Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Order Receipts

Purchase Order Receipts

You use this program to process receipts against purchase orders that were captured using the Purchase Order Entry program.

If the purchase order receipt is for a capex item, then an asset is created in suspense (see Assets in Suspense). The Asset Clearing Account is debited with the receipt value.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Standing Order

Create a purchase order for a valid Standing Order type Blanket Purchase Order contract release date, and to simultaneously receive in the goods. See Blanket Purchase Order - Create P/o from Standing Order.

This facility may only be used on or after the next scheduled release date.

For example, if the standing order contract requires a delivery on the 15th of every month (provided it is a working day) you may select to receive in the goods on or after the 15th of each month.

Import Import purchase order receipts from a flat ASCII file. See Import.
Inspection Select this to use the Purchase Order Inspection program to receipt items from inspection into stock, where you can inspect the goods and either accept, reject, or scrap them, before actually updating the stock on hand.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

See Password considerations in Notes and warnings.

Preferences Pre-define a number of options relating to the receipt of order lines. See Preferences.
Set Receipt Date Set the date for the purchase order receipt transaction. See Receipt Date.
All Lines Display all purchase order lines in the Detail Lines listview, irrespective of the line type or the quantity outstanding.
Selected Lines Indicate the purchase order lines to display in the Detail Lines listview. See Include.
Purchase order

Indicate the purchase order number for which to receipt the purchased items.

If the GRN suspense system is required (Purchase Orders Setup) but GRN matching is not required for the supplier (Suppliers) then you are prompted to enable GRN matching for the supplier now. If you select Yes, then the GRN matching required field against the supplier is enabled by the system, providing you have the appropriate eSignature access rights.

A warning message is displayed when the purchase order has not yet been printed and the Preference: Give warning if purchase order not yet printed is enabled.

New Select this to enter a different purchase order number to receipt.
Print Journal

Use the Inventory Journal Report program to generate a report of the journals that serve as an audit trail for the receipts you processed.

The Purchase Order Receipts program exits after the Inventory journals are printed.

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

Blanket Purchase Order - Create P/o from Standing Order

This screen is displayed when you select the Standing Order option from the Function menu.

Field Description
Contract Enter the standing order contract number for which to the create a purchase order and simultaneously receive in the goods.
Start date This indicates the contract start date.
End date This indicates the contract end date.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for the contract.
Review standing order contract Select this to use the Build Purchase Orders program to review the standing order blanket purchase order contract before creating the purchase order for receipt. If you do not select this option, then the purchase order is created immediately, according to the contract details.

If you selected the preference: Review standing orders if not fixed contracts, then this option is selected by default (see Preferences).

OK Select this to create the purchase order for the contract you entered.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen.


This screen is displayed when you select the Preferences option from the Options menu.

Field Description
Clear reference/notation after each receipt Select this to clear any entries made at the Reference and Notation fields after each receipt is posted.

If you do not select this option then your last entry made at these fields is retained for the next receipt.

Clear supplier's delivery note after each receipt

Select this to clear the Supplier's delivery note field after each receipt.

If you do not select this option, then the information in the Supplier's delivery note field is retained until you enter another purchase order number.

Give warning when processing a kit receipt Select this to be warned whenever you process the receipt of a kit item.
Give information about generated lot/GRN number Select this to display information concerning generated lots and Goods Received Notes created when you post receipts.
Give warning about blank concession number entered Select this to be notified when a blank concession number is assigned to a transaction.
Give warning if purchase order not yet printed Select this to be warned when you enter a purchase order number that has not yet been printed.
Automatic skip to next p/order line after receipt

Select this to automatically skip to the next line on the purchase order when processing receipts, rather than having to manually select the following line to receipt.

When you select this preference, the Next and option is enabled on the Purchase Order Receipt pane, enabling you to manually skip to the next line on the purchase order.

Prompt for posting

Select this to be prompted to confirm the posting of transactions.

If you do not select this option, then transactions are posted automatically when you select the Post option.

Clear reference/supplier after each non-march distribution entry

Select this to clear the Reference and Supplier fields on the Non-Merchandise Distribution screen each time you add an entry.

If you do not select this preference, then the entries you made in the Reference and Supplier fields when you distributed the first portion of the non-merchandise value are retained until you have completed the distribution of the non-merchandise amount.

You typically do not select this preference if you process a non-merchandise value to various General Ledger codes and you want to keep the same reference and supplier against each entry.

Irrespective of your selection here, the Reference and Supplier fields are cleared when you select Save and Close to end the distribution of the non-merchandise amount.

Change linked sales order from status 2 to 3 on receipt Select this to automatically change the status of a Sales order linked to the Purchase order from a status of 2 to a status of 3 when you process the purchase order receipt.
Review standing orders if not fixed contracts Select this to set the option: Review standing order contract to be enabled by default when processing standing blanket purchase orders (see Blanket Purchase Order - Create P/o from Standing Order).
Show default bin for receipts

This is only enabled if Multiple bins are required (Inventory Setup).


You must define a default bin for the stock item in the warehouse for this preference to work.

If you select this preference and multiple bins are required against the warehouse (Warehouses) then the default bin assigned to the stock item (see Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) is displayed in the Bin location field when you process a receipt.

If this preference is not selected, then you need to enter the bin number manually when processing a receipt if multiple bins are required.

Do not select this preference if you want a bin location to be entered for each receipt, rather than accepting the receipt into the default bin.

Select from multiple allocations

Select this to be able to post the purchase order receipt quantity to more than one allocation against a job that has more than one incomplete allocation. If you do not select this option, then the entire receipt can only be posted to a single job allocation.

For example:

You created a purchase order for 20 units of Component A and linked the purchase order to a job that requires 20 units of Component A.

The job has two allocations for Component A - one allocation for 5 units of Component A and one allocation for 15 units of Component A. If you selected this preferences, then when you receipt the purchase order, you can post 5 units to one allocation and 15 units to the other allocation. If you have not selected this preference, then you can only post 20 units to one of the allocations.

Include all lines by default Select this to include all comment lines in the Detail Lines listview.
Retain last cost basis for receive qty and qty scrapped

The default cost basis for receipts is Purchase price/Price at entry, but can be changed.

Option Description

Select this to retain the cost basis used for the first receipt and the first quantity scrapped as the cost basis for subsequent receipt/quantities scrapped during the current run of the program. Whenever you run the Purchase Order Receipts program, the cost basis reverts to the default (i.e. Purchase price).

The cost basis used for the first receipt is only retained while the currencies of the orders you are receipting are the same. When the currency changes (from one receipt to the next) the cost basis reverts to the default (i.e. Purchase price) irrespective of your selection at this preference.

This does not apply to the Receipt All function.

No Select this to default the Cost basis to Purchase price for each receipt/quantity scrapped processed.

Select this to define a default Cost basis to use for each receipt or quantity scrapped.

If you select this option together with the Cost basis of Current cost, Purchase price/Price at entry, or Price+tax/Current Price, then that cost basis is set as the default when using the Receipt All function.

You define the default cost basis to use in the Cost basis field below.

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

Cost basis

Indicate the default cost basis to use for each receipt quantity and scrap quantity.

This only applies when you select the Default option.

The reason that some options consist of two options (e.g. Purchase price/Price at entry) is that one option is used for local currency purchase order receipts and the other for foreign currency purchase order receipts.

Option Description
Current cost Select this to default to using the warehouse cost defined against the stock item for the receipt (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code - Cost field).

If your costing method is defined as FIFO or LIFO (Inventory Setup) then the cost basis cannot be Current cost. The default cost basis reverts to Purchase price, irrespective of your selection at this option.

Purchase price/Price at entry Select this to default to using the cost specified at the time of entering the purchase order, excluding tax, for local currency receipts and the exchange rate used when the purchase order was entered as the rate for calculating the purchase price for foreign currency receipts.
Price+tax/Current Price Select this to default to using the cost specified at the time of entering the purchase order, including tax, for local currency receipts and the exchange rate currently defined in the exchange rate table (see Currencies) to calculate the purchase price for foreign currency receipts.
Total cost Select this to default to manually entering the total cost for the quantity of items being receipted.

If your costing method is defined as Standard (Inventory Setup) then the cost basis cannot be Total cost if you are receipting a stocked item. The default cost basis reverts to Purchase price, irrespective of your selection at this option.

This does not apply to the Receipt All function, as you cannot enter the total cost when receipting all lines. The cost basis for Receipt All is therefore set to Price at Entry by default.

Manual Select this to default to manually entering the unit cost of the item for the receipt.

This does not apply to the Receipt All function, as you cannot enter a manual cost when receipting all lines. The cost basis for Receipt All is therefore set to Price at Entry by default.

Default option for sales order quantity over receipt

Indicate the default action to take when the purchase order is linked to a sales order and the purchase order receipt quantity is greater than the quantity required for the sales order.

Option Description
Increase sales order quantity Select this to increase the sales order quantity to equal the purchase order receipt quantity.
Leave sales order quantity as is Select this to leave the sales order quantity as is and to receipt the additional purchase order quantity into stock.

Select this to save your selections against your operator code until next you change them.

Once you have saved your preferences, you select the Close function to return to the previous screen.

Close Select this to save your selections for the current run of the program only and to return to the previous screen.

Receipt Date

This screen is displayed when you select the Set Receipt Date option from the Function menu.

Field Description
Receipt date Indicate the date to use as the purchase order receipt date for the receipt transaction. The date you enter is used for all receipts during the current run of the program or until you indicate a different date in this field.
OK Select this to accept the date you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore any change you made to the date and to return to the previous screen.


This screen is displayed when you select the Selected Lines option from the Include menu.

Field Description
Warehouse selection Indicate the warehouse(s) for which to include purchase order lines in the Detail Lines listview.
Include This enables you to indicate which purchase order lines to include in the Detail Lines listview.
Non-stocked items Select this to include purchase order lines for non-stocked items in the Detail Lines listview.
Completed lines Select this to include purchase order lines for which the outstanding quantity is zero in the Detail Lines listview.
Comment lines Select this to include comment lines in the Detail Lines listview.
OK Select this to accept your settings and to return to the previous screen. Only the lines you indicated are displayed in the Detail Lines listview.
Cancel Select this to ignore any selection you made and to return to the previous screen.


This screen is displayed when you select the Import option from the Function menu to import purchase order receipts from a flat ASCII file.

  • You cannot import stock items defined as requiring the cost multiplier (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).
  • You cannot import a receipt for an item defined as a Notional part (Stock Codes).
  • You cannot import purchase order lines that were created from the Landed Cost Tracking system.
  • To import data in a client/server environment, you must be allowed to import from the client machine.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Field Description
Import file name

Indicate the name of the file to import.

