SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > General Setup > System Setup

System Setup

You use this program to view and maintain the configuration options for your SYSPRO system. The information entered here updates your IMPACT.INI file, which contains a list of settings used by SYSPRO. Any settings that you change will take effect only when next you load SYSPRO.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Configure License Select this to load the License Import Wizard wizard program to import and apportion your licenses.
Edit Client Configuration Select this to edit the IMPACT.INI file on the client workstation (e.g. to specify the standard client directory, the custom client directory and the client id code). This function is not enabled in a mapped-drive environment.


Field Description

This indicates the language code applicable to your system.

Multi-language for document printing This enables you to save and print descriptions and notes against key fields in SYSPRO for up to 80 languages.

When you enable this option, any existing stock code narrations (narrations saved in your database with spaces against the language field), are then labelled as Global Notes.

When printing documents, if you do not select the option to Print Foreign Text, the global narrations will print as a default.

Available languages Select the Configure List hyperlink to select up to 80 language codes you want to use within the system.
Nationality This indicates the nationality of your site.

Entering one of the reserved nationality codes (i.e. CAN, USA, AUS, RSA, UK) affects the display of certain fields (e.g. tax-related) within the system.

The list of SYSPRO Nationality codes is defined in the IMPNAT.IMP file located in the SYSPRO \Programs folder.

You can override the nationality setting at company level (Company Maintenance).

Use double byte character set (DBCS) This facility is only applicable for systems configured with a double byte language (e.g. Simplified Chinese).

Enable this option to ensure that characters are rendered correctly when using SYSPRO Reporting Services.


This is used by support personnel to identify your site.


This is used to output a script or text file in the \Base\Settings folder to monitor and debug problems in or SQL environments.

The diagnostic code is applied as soon as the setting is saved.

The diagnostic code is not validated. Any code can be entered and used depending on the code defined by the programmer in the code/program.

Diagnostic note This indicates a description for the diagnostic code selected.
License usage options These options enable you to monitor SYSPRO and CMS only license usage to more accurately predict when you are about to run out of licenses.
Log when approach user limit Enable this to log a record when the number of SYSPRO licenses used reaches the value set in the Log within x users of maximum field.
Log within x users of maximum Indicate the point at which you want to record a log entry for SYSPRO license limits.

For example: If you currently have a 50-user SYSPRO license and you enter 5 in this field, then an audit log entry is created when the 45th operator logs in.

The log entry created is: Login attempted - license limit approached (System Audit Query).

Log when approach CMS user limit Enable this to log a record when the number of CMS only users reaches the value set in the Log within x CMS users of maximum field.
Log within x CMS users of maximum Indicate the point at which you want to record a log entry for CMS only user license limits.

For example: If you currently have a 10 CMS only user license and you enter 3 in this field, then an audit log entry is created when the 7th CMS only user operator logs in.

The log entry created is: Login attempted - CMS license limit approached (System Audit Query).

Edit license information Select this to configure system-wide license parameters. Changes are validated as part of the registration mechanism and will require you to update the license registration details for each company.
Number of licensed users This defines the maximum number of users allowed to run the system concurrently.
Number of CMS only users This indicates the number of CMS only users allowed to run the system concurrently.
Number of Point of Sales users This indicates the number of Point of Sale users allowed to run the system concurrently.
Number of ODBC seats

(C-ISAM) This defines the maximum number of users that may access the Universal Data Dictionary concurrently via ODBC. You won't be allowed to make any changes to the dictionary.

Number of U/SQL Manager seats (C-ISAM) This defines the maximum number of users that may be running the U/SQL Manager concurrently.

An entry other than zero indicates that you intend modifying the Universal Data Dictionary (UDD) using the U/SQL Manager software.

Number of Dialog System seats This indicates the number of Dialog System seats you have purchased (if you purchased the Micro Focus Dialog System) which allows you to customize screens using the Screen Customization Kit.
Number of CALs This indicates the number of Client Access Licenses (i.e. SQL Server seats) as defined by Microsoft that matches your license information.
Number of Analytics Viewer seats

This indicates the maximum number of users who may access the SYSPRO Analytics Viewer concurrently.

Number of Report Designer seats

This indicates the maximum number of users who can concurrently be defined as report designers and may therefore design reports using the SYSPRO Reporting Services program.

Number of Licensed Companies (0=default) This indicates the maximum number of companies that can be used concurrently on a site.
Number of Espresso seats This indicates the number of Espresso seats that you are licensed to use.

Espresso user licenses are allocated using the Espresso User Licenses program.

Number of Espresso External seats

This indicates the number of Espresso licenses that you have given your customer, allowing them limited access to queries and transaction posting applications.

