Sales Orders > Sales Order Processing > Document Print

Document Print

You use this program to print sales order documentation in batch mode. Ensure that you have defined the required document formats (SO Document Formats).

Toolbar and menu

Field Description

This generates sales order documents according to the Report Options indicated.

When an order is processed for invoicing, the relevant tables are only updated after the document has been printed. A copy of the order is also added to the reprint file.

If the document print fails, the order status in the reprint file is set to Z and such orders cannot be reprinted (i.e. you cannot reprint an invoice if the initial print of the invoice failed).

If you are printing invoices to a device type printer and have not selected the Preview option, then a message is printed on the invoice if a failure occurs. The message invalidates the document and is printed if a failure occurs during the print phase (if some lines have already been printed) or if a failure occurs during the update phase. The event trigger: Invoice process failed during document print (see Event Management) can be used to alert a responsible person to the failure.

When you print an invoice or supply chain transfer document for a partial shipment, the Document Print program processes the remaining order quantity according to your selection at the Back orders option (Sales Orders Setup). For example, if you set Back order release or retain to Automatic, then the Document Print program attempts to ship anything left in back order after invoicing. However, if multiple bins are required, or if packaging details are mandatory, or the item is traceable or serialized, then no quantity is automatically shipped, regardless of your selection at the Back order option. See Automatic Back Orders for additional information).

A maximum of 25 different tax codes can be printed on each individual invoice document (i.e. this is not the limit that can be entered for an order, but a limit to the number that can be catered for in the final document. Therefore, if you processed two separate delivery notes and invoices from an order, you could, for example, have 25 different tax codes on each document).

Alignment This prints the relevant document using test characters to verify that your stationery is correctly aligned in your printer. This typically applies when using pre-printed continuous stationery.
Printer Preferences Select this to assign a specific printer to each type of order document that you want to print.
Default printer destinationsFor each of the following document types, indicate the printer to use to print the document:
  • Invoices

  • Delivery notes

  • Order acknowledgements

  • Credit / Debit notes

  • Dispatch notes

  • Dispatch invoices

  • Transfer documents

SetSelect this to assign the current printer destination to the printing of the corresponding document type.

Select this to detach the current printer from the corresponding document type.

This function is displayed once a printer destination other than {Current printer} has been assigned to the printing of the online document.

Change Period

Select this to change the period using the Change Posting Period program.

This only applies when printing invoices, debit notes, credit notes and supply chain transfers.

Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Codes for Sales Order Document Types

The following information is required when using the Report Writer module to print/maintain customer fax/email options or when using the AR Customer Maintenance business object to maintain customer information.

These codes are also used by the Document Print program.

Fax Invoices

The following table lists the entries defined against the FaxInvoices column in the ArCustomer table, or the Arsmst-Fax-Invoices field of the ARSMST file, depending on the Fax/Email options you selected for the customer.

Sales Order Document Type Fax Code Email Code
Order acknowledgement W w
Delivery note X x
Invoice Y y
Dispatch note Z z
Order Acknowledgement and Delivery note A a
Order Acknowledgement and Dispatch note B b
Order acknowledgement and Invoice C c
Delivery note and Dispatch note D d
Delivery note and Invoice E e
Dispatch note and Invoice F f
Order acknowledgement and Delivery note and Dispatch note G g
Order acknowledgement and Delivery note and Invoice H h
Order acknowledgement and Dispatch note and Invoice I i
Delivery note and Dispatch note and Invoice J j
Order acknowledgement and Delivery note and Dispatch note and Invoice K k
None N n
Fax Statements

The following entries are written to the FaxStatements column of the ArCustomer table, or the Arsmst-fax-statements field of the ARSMST file, depending on the Fax/Email options you select for statements.

Fax Code Email Code None
Fax Quotes

The following entries are written to the FaxQuotes column of the ArCustomer table, or the Arsmst-fax-quotes field of the ARSMST file, depending on the Fax/Email options you select for quotations.