The full path name must be specified.


Select this to validate the contents of the import file and then import the records (providing no errors are encountered).


Imported receipts that exceed the acceptable cost variance percentage are rejected during processing if the setup option: Reject import receipts is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Validate Select this to verify whether there are any errors in the import file, without actually importing records.
List Select this to print the contents of the import file.
OK Select this to begin processing according to the information you entered and the selections you made.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

File layout for 7

Field Start position Field length and description
Header   ;SYSPRO IMPORT - Version=001 - PORERS

Mandatory entry of this comment on the first line of the import file to distinguish it from a SYSPRO 6.1 layout file. This comment is not case-sensitive.

Order number 1 20

This field is mandatory.

Line number 21 4

If you do not specify a line number, then the program uses the first line number matching the entries made at the Stock code and Warehouse fields. If more than one line is detected for the same stock code/warehouse combination, then the line with the earliest due date is used.

Stock code 25 30

Indicates the item you are receipting.

  • You cannot import stock items defined as requiring the cost multiplier (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).

  • You cannot import a receipt for an item defined as a Notional part (Stock Codes).

Warehouse 55 10
Receipt quantity 65 19

This entry must be made as an edited figure (i.e. 7.3). The quantity must be specified in the purchase order quantity unit of measure and cannot be negative.

If you are importing a receipt for an item that is traceable and requires a sample quantity to be inspected, then the quantity in this field must be the portion of the receipt quantity that you want to receipt directly into stock. The sample inspection quantity is entered in Inspection quantity field (position 376).

If the stock item is a manual serialized item, then the quantity must be 1.

See also Purchase Order Receipt.

Purchase price 84 16

This entry must be made as an edited figure (i.e. 6.3). If no entry is made then the price assigned to the order is used.

Bin location 100 20

If multiple bins are installed against the warehouse into which the stock code is being receipted (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then you must make an entry in this field.

If the bin does not exist, it is automatically created providing the option: Create bins at inventory transaction (Inventory Setup) is enabled. If this option is not enabled, then you must enter an existing bin.

If multiple bins are not used either for the company or for the warehouse used, then the default bin defined against the specific warehouse is used (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) otherwise the warehouse code itself is used to populate the InvMovements and InvDocument tables.

Lot number 120 50

If the stock item is traceable, then you must make an entry in this field.

If you selected the option: Use same lot on multiple stock codes (Lot Traceability Setup) then you can reuse the same lot number for different stock codes.

Serial number 170 50

If the stock item is serialized, then you must make an entry in this field. If you selected the setup option: Same serial to be used for multiple stock codes, then the same serial number can be allocated to different stock codes.

Reference 220 20
Certificate 240 10

Enter the supplier's certificate number which will be stored in the inspection file and can be printed on inspection documents.

This could be a quality assurance document or a guarantee.

The entry made in this field is used only for traceable/inspection items as the certificate details are only stored in the LotTransaction table.
Supplier delivery note 250 20

The entry made in this field is used if you are receipting a traceable/inspection item.

Receipt date 270 8

Enter the delivery note date that will be stored in the inspection file. This is equivalent to the Delivery date for an item requiring inspection.

This date can be used to measure supplier performance when running the Suppliers' Performance report.

This only applies:

  • for a stocked item against which you selected the Receive into inspection option at the time of processing an order for the item
  • for a traceable item against which a sample quantity is required and for which you selected Yes at the prompt to receive a sample quantity into inspection
Journal notation 278 100
Inspection quantity 378 19

Indicates the receipt quantity that must be taken into inspection. This only applies if the item is defined as traceable and you selected the option: Sample quantity.

The entry in this field must be made as an edited figure (i.e. 7.3). The quantity must be specified in the purchase order quantity unit of measure and cannot be negative.

File layout for 6.1

Field Start position Field length and description
Order number 1 6
Line number 7 4
Stock code 11 30
Warehouse 41 2
Receipt quantity 43 12
Purchase price 55 15
Bin location 70 6
Lot number 76 10
Serial number 86 20
Reference 106 9
Certificate 115 10
Supplier delivery note 125 15
Receipt date 140 6
Journal notation 146 60
Inspection quantity 206 12

Order Header

This information applies to the entire Purchase order.

Column Description
Purchase order You cannot perform any of the queries against this field if you do not have access to viewing costs in Purchase order receipts.

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

Order status This indicates the current status of the purchase order. Refer to Purchase order Status codes for additional information on Purchase Order statuses.
Exchange rate fixed flag This indicates whether the exchange rate for the purchase order was set to fixed at the time the order was raised.
Currency This indicates the currency for the purchase order.
Exchange rate for conversion This indicates the rate of exchange used to convert the purchase order to the local currency.
Blanket p/o contract This is the contract for the order if it is a Blanket Purchase Order. See Blanket Purchase Order Query and Contract Maintenance.
Purchase order type This is determined by the currency code of the supplier and the local currency code defined within the Company options.
Tax status This indicates the tax status of the purchase order.
Customer This indicates the customer code whether the purchase order is to be processed for a customer.
Customer purchase order This indicates the customer's purchase order. A customer's purchase order would have been entered if the purchase order was placed specifically for a particular customer.
Payment terms This indicates the payment terms of the purchase order.
Date order entered This indicates the date of the purchase order.
Date order due This indicates the date on which the purchase order is due for delivery.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for which the purchase order is being raised.

You have to enter the warehouse when receipting a non-stocked line, if the option: Restrict order to single warehouse is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup) and a default warehouse is not defined against your operator code or against the company.

Supplier Information

Details about the supplier on the purchase order are displayed in this pane.

Recap Totals

These details are provided for information purposes.

Column Description
Transaction date

This indicates the date on which the transaction is recorded as being processed.

The date and time of the receipt is recorded as the actual current system date and time that the receipt was processed providing:

  • The Operators option: Set accounting date to system date is enabled.
  • You do not manually change the transaction date when processing the receipt (see Receipt Date).

The current date and time of receipt has particular relevance to a 24 X 7 environment.

Posting period

This indicates the period and year into which the receipt will be posted to the General Ledger


Purchase order receipts cannot be processed into a previous period.

The reason is that if a receipt were posted into a previous period, then the cost of sales, for example, of all invoices that were posted from that date to the current date would effectively be incorrect. Thus, in line with generally accepted accounting principles, a receipt that could potentially affect the unit cost can only be processed into the current period.

Number of receipts This indicates the number of receipt transactions processed during the current run of the program.
Transaction value This indicates the total value of the receipt transactions processed during the current run of the program.

Detail Lines

The Purchase Order lines to receipt are displayed in this listview, according to your selection at the Include option (see Include).

Field Description
Receipt All

Select this to receipt all the lines on a purchase order (see Receipt All).

When you receive the entire quantity for an item which is set be traceable with a sample quantity required (Stock Codes) you are prompted to receive a sample quantity into inspection. Once you have successfully posted the sample quantity into inspection, the balance of the outstanding quantity is received directly into stock.

Items defined as traceable or requiring inspection (Stock Codes) must be received into inspection.

You cannot use this option to receipt stock items which are on Partial hold (Stock Code On Hold Maintenance). You need to use the Receive Quantity option for these items.

Receive Quantity

Select this to receive selected purchase order items into stock (see Purchase Order Receipt).

When you receive a quantity for an item which is traceable with sample quantity required (Stock Codes) you are prompted to receive a sample quantity into inspection. Once you have successfully posted the sample quantity into inspection, this field displays the remaining quantity to receive into stock, if you did not place the entire quantity into inspection. This is the quantity of the item that does not require inspection and is calculated as the outstanding order quantity less the sample quantity put into inspection.

Items defined as traceable or requiring inspection (Stock Codes) must be received into inspection.

Apportion Quantity

Select this to receive a single quantity for multiple purchase order lines for the same stock code (see Apportion Quantity).

You cannot use the Apportion Quantity option for order lines containing items which are traceable and require inspection (Stock Codes).


Because this function overwrites any manually entered non-merchandise values, you should first change receipt quantities before applying apportionment values. The recommended processing sequence is as follows:

  • Change receipt quantities as required.
  • Enter apportionment details and apply the values.
  • Manually adjust the non-merchandise values for individual purchase order lines.
  • Exit from the apportionment screen.
Cancel Line Select this to cancel the purchase order line currently highlighted in the listview. When you select this option, you are prompted to confirm the cancellation of the line.

Purchase Order Receipt

You use this pane to process the receipt of the purchase order line currently highlighted in the Detail Lines pane.

The fields in this pane are enabled when you select the Receive Quantity option for a non-traceable or non-inspectable item and enable you to receipt the item(s) into stock.

Purchase order items defined as traceable or requiring inspection (Stock Codes) must be received into inspection. (The Receipt into Inspection pane is displayed when you select the Receive Quantity function for a non-stocked item against which you selected the Receive into Inspection option at the time of processing an order for the item).

If you receipt a purchase order that is linked to an open Sales order and the receipt quantity is negative, then you can indicate that the sales order link must be ignored and the purchase order quantity receipted. In this case the sales order line is not updated. Alternatively, you can indicate that the purchase order quantity must be changed.

When you receipt a purchase order line that is linked to a Blanket purchase order contract, you can use the Blanket Purchase Order History Query program to view details of these transactions.

Field Description
Cancel Select this to ignore any entries you made and to clear the fields in the Purchase Order Receipt pane.

Select this to process the receipt according to the information you entered.

You are prompted to indicate whether the order line is complete when the receipt quantity you entered is less than or equal to the quantity outstanding on the purchase order for the item. Select Yes if you will not be receiving any additional quantities against this order line. Select No if additional receipts will be made for the item.

The following applies when the purchase order is linked to a sales order:

  • If the purchase order receipt quantity is greater than the quantity required for the sales order, then you are prompted to either:

    • increase the sales order quantity to equal the purchase order receipt quantity
    • leave the sales order quantity as is and receipt the additional quantity into stock

    This defaults to the preference indicated (Preferences).

  • Your selection at the option: Order linked to a receipt (Sales Orders Setup) determines whether the ship or reserved quantity is updated on the sales order.
  • When reserving stock, the Purchase Order Receipts program will always allocate lot, bin and serial information except when a reserved quantity already exists on the sales order and no lot, bin and serial information exists for this reserved quantity.

