Inventory > Inventory Period End

Inventory Period End

You use this program to maintain the integrity of the data held in your Inventory module, to close the current month and open up a new month for processing your inventory transactions and to delete inventory information that is no longer required from the system.

This is achieved through the following functions:

  • Balance
  • Month end
  • Year end
  • Purge
  • Reset in-process journal & GIT flags
  • Balance lots (report only)

Inventory Period End

Field Description
Start Processing Select this to begin processing the function you selected.
Print Select this to print the information currently displayed in the Report, Warehouse Balance Report, Inventory Balance Report and the GIT Balance Report output panes.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.


Field Description
Control details  
Current month number This indicates the current month number of your Inventory module.
Period end date This indicates the period end date for the current month as defined in the Inventory Setup program.
Last period end date This indicates the date on which the previous period end was processed.
Processing options  
Function Indicate the processing function to perform.

Enable this to maintain the integrity of data held in your Inventory module.

You use the Balance function to perform the following tasks:

  • Print a report by warehouse summarizing the total on-hand inventory values and hash quantities.
  • Verify that the quantity on hand held against each bin agrees with the total quantity on hand by warehouse (if you are using FIFO costing or multiple bins).
  • Ensure that at least one FIFO bucket exists for each stock code/warehouse combination (if you have changed your costing method to FIFO).
  • Delete FIFO buckets with a zero quantity when the number of days or months between the current company date and the bucket's last issue date is greater than the days specified at the Days to retain zero quantity buckets option (Inventory Setup).

  • Verify that the total on hand quantity of lots agrees with the total on hand quantity of bins and the total quantity on hand by warehouse (if you are using multiple bins and lots).

    • If your inventory files are shared, then you can only run the Balance function from within the shared company and you are not in the shared company, then you cannot run the Balance function.
    • You cannot run a Balance function if a goods in transit transaction is in progress when the Full goods in transit transfers facility option is enabled (Inventory Setup) and a Requirements Planning Calculation (Requirements Calculation) is currently in progress.
Month end onlySelect this to close the current month and open up a new month for processing your inventory transactions.

You cannot run the Month end function if your inventory files are shared and you are not in the shared company.

Month end and purgeSelect this to close the current month and open up a new month for processing your inventory transactions and delete inventory information that is no longer required from the system.
Year end only

Select this to perform the final month end of the year and start a new financial year in the Inventory module.


If your inventory files are shared and you are not in the shared company, then you cannot run the year end function.

Year end and purgeSelect this to perform the final month end of the year, start a new financial year in the Inventory module and delete inventory information that is no longer required from the system.
Purge onlySelect this to delete inventory information that is no longer required from the system.

If your inventory files are shared, then inventory movements, inspection information and temporary stock codes are only considered for deletion if you are running this function from the 'holding' company.


Enable this to reset the journal, GIT in transit, and stock take confirmation flags.

Refer to the Reset options section for details.

Balance lots (report only)

Select this to review lot quantity adjustments recommended by the system, before allowing the system to update your live system.

Typically, when you run the Balance function and discrepancies are detected between quantities across lots, warehouses, multiple bins or FIFO buckets, the lot quantities are assumed to be correct and the other records are adjusted accordingly.

This function, however, enables you to view a report of the proposed changes before actually implementing them.

Reset options The Reset options only apply to a Balance or a Reset function.
Reset lowest unprocessed journal

Enable this to locate the earliest Inventory and GRN journals that have not been posted.

The Inventory GL Integration program creates and/or posts General Ledger journals from Inventory transaction journals according to your General Ledger Integration settings. The Inventory GL Integration program uses the lowest unprocessed Inventory journal number as a starting point to create/post these General Ledger journals.

Similarly, the GRN GL Integration program creates and/or posts General Ledger journals from GRN transaction journals according to your General Ledger Integration settings. The GRN GL Integration program uses the lowest unprocessed GRN journal number as a starting point to create/post these General Ledger journals.

Selecting this option therefore ensures that no Inventory and/or GRN journals are skipped when the General Ledger journals are created/posted for Inventory and GRNs.

This option is only available when you select to process a Balance function.

This function can also be performed using the GL Integration Utility program.

Reset in-process journal

Enable this to restore in-process journals to a status that enables you to print them.

