Inventory > Setup > Stock Code Maintenance

Stock Code Maintenance

You use this program to capture and maintain details of stock items required within the system.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Preferences This assigns preferences that you want to apply to all new stock codes added to the system.

For each preference selected, the appropriate program is loaded when you save the details for the new stock item. You then have the option of entering the details at that point, or later if required.

If you do not select a preference, you can still use the appropriate program to enter the required details later.

Take on warehouses when adding stock codesLoads the Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program to define the warehouse details for the new item.
Take on pricing when adding stock codesLoads the Browse on Stock Code Pricing program to define the coded prices and quantity discount breaks for the new item.
Take on foreign purchase prices when adding stock codesLoads the Inventory Foreign Purchase Prices program to assign foreign prices for the new item.
Take on sales quantity history when adding stock codesLoads the Inventory Initial Sales Quantity History program to capture details of quantities sold for the stock item over the last 12 months, as well as additional sales history information.
Take on aged valuation when adding stock codesLoads the Inventory Initial Aged Valuation program to take on the stock item's year end quantity on hand for the last five years.
Use Product Class Defaults This uses the default entries defined against the product class when adding a stock item.

If you do not select this option then the entries defined using the Maintain Global Defaults option are used when adding a stock item.

Product classIndicate the product class from which to use the default entries when adding a stock item.
Default product class information 
Product classThis indicates the product class code you selected to use.

This indicates the description defined against the product class code selected.

Long description

This indicates the long description defined against the product class code selected.

Change Product Class If you selected Use Product Class Defaults, then this allows you to select a different default product class to use when adding stock items.
Maintain Product Class Defaults This assigns default entries to fields according to the product class to which the stock item belongs.

When capturing a stock item that belongs to a specific product class, you can then elect to use the default entries which you assigned to the product class.

Maintain Global Defaults This assigns entries to fields that you want to use by default whenever you capture a stock item.
Warehouse Defaults This loads the Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program to define the default entries required for warehouses to which you are adding the stock item.

This option is only enabled if you selected either the Maintain Global Defaults or Maintain Product Class Defaults option from the Defaults menu.

If you selected to maintain product class defaults, then you must enter a product class before you can define the warehouse defaults.

Stock code Enter the code of the item you want to add or maintain. The number of characters you can enter depends on the key type you configured for stock codes (Set Key Information).

You can only access this field if your stock code numbering method is set to Manual (Set Key Information). If set to scripted or automatic, then the next stock code number is displayed here automatically.

A stock code that already exists can only be created as a non-stocked code in the Quotations module (Non-stocked Codes) if the New stock code in non-stocked table option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Product class When maintaining product class defaults, this field is used to enter the product class for which you want to maintain the default entries. When adding a stock item that belongs to a specific product class, you can elect to use the default entries that you assigned to the product class.
Notes Select this to view and maintain various text notations against the stock item. A tick indicates that text is assigned to the item.
LanguageYou can select the language for which to view and maintain notes for a stock item when the Multi-language for document printing option is enabled (System Setup).

The drop down option Global refers to any default narrations captured (these are narrations saved in your database with spaces against the language field).

If you print documents which refer to this stock code and do not select the option to Print translated text, the Global narrations will print as a default.

Technical SpecificationText that can be printed on the GRN document, inspection document and factory documentation.
Sales Order Add. TextText that can be retrieved onto a sales order and printed on sales order documents.
P/Order Add. TextText that can be retrieved into a purchase order and printed on purchase order documents.
Job NarrationsText that can be printed on factory documentation and viewed using the WIP Query program.
Inspection TextText that can be printed on the GRN document, inspection document and factory documentation.
Dangerous Goods HandlingText that can be retrieved into an order (sales/purchases) and printed on order documents.

You can configure the system to notify you during processing within the Sales Order Entry program when dangerous goods text is held against a stock item.

This does not apply to credit notes, debit notes or quick entry orders and does not apply to components generated from kit sales or items generated using the Product Configurator.

Notation ListSelect this to use the Inventory Stock Code Notes Selection program to indicate which stock code text notations to print on the Inventory Notations report.

Stock Code Details

If you change the unit of measure of a stock item for which bill of materials exist, then you can use the BOM Update Unit of Measure program to change the unit of measure for the item against all your bills.

Field Description
Stock code information  
Stock code This indicates the code of the stock item you are currently adding or maintaining.
Stock code (scripted)

This is only enabled when the Stock code numbering method is Scripted (Set Key Information).

You use the VBScript Editor to build a unique stock code for each new stock item added. The scripted stock code can be constructed using values from other entered fields to update the StockCodeDetails.CodeObject.StockCodescripted field.

Description This describes the stock code and is displayed throughout the system whenever the stock code is entered. You can use it to verify that the correct item has been entered.
Long description This is an additional description assigned to a stock code which is viewable from within the Inventory Query program and which can be printed on reports and inventory documents.
Warehouse to use

This indicates the warehouse that must be used to extract the quantities of stock required by the Bill of Materials module when performing functions such as a cost implosion and creating material allocations.

It is also the default warehouse used for the parent when adding a job and is used to calculated the new landed cost of an item.

The Purchase Orders module does not use the Warehouse to use as the default warehouse when adding a purchase order.

  • If you are using the full Goods in Transit transfers facility then the warehouse to use defaults to being the top level warehouse for the item.

  • You cannot specify a warehouse to use if it is supplied by another warehouse.

Warehouse to use description This indicates the description held against the warehouse to use you selected.
Drawing number This field is for documentary purposes and is printed on reports and factory documentation.

The Drawing Register is not updated when this drawing number is changed.

It is only enabled if the ECC (Engineering Change Control) module is installed.

Part category

It is important that the correct part category is assigned to a stock item as it has different implications when used with other modules.

Option Description
B - Bought out This indicates that the item is purchased from an external supplier.

You can use the Structures and Routings program to define a structure and routing against a bought out item and then create a job for the item.

This feature is available in case you need to make the item internally from time to time. However, while you can create a job for a bought-out item, it is not treated as a made-in item anywhere else in the system (such as cost implosion, MRP, Advanced Trial Kitting, etc).

The decision on how to define an item which is both bought-out and made-in therefore depends on how you want the costing and MRP for the item to work. An alternative is to create two stock codes for the item and define one as made-in and the other as bought-out.

Landed Cost Tracking items must be defined as bought-out as they cannot be made-in.

M - Made in This indicates that the item is manufactured internally.
S - Subcontracted This indicates that the item is a made-in part that has been assigned at least one subcontract operation.

In SYSPRO, a subcontract item is treated the same as a made-in part.

This part category was introduced before the functionality was added to Material Requirements Planning to raise suggested requisitions for subcontract operations, but is now only used for reporting purposes.

G - Phantom part This indicates that the item is a parent part in a bill of material, but will typically not be booked into stock for issuing purposes.

It can be used as a grouping mechanism to reflect the way in which a product is built, as well as to facilitate the use of common bills of material for engineering and manufacturing.

It is used for sub assemblies that are typically non-stocked, and permits MRP logic to drive requirements straight through the phantom item to its components. However, the MRP system usually retains its ability to net against any occasional inventories of the item (e.g. if you add an allocation to a phantom manually and then run a Requirements Calculation, existing stock of the phantom will be netted off and a job suggested for the net requirement).

P - Planning bill This indicates that the item is an artificial part used to assist in forecasting. It cannot be stocked, sold, or bought out and is used merely to allow the forecasting of a family of products as an entity.

This allows you to generate gross requirements into the MPS or MRP (see the Requirements Planning module) independently for each member of the family.

K - Kit part

This indicates that the stock code represents a single item made up from a group of items which together comprise one manufactured inventory item.

For a K - Kit part category item, you can only select the Kit type and Sub type options at the Kit type field of the Sales Details pane.

A Kit type part category in a sales or purchasing environment implies that you are actually shipping (or receiving in) the components for the kit and never the parent part itself (i.e. you never physically stock the parent (kit) part; only the components). You cannot manufacture a Kit part category item.

C - Co-product This indicates that the stock item is a product which is manufactured together with another item or items.

The manufacturing process of the item can take place together or sequentially. Products are usually manufactured together because of product and/or process similarities.

A co-product can be manufactured by itself as any other made-in item, or it can be attached to a Notional part in a Bill of Materials Structure and Routing (see BOM Co-Product Maintenance). Only items defined as co-products can be attached to notional parts.

Co-products are planned for in requirements planning.

A co-product cannot be defined as ECC-controlled or requiring activity based costing.


When manufacturing co-products, you will be unable to link a sales order directly to a job nor can you link a sub-job with multiple outputs to a master job.

Y - By-product This indicates that the stock item is an incidental or residual item produced as part of the manufacturing process of the parent item.

