SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > General Setup > Company Maintenance

Company Maintenance

You use this program to maintain details about your SYSPRO companies according to the terms of your software license agreement.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Set company password

Configures a password for the company that will be requested whenever an operator attempts access.

Prevent Login

Prevents unauthorized access to this company (useful if you are maintaining a company and want to restrict other operators from capturing data).

This does not affect operators currently accessing the company.


The message to display to any unauthorized operator attempting to access the company.


Field Description
Company ID Displays the company code of the currently selected company.
Company Name Displays the company name as entered at the Company name field on the Registration tab.
Reference Enter a company reference, such as a description of the company for example.

If you are using the USA AVP sales tax system (Company Tax Options Setup) then enter AVP in this field if you require the ShipToAddr4 and SoldToAddr4 fields in the ArCustomer table to be updated with the State value against the Extended tax code (Extended Tax Code Maintenance) and the ShipToAddr5 and SoldToAddress5 fields not to be updated at all.

Company Address Indicate the company's address details that can be printed on any free-format stationery.
Geolocation This indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions.

An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default. SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider.

Delivery Address

Indicate the company's physical address to which goods must be delivered (used by the Purchase Orders module).

Geolocation This indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions.

An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default. SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider.


Field Description
Company Values  
Company tax registration number

Indicate the company tax registration number. This can be printed on delivery notes, invoices, statements and purchase orders.

Company registration number

Indicate your company registration number. This can only be printed on delivery notes, invoices, statements, creditor's remittance advices and purchase order requisitions.

Default warehouse

This is the warehouse displayed as the default at most Warehouse fields in the system.

Specifying a default warehouse is useful if you are only using one warehouse in the system and do not want to have to re-enter the code repeatedly. You can override the default warehouse at operator level.

Whenever you add or change the default company warehouse, you need to restart SYSPRO for your changes to become effective.

Local currency

Indicate the default currency in which you want to process transactions within the system. You cannot change this currency once you have added the company.

Local currency description

Enter the description for the Local currency code assigned to the company.

Accounting periods This is typically determined by the frequency of your company's financial and management reporting cycles.

It also determines the relationship between the General Ledger and the sub-ledgers with regard to the posting of the sub-ledger transactions into the General Ledger.

Once defined, you should not change the number of accounting periods per year, or you may lose historical information (i.e. the history buckets for transactions written to the files in the sub modules are not moved, adjusted or corrected when you change the accounting periods per year).

4Indicates that the General Ledger Period end function must run after every 3 months of trading activity and all sub-ledgers to have 12 months in the year.
Sub ledger transactionsPosted to GL period
Months 1, 2, 3Period 1
Months 4, 5, 6Period 2
Months 7, 8, 9Period 3
Months 10, 11, 12Period 4
6Indicates that the General Ledger Period end function must run after every 2 months of trading activity (i.e. 6 times per year) and all sub-ledgers to have 12 months in the year.
Sub ledger transactionsPosted to GL period
Months 1, 2Period 1
Months 3, 4Period 2
Months 5, 6Period 3
Months 7, 8Period 4
Months 9, 10Period 5
Months 11, 12Period 6

Indicates that the General Ledger Period end function must run after every month of trading activity (i.e. 12 times per year) and all sub-ledgers to have 12 months in the year.


When you set your accounting periods to 12, Auditor's journals are posted to Period 13 and all Year end (YE) journals are posted to Period 14.

13Indicates that the General Ledger Period end function must run after every four weeks of trading activity and all sub-ledgers to have 13 periods in the year.
GL information You define these accounts using the General Ledger Integration program. You can only access these fields when you are adding a new company and you require the General Ledger module to be installed.
Forced balance account

This account is used by the system to correct an out-of-balance situation in the General Ledger. It does so by posting an entry to this account to correct the imbalance. The value posted can then be journalized out to the correct ledger code manually.