You typically use this function if a power failure occurred during the processing of your inventory journals. This would cause the journals to be placed in an in-process status(*) and prevent you from printing them. The Reset in-process journals function effectively resets these in-process journals to a status of 0, allowing you to print them.

This is automatically done as part of the Balance function and is therefore not available when you select to process a Balance function.

Reset GIT details

Enable this to reset Goods in Transit flags.

If the GIT Structure Change flag is set to 'P' (in process), then it is reset to 'Y' (structure validation required).

If your inventory is shared (Company Maintenance) then this flag is only checked when the Inventory Period End program is run from the company that owns the inventory table/files.

This is automatically done as part of the Balance function and is therefore not available when you select to process a Balance function.

Reset stock take confirmation Enable this to reset the stock take confirmation in process flag on the warehouse control table/file.

The stock take confirmation in process flag is set when the Stock Take Confirmation program is used to confirm a stock take for a warehouse. This prevents multiple operators simultaneously confirming a stock take for the same warehouse. If the Stock Take Confirmation program is not successfully completed, it is possible that this flag is not reset. This prevents various other stock take functions from being performed for the warehouse.

This is automatically done as part of the Balance function and is therefore not available when you select to process a Balance function.

Warehouse selection

If you enabled the option: Disallow single warehouse selection (Inventory Setup) then the Warehouse selection is disabled and all warehouses are processed by default.

Option Description
All Select this to process all warehouses for the selected Function.

Select this to process the selected Function for a specific warehouse.

This option is only enabled when you select either the Balance or Month end only options.

This option is useful when your warehouses are located in different areas. Not all warehouses may be ready to run a month end at the same time, so this option enables each warehouse to run its month end at the appropriate time.


If you select to process a month end for a specific warehouse only, then the current month on the Inventory Warehouse Control record is incremented for the specified warehouse. However, the current month number on the Inventory Control record is not incremented (i.e. to finalize your month end and increment your current month number, you must select to process all warehouses).

No transactions can be posted into the General Ledger until all warehouses have rolled over to the next period.

Warehouse Indicate the specific warehouse to process. You must have access to this warehouse (Operators - Access).
Period end options  
FIFO valuation Enable this to value your inventory according to FIFO bins instead of the current unit cost. You can only select this option if FIFO valuation is required (Inventory Setup or Warehouses).
Recalc. current cost from FIFO buckets

Enable this to recalculate FIFO costs. The cost is recalculated by taking the total value of stock at FIFO value and dividing this by the total quantity. The result is used to update the Unit cost field on the stock warehouse record. This does not affect the General Ledger.

Select this option only if FIFO costing is required in at least one warehouse (Inventory Setup or Warehouses) and the option: FIFO buckets current cost recalculate - During period end balance function is enabled (Inventory Setup). Selecting this option does nothing if the FIFO valuation option is enabled, (Inventory Setup) but no warehouse is set to use FIFO costing.


This option must be enabled before switching from FIFO to average costing (Inventory Setup).

This option only affects the value of the current cost field on the inventory warehouse record (UnitCost on InvWarehouse) for a warehouse with FIFO costing.

The unit cost field on the warehouse where FIFO costing is in use is the average cost (i.e. it is calculated for a FIFO warehouse as if the warehouse was using average costing). It is recalculated each time a receipt is processed for an item, but not when the item is issued.

The value of the inventory is based on the FIFO buckets, not the current unit cost held in the warehouse. If you want to get an indication of the value of the warehouse from the unit cost, then you need to select this option. This option allows you to recalculate the unit cost field on the warehouse based on the actual buckets you have in your FIFO warehouse.

For example:

Unit cost is calculated using the average costing method.

Say you have the following quantities on hand at the unit costs shown:

1 at 10 = 10

2 at 15 = 30

3 at 16 = 48

Total FIFO cost is 88 and quantity 6. Therefore the average cost is 14.66667.

You sell 2, so you now have:

1 at 15 = 15

3 at 16 = 48

Average cost is not recalculated on a sale or issue, so you now have a total cost of 63 for 4 items, with an average of 15.75.

Therefore, your average cost in the warehouse does not reflect the average of the actual FIFO buckets you have. To adjust this, you select this option to recalculate your warehouse cost based on buckets.