A by-product may be recycled, sold as is, or used for other purposes.

You use the Structures and Routings program to add a by-product to a bill of materials as a negative material allocation.

A by-product is regarded as recoverable scrap in SYSPRO.

By-product items are used for reporting purposes only.

By-products are not planned for in requirements planning.

When you define an item as a by-product, the Batching rule is set to P - Suppress MRP ordering and cannot be changed.

You include the cost of a by-product in the parent's bill of materials by running the Cost Implosion program.

N - Notional part This indicates that the stock code exists in name only. It is not recognized as physical stock and can therefore not be bought or sold or have any inventory movements associated with it.

It is used as a link between the Bill of Materials Structure and Routing information and the physical co-products being manufactured (i.e. it is an imaginary part that attaches a bill of materials structure and routing to multiple end-items (co-products). It can only be defined as a parent part in a Bill of Materials and not as a component).

A notional part cannot be a sub-job.

A notional item cannot be defined as ECC-controlled, or as an MPS item, or as requiring activity based costing.

This option is only enabled if the Bill of Materials module is installed.


You can only define a stock item as a notional part when adding the item (i.e. you cannot for example change an existing item with a part category of Made-in to a part category of Notional part).

Product class This indicates the category to which the item is assigned. It is used for reporting purposes (Sales Analysis) and as a method of defining your integration to the General Ledger module.

You must enter a valid product class if the Validate product class option is enabled (Inventory Setup). When you enter a valid product class, the description for the product class is displayed. If you did not select to validate product classes, then, although a product class must be assigned to a stock item, your entry is validated only at the time of generating a sales order (see Sales Order Entry).

You cannot access this field if you selected the Use Product Class Defaults option (Defaults function). The product class you entered on the Use Product Class Defaults screen is automatically entered in this field. To change the default product class, select the Change Product Class option from the Defaults function.

Product class description This indicates the description for the product class you selected.
Stocking unit metrics  
Stocking unit of measure This indicates the unit of measure in which the stock item is held on file. A stocking unit of measure entry must be assigned to a stock item.

If you enabled the Theoretical uom conversion option (Sales Orders Setup) then you enter the theoretical unit of measure here.

For example: You sell boxes of fruit that you stock in kilograms, but sell by the box. If there are theoretically 10kg in one box, then kilograms is the theoretical unit of measure because only at the time of selling the fruit do you know the exact number of kilograms sold.

Mass per stocking unit This indicates the weight of a single unit of the stock item in the stocking unit of measure. It is used for reporting purposes (Inventory and Sales Analysis) and can be printed on inventory and sales documents.

If you enabled the EC VAT system required option (Company Tax Options Setup) then the mass per stocking unit is required for the Supplementary Declarations report.

When creating a parent item from Product Configurator (Configurator Wizard) the mass of the item is the sum of the masses of the components used to create the parent item.

Volume per stocking unit This indicates the volume of a single unit of the stock item in the stocking unit of measure. It is used for reporting and query purposes. In addition, the stock unit volume, the order line volume and total volume can be printed on delivery notes and invoices.

When creating a parent item from Product Configurator (see Configurator Wizard) the volume of the item is the sum of the volumes of the components used to create the parent item.

Specific gravity

This indicates the value that must be used to convert volume measurements to weight measurements (e.g. conversion between kilograms and liters, or vice versa).

This is used if the stock item is required in a batch bill of materials.

Alternate unit of measure To be able to hold inventory costs in a unit of measure other than the stocking unit of measure, you need to enable the Hold inventory cost in unit of measure option (Inventory Setup).
Alternate uom unit This indicates the description for the alternative unit of measure for the sale or purchase quantity of an item and the pricing.
Alternate uom factor The conversion factor enables you to convert the Alternate unit of measure into the Stocking unit of measure.

When you change a conversion factor, any outstanding sales or purchase orders processed using the alternate unit of measure are not changed. These orders are still recorded at the factor applicable at the time the order was created. Outstanding sales and purchase orders must therefore be manually changed as required.

The field is used by the Sales Order module if you indicated that the unit of measure must be requested for order quantities (Sales Orders Setup).

It is also used by the Purchase Order module if you indicated that the Alternate unit of measure must be used for order quantities (Purchase Orders Setup)

For example: If your item is stocked as each and sold or ordered in dozens, then you would set up the alternate unit of measure table conversion as follows:

Stocking unit of measureEA
Alternate unit of measureDOZ
Conversion factor12
Conversion methodMultiply
This is the equivalent of saying: one dozen is equal to 12 each.

If you enabled the Theoretical uom conversion option (Sales Orders Setup) then you enter the absolute unit of measure in this field.

For example: You sell boxes of fruit that you stock in kilograms, but sell by the box. The box is the absolute unit of measure. If there are theoretically 10kg in one box, then kilograms is the theoretical unit of measure.

Alternate uom method Indicate whether the Stocking unit of measure must be multiplied or divided to give the alternate unit of measure.
Alternate uom conversion This displays the result of converting from the stocking unit of measure to the alternate unit of measure or vice versa. You can select the Test option from the Alternate uom unit field to view the same results in a separate screen.
Other unit of measure To be able to hold inventory costs in a unit of measure other than the stocking unit of measure, you need to enable the Hold inventory cost in unit of measure option (Inventory Setup).
Other uom unit This indicates the description for the other unit of measure for the sales ordering quantity of an item and the pricing.
Other uom factor

A conversion factor enables you to convert the Other unit of measure into the Stocking unit of measure.


When you change a conversion factor, any outstanding sales orders processed using the other unit of measure are not changed. These orders are still recorded at the factor applicable at the time the order was created. Outstanding sales orders must therefore be manually changed as required.

The field is used by the Sales Order module if you have indicated that the unit of measure must be requested for order quantities (Sales Orders Setup).

For example: If your item is stocked as Each and sold in Dozens or Boxes (5 per box), then you would set up the other unit of measure table conversion as follows:

Stocking unit of measureEA
Alternate unit of measureDOZ
Conversion factor12
Conversion methodMultiply
Other unit of measureBOX
Conversion factor5
Conversion methodMultiply
This is the equivalent of saying: one box is equal to 5 each.
Other uom method Indicate whether the Stocking unit of measure must be multiplied or divided to give the Other unit of measure.
Other uom conversion This displays the result of converting from the Stocking unit of measure to the Other unit of measure or vice versa. You can select the Test option from the Other uom unit field to view the same results in a separate screen.
Manufacturing unit of measure

This lets you define your bill of materials in a format relevant to the way in which you manufacture an item. Transactions are always calculated in the stocking unit of measure before being converted to the manufacturing unit of measure for display and reporting purposes.

You can configure a manufacturing unit of measure against the parent item as well as any attached components. If you enable the Use manufacturing unit of measure setup option, then components added to a bill of material default to using the manufacturing unit of measure defined against them. Each route can have a separate parent unit of measure with components related to that parent (i.e. this lets you define all the combinations you use to manufacture an item).

Once a quantity is captured in the manufacturing unit of measure, it is stored in a manufacturing unit of measure entered quantity field and converted back to the stocking unit of measure according to your inventory conversion factors (i.e. the stocking unit of measure is retained, enabling you report on either the stocking or the manufacturing unit of measure).

  • You can only define manufacturing units of measure if you enable the Use manufacturing unit of measure option (Work in Progress Setup).

  • Although manufacturing unit of measure functionality is available throughout the manufacturing modules, the Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Quotations and Inventory modules are all held in the stocking unit of measure.

  • Manufacturing unit of measure entered quantities replace existing quantities on reports when printing by manufacturing unit of measure.

  • Manufacturing unit of measure quantity columns in list views display the manufacturing unit of measure, enabling you to view both the stocking and manufacturing unit of measure quantities where applicable.

  • A manufacturing unit of measure cannot be defined for the following part categories:

    • Planning bill

    • Kit part

    • Phantom part

    • Notional part

  • Bin allocations are allocated in the stocking unit of measure.

  • Quantities for lots, bins and serials always remain in the stocking unit of measure.

Manufacturing uom unit Indicate the description for the manufacturing unit of measure.
Manufacturing uom factor A conversion factor enables you to convert the Manufacturing unit of measure into the Stocking unit of measure.
Manufacturing uom method Indicate whether the Stocking unit of measure must be multiplied or divided to give the Manufacturing unit of measure.
Manufacturing uom conversion This displays the result of converting from the Stocking unit of measure to the Manufacturing unit of measure or vice versa. You can select the Test option from the Manufacturing uom unit field to view the same results in a separate screen.
Other options  
Cost unit of measure This indicates the unit of measure to be used for the inventory cost of the item. You define cost units of measure using the Cost Unit of Measure program.
  • You can only assign a cost unit of measure to the item if you indicated that your inventory costs must be held in a unit of measure other than stocked (Inventory Setup).
  • The cost unit of measure can only be defined when adding a stock code and cannot be changed once the stock item has been created.
  • You cannot save the details for the stock code if the cost unit of measure is not defined or does not exist.
Maximum number of decimals

This indicates the number of decimals to which you want to store and print stock quantities.

