Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing > AR Invoice Posting

AR Invoice Posting

You use this program to process Accounts Receivable customer transactions (invoices, debit notes and credit notes).

Transaction records are output to the Sales Analysis and General Ledger modules if the Accounts Receivable module is linked to General Ledger in Detail or Summary (General Ledger Integration).

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Posting Period Select this to use the Change Posting Period program to change the posting period and year to the relevant period required to post entries.

Accounts Receivable must be linked to General Ledger in Detail or Summary (General Ledger Integration).

This is disabled once you have posted a transaction within this run of the program.

See Password considerations in Notes and warnings.

Define Branch Select this to indicate the branch against which the transactions must be processed.

This can be the branch defined against the customer (Customers) or any valid AR branch you specify. See Define Branch.

Reset Credit Status

Select this to reset the customer's credit status (Customers) when you post the current invoice.

Refer to Credit Status for information on how a customer's credit status is determined.

Print Select this to print the contents of the Document List pane.
Post Select this to process the transaction(s) displayed in the Document List.

This function processes the document (invoice, credit note, debit note) against the relevant customer(s)). Refer to Document Posting for additional information.

Define Branch

This screen is displayed when you select the Define Branch option.

Field Description
Branch selection  
Use branch defined against each customer Select this to use the branch defined against the customer (Customers) for the transaction.
Override customer's branch Select this to ignore the branch defined against the customer and to define a different AR branch for the transaction.
Branch Indicate the AR branch code you want to use for the transaction.
OK Accepts your selection and returns to the previous screen.
Cancel Ignore your selections and returns to the previous screen.

Document Posting

This screen is displayed after you successfully post one or more transactions.

Field Description
Transactions posted successfully. This message is displayed if all transactions were successfully posted.
Invoice register This indicates the invoice register number created for the transaction(s) processed during the current run of the program.
OK Select this to exit the program.
Errors were encountered during verification This message is displayed if the transactions could not be posted due to errors during the validation phase.
OK to post valid transactions only  
OK Select this to post the valid transactions.

If you select this option, then the invalid transactions are left in the Document List pane. You can then either correct the error(s) and repost them, or you can delete them.

A red flag is displayed against each document in the Document List pane which contains errors. The error can be viewed by placing your mouse pointer over the flag.

If you select this option, then the following message is displayed:

NOTE: Not all transactions were posted. Failed transactions are listed in the Document List. The successfully posted transactions generated Invoice register:Invoice register number.

Cancel Select this if you do not want to post any of the transactions and to return to the posting screen.

All documents are listed in the Document List pane. You can then either correct the error(s) and repost them, or you can delete them.

A red flag is displayed against each document in the Document List pane which contains errors. The error can be viewed by placing your mouse pointer over the flag.

Document Entry

Field Description
Cancel Select this to discard the transaction details you entered.

If you select this option before you added the details to the Document List pane, then the details are discarded completely.

If you select this option whilst maintaining a line from the Document List pane, then the changes you made are ignored and the line in the Document List pane is not changed.

Add Select this to add the transaction to the Document List pane.

Once added to this list, you can use the Change icon to maintain the transaction details before selecting the Post option.

Apply changes Select this to apply any changes you made to an existing transaction.

This option is only enabled when you maintain a transaction line from the Document List pane.

Calculate Select this to calculate the tax/GST amount for the transaction based on the tax/GST code supplied (used) for the transaction.

A warning message is displayed when you select to calculate tax for a non-exempt customer and the tax code is blank. You can provide a tax code, or set the transaction to exempt.

Customer Indicate the customer against whom the transaction must be processed.
Branch This indicates the branch to which the transaction will be processed.

This defaults to the branch as defined against the customer, but can be changed using the Define Branch option from the Edit menu (see Define Branch).

Currency This indicates the currency as defined against the customer (Customers) and is the currency in which the transaction will be processed.
Document type

Indicate the type of document to process against the customer.

Option Description
Invoice Select this to process an invoice.
Credit note Select this to process a credit note.
Debit note Select this to process a debit note.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Generate document number Select this to allow the system to automatically generate a document number for the transaction.

The next invoice, credit note and debit note numbers used depend on whether your document numbering is defined at Company or Branch level (Set Key Information). If defined at Company level, then the next invoice, credit note and debit note numbers defined against the company (Set Key Information) are used. If defined at Branch level, then the next document numbers held against the branch (AR Branches) are used.

If you want to link the credit/debit note to an existing invoice, then you must not select this option. This enables you to select the option: Post to existing documentand then to use the Document number field to enter the invoice number to which you want to link the credit/debit note.