You cannot select this option if you are denied access to the activity: Inventory recalc current cost (FIFO) (Operators).

Recalc. actual cost from FIFO buckets

Enable this to recalculate the warehouse cost for each actual costing item by adding up all FIFO costs and dividing by the quantity on hand in the warehouse. The result is used to update the Unit cost field on the stock warehouse record. This does not affect the General Ledger.

This option only applies if you are using Actual costing (Inventory Setup) and works in a similar fashion to the FIFO buckets current cost recalculate option. It therefore only affects the value of the current cost field on the inventory warehouse record (UnitCost on InvWarehouse) for a stock item which uses Actual costing.

Recalc. actual cost original receipt qty

Enable this to recalculate and adjust the actual cost bucket original receipt quantities for all Adjustment transactions previously processed in the Inventory Movements program.

This option only applies when using Actual costing (Inventory Setup) and running the Balance function.
Remove bins with zero quantity

Enable this to delete bins containing a zero quantity.

A bin is only removed if the bin quantity was zero for the past three months. The warehouse default bins created by the system are never removed.

You can only access this field if the option: Multiple bins in use is selected against the warehouse(s) selected (Warehouses).

This option is never enabled when you select the Balance function.

Delete temporary stock codes

Enable this to delete temporary stock codes that meet all criteria for deletion (see Purge).

This option is only enabled when you select the Purge function.

Balance goods in transit

This option is available only if the full goods in transit transfers facility is in use (Inventory Setup) and you are running a Balance function.

This enables you to indicate whether to include the goods in transit details in the balancing routine.

Selecting this resets GIT transactions which are flagged as being In process and ensures they are displayed in the Inventory Movements program. This is useful if an operator experienced a system problem whilst processing a GIT and the GIT is still flagged as being 'In process.'

This option is selected automatically when running the month end or year end functions, but is deselected automatically if you also select the Ignore balance function option.

Ignore balance function

Enable this to bypass the balance function that is normally run when performing a month end.

When you select this option, the Balance goods in transit option is deselected automatically.


Because the balance function is used to correct an out-of-balance condition detected by the system, bypassing this function may result in inaccurate inventory values being printed on the month end and year end reports.

Exclude warehouse totals from report

This only applies if you selected the option: Ignore balance function.

Enable this to not calculate the inventory value and hash quantity for each warehouse you selected to process.

Selecting this option reduces the time to process the month or year end, but the warehouse totals are not printed on the report.

Warning messages  
Suppress warning messages

This option is only enabled in Design mode (see Automation Design) and only applies when running the program automatically (e.g. from the Task Scheduler).

When enabled, warning messages are ignored and do not cause the program to stop. When not enabled, processing stops and the warning messages are displayed in the Task Messages pane.

After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Purge details These fields are displayed for information purposes when you process a Purge only, Month end and purge or Year end and purge function.

Refer to Purge for additional information.


This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

Warehouse Balance Report

This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

The Warehouse Balance Report is a summary of the total on-hand inventory values and hash quantities by warehouse.

The results of the Balance lots (report only) function are also displayed in this pane.

The error message 'Some stock codes were processed where the corresponding warehouse control did not exist' occurs when there is a record on the InvWarehouse file/table that does not have a corresponding record on the InvWhControl file/table. These warehouses will not have a description against them on the report produced by the Inventory Period End program. To rectify this, you will need to identify the stock items that belong to that warehouse and change the warehouse code. It is unlikely that this will be problematic, as the on hand quantity for items in that warehouse should be zero. The situation generally only arises when data has been converted from older versions of Encore / Award where all the records were not necessarily removed when a warehouse was deleted.

Inventory Balance Report

This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

Errors encountered during the Balance function are displayed in this pane.

GIT Balance Report

This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

If you selected the Balance goods in transit option, then GIT errors encountered during the Balance function are displayed in this pane.

If you enabled the option: Full goods in transit transfers facility (Inventory Setup) then when you run the Balance function, the report produced may contain lines with a GIT reference number and the comment "Master updated." This occurs if the balance of the Master record for the GIT reference does not equal the total values of the Detail records for that GIT reference. The Master record balance is then updated.

