reversing a receipt done against an incorrect serial number).

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Serial tracking system required.

Apply cost multiplier when processing receipts

Select this if, when processing a receipt, you want to be able to specify a portion of the transaction value that comprises non-merchandise costs and to store these values in nominated ledger accounts.

This option enables you to maintain accurate inventory costs per warehouse for merchandise received into stock.


You must select this option if:

  • you intend using the full Goods in Transit transfers facility and you want to apply a cost multiplier for items which are transfer supplied.
  • you selected the option: Include non-merchandise costs in last cost to include the cost multiplier value in the last cost of an item
Supplier/stock code interchange system required

Select this to be able to alternate between entering a SYSPRO stock code or the supplier's catalogue number during Purchase Order Entry.


You must select this option before you define your supplier stock codes in the Browse on Supplier Stock Code Cross Ref or Supplier Stock Code Cross Reference program.

Supplier stock codes defined before you select this option are not saved.

If you select this option, and you purchase a non-stocked item from a supplier, the system automatically creates an entry in the supplier/stock code interchange file (Browse on Supplier Stock Code Cross Ref).

Multiple batch serial receipts allowed

If you select this option, then a batch serial number that exists against a stock code in one warehouse can be receipted against the same stock code in another warehouse.

If this option is not selected then a batch serial can only exist in one warehouse and subsequent receipts against the serial number must occur in the warehouse in which it is stocked.

Allow blank list price codes

Enable this to be able to leave the List price code against an existing stock code blank.

The List price code cannot be blank when this option is not enabled and is therefore set to A when adding a stock code. The code can be changed to another price code once the stock code details are saved.


If you are retaining a history of price changes (see History tab) then capturing a stock item without associating it to a price code will result in no price history being created for that item.

Validate product classes

Enable this to validate the product classes assigned to stock items using the Stock Code Maintenance program.

The product classes are validated against the SALPDS/SalProductClassDes file/table (see Product Classes).

Even when this option is disabled, a product class not on file error is displayed in programs other than Stock Code Maintenance when the product class is not found in the SALPDS/SalProductClassDes file/table.

This option is ignored by the Sales Order Import and EDI Sales Order Lines programs as a valid product class must be defined against each line. Lines with invalid product classes are ignored by the export/import processes.

Allow backflush of bought out items

Select this to be able to backflush a bought out item and issue any attached materials and labor.

A bought out item is typically an item that you purchase, but sometimes these items can be made-in so quickly that there is no need to set up a job.

Alternatively, some companies initially purchase items but are responsible for warranty and service jobs on the item (e.g. appliances). These companies typically want to issue components and labor for the service without the overhead of maintaining a full manufacturing system.

Record movements for bin transfers

Select this to include bin transfers when retaining transaction movements processed for a stock item.

You indicate whether you want to retain movements for a stock item within the Stock Code Maintenance program (Stock Code Details).

If you do not select this option, then the bin transfer transaction can be printed on the Inventory Journal Report, but no movement is created.

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Multiple bins (Options tab).

Allow creation of bins when processing inventory transactions

Select this to enable the automatic creation of new bins (i.e. without using the Inventory Bin Maintenance program) when a non-existent bin is supplied against a transaction.


Bins are not automatically created when processing negative inventory transactions (e.g. a negative Receipt).

If you do not select this option, then operators can only enter existing bins when processing the following types of transactions:

  • Bin transfers
  • Receipts (with single and multiple bin entry) from the Inventory, Purchase Order and Work in Progress modules
  • Expense issues
  • Normal warehouse transfers (Out)
  • Immediate transfers
  • Stock take imports
  • Stock take capture
  • Backflushing
  • Adjustments
  • Job issues, when issuing a negative allocation

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Multiple bins (Options tab).

If you do not select this option, then you will be unable to maintain (add, change, delete) bins by:

  • Selecting the Multiple Bins option from the Query menu of the Inventory Query program.
  • Selecting the Show option from the Multiple bins field in the Inventory Query program.

This setup option does not apply to running the Inventory Bin Maintenance program standalone.

Apply operator access control to destination warehouse on transfers OUT

Select this to restrict access to the destination warehouse when performing a warehouse transfer out using the Inventory Movements program, or when processing a supply chain transfer using the Sales Order Entry program.

If you select this option then the system checks the warehouse security access settings and prevents the operator from processing supply chain transfers if that operator has been denied access to the destination warehouse (Operators - Access tab).

Similarly, the operator is prevented from processing a warehouse transfer out if access is denied to the destination warehouse.

Inventory cost to be held in a unit of measure other than stocked

Select this to enable inventory costs to be held in a unit of measure other than the stocking unit of measure. You define the applicable cost unit of measure when adding stock items using the Stock Code Maintenance program.


You cannot select this option if FIFO Valuation is selected or if your costing method is set to FIFO or LIFO (General tab).

