Sales Orders > Dispatch Notes > Dispatch Note Report

Dispatch Note Report

You use this program to generate a report of dispatch notes according to a range of selection criteria.

Report Options

Field Description
Report type  
Detail Select this to print dispatch note details together with detail line information and a summary of dispatches according to the status of the dispatch note.
Summary Select this to print dispatch note details and a summary of dispatches according to the status of the dispatch note.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Dispatch note selection Indicate the dispatch note number(s) for which to generate the report.
Customer selection Indicate the customer(s) for whom to include dispatch notes in the report.
Branch selection Indicate the Accounts Receivable branch(es) for which to include dispatch notes in the report.
Geographic area selection Indicate the geographic area(s) for which to include dispatch notes in the report.
Customer class selection Indicate the customer class(es) for which to include dispatch notes in the report.
Dispatch date selection Indicate a selective range of dispatch dates according to which to include dispatch notes in the report.
Order type selection

This option is only applies if you indicated that the order type is required (Sales Orders Setup).

Order types are maintained using the Order Types program.

Indicate the order type(s) for which you want to include dispatch notes in the report.

Additional Options

The options on this tab enable you to indicate additional criteria according to which you want to select dispatch notes.

Field Description
User defined 1 The description for this field defaults to User defined 1, but is replaced by the wording defined for this field in Accounts Receivable Setup.

Indicate which entries against this user defined field you want to include in the report.

User defined 2 The description for this field defaults to User defined 2, but is replaced by the wording defined for this field in Accounts Receivable Setup.

Indicate which entries against this user defined field to include in the report.

Query by dispatch selection This option enables you to select dispatch notes for inclusion in the report according to their status.
In process (0) Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of 0 - in process.
Ready to print (3) Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of 3 - ready to print.
Dispatch printed (5) Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of 5 - dispatch note printed.
Ready to invoice (7) Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of 7 - ready to invoice.
In suspense (S) Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of S - in suspense.
Consolidated for invoicing (8) Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of 8 - consolidated for invoicing.
Complete (9)

Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of 9 - invoiced and complete.


If you select this option together with the Print option: Only print dispatches not yet invoiced, then completed (invoiced) dispatch notes are not printed.

Cancelled (*)

Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of * - cancelled.


If you select this option together with the Print option: Only print dispatches not yet invoiced, then cancelled dispatch notes are not printed.

On hold (H) Select this to include dispatch notes in a status of H - on hold.
Select All Select this to set all dispatch note types to selected.
Deselect All Select this to set all dispatch note types to deselected. You can then individually select the dispatch note types you require.
Supply chain transfers  
Include Select this to include supply chain transfer orders in the report.
Exclude Select this to exclude supply chain transfer orders from the report.
Only Select this to print the report only for supply chain transfer orders.
Print options  
Print delivery address name Select this to print the delivery address name on the report.
Print dispatch address Select this to print the dispatch address on the report.
Only print dispatches not yet invoiced Select this to include only dispatch notes that have not yet been invoiced on the report.
New page per dispatch Select this to print each dispatch note on a separate page.
Print comments attached to a line Select this to include comments attached to dispatch note lines in the report.
Print freight and miscellaneous lines Select this to print the freight and miscellaneous charge lines attached to orders in the report.

Currency Options

Field Description
Show values in Indicate how you want to reflect foreign currency amounts on the report.
Local currency Select this to print foreign amounts in the local currency equivalent.
Foreign currency Select this to print foreign amounts in the original currency.
Currency selection

Indicate the currency(ies) for which you want to include the selected dispatch notes in the report.

Select All to print the value of dispatch notes regardless of the currency in which they were posted.

Alternatively, select Single to only print the value of dispatch notes posted in a specific currency.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

If you selected the setup option: Reduce S/O value by tax amount when tax is inclusive and the tax code used on the sales order was inclusive, then the values are printed exclusive of tax.

The Dispatch note value is the Quantity multiplied by Unit Selling Price of the item. If this value is zero, then it indicates that the sales order from which the dispatch note was created had a zero selling price.