Period End Reporting

You perform your Month end and Year end reporting after you have completed posting transactions for the previous month.

Under normal circumstances you will have already started processing information for the current month before you print your month end reports.

Transactions posted to the current month do not affect reports for previous months. To prevent transactions from being posted to previous months while printing your month end reports, you can set the previous month's status to closed. This does not stop you from reporting on the previous month. You can re-open and close previous months as often as required.


The system performs the following routine for a Balance:

  • The on hand quantity and value for each warehouse is added to the totals printed at the end of the report.

  • If FIFO costing is installed:

    • Any bucket with a zero on hand quantity in the current and previous two periods is deleted when the Days to retain zero quantity buckets is exceeded (Inventory Setup).

      This does not apply when the item is subject to Actual Costing.

    • Any bucket with a negative on hand quantity is set to zero. This excludes floor stock items in the floor stock warehouse and returnable items in the returns warehouse(s).
    • If you selected the FIFO valuation option, then the warehouse totals are updated by the value and quantity of the FIFO buckets, and not those of the warehouse.
    • The FIFO buckets are renumbered.

      This does not apply when the item is subject to Actual Costing.

    • If the warehouse quantity is non-zero and no FIFO buckets are held on file, then a FIFO bucket is created with the following:

      • a bucket number of zero

      • the current on hand quantity and cost from the warehouse

      • the current system date as the last receipt date

    • If the total on hand quantity of the FIFO buckets for a warehouse does not agree with the on hand quantity stored against the warehouse, an error line is printed showing the warehouse on hand quantity; the total FIFO buckets on hand quantity; and the difference between the two. The warehouse on hand quantity is updated to match the total of the FIFO buckets.
    • If you selected to recalculate the current cost from FIFO buckets, then the total value and quantity of the FIFO buckets are accumulated and used to calculate a new unit cost for each inventory item.
  • If LIFO costing is installed:

    • Any bucket with a zero on hand quantity is deleted.
    • Any bucket with a negative on hand quantity, is set to zero. This excludes floor stock items in the floor stock warehouse and returnable items in the returns warehouse(s).
    • The warehouse totals are updated from the value and quantity of the LIFO buckets, and not those of the warehouse.
    • The LIFO buckets are renumbered.
    • If the warehouse quantity is non-zero and no LIFO buckets are held on file, then a LIFO bucket is created with the following:

      • bucket number of zero

      • the current on hand quantity and cost from the warehouse

      • the current system date as the last receipt date

    • If the total on hand quantity of the LIFO buckets for a warehouse does not match the on hand quantity stored against the warehouse, an error line is printed showing the warehouse on hand quantity; the total LIFO buckets on hand quantity; and the difference between the two. The warehouse on hand quantity is updated to match the total of the LIFO buckets.
  • If Multiple bins is installed:

    • If no bins exist for a stock code, a default bin is created. The entire quantity on hand for the stock code/warehouse is allocated to the default bin and the current system date is set to the last receipt date.

      If multiple bins are installed in the warehouse and a bin location is defined against the stock code's warehouse, then this bin location is used to generate the default bin. Otherwise, the warehouse code becomes the bin location.

    • If the total on hand quantity of the bins for a warehouse does not match the on hand quantity stored against the warehouse, then the bins are adjusted to equal the on hand quantity stored against the warehouse.

      If multiple bins are installed in the warehouse, then an 'adjust' bin is created for the adjustment quantity. If multiple bins are not in use in the warehouse, then the dummy bin is adjusted to the warehouse quantity on hand.

  • If Multiple bins and Lot Traceability is installed:

    • If no bins exist for a stock code then a default bin is created. The entire quantity on hand for the stock code/warehouse is allocated to the default bin and the current system date is set to the last receipt date.

      If a bin location is defined against the stock code's warehouse, then this bin location is used to generate the default bin. Otherwise, the warehouse code becomes the bin location.

    • If the total on hand quantity of lots for a warehouse matches the on hand quantity of the bins, but does not match the total on hand quantity stored against the warehouse, then the total on hand quantity for the warehouse is updated and an adjustment entry is posted to the journal file and movement file.

