Sales Orders > Load Planning > Browses > Browse on Delivery Routes

Browse on Delivery Routes

You use this program to view details of delivery routes that are currently defined.

You maintain the delivery routes you require for Load Planning using the Delivery Routes program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Add More Loads Adds additional loads to the currently highlighted route code.

Loads are added according to your selection at the Basis of adding loads setup option (Sales Orders Setup) and the Daily frequency and Delivery frequency defined for the route.

The number of additional loads to add to the route is determined by the value you entered at the Number of loads/days setup option (Sales Orders Setup).

Loads Select this to use the Delivery Loads program to view details of loads for the currently highlighted route code.

Delivery Routes

Column Description
Delivery route Indicates the code for the route.
Delivery route description Indicates the description of the route.
Next open delivery date Indicates the date on which the next load will be created for the route.
Next delivery sequence If more than one daily delivery is defined (e.g. Daily frequency > 1), then this indicates the sequence number to use when creating the next batch of route delivery details.
Volume Indicates the maximum volume available for the loads on the route.
Mass Indicates the maximum mass available for the loads on the route.
Limiting factor Indicates the limiting factor for the route. The limiting factor determines the capacity of the route and can be determined according to the maximum weight or volume or both defined against the loads on the route.
Delivery frequency Indicates the route frequency in days (e.g. 7 indicates that the route is run every 7 days).
Daily frequency Indicates the number of times a delivery can be made on this route in a single day (i.e. the number of deliveries per day).
Transport Indicates the default transport type used on the route (see Browse on Load Transport).
Next delivery date with capacity Indicates the next delivery date on which capacity is available.

Notes and warnings

Deletion considerations

  • You can only delete a route if all its loads are in a status of Complete, or there are no loads defined against the route.

    You use the Load Planning Delivery Load Maintenance program to maintain the status of a load.

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).