Inventory > Browses > Browse on Stock Codes > Copy Stock Code

Copy Stock Code

You use this program to create a copy of an existing stock item.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description

Indicate specific information you want to include when copying a stock item.

See Restrictions and limits in Notes and warnings

Field Description
Save Preferences Save these preferences against your operator code and use them for future runs of the program until next you change them.
Copy preferences  
Copy warehouses (quantities zeroised)

Copies warehouse records, but with quantities set to zero.

If you copy warehouses that contain transfer supply details and you are using the Full goods in transit transfers facility (Inventory Setup) then you must run the GIT Supply Warehouse Validation program to ensure that the Requirements Calculation program recognises the new stock code as transfer-supplied.

If the company uses multiple bins then the copy function only creates the dummy bin.

Retain warehouse history

Copies the details held against the warehouse, including history information for the warehouse.

All quantity on hand balances are set to zero for the new stock code.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Retain last 12 months' closing balances

Copies the opening costs for the past 12 months and the quantity sold from last month back 12 months.

Selecting this option will inflate stock values reflected in the Inventory Valuation, Kardex and Aged Inventory Valuation reports as quantities and values are reported against both the original and copied stock codes.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Copy price entries Copies all price codes that were assigned to the original stock code.
Copy alternate stock codes / Suppliers Copies any alternate stock codes and/or suppliers that were assigned to the original stock code.
Copy custom forms

Copies custom form information defined against the original stock code to the new stock code.

Copy notes  
Copy notes

Indicate which notations held against the original stock code you want to copy.

These include:

  • Technical specification
  • Sales order additional text
  • Purchase order additional text
  • Job narrations
  • Inspection text
  • Dangerous goods handling text
  • Foreign language notes (if the Multi-language for document printing option is enabled (System Setup).

Copy from stock code This is the stock item from which you want to copy all inventory master information to create the new item.
Edit after copy This loads the Stock Codes program after copying the item so that you can maintain details for the new stock code.

Copy Stock Code

Field Description
Copy from  
Copy from stock code This indicates the code of the stock item from which you are creating the new item.
Copy from description This indicates the description of the stock item from which you are creating the new item.
Copy from long description This indicates the long description of the stock item from which you are creating the new item.
Copy to  
Copy to stock code

Enter the code for the new stock item you are creating.

You can only enter a stock code already created using the Non-stocked Codes program when the New stock code in non-stocked table option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

New description This indicates the description for the new stock item.
New long description This indicates the long description for the new stock item. This is viewable from within the Inventory Query program and can be printed on reports and inventory documents.
New alternate key 1

This indicates the first alternate key for the new stock item. You can use this to change the sequence in which items are displayed when browsing on stock codes.

New alternate key 2

This indicates the second alternate key for the new stock item. You can use this to change the sequence in which items are displayed when browsing on stock codes.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • When copying ECC-controlled items, the ECC information is cleared and the resulting item is not ECC-controlled.

    You need to manually define the new item as ECC-controlled if required.

Retain warehouse history considerations

  • If you selected the Retain warehouse history option, then the following fields in the InvWarehouse table are copied:

    • SalesQty1 - 12

    • MtdQtySold

    • MtdQtyIssued

    • YtdQtySold

    • YtdQtyIssued

    • PrevYearQtySold

    • MtdQtyReceived

    • MtdQtyAdjusted

    • MtdQtyTrf

    • NumMonthsHistory

    • YtdUsageValue

    • MtdSalesValue

    • YtdSalesValue

    • PrevYtdSalesVal

    • DateLastSale

    • DateLastPurchase

    • DateLastStockCnt

    • DateLastCostChange

    • DateLastStockMove

    • OpenBalQty1 - 12

    • OpenBalCost1 - 12

    • AgedQty1 - 6

Retain last 12 months closing balances considerations

  • If you selected the Retain last 12 months closing balances option, then the following fields in the InvWarehouse table are copied:

    • OpenBalQty1 - 12

    • OpenBalCost1 - 12

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed from the Edit menu of the Browse on Stock Codes program and from the Edit menu of the Stock Codes program.

Restrictions and limits

  • The Preferences apply to this program only.

    They do not apply when you create a stock code from another stock code in the Stock Codes program itself (i.e. by typing in a new Stock code and the message Ok to start adding a new item using values from the previous item? is displayed).

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
Inv Stock code added

Controls access to the Add or New function in the following programs:

  • Browse on Stock Codes

  • Configurator Wizard

  • Stock Code Copy

  • Stock Codes

  • Quotations

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Stock Part Creation