    • If the total on hand quantity of lots for a warehouse does not match the total on hand quantity of either the bins or the total on hand quantity stored against the warehouse, then the quantity stored against the bins is set to zero and replaced by the lot quantity. The total on hand quantity for the warehouse is updated and an adjustment entry is posted to the journal file and movement file.
    • You can run the Balance lots (report only) function to review lot quantity adjustments recommended by the system before updating your live system.
  • If Serial Number Tracking is installed

    • If the Sales Order module is not installed then the quantity allocated field (held against each warehouse) is set to zero and recalculated from any serial numbers in stock that are on loan, in for a service, or at the service depot.
  • If Engineering Change Control (ECC) is used and the stock control level set to Revision or Revision/Release

    • An ECC item is treated in exactly the same manner as a lot traceable item, regardless of whether Lot Traceability is installed.

      The LotDetail record is the only place that the stock level of a specific ECC revision/release is held. Therefore the report indicates an 'Out of balance lot adjustment', the adjustment is made from the LotDetail record when updating the warehouse(s) to the total of the individual revisions/releases.

  • Actual costing

    If Actual costing for Lot traceable items is enabled (Inventory Setup) then the balancing of lots is done by balancing to multiple bins if they exist. Bins are updated to match the lot total. Each lot is balanced to its FIFO buckets and if there is a variance, the FIFO buckets are updated and a FIFO journal is created. Adjustments are processed to the first or last FIFO bucket according to the FIFO/LIFO options enabled (Inventory Setup).

    For each stock code, the lot total is checked against the warehouse total and the warehouse total is adjusted to match the lot total if a variance exists. If there are FIFO adjustments, then a normal journal is created indicating the total value of the FIFO adjustments and the quantity of the warehouse adjustment.

  • Goods in Transit detail lines are set to 'complete' if the full quantity transferred has been received and the GIT line was not set to 'complete' at the time of receipt.

  • The 'In process' flag against GITs are cleared if the option: Balance goods in transit is enabled.

  • If you have NOT enabled the option: Retain last 12 months' opening balance (Inventory Setup) then any opening balances and costs retained for the last months are deleted.

  • If you enabled the Aged inventory valuation required option (Inventory Setup) then the total quantity of the aged valuation buckets is compared to the total on hand quantity for each warehouse. If these figures do not balance, the aged valuation buckets are adjusted to match the on hand quantity, commencing from the current year.

Month End

The system performs the following routine for a Month end:

  • For each warehouse, the number of months' usage is increased by 1 (the year-to-date usage is used to establish an items' ABC category). If the year-to-date usage value against each warehouse now represents 13 months, then the value is annualized to represent 12 months' usage. If the quantity sold or issued for the last 12 months does not exceed zero, then the usage value is set to zero.

  • The warehouse total quantities and values are updated as outlined in the balance function.

  • The monthly sales history buckets are rolled one month. The total month-to-date sales and/or issues are moved to the first history bucket, depending on your selection at the Sales history quantities to include option (Inventory Setup).

  • All month-to-date fields for each warehouse are set to zero.

  • The opening balance quantity for each warehouse is set to the current on hand quantity.

  • If you enabled the option: Retain last 12 months' opening balance (Inventory Setup) then the monthly quantity and cost buckets are rolled 1 month. The first quantity bucket is set to the current on hand quantity for the warehouse, and the first cost bucket is set to the current cost for the warehouse. If you are using FIFO or LIFO costing, the first cost bucket is calculated as the total value in the buckets divided by the on hand quantity for the warehouse.

  • If you are using multiple bins and you select the Remove bins with zero quantity option, then bins with a zero on hand quantity and zero sales order quantity to ship are deleted. The default bin created by the system is never removed.

  • If you selected to process a specific warehouse, then the current financial month for the selected warehouse is incremented by one. You cannot select a specific warehouse if single warehouse selection is disallowed for processing during a period end (Inventory Setup).

  • If you selected to process all warehouses, then the inventory control record is updated as follows:

    • The current month is set to a status of 'closed' when the Close previous month automatically option is enabled (Company Maintenance). Otherwise the second previous month is set to a status of 'closed'.
    • The current system date is moved to the month end date for the current financial month.
    • The current financial month number is incremented by one.
    • The current financial month is set to a status of open.
    • The current financial month and year for all warehouses are set to the current financial month and year on the inventory control record.

