Quotations > Setup > Non-Stocked Codes

Non-Stocked Codes

You use this program to create and maintain the codes that will be used for non-stocked items within quotations and estimates.

These are commonly used in make-to-order or engineer-to-order environments.

The Browse on Non-Stocked Codes listview displays details of currently defined non-stocked codes used in quotations and estimates.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Non-stocked code

Indicate the code to use for the non-stocked item.

A non-stocked code is an inventory item that you do not stock in any of your warehouses.

Within SYSPRO you enter non-stocked codes in the Quotations module to uniquely identify items that can be used within a quotation or estimate.

If you selected the Auto link in the Quotations Lines pane of the Quotations program, then the non-stocked code is automatically set as the Prefix entered in the Quotation Header pane plus the quotation line number.

See Restrictions and limits in Notes and warnings

Non-Stocked Details Maintenance

Field Description
Non-stocked code

This indicates the non-stocked code you entered.

Part category  
Bought out Select this if the item is purchased from an external supplier.
Made in Select this if the item is made internally.
Subcontract Select this if the item is a made-in part that has been assigned at least one subcontract operation.
Phantom Select this if the item is a parent part for a component structure.
Description Indicate a description for the non-stocked code. This description is used to identify the non-stocked code and is displayed throughout SYSPRO whenever the non-stocked code is entered. This assists you in verifying that the correct non-stocked code has been entered.
Product class Indicate the product class to which the item belongs.
Product class description This indicates the description for the product class code selected.
Job classification Indicate the default job classification that will be used whenever a job is created for this item.
Job classification description This indicates the description for the job classification code selected.
Maximum decimals Indicate the maximum number of decimals you want to use to store and print quantities of the item. You can specify a maximum of 3 decimals.
Dock to stock (days) Indicate the number of days after the item has been delivered before it can be sold or used.
Withholding tax expense type

Select the relevant expense type against which withholding tax must be applied.

You can only select an expense type for Bought out and Phantom part categories.

When a non-stocked code is set to a part category of Made in or Subcontract, this defaults to Goods.

Unit of measure Indicate the unit of measure that must be used for the item.
MassIndicate the weight of a single unit of the item.
VolumeIndicate the volume of a single unit of the item.
EC VAT details  
Tariff This field is only enabled if EC VAT is installed.

The tariff code identifies the goods that are the subject of a dispatch or arrival and is the basis for most of the statistical information used by government departments, the European Commission, United Nation's agencies and businesses themselves.

This field is the most important one printed on the Supplementary Declaration for Dispatches report.

Supplementary units

You use this field to indicate whether supplementary units are required for the tariff code.

A number of tariff codes require the declaration of a supplementary unit, for example the number of pieces, litres or cubic metres. Generally, a supplementary unit is required when it is a more appropriate measure of particular goods than the net mass and allows a greater degree of comparison and analysis.

This field is only enabled if EC VAT is installed.

This field is printed on the Supplementary Declaration for Dispatches report.

Bought out Details

This pane enables you to enter the details for an item with a Part category of Bought out.

Field Description
Method of costing  
Unit cost Select this to use a fixed cost per unit.
Purchase prices

Select this to use the prices entered using the Browse on Non-stocked Purchase Prices program.

This allows the costs to be dynamically calculated according to the number of units required. This is especially useful when your supplier allows quantity discounts according to the number of items bought.

Unit cost Indicate the fixed cost of the item per unit of measure (e.g. the cost per dozen).
Lead time (days) Indicate the number of days it takes to buy the item.

Indicate the buyer who purchases the item. A valid buyer code must be entered.

This defaults from the Operators program, if a buyer has been setup against the operator.

The buyer defined against the operator will only be used when adding a new non-stocked code, not when maintaining a non-stocked code.

Buyer name This indicates the name of the buyer you selected.
Supplier Indicate the supplier from whom you buy the item.
Supplier name This indicates the name of the supplier you selected.
Purchase price available Select this to make price available for use immediately when pricing a non-stocked item for a quotation.

If you do not select this option, then the prices are considered to be under review and are not available for use when pricing the non-stocked item in a quotation.

This is useful if you want to enter the new prices before they are needed. For example you could enter the new prices before month-end, but set the status to under review. This will prevent them from being used before the new month. At the beginning of the new month, you can then set the status to available for use.

Manufactured Details

This pane enables you to enter the details for an item with a Part category of Made in.

Field Description
Manufactured Details  
Lot traceable Select this to indicate that the item is traceable.
Planner You use this field to indicate the planner who plans production of the item. A valid planner code must be entered.
Planner name This indicates the name of the planner selected.
WIP GL control

Indicate the default account to which you want to post the value of work in progress when a job is created for this item.

This code is only used for jobs when the job is created from an estimate or quotation.

Route This indicates the route(s) available for the item.
Route 0 -5 This enables you to change the default description for each route.
Estimate available Select this if you want the price to be available for use immediately when pricing a non-stocked item for an estimate.

If you do not select this option, then the prices are considered to be under review and are not available for use when pricing the non-stocked item in an estimate.

This is useful if you want to enter the new prices before they are needed. For example you could enter the new prices before month-end, but set the status to under review. This will prevent them from being used before the new month. At the beginning of the new month, you can then set the status to available for use.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • The Non-stocked codes created using this program must be unique (i.e. you cannot create a code which already exists as a Stocked code).

    However, Non-stocked codes created using this program can be created as Stocked codes providing the New stock code in non-stocked table setup option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Tax code

  • When adding a new non-stocked code, the default company sales tax code for non-stocked items (Company Tax Options Setup) is saved against the non stocked code.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
QOT Add non-stocked code

Controls access to the New item and Add functions in the Configurator Wizard and Non-stocked Codes programs.

QOT Change non-stocked code

Controls access to the maintenance of non-stock codes in the Non-stocked Codes program.

QOT Delete non-stocked code

Controls access to the Delete function in the Non-stocked Codes program.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.