SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Distribution > Sales Order Setup

Sales Order Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for your Sales Order system.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.

General 1

Field Description
Order entry general options

Branch to be warehouse

Indicate a branch to use as the default warehouse in Sales Order Entry, Point of Sale Entry and Product Configurator.

If this option is not selected, then the warehouse used typically defaults to the warehouse defined against your operator code. If that is not defined, then the default warehouse defined against the company is used. This depends on whether you are using the Sales Order Entry, Point of Sale Entry or Product Configurator program.

Allow negative quantities for sales orders

Select this to be able to enter negative quantities for stocked and non-stocked lines when capturing orders.

Insert sales order additional text automatically

Select this for sales order additional text defined against a stock item to be inserted automatically as comment lines when capturing orders. You assign sales order additional text to stock items using the Inventory Query program.

Insert dangerous goods text automatically

Select this for dangerous goods text defined against a stock item to be inserted automatically as comment lines when capturing orders.

You assign dangerous goods text to stock items using the Inventory Query program.


To ensure that dangerous goods data sheets are always printed, we recommend that you enable this option if you have selected the option: Prompt for dangerous goods data sheets (General 3 tab).

Calculate invoice discount after line discount

Select this to calculate the invoice discount after line discounts have been applied. Otherwise invoice and line discounts are applied on the total merchandise value of the order entered.

Generate customer delivery performance file

Select this to update the Sales order customer delivery performance file/table (SorDeliveryPerf table/SORPER file) with details of each stocked and non-stocked order line invoiced.

If single level bill of materials are in use, then only details of the parent part of the kit is output to the performance file.

Details are not output to the performance file/table for:

  • IBT sales
  • credit or debit notes
  • any order line which contains a negative line
  • any order line for which the order quantity is zero

You can use the Report Writer module to generate your own report(s) using the Sales order delivery performance file/table.

Invoice sales recap required

Select this to display a sales recap page (information about the invoices produced) once order processing is complete.

An order recap is displayed regardless of whether an invoice sales recap is required.

Display costs in Quick Entry

Indicate whether costs associated with a stock item can be viewed within Quick Sales Order Entry program accessed from the Sales Order Entry program and the Quick Sales Order Entry program accessed from the main menu.

This enables you to restrict the unauthorized viewing of costs and to prevent profit figures from being displayed in the quote totals.

If you do not select this option, then you cannot specify a cost markup or profit margin percentage when processing Quick Quotes.

Display costs and gross profit in order totals

Select this to display cost and profit information in the Sales Order Entry, Sales Order Query and Sales Invoice Query programs. If you select this option, then cost and profit information is displayed for the entire order and for each line added using the Sales Order Entry program.


You can prevent the unauthorized viewing of these costs and profits by defining the appropriate security access against your operators. The S/O Show cost/profit activity field regulates operator access to this information (Operator Maintenance).

Cancel open order previously invoiced

Select this to be able to:

  • cancel orders in a status of 2 (i.e. open back order) without having to first mark them as complete
  • cancel order lines on an order which was previously invoiced

An order that is in a status of 2 indicates that a shipment has been partially delivered and invoiced, with the remainder on back order.

If you do not select this option, then any order that has previously been invoiced (irrespective of its status) cannot be cancelled, but has to be set to complete. In addition, lines on an order which was previously invoiced cannot be cancelled.

This also applies to the Point of Sale Entry program.

Ignore warning if invalid salesperson on customer

Select this to suppress the warning message that is displayed when an invalid salesperson code is held against the customer entered within the Sales Order Entry, Quick Sales Order Entry and Point of Sale Entry programs.

  • In Sales Order Entry you will still be required to enter a valid salesperson before you can add a line.

  • In Point of Sale Entry you will still be required to enter a valid salesperson before you can select and accept a stock code.

  • In Quick Sales Order Entry you will still be required to enter a valid salesperson before you can convert the quote into an order.

Fix ship address at time of order entry

This applies to the effect on sales orders which are in progress when you change the ship to address against customers.

When you capture a sales order, the Ship to address for the order header defaults to the ship to address against the customer. If you do not change or manually enter the Ship to address on the order header, but you change the ship to address against the customer while the order is still in progress, then the ship to address on the order header changes to the customer's new ship to address.

If you enable this option, then the order header Ship to address on an order which is still in progress is not changed when you change the ship address against the customer.

If you do not enable this option, then the latest Ship to Address against the customer is used for the order header when querying or printing an order that is still in progress.

The Sales Order Query program always displays the current ship to address in the Customer Information pane, while the order's ship to address appears in the Order Header pane.

Clear multiple ship address code if ship address changed

Enable this to clear the Multiple ship address code when you manually change the Multiple ship address on a form in the Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Header Maintenance program. The Ship address for the multiple ship address code is not reloaded after being manually changed.

Ignore warning if item has zero cost in S/O Entry

Select this to suppress the warning message displayed in Sales Order Entry, when saving a line for a stocked or non-stocked item that has a zero cost.

Billing type

Your selection made here is applicable only to sales orders entered as a Billing in the Sales Order Entry program.


Select this for your selection at the Backorder decision field (i.e. by warehouse or by operator) to determine whether the operator is notified of any stock shortages.

If by warehouse, then the operator is notified only if there is insufficient stock and stock is not allowed to go negative (Inventory Setup). The operator is then required to indicate the quantity to be shipped and the quantity to be placed on backorder.


Select this for the availability of stock within a given warehouse to determine whether stock is shipped or placed on backorder.

If a shortage of the item exists, however, and stock is not allowed to go negative (Inventory Setup) then you will be required to indicate the quantity to be shipped and the quantity to be placed on backorder.

Post-billing with invoice

Select this for stock availability within a given warehouse to determine whether stock is shipped or placed on backorder.

This option caters for the facility to enter a manual invoice number for the first invoice produced when processing a Billing type transaction, even if automatic invoice numbering is selected (Numbering tab). If a manual invoice number is not entered or this option is not selected, but the option: Order number moved to invoice number is selected (General 3 tab), then the order number is assigned to the first invoice produced for the order. If the option: Order number moved to invoice number is not selected, then the next invoice number is allocated based on the Invoice numbering method defined (Accounts Receivable Setup - Numbering tab).

For all second and subsequent invoices produced for a billing:

  • the next invoice number is allocated based on the Invoice numbering method defined (Accounts Receivable Setup - Numbering tab) if Automatic invoice numbering is set to Yes (Numbering tab)
  • a manual invoice number must be entered if Automatic invoice numbering is set to No (Numbering tab)

Scheduled orders

Number of days within which scheduled orders will be allocated

Indicate the number of days (which cannot be zero) within which stock for a given line must be allocated for scheduled orders.

Stock is automatically allocated (providing there is enough quantity available) when the difference between the ship date and document date is less than the number of days specified here.

If the difference between the ship date and document date is greater than or equal to the number of days specified here, then the Scheduled Order Allocation program must be used to allocate the stock.

For example:

You create an order on 1st October for delivery on 4th October.

  • If you set this field to 15, then: Ship date less Document date = 4 - 1 = 3 which is less than 15, so the order is allocated immediately.

  • If you set this field to 2, then: Ship date less Document date = 4 - 1 = 3 which is greater than 2, so the order is not allocated immediately.

  • If you set this field to 3, then: Ship date less Document date = 4 - 1 = 3 which is equal to 3, so the order is not allocated immediately.

  • Whenever you change the days in this field, you should run the Scheduled Order Allocation program if you want to allocate stock to existing scheduled orders according to your new entry.

  • When this field is changed, anything already allocated and put into ship will be reset and the quantity will go back into back order.

  • The maximum number of days that can be specified is 99999. This does not mean an infinite number of days and that all orders are allocated. It means 99999 days or over 273 years. Any order lines dated beyond this time are not allocated. For example, if you have a scheduled order with a ship date in 300 years time (which is greater than 99999 days), it will not be immediately allocated.

Returnable item

A returnable item (such as a re-usable container), is typically sold together with a stocked item. A deposit may have been paid for the item and it may be returned for credit.


This indicates the warehouse from which returnable items (e.g. crates, pallets, etc) must be depleted.


A returnable items warehouse code must be defined.

If no warehouse is entered here, then processing of returnable item service charges be could invalidated.

If, however, you select the option: Use associated merchandise warehouse below, then the warehouse entered here is ignored.

Use associated merchandise warehouse

Select this to use the warehouse associated with the stock item as the warehouse from which the returnable item must be depleted.

If you select this option, then the warehouse entered in the Warehouse field is ignored.


When processing a Supply Chain Transfer, only one source and one target warehouse can be specified. Therefore, a returnable item is always issued from, and receipted in, to the source and target warehouses selected for the SCT.

Include in Supply Chain Transfer

Select this to include returnable items associated with a stocked item when processing a Supply Chain Transfer.

If you select this option, then when you add a line to a SCT using either the Sales Order Entry or Create Supply Chain Transfer programs, any attached service charge for a returnable item is added to the order.

Validation of duplicate customer p/order numbers

This option relates to the entering of customer purchase order numbers in the following programs:

Field Description
No validation

Select this if you do not require customer purchase order numbers to be unique.

By customer

Select this to validate customer purchase order numbers at customer level (i.e. you don't want to allow a customer's purchase order number to be used more than once for the same customer).

By company

Select this to validate customer purchase order numbers at company level (i.e. customer purchase order numbers must be unique for the company).

Field Description

Select this to be notified when a customer purchase order number is entered that has already been used for the same customer or company (depending on your selection at the Validation of duplicate customer p/order numbers option).

