Sales Orders > Load Planning > Browses > Browse on Delivery Loads > Load Details Maintenance

Load Details Maintenance

You use this program to query and maintain details of loads on a specific route. This includes maintaining the order/dispatch lines to be delivered on a specific load.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Move Select this to move the currently highlighted sales order/dispatch line in the Sales Order Lines/Dispatch Note Lines listview to a load on different delivery date or to a different delivery sequence.
Preferences Select this to indicate your preferences for displaying sales orders and order lines in the listview.

Documents can only be printed for loads that are in a status of Authorized.

Load Sheet Use the List of Orders for Loads program to generate a report of sales orders allocated to the current delivery route. This report enables you to track a specific sales order to a delivery route.
Picking List Use the Load Picking List program to generate a picking list of stocked items for orders/dispatches that need to be shipped on the current delivery route. You typically use this report to assist in extracting the items from stock for the delivery route and date.
Driver's Manifest Use the Drivers Manifest program to generate a driver's manifest for the current delivery route code, delivery date and delivery sequence. The report provides a list of customers to which orders must be delivered on the selected delivery route.

The report can be generated by delivery sequence or in customer sequence.

Add Select this to add sales order lines or a dispatch note lines to the current load (see Load Details Maintenance).
Change Select this to maintain the mass and/or volume values and the sequence for the currently highlighted sales order line in the Sales Order Lines listview (see Load Details Maintenance).
Remove Select this to remove the currently highlighted sales order line in the Sales Order Lines listview from the current load.

When you remove a Dispatch Note line, the entire Dispatch Note is removed from the load.

A line can only be removed if the load is in a status of In Process.

Confirm Select this to confirm the load for the current delivery route. The status of the load is changed to Approved - confirmed.
Unconfirm Select this to set the load back to In process. You would typically select this option if you wanted to maintain (add, change or remove) the order lines on the load.
Complete Select this to set the load to a status of Complete.

No further processing can be performed on a load that is set to Complete.

Only select this if all order lines on the load were delivered. Lines not delivered need to be removed from the load before setting the load to Complete.


This screen is displayed when you select the Preferences option from the Options menu.

Field Description
Browse on sales order lines for load  
Ship date selection This enables you to indicate the sales order lines to display based on the order line ship date.
Number of days before todayYou use this field to indicate the number of days before today for which you want to display order lines.
Number of days after todayYou use this field to indicate the number of days after today for which you want to display order lines.
Sales order selection Indicate the sales orders for which you want to display order lines.
Save Preferences Save your preferences against your operator code.
Close Save your preferences for the current run of the program only.

Load Details Maintenance

This screen is displayed when you select the Add or Change option from the Edit menu.

You use the options on this screen to add sales order lines to the load and to change the mass and/or volume and the sequence of a selected sales order line already on the load.

Sales order lines can only be added to a load if:

  • the status of the load is In process.
  • the order is not in a status of 9 or zero.
  • the order line is for a stocked or a non-stocked item.
  • the order line has a non-zero value in the Order quantity or Backorder quantity field if the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Order quantity (Sales Orders Setup).
  • the order line has a non-zero value in the Ship quantity field if the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Ship quantity (Sales Orders Setup).

In addition:

  • You can only add sales orders that are in a status of 4 to the load when the Status of orders confirmed option is set to Delivery note/dispatch note created (Sales Orders Setup).
  • You can only add sales orders that are in a status of 8 to the load when the Status of orders confirmed option is set to Invoiced option is enabled (Sales Orders Setup)

A dispatch note line can only be added if:

  • the dispatch note is not on hold (status H), cancelled (status *) or complete (status 9).
  • the load status is In process.
  • the line is for either a stocked or a non-stocked item.
  • a line in the dispatch note is not already attached to another load.
Field Description
New Select this to add a new sales order line to the load. This option is only displayed when you are adding sales order lines to the load.
Save Select this to save the sales order line added or changed against the load.
Delivery route This indicates the delivery route for the load.
Delivery date This indicates the delivery date for the load.
Delivery sequence This indicates the delivery sequence of the load within the route.

