Inventory > Browses > Browse on Stock Codes

Browse on Stock Codes

You use this program to view details of stock items currently defined.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Bitmaps Uses the Multimedia program to allocate a bitmap to the stock item currently highlighted in the list view.

Uses the Stock Code Copy program to create a copy of the currently highlighted stock item.

Warehouses Uses the Inventory Warehouses for Stock Codes program to assign the stock item to a warehouse and define the warehouse information for the highlighted stock item.
Pricing Uses the Browse on Stock Code Pricing program to define the pricing information for the highlighted stock item.
Foreign Purchase Prices Uses the Inventory Foreign Purchase Prices program to define the foreign purchase pricing information for the highlighted stock item.
Alternate Stock Codes Uses the Inventory Alternate Stock Codes program to define the alternate stock code information for the highlighted stock item.
Alternate Supplier Uses the Inventory Alternate Suppliers program to define the alternate supplier information for the highlighted stock item.
On Hold Status

Uses the Stock Code On Hold Maintenance program to define the on hold status for the highlighted stock item.

Notation List Indicate the type of stock code text notations to print using the Inventory Notations program.
Show all records Displays all rows in the listview. The recommended maximum size is 8000. This is set for the current run of the program only.
Record limits Set the number of rows to display in the listview.
Only Specific W/house's Stock Indicate a specific warehouse for which to list the stock items in the list view.

This is set for the current run of the program only.

This is not an operator preference that can be saved. It is set depending on whether a warehouse code was entered before you select to browse on the stock codes. For example, when entering a sales order line and you have already selected a warehouse, then this option is enabled by default and only stock codes for that warehouse are displayed in the browse.

Change Warehouse Change the warehouse for which to display the stock items in the list view (if you selected to view stock items for a specific warehouse).
Specific Supplier's Stock Indicate a specific supplier for whom to list the stock items in the list view. This applies only when Sequence is Supplier.
Change Supplier

Change the supplier for whom to display the stock items in the list view (if you selected to view stock items for a specific supplier).

On Partial Hold Status Includes items which are on partial hold in the list view.
On Full Hold Status Select this to include items which are on full hold in the list view.


Column Description
Alternate key 1 and 2

This indicates additional information assigned to the stock item which can be used as selection criteria when browsing on stock codes.

It can also be used to change the sequence in which items are displayed when browsing on stock codes.

The wording displayed for this field can be changed to suit your own requirements (Inventory Setup).

Kit type This indicates whether the stock code is used in a single level bill of materials.
Lead time This indicates the number of days in which to either buy out or manufacture the stock item. See also Lead time.
Warehouse to use

This indicates the warehouse to use to extract the quantities of stock required by the Bill of Materials module when performing functions such as a cost implosion and creating material allocations.

It is also the default warehouse used for the parent when adding a job and is used to calculated the new landed cost of an item.

Batching rule This indicates the batching rule defined against the stock item. The batching rule (or buying rule) is used by the Requirements Planning module to indicate how to address quantity shortages encountered for the stock item.
EBQ This indicates the Economic Batch Quantity for the stock item.

This indicates the pan size of the stock item.

This can be likened to a container size. Within the Bill of Materials module you can indicate whether the elapsed time against work centers or cost centers is based on the pan size or the economic batch quantity.

User defined 1 - 5

This indicates extra information that you have assigned to the item.

You can specify your own wording for these fields using the Inventory Setup program.

Drawing number

This field is for documentary purposes and is printed on reports and factory documentation.

This field is only relevant if the ECC (Engineering Change Control) module is installed.

Quantity on hand This indicates the quantity of the item physically in the warehouse(s). This includes quantities on hold.
Quantity allocated to sales orders This indicates the quantity of the item allocated to sales orders (quantity on back order + sales order ship quantity). These quantities exclude unallocated scheduled order back order and ship quantities.
Available quantity

This indicates the quantity available of the stock item.

This is the quantity on hand less the quantity allocated to sales orders for the item in the selected warehouse. The quantity allocated to sales orders is the order quantity and includes quantities on backorder.