Fax Code Email Code None
Email Dispatch Invoices

You can only ascertain whether a dispatch invoice was emailed if you are using SRS document archiving.

The FaxInvInBatch field in the SorMasterRep table merely indicates that against the customer, invoices were to be emailed at the time the dispatch invoice was created. It is simply a copy of the flag against the order and does not indicate that the invoice was actually emailed.

Report Options


Field Description
Document type  
Delivery note Delivery notes can only be produced for sales orders that are in a status of 1 or 3.

Once a delivery note is generated, the order is placed into a status of 4 (only delivery notes in a status of 4 can be reprinted).

If delivery note numbers are being generated, then the next delivery note number defined against either the company or branch is allocated to the delivery note (Set Key Information).

If an error occurs during printing, then the order reverts to its original status.

  • You cannot print a delivery note for a customer who is on hold.

  • You cannot print a delivery note for a sub account when its master account is on hold, even if the sub account is not on hold.

  • To include merchandise lines with only a reserved quantity (or with a ship and reserved quantity on the delivery note) you need to enable the Check for reserved as well as 'to ship' option in the SO Document Formats program.

Delivery notes (or packing slips) list the contents of a shipment. They can include the extended values of items for those customers that want to cost their inventory when they receive their goods.

If you want to use the delivery note document as a picking slip, then you can print all bins that contain a positive quantity on hand for the required stock item (see SO Document Formats). This applies if the Multiple bins in use option is enabled against the warehouse (Warehouses).

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Order acknowledgement Order acknowledgments can only be produced for orders and billings.

You print order acknowledgements to confirm the receipt of an order from your customer. They can be printed at any time because the value is not based on the shipping quantity, but on the order quantity of a stocked or non-stocked order line.

An order acknowledgement cannot be reprinted once the sales order is complete because it can be used as a picking slip document. A (new) order acknowledgement can only be reprinted when an order line's quantity is changed, or a new stocked or non-stocked order line is added or deleted, or when the order status is changed back to Open order (status 1).


You can only print an order acknowledgement if the Invoice whole order Order Header option is enabled and any order lines contain a backorder quantity. You can, however, override this when adding or maintaining an order if you are allowed to override the 'invoice whole order' rule.

This option does not apply to Supply Chain Transfer orders.

If you want to use the order acknowledgement document as a picking slip, then you can print all bins that contain a positive quantity on hand for the required stock item (see SO Document Formats). This applies if the option: Multiple bins in use is selected against the warehouse (Warehouses).

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Dispatch note Cancelled dispatch notes are ignored by this program.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Dispatch invoice If an invoice number was not manually entered against the dispatch note, the number is automatically assigned as follows:
  • The order number becomes the invoice number when the Sales order moved to invoice setup option is selected (Set Key Information).
  • If the Order number moved to invoice number setup option is not enabled (Sales Orders Setup) then the next invoice By company or By branch is allocated to the invoice based on the invoice numbering method selected (Set Key Information).
Consolidated dispatch invoice These can only be printed using the Document Print program.
Dispatch note SCT transfer This prints dispatch notes created from supply chain transfers.

The quantity in transit is updated against the target warehouse and the quantity dispatched but not invoiced is reduced against the source warehouse.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

SCT transfer This prints supply chain transfer documents.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Invoice This option is not displayed if you are not allowed to print invoices.

Invoices can only be produced for orders in a status of 8.

If an error occurs during printing, then the order reverts to its original status.

The following records are updated when you print invoices:

  • customer movement
  • inventory movement
  • sales transaction (this is subsequently used to update the Sales Analysis and General Ledger data files)
  • customer performance (if you enabled the Customer delivery performance file setup option (Sales Orders Setup)

If you cancel an order which is in a status of 8 and you want to re-use the invoice number, then you need to run the Purge function of the Order Purge program and select the Purge invoice index option.

