Administration > Amendment Journals > Setup Amendment Journals

Setup Amendment Journals

You use this program to view an audit trail of changes made to SYSPRO setup programs.

Setup amendment journals are automatically created when changes are made to SYSPRO setup programs.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Purge Select this to delete amendment journals according to the criteria you specify.
Delete amendment journals dated before

Indicate the cut-off date according to which to delete journals.

Only journals dated before this date that have the Ready to purge flag set to Y are deleted when you select the Start Purge function.

Delete amendment journals if not yet printedSelect this to ignore the Ready to purge flag and delete journals dated before the date entered at the Delete amendment journals dated before field. This deletes journals regardless of whether they have been printed.
Set purge flag Select this to toggle between setting the Ready to purge flag to Y or N for the line(s) currently highlighted in the listview.

The setting of this flag affects the actual purging of the journal entries in the listview. Refer to the Purge section below.

The Ready to purge column is not displayed by default. You need to manually add it to the listview.

Listview columns

The listview displays details of setup amendment journals created and not yet purged.

Column Description
Date and Time This indicates the date and time of the change
Ready to purge

Y indicates that the journal can be purged when using the Delete amendment journals dated before option.

N indicates that the journal cannot be purged using only the Delete amendment journals dated before option. It can only be purged by also selecting the Delete amendment journals if not yet printed option.

This column is not displayed by default. You need to use the Field Chooser option to add it to the listview.

Program This indicates the program in which the change was made
Program name This indicates the program name in which the change was made.
Tab page description This indicates the tab page on which the option was changed.
Field description This indicates the description of the field that was changed.
Before value This indicates the previous value of the field (i.e. what was in the field before the change).
After value This indicates the new value of the field (i.e. what is in the field after the change).
Operator This indicates the operator code of the person who made the change.
Name This indicates the operator name of the person who made the change.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Setup amendment journals are not created for changes made to:

    • The period end dates or the open/closed flags on the Periods tabs in the above setup programs.
    • Any file paths (including specific paths) defined in XML Document Control.
    • Stationery Formats, Company Tables, Nationalities or Currencies.
    • Separate programs accessed from within a Setup program.

Coding considerations

  • These amendment journals are generated automatically and no option exists to prevent them from being created.