    For example:

    You created a sales order with:

    • Order qty = 10
    • Reserved qty = 2
    • Back order qty = 8
    • Lots, bins and serials not allocated at time of reserving (i.e. not allocated to the reserve quantity of 2).

    When you receipt the purchase order for the remaining 8 on backorder, lots, bins and serials will not be allocated. The reason is that you cannot have lot, bin and serial information against the 8 items you are now placing in reserve from the purchase order, but not against the 2 items already in reserve.

If you are denied access to the field: INV Show costs in purchase order receipts, then the message: "Access is denied. This line cannot be received into stock as it is a cost multiplier item." is displayed when you attempt to post a receipt for an item that has a cost multiplier greater than one.

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

Refer to Processing for processing details when using Actual costing.


Select this to display details of the next purchase order line number to receipt.

This option is only enabled if you enabled the Preference: Automatic skip to next p/order line after a receipt.
Receipt quantity

Enter the quantity to be received. A negative quantity can be entered to reverse a previous receipt.

The quantity specified at the time of entering the purchase order is used as the default, but can be changed.

If a percentage is defined against the option: Acceptable quantity over/under supply (Purchase Orders Setup) then a warning is displayed if the entered receipt quantity exceeds the order quantity by this percentage.

Similarly, a warning is displayed when you set an order line to complete and the quantity received is less than the quantity ordered.

Passwords configured to prevent overriding an under supply or over supply of a purchase order are only applied when the Acceptable quantity over/under supply is greater than zero (Purchase Orders Setup).

The percentage variance is calculated as follows:

((Order quantity - Quantity received + Quantity already received) / Quantity ordered) x 100

Where this amount is less than zero, the password defined for the over supply of a purchase order is requested and where this amount is greater than zero, the password defined for the under supply of a purchase order is requested.

See Password considerations in Notes and warnings.

If your Costing method is Average (Inventory Setup or Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code when costing is per warehouse) and you enabled the option: Do not calculate average cost (Inventory Setup) then the average cost of the stock item is not recalculated when you process a negative receipt. In this case, the variance between the current average cost and the cost entered is posted to the Warehouse variance account defined against the warehouse to which the stock item belongs (see Warehouses).

When you over or under receipt a line from a Blanket Purchase Order and you mark the line as complete, transactions are created against the blanket purchase order for the over/under receipt. These transactions can be viewed using the Blanket Purchase Order History Query and Blanket Purchase Order Contract Report programs.

See also Purchase Order Receipt.

Receipt qty uom This indicates the unit of measure applicable to the receipt quantity.
Cost of receipt

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

Cost basis

These options indicate the cost basis for the line item. This defaults to the Preference you indicated for the Cost basis (Preferences) but can be changed.

For the Receipt All function, the default cost basis can be set by selecting Default at the Preference: Retain last cost basis for receive qty and qty scrapped and selecting a Cost basis of Current cost, Purchase price/Price at entry, or Price+tax/Current Price. See also Receipt in Entire Purchase Order.


If your Costing method is Standard (Inventory Setup or Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code if costing is per warehouse) then the standard warehouse cost defined against the item is automatically used as the receipt cost.

This is irrespective of whether you use this option to select a different cost basis. The reason this option is not disabled when your costing method is set to Standard, is that would typically change the cost basis (for example to Purchase price) if the GRN value differs from the standard cost.

The difference between the cost basis selected (for example the purchase price) and the standard cost is posted to the purchase price variance account.

Option Description
Current cost Select this to use the warehouse cost defined against the stock item for the receipt (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code - unit Cost field).
Total cost Select this to manually enter the total cost for the quantity of items being receipted in the Receipt cost field.

The entered cost is recorded against the last cost entered on the warehouse. This may include the non-merchandise portion, if it has been entered and also based on your setup options.

Purchase price Select this to use the cost specified at the time of entering the purchase order, excluding tax, for the receipt.
Price + tax Select this to use the cost specified at the time of entering the purchase order, including tax, for the receipt.

The tax amount is based on the value before any discount is applied.

For example: If the value before discount is 1800 and the tax is 6%, then the tax value will be 108 (i.e. 1800 * 6%). The net amount (inclusive of tax) will be 1908. If there was a discount value of 1260, then this would be applied to the net amount inclusive of tax (i.e. 1908 - 1260 = 648).

Manual entry

Select this to manually enter the unit cost of the item for the receipt.

See Password considerations in Notes and warnings.

Original GRN cost

This only applies when you enter a negative value in the Quantity field (i.e. you are reversing a receipt).

Select this to reverse a receipt using the original GRN cost used when the item was receipted. This enables you to post the reversal at the original GRN cost, including additional apportionment costs such as freight, irrespective of the costing method used for the original receipt.

Price at entry

Select this to calculate the purchase price by multiplying the cost entered on the purchase order line by the exchange rate used when the purchase order was created (to convert it into the local currency). Changes to the currency exchange rate after the purchase order was entered are ignored.

This only applies to receipts for foreign currency suppliers.

Current price

Select this to use the exchange rate currently defined in the exchange rate table (see Currencies) to calculate the purchase price.

The cost entered on the purchase order line is multiplied by the current exchange rate to convert it into the local currency.

This only applies to receipts for foreign currency suppliers.

Receipt cost

This indicates the unit cost assigned to the stock item (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).

It can also indicate the total cost, depending on the Cost basis selected.

If you select the Cost basis as Total cost, then you can enter the total receipt cost in this field.

Cost uom This indicates the unit of measure applicable to the receipt cost.
Receipt details  
GRN source

This field is displayed if the GRN suspense system is installed and the item is neither traceable nor requires inspection.

The code can be in the range 1 to 5, indicating the source of the transaction. For example: A code of 1 can indicate returns.

Totals for each code are printed on the GRN Audit Trail report.

You must identify the required coding structure. The default source code is 1.

Supplier's delivery note

Enter the supplier's delivery note number that will be stored in the inspection file.

This number can be printed on inspection documents and used as a link back to a sales order.

Notation Enter a notation that can be printed on the journal report.
Use default bin

Receipt all lines on the order using the default bin. This includes default bins against a warehouse, as well as default bins.

This option is available when the Multiple bins option is selected in the Inventory Setup program.

Bin location

You can only access this field when the Multiple bins in use option is enabled against the warehouse into which you are receipting the item (Warehouses).

If you selected the option: Multiple bins in use (Warehouses) for the warehouse receiving the item and the Preference: Show default bin for receipts (above), then the bin location assigned to the stock item (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) is displayed in this field, but can be changed. If the Preference: Show default bin for receipts (above), is not selected, then no bin number of displayed in this field. You must enter a bin number if multiple bins are required for the warehouse (Warehouses).

If the bin does not exist, it is automatically created providing the option: Create bins at inventory transaction (Inventory Setup) is enabled. If this option is not enabled, then you must either enter an existing bin or use the Inventory Bin Maintenance program to create a new bin.

If multiple bins are not used either for the company or for the warehouse used, then the default bin defined against the specific warehouse is used (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) otherwise the warehouse code itself is used to populate the InvMovements and InvDocument tables.

Multiple bins

Select this to allocate the receipt quantity to a specific bin or bins.

This option is only enabled if the option: Multiple binsin use is selected for the warehouse receiving the item (Warehouses).

This option is disabled if you selected to print purchase order receipts on-line (Inventory Setup). When printing purchase order receipt documents on-line, you can only capture a single bin per receipt.


This field is displayed only if the: GRN suspense system is required (Inventory Setup) and the GRN numbering method is set to Manual (Set Key Information).

Enter a unique GRN number to be used as the key to the GRN suspense file.

Reference If GRN matching is not required for the supplier, then you can enter a reference in this field. As a reference field, it is purely notational and you can enter any text or leave it blank.
Multiple entries

Select this to indicate the apportionments to be reversed and to optionally change the apportioned value to be credited.

This is only enabled when an apportionment was applied to the original receipt and the Receipt quantity is negative and the Cost basis for the negative receipt is Original GRN cost.

This option is not available once the GRN has been matched. To reverse a receipt to its original GRN, you therefore need to unmatch the GRN before attempting to reverse the receipt.

Ledger code

This is the General Ledger code to which the receipt value of the transaction is posted, excluding the Cost multiplier value where applicable. The Cost multiplier value is posted to the ledger account defined in the Non-merchandise Distribution pane.

The default ledger code used is the Inventory Ledger Interface entry for Receipts (General Ledger Integration) when:

  • the GRN suspense system is not installed


  • GRN suspense system is installed, but GRN matching is not required for the supplier (Suppliers)

The GRN suspense control account (General Ledger Integration) is used as the default for a stocked item when all of the following are true:

  • the GRN suspense system is installed

  • GRN matching is required for the supplier (Suppliers)

  • the entry at the GRN Suspense ledger code field in the Warehouses program is blank.

The GRN suspense control account (General Ledger Integration) is used as the default for a non-stocked item when all of the following are true:

  • the GRN suspense system is installed

  • GRN matching is required for the supplier (Suppliers)

The default ledger code can only be changed if the option: Request ledger codes for - Purchase order receipts - Credits is enabled (Inventory Setup).

The ledger code entered is validated when Inventory is linked to General Ledger.

Debit ledger

This is applies to processing a non-stocked receipt.

This defaults to the ledger code entered during purchase order entry. If this was not entered, then the ledger code defined at the Non-stocked field (General Ledger Integration) is displayed.

The default ledger code can only be changed if the setup option: Request ledger codes for Purchase order receipts - Debits (Non stocked) is enabled (Inventory Setup).

If you defined a ledger code against the job (Job Entry) then that ledger code is displayed and cannot be changed.

The ledger code entered is validated when Inventory is linked to General Ledger.


When no job is linked to the purchase order, the Debit ledger code entered is only stored on the database when it does not match the Non-stocked control account defined in the General Ledger Integration program.

This means that the Debit ledger code will not print on a Purchase Order Receipt document when it is the same as the Non-stocked control account defined in the General Ledger Integration program, because the DetDrLedgerCode field will be blank.

Issue direct to job

Select this to assign the line item to a job. You then enter the job number.

If you issue an item (stocked or non-stocked) directly to a job, then ensure that your WIP and Inventory modules are in the same posting month. This is achieved by running the required number of month ends in either module until the posting month is the same for both modules. If the Inventory module is not installed then ensure that your WIP and Purchase Order modules are in the same posting month. However, since the Purchase Order module does not have its own month end function, you need to manually adjust the current month from within your Purchase Order options.

This field is disabled when the Purchase order is linked to a Sales order.

Job The job number assigned to the original purchase order line is displayed as the default.