If service charges are assigned to the invoice, then only those attached to stock codes and defined with a calculation type of Quantity to ship can be printed repeatedly on an invoice. Service charges are defined using the Service Charges program.

To ensure that custom forms defined against invoices are reprinted correctly, you must enable the option: Save custom form for invoice reprinting (Sales Orders Setup).

If the Auto invoice numbering - order release option (Set Key Information) is set to Yes, then the invoice number is allocated to the SorMaster file at the time of setting the sales order to status 8. If the option is set to No, then the invoice number is allocated to the SorMaster file when you run the Document Print program to generate the invoice.

If an invoice number was not manually entered against the order, an invoice number is automatically assigned according to the following:

  • If the Auto invoice numbering - order release option is set to Use delivery note (Set Key Information) then the delivery note number becomes the invoice number (this does not apply if the order type is a billing or a counter sale).
  • If the Order number moved to invoice number setup option is selected (Sales Orders Setup) then the order number becomes the invoice number (unless this is not the first invoice for the order, in which case, the next invoice number by company or branch is allocated to the invoice, based on the numbering method defined).
  • If the Order number moved to invoice number is not selected (Sales Orders Setup) then the next invoice number by company or branch is allocated to the invoice, based on the numbering method defined (Set Key Information).


    By default, SYSPRO includes checks to ensure that invoice numbers originating from within the Sales Order module are not duplicated.

    All sales invoices created within a single SYSPRO company must have a unique number, regardless of both the order and the invoice numbering methods selected when the Same invoice for different customers option (Set Key Information) is not enabled.

    If this setup option is enabled and an invoice number is already allocated (e.g. by selecting the option to move order number to invoice number or by allocating on release of the order) then the allocated number is checked against existing invoices for that customer. If it already exists, then the invoice is not processed. Otherwise the number is used.

    If the setup option is enabled and an invoice number is not yet allocated, then the next available number to use is checked against the existing invoices for the customer. If the next available number has not yet been used, then it is used for the invoice. If the next available number already exists against the customer, then an attempt is made to find a number not yet used. An error message is displayed after 10 unsuccessful search attempts.

Credit note The next document number by company or branch is allocated to the credit note, based on the numbering method defined (Set Key Information).

The customer's credit status is reset if the Reset credit status after invoicing setup option is enabled (Sales Orders Setup) and you are allowed to reset the customer's credit status after processing a credit note.


If you process a credit note against an invoice or a dispatch invoice which originated from a blanket sales order, then the history on the blanket sales order is not updated (i.e. the credit note is not displayed in the history). To update the history you either need to adjust the quantities manually, or process a negative line on the blanket sales order itself.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Debit note The next document number by company or branch is allocated to the debit note, based on the numbering method defined (Set Key Information).

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Document date This defaults to the current system date, but can be changed.

Only those formats already defined (SO Document Formats) for the document you want print are displayed for selection in the drop down box.


All documents selected are printed using this format, regardless of the format code defined against the order or the customer.

Select the Define format function to edit the page layout and print positions of your sales order stationery formats using the SO Document Formats program.
Format description This indicates the description for the Format you selected.
Period This indicates the period and year for which you are generating the document.

You can use the Change Period function to change this when printing invoices, debit notes, credit notes and supply chain transfers.

Reprint Select this to print sales order documents that have been printed/faxed before.

You can only reprint an order acknowledgement for a credit or debit note when the Acknowledgement include Cr/Db option is enabled.

Custom forms defined against invoices are only included in the reprint if you enabled the option: Save custom form for invoice reprinting (Sales Orders Setup).

You can reprint an invoice for a stock item which is not longer on file, however the words: Stock code missing' are printed in the Long description field.

When you print an invoice for the first time, the document is printed before the files/tables are updated. As the document is printed, a copy of the order (with the invoice number allocated to it) is added to the Invoice Reprint file\table. The order is placed in this file in a status of 'Z.' Only once the document is successfully printed, is the status set to 'normal' on the Invoice reprint file\table. You can therefore not reprint an invoice that failed its initial print process.