The warning is displayed when capturing an order (at the time of adding the first line and when you end the order) and when maintaining an order.


Select this to prevent an order from being captured if the customer purchase order number has already been used for the same customer or company (depending on your selection at the Validation of duplicate customer p/order numbers option).


Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Sales Order module setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.

General 2

Field Description
Order type


Assign your own wording for the Order type field.

This field can be used to classify sales orders according to the type of sale, as well as a selection criterion for the printing of a number of Sales Order reports. The field can also be used within the Sales Analysis module to provide a breakdown of the salesperson, product class and sales history reports.


Specify (at company level) which order type to use as the default when capturing orders. This field is accessed from the Invoice tab of the Order Header function.


If a default order type has been assigned to the customer, then it overrides the default order type specified here.

Validate order type

This indicates that an entry must be made at the Order type field and that the entry must exist on file.

Default alternate key

Alternate keys enable you to browse on sales orders in a sequence other than order number, customer or customer purchase order number.

If you selected the Default Sales Order browse sequence as Alternate key, then you need to define which alternate key you want to use here.


Select this if you do not require a default entry to be displayed for the alternate key.

Geographic area

Select this for the default alternate key to be the geographic area assigned to the customer.


Select this if you want the default alternate key to be the warehouse assigned to the order.


Select this for the default alternate key to be the branch assigned to the order.

Alternate key

The Alternate key field is accessed from the Shipping Instructions tab of the Sales Order Header Maintenance program and from the RMA tab of the RMA Header (see RMA Issues and Receipts).

It can also be used to store additional information against the sales order header.

Alternate key mandatory

Select this to force an entry at the Alternate key field when capturing sales orders or RMAs.

Description for alternate key

Assign your own wording for the Alternate key field.

  • Although any description can be entered, it is recommended that you do not use the description of a key field in SYSPRO (e.g. customer, supplier, stock code, etc.). This prevents confusion between the use of the alternate key description and standard SYSPRO key field descriptions in forms and listviews.

  • This description does not apply to the Point of Sale Entry program.

    You need to manually change the Alternate key caption using the Field Properties program.

    To do this, right click on the Alternate key field, select Field Properties and change the Caption field.

Customer stock codes for sub-accounts

This option is only relevant if you defined:

This option enables you to indicate which stock code cross references must be used when adding stocked lines to an order using the Select Using Customer Interchange facility (see Stock Code Interchange).

Only customer

Select this to only use the stock code cross references defined against the sub-account.

If you select this option, then all customer/SYSPRO stock code cross references you require for sales orders for sub-accounts must be defined against each sub-account (Customer Stock Codes).

Only master

Select this to only use the stock code cross references defined against the master account.

If you select this option, then all customer/SYSPRO stock code cross references you require for sales orders for a sub-account must be defined against each master account (Customer Stock Codes). The cross references can then be used for the sub-accounts attached to that master account (Master Sub-accounts).

Customer, then master

Select this to use the stock code cross references defined against the sub-account if they exist, else use the cross references defined against the master account.

If you select this option, then the customer/SYSPRO stock code cross references you require for sales orders for a sub-account can be defined either against the master or the sub-account (Customer Stock Codes).

Order Analysis files to be generated  
Order lines added

Select this to generate order analysis files when you add order lines.

Order lines changed

Select this to generate order analysis files when you change order lines.

Orders lines cancelled

Select this to generate order analysis files when you cancel orders and order lines.

  • If you select this option, then ensure that you also enable the Output detail lines when cancelling the whole order option.

  • You need to select this option if you want to record lost sales when cancelling merchandise lines in programs such as Sales Order Entry or Point of Sale Entry.

Include blanket sales orders

Select this to generate order analysis files for blanket sales orders.

If you select this option together with the Order lines added option, then when processing a release for a new sales order (using the Release Review and Confirmation program) the sales order is included in the Order Intake Query. Similarly if you select this option together with the Order lines changed option, then any changes to a blanket sales order are included in the Order Intake Query.


You can only select this option if the Order lines added and/or Order lines changed options are enabled.

Add changed lines for order level discount

Select this to generate order analysis files when changes are made to order lines that affect the total value of discount applicable to the order.

Output detail lines when cancelling whole order

Select this to include all the detail lines attached to an order in the order analysis files generated when you cancel an order.

Default Sales Order browse sequence

This indicates the default sequence in which you want to browse on sales orders.


Select this to browse on sales orders in order sequence.


Select this to browse on sales orders in customer sequence.

Customer purchase order

Select this to browse on sales orders in customer purchase order sequence.

Alternate key

Select this to browse on sales orders in an alternate key sequence.

If you select this option, then you need to define the alternate key required at the Default alternate key option.

Branch/geographic area change in S/O Entry

This option enables you to define operator access to maintaining the Accounts Receivable Branch and the Geographic Area when processing orders using the Sales Order Entry and Sales Order Header Maintenance programs.

Not allowed

Select this if you do not want operators to be able to change the A/R branch and geographic area.


This does not prevent operators from defining the default branch to use for orders (see Define Branch).

Allowed - no GL integration check

Select this to allow operators to change the A/R branch and geographic area and you do not require the system to check that General Ledger integration accounts are defined against the branch.

Allowed - GL integration check

Select this to allow operators to change the A/R branch and geographic area and you require the system to check that General Ledger integration is defined for the branch.

General 3

Field Description
Back orders

Indicate how the Document Print program must treat the remaining order quantity after you print an invoice for a partial shipment.


Back Order rules do not apply to dispatch notes because of the back order process inherent in dispatches.

For example, if back orders were not allowed, then you would not be able to cancel or change a dispatched line.

Not required

Select this if back orders are not required. The sales order status is set to complete (status 9) once the invoice is printed. The order quantity which could not be shipped is ignored.

  • You cannot select this option if the Blanket Sales Orders and Releases module is installed.
  • This option can also be defined at customer level (see Customers). The setting against the customer takes precedence.

    For example if you select Not required here, but against the customer you select Allowed, then backorders will be allowed and processed accordingly against that customer.


Select this to enter back orders manually. After printing an invoice for a partial shipment, you must use the Order Maintenance function of the Sales Order Entry program to move the quantity from back order into ship.

Alternatively, you can use the Back Order Release program to release back orders.


Select this to move the backorder quantity to the shipped quantity field automatically after the invoice is printed, if there is sufficient stock on hand, or if you have allowed stock on hand to go negative (Inventory Setup). This applies when printing invoices and when printing SCT transfers.

Depending on the type of order, this enables you to print another delivery note, invoice or transfer document immediately after printing the invoice.

  • Regardless of whether you select to release back orders automatically, these will not be released:

    • for hierarchical orders
    • for lines for items that are traceable, ECC controlled or serialized
    • if the Multiple bins in use option is selected against the warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance).
    • for lines containing items that are parents or components of kits
    • for non-stocked lines where you selected Never at the option: Non-stocked action
    • for non-stocked lines with linked jobs, requisitions or purchase orders where you selected: If unattached at the Non-stocked action option.
    • for stocked lines if either the Packaging option Requested and mandatory or Requested but optional are selected. These lines must be manually shipped to ensure that packaging details are entered.

Refer to Automatic Back Orders for additional information.

Non-stocked action

These options allow you to define the procedure for releasing non-stocked items on back order at the time of partially invoicing a sales order.

These options are available only if you selected Automatic at the Back orders option.

Field Description

Select this (the default) to automatically release non-stocked items that are on back order. The back order quantity is moved to the Ship field without checking whether there are any outstanding purchase orders, requisitions or jobs for the item.


Select this to never automatically release non-stocked items on back order. Non-stocked items on back order must be released manually.

If unattached

Select this to automatically release non-stocked items that are on back order, providing they are not attached to purchase orders, requisitions or jobs.

Back order decision

By operator

Select this for the operator to be notified when any out-of-stock items are ordered.

If stock on hand is allowed to go negative, then the operator can ship the order quantity.

By warehouse

Select this for the entire order quantity to be shipped, regardless of stock availability when stock on hand is allowed to go negative (Inventory Setup - General tab). The operator is not notified.

If stock on hand is not allowed to go negative, then the operator must indicate the quantity to be shipped and the quantity to be placed on back order.

S/o import back order release

Allow changes to status 4 orders when import status is 8

Select this to be able to update the ship quantity of lines for orders that are in a status of 4 at the time of importing back order releases from an ASCII file.

Back order releases are imported using the SO Back Order Releases Import program. In order to apply this option when importing back order releases, the entry at the Status field of the import file must be 8 and the entry at the Update ship quantity field must be Y.

Supply request in Sales Order Entry If there is insufficient stock to satisfy a sales order line a check is performed which enables an Insufficient Stock window to be displayed. The options on this window enable you to select an alternate stock item, or to create a purchase order, requisition or job or to process an SCT (Supply Chain Transfer).

The check is performed immediately after you enter an order quantity and tab off that field.

This option enables you to indicate when the Insufficient Stock window must be displayed during Sales Order Entry.
On adding a line Select this to automatically display the Insufficient Stock window for the order shortage after the order quantity is entered and you tab off that field.
Whenever line is placed in backorder Select this to automatically display the Insufficient Stock window immediately the shortage quantity is placed into backorder.
Never Select this if you never want to display the Insufficient Stock window.
Only by operator selection Select this if you want the operator to manually select the Insufficient Stock Available option to display the Insufficient Stock window when a shortage occurs.
By operator preference Select this to display the Insufficient Stock window according to the Sales Order Preferences defined by the operator (see Preferences).