This field is disabled when the Purchase order is linked to a Sales order.

Reject code

This field is only enabled if you enter a negative amount at the Receipt quantity field.

You use this field to indicate the reason code for reversing the receipt.

Serial numbers

Select this to use the Serial Entry for Receipts program to capture the serial number for the receipt.

Manual serial numbers or batch serial numbers are captured, depending on the method of serial tracking defined against the item (Stock Codes).

This option is only enabled if Serial tracking is required for the stock item and the option: Record serial numbers during receipt is selected (Stock Codes).

Use single ABC type elements

Select this if to include manufacturing elements defined with a calculation method of Single in the calculation of costs.

This option is only enabled if Activity based costing is required for the item you are receipting (Stock Codes).

Refer to Activity Based Costing Introduction for additional information on AB costing.

Lot details These fields are only enabled for lot traceable items.

Enter the lot number for the receipt of the item.

You can reuse the same lot number for different stock codes if the option Use same lot on multiple stock codes is enabled (Lot Traceability Setup).

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

You can only access the Lot field if:

  • The item is defined as traceable and requires inspection or requires a sample quantity to be inspected (Stock Codes).
  • Automatic lot numbering is not enabled (Set Key Information).
  • The option: Lot is equal to job is not enabled (Set Key Information).
Multiple lots

Select the Edit hyperlink to add multiple lots being received into stock using the Lot Bin Capture program.

This hyperlink is not available if:

  • you are processing a negative receipt

  • you have enabled automatic numbering for lots

  • you are using inspection and enabled the option Capture lots at end of WIP inspection (Work in Progress Setup)

  • you have already selected the lots

  • the item is serialized

  • you are printing inventory documents online

If multiple bins are in use, the bin must be entered before selecting the hyperlink.

If values are entered in the expiry date and concession fields, these will be used as default values when adding multiple lots.

Lot expiry date This indicates the current expiry date for the lot. This is calculated as the shelf life period defined against the stock item (Stock Codes) to the current date.

If the lot already exists on file and has an expiry date greater than zero, then that date is displayed.

You can change the expiry date providing the lot does not already exist in the Lot Detail file.


This field is only enabled if the item is defined as lot traceable.


Enter the supplier's certificate number which can be printed on inspection documents.

This could be a quality assurance document or a guarantee.

This field is only enabled when receipting lot traceable items. The certificate details are only stored in the LotTransaction table.


Enter a concession reference associated with the specific Lot, if applicable.

A concession usually indicates that although the item deviates from the original specification, it is still acceptable to and fit for its purpose.

This option is only enabled if the item is defined as Traceable (Stock Codes).


If you need to record a concession number against a lot, then ensure that you enter it during the receipt process as you cannot capture it later.

You can select the preference: Give warning about blank concession number entered to display a warning message when you do not enter a concession number.

Item details  
P/order line number This indicates the purchase order line number for the item being receipted.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse into which the item is being receipted.

See also Warehouse to Use for Non-stocked Items.

Stock code This indicates the code of the item being receipted.
Description This indicates the description for the item being receipted.
Long description This indicates the long description for the item being receipted.

This indicates the revision for the stock item, if the item is defined as an ECC controlled item (Stock Codes).

The wording displayed for this field defaults to Revision, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).


This indicates the release for the stock item, if the item is defined as an ECC controlled item (Stock Codes).

The wording displayed for this field defaults to Release, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).

Non-merchandise details  
Apply cost multiplier

Select this to enter and apply non-merchandise costs arising from the receipt of a stock item into a warehouse against which a cost multiplier is defined.


This option is available only if:

  • a cost multiplier not equal to 1 is defined against the warehouse associated with the stock item being receipted (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).
  • the option: Apply cost multiplier to process receipt is enabled (Inventory Setup)
  • you are not receipting an item defined as a Kit type K

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

Cost multiplier

Indicate the cost multiplier to apply.

The system displays the default value entered at the Cost multiplier field against the stock code (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) but this can be changed.

Note that if the option: Apply cost multiplier to process receipt (Inventory Setup) is not enabled, then the cost multiplier displayed is not applied to the receipt (i.e. the cost multiplier displayed here is only applied if the Apply cost multiplier option above is enabled).

The values calculated using a cost multiplier depend on the costing method defined for Inventory (Inventory Setup, or Warehouses when costing per warehouse).

  • Using a costing method other than Standard:

    Total Transaction value = Quantity x New Cost x Cost Multiplier

    Total Merchandise Value = Quantity x New Cost

    Total Non-merchandise value = Transaction Value - Merchandise Value

  • Using Standard Costing:

    Total Transaction Value = Quantity x Standard cost

    Total Merchandise Value = (Quantity x Standard Cost) / Cost Multiplier

    Total Non-merchandise value = Transaction Value - Merchandise Value

The Cost multiplier value is posted to the ledger account defined in the Non-merchandise Distribution pane.

Enter non-merchandise cost Select this to enter a non-merchandise amount that the system should use instead of calculating the amount using the cost multiplier.

This option must be enabled when the Receipt cost is zero, but you want to apply a non-merchandise cost.

Non-merchandise cost

You can only add a non-merchandise cost portion to your transaction if you enabled the Enter non-merchandise cost option.

The cost that you enter here is used as the non-merchandise cost and the system does not calculate an amount using the cost multiplier.

A non-merchandise cost can be applied to an item when the Receipt cost is zero providing all of the following apply:

  • the option Include non-merchandise cost is enabled (Inventory Setup ).

  • Standard costing is not in use (Inventory Setup ).

  • a cost multiplier is defined against the stock code/warehouse for the item being receipted (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).

  • a stocked item is being receipted.

  • the Receive Quantity option is used to receipt the item.

  • a Non-merchandise cost is entered.

Non-merchandise distribution

If you selected the Apply cost multiplier option, then you can select the Non-merchandise Distribution option to enter and apply non-merchandise costs arising from the receipt of a stock item into a warehouse against which a cost multiplier is defined. These additional costs could be in the form of freight, duty, agent costs, storage costs, handling and packaging costs, etc.

See Non-Merchandise Distribution.

This function is available under either of the following conditions:

  • a non-merchandise value was entered against the order line
  • using the Receive Quantity option, you selected the Apply cost multiplier option and specified a cost multiplier value not equal to 1, or you entered a non-merchandise cost amount.

If Inventory is linked to General Ledger (General Ledger Integration) then once you accept the cost multiplier assigned to the item (or enter a flat non-merchandise amount), the system requires that you distribute the non-merchandise portion of the receipt costs.

If Inventory is not linked to General Ledger, the distribution screen is not displayed.

The following message is displayed when the Receipt cost of the item is zero:

The calculated cost of the merchandise portion is zero. Do you want to include the non-merchandise cost in the last cost?

  • Select Yes to proceed to the Non-Merchandise Distribution screen,to cost the multiplier value against the item. When you post the distribution:

    • The journal is created as usual when a non-merchandise portion is entered.

    • The non-merchandise portion is added back to the Receipt line.

    • The Inventory last cost & last non-merchandise costs are updated on the warehouse.

    • A zero value GRN is created for the merchandise supplier, whilst a GRN for the non-merchandise amount is created for the Non merchandise supplier.

    • If you chose to issue directly to a job, then the material, labour, master and posting files are updated/created with the value of the issue.

  • Select No to return to the receipt pane. You need to deselect the Enter non-merchandise cost option to post the receipt of the item without applying a non-merchandise cost.

Non-Merchandise Distribution

If Inventory is linked to General Ledger (General Ledger Integration) then once you accept the cost multiplier assigned to the item (or entered a flat non-merchandise amount) you need to distribute the non-merchandise portion of the receipt costs to the appropriate GL accounts.

Field Description
Delete Select this to delete the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
Save and Close Select this to save your entries and to return to the previous screen. The full amount must be distributed before you can save the information you entered and return to the previous screen.
Close Select this to ignore the information you entered and to return to the previous screen.
Apply Undistributed Select this to automatically enter the amount not yet allocated to a ledger code into the Amount field of the entry currently selected in the listview.
Reference Enter the reference to print on the Journal Report.

The entry in this field is cleared each time you add a new line if you selected the Preference: Clear reference/supplier after each non-march distribution entry.


Indicate the supplier of the non-merchandise portion of the purchase order receipt.

If the GRN suspense system is required (Purchase Orders Setup) but you do not enter a supplier, then no GRN transaction is created for the non-merchandise value.

The entry in this field is cleared each time you add a new line if you selected the Preference:Clear reference/supplier after each non-march distribution entry.

Ledger code

Indicate the General Ledger account code to which to post the non-merchandise value.

To apply a Ledger code, the option: Request ledger codes for - Purchase order receipts - Non merchandise must be enabled (Inventory Setup).

Inventory must also be linked to General Ledger in Detail or Summary or Not linked to G/L - distribution report (General Ledger Integration).

If you did not enter a Supplier in the previous field, then the ledger code defaults to the GRN suspense account code on the Inventory form of the General Ledger Integration program.

Amount Enter the amount to distribute.

Purchase Order Linked to Sales Order

This screen is displayed when you over receipt a purchase order that is linked to a sales order.

Your selection at the option: Order linked to a receipt (Sales Orders Setup) determines whether the ship or reserved quantity is updated on the sales order.

Field Description
Option If you receipt a purchase order that is linked to a sales order and the receipt quantity exceeds the quantity on back order against the sales order, then you can indicate whether the balance of the quantity must be receipted into stock or whether the order quantities against the sales order must be increased.
Increase sales order quantity Select this to increase the sales order quantity to equal the purchase order receipt quantity.
Leave sales order quantity as is

Select this to leave the sales order as is and to receipt the balance of the receipt quantity into stock.

If you select this option, then once allocations have satisfied the sales order, the balance goes into stock. If multiple bins are installed and/or the stock item is serialized or traceable, then bins/lots/serials are allocated to the sales order in the sequence they were entered until that quantity is satisfied, and the balance goes into stock.

Ok Select this to process the sales order/stock receipt according to your selection.
Cancel Select this to ignore any selections made and to return to the previous screen.

Warehouse to Use for Non-stocked Items

This screen is displayed when receipting a non-stocked item if the option: Restrict order to single warehouse is not enabled (Purchase Orders Setup) and a default warehouse is not defined against your operator code (Operators) or against the company (Company Maintenance).

Ledger codes are defined against the warehouse, but the warehouse against a non-stocked item at line level is recorded as **. A default warehouse to use is therefore required to ascertain the correct ledger code to use to create the Inventory journal for posting to the General Ledger.