This sequence determines the order in which loads are delivered within the route.

Limiting factor This indicates the limiting factor defined against the route (see Browse on Delivery Routes).

The Limiting factor determines the capacity of the route. This is determined according to the maximum weight or volume defined against the loads on the route.

Line details These fields are displayed when you add a sales order line item to the load.
Dispatch note This indicates the dispatch note number for the item to be delivered.

When you add a dispatch note, then all its dispatch lines are added to the load.

Sales order This indicates the sales order number for the item to be delivered.
Sales order line This indicates the sales order line number within the sales order number of the item to be delivered.
Route distance/Delivery sequence This indicates the distance or sequence number allocated to the route.
Sales order This indicates the sales order number for the line for which you are changing the mass/volume.
Sales order line This indicates the sales order line number for which you are changing the mass/volume.

Sales Order Lines for Route

This listview is displayed when you select to browse on the Sales order field.

Field Description
Add Select this to add the line(s) currently highlighted in the listview to the load.
Select All Lines Select this to highlight all lines in the listview. You can then select the Add option to add all the lines to the load.
Column Description
Back order quantity This indicates the quantity currently on back order for the sales order line.
Quantity to ship This indicates the quantity currently in ship for the sales order line.

Dispatch Notes for Route

This listview is displayed when you select to browse on the Dispatch note field.

Field Description
Add Select this to add the line(s) currently highlighted in the listview to the load.
Select All Lines Select this to highlight all lines in the listview. You can then select the Add option to add all the lines to the load.

Move Sales Order Lines

This screen is displayed when you select the Move option from the Edit menu.

These options enable you to transfer a sales order line/dispatch line item from one load to another.

Field Description
Save Select this to transfer the sales order line item according to your selections.
Move sales order line/dispatch note from These fields are displayed for information purposes only and cannot be changed.
Delivery route This indicates the current route code for the load.
Delivery date This indicates the delivery date for the load.
Delivery sequence This indicates the delivery sequence
Move sales order line/dispatch note to

When you move a Dispatch Note line, the entire Dispatch note (all lines) are moved to the load indicated.

Delivery route This indicates the route code for the load.
Delivery date You use this field to change the delivery date for the sales order/dispatch line item.

You can only enter a date on which a load is defined for the route (see Delivery Loads).

Delivery sequence You use this field to change the delivery sequence for the sales order/dispatch line item.

The delivery sequence must already be defined against the selected load.

The sequence determines the order in which items are loaded onto the transport and is also used for reporting purposes.

Load Information

Field Description
Route details  
Delivery route This indicates the delivery route to which the load is assigned.
Delivery date This indicates the delivery date of the load.
Delivery sequence This indicates the delivery sequence for the load. The sequence determines the order in which items are loaded onto the transport and is also used for reporting purposes.
Status This indicates the status of the load (see Load Statuses).
Limiting factor This indicates the limiting factor defined against the route (see Browse on Delivery Routes)
Load reference Manually enter the reference for the load. This field is only enabled if Load numbering is set to Manual (Set Key Information).

If Load numbering is set to Automatic, then the next load number is allocated according to the number in the Next load reference field (Set Key Information).

Transport This indicates the transport defined against the route but can be changed. Transport types are defined using the Browse on Load Transport program.
Driver This indicates the default driver assigned to the transport type, but can be changed.
Volume totals  
Maximum volume This defaults to the total volume defined against the transport type (Browse on Load Transport). This can be changed, but may not be less than the accumulated volume (Volume used) already allocated to the load from sales orders/dispatch notes.
Volume used This indicates the cumulative volume currently allocated to the load. This value is increased/decreased for each sales order/dispatch line added/removed respectively.