Negative quantity on hand to be included in Inventory Valuation

Select this to include negative values owing to a negative on hand quantity in inventory valuations.

This decreases the total value of stock.

Values for warehouses with negative stock are included in the Inventory at a Glance and Inventory Valuation programs.

Allow serial numbers to be transferred during stock take

Select this to allow the transfer of a serial currently selected for stock take out of the stock take warehouse into another warehouse using the Serial Entry for Receipts program.

Note that this does not apply to serials created in the current stock take.

Request ledger codes for inventory transactions

Select this to request the ledger code to be used as the distribution entry when processing inventory transactions.

Define Options

Selectively indicate the inventory transactions for which you want the ledger code to be requested (see Ledger Code Options).

Disallow single warehouse selection during period end

Select this to process all warehouses when running the Balance or Month end functions of the Inventory Period End program (i.e. you will not be able to select a specific warehouse to process).


In order to finalize an Inventory month end and increment the current month number, all warehouses must be selected for processing.

Set up stock code deletion options

Select this to define conditions under which a stock code can be deleted.

Typically, if you do not define stock code deletion options here, then you cannot delete a stock code if ANY of the following conditions apply:

  • operations are held against the stock item

  • the stock item is a parent part in a bill of materials structure

  • the stock item is a component part in a bill of materials structure

  • there are outstanding purchase orders for the stock item

  • there are outstanding sales orders for the stock item

  • there is an on hand quantity of the stock item in any warehouse

  • movements exist for the item in the current or two prior periods

  • warehouse records exist for the item

  • the stock item is defined as traceable

  • a stock take is in progress affecting any warehouse to which the stock item has been assigned

  • the stock item is attached to a customer/stock code cross reference

  • the stock item is attached to a supplier/stock code cross reference

However, you can use this option to selectively override conditions under which a stock item can be deleted. These conditions can be set using the Delete Stock Code Options function.

Define Delete Options

This enables you to define the conditions under which a stock code may be deleted (see Delete Stock Code Options).

FIFO/LIFO options

Print FIFO journals

Select this to print FIFO journals.

If you do not select this option, then the journals are still created, but they are not printed. This does not prevent FIFO journals from being displayed in the Journal Entries listview of the Inventory Movements program.

There is no facility to suppress FIFO journals from the Journal entries listview in the Inventory Movements program.

This applies only when FIFO valuation is enabled (General tab) without FIFO Costing.

Balance lots from most recent FIFO bucket

Select this to make adjustments to lots from the most recent FIFO bucket when running the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program.

This applies only when FIFO valuation is enabled (General tab).

Use zero cost bucket for returns

Select this option to be able to process a zero cost transaction when returning stock to a FIFO/LIFO bucket that has a zero unit cost. The returned quantity is added to the FIFO/LIFO bucket, but the unit cost of the bucket remains unaffected.

If you do not select this option, then the return of stock to a FIFO/LIFO bucket with a zero cost will create a new FIFO/LIFO bucket with the returned quantity at the current warehouse cost.

Stock returns are typically made via a sales order credit note or an inventory transaction such as a negative issue or a positive adjustment.

The Stock Take Confirmation program updates FIFO/LIFO buckets according to your selection at this option.

This applies only when FIFO valuation is enabled (General tab).

Recalculate current cost from FIFO buckets This applies to FIFOcosting and Actual Costing (General tab).
During period end balance function

Select this to enable the equivalent option within the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program.

If you select this option during the Balance function, the total value of the FIFO buckets and the total quantity is accumulated and used to calculate the new current cost of the item.

When changing w/h costing method from FIFO

This option applies when the costing method of a warehouse is changed from FIFO to any other method.

Select this to re-calculate the current warehouse cost for each item with a non-zero quantity on hand, based on the FIFO buckets. The value of each FIFO bucket is calculated and accumulated into a FIFO total value. This is then divided by the warehouse stock on hand to get the new current cost for the warehouse.

If you do not select this option, then the current warehouse cost is not updated.

Stock take variance


Select this for the detection and subsequent reporting on variances during a stock take to be based on the percentage entered at the Maximum permitted stock take variance field below.


Select this for the detection and subsequent reporting on variances during a stock take to be based on the fixed quantity entered at the Maximum permitted stock take variance field below.

Maximum permitted

Indicate the cut-off percentage (or quantity) according to which variances detected during a stock take can be reported on using the Stock Take Variance report and queried using the Stock Take Query program.

The Stock Take Variance report can be used to print items only where the captured quantity differs from the original quantity on hand by the percentage or quantity variance specified here. You can also select to display these items in the Stock Take Query program.


If you enter zero in this field, then no variance checking is performed (i.e. zero does not mean no variance is acceptable).

Therefore, variances are only calculated if this field is non-zero.

For example: If you enter zero in this field, then when you run the Stock Take Variance report and select: Only print exception lines, no details are printed as the exception check is not performed.