Year End

The system performs the following routine for a Year end:

  • All the steps outlined in the Month end function are processed.

  • The aged valuation buckets are rolled if the Aged inventory valuation required option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

  • The year-to-date sales value is moved to the previous year-to-date sales value.

  • The total year-to-date quantity sold and/or issued are moved to the previous year-to-date quantity sold, depending on your selection at the Sales history quantities to include option (Inventory Setup).

  • All year-to-date fields for each warehouse are set to zero.

  • The inventory control record is updated as follows:

    • The current financial month number is reset to 1.
    • The current financial year is incremented by 1.
    • The current year's next journal number; month end dates; and open/closed flags are moved to the previous year.
    • The next journal number for the current year is set to 1.
    • The current year's month end dates are all set to zero.
    • The first month of the year (which is now the current month) is set to a status of open.
    • The last three year end dates are rolled.
    • The current system date is moved to the first year end date.
    • If multiple companies are sharing the same inventory files (Company Maintenance) all journal numbers for the shared companies are reset as part of the year end function in the company that is being shared.


A purge can be run together with either a month end or year end, or as a separate process.

The system performs the following routine when doing a Purge:

  • If Inventory is linked to General Ledger in summary or detail (General Ledger Integration) then inventory and GRN distribution entries are deleted if:

    • the General Ledger journals for the transactions have been created (Inventory GL Integration)
    • they have been posted to the General Ledger (GL Journal Entry)
    • the ledger year and period against the distribution entry is earlier than the calculated cut-off month and year, which is based on your entry at the Number of months to retain - Inventory journals option (Inventory Setup).

    If Inventory is not linked to the General Ledger, then all inventory and GRN distribution entries that have been printed are deleted.

  • If the Full goods in transit transfers facility is in use (Inventory Setup) then completed goods in transit detail lines are deleted if the period and year in which the transfer was completed is earlier than the calculated cut-off month and year, which is based on your entry at the Number of G/L periods to retain - Goods in transit entries (Inventory Setup).

  • If the Inventory Period End option: Delete temporary stock codes is selected, then temporary stock codes are deleted when all of the following conditions are met:

    • the stock code is not on full or partial hold (Stock Codes)
    • the stock code is on full or partial hold, but the option: Define Delete Options - On partial or full hold (Inventory Setup) is enabled
    • no Blanket purchase order contracts exist for the stock code
    • the stock code is defined as a kit type S or K item and no sales orders exist against it
    • no Bill of Landed Costs exists for the stock code
    • Bill of Landed Costs exist for the stock code, but the option: Define Delete Options - Part of a bill of landed cost tracking (Inventory Setup) is enabled
    • no components exist against the stock code
    • no operations exist against the stock code
    • the stock code is not in use in a Bill of Materials
    • no build schedules exist for the stock code
    • no forecasts exist for the stock code
    • the stock code is a co-product, but is not used in a Bill of Materials or a job
    • the stock code is a notional part, but no co-products are attached to it
    • no customer/stock code cross-references exist against the stock code
    • customer/stock code cross-references exist against the stock code, but the option: Define Delete Options - Customer/stock code cross reference (Inventory Setup) is enabled
    • no supplier/stock code cross-references exist against the stock code
    • supplier/stock code cross-references exist against the stock code, but the option: Define Delete Options - Supplier/stock code cross reference (Inventory Setup) is enabled
    • no movement has occurred during the current period, previous period 1 or previous period 2 in a warehouse in which the stock code is stocked
    • the stock code has not been used in a configuration
    • the stock has been used in a configuration, but the option: Define Delete Options - Used in a configuration (Inventory Setup) is enabled
    • the stock is not used in a sales order or purchase order
    • the stock is used in a sales order or purchase order, but the option: Define Delete Options - Temporary stock code with details (Inventory Setup) is enabled, provided there is no outstanding quantity against the order.
    • the following quantities are zero against all warehouses in which the item is stocked:

      • On order quantity
      • On hand quantity
      • Quantity allocated to sales orders
      • Backorder quantity
      • Quantity allocated to Work in Progress
      • Quantity in transit
      • Quantity in inspection
      • Quantity dispatched but not invoiced
    • the opening balance in Previous period 1 and Previous period 2 is zero against all warehouses in which the item is stocked
    • no stock take is in progress against a warehouse in which the item is stocked
  • Inventory movements are deleted according to the number of records you are retaining (or the age of records) for each stock code/warehouse combination.

