SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Distribution > Purchase Orders Setup

Purchase Orders Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for the Purchase Orders module.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.


Field Description
Default pricing method for purchase order entry


Select this to indicate that you do not require a default pricing method during purchase order entry.

Current inventory cost price

Select this to indicate that the current inventory cost price must be used as the default pricing method during purchase order entry.


This defaults to a pricing method of Manual when capturing a stocked purchase order line if any of the following is applicable:

Last price paid to supplier

Select this to indicate that the last price paid to the supplier must be used as the default pricing method during purchase order entry.

Purchase price

Select this to indicate that the purchase price defined for the supplier must be used as the default pricing method during purchase order entry.

You would select this option if you have negotiated contract prices with your suppliers.

You define the supplier purchase prices for stock items using the Browse on Contract Prices program.


Use alternate unit of measure for order quantity

Select this to use either the stocking or the alternate unit of measure as the order quantity.

Allow maintenance of completed purchase orders

Select this to maintain completed orders until the number of days you are retaining them is reached.

When you select this option, completed orders remain in a status of 4 until the number of days to retain completed purchase orders (Purchase Orders Setup) is exceeded. At that point, the orders are purged, without being moved to a status of 9. The reason that these orders remain in a status of 4 is that they can be maintained and are therefore regarded as active and cannot be purged.

  • Enabling this option does not enable you to maintain orders that are currently in a status of 9 - Complete.

    You can only maintain orders processed after you selected this option and which have since became complete (status 4).

  • Enabling this option does not allow you to change a completed line, but it does allow you to cancel a completed line.

Use alternate document price

Select this to be able to capture and print alternate supplier prices on purchase order documents for local currency suppliers.

Selecting this option enables you to select the preference: Use alternate supplier price (Purchase Order Document Format). In addition, the Alternate supplier price field is enabled within the Browse on Supplier Stock Code Cross Ref.

Retain order when created without lines

Select this to retain purchase orders created without purchase order lines.

You typically enable this option to be able to create a purchase order to obtain the purchase order number and later add the required lines to the order.

If you enable this option, then the purchase order header is created and retained in a status of 1 until the order is maintained.

If you do not enable this option, then purchase orders created without any detail lines are automatically cancelled when you exit the Purchase Order Entry program. However, adding a line creates a purchase order and cancelling the line (even within the same run of the program) does not cancel the order. You have to manually cancel the order if it is not required.

Include non-merchandise cost in last cost

Select this to:

  • include the non-merchandise costs entered when using the Apportion Details function of the PO Receipts With Apportionment program into the Last costof the item.
  • include the calculated cost multiplier value to the receipt cost of an item when using the Purchase Order Receipts program.
  • If you select this option, then you must also select the option: Apply cost multiplier when processing receipts (Inventory Setup - Options tab) to include the cost multiplier value in the last cost of the item.

  • When receipting an item into a Standard costing warehouse, the standard cost of the item is used and no non-merchandise costs are included in the Last cost.

    Standard costing is the only costing method in which the non-merchandise portion is not added to the Last cost. The Non-merchandise cost is displayed in the Last non-merchandise field in the Warehouse Value Details pane in Inventory Query.

Warn when acceptable variance exceeded during receipt all

Enable this to display a warning when using the Receipt all function of the Purchase Order Receipts program and the acceptable variance defined against the Acceptable cost variance percentage option in Inventory Setup is exceeded.

A password can be defined which has to be entered when the variance is exceeded. See Inventory override on inventory cost variance (Password Definition).

The warning message is displayed for each line that exceeds the variance, requesting whether you want to continue. If you select Yes and a password is defined, then the password is requested. If you select No, then the line is ignored and not receipted.

Shipping instructions

Shipping instructions default message

Set a default shipping instructions message that can be printed on purchase orders.

Purchase order inspection

Liable to supplier for scrapped items

Select this to enable the facility that allows an operator to decide whether the supplier must be paid for inspection items that are scrapped.


Against the operator you must enable the activities: PO Inspection functions and PO Inspection change scrap liability (Operator Maintenance).


Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Purchase Order setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.


Field Description
Purchase order entry options

Insert purchase order additional text automatically

Select this to automatically insert as comment lines any additional purchase order text held against a stock item being purchased.


This only applies when creating a purchase order in the Purchase Order module; not when creating a purchase order via MRP.

Insert dangerous goods text automatically

Select this to automatically insert as comment lines any dangerous goods text held against a stock item being purchased.