Similarly, if you enter zero in this field, then when you select to display only exceptions in the Stock Take Query program, no stock items are displayed in the listview.

Unit of measure


Indicate the default unit of measure applied when capturing stock items (i.e. Stocking, alternate and other).

The default unit of measure entered here is ignored when the units of measure using the Maintain Global Defaults option in the Stock Code Maintenance program is defined.

Round converted quantities to stock code no. of decimals

Enable this to always round quantities to the Maximum number of decimals indicated against the stock code (Stock Code Maintenance) when converting between the different units of measure for the stock code.

Maximum no. of decimals allowed in quantities

Indicate the maximum number of decimals to round quantities when converting to different units of measure.

This enables you to calculate quantities out to a set number of decimals even when that number of decimals exceeds the maximum number of decimals against the stock code.

This is only applied when converting quantities if the option Round converted quantities to stock code no. of decimals is not enabled (i.e. when not rounding to number of decimals specified against the stock code).

In addition, the Maximum number of decimals specified against the stock code (Stock Code Maintenance) cannot exceed the maximum number of decimals specified here.

If the Maximum number of decimals specified against the stock code is LESS than the maximum number of decimals specified here, then the result when processing a sales order line will depend on the operator activity: SO Allow decimal overflow on aum quantity (Sales Orders).


Maximum no. of decimals allowed in quantities = 3

Maximum number of decimals against the stock code = 2

Stocking uom = BOX (1 BOX = 6 EA)

Alternate uom = EA

Process a sales order for 1 EA.

1 EA is converted to 0.166667 BOX (to 6 decimals).

Because Maximum no. of decimals allowed in quantities = 3, the order quantity is 0.167 BOX.

If the operator activity: SO Allow decimal overflow on aum quantity (Sales Orders) is denied, then the operator cannot process the order line, because number of decimals has exceeded the stock code decimals (i.e. 0.167 has 3 decimals, but the stock code is specified as having 2 decimals).

If the operator activity: SO Allow decimal overflow on aum quantity is allowed, then a warning message is displayed indicating that the number of decimals is exceeded. If the operator chooses to continue, then the number of decimals for that order line defaults to the number of decimals defined against the Maximum no. of decimals allowed in quantities. In this example the order quantity is saved as 0.167 of a BOX (3 decimals).

If the stock had been defined with 3 decimals, then the operator activity would be ignored and no errors or warnings returned.

Ledger Code Options

You use the Define Options function to selectively indicate the inventory transactions for which you want the ledger code to be requested.

This function is enabled when you select the option: Request ledger codes for inventory transactions.

Field Description
Request ledger code for


Select this to request a ledger code when processing an inventory receipt transaction.


This excludes purchase order receipts which are defined separately. (See Purchase order receipts options below).


Select this to request a ledger code when processing an inventory adjustment transaction.


Select this to request a ledger code when processing an inventory issue transaction or an issue from stores requisitions (Requisition Stores Issues and Transfers).

Cost modifications

Select this to request a ledger code when processing an inventory cost modification transaction.

Cost changes

Select this to request a ledger code when processing an inventory cost change transaction.


Select this to request a ledger code when processing an inventory physical transaction.

Stock transfers

Select this to request a ledger code when processing an inventory stock transfer transaction.

Purchase order receipts

Select this to define the ledger code options for purchase order receipts.

When you select this option, the following options are enabled:

  • Debits (Non stocked)
  • Credits
  • Non merchandise
Debits (Non stocked)

Select this to be able to change the default ledger code (typically an expense account), when processing the receipt of a non stocked item (see Purchase Order Receipt and Purchase Order Inspection).


Select this to be able to change the default ledger code (typically the GRN suspense account), when processing the receipt of a stocked item or accepting an item from inspection into stock (see Purchase Order Receipt and Purchase Order Inspection).

Non merchandise

Select this to be able to change the default ledger code when processing a non merchandise receipt (Non-Merchandise Distribution)

Allow change of ledger code in backflushing

Select this to be able to override the default WIP control account when processing a backflushing transaction.


Select this to accept your selections and to return to the previous screen. You must select the Save function to save your selections.

Delete Stock Code Options

You use the Define Delete Options function to define the conditions under which a stock code may be deleted.

This function is enabled when you select the option: Set up stock code deletion options.

Field Description
Delete stock code

Used in a configuration

Select this if the Product Configurator module is installed and you want to be able to delete a stock code that has been used in a product configuration.

Customer/stock code cross reference

Select this if the Accounts Receivable module is installed and you want to be able to delete a stock code against which there exists a customer/stock code cross reference.

Supplier/stock code cross reference

Select this if the Accounts Payable module is installed, the supplier/stock code interchange system is set to required (Inventory Setup - Options tab), and you want to be able to delete a stock code against which a supplier/stock code cross reference exists.