This is stored in the IMPACT.INI file using the IMPESX=999999 tag.

Number of Licensed Workflows

This indicates the number of licensed workflows if you are using the Workflow Services Professional module.

A licensed workflow is identified as a single workflow with all its versions; if you have 5 licensed workflows you can have up to 5 unique workflows at a site. Zero indicates unlimited workflows allowed.

Each licensed workflow can be used in any of your SYSPRO companies.

This is stored in the IMPACT.INI file using the IMPWFL=999999 tag.

Espresso Linked users This lets you indicate that each of your SYSPRO concurrent licensed users has access to SYSPRO Espresso.

This is stored in the IMPACT.INI file using the IMPESL=1 tag (where 1 means checked).

Sample scenario: If a site is licensed for 80 concurrent users (80 SYSPRO concurrent user licenses) then enabling the Espresso Linked users option allows up to 80 selected operators to use Espresso. The cost of this licensing method is significantly lower than if each of the 80 operators required a full use (Espresso seats) license. If you required additional operators to use Espresso (e.g. 100) then the additional users (i.e. 20, in this example) will require a full use Espresso license.


If a company uses Espresso Linked users, then the operator must be active on both SYSPRO Espresso and the core (i.e. desktop) version of SYSPRO at least once within 21 days. An operator who does not access SYSPRO at least once within 21 days will receive a warning message to login to SYSPRO. A grace period of 3 days is extended after which the operator will not be able to access SYSPRO Espresso.

Login Dialog

Field Description
User name options  
User name represents Indicate whether your entry at the User name login prompt refers to the operator code or whether the system must use the network user name to establish the operator code.
User name default Indicate the default entry you want to use at the User name field of the Login window.
User name prompt Indicate whether access to the User name field is allowed.
User name history Indicate whether you want the system to remember the last 20 successful user names entered.

These are stored in the Base\Settings folder on the server in the [UserName] section of the Login_Dialog_xxxx.TXT file (where xxxx is the network user name).

Company options  
Company default Indicate the default entry you want to use at the Company field of the Login window.
Company prompt Indicate whether access to the Company field is allowed.
Company history Indicate whether you want the system to remember the last 20 successful companies entered.

These are stored in the Base\Settings folder on the server in the [Company] section of the Login_Dialog_xxxx.TXT file (where xxxx is the network user name).


Field Description
Database access  
System-wide configuration
Option Description
All companies are SQL Server-based Select this if all of your companies are using the SQL Server version of the software.
All companies are ISAM-based Select this if none of your companies are using the SQL Server version of the software.
Mix of SQL Server and ISAM companies Select this if at least one of your companies is using the SQL Server version of the software.
Database connection  
Option Description
SQL authentication (Operator login+pass) Select this to validate operator access according to the SQL login name assigned to the operator.
SQL authentication (ADMIN login+pass) Select this to validate operator access according to the ADMIN operator's SQL login and password for all operators logging into SYSPRO. You would typically use this option to simplify the SQL logins and only have one SQL login for all SYSPRO operators.
Windows authentication Select this if the operator login and password required is the network login id that was authenticated by Windows NT.
Connection method Indicate whether you want to connect to the database using a direct SQL Server connection, or using the ODBC Data Source Name.
SQL Server name This indicates the SQL Server name that will be used. This is typically the name of the computer on which SQL is running.
Connection string  
ODBC Data source name This indicates the name of the ODBC data source that will be used to connect to SQL Server when you load the system.
System-wide database information  
Database This indicates the database of SYSPRO's configuration tables.
Table This indicates the table within the configuration database that is used by the system to cross-reference each company to its relevant database.
SQL Server system admin information  
Login This indicates the administrator login with the authority to perform advanced SQL functions. This must be an account login that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.
Password This indicates the password assigned to the administrator login.
Bulk insert code page This indicates the system-wide code page used by the BULK INSERT statement when special characters exist that SQL Server needs to recognize. You can configure a code page at company level, which takes precedence over the code page defined here.
Bulk insert temp folder This indicates the temporary folder for storing intermediate bulk copy format files (*.bcp). In a 3-tier environment, ensure that the temporary folder is available to both SQL server and the application tier. Typically, use a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) address (e.g. \\server-name\path-to-shared-resource).

Date Format

Field Description
System date format  
Edit system date format

Select this to change the format in which you want all system dates to be displayed and printed within SYSPRO. You can override this date format at company level.

Although your selection here does not affect the way in which dates are stored in the system (i.e. this is always in a CCYYMMDD format) there are instances where SYSPRO overrides your preferred date display format and shows dates in a CCYYMMDD format. This typically occurs in list views where the date column can be used for sorting purposes.