This enables each operator to indicate when to display the Insufficient Stock window, rather than defining this at company level.

Request when order released from status 4

Invoice Select this to request the invoice number at the time of releasing an order that is in a status of 4 if the option: Automatic invoice numbering is set to No (Numbering tab).

If you do not select this option, but the option: Order number moved to invoice number is selected (General 3 tab), then the order number is automatically assigned as the invoice number for the first invoice produced for the order. For subsequent invoices, next invoice number is assigned based on the Invoice numbering method defined (Accounts Receivable Setup).

If the option: Order number moved to invoice number is not selected then the next invoice number is assigned based on the Invoice numbering method defined (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Invoice date Select this to request the invoice date at the time of releasing an order that is in a status of 4 or when a dispatch note is released for invoicing.
Update ship date with release date

Select this to allow the Sales Order Entry program to change the order ship date when releasing an order from a status 2 (i.e. open back order).

The order ship date will then be the release date entered at the start of order entry.

This option does not apply to dispatch notes.

Order number moved to invoice number

Select this if you want the order number to be allocated as the invoice number of the first invoice generated for the order if a manual invoice number is not entered. For subsequent invoices produced for the order, the next invoice number is assigned based on the Invoice numbering method defined (Accounts Receivable Setup).

If you do not select this option, then invoices are numbered according to the Invoice numbering method defined (Accounts Receivable Setup) or are entered manually.

  • You can only select this option if the Key types for the A/R Invoice number and Sales order fields are the same (Company Maintenance - Key Types tab).
  • You cannot select this option if the option: Order release - automatic invoice numbering is set to Use delivery note (Numbering tab).
  • Do not select this if you intend to part-ship goods (where more than one invoice will be produced for one sales order) as this may result in missing invoice numbers (i.e. after the first invoice is produced, any subsequent invoices are generated with the next invoice number based on the Invoice numbering method defined (Accounts Receivable Setup) or are entered manually; subsequent cancellation of an order also results in missing invoice numbers).
  • This option does not apply to the Point of Sale Entry program.
Order date moved to invoice date for billings

Select this if you want the order date entered at the time of capturing a billing to become the invoice date for the invoice.

Otherwise, the system date is used as the invoice date.

Ask reason code when entering new credit notes

Select this to force operators to enter a reason code before they can successfully capture a credit note.

Reason codes are maintained using the Reason Code Maintenance program. The reason code and description can be printed on your Invoice and Order Acknowledgment documents.

Dangerous goods data sheets

Prompt for dangerous goods data sheets

Select this to be notified during Sales Order Entry when dangerous goods text is held against the stock item being processed for the customer.

When you save the order line, you are given the option to enter a standard comment or free format comment text. This enables you to notify customers of the delivery of dangerous goods items, where the data sheet for those items must accompany the goods, or to inform the customer of an updated specification or data sheet.


If you select this option, then we recommend that you also select the option to insert dangerous goods text automatically (General 1 tab). This ensures that the dangerous goods data sheets are always printed.

Notification frequency in days This indicates how often you want to notify a customer of dangerous goods text held against an item being ordered.

An entry of 0 indicates that you always want to notify the customer of dangerous goods text (e.g. to inform customers at least every year about dangerous goods text, enter 365 here).

When capturing an order, the program checks the date when last an invoice was raised for the customer/stock code combination, and notifies the operator of dangerous goods text only if the number of days entered here is exceeded.

Shipping via usage
  • You can define default shipping instructions against the customer (Customers).

    If you switch from Free form to Coded instructions, then you should review any existing default instructions held against customers. This is because the coded method interprets any prior free format instructions as a 2-character code and 28-character description. However, this may not reflect the meaning originally assigned to the 30-character free format instruction.

  • Only the shipping message description is printed on your documents.

Free form

Select this to use the text entered at the Shipping instructions - Default message field (Details tab) as the default text for the Ship via field (Sales Order Entry - Order Header) when capturing sales orders.

The message can be printed on delivery notes and invoices.

Irrespective of whether a default message is defined at the Default message field (Details tab), you can enter your own shipping message at the Ship via field when capturing sales order header information using the Sales Order Header Maintenance or Sales Order Entry programs.


Select this to link your shipping messages to a two character shipping instruction code.

The shipping message is displayed automatically when the code is entered at the Ship via field within the Shipping Instructions tab of the Sales Order Header Maintenance program. If the shipping code is not held on file, you can enter a 28-character shipping message description.


Field Description
Order entry detail options

Supplier/stock code interchange required

This enables you to alternate between entering a SYSPRO stock code or the supplier's catalogue number when capturing sales orders.

Capture serial numbers for orders

Select this to request the allocation of serial numbers (at line level) automatically when capturing orders for serialised items. If you do not select this option, then you will have to enter serial allocations when releasing the order for invoicing (i.e. changing the status of the order to 8).

When you select this option:

  • If multiple bins are enabled company-wide (irrespective of the multiple bins setting against the warehouse) and the item is lot traceable (with or without inspection) then serial numbers are requested automatically at line level for new orders (i.e. as if this option is selected).

  • If multiple bins are enabled company-wide, but multiple bins are disabled for the specific warehouse, then serial numbers are not requested automatically at line level for new orders if the item is not lot traceable.

  • If multiple bins are enabled for the specific warehouse, then serial numbers are requested automatically at line level for new orders (i.e. as if this option was selected) irrespective of whether the item is lot traceable.

  • If the sales order lines are linked to jobs (with or without inspection) then serial numbers are requested at the time of the job receipt if multiple bins are in use company-wide (irrespective of whether multiple bins are enabled for that warehouse).

  • Serials are requested in the Sales Order Entry program if you change the warehouse and serials were already allocated to the previous warehouse. This is irrespective of your selection here.

  • Serials are requested in the Job Receipts program when the order is linked to a job (with or without inspection) and multiple bins are in use company-wide and/or the item is lot traceable.

  • Serials are requested in the WIP Inspection program when the order is linked to a job and multiple bins are in use and/or the item is lot traceable and inspection is required.

  • Serials are only requested when reserving stock when multiple bins are not installed and the item is not lot traceable, if you also select the option: Request lots/bins/serials when reserving stock.

Single level Bill of Materials required

Select this to generate detail order lines for first level components automatically when capturing an order for a parent stock item.

You must select this option to be able to process the return of kit items using the RMA Issues and Receipts program.

Allow qty changes to optional components

This enables you to change order quantities and ship quantities for optional component lines when capturing orders for a parent stock item.

Allow change to description for stocked items

This enables you to change the description of stocked items when capturing sales orders. Changes made apply only for the order being processed (i.e. the original inventory stock description held on file is unaffected).

This does not apply to Quick Sales Order Entry.

Packaging option

This option enables you to define whether packaging details must be entered for stocked items shipped using the Sales Order Entry program. Packaging details are translated into comments which are attached to the sales order line.


If you require packaging details, then you will be unable to enter dimension details for sales orders.

Packaging details can only be printed on Order Acknowledgement, Delivery Note and Invoice documents.

Not required

Select this if you do not want to enter packaging details against sales order lines.

When selected

Select this to enter packaging details for stocked items by selecting the Packaging option from the Dimensions function of the Sales Order Entry program.

You would typically select this option if packaging details are seldom required.

Requested but optional

Select this to automatically display the Packaging Details screen when a sales order line for a stocked item is saved and the ship quantity is not equal to zero.

The operator can optionally enter packaging details or use the Cancel function to exit the Packaging Details screen.

You would select this option if you want to attach packaging details to most sales order lines for stocked items.

Requested and mandatory

Select this to automatically display the Packaging Details screen when a sales order line for a stocked item is saved and the ship quantity is not equal to zero.

The operator must enter the packaging details before being able to save the sales order line.

You typically select this option if you want to attach packaging details to all sales order lines for stocked items.


If you select this option, then:

  • all back ordered lines must be released manually, irrespective of your selection at the Back orders option (Sales Order Setup - General 3 tab). This is to ensure that packaging details are entered.

  • when releasing an order or a billing from a status of 2 (open backorder) to a status of 3 (released backorder) or to a status of 8 (released for invoice), then back ordered quantities must be manually released.

  • if part of an order is dispatched but not yet invoiced, then no additional sales order lines can be shipped until the dispatched lines are invoiced. This is to ensure that packaging details are entered for the remaining lines.

  • when copying an order, all order lines are put into back order automatically and must be shipped manually. This is to ensure that packaging details are entered.

Packaging text

Define the wording you require to be printed/displayed for the packaging comment.

Packaging details are printed as comment lines against sales order lines for stocked items. In addition, the wording you define here is displayed on the Packaging Details screen of the Sales Order Entry program.


Indicate the default wording that you want to display for the package type field.

The default wording is 'packages', but this can be changed to the package type you typically use. For example, this could be cartons, boxes, rolls, pallets, containers, etc.


Indicate the default wording that you want to use for the package contents field.

The default wording is 'containing', but this can be changed.


You use this field to indicate the default wording that you want to use for the unit of measure contained in the package.

If this field is left blank, then the order unit of measure defined on the sales order line is used for the packaging comment.

Shipping instructions

Default message

This indicates the default shipping message that is displayed at the Ship via field when capturing orders (Sales Order Entry - Order Header). This message can be overwritten when processing orders.

The message entered here is only displayed if the option: Shipping via usage is set to Free form (General 3 tab).