Set order status to 'ready to print' after maintenance

Enable this option for the status of an order that has been maintained but not printed to revert to 1 - Ready to print. This ignores the Reprint completed lines preference in the Purchase Order Format program and means you won't be able to reprint a purchase order with completed lines.

Don't enable this option if you want the order status to remain 4 - Printed after having been initially printed online. Any printing done during order maintenance is seen as a reprint and your selection at the Reprint completed lines option is taken into account.

Plus/less wording required on purchase order print

Select this to indicate whether you want to print additional wording on your purchase order documents where discounts were entered (i.e. less for discounts and plus for surcharges).

Restrict order to single warehouse and use for delivery address

Enable this to restrict each purchase order to a single warehouse (i.e. you cannot enter a warehouse per line).

The warehouse address is used as the delivery address for the order and can only be changed if the option: Allow maintenance of delivery address is enabled.

When you enable this option, you can define a default warehouse against operators who use the Purchase Order Entry program so that they do not need to manually enter the required warehouse when adding purchase orders.

Allow maintenance of delivery address

Select this to allow changes to the delivery address in the Purchase Order Header Information program.

This applies only when you enable the option: Restrict order to single warehouse and use for delivery address.

Allow entry/maintenance of exchange rate

Select this to be able to modify the exchange rate at the time of capturing an order for a foreign currency supplier.

Allow entry of new lines to contracted purchase orders

Select this to be able to add stocked and non-stocked items to Blanket Purchase orders using the Purchase Order Entry program. This does not apply to Blanket Purchase Orders with a Fixed contract.

If the item added is already part of the BPO contract, then the line details are automatically pulled in from the contract and the relevant fields are disabled as these must match the contract. If the item is not already part of the contract, then the line can be added the same as a normal purchase order line.

If this option is not enabled then only Freight, Miscellaneous and Comment lines can be added and changed for any Blanket Purchase Orders using the Purchase Order Entry program.

Validate buyer when purchase order created


Select this to force the entry of a valid buyer when creating a purchase order or a requisition.

If entered

Select this to validate the buyer at the time of creating a purchase order, only if a buyer is actually entered.


Select this to not validate the buyer when creating a purchase order or requisition.

Default tax status

This indicates the default tax status for the company.


Select this to set the default tax status to taxable.


Select this to set the default tax status to non-taxable.

If you select this option, then you will be unable to enter Tax information for non-stocked lines in the Purchase Order Entry and Requisition Maintenance programs.

Manual entry of normal P/o line when BPO contract exists

This field controls the addition of stocked/non-stocked lines to a normal purchase order when a blanket purchase order contract exists.

Base on contract

Select this if the manual entry of normal purchase order lines, when a blanket purchase order contract exists, depends on whether the contract is fixed or not.

For fixed contracts you can add entries using only the blanket purchase order programs.

For contracts that are not fixed, you can add entries using the standard purchase order programs.

Not Allowed

Select this to prevent the manual entry of normal purchase order lines when blanket purchase order contracts exist. You will only be able to add entries using the blanket purchase order programs.


Select this to allow the manual entry of normal purchase order lines (using standard purchase order programs) when blanket purchase order contracts exist.

When appending to an existing purchase order from sales orders

This applies to purchase orders created from sales orders and enables you to indicate the action to take when appending a sales order back order line to a purchase order when the customer and/or customer purchase order numbers differ. See also PO Creation.

Retain original customer and customer purchase order

Select this to prevent adding a back order line to an existing purchase order when the customer/customer purchase order numbers differ.

Optionally change original customer and customer purchase order

Select this to allow the original customer/customer purchase order numbers on the purchase order to be changed when adding a back order line to an existing purchase order for a different customer/customer purchase order number.

Ignore differences in customer and customer purchase order

Select this to allow a back order line to be added to an existing purchase order when the customer/customer purchase order numbers differ.

Enabling this also allows you to create a single purchase order for a single requisition using the Requisition Maintenance program when the customer Purchase order numbers differ (Requisition Maintenance -Detailed Information).

Inventory Demand Review  
Review demand when doing receipts This allows you to review demand for stock at the time of receipting an item into stock using the Purchase Order Inspection or Purchase Order Receipts programs. In the case of the Purchase Order Inspection program, this occurs when accepting an item into stock and, in the case of the Purchase Order Receipts program, when using the Receipting Quantity or Apportion Quantity functions.