The volume used is:

  • the sum of the ship and backorder quantities multiplied by the unit volume for each item when the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Order quantity (Sales Orders Setup).
  • the sum of the ship quantities multiplied by the unit volume for each item when the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Ship quantity (Sales Orders Setup).
  • the sum of the dispatch quantities multiplied by the unit volume for each item when the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Dispatch note quantity (Sales Orders Setup).
Volume free This indicates the volume that can still be added to the load. This is based on the volume defined against the load (see Delivery Loads) and the volume currently allocated to the load.
Volume % free This indicates the percentage volume that can still be added to the load. This is based on the volume defined against the load (see Delivery Loads) and the volume currently allocated to the load.
Mass totals  
Maximum mass This defaults to the total mass defined against the transport type (Browse on Load Transport). This can be changed, but may not be less than the accumulated mass (Mass used) already allocated to the load from sales orders/dispatch notes.
Mass used This indicates the cumulative mass currently allocated to the load. This value is increased/decreased for each sales order/dispatch line added/removed respectively.

The mass used is:

  • the sum of the ship and backorder quantities multiplied by the unit mass for each item when the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Order quantity (Sales Orders Setup).
  • the sum of the ship quantities multiplied by the unit mass for each item when the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Ship quantity (Sales Orders Setup).
  • the sum of the dispatch quantities multiplied by the unit mass for each item, when the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Dispatch note quantity (Sales Orders Setup).

Mass free This indicates the mass that can still be added to the load. This is based on the maximum mass defined against the load (see Delivery Loads) and the mass currently allocated to the load.
Mass % free This indicates the percentage mass that can still be added to the load. This is based on the maximum mass defined against the load (see Delivery Loads) and the mass currently allocated to the load.

Load Statuses

The following table describes the possible statuses that can be assigned to a load:

Status Description
In process - status 'L' or spaces This is the initial status for all loads created.

Sales order and dispatch note lines can be added, removed, changed and moved.

The next status will be Authorized.

Authorized - Confirmed - status 'A' The load moves to a status of Authorized when it is Confirmed.

A load can only be set to Authorized if:

  • delivery notes have been printed for all the sales order lines on the load (i.e. the sales orders are in a status of 4) when the Status of orders confirmed option is set to Delivery note/dispatch note created (Sales Orders Setup)


  • the sales order for the lines on the load has been released for invoicing (i.e. the sales orders are in a status of 8) when the Status of orders confirmed option is set to Invoiced (Sales Orders Setup)

The status can be changed back to In process by selecting the Unconfirm option.

Printing of load documents can only be done when the load is in a status of Authorized.

Sales order and dispatch note lines cannot be added, changed, moved or removed while the load is in this status.

Complete - status 'C' This is the final status for a load. The load has been delivered and no further processing can be performed on the load.

Sales Order Lines or Dispatch Note Lines Listview

This listview displays the sales order lines or the dispatch note lines to be delivered in the load.

Column Description
Sales order This indicates the sales order number for the sale.
Sales order line This indicates the sales order line number within the sales order number for the item sold.
Dispatch note This indicates the dispatch note number for the sale.
Dispatch note line This indicates the dispatch note line number within the dispatch note number for the item sold.
Volume used This indicates the volume for the line.
Mass used This indicates the total mass for the line.
Route sequence

This indicates the current sequence for the sales order line, but can be changed. The sequence determines the order in which items are loaded onto the transport and is also used for reporting purposes.

When you use your mouse button to move order lines in the listview, the sequence is automatically updated according to the position of the order line within the listview.

Customer This indicates the code of the customer to whom the item was sold.
Quantity This indicates the order line quantity.

Sales Order Line Details/Dispatch Note Details

The information displayed in this pane relates to the currently highlighted line in the Sales Order Lines /Dispatch Note Lines listview.

Column Description
Customer This indicates the code of the customer to whom the item was sold.
Ship to address This indicates the delivery name and address for the order/dispatch line.
Order status This indicates the current status of the sales order (see Sales Order Status Codes).
Stock code This indicates the code of the item sold on the order/dispatch line.
Description This indicates the description of the item sold.
Units of measure Indicates the stocking and alternate units of measure for the stock item.
Order quantity This indicates the quantity of the item ordered on the sales order/dispatch note line.
Ship quantity This indicates the quantity of the item being shipped from the order/dispatch line.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Routed option from the Delivery Loads program.