Reserving stock Reserving stock is controlled with these options as well as the activity: SO Allow override of reserve stock options when shipping sales orders (Operator Maintenance).
Reserving stock required Select this to be able to reserve stock when processing Sales Orders stocked and non-stocked items.

Reserving stock for a customer enables you to prevent that stock being sold to another customer. This enables you to guarantee delivery prior to the actual shipping process occurring, which enables you to improve your service levels.

Reserved quantities (Sales Order Entry) are not used in Dispatch notes. Any reserved quantity must be moved to backorder or ship if you want these order quantities to be considered for dispatching.

Default ship status This enables you to indicate whether the order quantity on the sales order must be shipped or reserved by default. This only applies when the Reserving stock required option is enabled.

This option does not apply to the Purchase Order Receipts, Job Receipts and Shipment Receipt programs. The option Order linked to a receipt is used by these programs.

If the activity: SO Allow override of reserve stock options when shipping sales orders (Operator Maintenance) is allowed for your operator code, then you can change the default when the Sales Order Entry program is loaded.

Ship quantitySelect this to ship the order quantity by default.
Reserve quantitySelect this to reserve the order quantity by default.
Request lots/bins/serials when reserving stock

This enables you to indicate when lots, bin and serial information must be entered when processing sales orders and reserving stock.

If you select this option, then lot, bin and serial information must be entered when stock is placed in reserve, except when:

  • the option Capture serial numbers for orders is not selected, and multiple bins are not installed, and the item is not lot traceable.

  • Apply automatic depletion inSales orders is enabled (Inventory Setup - Depletion). Lots are allocated automatically from the first lot that can fully satisfy the requirement.

If you do not select this option, then you will only be prompted to enter lot, bin and serial information at the time the items are shipped.

If the activity: SO Allow override of reserve stock options when shipping sales orders (Operator Maintenance) is selected for your operator code, then you can set this option when the Sales Order Entry program is loaded.

Order linked to a receipt This enables you to indicate the action to take when processing receipts using the Purchase Order Receipts, Job Receipts and Shipment Receipt programs, when the Purchase Order or Job being receipted is linked to a sales order.
Quantity shippedSelect this if you always want the quantity to be placed in ship when the receipt is processed.
Quantity reservedSelect this if you always want the quantity to be placed in reserve when the receipt is processed.

Any lot and serial information entered against the receipt is automatically added to the order, as the receipt is specifically for the current order.

Reserve if status 4 or 8Select this if you want the quantity to be placed in reserved only if the sales order is in a status of 4 or 8. Refer to Sales Order Status Codes for information on sales order status codes.

The quantity received is moved into ship unless the linked sales order is in a status of 4 or 8. If the order is in a status of 4 or 8, it is reserved. This means that the invoice process continues with what was previously allocated to the order and then the new receipt can be released.

Special instructions


This enables you to assign your own wording for the Special instructions field. This field can be printed on delivery notes and invoices.

User defined field per order line


You use this field to assign your own wording to a user defined field that can be accessed for each order line entered. This field is accessed within the Extra function of the Sales Order Entry program.

Dates used in serial number entry

Expiry date required

Select this to enter an expiry date for manual serial numbers entered during sales order processing.

Scrap date required

Select this to enter a scrap date for manual serial numbers entered during sales order processing.


Field Description
Credit checking

No credit checking is performed within SYSPRO on Forward orders, Credit notes and Debit notes.

Check customer's credit limit

Select this if you want credit checking to be based on the customer's credit limit (i.e. whether the customer's balance and outstanding order value exceeds the credit limit).

If a customer fails a credit check, then the entered order is placed into suspense until the appropriate credit authority is entered to release the order. If you select this option then you can additionally indicate the point at which credit checking must be applied when processing a sales order. This is achieved using the options:

  • Apply check to current orders only
  • Apply check when quantity moved to ship
  • Exclude all order lines which fail credit check in B/O Release

If you enable either of the Credit checking options (i.e. Check customer's credit limit or Check customer's invoice terms) then you can define credit checking to be applied selectively by customer (Customers).

Check customer's invoice terms

Select this if you want credit checking to be based on the customer's invoice terms. Credit checking on invoice terms is performed automatically when processing sales orders within the Sales Order Entry program.


If you enable either of the Credit checking options (i.e. Check customer's credit limit or Check customer's invoice terms) then you can define credit checking to be applied selectively by customer (Customers).

This is calculated based on the Invoice terms code (AR Invoice Terms), the Invoice ageing method (Accounts Receivable Setup), the settings on this Terms/Margins tab and AR customer settings (Customers).

Assume the Invoice terms code is set to Discount days = 30, Discount percent =-2.50, Discount option and Invoice due option both set to Number of days:

  • If Use customer status for terms check is not enabled, then:

    No of days over limit = ArCustomer.HighInvDays - 30 days (from the Invoice Terms defined).

    If the No of days over limit > ZERO, then invoice terms have been exceeded.

  • If Use customer status for terms check is enabled, then:

    No of days over limit = (ArCustomer.CreditStatus x 30) - 30 days (from Invoice terms defined)

    If No of days over limit > ZERO, then the invoice terms have been exceeded.

Use customer credit status for terms check

This option is only available if you selected the option: Check customer's invoice terms.

Select this if you want credit checking on invoice terms to use the credit status defined against the customer as part of the credit checking calculation.


When you select this option, you should run the Balance function of the AR Period End program and select the option: Reset customer credit status on a daily basis.

If you select this option, then the terms credit check calculates the number of days outstanding as: 30 times the Credit status defined against the customer (Customers - General Details), less the number of days defined against that customer's Invoice terms code (Customers - Customer Details). If the result is positive, then the terms are deemed to have been exceeded.

If you do not select this option, then the terms credit check is based on the number of days that the oldest, non-credit transaction is outstanding against the customer.


The customer's invoice terms are 30 days. The customer's credit status is 3. The date of the oldest non-credit transaction against the customer is 28 February 2004. A sales order is captured on 8 June 2004.

If this option is not selected, then the message displayed indicates that the customer's terms have been exceeded by 71 days.

If this option is selected, then the message displayed indicates that the customer's terms have been exceeded by 60 days, calculated as: (30 x 3) - 30 (i.e. (30 x the credit status of 3) less invoice terms of 30).

Refer to Credit Status for additional examples.

Apply check to current orders only

This option is enabled if you indicated that credit checking is based on the customer's credit limit.

Select this to apply credit limit checking at the time an invoice is about to be produced (i.e. Orders in a status of 8), regardless of whether you selected the option: No check at the Credit check for orders that are to be released.

Credit checking is not done when the order is captured, but only when it is invoiced.

This check is based on the sum of the following:

  • the value of the invoice about to be produced (for non-zero ship quantity lines and freight/miscellaneous charges still to be invoiced)
  • the customer's current balance
  • the ship value of any orders for the customer which are in a status of ready to be invoiced.

Negative orders (i.e. Credit notes) are ignored from this credit check.

Apply check when quantity moved to ship

Select this to perform credit checking on current orders at the time an order is shipped.

This check is based on the customer's credit limit only.

This option only applies when Apply check to current orders only is enabled.

This check is performed in the following programs/situations:

  • S/O Entry: when a ship quantity is entered and the order ended

  • S/O Entry Maintenance: when the quantity is moved from backorder to ship and the order ended

  • S/O Back Order Release: when a sales order line is released to ship (i.e. when you select to Apply release Quantity)

  • Import S/O Backorder Releases: when data in the import file indicates a quantity has moved from backorder to ship

  • Dispatch Note Review: when the dispatch note is created from lines where the quantity is dispatched from backorder

  • Dispatch Note Maintenance: when adding freight and/or miscellaneous charges changes the value of a dispatch note

  • Document Print: when the backorder quantity is automatically moved to ship after printing an invoice. Only applies when Back orders is set to Automatic (General 3)

  • Purchase Order Receipts and Inspection: when the back ordered quantity on a sales order is shipped due to the receipt of a related purchase order

  • Work in Progress: when the back ordered quantity on a sales order is shipped due to the receipt of a related job

  • Work in Progress Part Billings: when creating, updating or appending to a sales order linked to a job and the ship quantity is affected in the transaction being processed

  • Receipt in from Landed Cost Tracking: when receipting in an LCT shipment and the quantity received is moved from backorder to ship on a linked sales order

  • Quotation Confirmation: when creating a sales order or when appending to a sales order during the quotation confirmation process

  • RMA Issues and Receipts: when selecting to create a sales order when receipting in returned items against an RMA when an exchange, a short shipment or cross shipment occurs.

Exclude all order lines which fail credit check in B/O Release

Select this to ignore order lines that fail a customer credit limit check applied at the time the order is shipped (when selecting either the Apply release quantity or Release all lines functions of the Back Order Release program) and to place the order into a status of 2 (i.e. open backorder).

If you do not select this option, then orders are placed into a status of suspense if any order lines fail the credit check applied at the time of shipping the order.


You can only access this option if you select the Apply check when quantity moved to ship option.

Include tax in customer order value

Select this to include tax when calculating a customer's outstanding order value and/or released order value.

If you select this option together with the option Apply check to current orders only, then tax is included in the customer's order value for credit limit checking purposes at the time an invoice is about to be produced.

If you select this option and the option Apply check when quantity moved to ship, then tax is included when checking the customer's order value for credit limit checking purposes at the time an order is shipped.

This option is only enabled when you select the option: Check customer's credit limit.