The following programs add a GL Account called FORCED if it doesn't exist on the GenMaster file: Company Maintenance, Add New Company Wizard and Company Setup (when it first creates the 00 record on ADMCTL).

Forced balance description

Indicates the description for your forced balance account.

Retained earnings account

This account is updated with the net income/loss for the year when you run the Year end function of the General Ledger. It is also used if you select to close out your expense and revenue accounts when you run the year end.

Retained earnings description

Indicates the description for your retained earnings account.

Edit Date Format

Although always stored in a CCYYMMDD format, this option enables you to define how you want dates to be displayed and requested within SYSPRO, at company level.

Note that dates in forms are determined by the Date format only (i.e.DDMMYY or YYMMDD). The short/long date format is not applied to any date fields in forms.

Override system date format

This overrides the date format settings made within the System Setup program.

Date format Select the format in which you want all system dates to be displayed and requested within SYSPRO for this company.
User defined date formats

Your selection here provides an alternative way of viewing and printing dates and does not affect the way in which dates are physically stored on file. You can use any character as a date separator.

Long date format

Select how you want the system to display the long version of the date for this company.

dddd D MMMM yyyy
dd MMMM yyyy
D MMM yyyy
MMMM dd yyyy
MMM D yyyy
yyyy MMMM dd
yyy MMM D
Short date format

Select how you want the system to display the short version of the date for this company.

dddd D MMMM yyyy
Report date format

Select how you want the system to represent the Printed: date that appears in the footer of reports alongside the name of the operator who printed the report. The other dates printed on the report are rendered according to the short date format.

dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
dd/MM/yy HH:mm
d/M/yy HH:mm
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
MM/dd/yy HH:mm
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm
yy/MM/dd HH:mm
Test date

The date entered here is used by the samples below to confirm that you have correctly configured your user-defined dates.

Long date sample

Displays how the setting for the Long date format will appear in the system.

Short date sample

Displays how the setting for the Short date format will appear in the system.

Report date sample

Displays how the setting for the Report date format format will appear in the system.

Company nationality code  
Override system nationality code

Enables you to set your nationality code at company level (i.e. overrides the setting made within the System Setup program, unless this conflicts with an existing tax option that has been defined).

Nationality code

This indicates the nationality of your company (e.g. USA - United States of America; GB - Great Britain; AUS - Australia; CAN - Canada; RSA - South Africa).

The list of SYSPRO Nationality codes is defined in the IMPNAT.IMP file located in the SYSPRO ..\Programs folder.

The nationality entered here affects the display of region-specific fields within the system (e.g. tax).

Email/SMTP Settings  
Method when emailing

Select the preferred emailing method within SYSPRO.


In a mapped-drive environment you will need to define the network permissions to invoke an executable program over the network.

Option Description
Microsoft Outlook Uses Microsoft Outlook as your preferred method of sending email within SYSPRO.

You would typically select this option if you want to use simple MAPI mail.

Outlook using Outlook email client

Uses Microsoft Outlook with Outlook's rich email client interface as your preferred method of sending Email within SYSPRO.

The system attempts to locate the SYSPROEmailClient.exe file in your \Base folder. If the file exists, it is executed and the email parameters are passed to it in XML format.

The SYSPROEmailClient.exe file is a standalone executable file which you can replace with your own custom UserEmailClient.exe file, if required. You would typically do this if you were using an email system that is not Outlook.

You can, at a later stage, revert to using simple MAPI mail by selecting the Microsoft Outlook option if required.

Macro using VBScript

Uses any COM-aware email subsystem (e.g. Groupwise or Lotus Notes) to send email in SYSPRO. This is achieved by selecting the Macro function to define VBScript macros for events (see (Send Email). These events enable you to indicate which script to run when each of the following options are selected:

  • Send Message - OnSendMessage
  • Check Names - OnCheckNames
  • To - OnToButton
  • CC - OnCcButton
SMTP server IP address

Indicates the default IP address of the specific SMTP server that SYSPRO will use to send messages.