If you do not select this option, then you manually enter the document number.

This option is not enabled if the AR invoice number Key type is defined as Alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

See note on Document numbering.

Post to existing document

Select this to offset the transaction you are processing against an existing invoice.

You can only select this option if you are processing a credit/debit note and you deselect the Generate document number option (this is automatically deselected if your AR invoice number Key type is set to Alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

  • Irrespective of whether you select this option, if you use the Interface Import program and the invoice number and credit/debit note numbers are the same, the program automatically offsets the documents.

  • Although you can post more than 10 debit or credit notes to an existing document number on a single date, this is not recommended. The reason is that if you are using Sales Analysis and salesperson commission is required, then the Sales Analysis Update will fail with a duplicate key error for all documents where more than 10 debit/credit notes were posted to the same existing document number.

    Therefore, if you need to process more than 10 debit/credit notes against an existing document number, you need to do these on different dates.

Document number

Manually enter the document number to use for the transaction.

If you did not select the setup option: Same invoices for different customers (Set Key Information) then all invoices created within a single SYSPRO company must have a unique number. This applies irrespective of the Invoice numbering method selected (Set Key Information).

If you selected the setup option: Same invoices for different customers (Set Key Information) then you can use the same invoice number providing it is against different customers.

You can only make an entry at this field when you deselect the Generate document number option (this is automatically deselected if the Invoice numbering method is By company and the AR invoice number Key type is set to Alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

If you are processing a credit or debit note and you want to link the credit or debit to a specific invoice, then you select the option: Post to existing invoice and then enter that invoice number in this field.

Document date This is the transaction date and defaults to the system date, but can be changed.
Document reference Optionally enter a reference for the transaction.
Document value Enter the value of the document, exclusive of tax.

You do not have to enter a minus sign for a Credit note as the system assumes it is a negative value.

Fixed exchange rate Select this to apply a fixed exchange rate to this document. You enter the exchange rate to use in the Exchange rate field.

If you do not select this option, then the exchange rate defaults to the rate currently defined in the Currencies table (Currencies).

This field is disabled when the Fixed exchange rate option is enabled against the currency (Currencies) and when processing debit and credit notes.

Exchange rate

This indicates the exchange rate at which the transaction must be processed.

This is the rate at which foreign currency transactions are converted to your local currency equivalent, before being posted into the General Ledger.

You can only access this field if:

  • you indicated that foreign currency sales are required (Accounts Receivable Setup) and
  • you are processing a transaction for a foreign currency customer and
  • the exchange rate against the currency is not set to Fixed (Currencies) and
  • the currency is not triangulated

You cannot access this field if you are posting either a Credit note or a Debit note against a specific invoice as, by default, the exchange rate that was assigned to the original invoice is used.

Cost value (Local) Enter the cost value of the transaction if any. This cost must be entered in your local currency.
Product class

Indicate the product class to be used for the transaction.

Any entry made at the Product class field which begins with an underscore (e.g. _FRT) results in the invoice value being treated as non-commissionable.

Document terms This indicates the terms for this transaction. It defaults to the invoice term set against the customer (Customers) but can be changed.
Geographic area Enter the geographic area applicable to the transaction.
Salesperson Indicate the salesperson for the transaction. This defaults to the salesperson defined against the customer (Customers) but can be changed.
Basic tax information The fields that are available in this section depend on the Tax system and the tax options enabled (Company Tax Options Setup)
Taxable Indicate whether the tax status for the transaction is Exempt or Non-exempt from tax. This defaults to the Tax exemption selection indicated against the customer (Customers).

This field is disabled when the customer's tax status is Exempt.

Tax code

Indicate the tax code to use to determine the tax rate to apply to the transaction.

This defaults to the following:

  • Basic tax system - the Default sales tax code defined in Accounts Receivable Setup.

  • Tax by geographic area -

    • the tax code defined against the customer's geographic area (Geographic Areas).

    • the Default sales tax code defined in Accounts Receivable Setup when Use tax code from stock item is enabled for the geographic area (Geographic Areas).

If the Default sales tax code is blank in Accounts Receivable Setup, then a warning message is displayed indicating that the tax code has not been entered and the tax status will be set to Exempt for the transaction.

This field is disabled when the tax status is Exempt.
Tax value

This indicates the tax value for the transaction. It is based on the rate against the Tax code and is displayed when the Calculate function is selected.

This value is zero and the field is disabled when the Taxable status is Exempt.

If the option: Sales tax integration to general ledger is By branch (Company Tax Options Setup) then this amount is posted to the tax code defined against the AR branch (AR Branches).