This option is selected by default, and you cannot change it, when you are not allowed to print SO documents.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Option Description
Sales order This generates the sales order documents you selected in sales order number sequence.
Alternate key

This generates the sales order documents you selected in their alternate key sequence (if you have enabled the Alternate key mandatory setup option (Sales Orders Setup).

This is the default description for this field, but varies according to your entry at the Description for alternate key setup field (Sales Orders Setup).


You can only reprintDelivery notes and Order Acknowledgements in Alternate key sequence.

This option only applies when you are reprinting from the Sales Order Master file/table, as that is the only file with an alternate index on the alternate key.

Print translated text If you enabled the Multi-language for document printing option (System Setup) then you can indicate whether to print the stock description, long description and notes in the required language (see Multi-language capability).

If you print documents and do not select the option to Print translated text, all Global narrations will print as a default.

Fax and email details

You can fax or email invoices to your customers at the same time as they are printed.

Before you can email or fax sales order documents to customers, you need to define, the customer's fax number and/or email address and the document types you want to fax/email to the customer (see (Customers).

Emails and faxes for invoices are sent to the master account's email address / fax number when the sub account invoices are attached to the master account and the bill to address from the master account is used (Master Sub-accounts). In addition, the master account's email address is used as the default on the Print Preview email option and on the single customer email option. Any document other than an invoice is sent to the sub account email address or fax number.

Order documents and Dispatch notes/invoices can be sent to the email address defined against the order (Sales Order Entry) or dispatch header (SO Header Maintenance) if:

  • you select the Use email address from document print options preference (SO Document Formats) against the format used to generate the document.
  • you define the document format used to print the document as either a Word or a SRS document (SO Document Formats).

See Restrictions and limits in Notes and warnings

Field Description
Include documents to be sent
Option Description
Include This includes documents that must be faxed and/or emailed.
Exclude This excludes documents that must be faxed and/or emailed.
Only This only includes documents that must be either faxed or emailed.
Sending method
Option Description
Fax This faxes the documents.
Email This emails the documents and is only available when printing a single document or printing a document for a single customer.
  • You cannot email document types defined with a Print method of Standard document (see SO Document Formats).
  • You cannot email document types: SCT Transfer and Dispatch note SCT transfer.
Print document This prints the selected documents.
Send document This faxes or emails the selected documents and is only available for invoices, delivery notes, order acknowledgements and dispatch notes.

If you select this option together with the Print document option, then the documents are printed as well as faxed/emailed.

This option is only enabled for documents that allow bulk email functionality.


This lets you indicate the customer(s) for whom you want to generate the documents. This does not apply to Dispatch note SCT transfer and SCT transfer documents.


This lets you indicate the Accounts Receivable branches for which you want to generate the documents.

Sales orders

This lets you indicate the sales orders for which you want to generate the documents.

Order types

This lets you indicate the order types for which you want to generate the documents (i.e. the order type defined against the order header).


The format selection (All or Single) lets you include documents based on the format initially selected against the doucument. For example, if you first printed an order using format T and now select to print a single format for any format othe than T, then the order will not print.

Field Description
Format selection The entry made at the Format field indicates the format number that is used to print all your order documents, regardless of the format number held against the order.

To print or reprint order documents using the document format number assigned to the order, you must select Single at the Format Selection option and enter the required format number at the Format on document field and enter the same format at the Format field above.

You can reprint documents using a different format from that held against the order.

Format on document Indicate the Single format for which you want to select the documents for printing. Only documents created using the format entered here are included for printing.


This lets you indicate the operator(s) who processed the sales order(s) for whom you want to generate the selected order documents.

Invoices to reprint

This only applies when you select the Reprint option. The List option is not available when you run the Document Print program in Design mode, as the list entered cannot be saved.

