Inventory > GL Integration > Inventory Journal Report

Inventory Journal Report

You use this program to generate a report of journals created from transactions processed that affect Inventory.

These journals are created by the Inventory GL Integration program and serves as an audit trail of transactions posted from within the following programs:

  • Inventory Movements
  • Stock Take Capture
  • Job Issues
  • Inventory Price-Cost Percentage Change
  • Transfer BOM Costs to Warehouse Costs
  • Purchase Order Receipts
  • Purchase Order Inspection
  • PO Receipts with Apportionment
  • Shipment Receipt
  • Calculate New Landed Cost

The report can be run at any time and as often as required.

Report Options

Field Description
Option Description
Printed and unprinted journals All journals/entries (whether previously printed or not) are included on the report according to the report options indicated. The Reprint column on the report indicates whether the journal/entry was previously printed.
Printed journals Only journals that have been printed before are included on the report
Unprinted journals Only journals that have not been printed before are included on the report.
Report options  
Print summary journal Select this to print an additional page summarizing all transactions posted for the journal.
Print new page per journal Select this to print journals on separate pages.

This option cannot be deselected if you selected the Print summary journal option.

Print multiple bin transfer

Select this to list all Bin transfer transactions posted in the Inventory Movements program.

This option only applies if the Multiple bins option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Journal print options  
Show Indicate the types of journals you want to include in the report.
BothSelect this to print both FIFO journals and standard Inventory journals.

Select this to print FIFO journals only.

FIFO or LIFO journals are printed only if you enabled the options: FIFO valuation and Print FIFO Journals (Inventory Setup).

StandardSelect this to print standard Inventory journals only.
Warehouse selection Indicate the warehouse(s) for which to include journals in the printed report.
Period selection
Option Description
Period Indicate the period(s), within the year(s) indicated, for which you want to print the report.
Year Indicate the year(s) for which you want to print the report.
Journal selection Indicate the transaction journal(s) to print.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

  • The following details are included on the report:

    • Issue or Receipt transaction entries for non-stocked items are indicated by two asterisks (**).
    • A value is printed in the report column: Value Lost Due To Total Entries if rounding errors have occurred for Receipts or Transfers In transaction types (as a result of entering a cost with a basis of Total).
    • A value is printed in the report column: Value Lost Due To Average Costing if rounding errors have occurred with average costing in use (as a result of entering a cost with a basis of Total).
    • A value is printed in the report column: Value Lost Due To Transfers if standard costing is in use. This value reflects an averaged out cost of any stock that is already in transit.
    • A value is printed in the report column: Cost of Goods Sold Adjustment if receipts were entered when the quantity on hand was negative. This value reflects the new cost subtracted from the previous cost and multiplied by the previous quantity on hand.
    • A warning is printed in the report column: EXCP if a non-zero cost variance percentage is defined (Inventory Setup) and a receipt was processed where the percentage change between the old and new cost exceeds this cost variance.

      In addition, if the stock code had any quantity on backorder, then the one of following messages is printed in the EXCP report column:

      • BO: the stock code has a quantity on back order
      • COST: the difference in percentage terms between the old and new cost has exceeded the cost variance defined in Inventory Setup.
      • BO/C: both the above exceptions apply
    • The costing method defined against the warehouse is printed in the heading of each journal.
    • The GRN number is only printed in the Reference column of the report when GRN matching is required (Purchase Orders Setup) and the detail line contains a purchase order number.

    • The Job number is printed in the Reference field when the Reference field equals the job number and the Reference is not spaces. The presentation length of the job number is formatted according to the format defined for Jobs in the Set Key Information program.

  • If you enabled the FIFO valuation and Print FIFO Journals setup options (Inventory Setup) then two journals are generated for each transaction; one being the standard journal and the other the FIFO journal (regardless of whether the warehouse in which the transaction occurred uses FIFO costing).

  • No detail Inventory journals are created for transactions processed using the WIP Inspection Variance Closure program. In addition, the Summary Inventory journal page reflects zero values. This is because these transactions are for variance values only and therefore do not affect inventory quantities. The variance values are reflected on the ledger distribution report and are posted to the General Ledger.

  • An Out of balance Lot adjustment can be created by running the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program as follows:

    • The Balance function compares the total on hand for all Lots to the total on hand for all Bins for a stock item. If there is a discrepancy, it reads through all the rows in the LotDetail file and then updates the Bins with the quantity on hand for each of these LotDetail records (the Bin is part of the key).

      If the total on hand quantity of lots for a warehouse matches the on hand quantity of the bins, but does not match the total on hand quantity stored against the warehouse, then the total on hand quantity for the warehouse is updated and an adjustment entry is posted to the Journal file and Movement file.

      The adjustment value posted is the total amount by which the warehouse was adjusted by the lots (i.e. The Warehouse is adjusted by the difference. Lots are not adjusted as they are seen as being correct).

    • The same is true for previous ECC revision/releases. ECC uses the LotDetail table to hold the quantities for ECC controlled items at revision/release level even when the item is not lot traceable. If it is not lot traceable then the information is stored in LotDetail file with a dummy lot number that is built up as Revision + Release.

      The same logic applies in that it reads through the LotDetail file for each lot/bin combination and updates the quantities on the InvMultBin table.

    • Based on the above, it is not possible to list which lot/bin/rev/rel is being updated as it is not the lot being adjusted, but the actual quantity on hand according to the bin/warehouse.

      A lot can exist in multiple bins and in each bin there can be multiple lots, so when summing up for each lot/bin combination there can be any combination that adds up to the quantity on hand and not necessarily a single lot/rev/rel updating a single bin.

Notes and warnings


  • You can only reprint Inventory journals for as long as you are retaining Inventory journals (Inventory Setup).

  • Inventory journals are deleted as part of the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program.

  • The Period selection is ignored when reprinting journals. All journals are reprinted irrespective of the periods selected.