Field Description
Default warehouse to use Enter the warehouse code to use for creating and printing the inventory journal for the receipt of the non-stocked item.
OK Select this to accept the warehouse you entered and to continue with the receipt.

Purchase Order Receipt

This screen is displayed when you enter a Receipt quantity which is less than the outstanding purchase order quantity for the item.

Field Description
Is this purchase order line now complete? This option enables you to set the status of a partially receipted order line.

Select this to set the purchase order line as complete.

You select this option if you do not intend receipting the outstanding quantity for the purchase order line at a later stage.

If you are processing a negative receipt (i.e. the value in the Quantity field is negative) and you select this option, then the Quantity outstanding against the purchase order is not updated.


Select this if you intend receipting the outstanding quantity for the line at a later stage.

This is the default.

Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen.

Receipt Into Inspection

This pane is displayed when you select the Receive Quantity option from the Detail Lines pane and the item you are receipting is one of the following:

  • a traceable item or an item requiring inspection (Stock Codes)
  • a traceable item against which a sample quantity is required (Stock Codes) and for which you selected Yes at the prompt to receive a sample quantity into inspection
  • a stocked item against which you selected the Receive into inspection option at the time of processing the purchase order for the item

The order line is received into inspection. This enables you to perform two-stage receipting of stock into an inspection file. Once the stock is receipted into the inspection file, you use the Purchase Order Inspection program accept, reject, or scrap the goods, before actually updating the stock on hand.

The Receipt into Inspection option can be selected from within the following programs:

  • Purchase Order Entry
  • Sales Order Entry - Create Purchase Order function

  • Trial Kitting

Field Description
Cancel Select this to ignore any entries you made and to clear the fields in the Receipt into Inspection pane.

Select this to accept the entries made.

Passwords configured to prevent overriding an under supply or over supply of a purchase order are only applied when the Acceptable quantity over/under supply is greater than zero (Purchase Orders Setup).

The percentage variance is calculated as follows:

((Order quantity - Quantity received + Quantity already received) / Quantity ordered) x 100

Where this amount is less than zero, the password defined for the over supply of a purchase order is requested and where this amount is greater than zero, the password defined for the under supply of a purchase order is requested.

See Password considerations in Notes and warnings.

A record is created in the inspection file, and any entered serial numbers are stored in the serial inspection file. The appropriate inventory files are updated.

The Requirements Calculation program treats this quantity as if it was part of stock on hand, but excludes any quantity in inspection that has been scrapped and/or rejected.

If you have quantities that were rejected for the stock item, then the following prompt is displayed: "You have already rejected amounts on this GRN. Do you wish to deplete the rejected amounts first?"

  • If you select Yes, and the reversal quantity is equal to or greater than the quantity in rejection, the rejection quantity is made zero. If the reversal quantity is less than the reject quantity, the reject quantity is reduced by the reversal quantity.
  • Select No to reduce the Advised quantity before reducing the Rejected quantity.
  • Select Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Select this to display details of the next purchase order line number to receipt.

This option is only enabled if you selected the Preference: Automatic skip to next p/order line after a receipt.
Reverse Receipt

Select this to reverse the receipt of any previously receipted order lines from the inspection file.

You can only reverse a quantity that is currently in inspection. If it has already been accepted into stock, then you must process a negative receipt using the Inventory Movements program.

If the GRN against which you are reversing receipts contains items that were rejected, then you are prompted to choose to deplete rejected quantities first or last. If you select to deplete rejected quantities first, and the rejected quantity is less than the reversal quantity, then the rejected quantity is set to zero. If the reject quantity is greater than the reversal quantity, then the reject quantity is reduced by the reversal quantity. If you do not select to deplete the rejected quantities first, then the Advised amount is first reduced by the reversal amount.

Receipt details  
Receipt quantity Enter the quantity to receipt into inspection. This could be a sample of the full quantity received, or the entire quantity received.

See also Purchase Order Receipt.

Receipt qty uom This indicates the unit of measure of the receipt quantity.
Counted quantity complete

Select this to indicate that the Receipt quantity is equal to the quantity received and that you will not be receiving any more quantities of the item into inspection for this purchase order.

The counted quantity in the inspection file is updated with the value of the quantity received (see Purchase Order Inspection).

Supplier's delivery note

Enter the supplier's delivery note number that will be stored in the inspection file.

This number can be printed on inspection documents and used to link back to a sales order.

Delivery date

Enter the delivery note date that will be stored in the inspection file.

This date can be used to measure supplier performance when running the Suppliers' Performance report.

Narration Enter a narration, if required. This text can be printed on inspection documents.

Enter a unique GRN number to be used as the key to the GRN suspense file.

Serial numbers

Select this to use the Serial Entry for Receipts program to capture the serial numbers to go into inspection.

Manual serial numbers or batch serial numbers are captured, depending on the method of serial tracking defined against the stock item (Stock Codes).

This option is only enabled if Serial tracking is required for the stock item and the option: Record serial numbers during receipt is selected (Stock Codes).

Job The job number entered during purchase order entry is displayed here as the default.
Print inspection document

Select this to print an on-line inspection document using the Inventory Document Print program.

When printing on-line, a document is generated for each transaction processed (i.e. for each purchase order receipt line).

This option is disabled if you selected to print inspection documents in Batch only (Inventory Setup). In this case, you use the Inspection Document Print program to print the inspection documents.

Lot details  

Enter the lot number for the receipt of the item into inspection.

If you selected the option: Use same lot on multiple stock codes (Lot Traceability Setup) then you can reuse the same lot number for different stock codes

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

You can only access the Lot field if:

  • The item is defined as traceable and requires inspection or requires a sample quantity to be inspected (Stock Codes).
  • Automatic lot numbering is not enabled (Set Key Information).
  • The option: Lot is equal to job is not enabled (Set Key Information).
Multiple lots

Select the Edit hyperlink to add multiple lots being received into stock using the Lot Bin Capture program.

This hyperlink is not available if:

  • you are processing a negative receipt

  • you have enabled automatic numbering for lots

  • you are using inspection and enabled the option Capture lots at end of WIP inspection (Work in Progress Setup)

  • you have already selected the lots

  • the item is serialized

  • you are printing inventory documents online

If multiple bins are in use, the bin must be entered before selecting the hyperlink.

If values are entered in the expiry date and concession fields, these will be used as default values when adding multiple lots.

Lot expiry date This indicates the current expiry date for the lot. This is calculated as the shelf life period defined against the stock item (Stock Codes) to the current date.

If the lot already exists on file and has an expiry date greater than zero, then that date is displayed.

You can change the expiry date providing the lot does not already exist in the Lot Detail file.


This field is only enabled if the item is defined as lot traceable.


Enter the supplier's certificate number which can be printed on inspection documents.

This could be a quality assurance document or a guarantee.

This field is only enabled when receipting lot traceable items. The certificate details are only stored in the LotTransaction table.

Item details  
P/order line number This indicates the purchase order line number of the item you are receipting into inspection.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for the stocked item.
Stock code This indicates the stocked item you are receiving into inspection.
Description This indicates the description of the item.
Long description This indicates the long description of the item.

This indicates the revision for the stock item, if the item is defined as an ECC controlled item.

The wording displayed for this field defaults to Revision, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).


This indicates the release for the stock item, if the item is defined as an ECC controlled item.

The wording displayed for this field defaults to Release, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).

Reverse Previous Receipt into Inspection

This screen is displayed when you select the Reverse Receipt option option from the Receipt Into Inspection pane.

Field Description
Cancel Select this to ignore any entries made and to exit the Reverse Previous Receipt into Inspection screen.
Post Select this to accept the entries made and to create a transaction for the quantity reversed.

This indicates the GRN number against which the receipt reversal must be processed.

It is the GRN number originally created during the receipt of this purchase order/line number combination.

Lot This indicates the lot number against which the negative receipt must be processed.

The lot number is automatically displayed when you enter the GRN number providing only one lot number exists for the GRN. If more than one lot exists, then you must indicate the required lot.

Quantity to reverse

You use this field to enter the quantity to be reversed.

This quantity cannot be more than the quantity currently in inspections for the item. In addition, you will be unable to enter a quantity which will cause the lot quantity to become negative.

Reversal qty uom This indicates the unit of measure for the reversal quantity.
Purchase order now complete

Select this to set the purchase order line as complete.

You would select this option if you do not intend receipting the outstanding quantity for the purchase order line at a later stage.

Serial numbers

Select this to use the Inventory Serial Entry for Inspection program to capture the serial numbers to reverse.

Manual serial numbers or batch serial numbers are captured, depending on the method of serial tracking defined against the stock item (Stock Codes).

This option is only enabled if Serial tracking is required for the stock item and the option: Record serial numbers during receipt is selected (Stock Codes).

Receipt All

The PO Receipts with Apportionment program is used to perform the Receipt All function.

When you select the Receipt All option from the Detail Lines pane, the Purchase Order Receipts program checks each order line. Order lines matching any of the following conditions are ignored and not passed to the PO Receipts with Apportionment program for receipt:

  • the line is for a stocked item defined as a Kit part item
  • a cost multiplier value that is greater than 1 is assigned to the stock item
  • a zero purchase price is specified
  • the line is for a non-stocked item that requires inspection
  • the order line has been used as part of an LCT (Landed Cost Tracking) shipment
  • the number of days between the order line's due date and the receipt date exceeds the number of days defined against the option: Days permitted for early/late supply (Purchase Orders Setup)

A warning message is displayed when the option: Warn when acceptable variance exceeds is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup) and the acceptable variance defined against the Acceptable cost variance percentage option in Inventory Setup is exceeded. The warning message is displayed for each line that exceeds the variance, requesting whether you want to continue. If you select Yes and a password is defined against Inventory override on inventory cost variance (Password Definition) then the password is requested. If you select No, then the line is ignored and not receipted.

The following is displayed for each line the system excludes from being receipted using the Receipt All function:

Field Description
Purchase order line This indicates the purchase order line number which was rejected.
Stock code This indicates the code of the stock item on the line.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for which the item was purchased.
Reason for exclusion This indicates why the line was rejected from receipt.
Ignore subsequent warning messages Select this if you do not want to display this Purchase Order Warning screen for each subsequent line which is rejected.
OK Select this to proceed to the next line on the purchase order. If some lines were not rejected, then the PO Receipts with Apportionment program is displayed.

The rejected line needs to be receipted using the Receive Quantity option.

Cancel Receipt Select this to cancel the Receipt All process.