ECC drawing register

Select this if Engineering Change Control is installed and you want to be able to delete a stock code against which a valid drawing number exists.

Part of a bill of landed cost tracking

Select this if you want to be able to delete a stock code against which there exists a bill of landed costs.

Temporary stock code has sales order details and/or purchase order details

Select this to be able to delete temporary stock codes that are associated with sales and/or purchase orders providing that there are no quantities outstanding.

On partial or full hold

Select this to be able to delete a stock code that is on hold.


Select this to accept your selections and to return to the previous screen. You must select the Save function to save your selections.


Field Description
Sales history qty's to include


Select this if sales history quantities must include the value of stock that has been sold, but not the value of stock that has been issued.


Select this if sales history quantities must include the value of stock that has been issued, but not the value of stock that has been sold.

Sales and Issues

Select this if sales history quantities must include both the value of stock that has been sold and the value of stock that has been issued.

Number of months to retain

Inventory Journals

Indicate the number of months for which you want to retain your Inventory journals.

This determines the number of months for which you can reprint the Inventory Journal Report and the Inventory Distribution reports.

These journals are deleted when next you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program, if they have been held on file for at least the number of months entered here and they meet all the criteria for deletion (see Purge).

The minimum number of months for which you can retain information is one month. Enter 99 to retain these journals indefinitely.

If the Inventory module is linked to the general Ledger (General Ledger Integration), then you need to retain inventory journals for as long as you want to be able to zoom on them from the General Ledger.


Indicate the number of months for which you want to retain inventory documents.

Printed inventory documents are deleted when you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program, if they have been held on file for at least the number of months entered here.

Inventory documents include: inventory receipts, issues, transfers out and purchase order receipts.

Enter 99 to retain these documents indefinitely.

The default number of months to retain document print transactions is set to zero (0). Unless this is changed, all document print information is deleted when the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program is run.

Number of G/L periods to retain

Goods in Transit entries

Indicate the number of General Ledger periods for which you want to retain completed goods in transit detail lines.

Completed goods in transit detail lines are deleted when you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program if they have been held on file for more than the number of periods entered here.

The minimum number of periods for which you can retain this information is three (3) months. Enter 99 to retain these entries indefinitely.

This is only enabled if you selected the option: Use full Goods in Transit transfers facility (General tab).

Purge movement records

In a SQL environment, movement records are purged faster if you select the By date option here.

By date

Select this to define the maximum number of days that movements must be retained for each stock code/warehouse combination.

By number

Select this to define the maximum number of movements to be retained for each stock code/warehouse combination.

Maximum age of records to maintain

Indicate either the maximum number of movement records you want to retain for each stock code/warehouse combination, or the maximum number of days that movements must be retained for each stock code/warehouse combination.

If you selected to purge movement records By date, then the transaction date against each movement is compared to the company date at the time you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program. If the age difference between these two dates is greater than the Maximum age of records to maintain, then the movement record is deleted.

If you selected to purge movement records By number, then at the time you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program, the number of movement records is counted for each stock code/warehouse combination. If this count exceeds the maximum number of records you are retaining, then the excess records are deleted, starting from the oldest record.


An entry of 99999 indicates that movement records must be retained indefinitely. An entry of (0) zero indicates that all movement records must be deleted when next you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program.

Stock balances

Retain last 12 months' opening stock balances

You must select this option to be able to:

  • print a Kardex Report, as the report requires opening balances for each warehouse and stock code.
  • print Inventory Valuation report for previous month 1 and 2. The Month end option of the Inventory Period End program updates the month end balances against all warehouses for each stock code.
  • post Adjustments, Bin Transfers and Expense Issues to a previous posting month (Inventory Movements).
Price change history

Retain history of price changes

Select this to retain a history of all changes made to the price or the price basis of an item. This information can be printed using the Price History program.


If you are allowing blank price list codes (see Options tab) then capturing a stock item without associating it to a price code will result in no price history being created for that item.

No of days to retain price history

Indicate the number of days or months for which you want to retain a history of changes made to the selling price or to the price basis of an item.


If you select the option: History retention is expressed in months then the number entered here is taken to represent months and not days.

Price history data is deleted by the Purge function of theInventory Period End program when the number of days or months that you are retaining this information is exceeded.

Enter 999 to retain this information indefinitely. Enter (0) zero if you want to delete all price history records dated prior to the date on which you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program.

History retention is expressed in months Select this to take the values entered at the No of days to retain price history and the No of days to retain buckets with zero quantity to represent months and not days.
FIFO Buckets

No of days to retain buckets with zero quantity

Indicate the number of days or months for which you want to retain FIFO buckets that have a zero quantity. This enables you to reduce the number of entries retained.


If you select the option: History retention is expressed in months then the number entered here is taken to represent months and not days.

Retaining buckets for a period of time makes reversals back to specific buckets easier.