Outgoing email address

Indicates the default email address of the sender of the message.

User name

Enter the user name for the email account specified above.


Enter the password for the email account specified above.

Server port

Indicate the server port to be used.

Use SSL Enable this option to specify that communication with the SMTP server requires SSL encryption (i.e. send email via an SSL connection).


Field Description
Job logging required Creates a log file detailing each program that is accessed by each operator.

You can enable job logging selectively by module and program using the Security Access function of the Groups program.

Job logging for business object Includes job logging entries for business objects in the log file.

Enabling this option may lead to excessive entries in the log from automated and semi-automated processes.

Disable this option if you don't want to create log entries for business objects invoked from Solutions, Web-based applications, DFM and VBScripting (from forms, customized panes, etc).

If a regular SYSPRO program (e.g. Sales Order Entry) invokes a business object to perform a database update or query, then a job log entry is created as normal.

Job logging for SRS reports Includes job logging entries for the running of SRS reports. The log file lets you see the date, time and name of the operator who ran the report.
Print operator name on journals Prints the name of the operator who made any postings to the journal file, on the report.

This applies to following journals:

  • Receivables
  • Payables
  • Cash Book
  • Ledger
  • Inventory
  • Supplier amendment
  • Customer amendment
  • Inventory amendment
  • Structure amendment
Print report options selected Prints the report options you selected for a report on the first page of any system report.

You would typically use this option to indicate why some entries were included/excluded from a report, as well as if you print multiple copies of the same report with different report options.

SRS Reports will take longer to run when you select this option.

Edit postal/zip codes 5-4 Prints and displays postal codes as a 5-4 field (i.e. the first five characters entered are separated from the remaining four characters by a dash).
Close previous month automatically Closes a sub-ledger month automatically when you complete a month end within the relevant module. You would typically use this if you generally only post to the current month. If you need to post transactions to a prior month then you will have to reopen the month manually.
Shared inventory for custom forms If are using shared inventory, then this indicates that custom forms configured for the shared company must be used for each of the companies sharing the same inventory files.
Shared inventory for multimedia If you are using shared inventory, then this indicates that multimedia objects configured for the shared company must be used for all the companies sharing the same inventory files.

You won't be able to view any Inventory multimedia that is configured in the individual shared companies.

Presentation length for multimedia %key Enable this option for the Multimedia program to access objects using the presentation key length in the file path when you're using the %key variable in the multimedia object path.

It doesn't rename the multimedia files, it just alters the %key value returned for multimedia.


This option only applies to keys that contain a single field (e.g. supplier, customer, stock code). It doesn't apply to multimedia types with compound keys (e.g. customer invoices) where multiple fields make up the key and where the field affected by the presentation length is defined as numeric.

Single field example - Customer 40:

The key length of the Customer field is 15 characters. If you set the presentation length to 7 characters then the system looks for:

  • 0000040.bmp if the Presentation length for multimedia %key option is enabled

  • 000000000000040.bmp if the Presentation length for multimedia %key option is not enabled

Compound field example - Customer 40; Invoice 1:

The key length of the Customer field is 15 characters. The key length of the Invoice field is 15 characters. If you set the presentation length of the Invoice field to 6 characters and the Customer field to 7 characters, then regardless of whether the Presentation length for multimedia %key option is enabled, the system looks for:

  • 000000000000040000000000000001.bmp.

Number of decimals Indicate the default number of decimals to use for all tax rates. This is applied to the Tax rate decimals field in the Tax Code Setup program.

You can still change the number of decimals for individual tax codes which will override your selection here.

  • Only SRS reports support the use of 5 decimal places.

  • For all documents on which the tax rate is printed, the use of 5 decimal places is supported on Standard, Word and SRS documents.

Shared companies

These options enable you to share inventories and general ledgers across companies.