When converting between the different units of measure defined for the stock item, quantities are always rounded to the number of decimals defined here when the option: Round WIP allocations is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Stock code related quantities are displayed in list views to the number of decimals you define here, providing you enabled the Edit quantities using decimals option (Company Setup).

The maximum number of decimals defined here should equal the Maximum number of decimals if that is defined. Refer to the example against the Maximum number of decimals option (Inventory Setup).

Unit quantity processing

Enable this to handle and display quantities of the stock code as units of the stocking and alternate unit of measure, rather than as units and decimal places.

For example: If an item is stocked in cases with an alternate unit of measure of 12 bottles per case, then a quantity of 2.5 is presented as 2/06, or entered as two fields - one for 2 and one for 6 (i.e. no decimal places are allowed on either the stocking or alternate unit of measure).

When entering this type of stock code during sales order entry, the system requests the entry of quantities in two separate fields - the primary quantity is always in the stocking unit of measure, followed by the equivalent alternate unit of measure where decimal places would previously have been entered.

The same procedure applies to Stock Takes, Inventory Movements, Purchase Orders and Dispatch Notes. It is not possible to enter a job for anything other than units of the stocking quantity.

  • The alternate unit of measure must be less than the stocking unit of measure.

  • No decimal places can be used in either the stocking or the alternate units of measure.

  • Pricing of the sales order line is always in terms of the stocking unit of measure.

Alternate key 1 This indicates additional information assigned to the stock item which can be used as a selection criterion when browsing on stock codes.

It can also be used to change the sequence in which items are displayed when browsing on stock codes.

You can change the wording displayed for this field to suit your own requirements (Inventory Setup).

Alternate key 2 This indicates additional information assigned to the stock item which can be used as a selection criterion when browsing on stock codes.

It can also be used to change the sequence in which items are displayed when browsing on stock codes.

You can change the wording displayed for this field to suit your own requirements (Inventory Setup).

Retain stock movements Select Yes if you want to store on file all transaction movements processed against the stock item.

If you enabled the Record movements for bin transfers option (Inventory Setup) then details of bin transfers within the same warehouse are retained.

A listing of stock movements can be printed using the Inventory Movement and Kardex Report programs.

Stock code status This enables you to define the status of the stock item.
NormalThis indicates that the stock code is a normal stock item.
TemporaryThis indicates that you require the stock item to be deleted automatically when you run the purge routine within the Inventory Period End program (providing the item meets all the requirements for the deletion of a stock code).

Serialized, traceable and ECC items cannot be defined as temporary items.

ClearThis indicates that the stock item must be sold or cleared as a matter of urgency.

This option can also be used by the Superseded-Clearing Stock report as a criterion according to which stock items are selected for printing.

When you select this option, the Batching rule for the stock item is set to P -Suppress MRP ordering.

Stock code on hold statusThis indicates the on hold status for the stock item.

This is maintained using the Stock Code On Hold Maintenance program (accessed by browsing on the Stock code field and then selecting the On Hold Status option from the Edit menu).

Additional items  
Warehouses This enables you to assign the stock item to a warehouse and to define the warehouse information for the highlighted stock item using the Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program.
Pricing This enables you to define the pricing information for the highlighted stock item using the Browse on Stock Code Pricing program.
Foreign purchase prices This enables you to define the foreign purchase pricing information for the highlighted stock item using the Inventory Foreign Purchase Prices program.
Alternate stock codes This enables you to define the alternate stock code information for the highlighted stock item using the Inventory Alternate Stock Codes program.
Alternate suppliers This enables you to define the alternate supplier information for the highlighted stock item using the Inventory Alternate Suppliers program.


Field Description
Supplier This indicates the code of the primary supplier from whom you usually purchase this stock item and is validated only if the Accounts Payable or Purchase Order modules is installed.
Supplier name This indicates the name of the selected supplier.

This indicates the code of the person responsible for purchasing the stock item.

It is used as a selection criterion for stock codes printed on various Requirements Planning reports.

This defaults from the Operators program, if a buyer has been setup against the operator.

The buyer defined against the operator will only be used when adding a new stock code, not when maintaining a stock code.

Buyer name This indicates the name of the selected buyer.
Tariff code This is used in the Landed Cost Tracking system to determine the duty rate applicable to an imported item.

It is also used in the EC VAT system and is an important data field on the Supplementary Declarations report - identifying goods that are the subject of a dispatch or arrival.

Tariff code description This indicates the description for the selected tariff code (see LCT Tariff Codes).
Supplementary units This indicates that supplementary units are required for the tariff code.

A number of tariff codes require the declaration of a supplementary unit (e.g. the number of pieces, liters or cubic meters). A supplementary unit is generally required when it is a more appropriate measure of particular goods than the net mass and allows a greater degree of comparison and analysis.

When adding a sales order line for a stock item that requires supplementary units, the supplementary unit code is passed to the order line from the stock code. A factor can then be added for calculating the supplementary unit quantity.

When invoicing, the supplementary unit information is saved and made available for printing on the EC Sales reports.

When receipting a purchase order, the supplementary unit information is requested, saved and made available for printing on the EC Declaration of Arrivals report.

Supplementary code This indicates the supplementary code to use for the stock item.

The field can be blank, but if entered must be a valid supplementary code (see Intrastat Supplementary Units).

Supplementary code description This indicates the description defined against the supplementary code selected (see Intrastat Supplementary Units).
Landed cost tracking required

This indicates that the stock item is required in the Landed Cost Tracking system. It can only be selected for bought-out items.

Lead time (days) This indicates the number of days in which to either buy out or manufacture the stock item (see Lead time).

For bought-out items, you enter the number of days it takes the supplier to deliver the item from the date the order is placed. This must be manually buffered for non-working days (e.g. if your supplier takes 3 days from date of order to delivery, this represents 3 working days. You will therefore need to buffer the lead time to account for weekends).

For made-in items, you use the Lead Time Calculation program to calculate and update the lead time. The program calculates a ratio of working to non-working days and applies this when calculating the lead time for an item (i.e. you do not need to buffer the lead time for made-in items if you are using the Lead Time Calculation program to update this field).

The lead time is used in the calculation performed by the Inventory Minimum Quantity Calculation program to establish the minimum quantity required for each stock code and warehouse. It is also used in the Requirements Planning and Bill of Materials modules.

Withholding tax expense type

Select the relevant expense type for the stock code. This indicates if the product supplied is a goods or service.

This only applies when the Withholding tax required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

Replenishment details  
Dock to stock (days) This indicates the number of days that a bought-out or made-in stock item must be in stock prior to usage. This enables you to calculate an earlier due date for jobs or purchase orders and, from these, an earlier start date.

Non-working days per the factory calendar are taken into account when the delivery date is calculated to add to the ship date.

Batching rule

Enter the required batching rule for the item. This is used to calculate an order quantity for the item when shortages are encountered.

Batching rules are applied to MPS items when producing the MRP Master Production Schedule, unless you are including Build schedules in the requirements calculation (Requirements Planning Setup).

They are applied to non-MPS items when running the Requirements Calculation program.

  • SYSPRO does not allow any order policy to exceed the Maximum quantity defined (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).

  • SYSPRO reserves buying rules from A to Q. Any buying rule entered beyond this range is treated as buying rule A.

  • The fixed time period in a time-phased batching rule is ignored by the MRP Master Production Schedule and MPS Review programs because they use variable time period lengths.

    The fixed time portion of the batching rule is applied only in the Requirements Calculation.

    An MPS item with a buying rule of C is treated as if the rule was A.

    Buying rules K, L, M, and N revert to rules B, F, G, and H respectively.

If you are using Inventory Optimization then the following batching rules are used in Requirements Planning in relation to the maximum level:

  • Q - Apply warehouse order policy

    If you select this rule, then one of the following Order policies must be set against the warehouse for the stock code (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code):

    • M - order to max if less than minimum

    • I - Cover shortages if less than minimum

    • S - Order to maximum if shortage

  • E - Order to max if less than min

  • D - Order to maximum if shortage

Option Description
A - Lot for lot The order quantity is the shortage quantity.

All sub jobs are automatically created as lot for lot.

You would typically select this batching rule when implementing MRP (Material Requirements Planning) in SYSPRO for the first time - the rule simply generates planned supply (jobs, purchase order requisitions and purchase orders) for the actual net shortage in demand for each period.