When you define a list of invoices to reprint, you can reprint these invoice more than once without re-entering the list as long as you do not exit the program or change the Document type (changing the document type clears the list).

Field Description
Invoice selection This lets you indicate the invoice(s) you want to reprint.

The Define list option uses the List of Invoices for Reprinting program to let you indicate the list of invoices/dispatch invoices you want to reprint.

Counter sale continuous format This lets you reprint a number of counter sales invoices on continuous stationery.

The format you selected on the S/O Batch Printing screen must appear in the list of formats defined against the option: Invoice formats to print continuously (Sales Orders Setup).

Transfers to reprint

This only applies when you select the Reprint option. It lets you indicate the SCT transfer documents you want to reprint. The List option is not available when you run the Document Print program in Design mode, as the list entered cannot be saved.

Invoice printed dates for reprint

This lets you indicate the invoice(s) to reprint based on the date on which the invoice was last printed.

Date selection required

This lets you indicate the type of date to use for the Date selection. These options are not available for consolidated dispatch invoices, supply chain transfers, invoices, credit notes and debit notes.

Option Description
None Select this if you do not want to select documents for printing according to any dates.
Ship or dispatch This prints and reprints sales order invoices (based on the ship date of the order) and dispatch invoices (based on the planned delivery date of the order).
Last print This reprints invoices based on the date on which the invoice was last printed.
Date selection Indicate the date(s) for which you want to print the documents.

These dates refer to either the Ship or dispatch date or the Last print date, depending on which date you selected at the Type of Date selection option.

Exclude scheduled orders by header date This excludes scheduled orders if the date on the scheduled order header is after the Date selection you specified.

This only applies when printing a Delivery note with a date selection of Ship and either a Range or a Single date was selected.


This lets you indicate the warehouse(s) for which you want to print the documents.

Document options

These options are not available for consolidated dispatch invoices, supply chain transfers, invoices, credit notes and debit notes.

Field Description
Delivery note printing complete This changes the status of selected orders to <4> once the delivery note is printed.

Do not select this option if you want to produce a set of documents for individual warehouses and only update the order status when printing for the last warehouse is complete.

This applies only when you select to print delivery notes for a range of warehouses or for a single warehouse.

Delivery note include non-stocked This prints non-stocked line items on the delivery note.
Acknowledgement include Cr/Db This includes debit and credit notes when printing order acknowledgements and also allows you to reprint an order acknowledgement for a credit or debit note.
Include supply chain transfers Indicate whether you want to include SCT orders when printing dispatch notes, delivery notes or order acknowledgement documents.
IncludeThis includes SCT orders for printing on the documents.
ExcludeThis excludes SCT orders from being printed on the documents.
OnlyThis only prints SCT orders on the documents.

Alternate keys

This lets you indicate the alternate key(s) for which you want to print the documents. You can configure the system to force the entry of an alternate key when capturing orders (Sales Orders Setup).

Dispatch notes

This lets you indicate the dispatch note(s) for which to print the documents. These options apply only to dispatch notes, dispatch invoices and dispatch note SCT transfers.

Dispatch note reprint options

Field Description
Dispatch reprint status select Indicate the documents to reprint based on the dispatch note status.

If you do not select this option, then the default applies (i.e. dispatch notes that are either in a status of 5 or a status of 7 are reprinted as follows:

  • If you selected the Manual release to invoice setup option (Dispatch Notes Setup) then dispatch notes in a status of 5 are included in the reprint.
  • If you did not select the Manual release to invoice setup option, then dispatch notes in a status of 5 and 7 are included in the reprint.
Dispatch reprint status 5This reprints dispatch notes in a status of 5.
Dispatch reprint status 7This reprints dispatch notes in a status of 7.
Dispatch reprint status 9This reprints dispatch notes in a status of 9.
Dispatch reprint select invoiceThis reprints a specific dispatch invoice.