Presentation format Indicate your preferred date display format.
User defined date formats
  • Dates in forms are determined by the Presentation format only (i.e. DDMMYY or YYMMDD). The short/long date format is not applied to any date fields in forms.

  • You can tailor your date format using separators (e.g. / , -) as well as additional text within single quotation marks (e.g. 'Today is my birthday' dddd dd MM).

Long date format This indicates how the system will display the long version of the date. It does not affect the way dates are physically stored on file, it merely provides an alternative way of viewing and printing them. You can override this date format at company level.
Short date format

This indicates how the system will display the short version of the date. It does not affect the way dates are physically stored on file, it merely provides an alternative way of viewing and printing them. You can override this at company level.

Report date format This indicates how you want to represent the Printed: date that appears in the footer of reports alongside the name of the operator who printed the report. The other dates printed on the report are rendered according to the short date format.
Test date

The date entered here is used to display the samples in the date fields below.

Long date sample

This indicates a sample of how the Long date format will appear in the system.

Short date sample

This indicates a sample of how the Short date format will appear in the system.

Report date sample

This indicates a sample of how the Report date format will appear in the system.

Sample date and time formats

You can tailor your date format using separators (e.g. / , -) as well as additional text within single quotation marks (e.g. 'Today is my birthday' dddd dd MM).

Field Description
Date key
dddd the day of week (e.g. Monday)
ddd abbreviated day (e.g. Mon)
dd a two-digit day of month (e.g. 01 through 31)
d a zero suppressed one digit day
D a zero suppressed day of month with 'st', 'nd', 'rd' and 'th' (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.)
MMMM the month in full (e.g. September)
MMM the month abbreviated (e.g. Sep)
MM a two-digit month
M a zero-suppressed one digit month
yyyy a four-digit year (e.g.2007)
yyy a three-digit year (e.g. 007)
yy a two-digit year (e.g. 07)
y a one-digit year (e.g. 7)
Time key
H a zero-suppressed 24 hour format
HH a two-digit 24 hour
h a zero-suppressed 12 hour format
hh a two-digit 12 hour format
m a zero-suppressed minute
mm a two-digit minute
s a zero-suppressed second
ss a two-digit second
tt a two-character AM/PM indicator


Field Description
Server-side folders  
Programs folder

This indicates the location of your IMPACT programs.

Screens folder

This indicates the location of your standard screensets.

Temporary folder

This indicates the folder that is used for creating temporary files typically used for sorting.

Multimedia folder

This indicates the default folder in which you should store all your multimedia files. If undefined, this defaults your working directory.

Although this field is disabled on the client, you can use the Edit Client Configuration function to define the path on the client.

APS data folder

This indicates the folder in which the Requirements Planning module stores the files used by the Advanced Planning and Scheduling system (if installed).

Custom server-side folders  
Custom program folder

This indicates the location of your customized programs.

Custom screens folder

This indicates the location of your customized screensets.

Data server-side folders  
Data folder 1

This indicates the 1st folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Data folder 2

This indicates the 2nd folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Data folder 3

This indicates the 3rd folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Data folder 4

This indicates the 4th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Data folder 5

This indicates the 5th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Data folder 6

This indicates the 6th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Data folder 7

This indicates the 7th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Data folder 8

This indicates the 8th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Data folder 9

This indicates the 9th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

Snapshot directory (for MRP) This indicates the location of your Requirements Planning snapshot files.

These files are created when you take a new snapshot from within the Requirements Calculation program (if Requirements Planning is installed).


Field Description
Reporting configuration
Option Description
Server-side reporting using SQL (only SQL companies) This improves the performance of SYSPRO Reporting Services in two ways:
  1. Report rendering is significantly improved by moving the XML into a temporary SQL database before binding the data to the .RPT file.

  2. Processing tasks are transferred to the server, freeing resources on the client workstation, and allowing the operator to continue with any other tasks.

    The server generates a .PDF file which is sent to the client machine.

This option does not require Crystal on the client machine, only an appropriate report reader (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader, SYSPRO Office Integration, Espresso).

When enabling this option for the first time, the Documents.XML files are copied to Documents_Server.XML. When you subsequently update printers for documents, the relevant file is updated (Documents.xml for client-side and Documents_server.XML for server-side printing).

The effect of switching between server-side and client-side report printing is that although the same RTP's are accessed, they will have different attributes (i.e. different printer names).