Field Description
Maintain a history of receipts by supplier/stock code

Select this for each purchase order receipt to be recorded in a special receipts file, enabling you to produce a supplier performance report.

Allow incomplete shipment lines to be designated as ready for archiving

Select this to be able to designate as ready for archiving, shipments that include:

  • items in inspection
  • items not yet received into stock
  • items with no invoice number

These selections are made at the Incomplete Shipment Options function within the LCT Shipment Archive program. The Incomplete Shipment Options function is displayed only if you are allowing incomplete shipment lines to be designated as ready for archiving.

Allow for automatic removal of completed lines when purging

Select this to be able to remove completed purchase order lines when you run the Purchase Order Purge program.

If you do not select this option, then you will be unable to select the Remove completed lines option from within the Purchase Order Purge program.


Regardless of the number of days you are retaining completed purchase orders, completed order lines are deleted if you select the Remove completed lines option within the Purchase Order Purge program.

Delete history records in order purge

By date

Select this to purge the history of receipts file according to a maximum number of days.

Maximum age of records to retain

Indicate the maximum number of days for which records must be retained before the history of receipts file is purged.

This field is displayed only if you selected the option: By date at the previous field.

By number

Select this to purge the history of receipts file according to a maximum number of records.

Maximum number of records to retain

Indicate the maximum number of records that must be retained before the history of receipts file is purged.

This field is displayed only if you selected the option: By number at the previous field.

Retention periods

By default, the values you enter against these fields represent days, unless you select the option History retention is expressed in months.

Completed shipments before archiving

Indicate the number of days/months after a shipment has been received into stock, that it can be archived.


The LCT Shipment Archive program removes any completed shipments in the Landed Cost Tracking system and archives them for later retrieval and reporting. This reduces the size of live Landed Cost Tracking shipment tracking files.

Archived shipments before deletion

Indicate the number of days/months after a shipment has been archived, that it can be deleted.

An entry of 999 retains archived shipments indefinitely.

GRN journals

Indicate the number of days/months for which you want to retain GRN journals.

This determines the number of months for which you can reprint the GRN Journal Report and the GRN Distribution reports.

An entry of 999 retains GRN journals indefinitely.


Regardless of the whether the number of days/months specified here is exceeded, GRN journals are purged only if they have been printed.

GRN price variances

Indicate the number of days/months for which you want to retain GRN price variances.

An entry of 999 retains GRN price variances indefinitely.

History retention is expressed in months Select this to take the values entered for the Retention periods fields to represent months and not days.
Number of months to retain

Matched GRN's

Indicate the number of months that you want to retain matched GRNs before the GRN Purge program must delete them.

This field is only enabled if you selected the option: GRN suspense system required (GRN tab).

Number of days to retain

Completed purchase orders

Indicate the number of days for which you want to retain completed purchase orders before they are deleted by the Purchase Order Purge program.

An entry of 0 means that purchase orders are deleted when they are complete.

An entry of 99999 retains purchase orders indefinitely.


Regardless of your entry here, completed order lines are deleted if you select the option: Remove completed lines within the Purchase Order Purge program.

Requisition lines

Indicate the number of days for which you want to retain requisition lines.

An entry of 9999 retains requisition lines indefinitely.


If you enter zero in this field and you run the purge option (Requisition Purge) before the items are received into stock, the Originator will not be allowed to acknowledge the requisition as complete when the goods are received into stock.

The Requisition Purge program automatically removes cancelled requisitions, as well as any confirmed requisition lines that have exceeded the number of days specified in this field, based on your selections in the Requisition Purge program.

For example, if you select Only purge when PO line complete in the Requisition Purge program, then the requisition line is deleted if it is cancelled or the related purchase order is complete and the number of days to retain requisition lines is exceeded.

Completed BPO contracts

Indicate the number of days for which you want to retain completed Blanket Purchase Order contracts.

An entry of 99999 retains BPO contracts indefinitely.

The Blanket Purchase Order Purge program uses the number of days entered here to determine whether completed and expired BPO contracts can be purged.


This does not apply to cancelled BPO contracts, as these are purged whenever you run the Blanket Purchase Order Purge program.


Field Description
GRN System

GRN suspense system required

Select this to use the Goods Received Note (GRN) system.

When enabled, all Purchase Order receipts entered are stored in a special suspense file for Accounts Payable invoice matching and checking.