    If you are retaining movement records by date (Inventory Setup) then the number of days between the current company date and the transaction date against each movement is compared to the maximum number of days you are retaining records. If a movement record is older than the maximum number of days, it is removed.

    If you are retaining movement records by number (Inventory Setup) then the number of movement records is counted for each stock code/warehouse combination. If the number of records exceeds the maximum number of records you are retaining, then the excess records (starting from the oldest) are deleted.

  • Inventory inspection records are deleted when all of the following conditions are met:

    • the record is not for a traceable stock code.
    • there is zero quantity off-site.
    • the quantity counted is complete.
    • the quantity counted is equal to the total of the quantity accepted and scrapped.
  • Inventory journals that meet all of the following conditions are deleted:

    • the General Ledger journals for the transactions have been created (Inventory GL Integration)
    • The journal was posted in a financial month and year prior to the cut-off month and year (GL Journal Entry).
    • If the Interface module is installed and you enabled the Exports required option (Interface Setup) then the journal must either have been exported, or the age of the journal (compared to the current company date) must exceed the number of days that you are retaining records before automatic deletion (Interface Setup)
  • Printed inventory documents are deleted if the transaction posting year and month is earlier than the calculated cut-off month and year (see Inventory Setup).

  • Price history is deleted if the date of the price change is earlier than the calculated cut-off date. The cut-off date is calculated as the current company date less the number of days or months to Retain history of price changes (Inventory Setup).

  • A report containing a summary of the following for each file processed:

    • the number of ledger distribution entries deleted
    • the number of movements deleted
    • the number of inspection items deleted
    • the number of inventory document transaction items deleted
    • the number of inventory journals deleted
    • the number of goods in transit entries deleted
    • the number of inventory price history items deleted
    • the number of temporary stock codes deleted

Notes and warnings


  • It is strongly recommended that you take a backup of your data before processing a Month end, a Year end or a Purge.

Restrictions and limits

  • Only the Processing options to which you are granted access are available. You cannot run this program if you are denied access to all the Processing options.

  • If the Work in Progress module is installed, then you cannot process the following transactions if the Inventory and Work in Progress modules are not in the same month and year:

    • Job Receipts (Job Receipts)
    • Backflushing in Inventory movements (Inventory Movements)
    • Job/Kit Issues (Job Issues)
    • WIP issue floor stock allocations (WIP Issue Floor Stock Allocations)
    • WIP Inspection - Accept into stock (WIP Inspection Maintenance)
    • WIP Inspection - Scrap (WIP Inspection Maintenance)
    • WIP Inspection - Rework (WIP Inspection Maintenance)
  • You cannot process invoices for customers using the following programs if the Inventory module is in an earlier period than the Accounts Receivable module, or the current period of the Inventory and Accounts Receivable modules differ by more than one month:

    • Sales Order Entry
    • Document Print
    • Dispatch Note Consolidation
  • The following fields in the Information pane are not saved and can therefore not be applied using the Save Form Values function:

    • Control Details

      • Current month number

      • Period end date

      • Last period end date

    • Purge details

      • Inventory journals dated before

      • GIT entries completed before

      • Inventory transaction documents before

      • Price history records before

      • FIFO buckets with zero quantity before

      • Inventory movement records before

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
Inv Period End

Controls access to the Month end only and Year end only processing functions of the Inventory Period End program.

Inv Period End and Purge

Controls access to the Month end and purge and Year end and purge processing functions of the Inventory Period End program.

Inv Purge

Controls access to the Purge only processing function of the Inventory Period End program.

Inv Balance

Controls access to the Balance processing function of the Inventory Period End program.

Inv Reset

Controls access to the Reset processing function of the Inventory Period End program.

Inv Balance Lots

Controls access to the Balance lots (report only) processing function of the Inventory Period End program.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Inv Balance recalculate current cost (FIFO)

Controls whether an operator can select the Recalculate current cost from FIFO buckets option when performing the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.