Inventory > Reports > Kardex Report

Kardex Report

You use this program to generate a report listing the movement of selected stock items over a specified period of time. It is the equivalent of the stock ledger and should be generated at least every month and retained for audit purposes. It is also typically used to reconcile discrepancies encountered during a stock take.

Report Options

Field Description
Sequence Indicate the sequence in which to generate the report.
Part category Indicate the part category(ies) for which to include stock items in the report.

You can select All to include all stock items irrespective of their part category or alternatively, only those items with the following part categories:

  • Made in
  • Bought out
  • Subcontracted
  • Phantom part
  • Planning bill
  • Co-product
  • By-product
Inventory period Indicate the period and year for which to generate the report.

Even if you selected the option: Retain last 12 months' opening balance (Inventory Setup) the system automatically saves opening stock balances after running the Month end option of the Inventory Period End program. This means that the system can only retain balances as far back as the first month end run.

You cannot request opening stock balances exceeding the number of months for which balances are retained (Inventory Setup).

Current period This displays the current period and year of your Inventory and cannot be changed.
Month Indicate the period for which to generate the report.

Only the latest 12 periods are available for selection. These are spread over the current and previous year unless you are in your last financial period of the current year.

Year Indicate the year for which to generate the report.

Only the current year is available for selection when you are in the final period of your financial year, because the report can only be generated for the latest 12 periods.

Print options  
Include MPS items Indicate how you want to treat MPS items for reporting purposes.

Select this to include MPS items in the report.


Select this to exclude MPS items from the report.


Select this to generate the report for MPS items only.

Include statistical parts You cannot access this field if you selected to only include MPS items.

In addition, you cannot only include statistical parts if you selected to include MPS items.

Stock items are defined as statistical items in the program Stock Codes.


Select this to include Statistical parts in the report.


Select this to exclude Statistical parts from the report.

Print movement details Select this to print movement transactions from the specified period up to and including the current period.
Print warehouse summary only Select this to print a summary report of totals by warehouse, excluding the detail transactions processed for the selected stock codes.

This option is enabled only when printing the report in Warehouse sequence and you did not select to print movement details. Warehouses are printed on the report as group total headers.

Print product class totals This is enabled only when printing the report in product class sequence.
Print details for selection period only Select this to print the opening balance of the previous period and movement transactions for the period specified.
Print Rev/Rel Select this to print the revision/release per warehouse for ECC-controlled items. The Revision/Release information is printed once for each change in the Release and/or Release version.

The wording for this field (as well as the column headings on the report) defaults to the text defined against the User defined fields: Revision and Release (Bill of Materials Setup).

The Print Rev/Rel option is available under the following conditions:

  • Engineering Change Control is installed (Company Maintenance)

  • The Stock control level is set to Revision or Release (Bill of Materials Setup)

  • You select the Print movement details option.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Stock code selection Indicate the stock item(s) to include in the report.

See also: Report Details.

Product class selection Indicate the product class(es) for which to include stock items in the report.

If a specific product class is entered, then only stock items belonging to that product class are included in the report.

The product class is defined against the stock item using the Stock Codes program (Descriptive tab).

Warehouse selection Indicate the warehouse(es) for which you wan to include stock items in the report.

Other Options

Field Description
Buyer selection Indicate the buyer(s) for whom to include stock items on the report.

This enables you to include stock items on the report according to the buyer defined against the items.

Cycle count selection Indicate the cycle count(s) for which to include stock items on the report.

This enables you to include stock items on the report according to the number of times the stock item has been counted during the year.

Supplier selection Indicate the supplier(s) for whom to include stock items on the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

  • Stock items

    Stock items for which you are not retaining stock movements (Stock Codes) are excluded from the report.

    Stock items are excluded from the report when no movements exist (for the selected period) and their stock on hand for the selected warehouse is zero.

    Stock items are listed with the opening balance and closing balance equal to the stock on hand when they have no movements (for the selected period) but have a non-zero stock on hand for the selected warehouse.

  • Transactions

    The transactions printed on the Kardex report are printed in date sequence.

    In cases where multiple transactions have occurred on the same date, all the Inventory transactions are printed first, followed by the Sales movements. In most cases this does not affect the report, but a transaction type of PHY (physical stock adjustment) may cause a running quantity balance to be adjusted to an incorrect figure. For this reason, we recommend that either this type of transaction is not used (the ADJ transaction type can be used instead) or you ensure that the date of the PHY transaction is unique (i.e. no other transactions take place on the same date as the PHY entry).