GRN Numbering

These options are disabled and ignored when the GRN suspense system required option is disabled.


Select this to enter a Goods Received Note number manually for each purchase order receipt.

By company

Select this to assign the next Goods Received Note number automatically according to your entry at the Next GRN number field (Numbering tab) when processing a purchase order receipt.


You can select this option only if the key type of the GRN number field is configured to be numeric (Company Maintenance).

By warehouse

Select this to assign the next Goods Received Note number automatically according to the numbering method defined against the warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance).

If you select this option, then you should define a default warehouse against each operator who processes purchase orders (Operator Maintenance - Defaults tab). This default warehouse is then used when purchasing non-stocked items.


You should enable the option: Automatic for each new p/order line and/or For each new line in 'receipt all' to ensure that the correct numbering is applied according to the warehouse against each line.

This option is applicable to LCT Shipment receipts only when the option: Automatic by shipment is enabled. In this scenario, the GRN number is always generated from the first warehouse encountered against the shipment.

You can only select this option of you selected the option: Restrict order to a single warehouse and use for delivery address (Options tab).

By warehouse with prefix

Select this to assign the next Goods Received Note number automatically according to the numbering method defined against the warehouse together with a two-character prefix (Warehouse Maintenance).

If you select this option, then you should define a default warehouse against each operator who processes purchase orders (Operator Maintenance - Defaults tab). This default warehouse is then used when purchasing non-stocked items.


You can select this option only if:

  • the key type of the GRN number field is configured to be alphanumeric (Company Maintenance).

  • you selected the option: Restrict order to a single warehouse and use for delivery address (Options tab).

Automatic for each new p/order line

Select this to generate a new GRN number for each stock item receipted using the Purchase Order Receipts program.


If any stock item on the purchase order requires inspection or is traceable, then a new GRN number is assigned to each line regardless of whether this option has been selected.

For each new line in 'receipt all'

Select this to produce a GRN number per line when using the Receipt All function in the Purchase Order Receipts program. If you do not select this option then the Receipt All function generates a single GRN number for all lines.


If any stock item on the purchase order requires inspection or is traceable, then a new GRN number is assigned to each line regardless of whether this option has been selected.

Automatic by shipment

Select this to assign a GRN number to each new shipment received into stock using the Landed Cost Tracking system.

Check for duplicate GRNs

Select this if you require GRN numbers to be unique, regardless of the supplier.

If you select this option, then you need to select the function: Create GRN Master File from the Reindex Data Files program to create a GRN Master file. The GRN Master file is used by the system to ensure that duplicate GRN numbers are not created.

Reversing GRN

Allow negative receipt when GRN matched

Select this to be able to reverse a receipt after the GRN has been matched.


This function does not allow the reversal of a receipt for an item that is flagged as being either traceable or requiring inspection (Stock Code Maintenance).


Field Description
Default charges

Freight charges
Field Description
Local currency Select this to indicate that freight charges for foreign suppliers must be entered in local currency by default when capturing purchase orders.
Foreign currency Select this to indicate that freight charges for foreign suppliers must be entered in foreign currency by default when capturing purchase orders.
Miscellaneous charges
Field Description
Local currency Select this to indicate that miscellaneous charges for foreign suppliers must be entered in local currency by default when capturing purchase orders.
Foreign currency Select this to indicate that miscellaneous charges for foreign suppliers must be entered in foreign currency by default when capturing purchase orders.
Include freight and miscellaneous lines in XML export

Select this to include freight and miscellaneous lines when exporting purchase orders in XML format.

You export purchase orders to XML format using either the Purchase Order Export program, or the Purchase Order Entry program.


Previously exported freight or miscellaneous lines that are subsequently changed are not re-exported.

However, freight and miscellaneous lines added to an order after it has been exported are included in the export.

Receipt exception rules

Number of days permitted for early/late supply

Indicate the number of days before or after a purchase order's due date that it may still be supplied.

If you enter 0 in this field, then no check is made for either early or late supply.

When you select the Receipt All option from the Purchase Order Receipts program, the system calculates the number of days between the receipt date and due date for each order line. If that number of days exceeds the number of days entered here, then those order lines are ignored. You are not, however, prevented from using the Receive Quantity option from the Purchase Order Receipts program to receipt each purchase order line individually. A warning message is displayed indicating that the number of days permitted for early/late supply was exceeded.

