Inventory > Reports > Price History

Price History

You use this program to print a report listing any changes that have been made to either the price of a stock item or the price basis of an item.

This report serves as an audit trail of changes made using either the Inventory Price-Cost Percentage Change program or the Browse on Stock Code Pricing program.

Report Options

Field Description
Report sequence

Indicate the sequence in which you want to print the report. You can select one of the following sequences:

  • Price code, Stock code
  • Stock code, Price code
  • Date, Time

Selection criteria

Field Description
Price code selection Indicate the price code(s) that must be included as a selection criterion when printing the report.
Date selection Indicate a range of dates that must be included as a selection criterion when printing the report.
Operator selection Indicate the operator(s) that must be included as a selection criterion when printing the report.
Stock code selection Indicate a range of stock codes that must be included as a selection criterion when printing the report.

Report Details

The report includes details of the Date and Time changes were made, as well as the Operator responsible for the changes.

The Price basis column indicates the unit of measure against which the price change was made for the stock item, where S indicates the stocking unit of measure, A indicates the alternate unit of measure, and O indicates the other unit of measure. These units of measure are configured against the stock item (Stock Codes).

Notes and warnings

Restrictinsan limits

  • Details of price changes are printed only if you enabled the option: Retain history of price changes (Inventory Setup).

    The volume of information printed is determined by the number of days you are retaining price history changes.

    In addition, because pricing history is deleted only when you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program, the date when you last ran a purge can affect the volume of information available to print.