Once you have familiarised yourself with SYSPRO's Material Requirements Planning module, you can implement the other batching rules as required.

B - Multiples of EBQ To calculate the order quantity, the shortage quantity is rounded up to the next multiple of the economic batch quantity.

For example: If the EBQ is 10 and the shortage is 32, then the order quantity will be 40.

C - Fixed time period When a shortage is encountered, the order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

For example: If the shortage is 32 today and 14 tomorrow, and the fixed time period is 1 day (1 future working day) then the order quantity will be 46 (32 + 14).

D - Order to maximum if shortage When a shortage is encountered, the order quantity is calculated to increase the stock holding up to the maximum defined against the warehouse.

For example: If the shortage is 32 and the maximum quantity is 100, then the order quantity will be 132 (32 + 100). This is because the shortage of 32 must be filled, plus 100 are required to bring the stock holding up to its maximum of 100.

E - Order to max if less than min As soon as the result field (during netting-off) falls below the minimum quantity, an order quantity is calculated to order enough to increase the quantity available up to the maximum quantity.

For example: If the minimum quantity is 50 and the maximum quantity is 200 and the result field is 12, then the order quantity will be 188 (200 - 12).

When you select this option, the MPS Review and MRP Master Production Schedule programs use the minimum and maximum quantities defined against the warehouse to calculate the suggestions made. Safety stock is not taken into account.

F - Multiples of pan This rule is identical to rule B, except that the pan quantity is used instead of the economic batch quantity.

To calculate the order quantity, the shortage quantity is rounded up to the next multiple of the pan size.

For example: If the Pan size 10 and the shortage is 32, then the order quantity will be 40.

G - Multiple EBQ lots If a shortage occurs, then multiple orders should be created to satisfy the shortage, each the size of the EBQ.

For example: If the EBQ is 10 and the shortage is 32, then 4 orders (each having an order quantity of 10) are suggested.

H - Multiple pan lots This rule is identical to rule G, except that the pan quantity is used instead of the economic batch quantity.

If a shortage occurs, then multiple orders should be created to satisfy the shortage, each the size of the Pan.

For example: If the Pan size is 10 and the shortage is 32, then 4 orders (each having an order quantity of 10) are suggested.

I - Minimum of EBQ If a shortage occurs, the order quantity is the quantity required to meet the shortage, unless this is less than the EBQ (in which case the EBQ is used).

For example: If the EBQ is 10 and the shortage is 8, then the order quantity is 10 (the 8 required to meet the shortage is less than the EBQ, so the EBQ is used). However, if the shortage is 32 and the EBQ is 10 then the order quantity is 32.

J - Minimum of pan This rule is identical to rule I, except that the pan quantity is used instead of the economic batch quantity.

If a shortage occurs, the order quantity is the quantity required to meet the shortage, unless this is less than the Pan size (in which case the Pan size is used).

For example: If the Pan size is 10 and the shortage is 8, then the order quantity is 10 (the 8 required to meet the shortage is less than the Pan size, so the Pan size is used). However, if the shortage is 32 and the Pan size is 10 then the order quantity is 32.

K - Multiples of EBQ (fixed time) This rule is a combination of rules B and C.

The order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Once this total shortage quantity has been calculated, then this is rounded up to the next multiple of the economic batch quantity.

L - Multiples of pan (fixed time) This rule is a combination of rules F and C.

This rule is identical to rule K, except that the pan quantity is used instead of the economic batch quantity.

The order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Once this total shortage quantity has been calculated, then this is rounded up to the next multiple of the pan size.

M - Multiple EBQ lots (fixed time) This rule is a combination of rules G and C.

The order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Once this total shortage quantity has been calculated, then multiple orders (each the size of the EBQ) are suggested.

N - Multiple pan lots (fixed time) This rule is a combination of rules H and C.

This rule is identical to rule M, except that the pan quantity is used instead of the economic batch quantity.

The order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Once this total shortage quantity has been calculated, then multiple orders (each the size of the pan) are suggested.

O - Min of EBQ, thereafter multiples of pan If a shortage occurs, the order quantity is at least the EBQ. However, if the EBQ is insufficient to satisfy the shortage, then the remaining shortage is rounded up to the next multiple of the pan quantity.

For example: If the EBQ is 10 and the pan quantity is 5, a shortage of 3 would cause an order quantity of 10 (the shortage is less than the EBQ). A shortage of 23 would cause an order quantity of 25.

P - Suppress MRP ordering Demand generated for this item will not result in any suggested purchase orders, unless you have indicated that batching rules must be overridden (Requirements Planning Setup).

This is the default batching rule for an item defined as a By-product and cannot be changed.

In addition, when you set the Stock code status to Clear, the batching rule for that stock code is set to P - Suppress MRP ordering. This cannot be changed until the Stock code status is changed.

Q - Apply warehouse order policy Select this to define the batching rules against the individual warehouses in which the item is stocked (see Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code). This enables you to define different batching rules for each warehouse in which the item is stocked.
Economic batch quantity The economic batch quantity is used to determine the costing of a bill of materials. It is also used within the Requirements Planning module together with batching rules B, G, I, K, M and O.

The economic batch quantity is used instead of the Pan size, depending on your selection at the Manufacturing basis field for the item.

If progressive scrap is in use then the Economic batch quantity must be defined as the net EBQ. Progressive scrap works backwards taking into account the scrap at each operation to calculate the starting quantity.

Pan size This can be likened to a container size. Within the Bill of Materials module you can indicate whether the elapsed time against work centers or cost centers is based on the pan size or the economic batch quantity.

This is used instead of the economic batch quantity, depending on your selection at the Manufacturing basis field for the item.

Fixed time period (days) This indicates the number of working days that represents a fixed time period.

For example: A fixed time period of 1 day indicates that if a shortage is encountered, then the total shortage for today and the next working day is used as if the shortage falls today.

The entry made here is used for all time-based buying rules (i.e. C, K, L, M and N) within the Requirements Planning module.


The fixed time period is ignored when the order policy is M - Order to max if less than min or S - Order to max if shortage.

Date of supersession This indicates the date on which the stock item should no longer be sold.

It is used by the Superseded-Clearing Stock report as a criterion according to which stock items are selected for printing.

Quantity cycle count Indicate the number of times to count the stock item during the year.

When you use the Stock Take Selection program to select stock items for a stock take, you can indicate that you only want to include items with a specific quantity cycle count in a stock take.

It can also be used as a selection criterion for reporting purposes.

ABC analysis required Select this to include the stock item in the calculations performed by the ABC Analysis program (the program prints a list of stock items in descending order of usage value, based on the cost value of stock used - issued and/or sold - over the last 12 months).

The report indicates which are your most used and least used items, enabling you to determine what quantities of selected stock items should be included in your inventory.

Production Details

Field Description
Master production schedule
Option Description
MPS item This indicates that the stock item is used in the Master Production Schedule system.

A Notional part cannot be defined as an MPS item.

There is a limitation with regards MPS and transfer supplied in Material Requirements Planning in that an MPS item only sees build schedules as demand, therefore MRP will not suggest SCTs for MPS items.

Non-MPS item This indicates that the item is a normal stock code that is included in the Requirements Calculation program.

You cannot change an MPS item to be a Non-MPS item when build schedules exist for the item. The build schedules must first be deleted using the Build Schedule Maintenance program.

Statistical item This indicates that the item is always in stock and its lead time is ignored when calculating the cumulative lead time and/or manufacturing lead time of its parent.
Gross requirement rule This is used by the Master Production Schedule (Requirements Planning) to indicate how you want to calculate the demand for a component prior to netting off on hand inventory and scheduled receipts. It is used to calculate the projected available stock and the suggested build schedule.
C - Cumulative highest of forecasts & s/ordersThis uses the forecasts or sales orders (whichever is the cumulative highest figure) as the gross requirement. This is calculated as the cumulative highest figure less the cumulative gross requirement of the previous period.
I - Forecasts onlyThis only uses forecasts as the gross requirement.
H - Highest of forecasts & sales ordersThis uses either forecasts or sales orders (whichever is the highest figure) as the gross requirement.
S - Sales orders onlyThis only uses sales orders as the gross requirement.
A - Sum of forecasts & sales ordersThis uses both the forecasts and sales orders as the gross requirement.
Percent yield This indicates the percentage of an item that is lost in the manufacturing process so that a shortfall in actual production does not cause an unexpected inability to meet demand on time.

This field applies only to MPS items and is used in the MPS Review program to calculate the gross requirement.

For example: If a stock code has a percent yield of 50 and in the MPS Review program there is a net requirement of 10, the MPS Review program uses the yield percentage to calculate a gross requirement of 20 in order to meet the demand of 10.