If both Inventory and General Ledger are shared, then the Inventory Interface setup in the Inventory 'holding' company is used to determine the ledger accounts to which transactions processed in the Inventory Movements program are posted.

If only Inventory is shared, then Inventory transactions update the files of the 'holding' company and the General Ledger side of the transactions are posted to that company's own General Ledger files.


It isn't advisable to share Inventory files across companies that have different base currencies (GAAP assumes that the value of inventory is stated in the local currency of the company). The value of any purchase or cost of sale costs is processed in the currency of the host company (i.e. transactions in the sharing companies aren't translated into the currency of any shared company). A mixture of currencies results in inaccurate costs in both the host and sharing companies.

However, if no transactions are processed across the companies' warehouses (e.g. you want to share Inventory for query purposes only) then this can be done without compromising the integrity of the General Ledger.

Refer to Shared files and tables for a list of files/tables which are shared.

Ledger file company

Indicate the company that will be the holding company for all the general ledger master, history and detail transactions. This defaults to your current company, but can be changed.

You would typically use this facility if you want to produce consolidated financial reports for more than one company using the Financial Report Writer.

Although general ledger data for each company is stored in the same physical database, only the Financial Report Writer can access the data of other companies.

  • If you have defined multiple data paths then ensure that the data paths defined for the sharing companies match those of the holding company.

  • Ensure that the company control files are located in the same working directory for all companies sharing the general ledger database.

  • You cannot share general ledger data between C-ISAM-based and SQL Server-based companies.

Inventory file company

Indicate the company that will be the holding company for inventory data. This defaults to your current company, but can be changed.

You typically use this facility if all companies sell the same inventory and you require a consolidated view of the stock holding of all companies.

  • The setup options for the Inventory, Bill of Materials and Lot Traceability modules must be identical in all the companies that share Inventory.

  • If Bill of Materials is installed in the 'holding' company, then the sharing companies must have access to bill of material data.

  • If Material Requirements Planning is installed, then the Requirements Calculation uses the inventory and bill of materials data from the Inventory 'holding' company, together with the sources of supply and demand from the company running the Requirements Calculation.

  • Each company retains separate Purchase Order, Sales Order, MRP and Work in Progress data.

Numeric formatting

All numeric formatting is also applied to any numeric custom form fields added.

Decimal character

Indicate the type of decimal character you want to use for numeric fields that contains decimals (e.g. values, costs, prices, quantities, units of measure conversion factors, currency conversion factors, etc).

This character must be different from the 1000's separator character.

You can override this at operator level.

In a client/server environment, the decimal character entered here must match the character defined in the Regional Settings on the client machine. Otherwise incorrect values could be saved for transaction entries processed in SYSPRO.

An error is displayed in programs that include an editable data grid in which there is at least one numeric column, when the decimal character in the Regional Settings on the client does not match the decimal character defined here.

Windows Regional Settings affect the formatting of numbers in SYSPRO graphs and currency values in SYSPRO Analytics.

In addition, variables have been added to the System Information section of all SRS reports to indicate the number of decimals to display (DecimalsToDisplay) and the decimal character to use (DecimalCharacter). This, in conjunction with the SeparatorToUse variable, can be used to format reports to meet your requirements.

If you define the decimal character as a comma (,) then entering a dot (.) is translated into a comma. This is to accommodate the use of numeric keypads which only have a dot (.) to indicate a decimal point. This also applies to the Regional Settings on the client machine.

Use1000 separators Defines a delimiter for numeric values over 999.00 (e.g. a value of 123456789.12 can be displayed as 123,456,789.12.
1000's separator character Indicate the character (symbol) to use as the 1000's separator. This character can be a space (for example, if you want to have 1 000.00).

This character must be different from the decimal character.

In a client/server environment, the separator character entered here must match the character defined in the Regional Settings on the client machine. Otherwise incorrect values could be saved for transaction entries processed in SYSPRO.
Style for values These options enable you to indicate how transaction values must be printed/displayed in SYSPRO.

