Inventory > Transaction Processing > Movements > Serial Entry for Receipts

Serial Entry for Receipts

This program lets you assign manual or batch serial numbers to stock items that are defined as serialized (Stock Codes).

  • The program cannot be run standalone.

    Depending on how you selected to record serial numbers against the item (Stock Codes) the program is accessed from a number of places:

    Program Scenario
    Inventory Movements When receipting a serialized item or processing a warehouse transfer for a serialized item.
    Job Receipts When receipting a serialized item for a job
    Sales Order Entry When capturing an order for a serialized item.

Manual Serials Capture

Field Description
New item This lets you add a new serial number.
Add entered serial This adds the serial number you entered to the List of Manual Serials listview.

If the serial number already exists against another stock code, an error message is displayed unless you have enabled the Use same serial for multiple stock codes option (Inventory Setup).

Delete This removes the serial number currently highlighted in the List of Manual Serials listview.
Range This lets you allocate a range of serial numbers to receipt.

These serial numbers are created by combining the values in the Prefix and Next suffix fields defined either at company or stock code level. Although you can enter 15 characters at either the prefix or suffix field, the combined total cannot exceed 20 characters.

Quantity to receiveThis indicates the number of items for which you want to generate serial numbers.
PrefixThis indicates the character(s) that must be attached to the beginning of the serial number.

The prefix can only be entered if you defined your serial numbers to be alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

SuffixThis indicates the numbers that must be attached to the end of the serial number.

The suffix can only be entered if you defined your serial numbers to be alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

The number of numeric characters entered for the suffix must allow for the total number of serial numbers specified at the Quantity to receive field (e.g. you can't enter a prefix of ABC; a suffix of 1 and a quantity to receive of 11, since this would only allow you to add 10 serial numbers).

Starting serial numberThis indicates the first number that must be used for this range of serial numbers.

This field can only be accessed if you are using numeric serial numbers (Set Key Information).

Remaining serials This indicates the number of items to which serial numbers have not yet been allocated.
Remaining serials in inspection This indicates the number of items in inspection to which serial numbers have not yet been allocated.
Serial number This is the serial number you want to assign to the transaction.

You cannot use the same manual serial number in two different warehouses, regardless of the options governing serial tracking.

You cannot process an adjustment against a serial that is in transit (i.e. the last transaction for the serial was a transfer-out).

If you are entering a series of serial numbers and you want to clear this field after each entry, then you must select the Clear serial number field after entry preference (Inventory Movements). This clears the field after you select the Add function, otherwise the previous serial number you entered remains displayed in the Serial number field.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Capture into inspection This captures all (or part of) the receipt quantity into inspection.

This option is only enabled for items requiring inspection (Stock Codes) and if you are receipting all or part of the item into inspection (Job Receipts).

Expiry date Indicate the expiry date you want to allocate to the serial number. If you use the Enter Range function, then the expiry date you supply here is applied to each of the serials in the range.

The expiry date is checked when any of these serial numbers is sold or issued. You will be prevented from allocating any serial number that has expired.

Location Indicate where the serialized items must be stored.

If you use the Enter Range function, then the location you supply here is applied to each of the serials in the range.

If a warehouse is configured to use multiple bins (Warehouses) and only a single bin location is entered against the transaction, then this becomes the default location for the serial number.

If a stock item is either traceable or requires inspection, then when you use the Purchase Order Receipts or Shipment Receipt program to accept the item into inspection, this field is disabled. You enter the required location when you receipt the item into stock from inspection.

List of Manual Serials

Details of the serial numbers you allocated to the items are displayed in this listview. The details change each time you select the Add or Delete function from the Manual Serials Capture pane.

The Count displayed at the bottom of the listview indicates the number of serials currently displayed in the listview.

You can indicate the maximum number of rows to load in the listview using the Rows option on the toolbar.

Batch Serials Capture

Field Description
New item Select this to enter a new serial number.
Add entered serial

Select this to add the entered serial number to the list of serial numbers to allocate to the items.


Although a warning is displayed if the serial number supplied already exists in the current warehouse, you can continue.

If the serial number only currently exists in another warehouse, then an error message is displayed unless you are allowing multiple batch serial receipts (Inventory Setup).

If the serial number already exists against another stock code, then an error message is displayed unless you are allowing the same serial for multiple stock codes (Inventory Setup).

Delete Removes the allocated serial number from the List of Batch Serials listview.
Remaining quantity This is the number of items to which serial numbers have not yet been allocated.
Remaining quantity in inspection This is the number of serial numbers still in inspection.
Serial number This is the serial number that must be allocated to the batch quantity of the items you are receipting.
Quantity This is the quantity of items to which you want to allocate the serial number.

You can distribute quantities over several serial numbers until the Remaining quantity reaches zero.

Capture method Increase or replace already captured quantities for this serial.
Capture quantity into inspection This is only enabled for items that require inspection (Stock Codes) and you are receipting all or part of the item into inspection.

This captures all or part of the receipt quantity into inspection.

Quantity in inspection This is the quantity of the item that you want to receipt into inspection. It defaults to the quantity entered in the Inspection quantity field (Job Receipts) but can be changed.
Expiry date This is the expiry date you want to allocate to the serial number entered. This date is checked when any of these serial numbers is sold or issued. You will be prevented from allocating any serial number that has expired.
Location This indicates where the serialized items must be stored.

If a warehouse is configured to use multiple bins (Warehouses) and only a single bin location is entered against the transaction, then this becomes the default location for the serial number.