Receipt Information

This screen is displayed after you completed the receipt function and selected the Accept and Close option from the PO Receipts with Apportionment program. The information on this screen is required for each receipt line.

Field Description
Accept Entry Select this to receipt the purchase order line into stock.

The Inventory Document Print program is loaded if you indicated that the Document selectionsoption for Receipts and for Inspections is On Line and Batch (Inventory Setup).


When printing documents online, a document is generated for each transaction line processed. You are therefore prompted to print each individual line receipted.

Bin location

This applies only when the option: Multiple bins in use is enabled against the warehouse into which you are receipting the item (Warehouses).

If you selected the option: Multiple bins in use (Warehouses) for the warehouse receiving the item and the Preference: Show default bin for receipts (above), then the bin location assigned to the stock item (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) is displayed in this field, but can be changed. If the Preference: Show default bin for receipts (above), is not selected, then no bin number of displayed in this field. You must enter a bin number if multiple bins are required for the warehouse (Warehouses).

If the bin does not exist, it is automatically created providing the option: Create bins at inventory transaction is enabled (Inventory Setup). If this option is not selected, you must either enter an existing bin or use the Inventory Bin Maintenance program to create a new bin.

If multiple bins are not used either for the company or for the warehouse used, then the default bin defined against the specific warehouse is used (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) otherwise the warehouse code itself is used to populate the InvMovements and InvDocument tables.

Multiple bins

Select this to allocate the receipt quantity to a specific bin or bins.

This option is only enabled if the option: Multiple binsin use is selected for the warehouse receiving the item (Warehouses).

This is disabled if you are printing purchase order receipts on-line (Inventory Setup). When printing purchase order receipt documents on-line, you can only capture a single bin per receipt.

Issue direct to job

This enables you to issue items received directly to a job.


The Work in Progress, Inventory and Purchase order modules must be in the same period.

This option is disabled if unit quantity processing is defined against the item being receipted (Stock Codes).

The job attached to the purchase order line is used automatically and cannot be changed. If this option is selected and no job is attached to the purchase order, then this selection is ignored.

If more than one allocation is found that matches the stock item/job number combination, you are requested to select the line to which the allocation must be posted.

The material allocation to the job is automatically marked as complete if the quantity issued not less than the quantity required against the job.

If a password is required when posting to a completed job, then this is requested once only.

Items defined as Lot traceable or requiring inspection (Stock Codes) are not allocated to a job, regardless of whether you select this option.

Items are not issued to jobs on hold or to unconfirmed jobs.

This field is disabled when the Purchase order is linked to a Sales order.

Job Indicate the job to which to issue the receipt.

The job number assigned to the original purchase order line is displayed as the default.


Enter the lot number for the receipt of the item.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

You can only access the Lot field if:

  • the item is defined as traceable and requires inspection or requires a sample quantity to be inspected (Stock Codes).
  • you are not using automatic lot numbering (Set Key Information).
  • the option Lot is equal to job is not enabled (Set Key Information).

If you selected the option: Use same lot on multiple stock codes (Lot Traceability Setup) then you can reuse the same lot number for different stock codes.

Multiple lots

Select the Edit hyperlink to add multiple lots being received into stock using the Lot Bin Capture program.

This hyperlink is not available if:

  • you are processing a negative receipt

  • you have enabled automatic numbering for lots

  • you are using inspection and enabled the option Capture lots at end of WIP inspection (Work in Progress Setup)

  • you have already selected the lots

  • the item is serialized

  • you are printing inventory documents online

If multiple bins are in use, the bin must be entered before selecting the hyperlink.

If values are entered in the expiry date and concession fields, these will be used as default values when adding multiple lots.

Lot expiry date

This indicates the expiry date of the lot.

If a non-zero shelf life was entered against a traceable item (Stock Codes) then the default expiry date is calculated by adding the shelf life period to the current system date. In this case you cannot change the date if the activity: PO Receipt override lot expiry date calculated from shelf life is denied.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Serial numbers

Select this to use the Serial Entry for Receipts program to capture the serial number for the receipt.

Manual serial numbers or batch serial numbers are captured, depending on the method of serial tracking defined against the item (Stock Codes).

This option is only enabled if Serial tracking is required for the stock item and the option: Record serial numbers during receipt is selected (Stock Codes).

Use single ABC type elements

This option is only enabled if Activity based costing is required for the item you are receipting (Stock Codes).

Select Yes to include the manufacturing elements defined with a calculation method of Single in the calculation of costs.

Refer to Activity Based Costing Introduction for additional information on AB costing.

Item details These details are displayed for information purposes.
Purchase order This indicates the purchase order you are receipting.
P/order line number This indicates the purchase order line number you are receipting.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for the item.
Stock code This indicates the stock item you are receiving.
Description This indicates the description of the item.
Quantity This indicates the quantity of the item being receipted.
Quantity uom This indicates the unit of measure applicable to the receipt quantity.

Apportion Quantity

This pane is displayed when you select the Apportion Quantity option from the Detail Lines pane. It enables you to receive a single quantity for multiple purchase order lines for the same stock code.

You cannot use the Apportionment Quantity function for order lines containing items which are traceable and require inspection (Stock Codes).

This facility can be used as an alternative to the Landed Cost Tracking system or Cost Multiplier facility (see Comparing Receipt Methods).

If you have multiple order lines for the same stock code and warehouse on the purchase order, then you can enter one receipt quantity and allocate this quantity to the various lines on the order without having to calculate and post the receipt quantity for each line individually.

The receipt quantity is allocated to lines with the earliest due date first. The receipt quantity can only be apportioned if the warehouse code is the same for each line of the stocked item.

  • If GRN numbering method is automatic (Set Key Information) then regardless of whether you specified that GRN numbers must be assigned to individual purchase order lines, the program allocates one GRN number for all lines being receipted and for all the non-merchandise elements.

  • Any residual values calculated by the system following apportionment are added to the last purchase order line. If, however, as a result of applying the residual value the charge becomes negative, then the charge is set to zero and the difference is added to the undistributed value.

    A residual value may arise when the system is unable to apportion a charge absolutely across all lines. For example: If you have 5 purchase order lines and you apportion 100.06 using the Equal line method, then each line should be assigned 20.01. However, this would result in only 100.05 being distributed. In this scenario, the last order line is assigned 20.02.

If the item you are receipting is linked to sales orders, then the receipt amount is allocated to the sales orders based on the outstanding order quantities on the sales orders. If the receipt amount exceeds the outstanding sales order quantities, then the balance of the receipt is posted into stock. If the receipt amount is less than the outstanding sales order quantities, then the receipt amount is allocated beginning with the sales order with the earliest due date. The remainder of the outstanding sales order quantities remain on back order.

If the purchase order is linked to a sales order, then your selection at the option: Order linked to a receipt (Sales Orders Setup) determines whether the ship or reserved quantity is updated on the sales order.

Field Description
Cancel Select this to ignore any information entered and to clear all fields in the Apportion Quantity pane.

Select this to post the information entered.

When you select this function, the information you entered is validated (where applicable) and warnings are displayed for inconsistencies found.

If you select to ignore these warnings, then the receipt quantity is apportioned without any further warnings.

Apportionment costs are recorded on the Inventory journal as transaction type G.

Stock code Enter the stock code of the item for which you are processing the receipt.
Description This indicates he description for the stock code selected.
Receipt quantity

Enter the total receipt quantity for the selected stock item. This is the quantity you want to apportion over all lines of the purchase order for the selected stock item.

By default, the quantity outstanding against the first occurrence of the item on the order is displayed, but can be changed.


The quantity you enter must be in the stocked item's unit of measure.

If the quantity entered is less than the total quantity outstanding for all matching stock items, then the last line depleted is only partially received. You can optionally mark this line as complete if no further receipts will be processed for the line.

If the quantity entered exceeds the total quantity outstanding for all matching stock items, then the remainder is posted to the last line depleted, causing this line to be over receipted.

If a percentage is defined against the option: Acceptable quantity over/under supply (Purchase Orders Setup) then a warning is displayed if the entered receipt quantity exceeds the order quantity by this percentage.

Passwords can be configured to restrict overriding an under supply or over supply of a purchase order.

See Password considerations in Notes and warnings.

See also Purchase Order Receipt.

Receipt qty uom This indicates the unit of measure for the Receipt quantity value.
GRN source

This is displayed if the GRN suspense system is required (Purchase Orders Setup) and the item is neither traceable nor requires inspection.

This code can be in the range 1-5, indicating the source of the transaction. These source codes are entirely user defined and not validated. For example, a source code of 1 could indicate returns.

Totals for each code are printed on the GRN Audit Trail report.

Supplier's delivery note Enter the supplier's delivery note number. This number is stored in the inspection file and can be printed on inspection documents and also used to link back to a sales order attached to the purchase order.
Delivery date

Enter the delivery note date that will be stored in the inspection file. This date can be used to measure supplier performance when running the Suppliers' Performance report.

This is only enabled for Lot traceable items or items requiring inspection (Stock Codes).


Enter a narration if required. This text can be printed on inspection documents.

This is only enabled for Lot traceable items or items requiring inspection (Stock Codes).

Bin location

This indicates the bin location assigned to the stock item (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).

You must enter a bin number if multiple bins are required for the warehouse receiving the item (Warehouses).

If the bin does not exist, then it is automatically created providing the option: Create bins at inventory transaction (Inventory Setup) is selected. If this option is not selected, you must either enter an existing bin or use the Inventory Bin Maintenance program to create a new bin.

Only one bin number can be entered for the receipt quantity entered at the Quantity field.

If the item is defined as Lot traceable or it requires inspection (Stock Codes) then the bin number is only requested when the item is transferred from inspection into stock.

If multiple bins are not used either for the company or for the warehouse used, then the default bin defined against the specific warehouse is used (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) otherwise the warehouse code itself is used to populate the InvMovements and InvDocument tables.

Notation Enter a notation to be printed on the Inventory Journal Report.
GRN This indicates the Goods Received Note for the receipt.

If GRN matching is required for the supplier and the GRN numbering method is set to Manual (Set Key Information) then you must enter a GRN number.

If GRN numbering is not set to manual, then the system automatically allocates a GRN number. If the option: Auto GRN for each line for receipt all (Set Key Information) is enabled, then a GRN is created for each line receipted. However, regardless of your selection for this option, only one GRN is created for the receipt of multiple lines for items defined as Lot traceable or that require inspection (Stock Codes).

Reference Optionally enter a reference when GRN matching is not required for the supplier. This is a purely notational field, so any text can be entered.
Lot details  

Enter the lot number into which the item(s) must be received.