This option applies regardless of whether actual costing is in use.

Enter 9999 to retain this information indefinitely.

FIFO buckets are deleted when you run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program if:

  • they have a zero quantity on hand


  • the number of days or months between the current company date and the bucket's last issue date is greater than the days or months specified here.
Prior Year End Dates

Select this to specify the last five year end dates for the Inventory module.

Prior Year End Dates

You use the Prior Year End Dates function to specify the last five year end dates for the Inventory module.

Field Description
Year prior This displays the prior year number.
Year end date This displays the year end date defined for the relative prior year.
Define Year End Dates Select this to define the year end date for the currently highlighted prior year.
OK Select this to accept the information you entered and to return to the previous screen. You must select the Save function to save your selections.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.
Change Prior Year End

You use the Define Year End Dates function to define the year end date for the currently highlighted prior year.

Field Description
Year end date Enter the year end date for the selected prior year.
OK Select this to accept the date you entered and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore the date you entered and to return to the previous screen.


Field Description
Current year

Change Current

Select this to maintain the period end dates for the current year, and control how information is posted to the Inventory module.

The control of information posted is achieved by defining the access status (i.e. Open or closed) for the current and previous two periods. A status of open allows postings to be made to the period, while a status of closed prevents further postings from being made to the period.


Postings cannot be made to a future period, regardless of whether the period is open or closed.

Period This displays the period to which the end date and status relate for the current year.
End date

This displays the period end dates defined for each period in the current year.


This indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.

A status of open allows postings to be made to the period, while a status of closed prevents further postings from being made to the period.

Previous year

Change Previous

Select this to maintain the period end date and access status for the selected period for the previous year.


This displays the periods for the previous year.

End date

This displays the period end dates defined for each period for the previous year.


This indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.

Current month

This indicates the period your Inventory module is currently in.

Current Year

You use the Change Current function to define the period end dates for the current year.

Field Description
Period end date Indicate the period end date for the selected period.
Period is  

Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.

Within a sub-ledger only the current and previous two periods can be defined as open.


Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.

If you generally post only to the current month, then you may find it useful to select the option: Close previous month automatically (Company Maintenance) which closes a sub-ledger's month automatically when you complete the month end function within the relevant module.

OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Previous Year

You use the Change Previous function to define the period end dates for the previous year.

Field Description
Period end date Indicate the period end date for the selected period.
Period is  

Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.

You can only define the current and previous two periods as open.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.
OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

User Defined

Field Description
Desc for fields against stock codes

The wording you assign to these fields is the wording displayed in entry/display forms.

Field 1-5

You use these fields to specify your own descriptions for additional stock code fields that can be configured within the Browse on Stock Codes program.

These fields can be used to store any extra information you require for the stock item.

Descriptions for fields against warehouses

Field 1-3

Specify your own descriptions for additional warehouse fields that can be configured when using the Warehouses for Stock Code program to maintain warehouse details for stock items.

These fields can be used to store any extra warehouse information you require for the stock item.

Descriptions for alternate keys

Alternate key 1-2

Specify your own descriptions for alternate keys.

These fields can be used to change the sequence in which you want to browse on stock codes.


Field Description
Document selections
  • On the History tab, you can define the number of months for which you want to retain these documents before they are deleted by the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program.

  • When you select to print an Inventory document online, you need to also select the Preference: Generate next document number against the document format you are using to print online (Inventory Document Format).

Field Description
No document

Select this if you do not need to print receipt documents.

Batch only

Select this to enable the printing of receipt documents in batch mode only.

Online and batch

Select this to enable the printing of receipt documents online and in batch mode.

Field Description
No document

Select this if you do not need to print issue documents.

Batch only

Select this to enable the printing of issue documents in batch mode only.

Online and batch

Select this to enable the printing of issue documents online and in batch mode.

Transfers out
Field Description
No document

Select this if you do not need to print transfers out documents.

Batch only

Select this to enable the printing of transfers out documents in batch mode only.

Online and batch

Select this to enable the printing of transfers out documents online and in batch mode.

P/O receipts

Select this to enable the printing of Purchase Order receipt documents and receipts in from LCT.

Field Description
No document

Select this if you do not need to print purchase order receipt documents.

Batch only

Select this to enable the printing of purchase order receipt documents in batch mode only.

Online and batch

Select this to enable the printing of purchase order receipt documents online and in batch mode.


If you select this option and you are using multiple bins, then you can only capture a single bin per receipt in the Purchase Order Receipts program.

Field Description
No document

Select this if you do not need to print inspection documents.

Batch only

Select this to enable the printing of inspection documents in batch mode only.

Online and batch

Select this to enable the printing of inspection documents online and in batch mode.

Inventory document receipts

Include inspection items in inventory document receipts

Select this to print inspection items on-line when receipting an item into stock.