Acceptable quantity over/under supply percentage

Indicate the percentage according to which a purchase order receipt quantity can be more or less than the original purchase order quantity.

This option comes into effect when either you attempt to receive into stock more than the original order quantity, or you attempt to specify that the order line is complete (i.e. an under supply has occurred).


Only a warning message is displayed and the operator is not prevented from accepting the variance.

You can configure passwords to prevent operators from overriding an under supply or oversupply of a purchase order (Password Definition), but these passwords are only applied when the Acceptable quantity over/under supply percentage is greater than zero.

Acceptable cost percentage variance  
Expected for accounts payable posting

Indicate the percentage by which the expected costs and the actual AP invoice value can differ when apportioning the invoice value across cost elements.

To update warehouse costs

Indicate the percentage by which the calculated landed cost and the current inventory cost of an item can differ when using the Calculate New Landed Cost program to update inventory costs.


Field Description
Requisition numbering method  

Select this to number your requisitions manually.


Select this to generate requisition numbers automatically.

Send confirmation and notification of receipt to originator

This indicates how you want to confirm and notify the originator of a requisition when processing a partial purchase order receipt for the requisition.

Only one

Select this to re-route the requisition back to the originator only for the first receipt processed.

The requisition status is set to Partial on the originator's Routed to view.

When the originator acknowledges the receipt, the requisition disappears from the originator's Routed to view and no further records are created on the route file.

If the first receipt is for the full purchase order, the requisition status is set to Receipt complete on the originator's Routed to view. Once the originator acknowledges receipt, the requisition disappears from the originator's Routed to view.


Select this to notify the originator of the requisition each time a receipt is processed, regardless of whether the requisition has been acknowledged in the originator's Routed to view. A record is created in the route file for each transaction.

Only confirmation

Select this to re-route the requisition back to the originator for the first receipt processed. Once the first receipt is acknowledged, no further notifications are made, Further receipts for the same purchase order cannot be acknowledged, but records for each subsequent receipt are recorded on the route file.

Update capex during purchase order maintenance


Select this to update the accumulated capex value with any changes made to a purchase order. This includes cancelled lines, which will reduce the accumulated capex value.


Select this if you do not want to update the accumulated capex value with any changes made to a purchase order.

Only when cancelling

Select this if you only want to update the accumulated capex value when purchase order lines are cancelled (i.e. the accumulated capex value is reduced).

Check maximum value at

These checks are performed whenever the Requisition Maintenance program is used to add or maintain requisition lines.

The checks can be applied at requisition user level, requisition user group level or product class within requisition user group level. You indicate the level at which this check must be performed at the Approval level checking option below.

All these checks are made as each requisition line is added or maintained.

These options are restricted by your selection at the Approval level checking option.

Line level

Select this to apply the following at requisition line level:

  • The maximum value that requisition users can process (according to their authority levels).

  • The maximum requisition line value for which a requisition line is automatically approved for the originator.

    Each requisition line is checked against the auto approval amount and if it is less than the auto approval amount, then the line is automatically approved.

You define these values against requisition users using the User Maintenance program.

This option can be selected for all the Approval level checking options.

Requisition level

Select this if you want to apply the following at requisition total level:

  • The maximum value that requisition users can process (according to their authority levels).

  • the maximum requisition value for which a requisition is automatically approved for the originator.

    The total line values are summed up for each line on the requisition. The total of the line values is checked against the maximum amount. If the total is below the maximum amount, then the lines are auto-approved. Once the total reaches the maximum amount, subsequent lines are not approved.

You define these values against requisition users using the User Maintenance program and/or against user groups using the Group Approval Limits program.

When you select Requisition level, the total value of the requisition is checked. Individual lines can be routed but will not be approved if the total value is exceeded.

For example: You have a requisition group budget limit of 100. You create a requisition with 3 lines, each with a price of 50. The requisition total price is therefore 150. The individual lines can still be routed, but the requisition cannot be approved, because the requisition total of 100 has been exceeded.

You cannot select this option if your Approval level checking is set to Product class within group.

Time of entry

Select this to perform the maximum value checks at the time The requisition or the requisition line is entered.

You cannot select this option if your Approval level checking is set to Group or to Product class within group.

Time of approval

Select this to perform the maximum value checks only at the time the requisition or requisition line is approved.

This option can be selected for all the Approval level checking options.

Requisition line options

Minimum capex requisition line value

Indicate the minimum capex requisition line value permitted before the program forces the requisition user to enter a valid capex number.