Reports changed to support extended field sizes remain visually unchanged unless the printed values exceed the available print space, in which case the report print line could change to print two lines instead of one.

You can override these settings at operator level.

Number of digits after decimal Indicate the number of decimals you want to use for numeric values.

If you enter zero in this field then decimals are removed from entry and display/print fields when values are used.


The number of decimals to show in values defaults to 2 and all values are always held to 2 decimal places, regardless of any setting.

This does not affect free format stationery that assumes a minimum of two decimals for any price field, and three decimals for any Inventory unit cost field.

Style for costs/prices You can override these settings at operator level using the Numeric formatting options (Operators).
Use1000 separators (reports) Indicates how you want to print costs/prices on reports.

Reports changed to support extended field sizes remain visually unchanged unless the printed values exceed the available print space, in which case the report print line could change to print two lines instead of one.

1000's separator character (reports) Indicate the character (symbol) to use as the 1000's separator (e.g. a value of 123456789.12 can be printed as 123,456,789.12).
Minimum number of decimals to print This indicates the minimum number of decimals that must be printed for a cost/price field (e.g. a price of 123456789.12000 may be printed as 123,456,789.120 if the decimal option is set as 3).

This does not affect free format stationary, which assumes a minimum of two decimals for any price field and three decimals for any inventory unit cost field.

The option: Maximum decimals to show for price/cost (System-wide Personalization) controls the number of decimal zeros displayed in price and cost list view columns.

Style for quantities in list views  
Edit quantities using decimals Displays stock code-related quantities in list views according to the Maximum number of decimals defined against the stock item (Stock Codes.
Style for labor times

Maximum number of decimals to print Indicates how many decimal places to print for all labor times in reports.

This applies to the printing of all Work in Progress operation times (such as run time, teardown time, wait time, etc.) on reports. It defaults to four decimal places, but can be set anywhere from zero to six.

Multiple currency options  
Triangulation required Converts from one currency to another using an intermediate currency (to conform with European Monetary Union regulations).
Print triangulation audit Prints a currency exchange audit line for each foreign currency transaction using triangulation.


Field Description
Company format  
Company data format Indicate whether your company data is ISAM or SQL Server-based. This option cannot be accessed if your data for all companies is defined as C-ISAM-based or is a mix of C-ISAM and SQL Server (System Setup).
Database name Indicates the name of the database in which your company data is stored.
ISAM Location  
ISAM file location Indicate whether all your data files for the company are stored in a one or multiple folders.

You would typically use multiple folders to store large files on a different physical drive or file system.

File path Indicates the folder in which your company data is located.
Database format  
Company database format
All companies are SQL server-based Select this if all of your companies are using the SQL Server version of the software.
All companies are ISAM-based Select this if all of your companies are using the C-ISAM version of the software.
Mix of SQL and ISAM companies Select this if at least one of your companies is using the SQL Server version of the software.
Change company format  
Set company to ISAM Resets a SQL Server-based company to enable access C-ISAM data files without actually migrating data from SQL Server to C-ISAM.

You would typically use this function if you have migrated your data to SQL Server, but are not yet in possession of a license number.

You should not process any transactions as they will be posted to the C-ISAM database and will no longer match the SQL Server data. It will require you to either remove the SQL Server database or remove the data in the tables and redo the migration to SQL.

Migrate to SQL Server Migrates your C-ISAM data for this company into a database format that will be accessed using SQL Server.

A wizard guides you through this process (ISAM to SQL Migration Wizard.

Paths Assign different folders for different data files (C-ISAM only).


Field Description
Company License  
Company name

This must reflect the company name as specified on the registration form supplied with the software.

License expiry year

The year in which your Software License Agreement expires.

Expiry month

The month in which your license expires (if specified within the terms of your Software License Agreement). This applies to temporary licenses.