Manufacturing options  
Manufacturing quantity basis This indicates the basis of the elapsed time calculated against work centers or cost centers.
Economic batch quantity This uses the economic batch quantity as the manufacturing quantity basis.
Pan size This uses the pan size as the manufacturing quantity basis.
Floorstock This indicates whether the stock item relates to an inexpensive production part held in the factory from which production workers can draw without requisitions.

Floorstock items must be stocked in the warehouse defined as the floorstock warehouse (Work in Progress Setup).

Floorstock item

This indicates that the item can be issued automatically to a job upon confirmation of the job. It is included in the costing process.

  • The warehouse quantity is reduced when a floorstock item is issued and a journal is created.
  • A serialized or traceable item cannot be defined as being a Floorstock item.

Regardless of your warehouse settings or your selection at the Stock on hand allowed to go negative option (Inventory Setup) floorstock items that are stocked in the floorstock warehouse (Work in Progress Setup) will always be allowed to go negative at the time of confirming a job (Job Issues) or when Backflushing (Inventory Movements).

For other types of transactions, floorstock items are treated in the same manner as any other stock item. Therefore if stock on hand is not allowed to go negative and there is insufficient stock, you will be unable to process those transactions.

Bulk issue itemThis indicates that the item can be issued automatically as a material allocation to a job without affecting the on hand quantity of the item. The item is included as a component in the costing process.
  • A serialized or traceable item cannot be defined as being a Bulk issue item.

You would typically define a consumable item as a bulk issue item. This enables you to include the consumable in the cost of a job without forcing you to keep accurate inventory of the item.

No direct debit and credit journal entries are posted for bulk issue items since there is no quantity moved out of the warehouse to the job.

However, any cost associated with a bulk issue item is included in the cost of the parent in the BOM (it is calculated and rolled up to the parent's material cost) and, by extension, when a job is created it is part of the expected cost of materials.

To ensure that costs exist to be cleared at job closure, the value of materials issued to the job is updated with the cost of the bulk issue and an entry is made in the job postings record.

The updating of the cost is what creates the variance at the point of closing the job.

Typically because bulk issue items are of little or no value, this is cleared with automatic variance clearing when the job is completed. The automatic variance follows the rules indicated in WIP for clearing variances (Work in Progress Setup).

If the cost remaining on the job is within these boundaries, it will be automatically cleared (i.e. the WIP Control account will be credited and the WIP Variance account debited). If the value of the variance exceeds the rules then this variance must be cleared using the Job Closure program).

The assumption on bulk issue items is that they should only be used for consumables. If quantities and values are required to be tracked, then you need to define the item as floorstock.


When you confirm a job, bulk issue items specified against the Bill of Materials are issued to the job automatically. If you want to delete the job, you need to reverse the bulk issue allocation before doing so, even though no journals were created. A job cannot be deleted until all the allocations are reversed.

The warehouse quantity is not reduced when a bulk issue item is issued and no journal is created.

Once a job is confirmed, then any additional issue or reversal of a bulk issue item affects the stock on hand (i.e. the bulk issue item is treated as any other stock item).

See Bulk issue items.

NeitherThis indicates that the item is neither a floorstock or bulk issue item.
Include in relationship validation Select this to include the stock item in the processing performed by the Relationship Validation program.
Soft phantom

A Soft phantom can only have a Part category of Made-in, Bought-out or Subcontracted, so a job can be made for it, it can be stocked, and it can be sold, where a “normal” Phantom part cannot.

When a Soft phantom is set as a Component against the Parent part in a Bill of Materials, it is not attached to the job as an allocation, but it is exploded through and its components are attached to the job as allocations. It is also recognised by MRP, which will explode it into its component parts. Its labor costs are not inherited by the parent part.

You can define operations against a Soft phantom in a Bill of Materials. The reason for doing so is that when a job is made for it, you want the Manufacturing costs, Operations costs, to be allocated to it when manufacturing it. The normal Parent at the higher level will include any extra hours of labour, etc., required for these components. If it is essential to track the labour costs at the soft phantom level in a structure, then this should not be a soft phantom, but rather a normal sub assembly.

Note that Sub jobs are not allowed for a Soft phantom Component and a Soft phantom can only be added as a component in a BOM in the Stocking unit of measure.

Typically a phantom is included in a BOM structure to simplify the structure. A Soft phantom is an easy way to setup a Bill of materials once only, where this item is made and sold, and where it is used as a Material allocation in many other Bills of Materials. It makes maintenance for all the Bills of Materials in which it is attached a lot easier, as only the Soft phantom needs to be changed if required, and all the affected Bills of Materials are automatically updated. Where it is set as a Component it is treated like any other component (i.e. material cost only).

When used as a Parent part, the soft phantom item is treated as a normal stock item with the following exceptions:

  • Progressive scrap is not allowed.

  • Only the stocking unit of measure can be used.

Batch bill of material Select this if a parent part has components by percentage instead of quantity (i.e. the wet weight percentage of the parent must be used instead of the quantity per for the components). The specific gravity of the parent and component part(s) must be specified.
  • No check is performed on the stocking unit of measure of the parents and components. This could result in inaccurate results if these measures are incompatible (e.g. the parent part is stocked in liters and one of the components is stocked in tons - the wet weight percentage ratio could be incorrect).

  • Batch bill percentages are only retained on the bill of material and are a tool to aid the calculation of a physical quantity per in a bill of material.

    When you create a job, these figures are not pulled through onto the job. Therefore, if you have a stock code that is defined as a batch bill with the percentage wet weight defined against the material requirements, the percentages are not printed on Factory Documentation (Factory Documentation).

Manufacture lead time

This indicates the number of days it takes to manufacture a made-in stock item, assuming that all the raw materials are available. It is the longest cumulative manufacturing time, established from the sum of the elapsed time and inter-operation movement time for all levels of the bill of materials (i.e. the manufacturing lead time is calculated according to the operation times).

For make-to-order items, the manufacturing lead time is the total time between the release of an order to the production process and shipment to the customer. For make-to-stock items, it is the length of time between the release of an order to the production process and receipt into inventory.

For made-in items, you use the Lead Time Calculation program to calculate and update the lead time. The program calculates a ratio of working to non-working days and applies this when calculating the lead time for an item. This means that you do not need to buffer the lead time for made in items if you are using the Lead Time Calculation program to update this field.

Planner This indicates the person in a company responsible for planning the manufacture of made-in stock items.

You can use the planner as a selection criterion in various Requirements Planning reports.

Planner name This indicates the name of the selected planner.
Resource This indicates the parent of a resource structure of critical resources for the stock code. It is the default resource parent which can be changed within the Build Schedule Maintenance program.

This resource parent is applied only to new build schedules; existing build schedules must be maintained to reflect the resource parent.

The resource code is used by the Resource Planning system and is validated only if the Requirements Planning module is installed.

Resource description This indicates the description for the resource code selected.
WIP ledger control account

This indicates the default account to which you want to post the value of work in progress when a job is created for this stock item.

If not defined against the stock item, then the WIP ledger control account (General Ledger Integration) is used as the default instead. However, at the time of creating the job the ledger code entered at the WIP ledger code field overrides these defaults.

This field is validated if Inventory is linked to General Ledger.

WIP ledger control description This indicates the description for the WIP ledger code selected.
Default job classification This indicates the default job classification assigned to the job.

Job classifications enable you to group your jobs according to similar characteristics. In addition, you can optionally specify that job numbering must take place according to the job classification (Set Key Information).

You can also configure security access settings by job classification, to restrict the unauthorized processing of jobs and allocations (i.e. viewing, adding, changing, importing, canceling and posting).

Default job classification description This indicates the description for the job classification code selected.

Sales Details

Field Description
Pricing category (Extended pricing only)

This establishes the price or discount code applicable to the stock code (depending on the pricing method) by locating the corresponding entry in the customer's price category/code table.

For example: When defining a pricing category of E against a stock code, the price/discount code entered against E on the customer's price category/code table is the code that is applied when selling items with that pricing category to the customer.

Pricing method
Option Description
Coded The price code retrieved against the customer (from either the auto price code or the price category/code table - depending on whether simple or extended pricing is in force) is used to determine the price of the stocked item from the price code table.

This method is typically used by customers who have multiple prices against stock items and therefore use price lists.

Usually the prices differ because of the various costs involved in the delivery of the stock (e.g. transport methods, special packing/treatment options, etc.) or customers are categorized differently (e.g. wholesale, retail).

A discount at line level per customer can also be entered when processing the sales order.


The code retrieved from the customer (from either the auto price code or the price category/code table depending on whether simple or extended pricing is in force) is used to determine the discount(s) applicable to the stock code's list price, cost price or another price code.