This option is not available if USA tax is in use (Tax Options - General tab). When USA tax is in force, tax is always excluded from the credit checking calculations. USA tax is always exclusive, so the order value is always exclusive, whereas with other tax methods the order value may or may not include tax.

Include tax in customer invoiced value

Select this to include tax when calculating a customer's invoiced order value for credit limit checking purposes.

This option is only enabled when you select the option: Check customer's credit limit.

This option is not available if USA tax is in use (Tax Options - General tab). When USA tax is in force, tax is always excluded from the credit checking calculations. USA tax is always exclusive, so the order value is always exclusive, whereas with other tax methods the order value may or may not include tax.

Reset credit status after invoicing

Select this to reset a customer's credit status after using the Document Print program to process a credit note against an invoice.


The credit status is only reset if the activity: SO Reset customer credit status after credit invoice is allowed for the operator processing the credit note (Operator Maintenance).

Credit check for orders that are to be released

This indicates the manner in which you want credit checking to be performed when releasing an order for invoicing. This check is performed at the time of releasing an order:

  • from a status of 2 (open back order) to a status of 3 (released back order)
  • from a status of 4 (in warehouse) to a status of 8 (release for invoice)
  • when printing an invoice during order maintenance when the order is in a status of 1 (open order) or 3 (released back order)
No check

Select this if you do not require credit checking to be performed at the time of releasing an order for invoicing (i.e. From a status of 4 to a status of 8).


If you have enabled the option: Apply check to current orders only, then a credit authority must be entered to release orders that exceed the customer's credit terms and/or credit limit.

Check and authorize to release

Select this to prevent an order from being released without the necessary authorization.

If you select this option, then at the point that an order is released (usually moved to status 8 or when printing an invoice from any other status), then a credit check is carried out. If the check fails, then the order has to be authorized before continuing. If you select the option Check and reject if fail, then the order is checked, but cannot be authorized at that time.

Check and reject if fail

Select this to prevent an order from being released for invoicing when the customer's credit terms and/or credit limit is exceeded.

  • Your selection at this option is ignored by the Back Order Release program.

  • If you select this option together with the option Apply check to current orders only, then an order which fails the credit check remains in its current status until the customer's outstanding balance is reduced or the customer's credit limit is increased sufficiently to allow the order to be released for invoicing.

    If you select this option but not the option Apply check to current orders only, then an order which fails the credit is put into suspense.

Credit authority needed to release orders placed in suspense manually

Select this to ensure that a credit authority is requested when releasing orders that were placed in a status of suspense manually.

Minimum price percentage above cost

This allows you to indicate at what level you want to set a minimum percentage amount by which the price must exceed the cost for stocked and non-stocked items.

Margin checking also applies to Quotations.

  • The margin check is only performed when the order line is entered and saved (i.e. the cost is checked at the time of entering the line. If the cost of the item changes later, no further check is done). For example: You create an order and place an item on backorder. You then create a purchase order (or a job) for the item. If, when you receipt the purchase order or job, the cost has changed, no margin check is performed again.

  • Margin checking is based on Current cost if your costing method is defined as Standard or Average Costing, and on Last cost if your costing method is defined as FIFO, LIFO or Last cost (Inventory Setup - General tab).

Not required

Select this to disable the facility of setting a minimum price percentage above cost check into the system.

Company margin

Select this to apply the minimum price margin percentage check at company level.

Stock code margin Select this to apply the minimum price margin percentage check at stock code level. This option is used only if you have assigned a minimum margin to the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).
Minimum price percentage above cost

Indicate the minimum percentage amount by which the price must exceed the cost.

  • This does not apply to credit notes or inter-branch transfers. In addition, if FIFO costing is installed (Inventory Setup) then the last cost is used to establish the margin check.

  • Margin checking is based on Current cost if your costing method is defined as Standard or Average Costing, and on Last cost if your costing method is defined as FIFO, LIFO or Last cost (Inventory Setup - General tab).

Minimum price % above cost margin override allowed

Select this to be able to continue processing an order, regardless of whether the minimum price margin has been exceeded.

If you do not select this option, then you will be unable to continue processing a sales order that has exceeded this minimum price percentage above cost margin.

Margin check based on

This options enables you to define the order value on which the margin check must be based.

Margin checking is based on Current cost if your costing method is defined as Standard or Average Costing, and on Last cost if your costing method is defined as FIFO, LIFO or Last cost (Inventory Setup - General tab).

Margin checking is applied to kits as follows:

  • Kit type F - margin checking is performed on the parent.
  • Kit type K - margin checking is performed on each individual component of the kit.
  • Kit type S - no margin checking is performed at all.

Select this to base the minimum margin check on the extended order line value excluding any line discounts.

Net value

Select this to base the minimum margin check on the extended order line value including line discounts.


Field Description
Order status codes used in Order Purge price update

Your selections made here are used by the Order Purge program as the basis for updating sales order prices where there have been changes to the price of a stocked item. Only sales orders matching the order status selected here are processed.

Prices defined in customer contracts are excluded.

The following order statuses (displayed in brackets) can be selected for inclusion:

  • Order ready for printing (1)
  • Held backorder (2)
  • Backorder released for printing (3)
  • Warehouse (4)
  • Released for invoicing (8)
  • Forward order (not allocated) (F)
  • Credit check suspense (S)

Dispatch notes are not included in this list as they take the price of the order when invoiced and are not dynamically updated with price changes done on an order either through Sales Order Entry or Order Purge.

Contract pricing

Prompt for expired contracts if lowest price

Select this to be able to apply an expired contract price (if it is the lowest price) to a contract customer during sales order entry. If the operator does not select to apply the expired contract price, then the program searches for the next lowest unexpired price as normal. This facility can be password-protected (Password Definition).

Use line date for contract pricing (scheduled orders)

Select this to use the line ship date (instead of the document or order date) as the date for checking the contract prices of scheduled orders. For normal orders, the document date or order date is used to determine contract prices.

Contract pricing is defined using the Contract Prices program.


Irrespective of whether you select this option, if you maintain an order line and change the ship date, the price is not automatically recalculated according to the contract dates.

Warn if no contracts exist

Select this to be notified that there are no contracts on file for the current customer/stock code combination, whenever you attempt to retrieve contract prices (e.g. When entering an order or quotation).

Pricing method

Refer to Pricing and Discounts for additional information.


Select this if you always want to enter a stock item's price manually for each order line.


Select this for the price of a stock item to be established from a combination of the entry held against the customer's Auto price code selection field (Customers) and whether the stock item's pricing method is coded or discounted (Stock Code Maintenance).


Select this for the price of a stock item to be established by matching the stock item's Price category (Stock Code Maintenance) to a position in the customer's Price category/code table (Customers). The applicable price code or discount code is then retrieved depending on whether the stock item's pricing method is set to Coded or Discounted respectively.


Regardless of the pricing method you select, if a contract price is assigned to a customer then the contract takes precedence.

Quantity discount price update

When using quantity discounted pricing, you may want to recalculate the price to take account of changes made. However, if you have a contract that fixes the price, then you do not want the price to be recalculated automatically.

This option enables you to control the price update of a stocked line with quantity discounted pricing.


Select this to always recalculate the price on the sales order, regardless of whether changes have been made to the line. This caters for a situation where the quantity discounted price has changed.

When order quantity changed

Select this to recalculate the price on the sales order only when a change is made to the order quantity of the line.


Select this if you do not want the price to be recalculated on the order.

Line discount calculation

When applying discount, the system calculates the discount and then applies rounding to the result. The net amount is then calculated by subtracting the discount from the gross amount.

This option applies to both the Sales Orders and Quotations modules.

When applying rounding to discount, any amount below 5 is rounded down and any amount of 5 or more is rounded up.

Note that the end result also depends on the entry at the Number of decimals for contract and net unit prices field below.

For example:

Assume that the Unit price is 5.804, the Quantity is 6 and the Discount is 25%.

  • Line discount calculation:

    Calculate gross line value: Unit price multiplied by quantity = 5.804 * 6 = 34.824, which is 34.82 when rounded off.

    Then calculate the discount: Discount = 34.82 * 25 / 100 = 8.705 which is 8.71 when rounded off.

    Then calculate net amount: 34.82 - 8.71 = 26.11

  • Price discount calculation:

    Calculate discounted price: Price less discount = 5.804 - (5.804 * 25 / 100) = 4.35300 (note that here we are working with the full price size which is 5 decimal places, so we are rounding off to 5 places at the moment).

    Then round the net price off to the number of decimals specified at the Number of decimals for contract and net unit prices field below. If this is 3, then the net price is 4.353

    Then calculate line value after discount as net price multiplied by quantity = 4.353 * 6 = 26.118 which is 26.12 when rounded off.

Line discount

Select this to calculate line discounts by multiplying the price of an item by the quantity ordered and then applying the discount applicable.

Price discount

Select this to calculate line discounts by applying the discount to the unit price before multiplying this by the quantity ordered. This enables you to establish the net unit price of a line to which the quantity is then applied.

Basis for contract pricing

Document date

Select this to use the system or company date to determine the validity of the price. The system/company date must be in the range of the valid sales order contract (see Contract Prices), for the correct price to be used on a sales order. The ship date entered in the sales order header (Sales Order Header Maintenance) is ignored.

Order date

Select this to use the date entered in the Order date field of the Order Header section of the Sales Order Entry program to determine the validity of price contracts. The date in the Order date field must be in the range of the valid sales order contract (see Contract Prices),for the correct price to be used on a sales order.

The system date and the ship date entered in the sales order header (Sales Order Header Maintenance) are ignored.