The quantity available includes stock on hold, stock in expired lots, stock locked by Engineering Change Orders and stock in bins that are on hold. The reason is that the quantity on hand (used in the calculation) is the quantity physically in the warehouse and includes quantities on hold.

Quantity on order This indicates the quantity of outstanding purchase orders, made-in jobs and supply chain transfers for the item.
Qty allocated to sales orders This is reduced by the Quantity reserved for WIP allocations when the Reserve stock for confirmed jobs option is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).
Back order quantity This indicates the quantity on back order (sales order back order quantity). This quantity excludes unallocated scheduled order back order quantities.
Quantity in transit This indicates the In transit quantity for the item (outstanding non-immediate warehouse transfers shown against the target warehouse).
WIP allocations This indicates the quantity allocated to Work in Progress (outstanding materials to be issued to jobs). This includes allocations to both confirmed and unconfirmed jobs.
Quantity in inspection This indicates the quantity of the item which is in inspection (quantity of purchased items awaiting inspection, i.e. receipted into inspection but not receipted into stock).
Minimum quantity

This indicates the minimum quantity of the item required to be stocked in this warehouse at any point in time.

A quantity of zero indicates that the minimum quantity is undefined.

Maximum quantity

This indicates the maximum quantity of the item required to be stocked in this warehouse at any point in time.

A quantity of zero indicates that the maximum is undefined.

Default bin This indicates the default bin location for the item within the warehouse.
Cost This indicates the unit cost of the item.

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

User defined 1 - 3

This indicates extra information that you have assigned to the warehouse.

You can specify your own wording for these fields using the Inventory Setup program.

Stock code status

Temp indicates that this is a temporary item which will be deleted the next time the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program is run.

Clear indicates that the stock item must be sold or cleared as a matter of urgency. If this column is blank, then it indicates that this is a normal stock item.

Notes and warnings

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).

Deletion considerations

See Deletion considerations.

List view considerations

  • Quantities are displayed for the default warehouse selected at the Default warehouse to show quantities option (Inventory Setup).

  • The following columns only display information when viewing stock codes for a single warehouse:

    • Back order quantity

    • Quantity in inspection

    • Quantity on order

    • Quantity in transit

    • WIP allocations

    • Stock code status

    • Available quantity

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
Inv Stock code added

Controls access to the Add or New function in the following programs:

  • Browse on Stock Codes

  • Configurator Wizard

  • Stock Code Copy

  • Stock Codes

  • Quotations

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Stock Part Creation

Inv Stock code changed

Controls access to the Change function in the following programs:

  • Browse on Stock Codes

  • Stock Code On Hold Maintenance

  • Stock Codes

  • Quotations

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Stock Part Creation

Inv Stock code deleted

Controls access to the Delete function in the following programs:

  • Browse on Stock Codes

  • Stock Code Delete

  • Stock Codes

  • Quotations

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Stock Part Creation

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Inv Add stock code Controls whether an operator can add (or copy) a stock code using the Stock Codes or Browse on Stock Codes programs.
Inv Change stock code Controls whether an operator can change stock code details (including notes) within the Stock Codes program.
Inv Delete stock code Controls whether an operator can delete a stock code using the Browse on Stock Codes or Stock Codes programs.
Inv Stock code on hold Controls whether an operator can change the hold status of a stock item within the Stock Code On Hold Maintenance program.
Inv Release stock on partial hold Controls whether an operator can issue or release stock items that are on a partial hold Stock Code On Hold Maintenance.

Field considerations

Operator access to the following fields within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Security Fields function of the Operators program.

Field Description
INV Show costs in stock code maintenance Controls whether an operator can access the cost fields of the Stock Codes and Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code programs, and view costs in the Browse on Stock Codes program.

Be careful that you do not deny an operator access to the viewing of Costs in stock code maintenance, while allowing the same operator the facility to maintain stock codes. In this scenario, the operator will still be able to view and change details of BOM Costs held against the item.

Hints and tips

View additional functions

  • Press Ctrl+F1 within a listview or form to view a full list of functions available.

  • Right-click on a tile or a category header within either the Navigation Pane or Favorites to view a full list of functions available.