SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Manufacturing > WIP Setup

WIP Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for your Work in Progress module.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.

General 1

Field Description
General options

Work in Progress load levelling required

Select this to be able to load jobs onto the dynamic capacity profile and for load levelling to be available.

Allow changes to operation times on existing jobs

Select this to be able to change the setup time, startup time, startup quantity, unit run time, teardown time and wait time during maintenance of internal operations.

Allow operation to end earlier than prior operation

Select this to allow an operation to end earlier than the prior operation when calculating the start or delivery date of a job (i.e. Operation 3 can finish before Operation 2 is finished).

If you select this option, then negative move times are applied as defined.

If you do not select this option then:

  • an operation's end date is never calculated as being before the completion date of a prior operation. For example, Operation 3 cannot finish before Operation 2, because it is still expecting work from Operation 2.

  • when working backwards and negative move time is applied to an operation which causes that operation to start later than the next operation, the system takes the current operation and works backwards until its start date is earlier than the next operation's start date.

Automatically cleared variance

Specify the maximum variance amount or percentage that can be posted to the work in progress variance account automatically.

A WIP variance occurs if the actual material and labor costs for a job differ from the standard cost defined against the item.

This applies to both positive and negative variance values. For example, if you set this option to Value and specify the value as 5, then any variance between -5 and +5 will be cleared.

Variances are posted if the following conditions are met:

  • the Job Receipts program is used to process the receipt
  • the receipt is for a stocked item
  • the job is set to complete when the receipt is processed
  • the variance does not exceed the maximum variance amount or percentage specified at this option
  • If you do not select the option: Apply automatic variance for all cost methods, then this option only applies to warehouses using Standard costing (Inventory Setup).

  • This option applies only to the receipt of stocked items using the Job Receipts program (i.e. not the WIP Job Closure program).

Variances are posted to the Automatically cleared variances account (General Ledger Integration - W.I.P. Tab).

Field Description

Define the maximum variance amount as a percentage.

If you select this option, then the maximum value that can automatically be cleared is calculated as a percentage of the total expected cost of the quantity to manufacture against the job (i.e. the variance is calculated using the job's quantity to manufacture).


Define the maximum variance amount as a value.

If you select this option, then the value (variance) that can automatically be cleared is the outstanding WIP value (i.e. the total cost to date less the total cost booked out of work in progress).

Automatically clear WIP variances less than

Indicate the maximum allowable percentage or value that can automatically be cleared.

This can be a maximum of 99.99 when the variance is defined as a percentage and 999999999999.99 when the variance is defined as a value.


If you selected Actual costing > Lot traceable and/or Actual costing > Batch serial (Inventory Setup - General tab), then the option to Automatically clear WIP variances less than is only applied if you also select the option: Apply automatic variance for all cost methods.

Apply automatic variance for all cost methods

Select this to apply the Automatically cleared variance rules irrespective of the costing method selected (Inventory Setup - General tab).


If you selected Actual costing > Lot traceable and/or Actual costing > Batch serial (Inventory Setup - General tab), then the option to Automatically clear WIP variances less than is only applied if you also select the option: Apply automatic variance for all cost methods.

If you do not select this option, then the Automatically cleared variance rules apply only to warehouses using Standard costing.

Floor stock warehouse


Indicate the warehouse you want to use for floor stock items (i.e. Floorstock and bulk issue items).


Issues to jobs can cause the floor stock warehouse to go negative, regardless of the Inventory options governing negative stock.

That is, irrespective of your selection at the setup option: Stock on hand allowed to go negative (Inventory Setup - General tab), items defined as Floorstock which are stocked in the floorstock warehouse (WIP Setup) will always be allowed to go negative at the time of confirming a job (Job Issues) or when Backflushing (Inventory Movements), regardless of your warehouse settings.

Floorstock items are production parts held in the factory from which production workers can draw without requisitions. It is issued automatically from stock to a job upon confirmation of the job and is included in the costing process.

Bulk issue items are issued automatically as material allocations to a job without affecting the on hand quantity of the item. The item is included as a component in the costing process.

APS Information

These options only apply if the relevant components of the Advanced Scheduling and Planning module are installed as part of your license agreement (i.e. Finite Capacity Scheduling, Factory Planning, Progress Tracking and Quality Monitoring).