License start date For temporary licenses this indicates the date from which the license is valid.

The registration number assigned to your company.

Import License

Imports the LICENSE.XML file into your system.

You must run this function to access any Business Object or Web-based Application and when using the Document Flow Manager.


You must use the Company Setup program if you want to import a 'DEMO FOR xxx' license and then deselect modules that are not licensed. This functionality is not available in the Company Maintenance program.

System settings

The number of users currently licensed to use the system as well as the number of licensed seats for:

  • CMS only users
  • Point of Sales users
  • ODBC seats
  • U/SQL Manager seats
  • Dialog System seats
  • CAL seats
  • Analytics viewer seats
  • Report Designer seats
  • Licensed companies (i.e. maximum number of companies supported)
  • Espresso
  • Workflows

You maintain these numbers using the System Setup program.

Espresso user licenses are allocated using the Espresso User Licenses program.


This pane displays the list of available modules, indicating the ones that are installed.

Your selections must match the list of modules indicated on your Software License Agreement.

Shared files and tables

Shared Inventory files/tables

SQL Table Name C-ISAM File Name
All tables beginning with INV, except the following:
  • InvJournalCtl
  • InvJournalDet
  • InvDistribution
All file names beginning with INV, except the following:
All tables beginning with BOM All file names beginning with BOM
All tables beginning with IOP All file names beginning with IOP
All tables beginning with ECC All file names beginning with ECC
All tables beginning with CFG All file names beginning with CFG
All tables beginning with GTR All file names beginning with GTR
All tables beginning with LCT, except the following:
  • LCTCostElement
  • LCTTariff
  • LCTCalcCode
  • LCTConstant
  • LCTRoute
  • LCTCustomRates
All file names beginning with LCT, except the following:
All tables beginning with LOT All file names beginning with LOT
Table: ArcBomRef File: ARCBOM

Shared General Ledger files/tables

SQL Table Name C-ISAM File Name
GenMaster GENMST
GenTransaction GENTRN
GenHistory GENHST
GenControl GENCTL
GenBudgets GENBUD
GenGroups GENGRP
GenBudAltDesc GENPAR
GenApportion GENAPP
GenCommitDetail GENPCD
GenCommitment GENPCM
GenAnalysisSection GENGLA
GenAnalysisCommit GENGLU
GenAnalysisBudget GENGLB
GenJournalCtlPrd GENCJN
GenLastRevalRate GENLRR
GenRevalLog GENRLG
GenCopyAltCtl GENCAC
GenCopyAltDet GENCAD
GenCopyAltHst GENCAH
GenCopyBudgets GENCBU
GenCopyCommmitDet GENCCD
GenCopyCommmitment GENCCM
GenCopyControl GENCCT
GenCopyGroups GENCGR
GenCopyHistory GENCHS
GenCopyMaster GENCMS
GenCopyTrans GENCTR

Notes and warnings

Maintenance considerations

  • You should always re-import the new license using the License Import Wizard program when you update the company's SYSPRO license.

Custom form fields

  • You must be logged into the company for which you want to maintain custom form field values. If you save company details for a company that you are not currently logged into, then the custom form values for that company are cleared.

    In addition, if you create company custom form fields then you will have to create the same custom forms fields for each company.

  • You can add custom form fields to each pane. Right-click on a caption and select the Field Selector option.

Email/SMTP setting considerations

  • The Microsoft Outlook option cannot be used if Microsoft Outlook 2010 is installed.

  • Outlook's rich email client interface is only invoked if you have Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 (or later) installed on the client machine.

    If you have Microsoft Office 2003 you need to download Microsoft Office 2003 PIAs from the Microsoft website.

    This is not required if you have Microsoft Office 2007.

    Earlier versions of Outlook use the old-style email client interface.

  • The Macro using VBScript option is not supported for SRS document printing.

Hints and tips

Record amendments

  • Amendment journals are automatically created for changes made to the company options.