Up to three discounts may be chained.

This method is typically used by customers who have certain stock items that attract different discounts, rather than specific prices.

It is often used in an environment where there are frequent price fluctuations and it is easier to change the price once and let the various discount options apply.

If the discount is based on the cost of the stock item, then it is added to the cost (i.e. the item is therefore being sold on a cost plus basis).

Quantity discounted

The quantity ordered determines the price retrieved.

Only if the order quantity exceeds all the quantity breaks does the system revert to determining the price based on the pricing method in force for the company (i.e. simple or extended - Sales Orders Setup).

This method is used by customers who sell stock in large volumes and who offer more-for-less buying opportunities.

A discount at line level per customer can also be entered when processing the sales order.

(See also: Pricing and Discounts).

List price

This indicates the list price for the item. Discounts for the stock code can be based on this price during sales order entry processing.

  • The full stop character is reserved for manual pricing and cannot be used.

  • The exclamation mark character is reserved for contract pricing and cannot be used.

List price basis This indicates the unit of measure on which the first selling price of the stock item is based.
Commission code

This indicates the percentage of commission you want to apply against a sale of the stock item, if the commission is based on the price for the stock item (Sales Orders Setup).

An entry of 0 indicates that you do not want to calculate commission.

List price code This indicates the standard price code for the stock item on which discounts can be based during sales order entry processing.

This can be blank if you enabled the Allow blank list price codes option (Inventory Setup).

The List price code basis applies the discount percentage to the list price held against the stock item only if the stock code Pricing method is set to Discounted.

The stock code must exist before the price code can be captured, so this field is only enabled when maintaining a stock code.

Minimum % above cost This indicates the minimum percentage by which the price of stocked order lines must exceed the cost of the item. If defined as zero against the stock item, then the minimum price percentage above cost defined within the Sales Orders Setup program is used.

The minimum percentage above cost defined against the item is used only if you indicated that the stock code margin (instead of the company margin) must be used (Sales Orders Setup).

You can indicate whether the margin check is based on the gross or net value and you can override this margin if you indicated that this override is allowed (Sales Orders Setup).

Tax codes  
Tax code This is the default tax code used for sales orders, purchase orders and requisitions created for the item.

Tax codes are maintained using the Tax Code Setup program.

The Descriptive tax code must be used if defined (Descriptive Tax Code Browse/Maintenance).

If the customer is defined as taxable, then the rate for the tax code entered in this field is applied by the Sales Order Entry program when the item is sold to that customer.

If the customer is defined as non-taxable (Customers) then this tax code is ignored and the customer is not charged tax on the item.


If you do not assign default tax codes to a stock item, then the system assumes that the item is exempt from tax.

In addition, if you select the Tax by geographic area option (Company Tax Options Setup) the system disregards the tax code assigned to the geographic area when calculating tax for that item on a sales order.

Tax code description This indicates the description for the tax code selected and is displayed for information purposes.
Tax code rate This indicates the rate defined against the tax code selected and is displayed for information purposes.
Other tax code This indicates an alternative tax code for the stock item which is used only if the stock item is sold to a customer against whom you indicated that the Other tax code must be used (Customers).

The Descriptive tax code must be used if defined (Descriptive Tax Code Browse/Maintenance).

This enables you to define different rates of tax for this item and then apply these rates to different customers when using the Sales Order Entry program. You need to select the option: Other tax code against those customers for whom you want to apply the Other tax code rate (Customers).

For example:

Tax Code A14% inclusiveUsed when selling the item.
Tax Code B14% exclusiveUsed when purchasing the item.

Assume that only selected customers purchase the item with inclusive tax.

  • Against the customer, select Other tax code at the Tax exemption selection field (When you delete a tax code,).
  • Against the stock item enter Tax code C in the Tax code field and Tax code A in the Other tax code field (Stock Codes).

When processing sales orders for the item:

  • Orders for customer accounts linked to Other tax code, the default tax code for the orders will be Tax code A - 14% inclusive
  • Orders for customer accounts linked to the default Tax code for the orders will be Tax code C - 14% exclusive

When processing requisitions and purchase orders for the item, the default tax code or all suppliers will be Tax code C - 14% exclusive.

Other tax code rate This indicates the rate defined against the other tax code selected and is displayed for information purposes.
Other tax code description This indicates the description for the other tax code selected and is displayed for information purposes.
Sales options  
Kit type This indicates whether the stock code is used in a single level bill of materials.

Sales order entry always uses route 0. To sell Kit type items, therefore, route 0 must be used for the bill of materials.

NoneThis indicates that the stock item must not be treated as a kit type.
Finished typeThis indicates that the stock item is a finished part which is stocked and can be manufactured.

The cost, price and quantity is determined by the finished part, while components are treated as comment lines when receiving in or selling the item.

Kit typeThis indicates that first level components from the bill of material are automatically received into stock when this stock item is received into stock.

The cost, price and quantity is determined by the components and the finished part is treated as a comment line. The parent part, however, determines the order and ship quantities of the components by multiplying the parent quantity by the quantity per defined in the structure.

Sales analysis information is maintained on the component stock codes.

Sub type

This indicates that the parent stock code must be treated as a normal stocked line to determine the price of the kit. The component parts are treated as normal stocked lines to determine the cost and quantity of items pulled from inventory (i.e. the price is determined by the finished part and the cost and quantity is determined by the components).

Sales analysis information is maintained for the parent stock code.

Demand time fence This indicates the number of days from the time an order is placed until it can be fulfilled.

It is used in the calculations performed by the Master Production Schedule.

An entry of 0 means the field is ignored, or the stock code is not a make-to-order item.

Country of origin (EC VAT purposes)

This is required for reporting supplementary declarations.

The entry here is used as the default unless a nationality code is defined against the warehouse (in which case that will be used as the default country of origin).

Country of origin description This indicates the description for the country of origin entered.
Distribution warehouse

This is used as a possible source of supply when importing orders into SYSPRO (using the Post to a Sales Order business object) if no warehouse is specified against individual stock lines, or on the order header.

If left blank, then the warehouse specified at the Warehouse to use field is used as the default.

You can also indicate that this warehouse must be used as the default warehouse for displaying quantities when browsing on stock items (Inventory Setup).

Distribution warehouse description This indicates the description for the distribution warehouse selected.
Make to order item This indicates that the stock code is only manufactured if a sales order has been placed for the item. Otherwise the item is manufactured according to the gross requirements rule, regardless of whether a sales order exists.

This option is applied in Master Production Scheduling (i.e. the demand time fence is set to 999 which means it only applies to sales orders).

This option is ignored by the Requirements Calculation program.

Returnable item This is an item usually sold together with a stock item and typically returned for credit (e.g. a re-usable container, crate or pallet).

When a returnable item is sold, the warehouse quantity is reduced and a journal is created.

If you enabled the Multiple bins option (Inventory Setup) then stock of a returnable item is always depleted from the bin that has the same name as the warehouse. Stock must be transferred into this bin manually.

You define the warehouse from which returnable items are depleted in the (Sales Orders Setup) program.

If you select this option, then the Maximum number of decimals for the returnable item must be set to zero.

A returnable item cannot be a kit part, traceable, serialized, ECC-controlled, or defined with unit quantity processing.


Stock for returnable items sold as part of a service charge is always allowed to go negative, regardless of your costing method or selection at the Stock on hand allowed to go negative option (Inventory Setup).

If not sold as part of a service charge (i.e. it is sold or issued in its own right) and stock on hand is not allowed to go negative, then stock must be available.

Sales weight analysis
Option Description
Fixed This indicates that the item has a fixed weight.
Random (pricing quantity) This indicates that the item has a random weight and requires a manually entered conversion factor to be specified during sales order entry.

This caters for items that are sold in a certain unit of measure, but where the weight of each item sold differs from unit to unit.

To obtain the correct price and weight, you will have to use the Price override field in Sales Order Entry.

For example: The stocking unit is 1 and the price is 10 per each, but you want to sell per kilo and record the mass as the actual.

If the mass sold is actually 1.1, then you need to apply the price override, enter you price as 10 and set the factor to 1.1 multiply to get the correct price and weight.

This means that your stock depletion is theoretical and not actual by weight.

Another way to achieve this is to use the Theoretical uom conversion option (Sales Orders Setup).

Canadian GST (CAN only)

If you do not assign default tax codes to a stock item, then the system assumes that the item is exempt from tax.

If you select the Canadian GST required and Tax by geographic area setup options (Company Tax Options Setup) the system disregards the tax code assigned to the geographic area when calculating tax for that item on a sales order.