Only one lot number can be defined for the receipt quantity entered in the Quantity field.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

You can only access the Lot field if:

  • The item is defined as traceable (Stock Codes).
  • Automatic lot numbering is not enabled (Set Key Information).
  • You have not selected the option: Lot is equal to job (Set Key Information).

If you selected the option: Use same lot on multiple stock codes (Lot Traceability Setup) then you can reuse the same lot number for different stock codes.

Multiple lots

Select the Edit hyperlink to add multiple lots being received into stock using the Lot Bin Capture program.

This hyperlink is not available if:

  • you are processing a negative receipt

  • you have enabled automatic numbering for lots

  • you are using inspection and enabled the option Capture lots at end of WIP inspection (Work in Progress Setup)

  • you have already selected the lots

  • the item is serialized

  • you are printing inventory documents online

If multiple bins are in use, the bin must be entered before selecting the hyperlink.

If values are entered in the expiry date and concession fields, these will be used as default values when adding multiple lots.

Lot expiry date This indicates the current expiry date for the lot. This is calculated as the shelf life period defined against the stock item (Stock Codes) to the current date.

If the lot already exists on file and has an expiry date greater than zero, then that date is displayed.

You can change the expiry date providing the lot does not already exist in the Lot Detail file.


This field is only enabled if the item is defined as lot traceable.


Enter the supplier's certificate number which will be stored in the inspection file and can be printed on inspection documents.

This could be a quality assurance document or a guarantee reference.

This is only enabled if the item is Lot traceable or requires inspection (Stock Codes).

Issue direct to job

This enables you to issue items received directly to a job.


The Work in Progress, Inventory and Purchase order modules must be in the same period.

This option is disabled if unit quantity processing is defined against the item being receipted (Stock Codes).

The job attached to the purchase order line is used automatically and cannot be changed. If this option is selected and no job is attached to the purchase order, then this selection is ignored.

If more than one allocation is found that matches the stock item/job number combination, you are requested to select the line to which the allocation must be posted.

The material allocation to the job is automatically marked as complete if the quantity issued not less than the quantity required against the job.

If a password is required when posting to a completed job, then this is requested once only.

Items defined as Lot traceable or requiring inspection (Stock Codes) are not allocated to a job, regardless of whether you select this option.

Items are not issued to jobs on hold or to unconfirmed jobs.

This field is disabled when the Purchase order is linked to a Sales order.

Print inspection document

This is only enabled if the stock item is defined as Lot traceable or it requires inspection (Stock Codes).

Select this to print an on-line inspection document using the Inspection Document Print or Inventory Document Print program.

When printing on-line, a document is generated for each transaction processed (i.e. for each purchase order receipt line).

This option is disabled if you are printing inspection documents in Batch only (Inventory Setup). In this case, you use the Inventory Document Print program to print the inspection documents.

Serial numbers

Select this to use the Serial Entry for Receipts program to capture the serial numbers for the receipt.

Manual serial numbers or batch serial numbers are captured, depending on the method of serial tracking defined against the stock item (Stock Codes).

This option is only enabled if Serial tracking is required for the stock item and the option: Record serial numbers during receipt is enabled (Stock Codes).

Item details  
P/order line number This indicates the purchase order line number for the item being receipted.
Due date This indicates the date on which the purchase order line is due.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse into which the item is being receipted.

This indicates the revision for the stock item, if the item is defined as an ECC controlled item (Stock Codes).

This is the default label for this field, but is replaced by whatever wording you assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).


This indicates the release for the stock item, if the item is defined as an ECC controlled item (Stock Codes).

This is the default label for this field, but is replaced by whatever wording you assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).

Stock Information

The stock code information displayed in this pane relates to the Purchase Order line currently being receipted.

List of Journals

This displays details of the inventory journal for the transactions receipted during the current run of the program.

Column Description
Journal This indicates the journal number created for the transactions.
Journal date This indicates the date of the journal created.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for the journal.
Operator This indicates the operator who processed the transactions.

Journal Entries

The individual entries which make up the journal highlighted in the List of Journals listview are displayed in this listview.

Column Description
Stock code This indicates the code of the item receipted.
Transaction This indicates the transaction type.
Quantity This indicates the quantity of the item receipted.
Value This indicates the value of the item receipted.

EC SSD Information

This screen is displayed when the EC Vat system is in use (Company Tax Options Setup) and you process a receipt from a supplier in an EC Member State (excluding local transactions).

When receipting a purchase order from an EC supplier you must enter the EC information required for EC statistical reports.

Field Description
Country of origin

This defaults to the nationality code defined against the supplier (Suppliers) but can be changed.

This field must indicate the nationality code of the country from which the goods were received.

This field is printed on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report.

Nationality codes are maintained using the Nationalities program.

Delivery terms

This indicates the three-character alphanumeric Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery for the acquisition (arrival).


The Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.

For example, the Delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. Shipping location).

This field is printed on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report.

Shipping location This indicates the Shipping location associated with the Delivery terms.
Nature of transaction

This indicates the Intrastat nature of transaction code for the acquisition (arrival).

This defaults to the default nature of transaction code defined against the supplier. If the code is not defined against the supplier, then the nature of transaction code defined against the company, is used. You can enter a different code if applicable.

This field is printed on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report.

Mode of transport

Enter a code indicating the mode of transport used to deliver the goods.

This field is for documentary purposes and is printed on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report.

Traders reference

Enter a code as a traders reference (e.g. the dispatch document number given by the supplier).

This field is for documentary purposes and is printed on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report.

Tariff code

This is only enabled when receipting non-stocked items.

When receipting a stocked line, the tariff code defined against the stock item (Stock Codes) is displayed.

This field is printed on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report.

Unit mass

Enter the mass of the item per unit (e.g. per box) if you are receipting a non-stocked item.

When receipting a stocked line, the mass per stocking unit defined against the stock item (Stock Codes) is displayed.

The net mass is printed on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report and is calculated by multiplying the quantity by the unit mass.

Declaration exchange rate This displays the declaration exchange rate defined against the currency (Currencies - EC Rates). This exchange rate is used to calculate the local currency transaction value printed on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report and differs to the normal exchange rate used for the transaction.
Supplementary units

Select this if supplementary units apply to this tariff code, if you are receipting a non-stocked item.

The letter Y is printed under the supplementary units column on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report, indicating that supplementary units apply to this tariff.

When receipting a stocked line, the supplementary units defined against the stock item (Stock Codes) are displayed.

OK Select this to accept the information you entered and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Comparing Receipt Methods

The following table provides a comparison between the Landed Cost Tracking system, Cost Multiplier and Receipt All apportionment facilities:

Receipt Method Advantages Disadvantages
Landed Cost Tracking Charges can be apportioned over an entire purchase order as well as across a complete shipment, which could include multiple purchase orders.

This method of apportioning charges is very flexible. LCT allows you to construct expected costs which can be used to receipt into stock prior to receiving the Accounts Payable invoice.

Complex to establish and maintain.

Requires the setup of Bills of Landed costs (Browse on Calculation Codes and Bill of Landed Costs) in advance of receipting each purchase order.

Cost Multiplier No prior setup is required.

Up to 20 charges can be applied to a given purchase order line.

The cost multiplier can only be applied to one purchase order line at a time.

The operator must calculate in advance the exact value to be entered for each charge.

Receipt All No prior setup is required.

Charges can be apportioned over an entire purchase order. Up to 10 such charges can be applied.

The apportionment calculation methods are not as flexible as the LCT system.

Only one purchase order line at a time can be processed.

Notes and warnings

Do you wish to adjust the quantity of a specific bucket?

This message is displayed when you process a negative transaction in a FIFO environment. SYSPRO typically prompts you to adjust the quantity in a specific bucket, but if you select No, then processing proceeds differently in a number of programs.

The information below indicates these differences, based on whether there are FIFO buckets with quantities and if the Use zero cost bucket for returns option is not enabled.

Program Transaction Prompted for specific bin? With FIFO quantities Without FIFO quantities
Inventory Movements (-) Receipt Yes Oldest FIFO bucket (with quantity) Can't perform negative receipt when no quantities on hand
  (-) Adjustment Yes Oldest FIFO bucket(with quantity) Can't perform negative receipt when no quantities on hand
  (+) Adjustment Yes Latest FIFO bucket Latest FIFO bucket
  (-) Expense Issue Yes Latest FIFO bucket (with quantity) Oldest FIFO bucket
Purchase Order Receipts (-) Receipt Yes Oldest FIFO bucket (with quantity) Can't perform negative receipt when no quantities on hand
Sales Order Entry (-) Sales order No Latest FIFO bucket (with quantity) Oldest FIFO bucket
  Credit Note No Latest FIFO bucket (with quantity) Oldest FIFO bucket
  Credit Note (linked to invoice) No Create new FIFO bucket Create new FIFO bucket
Job Issues (-) Kit Issue No Latest FIFO bucket (with quantity) Oldest FIFO bucket
  (-) Specific Issue Yes Latest FIFO bucket (with quantity) Oldest FIFO bucket


  • This purchase order has not yet been printed. Do you wish to continue to receipt in this purchase order?

    This message is displayed even when the purchase order has been printed, if the option: Allow maintenance of completed orders is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup).

  • The Inventory journals must be output using a valid warehouse code. Please enter a valid warehouse code to be used in the Inventory journal for this non-stocked item.

    See Warehouse to Use for Non-stocked Items.

  • Commitment transaction not found for GL code ...

    This error message is usually displayed when the record for the specific GL code and purchase order does not exist in the GenCommitDetail table.

    When commitment accounting is required for purchase orders and you create a purchase order for a non-stocked item, then a record for the specific purchase order and GL code combination is added to the GenCommitDetail table. A record is also added to the GenCommitment table. This message is displayed when you try to post a PO receipt against that non-stocked item when the record for the GL code and purchase order (reference) does not exist in the GenCommitDetail table.

    To fix this, you can normally rebuild the uncommitted (Requisition) and committed (Purchase Orders) tables, by running the GL Commitment Takeon program. If you select to do this, then the values of all current purchase orders that have an outstanding quantity for non-stocked items are recorded against the applicable general ledger codes. Completed purchase orders are ignored.

    In addition, the Commitment accounting required option (General Ledger Setup) should not be enabled or disabled at random. The option must be enabled, or if you want to disable it, then you must ensure that all requisitions/purchase orders that were created/approved while Commitment accounting was enabled are completed, and that those transactions were posted to the GL before you disable the Commitment accounting required setup option.