Client-side reporting using SQL (only SQL companies) This improves the performance of SYSPRO Reporting Services by moving the data into a temporary SQL database before binding the data to the .RPT file. All the processing is completed on the client machine.
Client-side reporting using XML This option initiates client-side reporting as it was in prior versions of SYSPRO - binding the report to the .XML file on the client machine.
Version of Crystal You must select Crystal 2013 if you require SRS client and server-side reporting.

Although new installations of Crystal 2008 are no longer permitted, existing installations are unaffected, unless they want to use SYSPRO Reporting Services.

Database connection  
SQL Server name This is the name of the SQL Server hosting the database.
Connection string If you make use of a connection string, indicate the connection string here.
Database authentication  
Reporting authentication
Option Description
SQL authentication This relies on SQL authentication for access to the database.
Windows authentication This passes the Windows NT credentials to SQL for authentication.
Login Specify the SQL authentication login here.
Password Specify the SQL authentication password here.
Test SQL connection This lets you confirm that you can connect to SQL.
Server-side configuration  
Reporting service This is the address to the reporting host service (e.g. localhost:1979).
Test service connectivity This lets you confirm that you can connect to the service.
Scheduler authentication Enter the scheduler authentication user name and password. These are the Windows Task Scheduler permissions that allow the operator to create and maintain schedules on the server.
Document Printing These options are only available for server-side printing (i.e. you enabled the Server-side reporting using SQL option).
Automatically purge queue This purges the document print queue automatically.
Days to keep queue item Enter the number of days (maximum of 999) for an item to remain in the queue before being automatically purged.


Field Description
Notification address This is the address of the Espresso Server which is used to push notifications to a user's devices (e.g. http://localhost/SYSPROEspresso).

E.Net Service Details

Field Description
Server name This is the IP address or server name where the SYSPRO Communications Service is installed.
SOAP port This is the SOAP port that has been configured for the SYSPRO Communications Service.
REST port This is the REST port that has been configured for the SYSPRO Communications Service.

Office Integration

Field Description
Office 365 This lets you browse on contacts defined in Office 365 when you browse on To, Cc or Bcc email addresses in SRS (if email is defined as an output option).

In addition, Office 365 Excel is used when exporting information from a SYSPRO grid/listview to Excel.

Once you have registered and configured your application within Microsoft Azure, you need to configure your system setup here and then configure the Office 365 credentials per operator (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Home->Personalize->Credentials).

Tenant id This is your active directory in the Microsoft Azure portal. Your SYSPROOfficeCloud application will be added to this directory.
Exchange web service This is the URI address to your exchange web service provider. This setting is used when resolving email addresses. If you don't have an exchange server, you can use the default provided by Office 365 (i.e.
Client id This is the client ID of the SYSPROOfficeCloud application added to your active directory in Microsoft Azure.

Rules Engine/Harmony

Field Description
Rules engine options  
Active company list Indicate the companies for which you want to enable the Rules Engine.

After configuring this setting and restarting SYSPRO, the following processes occur in the background:

  • The applicable SQL tables are created within the SYSPRO database (their names prefixed by the word Rules).

  • A new SYSPRO operator is created: __RUL. This operator is required in order for the services to run.

Harmony options  
Active company list Indicate the companies that you want to enable for Harmony.
Harmony API service address Indicate the url of the SYSPRO Harmony API Service.

This is the Harmony service installed within IIS.

For example: http://localhost/SYSPROHarmonyAPI/ (where localhost is replaced by your server IP address).

Harmony service address Indicate the address to the SYSPRO Harmony Service which is used to process Harmony transactions.

For example: net.tcp://localhost:33334/HarmonyService (where localhost is replaced by your server IP address).


The port number must match your entry made when installing the SYSPRO Harmony Service.

Harmony database connection  
Authentication Select an authentication mode to use when processing transactions on the Harmony database
SQL Server name Indicate the name of the SQL server that will be used for the Harmony database.
Login Indicate a valid SQL login name for the Harmony database.
Password Indicate the corresponding password for the SQL login.
Test SQL connection Test the SQL connection to the Harmony database with the parameters indicated.

Notes and warnings

  • Exercise caution when changing any of your system options as the changes may adversely affect the running of your SYSPRO system. All changes to this program are logged to the Setup Amendment Journal program.

  • If you make changes to settings on the Reporting tab, you will need to restart the SYSPRO Reporting Host Service to apply these changes.

SQL/ISAM considerations

  • In a SQL environment, the number of licensed companies can be a combination of any 4 characters in the range A-Z and 0-9.

    In an ISAM environment, the number of licensed companies is limited to 36 (i.e. a single character id in the range A-Z and 0-9).

Diagnostics considerations

  • If you encounter a problem after choosing a diagnostic option, you can reset it by removing the IMPCOM= entry from your IMPACT.INI file.