SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Manufacturing > Lot Traceability Setup

Lot Traceability Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for your Lot Traceability module.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.


Field Description

Automatic lot numbering

Select this to generate lot numbers automatically.

  • You cannot select this if your lot number key type is defined as alphanumeric (Company Maintenance).

  • This option is not applicable if you have enabled the option: Lot number equal to job number.

  • If you select this option, then you will not be able to select the option: Reserve lots for parent (WIP Setup - Lots and Serials tab)

Lot number equal to job number

Select this to set the lot number to be the same as the job number when processing transactions in the Job Receipts program.

  • Both your lot and job number key types must be the same (i.e. either both must be numeric, or both must be alphanumeric).

  • To apply this option to co-products, you must also enable the option: Same lot to be used on multiple stock codes, because multiple co-products can be receipted against a single job.

Parent traceable if component traceable

If you select this option, then you cannot attach a traceable component to a parent item that is non-traceable. This is to ensure that you have traceability of the component through all the levels and to have the ability to see where a lot was used.

You can still attach non-traceable components to a traceable parent part. For example, you may not want an item such as grease to be traceable, but you still want to be able to use grease when making a traceable parent item.

This option also affects the replacement of components. Refer to Restrictions and limits in the Replace Component Where Used program.

Same lot to be used on multiple stock codes

Select this to allow the same lot numbers to be used for different stock codes when adding new lot numbers in the Inventory, Purchase Orders and Work In Progress modules.

  • This option does not apply to adding lots if you selected the option: Automatic lot numbering, as you are unable to receipt in a specific lot.

  • This option is ignored when receipting normal stock items using the Job Receipts program if you enabled the option: Lot number equal to job number.

    It will, however, be applied to the co-products of a job for a notional part receipted using the Job Receipts program.

    For example:

    Job 100 is receipted for normal stock item A100. If Lot number equal to job number is enabled, then the lot number is set to Lot001. This option is not applied as only one stock item is being receipted against the job.

    Job 200 is for a notional part with co-products C100 and C200. If Lot number equal to job number is enabled, then this option is applied and C100 is received as Lot200 and C200 is received as Lot200.

  • You must not select this option if you require lot numbers to be unique at company level.

Next lot

This indicates the next lot number that will be used by the system, if automatic lot numbering is required.

Next archive number

This indicates the next number that will be used by the system when you select to Purge and Archive lot records.


The archive is stored in C-ISAM format in the data directory, regardless of the company database format.


Select this to save the selections you made and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Lot Traceability module setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.