Inventory > Reports > Inventory Valuation

Inventory Valuation

You use this program to generate a report indicating the value of stock held in each warehouse and (optionally) in each bin location.

This value can be based on either the current cost, the last cost, or FIFO costs.

Report Options

Field Description
Valuation at: Indicate whether you want to print valuations as of the current month, previous month 1 or previous month 2.
Sequence Indicate the sequence in which you want to print the report (i.e. stock code, description, supplier or product class).
Report type

This applies only if you selected FIFO at the Valuation cost based on field. The Inventory Valuation Summary report, however, does not have this restriction.

Option Description
Detail Prints a detailed report that includes a cost breakdown by bin location.
Summary Prints a summary report that indicates the total value held in each warehouse.
Valuation cost based on Indicate the cost basis to use for the inventory valuation calculation.

When using Actual Costing (Inventory Setup) you should run the report based on FIFO to balance your Inventory to your General Ledger control accounts.

CurrentThis values your inventory at the unit cost currently held against the warehouse (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).

If your costing method is FIFO then the unit cost is the average cost of the FIFO buckets (as different costs can exist in different FIFO buckets).

FIFO/LIFOThis values your inventory according to the FIFO/LIFO costs held in each FIFO/LIFO bucket.

The value of the bucket is established by multiplying stock in the bucket by the cost held within the bucket.

The value of all buckets on hand is accumulated to give the total value for that warehouse's stock code.

The wording of the field is based on whether you selected FIFO or LIFO at the Costing method option (Inventory Setup).
Last costThis values your inventory according to the last cost that was entered when you processed a receipt of the item into stock.
Warehouse cost

This values your inventory according to the costing method defined against the warehouse, and can only be selected if you enabled the Costing per warehouse option (Inventory Setup).

Print warehouses with zero value
Option Description
No This excludes warehouses with a zero value.

Warehouses can have a zero value if the cost, or the value of the quantity on hand, or both, are zero.


The total quantity on hand may not balance to the report detail if you select this option as there there could be warehouses with a quantity on hand, but with a zero value.

Yes This includes warehouses with a zero value.

Warehouses can have a zero value if the the cost, or the value of the quantity on hand, or both, are zero.

Warehouses with qty on hand and zero cost Select this to print items even though they don't affect the total inventory value for the warehouse(s) selected.

It includes stock items with a non-zero quantity on hand, but with a zero unit cost.

This does not change the total inventory value for the warehouse. (The total value for the warehouse is calculated as the cost multiplied by the quantity for each stock item in the warehouse).

Warehouses with zero qty and non-zero cost Select this to print items even though they don't affect the total inventory value for the warehouse(s) selected.

It includes stock items with a zero quantity on hand, but with a unit cost value.

This does not change the total inventory value for the warehouse. (The total value for the warehouse is calculated as the cost multiplied by the quantity for each stock item in the warehouse).

Multiple bins option
Option Description
Multiple bins - print totals only Excludes totals for each individual bin for the stock item on the report.

If a default bin is defined against the stock item, then the default bin number is listed on the report together with one total for the quantity on hand and one total value for all the bins.

If no default bin is defined, then the total quantity and value are printed, but no bin number is listed.

If you do not select this option, then the bin number, quantity on hand and value for each bin defined against the stock item is printed on the report. The total quantity and value are also printed.

This only applies if Multiple bins are required for the company (Inventory Setup) or the warehouse(s) you selected to include in the report (Warehouses).

Include zero bins Prints details of bins with a zero quantity on the report.
Check warehouse for negative value

If you select this option then, if the total on hand in the warehouse is negative, the total value of bins is zero for the stock code/warehouse total.

If you do not select this option, then the total value of the bins for a warehouse includes only the total of any positive bins.

This option only applies if:

  • you enabled the report option: Multiple bins - print totals only


  • the option: Negative quantity included in valuation is not enabled (Inventory Setup).

