> Generic Find

Generic Find

You use this program to locate items according to extensive search criteria.

The calling program determines which find function is called. For example if the program is called from within the Supplier browse program, the Find Supplier window of the program is opened. When the program is called standalone (using the Ctrl+R function), you are prompted to select the search function required.

Select Find Type

When this program is run standalone (i.e. using the Run a Program function from the SYSPRO Button) then you can select the specific item you want to find. Entries matching your entered search criteria are returned in the Results list view at the bottom of the Find window.

Selections include:

  • Customers

  • Suppliers

  • Stock codes

    The warehouse to use to display quantities for stock codes is determined by your selection at the Default warehouse to show quantities option (Inventory Setup).

    When a warehouse has already been selected from within a program, then that warehouse is passed to the Key Search program, and the search will only return stock codes within that warehouse. For example, when entering a sales order line, and you have already selected a warehouse (which could be the default warehouse against the operator or the default warehouse against the customer) then that warehouse is passed to the Browse on Stock Codes program, and the generic search will only search for stock codes within that warehouse.

  • Ledger codes

  • Jobs

  • Archived jobs

  • Quotations

  • Non-stocked codes

  • Assets

  • Supplier/Stock code

  • Supplier invoices

  • Serial numbers

  • Sales orders

  • Operators

  • Requisition users

  • Purchase orders

  • Approved manufacturer's Part numbers

  • Extended tax codes

  • Inventory Goods in Inspection

Find xxx

Field Description
Find type Indicates the item to search. This is determined by the calling program.
Find Begins the search.
Search Options  
Pattern Enter the set of characters (i.e. the pattern of characters or string) you want to find. This pattern can be a maximum of 30 characters and can include wildcards.
Search options  
Match Case Select this to retrieve data matching the Pattern field. This is a case-sensitive search and data is returned only where your uppercase/lowercase entry matches the uppercase/lowercase entry of the item as it is stored on file. The search is conducted against each of the Search option fields highlighted.
Exact Match

Select this to retrieve data that exactly matches the Pattern field. This does not return results where there is a partial match.

For example: If the item: United Bank is held on file, then an entry of United Ba will not locate the item. In addition, if you select the Match Case option, then an entry of United bank will not locate the item, as bank has not been entered in uppercase. The search is conducted against each of the Search option fields highlighted.

Enabling this option disables the exact phrase match, matches on all words, and matches on any word options.

Match option

This option is disabled and not reset if you saved the form values and you subsequently change the Find type.

Option Description
Exact phrase match Select this to retrieve data matching all of the words exactly as entered at the Pattern field. The search is conducted against each of the Search option fields highlighted.
Matches on all words (AND) Select this to retrieve data matching all of the words (in no particular order) in the Patternfield. The search is conducted individually against each of the Search option fields highlighted (i.e. All the words in the Patternfield must exist in a single search option field).
Matches on any words (OR) Select this to retrieve data matching any of the words in the Pattern field. The search is conducted against each of the Search option fields highlighted.
Match criteria Indicate the criteria to which the search must be directed. The criteria available is determined by the calling program.


You can use the wildcard characters * and ? to expand the search process.


You cannot use wildcard characters at the Find what field within a Search List view window.

* This matches all characters from this character to the end of the pattern.

For example: If you entered the pattern ABCD* then SYSPRO includes any entry starting with ABCD. Any character after the D does not affect the selection.

? This matches any character in this character position.

For example: If you entered the pattern AB?D then SYSPRO includes all entries starting with AB; having any third character; and ending with the fourth character of D.

Sample patterns

ABC Matches ABC exactly.
ABC* Matches entries beginning ABC.
*ABC Matches entries ending ABC.
*ABC* Matches entries containing ABC.
ABC*DEF Matches entries beginning ABC and ending DEF.

In all cases, any letter can be replaced by ? to represent any single character. For example, A?C matches any 3 character code beginning with A and ending in C.

ABC? means that the code must contain exactly 4 characters - beginning ABC and ending with any non-blank character. This is different from ABC* which means any code beginning ABC. This entry matches the 3 character code ABC whereas the previous example does not.

AB*BC does not match the string ABC but does match ABBC and ABCABC (i.e. it matches a code starting with AB followed by zero or more characters followed by the string BC).

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • You activate the searches by selecting the Find option from the File menu of a relevant browse program or by pressing Ctrl+F to search for data in a list view pane. You can also use the Search Windows functionality (see Search Windows) which offers improved search capabilities.

Displaying quantities for stock codes

  • The quantities displayed when searching stock codes are determined by your selection at the Default warehouse to show quantities setup option (Inventory Setup).

    If you selected Standard then the default warehouse defined against the operator is used to retrieve quantities.

    If no default warehouse is assigned to the operator, then the default warehouse defined against the company is used.

    If no default warehouse is assigned to the company, then the warehouse to use defined against the stock code is used.

VBScript considerations

  • VBScript events added against the Results listview will be available for all key types, for example a VBScript event added in the Find Customers program will be available from the Results listview of the Find Suppliers program.

Hints and tips

  • The process of searching using this program can be slow as the program returns rows as it finds them.

    You may, therefore, prefer to use the Search Windows functionality (see Search Windows).