Advanced scheduling required

Select this if you require the advanced scheduling programs to be available for use within this company. The advanced scheduling programs are run from the Scheduling folder of the Factory Scheduling menu.

Link Sales Orders directly to APS

Select this to update the Advanced Planning and Scheduling system whenever a sales order is added, copied, changed or cancelled.

This option replaces the need to configure SYSPRO triggers to generate a link between the Sales Order module and the Advanced Planning & Scheduling system.

Link Work in Progress directly to APS

Select this to update the Advanced Planning and Scheduling system whenever a job is added, changed or cancelled.

This option replaces the need to configure SYSPRO triggers to generate a link between the Work in Progress module and the Advanced Planning & Scheduling system.

WIP Inspection

Work in Progress inspection required

Select this to be able to receive jobs into inspection. You can only receive jobs into inspection for stocked parent parts that have been defined as traceable or that require inspection (Stock Code Maintenance).


Once WIP inspection references are in progress, you must complete all outstanding WIP inspection references before can de-select this option.

If a parent item is defined as traceable, but the option: Without inspection is selected (Stock Code Maintenance - Tracking), then the item is not taken into inspection, regardless of your selection here.

Capture serials at end of WIP inspection

Select this to capture serial numbers for jobs requiring inspection only once the item is received into stock after the inspection phase.

If you do not select this option, then you can capture serials at the time the item is received into inspection.

  • If the item is serialized (but not traceable) and you indicated that serial numbers are recorded during order entry (Stock Code Maintenance) then serial numbers are not captured during the receipt into inspection, nor when processing inspection transactions, nor when receipting the item into stock.

  • You cannot de-select this option once WIP inspection references for serialized items are in progress (unless they are only for items that are serialized, but not traceable, and you are recording serial numbers during order entry).

  • You can generate a report to identify the inspection references still be completed. Alternatively, you can delete the serial numbers captured at the time the inspection references were receipted into inspection.

    When deleting the serial numbers, if the parent stock code is defined as a batch serialized item and the quantity accepted, scrapped and reworked against the serial number is greater than zero, then the quantity manufactured against the serial number is adjusted to the sum of these transactions.

    The quantity in inspection against the serial number will be adjusted to zero and the status of the serial set to Accept.

Capture lots at end of WIP inspection

Select this to capture lots numbers for jobs requiring inspection only once the item is received into stock after the inspection phase.

If you do not select this option, then you can capture lots at the time the item is received into inspection.


You cannot de-select this option once WIP inspection references for traceable items are in progress. You can, however, generate a report to identify the inspection references that must still be completed.

Save Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to generate a report of your Work in Progress setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.

General 2

Field Description
Part billings

Calculate and check gross profit in part billings

Select this if you want the Part Billings program to calculate the gross profit automatically when processing a completed job.

The gross profit is the difference in value between the accumulated costs to date and the selling price of the job. The check is performed according to your entries made at the low and high profit percentage fields, where low indicates the lowest acceptable gross profit percentage and high indicates the highest acceptable gross profit percentage.


If you select this option, then you cannot part bill the entire quantity using the billing method Line details (Part Billings) if the job is set to complete (which is automatically done when the entire quantity is part billed). In this case, you are forced to use the Selling price billing method.

Low profit percentage for gross profit

Indicate the lowest percentage of gross profit that the system will accept if you require the Part Billings program to calculate the gross profit automatically.

An entry of zero indicates that there is no low profit margin.

High profit percentage for gross profit

Indicate the highest percentage of gross profit that the system will accept if you require the Part Billings program to calculate the gross profit automatically.

An entry of zero indicates that there is no high profit margin.

Labor service charge

You use labor service charges to charge for labor costs incurred as part of a sale.

Labor services charges are processed using the Part Billings program.

Not required

Select this if you do not want to apply labor service charges.


Select this to always apply labor service charges when processing a part billing.

Prompt operator

Select this to prompt the operator to apply labor service charges at the time of processing a part billing. The enables the operator to decide whether to apply the service charge.

Default labor service charge

Enter a default labor service charge code to use when processing a part billing.

The default code you enter in this field is used if a labor service charge code has not been defined against the work center (Browse on Work Centers).

A valid service charge code must be entered if this field is enabled.