If the option: Sales tax integration to general ledger is set to Tax code level, then this amount is posted to the ledger code defined against the tax code (see Tax Code Setup).

If none of the above integrations are defined, then the Tax value is posted to the Default sales tax code defined in Accounts Receivable Setup.

GST taxable Indicate whether the GST status for the transaction is Exempt or Non-exempt from GST. This defaults to the Canadian GST option set against the customer (Customers).
GST code

Indicate the GST code to use to determine the GST rate to apply to the transaction.

This defaults to the following:

  • Basic tax system - the Default sales GST code defined in Accounts Receivable Setup.

  • Tax by geographic area -

    • the GST code defined against the customer's geographic area (Geographic Areas).

    • the Default sales GST code defined in Accounts Receivable Setup when Use tax code from stock item is enabled for the geographic area (Geographic Areas).

If the Default sales GST code is blank in Accounts Receivable Setup, then a warning message is displayed and the GST status is set to Exempt for the transaction.

This field is disabled when the GST status is Exempt.

GST value

This indicates the GST value for the transaction. It is based on the rate against the GST code and is displayed when the Calculate function is selected.

The sales tax general ledger code held against the AR branch is used for the GST distribution.

This value is zero and the field is disabled when the GST taxable status is Exempt.

PST tax calculation on GST

Enable this to calculate Provincial Sales Tax (PST) on the GST amount.

This is set to:

  • enabled when using the Basic tax system.

  • the setting against the option: Provincial tax calculated on GST (Geographic Areas) when using the Tax by geographic area tax system. The geographic area defined against the customer is used.

USA Tax information  
USA Taxable Indicate whether the tax status for the transaction is Exempt or Non-exempt from tax. This defaults to the Tax exemption selection indicated against the customer (Customers).

This only applies when the Tax system is set to USA AVP sales tax system (Company Tax Options Setup).

State (extended tax code)

This indicates the state code that forms part of the full tax geo code.

This defaults to the State code defined against the customer and cannot be blank.

This only applies to the USA tax by advanced geocodes system or the USA AVP sales tax system (Company Tax Options Setup).

This field is disabled when the tax status is Exempt.

County (extended tax code)

This indicates the county code that forms part of the full tax geo code.

This defaults to the County code defined against the customer and cannot be blank.

This only applies to the USA tax by advanced geocodes system or the USA AVP sales tax system (Company Tax Options Setup).

This field is disabled when the tax status is Exempt.

City (extended tax code)

This indicates the city code that forms part of the full tax geo code.

This defaults to the City code defined against the customer and cannot be blank.

This only applies to the USA tax by advanced geocodes system or the USA AVP sales tax system (Company Tax Options Setup).

This field is disabled when the tax status is Exempt.

Extended tax value This displays extended tax value for the transaction.
Extended tax code This displays the extended tax code for information purposes.
Extended tax base rate This displays the extended tax code base rate for information purposes.

Document List

This pane displays the documents you added during the current run of the program.

Field Description
Change Select this to maintain the line currently highlighted in the listview.
Delete Select this to delete the line currently highlighted in the listview.

Document List Listview

Column Description
Flag A red flag in this column indicates that an error was detected while attempting to post the transactions (see Document Posting). The error relating to the document is displayed when you place your mouse pointer over the flag.
Customer This indicates the code of the customer against whom the transaction must be processed.
Customer name This indicates the name of the customer defined against the customer code.
Branch This indicates the Accounts Receivable branch to which the transaction will be processed.
Document type

This indicates the type of document to process, where:

  • I indicates an Invoice
  • C indicates a Credit Note
  • D indicates a Debit Note
Generate document A tick in this column indicates that the document number will be generated by the system when the transaction is posted.
Post to document A tick in this column indicates that the transaction is linked to an existing document number.
Document number This indicates the document number for the transaction. The document number displayed is either the document number you entered or generated by the system, or the document number to which the transaction was linked.

See note on Document numbering.

Document date This indicates the date of the transaction.
Document reference This indicates the reference entered against the transaction.
Document value This indicates the value of the document, exclusive of tax. This is displayed in the currency of the customer against whom the transaction was entered.
Product class This indicates the product class to use for the transaction.

Posting Information

Column Description
Post year This indicates the financial year in which the transaction(s) will be processed
Post month This indicates the financial period in which the transaction(s) will be processed
Next invoice This indicates the next invoice number which will be generated when you Add an Invoice document.
Next credit note This indicates the credit note number which will be generated when you Add a Credit note document.
Next debit note This indicates the debit note number which will be generated when you Add a Debit note document.
Number of documents This indicates the total number of documents processed during the current run of the program. This equals the number of transactions currently listed in the Document List pane.
Transaction values

These values are displayed in the local currency.

