Sales Orders > Reports > Backlog Report by Stock Code

Backlog Report by Stock Code

You use this program to generate a list of all outstanding sales orders for a selected range of stock items.

A single line is printed for each stock item against which an order was placed.

Report Options

Field Description
Order status  
All Select this to include all orders in the report.
Booked Select this to include only booked orders (i.e. Orders in a status of 1), in the report.
Back order Select this to include only back orders (i.e. Orders in a status of 2 or 3), in the report.
Forward order Select this to include only orders that were entered as forward orders using the Sales Order Entry program.
Open backorder Select this to include only open backorders (i.e. Orders in a status of 4 or 8), in the report.
Date selection  
All Select this to include orders for all dates in the report.

Select this to include sales orders based on the line ship date specified in the Sales Order Entry program.

You can include orders for a range of line ship dates. You indicate this range in the From and To fields below.


Select this to include sales orders based on the date they were captured in the Sales Order Entry program.

You can include orders for a range of order entry dates. You indicate this range in the From and To fields below.


Select this to include sales orders based on the date an invoice was last produced for the order.

Indicate the range of dates in the From and To fields below.

From This indicates the first date in a range of dates for which you want to include orders in the report.

This date refers to either the entry, ship or invoice date depending on whether you selected to include orders based on Entry, Ship or Status dates.


This indicates the last date in a range of dates for which you want to include orders in the report.

This date refers to either the entry, ship or invoice date depending on whether you selected to include orders based on Entry,Ship or Status dates.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Warehouse selection

Indicate the warehouse(es) for which you want to include the selected orders in the report.

If you print the report for a single warehouse, then the On hand, Free and Available quantity for each stock item is displayed for the selected warehouse.

Branch selection Indicate the branch(es) for which you want to include the selected orders in the report.
Product class selection

Indicate the product class(es) for which you want to include orders in the report.

Only orders for stock items belonging to the selected product class(es) are included in the report. The product class is defined against the stock item using the Stock Codes program.

If a specific product class is entered, then only stock items belonging to that product class are included in the report.

Stock code selection

Indicate the stock code(s) for which you want to include the selected orders in the report.

  • Rev/Rel

    This only applies if you selected to print the report for a single stock code.

    Indicate the single revision and release for the selected stock code to include in the report.

    The wording for this field (as well as the column headings on the report) defaults to the text defined against the User-defined fields: Revision and Release (Bill of Materials Setup).

    This option is available only if the Engineering Change Control module is installed.

    In addition, the Stock control level must be set to Revision or Release (Bill of Materials Setup).

Currency Options

The options on this tab page enable you to indicate how you want to print order values on the report. This is only relevant if the Accounts Receivable setup option: Foreign currency sales required is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Field Description
Show values in  
Local currency Select this to print foreign amounts in the local currency equivalent.
Foreign currency Select this to print foreign amounts in the original currency.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Currency selection

Indicate the currency(ies) for which you want to include the selected orders in the report.

Select All to print the value of sales orders regardless of the currency in which they were posted.

Alternatively, select Single to only print the value of sales orders that were posted in a specific currency.

Other Options

The options on this tab page enable you to indicate additional selection criteria according to which orders are selected for printing.

Field Description
Report options  
Print customer purchase order number Select this to print the customers' order numbers for the order selected on the report.
Print only if order line contains b/order qty Select this to include order lines containing a non-zero backorder quantity.
Print only if stock on hand

Select this to only print information for the selected stock codes if there is quantity on hand for those codes.

If you do not select this option, then all selected stock codes are printed, irrespective of the quantity on hand.

You can only select this option if a single warehouse was entered at the Warehouse selection field. This enables the program to determine whether there is sufficient stock on hand for the order to be shipped.

Include non-allocated scheduled orders Select this to include scheduled orders that have not yet been allocated on the report.
Print parents of kit types "K" and "S" Select this to include order lines for parent items defined as kit type 'K' or 'S'.
Include lines with negative backorder quantity Select this to include order lines containing a negative backorder quantity.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Order type selection

Indicate the order type(s) for which to include orders in the report.

This is only relevant if the order type is required (Sales Orders Setup).

Order types are maintained using the Order Types program.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

If the Order quantity was captured in the Alternate unit of measure, then the back order quantity printed on the report is in the Alternate unit of measure.

The Ship quantity printed on the report is in the Stocking unit of measure.

If you selected the setup option: Reduce S/O value by tax amount when tax is inclusive and the tax code used on the sales order was inclusive, then the values are printed exclusive of tax.

This report includes SCT (Supply Chain Transfer) orders.

The report is generated at line level and will therefore only include line discounts (and not order discounts) in the values.

When you generate the report for a single warehouse, the Qty available, Qty on hand and Free stock values are listed for each stock code in the report.

The Free stock is calculated as: Quantity on hand less Allocated to Sales Orders plus Back Order quantity.

Free stock is recalculated when you:

  • run the Balance function of the Order Purge program and select the Validate inventory quantity allocations option.

  • run the Purchase Order Purge program and select the Validate Inv on order quantity option.

  • Run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program.