Stationery alignments

Default number of decimals in alignments

Indicate the maximum number of decimals that must be printed when aligning your pre-printed stationery.

Current Month

Field Description
Year selection

This indicates the calendar year in which your current financial year ends.

You can only change this when no active data is held within either the Inventory journal file or the Inventory FIFO file.

Month selection

This indicates the month in which your company is running, in relation to the start of your financial year.

You can only change this when no active data is held within either the Inventory journalfile or the Inventory FIFO file.

Number of months per year

This indicates the number of accounting periods per year as defined at company level (Company Maintenance).


Field Description
Apply automatic depletion in

For traceable items which do not allow issues from multiple lots:

  • the Job Issues program searches for the first lot that can fully satisfy the requirement, failing which the kit quantity is reduced to the quantity that can be manufactured using the lot with the highest quantity.

    If accepted, the quantity to manufacture on the job header is reduced to this figure.

  • the Sales Order Entry program searches for the first lot that can fully satisfy the requirement, failing which the entire ship quantity is placed on back order.

Kit issues

Select this to deplete lots and bins automatically when processing a Kit issue (Job Issues). Stock is issued from the oldest, smallest lots and/or bins first.

Automatic depletion can be applied to Specific issues by selecting the Preference: Auto deplete lots and bins (Job Issues)

Sales orders

Select this to deplete lots and bins automatically in Sales Order entry, Return Merchandise, Dispatch Notes and Back Order Release. Stock is issued from the oldest, smallest lots and/or bins first.

When you select this option, the Point of Sale option below is automatically selected.

This option takes precedence over the option: Request lots/bins/serials when reserving stock (Sales Order Setup).

Point of Sale

Select this to deplete lots and bins automatically Point of Sale entry. Stock is issued from the oldest, smallest lots and/or bins first.

Negative on hand - deplete remainder from default bin

Select this to deplete the quantity for which there is insufficient stock available from the default bin for items shipped in Sales Orders and items kit issued in Work in Progress.

This only applies when the item is not defined as serialized, lot traceable or ECC controlled (Stock Code Maintenance) and all of the following options must be enabled:

  • Multiple bins (General tab)
  • Automatic depletion (Depletion tab)
  • Stock on hand allowed to go negative (General tab)

Stock is first depleted from the bins with available stock and the remainder is then depleted from the default bin. This can cause a negative on hand quantity in the default bin.

The default bin/warehouse bin must exist on the INVBIN table. A default bin is one that contains the same code as the default bin location defined in the Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program. If the default bin against Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code is blank, then the warehouse code is used as the default bin location for the Negative on hand - deplete remainder from default bin option.

You typically select this option if you enabled negative inventory and want to use automatic depletion to release or issue items (regardless of their stock level) for which you do not require a movement record through the system.

Automatic depletion of lots by

Receipt date

Select this to deplete lots according to the earliest date that a lot was received into stock.

The receipt date is the date the lot was receipted into the warehouse. If a lot does not already exist against a warehouse during a transfer and lot depletion is at receipt date, then it retains the date of when the lot was receipted for that stock item. Therefore on a transfer into a new warehouse, the receipt date from the original lot is used.

Expiry date

Select this to deplete lots according to the earliest lot expiry date.

If lot depletion is set to expiry date, then on a transfer into a new warehouse, the receipt date is set to the transaction date (i.e. if a lot does not already exist against a warehouse during a transfer, then it is created with the transaction date).


Field Description
Multiple bin browse default sequence


Select this to default to browsing on multiple bins in bin number sequence.

Receipt date

Select this to default to browsing on multiple bins according to the date on which items were received into the bin.

Stock code browse options

Display price and quantities

Select this to display prices and quantities when browsing on stock codes.

Filter stock code based on operator access list

Select this to restrict the viewing of stock items to those warehouses that the operator has been authorized to access.

Against the operator, you must select the Filter reports and browses option for Warehouse in the Access pane (Operator Maintenance) and define a list of warehouses to which access is either allowed or disallowed.

This option applies only to the stock code browse, and is used to reduce the number of stock codes shown. It does not apply to the "Find" (Browse on Stock Codes) which checks operator access either on the warehouse to use, or on the single warehouse if necessary. It does not prevent the stock code being "found", simply the display of the warehouse information.


Selecting this option may adversely affect the performance of SYSPRO when browsing on stock items.

For example, if a stock code is not linked to any warehouse, then no stock code is returned when browsing on stock codes in the Inventory Query program.

Default warehouse for displaying qty's

Your selection here affects the display of quantities within the Generic Find and Browse on Stock Codes programs.

Field Description

Select this to use the default warehouse defined against the operator to display quantities when browsing on stock items.

If this is blank, then the default warehouse defined against the company is used. If this is blank and the default warehouse against the operator is blank, then the warehouse defined at the Warehouse to use field against the stock item is used.