Cost variances

Refer to Cost Variances - Purchase Orders for details of costing variances posted to the Inventory Warehouse Variance General Ledger account when using Average costing.

Commitment accounting

  • If you selected the setup option: Commitment accounting required (General Ledger Setup) then you must define all period end dates for the current General Ledger year.

    You might not be able to receipt purchase orders if these dates are not defined for the full year.

GL Analysis considerations

  • If the GL analysis required option is enabled for a ledger account used in this program (General Ledger Codes or GL Structure Definition) then the Capture GL Analysis Entries program is displayed when you post the transaction, so that you can enter the analysis details. For a sub module transaction, the sub module must also be linked to the General Ledger in Detail at company level (General Ledger Integration) or at ledger account code level (General Ledger Codes or GL Structure Definition). GL analysis entries cannot be entered from sub modules if the sub module is linked to the General Ledger in Summary at company level or at ledger account code level.

    Note that the GL analysis required option is ignored for all GL codes which are defined in General Ledger Integration. This applies even when the GL code is manually entered in a posting program. Although GL integration programs may be entered manually, they may also be called automatically by other programs or may be automated, which means that they can never be stopped to allow GL analysis entries to be captured.

    If the GL analysis code used does not exist in the GenAnalysisCat table, then a message to this effect is displayed and the program will not prompt for analysis again. The GL journal will be created but not posted until the GL code, GL analysis code and GL journal are corrected.

    The Ask Me Later function is only available when the option: Force GL Analysis - GL journal posting is enabled for the sub-module (General Ledger Integration).

    General Ledger analysis entries are always distributed in the local currency, regardless of the currency in which the original transaction is processed.

Bought-out at warehouse level considerations

  • If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier defined against the warehouse is used instead of the supplier held against the stock code.

Intrastat considerations

  • Delivery Terms and Shipping Location's can only be captured if:

    • a valid Nationality code has been entered, and EC Vat is in force, or

    • the option Capture non EC members delivery terms is enabled in the Intrastat Setup program.

  • The Delivery Terms and Shipping Location defaults defined in Suppliers and Customers take precedence over those defined in the Intrastat Setup program.

  • To reflect the Delivery Terms and Shipping Location on sales order and purchase order documents, ensure that these fields are enabled in the document format setup programs (only available with Word and SRS document printing).

  • Delivery terms are maintained using the Intrastat Delivery Terms program.

  • Shipping locations are maintained using the Shipping Locations program.

  • Nature of transaction codes are maintained using the Intrastat Transaction Nature program.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
AP Supplier changed

Controls access to supplier maintenance in the Suppliers, Browse on Suppliers and GRN Adjustment programs.

It can also be used to prevent switching on GRN matching for a supplier from within the Purchase Order Receipts program by using the %GrnMatchReq variable in a condition against this eSignature transaction.

PO Receipt

Controls access to the Receive Quantity/Receive Single Line function in the Purchase Order Receipts program.

The following user defined conditions can be used to prevent the setting of a purchase order line to complete when the receipt quantity is less than the outstanding quantity on the purchase order:

  • Condition 1: If %LineCompleteFlag = Y AND %Quantity < %PrevOutstandingQty

    The %PrevOutstandingQty is the quantity outstanding excluding the current transaction.

    The %LineCompleteFlag checks against the screen set field to establish if the line was set to complete during the current receipt.

  • Condition 2: If %LineCompleteFlag = Y AND %OutstandingQty > 0

The following user defined condition can be used to prevent receipting against a Purchase order line which is already set to complete:

  • Condition: If %LinePrevComplete = Y

    %LinePrevComplete checks if the line was set to complete prior to the current transaction.

The following user defined condition can be used to prevent the receipt of a quantity greater than the outstanding quantity:

  • Condition: If %Quantity > %PrevOutstandingQty

These conditions can also be applied to the Purchase Order Inspection program using the PO Receipt into inspection eSignature transaction.

PO Receipt into inspection

Controls access to the receipting of purchase orders into inspection in the Purchase Order Inspection and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

See eSignature transaction PO Receipt for information related to user defined conditions.

PO Accept into stock from inspection

Controls access to the Accept into Stock function for items in inspection within the Purchase Order Inspection and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

PO Count inspection item

Controls access to the Count Stock function for items in inspection within the Purchase Order Inspection and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

PO Inspect item

Controls access to the Inspect Stock function in the Purchase Order Inspection and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

PO Reject inspection item

Controls access to the Reject Stock function in the Purchase Order Inspection and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

PO Scrap inspection item

Controls access to the Scrap Stock function in the Purchase Order Inspection and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

PO Receipt all

Controls access to the Receipt All function in the Purchase Order Receipts program.

PO Apportion quantity receipt

Controls access to the Apportion Quantity function in the Purchase Order Receipts program.

PO Return inspection item

Controls access to the Return Stock function in the Purchase Order Inspection and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

PO Receipt line cancel

Controls access to the Cancel Line function in the Purchase Order Receipts program.

PO Kit receipt

Controls access to the receipting of kits in the Purchase Order Inspection and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

PO Import receipts

Controls access to import receipts in the Purchase Order Receipt Import and Purchase Order Receipts programs.

PO Reverse inspection receipt

Controls access to the reversing of Inspection Receipts in the Purchase Order Receipts program.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Inv Allow receipts against expired lots

Controls whether an operator can receipt items into a lot that has expired using the Inventory Movements, Job Receipts, Purchase Order Receipts and Purchase Order Inspection programs.

When allowed, a warning is displayed if the operator receipts an item into an expired lot. The operator can cancel the transaction or process the receipt.

PO Receipt override lot expiry date calculated from shelf life Controls whether an operator can change the lot expiry date calculated using the shelf life defined against the item (Stock Codes) when receiving lot traceable items into stock using the Purchase Order Receipts and Purchase Order Inspection programs. This is irrespective of whether the item requires inspection.

This does not prevent the operator changing the lot expiry date from the Inspection screen.

Different operators would typically perform the functions of receipt and inspection and this option therefore only restricts the operator who is receipting the items.

PO Inspection functions

Controls whether an operator can access the Inspection function in the Purchase Order Receipts program.

Disabling this activity prevents the operator from accessing the Purchase Order Inspection program.

You can enable this activity and use additional activities to prevent operators from accessing selective options within the Inspection function if required. These include:

  • inspecting items
  • scrapping items
  • rejecting items
  • returning items
  • accepting items
  • counting items
  • changing the scrap liability for scrapped items

Allowed to import from client Controls whether an operator can use a SYSPRO import program to import data from a client machine (in a client/server environment).
PO Import warn only on under receipt of purchase order

Controls whether a warning is displayed when an operator imports Purchase Order receipts using the Purchase Order Receipts program and the receipt quantity is less than the order quantity. The receipt can be imported.

PO Import warn only on over receipt of purchase order

Controls whether a warning message is displayed when an operator imports Purchase Order receipts using the Purchase Order Receipts program and the receipt quantity exceeds the order quantity. The receipt can be imported.

PO Import ignore receipt variance during receipt of manual serial item

Controls whether a warning message is displayed when an operator imports Purchase Order receipts for a manual serialised item using the Purchase Order Receipts program and the receipt quantity differs from the order quantity. The receipt can be imported.

Field considerations

Operator access to the following fields within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Security Fields function of the Operators program.

Field Description
INV Show costs in purchase order receipts This option applies specifically to the Purchase Order Inspection, Purchase Order Receipts, and Inventory Journal Summary Zoom programs and enables you to control the following within these programs:
  • Suppress the display of Costs and prices.
  • Prevent the operator from changing the cost basis.
  • Prevent the operator from receipting an item which has a cost multiplier greater than 1 (the option to apply the cost multiplier is not displayed).
  • Suppress the price, order value, and outstanding value when the operator selects to zoom on purchase order lines.
  • Prevent the operator from printing the inventory journal for the receipt online.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
PO Override on 'under supply' of a purchase order This password restricts access to setting a purchase order line to Complete when the quantity received is less than the purchase order quantity. The option to mark a purchase order line as complete is displayed when using the Post function of the Purchase Order Receipts program.

This password is only applied when the Acceptable quantity over/under supply percentage is greater than zero (Purchase Orders Setup).

PO Override on 'over supply' of a purchase order This password restricts access to setting a purchase order line to Complete when the quantity received is more than the purchase order quantity. The option to mark a purchase order line as complete is displayed when using the Post function of the Purchase Order Receipts program.

This password is only applied when the Acceptable quantity over/under supply percentage is greater than zero (Purchase Orders Setup).

PO Override on early/late supply of a purchase order This password restricts access to using the Purchase Order Receipts program to receipt a purchase order line when the receipt date is calculated to be over or under the number of Days permitted for early/late supply stipulated in the Purchase Orders Setup program.
PO Inspection This password restricts access to using the Inspection function in the Purchase Order Receipts program to receipt purchased items into inspection.
PO Manual entry of a cost when receipting purchase orders This password restricts access to the Cost basis - Manual Entry when receipting purchase orders using either the Purchase Order Receipts or Purchase Order Inspection program.
PO Allow receipt into stock using a zero purchase order price This password restricts access to using the Purchase Order Receipts program to receipt a purchase order line when the Receipt cost is zero.

Hints and tips

Document printing

  • Purchase order receipt and inspection documents can be printed online using the Inventory Document Print program if you indicated that the Document selectionsoption for Receipts and for Inspections is On Line and Batch (Inventory Setup).


    When printing documents online, a document is generated for each transaction line processed.

Reversing Apportionments

When receiving in a purchase order, you can apportion numerous additional costs over the order using the Receipt All function.

When processing a negative receipt, you can retract these additional costs by reversing the apportionment values when processing a negative receipt.

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Order Receipts program and enter the Purchase order number for the negative receipt.

  2. If the purchase order has already been fully receipted, then display all the order lines by selecting All Lines from the Include menu.

  3. In the Detail Lines pane, highlight the line for which you want to process the negative receipt and select the Receive Quantity function.

    If the order line was previously fully receipted, then a warning message to this effect is displayed. Select OK to continue.

  4. Enter the Receipt quantity as a negative value.

  5. At the Cost basis field, select Original GRN cost.

  6. At the GRN field, enter the GRN number applicable to the receipt.

  7. At the Multiple entries field, click on the Select option or click on the Browse icon to display all the apportionment entry details from the journal created by the purchase order receipt.

  8. Indicate which apportionment entries you want to reverse using the Include column and optionally change the Apportioned value as required.

  9. Save your selections.

  10. Select the Post function in the Purchase Order Receipt pane.