Service charge codes are maintained using the Service Charge Maintenance program.

Place multiple bins on hold when receipting a job


Select this if you do not require a hold to be placed on the bin affected by the receipt of a job into stock.


Select this to automatically place on hold the bin affected by the receipt of a job into stock. No issues from this bin can take place until the hold is released.

Prompt operator

Select this to enable the operator to decide whether the bin affected by the receipt of a job into stock must be placed on hold. No issues from this bin can take place until the hold is released.


Print kit issue document on-line

Select this to print an on-line document for each kit issue processed for a job.

Allow kits with shortages to be issued

Select this to be able to perform kit issues, regardless of any shortages encountered.

If you do not select this option, then no kits are issued where shortages are encountered, forcing you to review material issues.


You must select this option to be able to substitute stock items when issuing kits in the Job Issues program.

Allow substitution in kit issues

Select this to be able to substitute stock items when issuing kits in the Job Issues program.


To use this facility, you must select the option: Allow kits with shortages to be issued.

Round material issues up to pan in kit issues

For items where the manufacturing quantity basis is defined as pan size, this option rounds up to the pan size any materials issued as kits in the Job Issues program.

Prompt for operation when issuing materials not previously allocated

Select this to ensure that the system prompts you for an operation number when you attempt to issue materials not defined as allocations for the job.


If no operations exist for the job, then any issue of materials is added automatically as required for operation 1 (i.e. the start date of the job).

Manufacturing unit of measure  
Use manufacturing u/m

This lets you define your bill of materials in a format relevant to the way in which you manufacture an item. Transactions are always calculated in the stocking unit of measure before being converted to the manufacturing unit of measure for display and reporting purposes.

You can configure a manufacturing unit of measure against the parent item as well as any attached components. If you enable the Use manufacturing unit of measure setup option, then components added to a bill of material default to using the manufacturing unit of measure defined against them. Each route can have a separate parent unit of measure with components related to that parent (i.e. this lets you define all the combinations you use to manufacture an item).

Once a quantity is captured in the manufacturing unit of measure, it is stored in a manufacturing unit of measure entered quantity field and converted back to the stocking unit of measure according to your inventory conversion factors (i.e. the stocking unit of measure is retained, enabling you report on either the stocking or the manufacturing unit of measure).

  • You can only define manufacturing units of measure if you enable the Use manufacturing unit of measure option (Work in Progress Setup).

  • Although manufacturing unit of measure functionality is available throughout the manufacturing modules, the Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Quotations and Inventory modules are all held in the stocking unit of measure.

  • Manufacturing unit of measure entered quantities replace existing quantities on reports when printing by manufacturing unit of measure.

  • Manufacturing unit of measure quantity columns in list views display the manufacturing unit of measure, enabling you to view both the stocking and manufacturing unit of measure quantities where applicable.

  • A manufacturing unit of measure cannot be defined for the following part categories:

    • Planning bill

    • Kit part

    • Phantom part

    • Notional part

  • Bin allocations are allocated in the stocking unit of measure.

  • Quantities for lots, bins and serials always remain in the stocking unit of measure.

  • Once you have selected this option, you should only deselect it with caution. Doing so will overwrite all manufacturing unit of measure data with the stocking unit of measure.

    This means that you will no longer be able to report on or query in the manufacturing unit of measure.

  • Regardless of whether you define a Manufacturing unit of measure (Stock Code Maintenance), transactions are always calculated and stored in the stocking unit of measure. They are then converted to the manufacturing unit of measure for display and reporting purposes. This conversion process can cause digits to be truncated, because in Bill of Materials 6 decimals are used for calculations, but in Work in Progress only 3 decimals are used.
Job completion  
Retain link to sales order

Enable this to be able to view the job number when maintaining a sales order linked to a job after the job is set to complete.

When this option is not enabled, the details for a receipted job set to complete are no longer displayed in the Sales Order Entry program. You then need to use the Sales Order Query program to view details of these jobs by selecting the Sales Order Query preference Show jobs that are complete or jobs linked to a completed detail line.

This applies to jobs for stocked and non-stocked items set to complete after this option is enabled.

WIP inspection document selection  
No document

Select this if you do not require inspection documentation to be printed when receiving items into inspection or when scrapping items during inspection.