This only applies when you select the Reprint option, together with the Dispatch reprint status select and Dispatch reprint status 9 options.

Invoice for reprint dispatchIndicate the dispatch invoice you want to reprint.

After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Sales Order Documents

This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

Notes and warnings

Auto Standard cost change window

  • If standard costing is in use and you process a credit note that is linked to an invoice, then the system will check the line cost against the warehouse cost and display an option to process an auto cost modification from the outdated invoice cost to the latest warehouse standard cost.

Format considerations

  • The default document format set against a customer account is the one that is set against the initial print of any documentation in the order processing flow.

    Once any given document is printed with a specific format (not necessarily the customer default) this format becomes the default format for any future transactions for that document.

Integration considerations

  • You cannot process invoices if the Inventory module is in an earlier period than the Accounts Receivable module, or the current period of the Inventory and Accounts Receivable modules differs by more than one month.

Restrictions and limits

  • Counter Sales invoices and invoices created in the Point of Sales system are ignored by the Document Print program.

  • Bulk emailing can only be done for the following documents:

    • Invoices

    • Delivery notes

    • Dispatch notes

    • Order acknowledgements

  • You can only print documents for the Sales Order print activities to which you have access (Security Activities). If you are denied access to printing all types of sales documents, then you cannot run this program.

    See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Coding considerations

  • If you want to print the Gross profit percentage on any of your order documents, then you must enable the Customer/stock code cross-reference required option against the customer (Customers).

    In addition, a non zero value must be held against the customer's gross profit and retail price fields.

Fax/email details

Depending on your selections for the Fax and email details above and your selections for the Fax/Email options against the customer (Customers) documents are printed, faxed and emailed as indicated in the following tables:

Customer Setup - Fax
RESULT Include Exclude Only Fax Email Print + Send Print Send
Printed & Faxed X     X   X    
Printed X     X     X  
Faxed X     X       X
Ignored   X            
Printed & Faxed     X X   X    
Printed     X X     X  
Faxed     X X       X
Printed X       X X    
Printed X       X   X  
Printed X       X     X
Ignored     X   X X    
Ignored     X   X   X  
Ignored     X   X     X
Customer Setup - Email
RESULT Include Exclude Only Fax Email Print + Send Print Send
Printed X     X   X    
Printed X     X     X  
Printed X     X       X
Ignored   X            
Ignored     X X   X    
Ignored     X X     X  
Ignored     X X       X
Printed & Emailed X       X X    
Printed X       X   X  
Emailed X       X     X
Printed & Emailed     X   X X    
Printed     X   X   X  
Emailed     X   X     X
Customer Setup - None
RESULT Include Exclude Only Fax Email Print + Send Print Send
Printed X     X   X    
Printed X     X     X  
Printed X     X       X
Printed   X            
Ignored     X X   X    
Ignored     X X     X  
Ignored     X X       X
Printed X       X X    
Printed X       X   X  
Printed X       X     X
Ignored     X   X X    
Ignored     X   X   X  
Ignored     X   X     X

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
SO Invoicing batch print

Controls access to the batch printing of Sales order documents using the Document Print program. This eSignature is applied once per batch print request.

SO Invoicing document print

Controls access to the printing of Sales order documents using the Document Print program. This eSignature is applied for each document printed.

SO Invoicing batch reprint

Controls access to the batch reprinting of Sales order documents using the Document Print program.

This is used to control access to the process of reprinting Sales order documents.

SO Invoicing document reprint

Controls access to the reprinting of Sales order documents using the Document Print program.

This enables you to record information for each invoice and delivery note reprinted.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
SO and PO Reset order status from 0 Prevents an operator from maintaining sales orders, dispatch notes, or purchase orders that are still in process (i.e. status 0).