Column Description
Transaction value This indicates the total value of the documents generated in local currency. This is the total of the local currency Document values entered for the transactions plus the foreign currency Document values converted to the local currency.
Tax value This indicates the total value of tax processed for the documents.
GST value This indicates the total value of GST processed for the documents.
Exempt value This indicates the total value of tax exempt transactions processed.
Total documents This indicates the total value of the documents processed, including tax/GST.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • No credit checking on customer invoice terms or credit limits is performed against any transactions processed using this program.

  • Invoices posted in this program do not appear on the Sales by Salesperson report, because these transactions are considered to be miscellaneous charges and not merchandise values, nor can they be printed.

Currency exchange variances

  • When a credit note or debit note is posted to an existing invoice that was previously revalued, the original exchange rate against the invoice is used for the credit note/debit note. The reason for using the original invoice rate is that the conversion rate is always overridden when invoices are revalued.

    Any exchange rate variance between the original rate of exchange for the invoice and the current rate of exchange for the transaction is posted to the Unrealized variance account (AR Currency Variance GL Interface).

Document numbering


By default, SYSPRO includes checks to ensure that invoice numbers originating from within the Sales Order module are not duplicated.

All sales invoices created within a single SYSPRO company must have a unique number, regardless of both the order and the invoice numbering methods selected when the Same invoice for different customers option (Set Key Information) is not enabled.

If this setup option is enabled and an invoice number is already allocated (e.g. by selecting the option to move order number to invoice number or by allocating on release of the order) then the allocated number is checked against existing invoices for that customer. If it already exists, then the invoice is not processed. Otherwise the number is used.

If the setup option is enabled and an invoice number is not yet allocated, then the next available number to use is checked against the existing invoices for the customer. If the next available number has not yet been used, then it is used for the invoice. If the next available number already exists against the customer, then an attempt is made to find a number not yet used. An error message is displayed after 10 unsuccessful search attempts.

  • Invoice, debit and credit note numbers are allocated up front and the next document number to use counter is incremented during transaction processing.

    When you cancel out of the transaction or the transaction is rolled back, the document number is not de-allocated (i.e. the document counter is not reduced). This causes gaps in the numbering sequence (i.e. missing invoice, debit or credit note numbers) as the allocated number is not re-used.

Error messages

  • Unable to allocate a suitable invoice number, last invoice number checked ‘XXXXXXX’. No invoice number allocated.

    This applies when the Auto invoice numbering - order release option is enabled (Set Key Information) and the Same invoice for different customers option is not enabled (Set Key Information).

    This message is displayed after the 50th attempt the program has made to allocate an invoice number and has failed to do so. The last number the program attempted to allocate is displayed in the error message. You need to check this number against the Next invoice number defined in the Set Key Information program and resolve as required.

    For example, assume that the Same invoice for different customers option is not enabled (Set Key Information) and you auto generate invoice numbers starting from 1000. Assume you process invoices and your next invoice number to use is now 1300, but someone resets this to 1000 (Set Key Information). The system will begin auto numbering from 1000 and make 50 attempts to get the next available number to use. When it gets to 1050, the error is generated. You will need to manually reset the next invoice number to use after ascertaining what the last invoice number used actually was. In this example you would set the next invoice number to use to 1300.

Auditing considerations

  • The register numbers assigned during posting are recorded in the ArRegisterRef table (or the SOURCE\CPB\ARSRRF.MAX file in C-ISAM).

    When the register number is allocated, a new entry is added to this table with a Status of 0 - Open.

    Once all transactions are posted a second transaction is committed, the register entry is updated with the closed date and time, and the Status is changed to C-Closed.

    If a problem occurs during the second transaction (for example a power failure) then the audit record remains as 0.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
AR Invoice posted

Controls access to the Post Transaction function for Invoices in the AR Invoice Posting program.

AR Credit note posted

Controls access to the Post Transaction function for Credit notes in the AR Invoice Posting program.

AR Debit note posted

Controls access to the Post Transaction function for Debit notes in the AR Invoice Posting program.

AR Post document batch

Controls access to the posting of document batches in the AR Invoice Posting program.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
AR Invoices Controls whether an operator can process an Invoice document type using the AR Invoice Posting program.
AR Debit notes Controls whether an operator can process a Debit note document type using the AR Invoice Posting program.
AR Credit notes Controls whether an operator can process a Credit note document type using the AR Invoice Posting program.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
AR Posting to a previous month This password restricts access to posting Accounts Receivable transactions to a previous period (see Multi-period accounting).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.