Batch only

Select this if you only require inspection documentation to be printed in batch mode using the WIP Inspection Document Format program.

On line and batch

Select this to print inspection documents on line (when receipting items into inspection or when scrapping items) and in batch mode using the WIP Inspection Document Format program.

Inventory Demand Review  
Review demand when doing receipts This allows you to review demand for stock at the time of receipting a job (e.g. reserve, allocate, or issue quantities to jobs and orders, as required).


Field Description
Retention options

Permanently retain scrap analysis

Select this to retain scrap analysis records indefinitely. Otherwise these records are deleted according to the cut-off date entered when running any WIP Period End program function that includes a purge option.

Permanently retain non-productive analysis

Select this to retain non-productive analysis records indefinitely. Otherwise these records are deleted according to the cut-off date entered when running any WIP Period End program function that includes a purge option.

Number of months to retain

Labor posting journals

Indicate the number of months you want to retain your labor journals.

This determines the cut-off date according to which labor posting journals are deleted when running any WIP Period End program function which includes a Purge option.

In addition, this determines the number of months for which you can reprint the WIP Labor Journal Report and WIP Labor Distribution report.

The minimum number of months you can retain information in this file is one month.

Part billing journals

Indicate the number of months you want to retain your part billing journals.

This determines the cut-off date according to which part billing journals are deleted when running any WIP Period End program function that includes a purge option.

In addition, this determines the number of months for which you can reprint the Part Billings Journal Report and WIP Part Billings Distribution report.

The minimum number of months you can retain information in this file is one month.

Number of G/L periods to retain

These options no longer apply in SYSPRO 7.0.

In SYSPRO 6.1 the journal and distribution entries tables/files were combined and the distribution entries tables/files were removed. Therefore, the number of months you select to retain the journals also determines the number of months for which the distribution entries prior to SYSPRO 6.1 are retained.

Job retention

Use days as retention method for completed jobs

Select this to allow the system to determine the cut-off date according to which completed jobs must be purged from the system.

This cut-off date is calculated as the system date aged by the number of days specified at the Number of days field.

If you select this option, then the operator is prevented from specifying a cut-off date in the WIP Period End program.


In addition to the cut-off date determined by the system, completed jobs are deleted only if the value of the job is zero for the current and previous two months.

Number of days

Indicate the number of days to use to calculate the cut-off date for completed jobs.


Archive completed jobs before purging

Select this to enable the facility to archive completed jobs.

The archiving process occurs during the Purge routine of the WIP Period End program. For all completed jobs that qualify for purging from the system, header details are copied to a work in progress archive file.

Archived jobs can be viewed in the WIP Query program.

Archive job's transactions

If you enabled the Archive completed jobs before purging option, then you can select this option to additionally archive all the transactions that were posted against a job.

Maximum jobs per archive file

If you enabled the Archive completed jobs before purging option, then you can specify the maximum number of jobs allowed per archive file.

If this number is exceeded at the time of running the Purge function of the WIP Period End program, then more than one archive file is generated. These files are created in the designated folder for archived jobs (Archive Setup). This designated folder, together with the range of files generated, is reflected on the report produced by the WIP Period End program.

An entry of 9999 here indicates that an unlimited number of jobs can be archived into one archive file when purging jobs.

Job Creation

Field Description
Transfer from Bill of Materials

Regardless of your selection here, the actual value of issues to the job is not affected.

This field is used to calculate the value of allocations required. The expected value of allocations is printed on the Job Status to indicate any variance between the expected and actual issues.

BOM cost

Select this to value material allocations to a job at the Bill of Materials cost.

Inventory cost

Select this to value material allocations to a job at the current inventory unit cost.

Job creation options

Sequence checking required by default

Select this to enable the Sequence checking on operations required option by default when capturing job details.

Jobs confirmed by default

Select this to enable the Job confirmed option by default when capturing job details.

When a fix in-house receipt is processed in RMA (RMA Issues and Receipts) and you are not confirming jobs by default, a message is displayed indicating that the WIP job will be created and set to confirmed if the operator proceeds (i.e. your selection at this option can be overridden in the RMA Issues and Receipts program).

Job classification required

Select this to force a valid entry at the Job classification field when adding jobs.

