Business-to-Business Trading > Sales Order Import > EDI Sales Order Lines

EDI Sales Order Lines

You use this program to view the detail line information for a customer purchase order to be imported from a customer designated as an EDI trading partner.

For orders included in the Sales Order Import review, you can also indicate specific sales order lines to include/exclude from the import file.

Detail Lines for Customer P/Order

Field Description
Change Select this to maintain the line currently highlighted in the listview.
Live Order
  Select this to toggle between including or excluding the currently highlighted line from the import file.
Include All Select this to include all lines in the listview for import.
Exclude All Select this to exclude all lines in the listview from the import file.


The customer purchase order lines for the selected customer purchase order are displayed in this listview.

Column Description
Line This indicates the customer purchase order line number.
Stock code This indicates the stock code of the item.
Description This indicates the description of the stock code.
Wh This indicates the warehouse for which the item is being ordered.
Order quantity This indicates the quantity of the item the customer ordered.
Ship quantity This indicates the quantity of the item shipped.
B/order quantity This indicates the quantity of the item currently on backorder.
Price This indicates the unit price for the item.
Status This indicates whether the order line is excluded from the import file
Error This indicates any error code encountered during the validation of the import file. Refer to Error Codes.
Rev This indicates the revision number of the stock item and only applies if the item is ECC controlled.
Rel This indicates the release number of the stock item and only applies if the item is ECC controlled.

EDI Order Line Maintenance

This screen is displayed when you select the Change option from the Edit menu.

Field Description
Customer stock code

Indicate the link between a customer's stock code and a valid SYSPRO stock code held on file.

If the customer's stock code was entered during processing within the Sales Order Entry program, then the system automatically displays the SYSPRO stock code here.

You can only access this field for new lines.

Stock code

Indicate the stock item for the order line. This field is validated for stocked items. Lines with invalid stock codes are treated as non-stocked items.

You can only access this field for new lines.

Non-stocked Select this to indicate a code of a non-stocked item for the order line.
Rev/Rel Indicate the revision/release of the item, if the item is ECC controlled.

Indicate the warehouse in which the item resides. For non-stocked items this defaults to ** and cannot be changed.

You can only access this field for new and changed lines.

Order quantity

Indicate the quantity of the item to be ordered. For lines that have an action of Changed, the program checks that the new order quantity is not less than the ship quantity.

You can only access this field for new and changed lines.

Line ship date

Indicates the ship date of the order line.

You can only access this field for new and changed lines.


Indicate the unit of measure required for the order line. For stocked lines, the unit of measure held against the item is used.

You can only access this field for new and changed lines.

Unit price Indicate the unit price of the stock item. If the customer has been defined as a contract customer, then the contract price held against the item is used. You can override the contract price with the unit price if no contract has been assigned to the item.
Non-stocked class Indicate the product class to use if you entered a non-stocked item.
Save Select this to accept your changes made.
Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Detail Lines option from the Sales Order Import program.