Minimum requisition line value for checking routing

Indicate the minimum requisition line value to use as a routing check before approving a requisition line.

If the line value exceeds the value entered here, then before the line can be approved, it is checked to ensure that it was routed to all the mandatory users defined at the Mandatory user codes to be checked in routing field below.

This enables each requisition user to whom the line is routed to view the line and to possibly add comments if required.

You typically define a value in this field if you wanted to ensure that any requisition line with value greater than is specified here is seen by the requisition users listed at the Mandatory user codes to be checked in routing field, before being approved.

Mandatory user codes to be checked in routing

User code 1 - 4

Indicate the user code(s) to which a requisition line must be routed, when the Minimum requisition line value for checking routing is exceeded.

Stores requisitions

By default, all requisitions are entered as normal requisitions - i.e. Requisitions from which purchase orders will be raised.

These options enable you to indicate whether you only want to create normal Requisitions, or if you also want to be able to create Requisitions as either issues and/or transfers.

  • You can only select to create issues and/or transfers if you are using the full Goods in Transit transfers facility (Inventory Setup - General tab).
  • Issues and Transfers can only be applied to stocked items.
Not required

Select this if you do not want to use stores Requisitions. If this option is selected, then Requisitions can only be satisfied by creating purchase orders (i.e. requisitions can only be turned into Purchase orders).

Create issue

Select this to be able to create Requisitions on your warehouse(s) to supply the required item(s).

Issues are generally used for expense type items.

For example, you may manufacture office furniture and your office requires a desk. If you select this option, then you can create a requisition to supply/issue that desk from your warehouse.

Alternatively, you may distribute stationery and want to be able to requisition your stores for stationery for use in your own offices.

Create transfer

Select this to be able to create Requisitions to transfer required items from another of your warehouses.

This typically applies if you have multiple warehouses and instead of creating a requisition to purchase the item(s) you need, you want to create a requisition to supply/transfer it from another one of your warehouses.

Request at run time

Select this to be able to create Requisitions which can be satisfied by:

  • creating a purchase order (Normal Requisitions)
  • issuing directly from stock (Issues)
  • creating a Supply Chain Transfer (SCT) order (Transfer Requisitions)

When you add a requisition, you can indicate the type of requisition you want to create providing your requisition user Authority level allows you access to the Detailed information in the Requisition Maintenance program.


Narrative not mandatory

Select this if you do not require routing narrative to be entered when:

  • saving a requisition
  • when accessing additional information
  • when routing the requisition to another user
Record approvals

Select this to automatically enter a routing comment in the Route note field against the Detailed Information for the requisition (Requisition Maintenance). When a requisition/requisition line is automatically approved, the text "Automatically Approved" is entered. If the requisition/requisition line fails automatic approval, the text "Requires Approval" is entered.

If against the originator of the requisition, a user is defined to whom the requisition must be routed for purchase order creation, then an additional routing is created (i.e. two routings are written to the routings file/table).

If you entered your own narration in the Route note field, then your narration is replaced by this approval text.

Approval level checking

Indicate the level at which the maximum value checks must be performed

If you want to define requisition budgets, then you need to set your Approval level checking to either Group or Product class within group.

If you change these options after you have set and saved them, then the following message is displayed:

"Changing the Approval Level could mean that the Group Approval Limits are no longer applicable. Do you want to initialize the Group Approval Limits?"

If you select Yes, then the approval limits defined against your groups are cleared (see Group Approval Limits).

Lines are automatically approved as they are entered and accepted if they are within the auto approving and total value limits. There is no facility to auto approve an entire requisition.

For example:

Assume you have 5 lines on a requisition, each valued at 100. Your total limit for a requisition is set to 300. The first 3 lines would be approved and routed on (assuming routing is defined) and the last 2 lines would remain unapproved and not routed.

The system cannot detect when a requisition is complete before going back to auto approve, so approving an entire requisition has to be a manual process.

User Select this to perform the checks based on the Requisition maximum values defined against the requisition user (User Maintenance).

Automatic approval of requisitions/lines can only be done when approval level checking is at User level.

Group Select this to perform the checks based on the Max approval value defined against the requisition user group (Group Approval Limits).

Automatic approval of requisitions/lines cannot be done when approval level checking is at Group level.

To set approval checking at this level you need to:

Product class within group

Select this to perform the checks based on product classes within user groups.