You use this option (together with security access settings defined against your operators) to restrict the unauthorized processing of jobs and allocations (i.e. viewing, adding, changing, importing, canceling and posting).

  • Sub jobs generated at the time of creating the master job assume the job classification of the master. However, when attaching sub jobs to a master job using the Master Sub-jobs program, this will be permitted only for those operators who have been granted the necessary authorization.

  • Although a job with a classification to which an operator does not have access will not be printed on reports, when you select to print sub jobs under master jobs, sub jobs are printed regardless of these restrictions.

  • Although operators can view job notes and material/labor allocations regardless of job classification restrictions, they cannot add allocations or maintain existing allocations without the proper authorization.

Apply overtime percentage to finite calculation by default

Select this to enable the Include overtime % in date calculation option by default when adding or maintaining jobs with a date calculation method of Finite scheduled delivery date.

Maximum generated queue time (days) for finite scheduling

Indicate the maximum queue time allowed when calculating the forward finite capacity. It sets a finite limit on the insertion of operations into the capacity profile for each work center. See also _TMP jobs in the Troubleshooting section of the Job Entry program.

Quantity capture for co-product jobs


Select this if, when creating a job, you want to enter the quantity to manufacture against the notional part. The quantities of the co-products to manufacture are then calculated according to the quantity entered for the notional part.

If you select this option, then you need to edit the co-products you want to include in the job using the Co-products option in the Links section of the Job Details pane when creating the job (Job Entry). See also Co-Products.


Select this if, when creating a job for a notional part, you want to enter the quantity to manufacture against each co-product attached to the notional part. The notional part's quantity to make is then calculated according to the quantities entered for each co-product. See alsoCo-Products.

Confirmed jobs  
Reserve stock for allocations Select this to enable reserving stock for material allocations for confirmed jobs.

Quantities are reserved at the time of confirming created jobs.

Stock is automatically reserved when the Automatically reserve allocations option is enabled for a confirmed job within a program, except that:

  • Stock for the following items must be manually reserved using the Reserved lots and serials column of the WIP Reservations Review program:

    • serialized items

    • lot traceable items

    • ECC controlled items which are lot traceable and stock control is at revision or release level

  • Stock cannot be reserved for:

    • Bulk issue items - unless these are added as normal allocations to the job

    • Floorstock items

    • Non stocked items

    • Allocations with a negative quantity required

The WIP Reservations Review program enables you to manually reserve or release stock allocations and to maintain reserved quantities for specific allocations.

All reserved stock against allocations is automatically released when:

  • you deselect the Reserve stock for allocations option after having previously enabled it.

  • a job or allocation is deleted.

  • a job or allocation is set to complete.

The following tables and fields are updated when reservation takes place:

  • The Quantity allocated (QtyAllocated) and WIP reserved quantity (QtyWipReserved) in the Inventory warehouse table (InvWarehouse).

  • ECC controlled items check the Lot Detail table for stock availability and the Quantity reserved (QtyReserved) is updated.

The quantity reserved for allocations is taken into account in the various modules when calculating quantities available and quantities allocated.

This option is not available if the Deplete oldest rev/rel first (Component) option (Bill of Materials Setup) is enabled for ECC items.

Job amendment journals  
Capture job amendment journals Enable this to create amendment journals when live jobs are created, confirmed, maintained, deleted or placed on hold, and when job labor and material allocations are added, changed or deleted. No amendment journals are created for MRP snapshot jobs.

The journals can be viewed in the Amendment Journals for Job program and listed in the WIP Job Amendment Journals Report.

Number of months to retain job amendment journals Indicate the number of months for which to retain job amendment journals after a job is completed. Set this to 99 to retain the amendment journals indefinitely. Journals for completed jobs are deleted by the Purge function of the WIP Period End program when the job amendment journal date is earlier than the date calculated backwards from the current WIP Period minus the number of months defined here.

Labor Posting

Field Description
Labor posting options

Validate machine code during labor posting

Select this to validate the machine code during processing in the Labor Posting program.

Validate employee number during labor posting

Select this to validate the employee number during processing in the Labor Posting program.

Non-productive time to update job

Select this to post non-productive time against jobs when you select to update the job in the Labor Posting program.

If you select this option and select to Update job, then all the labour postings (productive and non-productive) are updated to the job.