Contract price and net unit price calculation

This option applies to both the Sales Orders and Quotations modules.

Number of decimals for contract and net unit prices

Select this to indicate the number of decimals to use when calculating contract prices and net unit prices. The number of decimals normally applied to pricing calculations is three. This option enables you to round the calculated price to two, three, four, or five decimals.


This option only affects contract prices that are calculated (i.e. mark-up list price, mark-up cost by a percentage, quantity discount breaks, list price less a percentage, list price less chain discount, coded less chain discount).

Include in order discount breaks

Select this to include in the calculation of line discounts, those order lines where contract pricing is in use. When processing order lines attached to contracts (either from sales order entry, or by confirming a release from the blanket sales orders and releases system) and the contract is defined as a flat price, coded, list price less a percentage, or mark-up cost by a percentage, then these lines are included in the order line discount calculation.


Contract prices based on a discount (i.e. Quantity discount breaks, list price less chain discount and coded less chain discount) are excluded from the order line discount calculation.


Field Description
Default unit of measure for order quantity

Select the unit of measure you want to use as the default when entering orders for stocked lines.


Select this to use the stocking unit of measure as the default when entering orders for stocked lines.


Select this to use the alternate unit of measure as the default when entering orders for stocked lines.


Select this to use the other unit of measure as the default when entering orders for stocked lines.

Unit of measure options

Request unit of measure for order quantity

Select this to be able to change the default unit of measure displayed at the Order quantity field when capturing an order.

Unit of measure conversion factors are theoretical

Select this to indicate that the relationship between the ordering unit of measure and the stocking unit of measure is not absolute.

An example of unit of measures that are absolute is if you sell items by the dozen (i.e. there are always 12 items in a dozen).

An example of when you would use the theoretical unit of measure feature is if you sell boxes of fruit that you stock in kilograms, but sell by the box. Theoretically, there should be 10 kilograms of fruit in a box. However, only at the time of actually selling (shipping) the fruit do you know exactly how many kilograms you have sold.

When processing orders, the order unit measure used is the absolute unit of measure (i.e. box in this example).

If the weight sold is not equal to the absolute weight (i.e. 10 kilograms in this example), then you can maintain the order or dispatch note and enter the actual weight shipped in the stocking quantity to ship field.

Against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance), you enter the theoretical unit of measure (i.e. kilograms in this example) in the stocking unit of measure field and the absolute unit of measure (i.e. box) in the alternate unit of measure field.


This option is used only for orders that are in a status of 4 or 8 and when adding or changing Dispatch Notes.

See also Sales weight analysis - Random (pricing quantity) in Stock Code Maintenance Sales Details pane.

Unit discount calculated on

The Discount value entered against the Unit discount value on a sales order line can either be multiplied by the Order quantity or the Ship quantity to arrive at the total unit discount value for the order line. This option enables you to define which quantity to use in the calculation.

Order quantity to ship

Select this to calculate the unit discount for an order line based on the quantity specified at the Order quantity field.


This option is available only if you indicated that Unit of measure conversion factors are theoretical.

Actual stocking quantity to ship

Select this to calculate that the unit discount for an order line on the quantity specified in the Ship quantity field.

Tax options

Allow changes to tax codes for stocked items

Select this to be able to override the tax code assigned to stock items during processing in the Sales Order Entry program.

Allow changes to tax and GST codes for stocked items

Select this to be able to override the tax and GST codes assigned to stock items during processing in the Sales Order Entry program.

Use tax code from stock item or service charge for credit notes

Select this to indicate that credit notes processed for stocked lines must use the tax code held against the stock item, instead of the default tax code for credit notes (Tax Options).

In addition, credit notes processed for service charge lines must use the tax code held against the service charge, instead of the default tax code for credit notes (Tax Options).

  • Credit notes processed for non-stocked, miscellaneous and freight charge lines will use the default tax code for credit notes (Tax Options).

  • If no tax code is held against the stock item or the service charge, the program defaults to using the default tax code for credit notes (Tax Options).

Reduce S/O value by tax amount when tax is inclusive

Select this to reduce extended sales order line values by the tax amount if the tax code is inclusive.


You will be unable to access this option if the USA tax by advanced geocodes or the USA AVP sales tax system is enabled (Tax Options).

If you select this option and the tax code is inclusive, then the order values on the following reports are reduced by the tax amount:

The values are also reduced on the Order Intake Query query.

In addition, you will be able to view sales order values inclusive or exclusive of tax when using the Value Sales Orders program.

Customer's company tax registration mandatory

Certain tax authorities require the customer's company tax registration number to be printed on an invoice.

You assign a tax registration number against a customer using the Customers program. Alternatively, you can capture the tax registration number against the Tax Information tab of the Sales Order Header Maintenance program.

Field Description
Not mandatory

Select this if you do not want the system to perform checks on a customer's company tax registration number.

You would typically select this if the customer's company tax registration number field is not used (Customers - General Details).


Select this to indicate that the customer's company tax registration number must be captured before an invoice can be produced for the customer.

Order entry

Select this to indicate that the customer's company tax registration number must be captured before an order can be added using the Sales Order Entry program or before processing a point of sale entry using the Point of Sale Entry program.

If you have been denied access to the field: S/O Customer company tax registration no (Operator Maintenance - Security - Fields), then you cannot process an order or a point of sale entry for a customer whose company tax registration number is not defined (Customers - General Details).

Default freight GST code

This allows you to set the default GST code that you want to display when entering freight charges during processing in the Sales Order Entry program.


You can only access this field if your nationality code is defined as CAN (System Setup) and you have enabled the option: Canadian GST required (Tax Options).

Default miscellaneous, non-stocked GST code

This allows you to set the default GST code that you want to display when entering miscellaneous and non-stocked lines during processing in the Sales Order Entry program.


You can only access this field if your nationality code is defined as CAN (System Setup) and you have enabled the option: Canadian GST required (Tax Options).


Field Description

Commission to be calculated

Select this if you require salesperson commissions to be calculated for sales orders.

Commissionable value calculation basis

Merchandise sales after discounts

Select this to base commission on the sale of merchandise after discounts have been applied.

Profit on merchandise sales

Select this to base commission on the profit gained from net merchandise sales.

Merchandise quantity x list price

Select this to base commission on the merchandise sale quantity multiplied by the list price of the item, regardless of the actual price entered against the order line.

Commission calculation

Using percentage against Salesperson

Select this to multiply the commissionable amount by the commission percentage assigned to the salesperson.

Using code against price

Select this to multiply the commissionable amount by the percentage assigned to the commission code of the price code used in the order.

No commission calculation

Select this if you do not require commission to be calculated.

Commission code

Request code for coded prices

Select this to request the commission code whenever the commission is based on price.

Default commission code

This allows you to set the default commission code that you want to use when capturing orders in the Sales Order Entry program.

The default code entered here is used as the default code by the Sales Order Entry program when no commission code is defined for the stock code's price code (Stock Code Price Maintenance).


Field Description
Sales Order numbering method  

Select this to enter sales order numbers manually at the time of creating the order.

By company

Select this for the system to assign the next order numbers automatically, based on the entries you make at the Next sales order, Next credit note, and Next debit note fields alongside.

You can only select this option if the sales order key type is defined as numeric.

By branch

Select this for the system to assign the next order numbers automatically, based on the numbering defined for the Branch associated with the sale (i.e. the numbering you defined against each branch using the AR Branches program).

If your Sales order key type is set to Alphanumeric (Set Key Information), then you can assign a single character as a prefix to the document numbers generated by each branch. This enables you to easily identify the branch that generated the document.

If you have multiple branches and you are not using a prefix, then you need to select the range of numbers for each branch in such a way that the numbers for the different branches do not overlap (see AR Branches).

Use source branch for SCT orders

Select this if you want the next order number assigned to a supply chain transfer order to be determined by the numbering method of the branch that is assigned to the source warehouse.

If you do not select this option, then the numbering method of the branch assigned to the target warehouse determines the next order number assigned to a supply chain transfer order.

Generate delivery note numbers

Although delivery note numbers need not be generated, they are useful for uniquely identifying multiple deliveries for a single sales order.


Select this if you do not want to number your delivery notes.

By company

Select this to generate delivery note numbers using the entry made at the Next delivery note field alongside.

By branch

Select this to generate delivery note numbers based on the numbering defined for the branch associated with the sale (see AR Branches).

By branch - with prefix

Select this to generate delivery note numbers based on the numbering defined for the branch, together with a prefix. The prefix can assist in identifying the branch that generated the document.

At the time of printing a delivery note, the next delivery note number from the branch associated with the transaction is assigned to the document (AR Branches).

You cannot select this option if your sales order key type is set to Numeric (Set Key Information).

Duplicate invoice numbers

Checks exist within SYSPRO to ensure that invoice numbers originating from within the Sales Order and Accounts Receivable modules are not duplicated. These checks are performed by default.

Allow same number for different customers

Select this to be able to use duplicate invoice numbers providing these are for different customers (i.e. you want to be able to use the same invoice number against different customers).

If you do not select this option, then all Sales invoices and AR Invoices created within this SYSPRO company must have an unique number (i.e. no duplicate invoice numbers are allowed within this SYSPRO company).

This applies irrespective of both the order and the invoice numbering methods selected.

When you select this option and an invoice number is already allocated to a customer (e.g. by selecting the option to move order number to invoice number or by allocating on release of the order), the allocated number is checked against existing invoices for that customer. If it already exists, then the invoice is not processed; otherwise the number is used.