Alternatively, you can password-protect the maintenance of orders that are in process. This is achieved using the Password Definition program and configuring a password against the following functions:

  • PO Maintenance of purchase orders which are 'in process'
  • SO Maintenance of sales orders which are 'in process'

When two or more operators maintain the same dispatch note (Dispatch Note Maintenance) a warning message is displayed. Ignoring the warning could result in duplicate dispatch notes. Denying operators access to this activity alters the warning message to an error message, which operators cannot ignore.

SO Reset customer credit status after credit invoice Controls whether an operator can reset the customer's credit status when processing a credit note for that customer (using the Document Print program) and the option: Reset credit Status after invoicing is enabled (Sales Orders Setup).
SO Allow override of 'Invoice Whole Order' rule

Controls whether an operator can:

  • access the Invoice whole order field on a sales order.

  • produce a delivery note or an invoice (online or in batch mode) for a partially shipped order when the Invoice whole order only option is selected against the customer (Customers).

  • change the order status to <8> - to invoice while there are order lines containing a backorder quantity.

This applies in the Sales Order Entry, Quick Sales Order Entry and SO Counter Sales programs. This does not apply to Supply Chain Transfer orders.

This activity is disallowed by default.

Main menu - MDI functionality Prevents an operator from launching programs from the SYSPRO menu at the same time that another SYSPRO program is already loaded.

This avoids the situation where, for example, the same dispatch note is maintained simultaneously (Dispatch Note Maintenance) by different operators leading to duplicate dispatch invoices.

SO Print credit note Controls whether an operator can print a credit note using the Sales Order Entry or Document Print programs.
SO Print debit note Controls whether an operator can print a debit note using the Sales Order Entry or Document Print programs.
SO Print delivery note Controls whether an operator can print delivery note documents using the Sales Order Entry or Document Print programs.
SO Print acknowledgement Controls whether an operator can print order acknowledgement documents using the Sales Order Entry or Document Print programs.
SO Print invoice Controls whether an operator can print invoice, debit note or credit note documents using the Sales Order Entry or Document Print programs.

This does not prevent the operator from previewing these documents.

SO Print SCT transfer Controls whether an operator can print supply chain transfer documents using the Document Print program.
SO Print dispatch inv Controls whether an operator can print a dispatch invoice using the Sales Order Entry or Document Print programs.
SO Print dispatch note Controls whether an operator can print a dispatch note using the Sales Order Entry or Document Print programs.
SO Print dispatch note SCT transfer Controls whether an operator can use the Dispatch Note Maintenance or Document Print program to print a dispatch note created from a supply chain transfer.
SO Print documents

Controls whether an operator can print sales order documents using the Document Print program.


This does not prevent the operator from printing sales order documents online using the Sales Order Entry program.

If you set this activity to Denied, then the Reprint options of the Document Print program are selected by default and cannot be deselected by the operator. This means that the operator can only reprint sales order documents using the Document Print program.

SO Reprint documents Controls whether an operator can reprint sales order documents using the Document Print program.
SO Preview invoice Controls whether an operator can preview a sales order document on-line (or in batch mode) before it is printed.

You typically deny access to this activity for operators printing invoices in batch mode where no operator intervention is required before each invoice is printed. The invoices are then printed without first displaying the Print Preview screen.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
SO Printing invoices in batch print This password restricts access to printing and reprinting invoices in batch mode using the Document Print program.
SO Printing delivery notes in batch print This password restricts access to printing and reprinting delivery notes in batch mode using the Document Print program.
SO Printing order acknowledgments in batch print This password restricts access to printing and reprinting order acknowledgements in batch mode using the Document Print program.
SO Batch dispatch note print This password restricts access to printing and reprinting dispatch notes in batch mode using the Document Print program. It does not restrict access to printing dispatch note SCT transfers.
SO Reprints in batch print This password restricts access to reprinting any sales order documents in batch mode using the Document Print program.

Note that if a password is also set against printing a sales order document (including dispatch notes) then when reprinting the document, the password for printing the document is requested, followed by the password for reprinting the document.