If you do not select this option and you select to Update job, then only the productive time is updated to the job.

If you do not select to Update job in the Labor Posting program, then posting is not made to a specific job. Only the BOM Work Center table is updated and the Labour journal is output.

Non-productive time is posted automatically to the Work in Progress Control account.

Define Dates

Select this to specify your last period end, month end and year end dates for the Work in Progress labor analysis system.

Define Dates

You use the Define Dates function to specify your last period end, month end and year end dates for the Work in Progress labor analysis system.

These fields are updated when you run the Labor period end function of the WIP Period End program.

Field Description
Last period end date Indicate the last period end date.
Last month end date Indicate the last month end date.
Last year end date Indicate the last year end date.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

You must select the Save function to save the information.


Field Description
Current year

Change Current

Select this to maintain the period end dates for the current year, and control how information is posted to the Work in Progress module.

The control of information posted is achieved by defining the access status (i.e. open or closed) for the current and previous two periods. A status of open allows postings to be made to the period, while a status of closed prevents further postings from being made to the period.


Postings cannot be made to a future period, regardless of whether the period is open or closed


This displays the period to which the end date and status relate for the current year.

End date

This displays the period end dates defined for each period in the current year.


This indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.

A status of Open allows postings to be made to the period, while a status of Closed prevents further postings from being made to the period.

Previous year

Change Previous

Select this to maintain the period end dates for the previous year.


This displays the periods for the previous year.

End date

This displays the period end dates defined for each period for the previous year.


This indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.

Current month

This indicates the period your Work in Progress module is currently in.

Current Year

You use the Change Current function to define the period end dates for the current year.

Field Description
Period end date Indicate the period end date for the selected period.
Period is  

Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.


Within a sub-ledger only the current and previous two periods can be defined as open.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.

If you generally post only to the current month, then you may find it useful to select the option: Close previous month automatically (Company Maintenance - Options).

This enables you to close a sub-ledger's month automatically once you have completed the month end function within the relevant module.

OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Previous Year

You use the Change Previous function to define the period end dates for the previous year.

Field Description
Period end date Indicate the period end date for the selected period.
Period is  
Open Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.

You can only define the current and previous two periods as open.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.
OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Current Month

Field Description
Year selection

This indicates the calendar year in which your current financial year ends.

You can change this only if no active data is held within either the detail postings file.

Month selection

This indicates the month in which your company is running, in relation to the start of your financial year.

You can change this only if no active data is held within either the detail postings file.

Number of months per year

This indicates the number of accounting periods per year as defined at company level (Company Maintenance - General tab).


Field Description
Job numbering method


Select this to enter the job number manually when capturing jobs in the system.


This setting is ignored by the Job Review program when you select the Create All function. Job numbers are assigned automatically as the jobs are created. The program emulates automatic numbering and uses the next job number defined in the WIP control for each job created.


Select this to number your jobs automatically according to the entry at the Next job number field.

The job Key type can be defined as Numeric or Alphanumeric (Set Key Information). When defined as Alphanumeric, the job number is created according to the Presentation length defined and not the full numeric length of 15 characters it would be when defined as Numeric.

For example:

Assume that the Job Key type is Alphanumeric, the Presentation length is 8 characters, and the Next job number to use is 1234. The next job created will be generated as '00001234' and not '000000000001234'. In addition, you will need to enter the leading zeros when entering the job number anywhere in SYSPRO.

By job classification

Select this to number your jobs automatically according to the classification assigned at the time of capturing the job.

This option is typically used when you want to control job number ranges. An example would be the allocation of components to jobs according to a job number range (Bill of Materials Setup).

Job numbering by job classification is configured using the Browse on Job Classification program.


If you select this option, then you must define a default job class against the code of the operator(s) who will use the Requirements Calculation program. These operators cannot run the Requirements Calculation program if this default job class is not defined (Operator Maintenance - Defaults tab).

Scripted Select this to assign the next job number automatically when you add a new job, based on a user defined script.

Currently, only the Job Entry program uses the script process.

From the Job Entry program, you select Create Job Numbering Script from the Options menu to build and test the script to assign the job number.

WIP inspection numbering method


Select this to enter WIP inspection numbers manually at the time of receiving items into inspection.


Select this to allow the system to assign the next available WIP inspection number automatically, according to your entry at the Next WIP inspection number field.