When you select this option, and an invoice number is not yet allocated, the next available number to use is checked against the existing invoices for the customer. If the next available number has not yet been used, then it is used for the invoice. If the next available number already exists against the customer, then an attempt is made to find a number not yet used. If, after 10 tries, this search is unsuccessful, then an error message is displayed.

When this option is not selected, the system builds the AR Invoice Reference table of existing invoice numbers allocated and used. The Allocated Invoice Number Query program enables you to query this table.

When this option is selected, then the AR Invoice Reference table is not built as the system merely checks that the invoice number you want to use does not already exist against the customer.

When you select this option and the AR Invoice Reference table has already been built (i.e. you had the option deselected previously), you are warned that the AR Invoice Reference table will be cleared. No information is then displayed by the Allocated Invoice Number Query program. However, if you deselect this option at a later stage, then the table is rebuilt, but the date, time and operator information for invoice allocation and creation be lost.

Order numbering

Next sales order

Indicate the next sales order number that the system will use, if order numbers are being generated at company level.

Next credit note

Indicate the next credit note number that the system will use, if order numbers are being generated at company level.


This number must be in the range 800000 to 899999.

Next debit note

Indicate the next debit note number that the system will use, if order numbers are being generated at company level.


This number must be in the range 900000 to 999999.

Delivery note numbering - by company

Next delivery note

Indicate the next delivery note number that the system will use, if delivery note numbers are being generated at company level.

Order release - automatic invoice numbering


Select this to assign an invoice number automatically when you release an order.

The number allocated to the first invoice generated for the order is the order number if you select the option: Order number moved to invoice number (General 3 tab). Otherwise it is the next invoice number by branch or by company, based on the Invoice numbering method selected (Accounts Receivable Setup - Numbering tab).

Even if you select this option, a manual invoice number can be entered when processing a Billing if the option: Billing type is set to Post-billing with invoice (General 1 tab).


Select this to assign the next invoice number manually when you release the order.


If you select his option, then invoice numbers are only checked against the customer for duplication and not against the company. This means that it is possible to have duplicate invoice numbers in the system (i.e. the same invoice number against two or more customers).

An invoice number can only be entered against an order if the option: Request when order released from status 4 is set to Invoice (General 3 tab) and against a Billing if the option: Billing type is set to Post-billing with invoice (General 1 tab). If an invoice number is not entered manually, then:

  • the sales order number is allocated to the first invoice for the order if the option: Order number moved to invoice number is selected (General 3 tab).
  • the next invoice number by branch or by company is allocated to the invoice, based on the Invoice numbering method selected (Accounts Receivable Setup).

    For subsequent invoices for a billing, a manual invoice number must be entered.

Use delivery note

Select this for the last generated delivery note number to be assigned automatically as the invoice number when releasing an order.

You cannot select this option if:

  • you selected the option: Order number moved to invoice number (General 3) and/or you do not require delivery note numbers to be generated.
  • your Delivery note numbering method is By branch - with prefix and the Invoice number key type is set to Numeric (Set Key Information)
  • your Delivery note numbering method is By company or By branch and the Invoice number key type is set to Alphanumeric (Set Key Information)


Field Description
Maintenance of Sales Orders after delivery note printed

This option is set at company level and therefore applies to all operators.

These options apply to any order in a status of delivery note printed or later, including billings and credit notes.

There are, however, operator activities which affect the maintenance of sales orders (see Security Activities). You could therefore allow maintenance at company level and then disallow selected operators from maintaining orders after the delivery note is printed.

No maintenance allowed

Select this to disable order maintenance functions if a delivery note has been produced for an order.


The functionality to cancel non-invoiced order lines can be selectively allowed per operator using the operator activity: SO Cancel non-invoiced lines on a partially invoiced sales order (Operator Maintenance).

No maintenance allowed but with option to cancel

Select this to disable order maintenance functions if a delivery note has been produced for an order, except for cancelling an order line or the entire order.

Maintenance allowed

Select this to enable the order maintenance functions if a delivery note has been produced for an order.


This functionality can be selectively denied per operator using the operator activity: S/O Maintain s/order after d/note print (Operator Maintenance).

On-line printing options

If you do not select any documents to print on-line (or you only select delivery notes) then order entry does not display the posting period window, nor does it validate whether the Inventory and Accounts Receivable modules are in the same period.

Delivery notes

Select this to print delivery notes on-line when processing sales orders.


Select this to print invoices on-line when processing sales orders.

Invoice reprint allowed

Select this to be able to reprint invoices on-line when processing orders.

Order acknowledgments

Select this to print order acknowledgments on-line when processing sales orders.

Reprinting custom forms

Save custom form for reprinting with invoice

Select this to save sales order custom form information against invoice reprint details and to allow this to be retrieved at the time of reprinting the invoice. This information is deleted when you select the Purge invoice reprint file option in the Order Purge program.

Custom form fields defined against the sales order (header) and individual sales order lines are saved for reprinting.

Invoice custom form data is created when an Order is printed (Document Print). It can be viewed and maintained using the Sales Invoice Query program.

Delivery note options

Print delivery note lines with zero quantity to ship

Select this to print all order lines on delivery notes, regardless of whether there is any quantity to be shipped.

Regardless of your selection here, if you select the Print Option: Print all back-ordered lines (SO Document Format - Preferences), when defining the delivery note format, then details for back-ordered lines are printed on the delivery note.


This option relates only to merchandise lines (i.e. Stocked and non-stocked) on delivery notes. Regardless of whether you select this option, freight, miscellaneous and comment lines are printed if you have configured these fields against the document format. To prevent the printing of delivery notes that contain only comment lines, select the Print delivery note only if merchandise line print option SO Document Format.

Plus/less wording required on delivery note/invoice

Select this to print on delivery notes and invoices the plus/less wording for any chained discount percentages entered against an order.

Initial invoice printing

Regardless of your selections here, if you select the Print Option: Print all back-ordered lines (SO Document Format - Preferences), when defining the invoice format, then details for back-ordered lines are printed on the invoice.

Print all lines

Select this to print all orders lines on the initial invoice, including lines with a zero quantity to ship.

Subsequent invoices will print only those lines where there are goods to ship.

Print only lines with ship quantity

Select this to print only lines with a non-zero ship quantity on the initial invoice.

Counter Sales

Field Description
Counter sales defaults

Invoice format

This indicates the default invoice format you want to use for counter sales invoices and point of sales documents. It overrides the default of 0 at the Format number field in the Sales Order Entry program.

Field Description
Define Format

Select this to use the SO Document Format program to set up the page layout for the printing of your counter sales invoices and point of sales documents.

Document wording

Specify default wording that you want to print on your counter sales and point of sales documents.

This includes the following:

  • Payment block wording

  • Deposit receipt block wording

  • Deposit adjustment block wording

  • Deposit refund block wording

  • Total deposit wording

    The total deposit is only printed on an invoice if more than one deposit was processed for the counter sale order.

  • Miscellaneous charge wording


This indicates the default counter sales or point of sales customer you want to use when processing an order.

This customer code is used only if you have not defined a default Counter sales customer against the operator (Operator Maintenance - Defaults tab).

If a default customer is defined here and against the operator, then the default customer defined against the operator is used.

You can also define customers as cash only customers by selecting the option: Counter sales only (Customers - Customer Details). This prevents credit sale transactions from being processed for these customers.

Deposit format

This indicates the default format you want to use for counter sales deposits.

You use the SO Document Format program to define the fields you want to print on the deposit document.

Counter sales options

Display change due after printing invoice

Select this to display change due after printing a counter sales invoice or a point of sale document (either from a new order or as a result of maintaining an existing order).

The change due from the last invoice is displayed when you return to either the Customer field or the Order number field.

Use 1 as the default order quantity

Select this for the order quantity to default to 1 in Sales Order Entry. You can override this quantity at the time of capturing the counter sale (or point of sale) during order entry.

Change order to a counter sale when using 'take payment'

Select this to change the order type of a normal order to be a counter sales type order when processing deposit transactions against the order.

  • If you select this option together with the option: Only allow deposits if there are quantities on back order, then the sales order must be in a status of 4 or 8 before you can process a payment or a deposit.
  • This option does not apply to the Point of Sales Entry system.
Only allow deposits if there are quantities on backorder

Select this if you only want to be able to process deposits for counter sales if the order has a quantity on backorder.

Allow to close a counter sale without making a payment

Select this to be able to close a counter sale without processing a payment, regardless of whether there is an undistributed amount.

This is useful where, for example, the merchandise line is on back order but the counter sale includes freight and/or miscellaneous charges which should only be invoiced when the merchandised line is shipped.

If you select this option, then the End Sales Order function is enabled on the counter sales screen.


This option does not apply to Point of Sale Entry.

Change payment code for paying cash out/taking cash in

Select this to allow operators to change the default payment code defined against the option: Payment code for paying cash out/taking cash in when processing transactions to pay cash out or take cash in.


You can prevent operators from changing the payment code by denying them access to the field: Counter Sales payment code cash in/out (Operator Maintenance).

Allow foreign payments to be made to a local currency customer

Select this to be able to process a payment in a foreign currency for a local currency customer. This only applies to Normal payment types processed using the Counter Sales program.

Show payments on sales order as comments

Select this to display and print counter sales payments as comment lines against the order/invoice.

If you do not select this option, then details of counter sales payments can be printed on sales order documents as payment lines (see SO Document Format).