Operator default

Select this to use the default warehouse defined against the operator (Operator Maintenance) to display quantities when browsing on stock items.

Company default

Select this to use the warehouse defined against the company (Company Maintenance) to display quantities when browsing on stock items.

Warehouse to use

Select this to use the warehouse defined at the Warehouse to use field against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance) to display quantities when browsing on stock items.

Distribution warehouse to use

Select this to use the warehouse defined at the Distribution warehouse to use field against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance) to display quantities when browsing on stock items.

Default ATP presentation


Select this to display the quantity available in each period, taking into account supply and demand.


Select this to add each period's regular ATP figure to the next period and display a cumulative figure.

Inventory Query  
Show warehouse values for multiple companies Select this to be able to view Warehouse Values and Warehouse History for multiple companies in the Inventory Query program.

When you select this option, the Multiple Company Values option is enabled in the Inventory Query program.

You use the Define List of Companies option to indicate the companies for which you want to view these values.


This option will only work when the database format is the same for all companies (i.e. all C-ISAM or all SQL).

Define List of Companies Select this to indicate the companies for which you want to view Warehouse Values and Warehouse History values in the Inventory Query program.

Company List Selection

This screen is displayed when you select the Define List of Companies to indicate the companies for which you want to view Warehouse Values and Warehouse History values in the Inventory Query program.

Field Description
File Select this to exit the program.
Accept and Close Select this to save your selections and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Any Changes Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the previous screen.
Accept and Close Select this to save your selections and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the previous screen.
Available Companies This listview displays the companies currently available for selection.
Assign Selected Select this to assign the company(ies) currently highlighted in this listview to the Selected Companies listview.

You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer to individually highlight the companies you want to assign.

Assign All Select this to assign all companies displayed in this listview to the Selected Companies listview.
Selected Companies This listview displays the companies for which you want to view Warehouse Values and Warehouse History values in the Inventory Query program.
Remove Selected Select this to remove the company(ies) currently highlighted in this listview from your list of companies for which you want to view Warehouse Values and Warehouse History values in the Inventory Query program.

You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer to individually highlight items you want to remove.

Remove All Select this to remove all items in this listview from your list of companies for which you want to view Warehouse Values and Warehouse History values in the Inventory Query program.


Field Description
Document numbering

Next stock receipt document

Indicate the number that will be assigned to the next document printed to record the receipt into stock of an item using the Inventory Movements program.


This number is assigned only if the option to generate the next document number is enabled for your Stock receipts document format.

Next issue document

Indicate the number that will be assigned to the next document printed to record the issue of items for miscellaneous purposes using the Inventory Movements program.


This number is assigned only if the option to generate the next document number is enabled for your Issue document format.

Next transfer out document

Indicate the number that will be assigned to the next document printed to record the transfer of items between warehouses using the Inventory Movements program.


This number is assigned only if the option to generate the next document number is enabled for your transfer out document format.

Inspection print document numbering

Next inspection print document

This indicates the reference number that will be used for the next inspection document to be printed.

This number is automatically updated by the system each time you print a new inspection document using the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Next rejection print document

This indicates the reference number that will be used for the next rejection note document to be printed.

This number is automatically updated by the system each time you print a new rejection note document using the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Next scrapped print document

This indicates the reference number that will be used for the next scrap note document to be printed.

This number is automatically updated by the system each time you print a new scrap note document using the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Goods in Transit Reference


Select this to enter a GIT Reference number manually whenever you process an inter-warehouse or supply chain transfer of goods.


Select this to assign the next GIT Reference number automatically, according to your entry at the Next reference field.


You can select this option only if the key type of the GIT Reference field is configured to be numeric (Set Key Information).

Next reference

Indicate the GIT Reference number that will be used when next you process an inter-warehouse or supply chain transfer of goods.

This number is incremented by one (1) each time you process a transfer of stock into transit.


You can enter a reference here only if you indicated that the system must generate the next number at company level (i.e. If you selected the By company option at the Goods in Transit Reference field).

By warehouse

Select this to assign the next GIT Reference number automatically, according to the numbering method defined against the source warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance).


You can select this option only if the key type of the GIT Reference field is configured to be numeric (Set Key Information).

By warehouse - with prefix

Select this to assign the next GIT Reference automatically, according to the numbering method defined against the source warehouse, together with a two character prefix (Warehouse Maintenance).


You can select this option only if the key type of the GIT Reference field is configured to be alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

Manual serial number tracking

Tracking of manual serial numbers enables you to create sequential ranges of manual serial numbers.

The serial number can be created according to the Prefix and Next suffix defined either against the company or against each individual serialized stock item.

For example:

You define the Prefix as A1 and the Next suffix as 001.

You create a range of three manual serial numbers. The serial numbers are generated as: A1001, A1002, A1003. The next range of manual serials numbers created will begin with A1004.

These options are only enabled if:


Select this if you do not want to keep track of the range of manual serial numbers generated in the system.