By job classification

Select this to number WIP inspections by job class.

See also Set Key Information.


Next job number

If your job numbering method is defined as Automatic, then this indicates the next number that to use when you capture a job in the system.

Next kit issue document number

This indicates the number that will be used when next you print your kit issue documents.

Next WIP inspection number

This indicates the number that will be used when next you print your WIP inspection references.

Next inspection document number

This indicates the number that will be used when next you print your inspection document.

Next scrap document number

This indicates the number that will be used when next you print your scrap documents.

Operation numbering

These options enable you to define the numbering of operations against jobs.

Operation number increment

Enter the number by which each operation must be incremented when adding operations in the Work in Progress Module. This determines the operation numbers assigned to operations. This does not apply to adding operations in the Bill of Materials module.

For example, if you define the First operation number as 5 and the Operation number increment as 3, then the first operation is numbered 5, the second operation 8 (i.e. 5+3), the third operation 11 (i.e. 8+3), etc.

First operation number

Enter the operation number to assign to the first operation added to a job.


These options enable you to define the conditions under which existing operations may be renumbered when the Labor Allocations program is used to add new operations a job.

No renumbering of started operations

Select this to prevent an operation being renumbered after the operation has been started.

An operation is deemed to have been started if the actual queue date or the actual start date is set to non-zero. Issuing materials to an operation does not deem it as started.

No renumbering after job started

Select this to prevent operations being renumbered after a job has been started.

A job is deemed to have been started if a value for materials exists against the job or labor hours have been posted to the job.

No renumbering after job confirmed

Select this to prevent operations being renumbered after a job has been confirmed.

No renumbering after job added

Select this to prevent operations being renumbered after a job has been added.

A job is deemed to have been added once it is created, irrespective of whether it is confirmed.

Lots and Serials

Field Description
Reserve lots for parent  

Select this if you do not want to reserve lots for parent parts and co-products for jobs.

If you select this option, then lots for parent parts and co-products are captured only when the job is receipted into stock.


Select this to reserve lots for traceable parent parts and co-products.

If you select this option, then the Parent/Lot Serial Reservation program is loaded for each lot traceable parent part and co-product when the job is created, or when the job is confirmed if the option Reserve lots/serials at job confirmation is enabled against the job.


Selecting this option does not force you to reserve lots upon job creation or confirmation.

Lots for parent parts and co-products can be captured only when the job is receipted into stock.

Prompt operator

Select this to prompt the operator once only to reserve lots for parent parts and co-products upon job creation, or when the job is confirmed if the option Reserve lots/serials at job confirmation is enabled against the job.

The operator may ignore the prompt and select not to reserve the lots at this time.

Lots for parent parts and co-products can be captured only when the job is receipted into stock.

Reserve serials for parent If you select to reserve serials for parent items, then you can only receipt reserved serials into an alternate stock code from inspection if you select the setup option: Same serial to be used for multiple stock codes (Inventory Setup).

Select this if you do not want to reserve serials for parent parts and co-products for jobs.

If you select this option, then serial numbers for parent parts and co-products are captured only when the job is receipted into stock.


Select this to reserve serial numbers for serialized parent parts and co-products.

If you select this option, then the Parent/Lot Serial Reservation program is loaded for each serialized parent part and co-product when the job is created, or when the job is confirmed if the option Reserve lots/serials at job confirmation is enabled against the job.


Selecting this option does not force you to reserve serials upon job creation or confirmation.

Serials for parent parts and co-products can be captured only at the time of receipting the job into stock.

Prompt operator

Select this to prompt the operator once only to reserve serials for parent parts and co-products upon job creation, or when the job is confirmed if the option Reserve lots/serials at job confirmation is enabled against the job.

The operator may ignore the prompt and select not to reserve the serials at this time.

Serials for the parent part or co-products can be captured only when the job is receipted into stock.

Reserve lots for allocations  

Select this if you do not want to reserve lots for material allocations for jobs.

If you select this option, then lots for material allocations are captured only when the materials are issued to the job.


Select this to reserve lots for material allocations.

If you select this option, then the Parent/Lot Serial Reservation program is loaded for each lot traceable component when the job is created, or when the job is confirmed if the option Reserve lots/serials at job confirmation is enabled against the job.