GST code This code determines the GST percentage assigned to the stock item (Browse on Tax Codes).
GST code rate

This indicates the rate defined against the GST code and is displayed for information purposes.

GST code description

This indicates the description for the GST code and is displayed for information purposes.

GST included in price

This indicates whether the calculated tax amount must be included in the price of the item during sales order processing.

Trade promotion pricing

Trade promotion prices can be applied to specific stock items, product classes, product groups or departments. This means that different prices can be defined for a single stock item. The options on this tab enable you to select the trade promotions price that must apply to this specific stock item.

For example:

You used the Browse on Prices program to define the following three trade promotion price breaks for stock item A100:

  1. for all stock items in product group Bicycles, the customer pays a price of 500 for buying a quantity of 10 or more of these items
  2. for all stock items in product class BA, the customer receives a 10% discount for buying a quantity of 5 or more of these items
  3. for stock item A100, the customer receives a 20% discount for buying a mass of 50 or more of this item

Stock item A100 belongs to product group Bicycles and to product class BA, so all these prices apply to stock item A100.

You use the Price type and Price basis options against the stock item to select which price you want to apply for stock item A100. Therefore, if you wanted to apply price break 1, then you select Price type = Product group and Price basis = Quantity. Similarly, if you wanted to apply price break 2, then you select Price type = Stock code and Price basis = Mass.


The price type and price basis for the stock item must match the price type and price basis defined against the price break for the price to be applied when selling the item.

Product group You use this field to link the stock item to a specific product group. Product groups provide a facility to group items together in a more specific or general manner than product classes. Product groups are maintained using the Product Group program.
Price type You use this field to indicate the basis of your trade promotions price breaks.
NoneThis does not apply any trade promotions price breaks to the stock item.
Stock codeThis applies the stock code price break to the stock item.
Product classThis applies the price break defined for the product class to the stock item.
Product group

This applies the price break defined for the product group to the stock item.

You use the Product group field above to define the stock item as a member of a specific product group.

DepartmentThis applies the price break defined for the department to the stock item.
Price basis You use this field to indicate the unit of measure on which the price break is based.
NoneThis indicates that price breaks are not required.
QuantityThis indicates that the price break you want to apply is based on the quantity of the item sold.
VolumeThis indicates that the price break you want to apply is based on the volume of the item sold.
MassThis indicates that the price break you want to apply is based on the mass of the item sold.
Alternate stock codes Alternate stock codes can be used to substitute stock items when the required item is out of stock.
Automatic apply This automatically replaces an item on a sales order with alternate stock (defined in Inventory Alternate Stock Codes) when the stock for the original item is unavailable.
Deplete oldest first If FIFO valuation is enabled, then you can select this to consume the oldest alternate stock codes first. The priority defined against the alternate stock codes (Inventory Alternate Stock Codes) determines the sequence of the substitution.

If two stock codes have the same priority then they will be consumed alphabetically. This will continue until either the order quantity is depleted or the substitution quantity is depleted.

If you are not able to fulfill all order quantities after using all the alternate stock codes, then the order quantity is reduced to the quantity available (line-cut).
Reduce order quantity This reduces the order quantity to the alternate stock code quantity available (i.e. the order quantity is reduced so that the order can be fulfilled). The conversion factor defined against the alternate stock code (Inventory Alternate Stock Codes) is used to determine the quantity of alternate stock to use.

If the original order quantity is not fulfilled, then the order quantity on the original sales order line is reduced.

Foreign Text

You can use this pane to add descriptions and long descriptions for the stock item in different languages if the option Multi-language for document printing is enabled (System Setup).

Field Description
Language Select the language in which you want to capture text for the Description or Long Description fields.
Text type Indicate whether the text is for the Description or Long Description.
Text Enter the foreign text required for the stock description or long description.


Field Description
Serial tracking  
Serial tracking method Manual serial indicates that each serial number represents an individual item. Batch serial indicates that a group of items have the same serial number.
Record serial numbers During receipt captures numbers when receiving a serialized item into stock. This must be selected if you chose to apply actual costing to batch serialised items. During order entry captures numbers when you order a serialized item. This is requested either at line level or when releasing an order for invoicing (depending on your selection at the Capture serial number for orders Sales Order option).
Lot traceability control  
Lot traceability
Option Description
Non traceable

This indicates that the stock item is not traceable and does not require inspection before being receipted into inventory.

You cannot change a previously traceable item to be non-traceable if there is existing quantity on hand for the item in any warehouse.


This indicates the item is traceable and optionally requires an inspection phase when processing a purchase order receipt for the item and before receipting a made-in item into inventory.

A traceable item cannot be defined as a Kit type K or S.

When you select this option, you can specify whether the item must be inspected before being receipted into stock.

  • Do not select this option unless the Lot Traceability module is installed.

  • Once an item is set to traceable, you cannot unset this option once lot numbers, sales orders and/or purchase orders have been created against the stock code.

    You cannot delete lot information, because business rules dictate that lot traceable items must remain in the system indefinitely. This information can, however, be archived using the Purge and Archive program.

    If an item is defined as traceable and one or more lots exist against the item, then it can never be deleted, regardless of whether these lots are archived. If you do not want any transactions processed for the item, then you can place the item on full hold.

You can only set a stock item to traceable if:

  • the quantity on hand is zero in all warehouses;
  • the quantity allocated to sales orders is zero in all warehouses;
  • there are no outstanding sales orders for the item;
  • there are no outstanding purchase orders for the item;
  • there are no outstanding requisitions for the item;
  • there are no outstanding supply chain transfers for the item;
  • there are no outstanding jobs for the item; and
  • there are no outstanding quantities for the item in WIP Inspection.
Inspection required

This indicates that an inspection phase is required when processing a purchase order receipt for a bought-out item and before receipting a made-in item into inventory.


Before setting a previously non-traceable item to be traceable, ensure that the existing quantity on hand for the item is reduced to zero in all warehouses.

If you select this option, then you also need to select the Work in Progress inspection required setup option (Work in Progress Setup) to inspect a made-in item before receipting it into inventory.


Traceable items cannot be defined as either Floorstock or Bulk issue items.

Traceable These options are only enabled if you selected the Lot traceability - Traceable option.
With inspection

This indicates that all receipts for the item must go through an inspection phase before being receipted into stock using the Purchase Order Receipts/Purchase Order Inspection or Job Receipts programs.

Without inspectionThis bypasses the inspection phase for this item and receipts the item directly into stock when using the Purchase Order Receipts or Job Receipts programs.
Sample quantityThis only inspects a sample quantity of the item and receipts the balance directly into stock when using the Purchase Order Receipts or Job Receipts programs.

This option is only enabled when the Serial tracking method is set to Manual serial and the Lot traceability field is set to Traceable.

Allow issues from multiple lots Select this to be able to issue this stock item from more than one lot during sales order entry and issues to jobs.
Lot shelf life (days) This indicates the number of days before the expiry of a traceable item. This is used when performing a two-stage receipt of the item into stock.
Engineering change control  
ECC controlled This indicates that the stock item is regulated by the Engineering Change Control system.

Any changes to the item within a bill of materials can only be made by means of an engineering change order.

You cannot set a stock item to be ECC-controlled if it is in transit between warehouses or currently forms part of a stock take to be ECC-controlled.

Engineering change control tracking information (revisions/releases) for an item is only retained from the time the item is set to be ECC-controlled.

You can use the ECC Set ECC Control for Stock Codes program to set multiple stock items to be ECC-controlled.

Responsible ECC user This indicates the engineering user assigned to the stock item.

This enables you to notify the appropriate person(s) of changes to the status of stock codes under their control.

If this field is left blank, then the default ECC user configured within the Bill of Materials Setup program is used.

Revision Enter the current revision for the stock item.

The revision is used to indicate design changes made to the stock item.

The format can be defined as Alphanumeric or Numeric (Set Key Information).


You can only access this field if the item is not ECC-controlled, or you are adding a new item which must be ECC-controlled.

Once defined, the revision for an ECC-controlled item can only be changed using the Engineering Change Control module.

You cannot access this field if engineering changes are being controlled at stock code level (Bill of Materials Setup).

Release Enter the current release for the stock item.

The release is used to indicate minor design changes to the stock item.

The format can be defined as Alphanumeric or Numeric (Set Key Information).


You can only access this field if the item is not ECC-controlled, or you are adding a new item which must be ECC-controlled.

Once defined, the release for an ECC-controlled item can only be changed using the Engineering Change Control module.

You cannot access this field if engineering changes are being controlled at stock code level or at revision level (Bill of Materials Setup).

Manual serial numbers These options are only available if the Serial tracking method is manual and you selected to number your manual serials by stock code (Set Key Information).

Tracking manual serial numbers at stock code level enables you to create sequential ranges of manual serial numbers for each serialized stock item.