  • Bins

    Details of bin transfers are printed for transfers within the same warehouse when the Record movements for bin transfers option is enabled (Inventory Setup). This only applies when using multiple bins (Inventory Setup).

  • Totals

    Totals are accumulated for each stock code and warehouse according to the transaction types processed against them.

    These totals are printed upon change of each warehouse for a stock code, or upon change of each product class (if printing the report in product class sequence).

    The totals are a summary of the transactions processed, indicating the opening balance of the warehouse, the transaction totals for each transaction type and the closing balance (quantity and value) for that warehouse.

    The results of the Kardex report will not match other Inventory statistics if you did not capture transactions in the same date sequence in which they occurred. For example, the Kardex report will cost transactions differently if you enter a receipt today before you recorded an issue from yesterday.

  • Information printed

    The following information is printed for each warehouse:

    • Stock code, Description, Long description
    • Warehouse, Product Class, Supplier, Supplier Name
    • Opening Balance of the warehouse
    • Month end date (this is blank for new warehouses)
    • Quantity balance
    • Value and Unit Cost
    • Type of transaction:

      • O/B: opening balance
      • REC: receipt
      • CHG: cost change
      • ISS: issue
      • ADJ: adjustment
      • MOD: cost modification
      • TRA: transfer
      • PHY: physical stock adjustment
      • Inv: invoice
      • Cr: credit note
      • Dr: debit note
      • IBT: inter-branch transfer
      • Dsp: invoice generated via Dispatch Notes
      • DsI: IBT invoice generated via Dispatch Notes
    • Entry date
    • Reference

      The dispatch note number is printed on this field for a Dispatch Note transaction type.

    • Bin number
    • Transaction quantity
    • Transaction value

      Transaction quantities and values are listed under either a QTY IN column or a QTY OUT column depending on the transaction type and whether the value/quantity is positive or negative.

    • Accumulated quantity balance and value
    • Unit cost per transaction (this is blank if your Costing method is set to FIFO (Inventory Setup).

Kardex Report Calculation

When the Kardex report is generated, the quantities and total values of the movements are taken directly from the Inventory Movements file. These are the quantities and values of the movements as recorded by various programs such as the Inventory Movements, Purchase Order Receipts, Purchase Order Inspection, Stock Take Confirmation, etc. The movement values are NOT calculated as being the cost multiplied by the quantity.

The opening balance is taken from the Warehouse record(s).

For each line, the movements from the Inventory Movements file are added or subtracted from the opening balance for both the quantity and cost value to give a calculated closing balance. This is the total line printed at the end of the movements.

This calculated closing balance is checked against the closing balance from the warehouse record(s) and differences are printed on a rounding line. It is therefore possible for the rounding line to contain a small rounding error caused by a genuine rounding difference in the calculation.

If the rounding line contains larger values, then this usually indicates that a movement was not written to the Inventory Movement file or a processing problem occurred. One reason could be incomplete transactions due to the loss of client connectivity in a client/server environment.

The correct inventory valuation is always produced by the Inventory Valuation report. Differences between the totals on the Kardex Report and Inventory Valuation reports could be caused by Month ends (Inventory Period End) being run for single warehouses rather than all warehouses or due to the option: Retain stock movements (Stock Codes) not being enabled for all stock items.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • You can only access this program when the Retain last 12 months' opening balances option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Restrictions and limits

  • Only stock items for which the Retain stock movements option is enabled (Stock Codes) are included in the report.

  • Stock items with a Part category of N - Notional part (Stock Codes) are excluded from the report.

  • The information used by this report is updated each time you run the Month end function of the Inventory Period End program.

    However, if you performed a month end for a single warehouse, then reports for the current period will only reflect opening and closing stock balances for that warehouse. Until you run a month end for all warehouses, an imbalance will exist if any transactions are processed for that warehouse.

  • The Kardex report is processed in date order.

    If your Costing method is set to Average (Inventory Setup) and you back date a receipt (for example) then the average cost of the item being receipted is not recalculated.

  • This is merely a movement report and should not be used to balance Inventory values to your General Ledger control accounts. The Inventory Valuation report should be used for balancing the General Ledger inventory control accounts.

Hints and tips

  • If you have large volumes of data, then you should use the Optimized Kardex report.