If a stock item is either traceable or requires inspection, then when you use the Purchase Order Receipts or Shipment Receipt program to accept the item into inspection, this field is disabled. You enter the required location when you receipt the item into stock from inspection.

List of Batch Serials

This listview pane displays details of the serial numbers you allocated to the items. The details are refreshed each time you select the Add or Delete function from the Batch Serials Capture pane.

Effect of serial numbers on transactions

The following indicates how transactions are affected when using manual and batch serial numbers.

Transactions affected by Manual serial numbers


If the option: Use same serial for multiple stock codes is disabled (Inventory Setup) then, for a positive receipt, the serial number must not exist on file. You must enter whole numbers.

For a negative receipt, the serial number must exist in the relevant warehouse so that it can be credited with the stock (i.e. to credit a serial number that has already been sold, it must be processed as a negative receipt).

Processing a positive receipt of an existing manual serial number can only be done when all of the following apply:

  • The operator activity Inv Allow reuse of existing serial number is allowed against your operator code (Operators).

  • The last transaction for the serial was a negative receipt.

  • There is no stock on hand available against the existing serial.

  • The option: Retain all serial information is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Adjustments If the option: Use same serial for multiple stock codes is disabled (Inventory Setup) then, for a positive adjustment to increase the quantity of stock on hand, the serial number must not already exist (i.e. a unique serial number must be entered ).

Positive adjustments cannot be made to manually serialised items, as by default, each manual serial item can only be for a quantity of one.

For a negative adjustment to reduce the quantity of stock on hand, the serial number must already exist in the serial number file. Negative adjustments can be made to both batch and manual serial numbers.

Backflushing For a positive backflush of a serialized item, you must enter the serial numbers for each of the back flushed items. If one of the components of a back flushed item is serialized then you must indicate the quantity to issue from a batch and the batch serial number.

The serial number of the component must exist in the serial number file.

If the stock on hand quantity will become negative, you can either abort or continue the backflush.

For a negative backflush of a serialized item, you must enter the serial numbers of the back flushed item and the serial numbers of the components. The serial number of the back flushed items must exist in the serial tracking file. The serial numbers of the components must exist with a zero quantity on hand.


For a transfer-out the serial number must exist and must be on hand in the warehouse from which it is being transferred.

For a transfer-in, the serial number must exist and be in transit.

A serial currently selected for stock take can only be transferred when the option: Allow serial number transfer is enabled (Inventory Setup). Note that this does not apply to serials created in the current stock take. When this option is not selected, a message is displayed indicating that the serial number exists on the stock take serial file and that it will not be created until the stock take is completed.

Physical Count This function does not update serial numbers. To update serial numbers you must use the Browse on Serial Numbers program.
Issues For a positive issue to decrease the quantity of stock on hand, the serial number must already exist in the serial number file.

If the option: Use same serial for multiple stock codes is not enabled (Inventory Setup) then, for a negative issue to increase the quantity of stock on hand, the serial number cannot already exist in the serial number file.

Processing a negative issue of an existing manual serial number can only be done when all of the following apply:

  • The operator activity Inv Allow reuse of existing serial number is allowed against your operator code (Operators).

  • The last transaction for the serial was a positive issue.

  • There is no stock on hand available against the existing serial.

  • The option: Retain all serial information is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Transactions affected by Batch serial numbers

Receipts For a positive receipt (where the batch number exists) the quantity received is added to the total batch quantity available against that number.

For a negative receipt the serial number must exist in the relevant warehouse so that it can be credited with the stock.

Adjustments For a positive or negative adjustment you can only adjust one batch serial number at a time, and the batch serial number must exist in the warehouse that you are adjusting.
Backflushing For a positive backflush of a serialized item, you must enter the serial numbers for each of the backflushed items. If one of the components of a backflushed item is serialized then you must indicate the quantity to issue from a batch and the batch serial number. The serial number of the component must exist in the serial number file. If the stock on hand quantity will become negative, you can either abort or continue the backflush.

For a negative backflush of a serialized item, you must enter the serial numbers of the backflushed item and the serial numbers of the components. The serial number of the backflushed item and the components must exist in the serial number file.

Transfers For a transfer-out you can only transfer items from 1 batch serial number at a time. The batch serial number must exist in the warehouse from which you are transferring items.

For a transfer-in you can only transfer items into 1 batch at a time. The batch number does not have to exist. If the batch number exists in the destination warehouse, the items are added to the existing quantity. You do not have to transfer an item in with the same batch number used to transfer it out.

Physical Count This function does not update serial numbers. To update serial numbers you must use the Browse on Serial Numbers program.
Issues For a positive or negative issue you can only issue 1 batch serial number at a time, and the batch serial number must exist in the issuing warehouse.

Notes and warnings

Custom forms

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Inv Allow reuse of existing serial number

Controls whether an operator can:

  • return an existing manual serial number back into stock using the Inventory Movements and Serial Entry for Receipts programs, providing the option: Retain all serial information is enabled (Inventory Setup) and:

    • the last transaction for the serial was for a negative receipt and

    • there is no stock on hand available against the existing serial

  • process a negative issue of an existing manual serial using the Inventory Movements and Serial Entry for Receipts programs, providing:

    • the last transaction for the serial was for a positive issue and

    • there is no stock on hand available against the existing serial

  • process a positive adjustment transaction (using the Inventory Movements and Serial Entry for Receipts programs) for a manual serial that was sold providing the quantity available for the serial is zero.

    In addition, if the warehouse is not the same as the original warehouse for the sold serial, then the serial can be transferred.

When this activity is not allowed, a message is displayed indicating that the serial has already been used.