If you want to set approval checking at this level, then you must set the Check maximum value at option to Time of approval.

Automatic approval of requisitions/lines cannot be done when approval level checking is at Product class within group level.

In addition, you need to define requisition groups (Requisition Group Maintenance) and assign all requisition users to a valid group (User Maintenance).

You use the Group Approval Limits program to define the group approval limits for each group.

Requisition budgets

When you change the budget options after they have been defined, you are prompted to adjust your budgets.

See Requisition Budgets for details.

Budgets required Select this to maintain budgets for groups of requisition users.

Before you can select this option, you need to:

The Browse on Group Budgets and Group Budgets programs are only available when this option is selected.

At stock level. Select this to define requisition budgets at stock code level.

At this level, a budget for a product class can be entered instead of a stock code, enabling you to budget for non-stocked items at product class level (see Group Budgets).

At product class level Select this to define requisition budgets at product class level. A stock code can also be defined within the product class (see Group Budgets).
Expressed in terms of value Select this to indicate the budget values as monetary amounts (see Group Budgets).
Expressed in terms of quantity Select this to indicate the budget values as quantities (see Group Budgets).

Requisition Budgets

If, after you have defined your budget options, you make a change to these options, the following message is displayed when you save your settings:

A change to existing budget options has been made. The Requisition Budget take-on program will need to be run to adjust the budgets accordingly. Do you wish to run the program now?

Field Description
Yes If you select this option, then you are prompted to indicate which budget information you want to build or clear.
Requisition Budget taken This screen enables you to indicate which budget information you want to build or clear.

When using requisition budgets, two sets of figures are accumulated. One set is accumulated against Requisitions approved and the other, the actuals, are the figures for Requisitions converted into purchase orders. They each hold separate tables on the Group Actual Usage file.

If you select to only Rebuild approved, then only the approved Requisitions are accumulated into the approved table. If you select to only rebuild actuals then only Requisitions sent onto purchase orders will be accumulated into the actual table.

Rebuild approve Select this to rebuild the approval information for Requisitions relating to budgets.

Only the information from the current year is accumulated. The requisition date is used to select the month and year. If the requisition is marked as approved, then the approved level is increased.

Rebuild actuals Select this to rebuild the information for Requisitions which have been sent on to create purchase orders.

Only the information from the current year is accumulated. The requisition date is used to select the month and year. If the requisition is marked as received, then the received level is increased.

Initialize group budgets Select this to clear all your budget setup information (see Group Budgets). You will need to manually re-enter your budgets using the Group Budgets program.
OK Select this to clear the selected budget information.
Cancel Select this to exit the Purchase Orders Setup program.

The options you changed in the Purchase Orders Setup program are saved.

Your budget information is not cleared (i.e. the system behaves as if you had selected No at the message prompt).


If you select this option, then your existing budget information remains as is. You will, however, need to check if it is still valid.

For example, if you changed from expressing budgets in terms of value to be in terms of quantity, then the existing values against your budgets (Group Budgets) will now represent quantities, not monetary values. This may not be what you want.

Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen.


Field Description
Landed cost tracking  
Automatically prompt for a bill for non-stocked lines on purchase order

Select this to be able to process a shipment receipt for non-stocked lines on a purchase order.

This facility is activated at the time of adding consignment details to a shipment.

If a non-stocked line is encountered during consignment maintenance, then the system allows you to create a sundry consignment. The non-stocked code and quantity is retrieved automatically from details held against the non-stocked line.

In addition, a Receive into stock option (selected by default) enables you to receipt the non-stocked line at the time of processing a shipment receipt.

Include other costs when calculating new landed cost

Select this to optionally include fixed costs and minimum charges when calculating the new landed cost of an inventory item.

The new landed cost of an inventory item is calculated using the Calculate New Landed Cost program.

You configure fixed costs/minimum charges against LCT elements. You attach these LCT elements to the various routes that you will use to ship items from the supplier to your warehouse.

Automatically prompt to establish exchange rate

Select this to force the operator to specify the exchange rate for a shipment at the time of adding the consignment advice. The entered exchange rate is applied to all purchase order lines with that currency which was added to the shipment for the current run of the program.


If you deny the operator access to the field: P/O LCT established rate (Operator Maintenance) then the operator will be unable to access the exchange rate field.

If the exchange rate is not fixed on the purchase order, then the rate specified in the currencies table is used (Currencies).