Additional Options

Field Description
Print ECC items only These options are disabled if you indicated that your valuation costs were based on FIFO.
Print quantity on hand by Rel/Rev Prints only the on hand quantities of ECC-controlled items, per revision and/or release per warehouse.
Print zero quantity Rel/Rev

Includes ECC items with a zero on hand quantity.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

Details and values

Negative inventory values are displayed only if the Negative quantity included in valuation option is enabled (Inventory Setup). This decreases the total value of inventory.

The Stock code total is not printed for each item when you generate the report for a single warehouse.

Report fields Notes and considerations
Last Receipt date Only printed if the Multiple bins option is enabled (Inventory Setup).
Last Issue date Only printed if the Multiple bins option is enabled (Inventory Setup).
Total Mass Only printed if the Multiple bins option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

The value reflected for this column is calculated by multiplying the warehouse quantity on hand of the item by the mass per stocking unit configured for the item. To obtain meaningful values, ensure that the unit of measure configured for each item is in the appropriate weight.

Report values

If you generate the report for the same stock items in the same warehouses using Current cost and then using FIFO cost, then the report values will differ if any issues, adjustments or transactions between receipt transactions were processed.

If only receipt transactions were processed on the stock item, then the Current and FIFO values should be the same. This is because the Current Warehouse Cost field is only updated when a receipt transaction is processed.

Quantity on hand If you are using multiple bins, then there are two options for printing the quantity on hand.

If you select the Multiple bins - print totals only option, then the quantity is taken from the warehouse. Otherwise the quantity is taken from each individual bin and totalled.

The mass is always calculated from the stock warehouse as it is defined at stock code level, not at bin level.

Inventory Valuation Totals

These totals are printed on the final page of the report.

  • Current cost valuation is calculated using the unit cost and quantity in hand (from the InvWarehouse table).

  • FIFO valuation is calculated on the same principle. Each bucket's quantity is multiplied by the cost to get the bucket's value and the sum of the buckets is calculated to give the valuation for the period.

  • Actual costing valuation.

    When you enable Actual Costing, the Actual Costing Conversion program (INVACL) creates new FIFO buckets for Lot traceable items for the current period only, using the quantity on hand and unit cost from the InvWarehouse table.

    When you run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program, new FIFO buckets are added for the Lot traceable stock items by using the Lot details and also catering for previous month 1 and 2 quantities.

    The Current cost valuation calculates all non-lot traceable stock items from InvWarehouse as above, but the value of lot traceable stock items is calculated from the FIFO table.

Balancing Inventory Valuation to the General Ledger

When the report is processed for all stock items and all warehouses and your Inventory module is linked to the General Ledger, then the current inventory value total on the report should equal the total of the Inventory control account(s) in your General Ledger.

If this is not the case, then you can check the following:

  • If you have negative allocations, then ensure that the Negative quantity included in valuation option is enabled (Inventory Setup). The Inventory Valuation report only includes negative allocations when this setup option is enabled, but the General Ledger balance includes these allocations.

  • Ensure that no normal, standard or recurring journals were processed to the General Ledger inventory control accounts. Only journals from the sub-modules should appear in these accounts. If other journal types exist, then they need to be reversed.
  • If the Create GL journal option is not enabled for Inventory (General Ledger Integration) then run the Inventory GL Integration program to ensure that all the General Ledger journals for transactions processed are created.

  • If the Post GL journal option is not enabled for Inventory (General Ledger Integration) then use the GL Journal Entry program to post the journals into the General Ledger.

  • If your inventory costs are held in a unit of measure other than stocked (Inventory Setup) then check that one or more units of measure were not changed (Browse on Cost Unit of Measure). Refer to Cost Unit of Measure - Warning for details.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • The Inventory Valuation report only includes negative allocations when the Negative quantity included in valuation option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

    The Inventory Valuation report will not balance to Inventory at a Glance or to the General ledger control totals when negative allocations exist and this option is not enabled.