Show deposits on sales order as comments

Select this to display and print counter sales deposits as comments against the order/invoice. When more than one deposit is taken against a counter sale, an additional comment line indicates the current total deposit amount on the Sales Order.

If you do not select this option, then counter sales deposits can be printed on sales order documents as deposit lines (see SO Document Format).

Default payment code for change given

This allows you to set the default payment code that you want to use when giving change.

You can override this code during payment entry.

Payment code for paying cash out/taking cash in

Select this to set the default payment code to use when processing transactions where cash is paid out of the cash drawer, or taken into the cash drawer.

Payment codes are defined using the Browse on Payment Codes program.

If the option: Change payment code for paying cash out/taking cash in is selected, then the payment code can be changed at the time of paying cashing out or taking cash in.

List of invoice formats to print continuously

This allows you to enter a list of up to 10 invoice formats for which you want to print invoices on continuous stationery (with one header and one total section).

If you leave this blank, then your invoices will print on standard invoice stationery with a header section on each page and both a header and total section on the last page.

Credit card storage method This enables you to restrict entry of the credit card number in the Counter Sales program and display of the credit card number on the Counter Sales Report.
All digits Select this to be able to enter up to 18 digits for the credit card number in the Counter Sales program and to print this number on the Counter Sales Report.
None Select this if you do not want to enter a credit card number in the Counter Sales program. No credit card number is printed on the Counter Sales Report.
Last four digits Select this to only be able to enter up to four digits for the credit card number in the Counter Sales program and to print only these four digits on the Counter Sales Report.

Load Planning

Field Description
Load planning options

You use load planning to improve your picking, planning, scheduling and delivery of orders.

Load planning assists in determining when orders can be delivered, as well as improving the actual picking and loading of goods for subsequent delivery.


The Load Planning system does not attempt to optimize routes or to monitor the actual delivery process.

Load planning required Select this to enable the Load Planning facility.

Once you have enabled load planning you need to configure a route code against each customer (or warehouse, for an SCT order) to indicate the standard delivery method as well as a distance (or sequence) to indicate the order in which the load must be delivered. You associate a delivery frequency with each route (e.g. every 7 days) as well as the number of deliveries that can be made on a single day.

You associate an order to a route based on the customer (or warehouse, for an SCT order) and as each specific line is added to the order, the appropriate route detail (load) is calculated. This calculation is based on the required delivery date, or on the delivery date calculated based on the availability of stock and load capacity.

The loads are managed by initializing them for a selected period ahead, which can be reviewed. Several reports are available to assist in the planning and monitoring of loads.

Create loads on working days only Select this to be able to create delivery loads only on working days as defined in your Company Calendar (Company Calendar).
Include counter sales Select this to include sales orders created through counter sales in Load Planning.
Basis of calculating load capacity These options enable you to define the basis on which load capacity is calculated when automatically adding sales order lines to loads.
Ship quantity Select this to calculate the load capacity using the ship quantity of each sales order line added to the load.

A single sales order line can be split over more than one load (i.e. the order line can be part shipped on different loads).

The load quantity is the quantity shipped. If the line was part shipped on one or more loads, then all quantities shipped to date are accumulated. The quantity to be put on the current load cannot exceed the invoiced quantity less the total loaded so far for loads in all statuses.

Order quantity Select this to calculate the load capacity using the order quantity of each sales order line added to the load.

The load quantity is the quantity ordered.

Each sales order line can only be attached to a single load (i.e. the order line must be delivered in full on a single load).

Dispatch note quantity Select this to calculate the load capacity using the dispatch quantity of each dispatch note line added to the load.

If you select this option, then you will enter a dispatch note number and a dispatch line number in the Load Details Maintenance program.

The load quantity is the quantity dispatched.

Each dispatch note line can only be attached to a single load (i.e. each dispatch note must be delivered on a single load).

Basis of adding loads When you use the Browse on Delivery Routes or Delivery Load Maintenance programs to add loads to a route, you can enable the system to automatically create additional loads based on the information you entered for the first load.
Number of loads Select this to create loads based on the number of loads specified in the Number of loads/days field below. For example, if you enter 10 in the Number of loads/days field, then by default, the system creates 10 loads based on the information entered for the first load.
Number of days ahead Select this to create loads based on the number of days specified in the Number of loads/days field below. For example, if you enter 10 in the Number of loads/days field, then by default, the system creates loads for the next 10 days based on the information entered for the first load.
Number of loads/days

Indicate the default number of loads/number of days for which you want the system to automatically add loads when using the Browse on Delivery Routes program.

The value you enter in this field can be changed at the time of adding loads.
Basis of load calculation When you use the Sales Order Entry program to add sales order lines, and you selected to allocate loads automatically, the system can allocate the items to a delivery load based on either the customer's required delivery date or the date on which stock is available.
Required delivery date Select this to allocate sales order lines to loads based on the required delivery date and the capacity of the load.
Stock availability Select this to allocate sales order lines to loads based on the date when stock is available for delivery and the capacity of the load.
Allocation of loads in Sales Order Entry/Dispatches  
Allocate on request Select this to manually allocate sales order or dispatch note lines to loads when the lines are added/dispatched. The route is suggested and the load may be selected.
Allocate automatically Select this to automatically allocate sales order or dispatch note lines to loads when the lines are added/dispatched.

If you select this option, then order lines are added to the next available load on the route, based on the Required delivery date or Stock availability (depending on your selection at the Basis of load calculation option above).

If the mass and/or volume for the load would be exceeded by the addition of the order line, then the line is allocated to the next available load on the route. If no load is defined to which the order line can be added, then a message is displayed to this effect.

If you do not select this option, then you need to manually allocate order lines to the loads. This can be done in the Sales Order Entry or Dispatch Note Header Information programs when adding/dispatching the line, or later by using the Load Details Maintenance program.

Not allocated Select this if you only want to allocate sales order or dispatch note lines to loads using the Load Details Maintenance program.
Load numbering  
Automatic Select this to assign the next load reference number automatically when adding loads, based on the entry you make at the Next load reference field below.
Manual Select this to enter a load reference number manually when you use the Load Details Maintenance program to maintain loads.
Next load reference Indicate the load reference number that the system will use, if Load numbering is defined as Automatic.
Status of orders confirmed  
Delivery note/Dispatch note created Select this to check that a delivery note or dispatch note was printed for each order line on a load before the load can be set to Confirmed (see Load Details Maintenance).
Invoiced Select this to check that an invoice was generated for each order line on a load before the load can be set to Confirmed (see Load Details Maintenance).


Field Description
Number of days to retain

By default, the values entered for the Number of days to retain options represent days.

However, if you select the option: History retention is expressed in months, then these values represent months.

Reprint file

This indicates how many days/months you want to retain the invoice, dispatch invoice and consolidated dispatch invoice reprint files. These records are deleted when you run the Order Purge program and the number of days/moths specified here is exceeded.


An entry of 999 indicates that you want to retain records indefinitely.

An entry of zero indicates that you want to delete all records when next you run the Order Purge program.

Delivery performance records

This indicates how many days/months you want to retain delivery performance records, which are created if the Sales Order setup option: Generate customer delivery performance file is selected (General 1 tab). These records are deleted when you run the Order Purge program and the number of days/months specified here is exceeded.


An entry of 999 indicates that you want to retain records indefinitely.

An entry of zero indicates that you want to delete all records when next you run the Order Purge program.

Order analysis records

This indicates how many days/months you want to retain order analysis records, which are created according to your selections at the Sales Order setup option: Order Analysis files to be generated (General 2 tab). These records are deleted when you run the Order Purge program and the number of days/months specified here is exceeded.


An entry of 999 indicates that you want to retain records indefinitely.

An entry of zero indicates that you want to delete all records when next you run the Order Purge program.

Completed sales orders

This indicates how many days/months you want to retain sales orders that are complete (i.e. orders in a status of 9). These records are deleted when you run the Order Purge program and the number of days/months specified here is exceeded.


An entry of 999 indicates that you want to retain records indefinitely.

An entry of zero indicates that you want to delete all completed sales orders that are dated prior to the date on which the Order Purge program is run.

Completed dispatch notes

This indicates how many days/months you want to retain completed dispatch notes. These records are deleted when you run the Order Purge program and the number of days/months specified here is exceeded.


An entry of 999 indicates that you want to retain records indefinitely.

An entry of zero indicates that you want to delete all completed dispatch notes dated prior to the date on which the Order Purge program is run.

History retention is expressed in months

Select this to represent the values entered for the Number of days to retain options to represent months and not days.

Sales Orders purge program

Delete completed order lines

Select this if you want completed stocked, non-stocked, freight and miscellaneous order lines to be removed from file when next the Order Purge program is run.

This option relates only to incomplete orders (i.e. orders not in a status of 9). When an order is complete, its detail lines are purged at the same time the order is deleted (i.e. when the number of days/months to retain completed orders is exceeded).

This option is only enabled if you have not selected the option: Archive completed sales orders.

Archive completed sales orders

Select this to archive completed sales orders when next the Order Purge program is run.


Orders are selected for archiving only when they exceed the number of days/months for which you are retaining completed sales orders.

Maximum sales order per archive file

Define the maximum number of sales orders that must be saved in a single archive file. An entry of 9999 indicates that an unlimited number of sales orders can be archived into a single file.

When sales orders are archived using the Order Purge program and the number of sales orders to archive exceeds the number specified here, then more than one archive file is created.

If you process a large number of sales orders, then you can define a value in this field to keep your archive files to a manageable size.

This option is only available if you selected the option: Archive completed sales orders.