Selecting this option does not force you to reserve lots upon job creation or confrmation.

Lots for allocations can be captured only when the materials are issued to the job.

Prompt operator

Select this to prompt the operator once only to reserve lots for material allocations upon job creation, or when the job is confirmed if the option Reserve lots/serials at job confirmation is enabled against the job.

The operator may ignore the prompt and select not to reserve the lots at this time.

Lots for material allocations can be captured only when the materials are issued to the job.

Reserve serials for allocations  

Select this if you do not want to reserve serials for material allocations for jobs.

If you select this option, then serial numbers for material allocations are captured only when the materials are issued to the job.


Select this to reserve serials for material allocations.

If you select this option, then the Parent/Lot Serial Reservation program is loaded for each serialized component when the job is created, or when the job is confirmed if the option Reserve lots/serials at job confirmation is enabled against the job.


Selecting this option does not force you to reserve serials upon job creation.

Serials for allocations can be captured only when the materials are issued to the job.

Prompt operator

Select this to prompt the operator once only to reserve serials for material allocations upon job creation, or when the job is confirmed if the option Reserve lots/serials at job confirmation is enabled against the job.

The operator may ignore the prompt and select not to reserve the serials at this time.

Serials for material allocations can be captured only when the materials are issued to the job.

Choose alternate lots and serials

Allow substitution of lots/serials for parent

Select this to allow a job to be receipted into stock using different lots/serials to the lots/serials that were reserved for the parent at the time the job was confirmed.

This option applies at company level. You can prevent individual operators from substituting lots/serials for the parent using the activity: WIP changing reserved lots/serials for parent (Operator Maintenance - Security).

Allow substitution of lots/serials for components

Select this to allow components to be issued to a job using different lots/serials to the lots/serials that were reserved for the material allocations at the time the job was confirmed.

This option applies at company level. You can prevent individual operators from substituting lots/serials for components using the activity: WIP changing reserved lots/serials for allocation (Operator Maintenance - Security).

Tracking lots and serials  
Require component to parent lot tracking

Select this to track lots from the components through to the parent part.

This enables you to track which component lot numbers were used in the production of a particular parent lot (i.e. one-to-one tracking between component lots and parent item lots).

Require component to parent serial tracking

Select this to track serials from the components through to the parent part.

This enables you to track which component serial numbers were used in the production of a particular parent serial number. (i.e. one-to-one tracking between component serials and parent item serials).

Projects and Contracts

The options on the Projects and Contracts tab enable you to configure the functionality you want to use within Projects and Contracts.

Field Description
When adding/issuing allocations, check the posting threshold against

This option enables you to indicate which anticipated cost to use when calculating the threshold cost for a head/section.

The posting threshold percentage and anticipated values are defined against each head/section using the Hierarchies for Job program. When adding or issuing allocations to a head/section, a warning is displayed if the threshold is exceeded.

Anticipated value 1 Select this to use the first anticipated cost when calculating the threshold cost for a head/section.
Anticipated value 2 Select this to use the second anticipated cost when calculating the threshold cost for a head/section.
Anticipated value 3 Select this to use the third anticipated cost when calculating the threshold cost for a head/section.
Automatically expand hierarchy treeviews in maintenance and posting Select this to automatically expand the entire treeview of hierarchies before you can start posting to or maintaining entries using the Hierarchies for Job, Distribute Sales Order Value,Distribute COS and Billings and Standard Hierarchies Heads/Sections programs.

If you do not select this option, then the hierarchy maintenance and posting programs only display a single level of the treeview at a time (i.e. each level of the treeview is only loaded when you select the plus sign in the treeview). This means that large hierarchies are displayed more quickly.

Show treeviews as listviews Select this to display the hierarchies in a listview rather than a treeview by default in the Hierarchies for Job, Distribute Sales Order Value,Distribute COS and Billings and Standard Hierarchies Heads/Sections programs.
Print online delivery note when releasing quantity from back order Select this to be able to generate a delivery note online when using the Part Billings program to part bill a non-stocked hierarchical job linked to an hierarchical sales order.

The delivery note is created for the ship quantity when you release a quantity from back order in part billings (i.e. the current ship quantity on the sales order).

This only applies to hierarchical sales orders linked to hierarchical jobs.