By stock code

Select this to keep track of manual serial number ranges at stock code level.

If you select this option, then you define the prefix and next suffix against each individual stock item (Stock Code Maintenance - Tracking).

You select this option if you want the system to keep track of the last serial number range created for a specific stock code. This enables you to create ranges of manual serial numbers that are sequential for a specific stock item.

By company

Select this to keep track of manual serial number ranges at company level.

You select this option if you want to create ranges of manual serial numbers that are sequential within the company. These number ranges can be assigned to various stock codes.

When you take on serials and do not change the prefix from the default company prefix, then the last suffix used + 1 is stored so that the next manual serial entered defaults to that suffix. If you change the sequential suffix numbering of serials, then the system updates the suffix accordingly. This applies in all programs which enable you to take on manual serials.

Manual serial number ranges are created according to the prefix and next suffix defined against the company.


Up to 15 characters may be used for either the prefix or the next suffix, but the combination of prefix and suffix cannot exceed 20 characters (i.e. the serial number cannot exceed 20 characters).

Field Description

Enter the character(s) that must form the start of the serial number when you add a range of manual serial numbers within this company.

Next suffix

Enter the number to append to the prefix. The combination of prefix and suffix forms the serial number.

The system automatically increments the Next suffix for each new serial number created in the range providing the number was created using the prefix.

The number of numeric characters entered for the suffix must cater for the total quantity of serial numbers you want to add using the defined prefix. For example: A suffix of 1 character will allow 9 serials to be added for the prefix you defined.

Stock code numbering method These options enable you to indicate how the Stock code must be allocated to new stock items added using the Stock Code Maintenance program.
Manual Select this to manually allocate a unique stock code to identify a new stock item added.
Automatic Select this to let the system automatically assign the next stock code when you add a new stock item using the Stock Code Maintenance program.

The stock code is assigned based on the entry in the Next stock code field below.


You can only assign stock codes automatically if the Stock code Key type is set to Numeric (Set Key Information).

Scripted Select this to automatically assign the next stock code when you add a new stock item, based on a user defined script.

You can use the VBScript Editor, accessed from the Stock Code Maintenance program, to build a unique stock code for each new stock item added.

The scripted stock code can be built up using values from other entered fields. For example, using characters from the stock item short description together with the supplier code.

Next stock code

Indicate the next stock code number that must be allocated to the Stock code field when next you add a stock item using the Stock Code Maintenance program.

This number is incremented automatically by the system each time you add a new stock item.

You can only access this field when your Stock code numbering method is set to Automatic.

Adding new stock codes  
Allow stock code to exist in non-stocked table

Enabling this allows you to add a stock code that already exists as a non-stocked item in the Quotations module (see Non-Stocked Codes).

This applies to new stock codes added using the Stock Code Maintenance, Copy Stock Code and Quotation Stock Part Creation programs.


Field Description
Price options

Do not prompt from price

Select this not to be prompted for the price of a component when adding a sales order for configuration.


You are prompted to specify a price only if you are required to indicate a quantity.

Accept zero price

Select this not to be prompted for the price of a component when adding a sales order for configuration, regardless of whether a price is held against the component.


You are prompted to specify a price only if you are required to indicate a quantity.

Sales orders with selection criteria generated parents

Create job for existing parent

Select this to be able to create a job and add a sales order line for a generated parent part which already exists as a stocked item. Selecting this option will only be effective if you are generating parent codes according to selection criteria.


The generated parent must be a made in stocked item and a bill of material for route 0 must be held on file for the existing parent.

Override existing parent description with generated description

Select this for the generated parent part in Sales Orders and Work In Progress to use the parent description entered within Product Configurator instead of the parent description from the inventory master file.


If you enable the option: Update stock descriptions from inventory master file (WIP Period End or Order Purge) then the descriptions entered are overwritten by the descriptions from the inventory master file.

Do not update warehouse cost for existing parent

Select this to prevent warehouse costs from being updated when configuring a product from within sales orders, for an existing parent that does not have a bill of material and the quantity on hand is zero.

Costs to use for bought out items when creating a BOM

This enables you to indicate which costs to use for bought out items at the time of creating a Bill of Material from within Product Configurator.


Select this to use the inventory cost for bought out items when rolling up the single level costs towards the new parent created.


Select this to use the Bill of Material costs for bought out items when rolling up the single level costs towards the new parent created.

Product Configurator web setup  
Use Product Configurator web Select this to use the web-based Product Configurator. If you do not select this option then the Product Configurator Wizard program is used.
Path Enter the path to the logon screen of the Product Configurator website.
Generated stock code options  
Don't allow spaces in generated stock code Enable this to prevent stock items generated by the program from containing spaces in the stock code.

This applies when generating a parent part using the Product Configurator Wizard program (e.g. when the parent code is generated by selection criteria).