Ranges of serial numbers are created according to the Prefix and Next suffix defined against each individual serialized stock item.

For example:

Next suffix001

Creating a range of three manual serial numbers will be generated as: 22001, 22002 and 22003. The next range of manual serials numbers created would begin with 22004.

  • Although up to 15 characters can be used for either the prefix or the next suffix, the combination cannot exceed 20 characters.

  • Defining a prefix and suffix does not prevent you from creating serial numbers with a different format.

  • The prefix cannot start with a space and the suffix must be numeric.

Manual serial prefix Enter the character(s) that must form the start of manual serial numbers generated for the stock item.
Manual serial next suffix Enter the number to append to the prefix that will form the next serial number in a range of manual serial numbers for this stock item.

The next suffix field is updated once a new range of serials has been added to the system for any manual serialized item for the specified prefix.


The number of numeric characters entered for the suffix must cater for the total quantity of serial numbers you want to add using the defined prefix (e.g. a suffix of 1 allows you to add 9 serials for the prefix you defined).

Additional Fields

This pane displays any custom form data defined against the key field.

Field Description
Add Fields to this Form Opens the Field Selector for Form window enabling you to add custom fields, master fields or scripted fields to the form.

This option is not displayed once you have added a field to the form, but can be accessed using the Field Selector function from the context menu (Alt+F7).


Field Description
Costing These fields are disabled when the Apply warehouse BOM costs option is enabled (Inventory Setup). You use the Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program to enter BOM costs against the warehouse.
BOM operations cost This indicates the total cost of all operations for items included in the stock item's structure. It is updated for all parent parts by the Cost Implosion program, unless you selected the Manualcost option.
BOM material cost

This indicates the total cost of all materials for items included in the stock item's structure. It is updated for all parent parts by the Cost Implosion program, unless you selected the Manualcost option.

BOM fixed overhead

This indicates the total cost of all fixed overheads for items included in the stock item's structure. It is updated for all parent parts by the Cost Implosion program, unless you selected the Manualcost option.

BOM variable overhead

This indicates the total cost of all variable overheads for items included in the stock item's structure. It is updated for all parent parts by the Cost Implosion program, unless you selected the Manualcost option.

BOM subcontract cost

This indicates the total cost of all subcontract operations for items included in the stock item's structure. It is updated for all parent parts by the Cost Implosion program, unless you selected the Manualcost option.

This field is only enabled if you selected to split subcontract operation costs from material costs (Bill of Materials Setup).

Activity based costing required This enables you to more accurately accumulate overhead costs to specific products by applying these costs at the points of transition in the procurement, manufacturing and sales cycle.

This cannot be applied to co-products or notional parts.

The Activity based costing required option must be enabled (Bill of Materials Setup).

(See also: Activity Based Costing Introduction).

Manual cost

Select this to updated costs manually as required (i.e. the Cost Implosion program will not be used to update the BOM costs defined against this stock item).

This field is disabled when the Apply warehouse BOM costs option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

User defined  
User defined 1-5

You use these fields to indicate extra information to assign to the item.

You can specify your own wording for these fields using the Inventory Setup program.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • The stock code can be defined as alphanumeric or numeric. If defined as numeric, data is right-aligned with preceding zeros and the size of the entry field is 15 characters. If defined as alphanumeric, data is left-aligned with trailing blanks and the size of the entry field is 30 characters.

    You should not change stock codes once you have started using them, as this could compromise the access to your data.

    For example: If you capture stock codes using an alpha key and then change the key to be numeric, then you will be unable to access any stock codes that were captured with the alpha key. If you change your key from numeric to alphanumeric, then you can only access any previously-entered numeric codes by entering the code with leading zeros.

  • Each unit of measure unit and unit of measure factor combination must be unique.

    For example, if the Stocking unit of measure is defined as EA, then the Other uom unit can only be defined as EA if the Other uom factor is also 1. Similarly, if the Alternate uom unit is defined as BOX with an Alternate uom factor of 10, then Manufacturing uom unit cannot be defined as BOX with a Manufacturing uom factor of 50 for example.

Maintenance considerations

  • Changing any of the stock code's units of measure (or factors associated with a uom) after the stock code has been used in any transactions can lead to unpredictable results in the system.

  • You cannot maintain an ECC-controlled stock item if it has been put on hold in the ECC Change Orders program (i.e. If the Hold stock maintenance checkbox is ticked in the Affected Items listview of the ECC Change Orders program).

    The message: 'Stock code xxxx held by engineering change control' is displayed, where xxxx is the actual code.

  • A stock code with a Part category of Co-product can only be changed to a part category of Made in when it is not attached to a notional part and no active jobs exist for the attached notional part (i.e. if you detach the co-product from the notional part, but the notional part still has active jobs, then you cannot change the part category for the co-product until all these jobs are complete).

Deletion considerations

  • If stock code deletion options are not defined in the Inventory Setup program, then you cannot delete a stock code if the item:

    • is used in a configuration;
    • is attached to a customer/stock code or supplier/stock code cross reference;
    • has a valid ECC drawing number;

    • is attached to an LCT bill;

    • is a temporary stock code with sales and/or purchase order details; or

    • is either on a full or partial hold.


    If you configured the options against which a stock code may be deleted, then some of the these checks can be bypassed and the codes deleted.

  • Regardless of stock code deletion options being defined, you cannot delete a stock code if:

    • operations are held against the stock item;
    • the stock item is a parent or component part in a bill of materials structure;
    • there are outstanding jobs, purchase orders or sales orders for the stock item;
    • there is an on hand quantity of the stock item in any warehouse;
    • movements exist for the item in the current or two prior periods;
    • warehouse records exist for the item;
    • the stock item is a notional part to which a structure/routing or co-product is attached;
    • a stock take is in progress affecting any warehouse to which the stock item has been assigned; or
    • the stock item is defined as traceable.


      Business rules dictate that lot traceable items must remain in the system indefinitely. If lots exist against a traceable item, it can never be deleted, regardless of whether these lots are archived.

      To prevent transactions from being processed against an item, you can place the item on full hold.

  • If you select to delete a stock code which has one or more of the above mentioned restrictions, then the Inventory Stock Code Delete screen is displayed with a list applicable error messages.

  • If you delete a stock item, then all movement records associated with the item are removed.

Error messages

  • The maximum number of decimals for manual serial items can only be zero

    This is displayed when an item's Serial tracking method is set to Manual serial (Tracking pane) and the Maximum number of decimals is not set to zero (Stock Code Details pane).

    With a manual serial, the serial number is unique to a specific item (e.g. a watch) unlike a batch serialised item, where the serial can exist for any quantity of an item (e.g. a roll of wire).

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
Inv Stock code added

Controls access to the Add or New function in the following programs:

  • Browse on Stock Codes

  • Configurator Wizard

  • Stock Code Copy

  • Stock Codes

  • Quotations

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Stock Part Creation

Inv Stock code changed

Controls access to the Change function in the following programs:

  • Browse on Stock Codes

  • Stock Code On Hold Maintenance

  • Stock Codes

  • Quotations

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Stock Part Creation

Inv Stock code deleted

Controls access to the Delete function in the following programs:

  • Browse on Stock Codes

  • Stock Code Delete

  • Stock Codes

  • Quotations

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Stock Part Creation

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Inv Add stock code Controls whether an operator can add (or copy) a stock code using the Stock Codes or Browse on Stock Codes programs.
Inv Change stock code Controls whether an operator can change stock code details (including notes) within the Stock Codes program.
Inv Delete stock code Controls whether an operator can delete a stock code using the Browse on Stock Codes or Stock Codes programs.

Field considerations

Operator access to the following fields within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Security Fields function of the Operators program.

Field Description
INV Text technical spec Controls whether an operator can edit technical specification text against a stock item.
INV Text sales order Controls whether an operator can edit sales order text against a stock item.
INV Text purchase order Controls whether an operator can edit purchase order text against a stock item.
INV Text job narrations Controls whether an operator can edit job narration text against a stock item.
INV Text inspections Controls whether an operator can edit inspection text against a stock item.
INV Text dangerous goods Controls whether an operator can edit dangerous goods text against a stock item.
INV Show costs in stock code maintenance Controls whether an operator can access the cost fields of the Stock Codes and Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code programs, and view costs in the Browse on Stock Codes program.

Be careful that you do not deny an operator access to the viewing of Costs in stock code maintenance, while allowing the same operator the facility to maintain stock codes. In this scenario, the operator will still be able to view and change details of BOM Costs held against the item.

Hints and tips

Record amendments

  • Enable the Amendment journals required setup option (Inventory Setup) if you want to be able to generate a report of stock items added, deleted or changed.