Use fixed exchange rates when establishing exchange rates

Select this to use the fixed exchange rate entered against the purchase order. This is irrespective of whether you maintain individual or global exchange rates using the Shipment Maintenance program.

If you select this option together with the option: Automatically prompt to establish exchange rate, then irrespective of whether the operator enters a rate when prompted (Establish Rate screen), the fixed rate against the purchase order is used.

Allow lines with zero price to be attached to a shipment

Select this option to be able to add a purchase order line with a zero price to a shipment using the Shipment Maintenance program.

Include landed costs in last cost Select this to:
  • include the calculated cost multiplier value to the receipt cost of an item when using the Shipment Receipt program.
  • include the additional costs calculated when using calculation codes to apportion additional costs incurred within a shipment (see AP Invoice Registration ). This only applies if the supplier is a foreign currency supplier.

If you select this option, then you must also select the option: Apply cost multiplier when processing receipts (Inventory Setup - Options tab) to include the cost multiplier value in the last cost of the item.

Convert all quantities entered as alternate u/m to stocking u/m Select this to be able to use an alternate unit of measure as the base of any calculation or apportionment in Landed Cost Tracking.

If you select this option, then if a purchase order is raised using an alternate unit of measure, the quantity is converted to the stocking unit of measure on all lines of the shipment. This means that when calculation codes or apportionments are done, all the lines are based on the same unit of measure.

If you do not select this option, then all calculations are always based on the quantity entered on the purchase order and are not converted to the stocking unit of measure.

Update due date on purchase order line when vessel arrival date updated Select this if you want to update the due date on all order lines on all purchase orders for a shipment when you change the arrival date for an existing vessel (see Vessel Maintenance).
Automatically set sales order when receipt quantity = back order quantity Indicate what must happen when you use the Shipment Receipt program to receipt a shipment linked to a sales order (not a scheduled order) and the receipt quantity equals the back ordered quantity on the sales order.
To complete Select this to automatically set the order to complete.
Not complete Select this to automatically set the order to incomplete.
Prompt Select this to prompt the operator to set the order to complete or not.
Automatically set sales order when receipt quantity is less than the back order quantity Indicate what must happen when you use the Shipment Receipt program to receipt a shipment linked to a sales order (not a scheduled order) and the receipt quantity is less than the back ordered quantity on the sales order.
To complete Select this to automatically set the order to complete.
Not complete Select this to automatically set the order to incomplete.
Prompt Select this to prompt the operator to set the order to complete or not.
Automatically update sales order when receipt quantity is greater than the back order quantity Indicate what must happen when you use the Shipment Receipt program to receipt a shipment linked to a sales order (not a scheduled order) and the receipt quantity is more than the back ordered quantity on the sales order.
Increase sales order Select this to automatically increase the sales order to equal the receipt quantity.
Leave as is Select this to automatically leave the sales order as it currently is.
Prompt Select this to prompt the operator to increase the sales order or leave it as it is.


Field Description
Purchase order numbering method


Select this to enter an order number manually whenever you capture purchase orders.

By company

Select this to assign the next order number automatically according to your entry at the Next purchase order number field when capturing purchase orders.


You can select this option only if the key type of the Purchase order field is configured to be numeric (Set Key Information).

By warehouse

Select this to assign the next order number automatically, according to the numbering method defined against the warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance).


You can select this option only if the capture of orders is being restricted to single warehouse (Options tab) and the key type of the Purchase order field is configured to be numeric (Company Maintenance).

By warehouse with prefix

Select this to assign the next order number automatically, according to the numbering method defined against the warehouse together with a one-character prefix (Warehouse Maintenance).


You can select this option only if the key type of the Purchase order field is configured to be alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

Numbering options

Next purchase order

Indicate the next purchase order number that will be used by the system, if your purchase order numbering method is defined as By company.

Next GRN

Indicate the next GRN number that will be used by the system, if your GRN numbering method is defined as By company.

Next requisition

Indicate the next requisition number that will be used by the system, if your Requisition numbering method is defined as automatic.

Current Month

Field Description
Year selection

This indicates the calendar year in which your current financial year ends.


If the Inventory module is installed, then this must be defined using the Inventory Setup program.

Month selection

This indicates the month in which your company is running, in relation to the start of your financial year.


If the Inventory module is installed, then this must be defined using the Inventory Setup program.

Number of months per year

This indicates the number of accounting periods per year as defined at company level (Company Maintenance).