Sales Orders > Counter Sales > Point of Sale Entry

Point of Sale Entry

You use this program to capture details of a sale with minimal keystrokes, without the need for a mouse device, and with a minimum number of windows open at one time.

If you have not defined a default cash drawer against your operator code (Operators) then the Cash Drawer screen is displayed when you select the Point of Sale Entry program and you need to indicate the code of the cash drawer to use for processing the point of sale transactions (see Cash Drawer).

Point of Sales Entry

Field Description
Branch Indicate the branch to use for orders for the current run of the program (see Define Branch).
Change Line Select this to maintain the line currently highlighted in the Detail Lines listview.
Cancel Line Select this to delete the line currently highlighted in the Detail Lines listview.
Cancel Order Select this to cancel the entire sale.
Cash Drawer  
Change Cash Drawer Select this to define a different cash drawer to use for the transaction or to set the float amount applicable to the cash drawer.
Open Cash Drawer Select this to physically open the cash drawer without printing an invoice. This option works only if you have already defined the hex code for opening the cash drawer.
Pay Cash Out Select this to use the SO Counter Sales program to pay out money that is not attributable to a customer or an invoice (see Pay Cash Out).
Take Cash In Select this to use the SO Counter Sales program to receive money that is not attributable to a customer or an invoice (see Take Cash In).
Order Discount Select this to enter a discount, or to apply a surcharge, to the entire sale (see Order Discount).
  • Order level discounts are only applied to Trade Promotions customers if you selected the setup option: Apply Trade Promotion customers discount (Trade Promotions Setup).
  • Order level discounts are not applied to customers against whom you selected the option: Trade promotions pricing (Customers).
Order Comments Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to add free format comments to the sale.

Indicate the customer code for the point of sale transaction.

The Customer code is automatically displayed if a default customer is defined against your operator code (Operators). Alternatively, if this is not defined, then the customer code defined in the Counter sales - Default customer field (Sales Orders Setup) is displayed.

You can change the default customer by selecting the New Customer option from the File menu or by entering the new customer's code in this field. Alternatively, you can use the browse facility to view and select the customer code.

Order This displays the order number created for the Point of Sale transaction.
Global Promotions Select this to view details of global promotions applicable to the sale. See Promotion Selection.
Pay Customer Account Select this to use the SO Counter Sales program to process a payment against the customer's account.

You would typically use this option if a customer wants to make a payment without indicating the invoices being paid, and you want to reflect the payment on the customer's account.

This option is not available if the customer is defined as a Counter sales only customer (Customers).


This function cannot be used for foreign currency customers due to the possibility of exchange variances arising from the transaction. The Point of Sale Entry program does cater for these variances.

Define Branch

You use this screen to define the branch that must be used when processing sales for the current run of the program.

This screen is displayed when you select the Branch option from the File menu.

Field Description
Branch selection  
Use branch defined against each customer Select this to use the branch code that is assigned to each customer (Customers).
Override customer's branch code Select this to enter a specific branch to use for sales entries, which must override the branch assigned against each customer.
Branch Indicate the AR branch code to apply to all transactions for the current run of the program.
OK Select this to set the branch you selected as the branch to use for the orders for the current run of the program.
Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the previous screen.

Order Discount

You use the Order Discount option from the Edit menu to enter a discount, or to apply a surcharge, to the entire sale.

Order discounts are only applied to Trade Promotions customers if you selected the setup option: Apply Trade Promotions customers discount (Trade Promotions Setup).

Field Description
Order discount percentage This indicates up to 3 chained discount percentages that you want to apply to the sales value of merchandise lines. This manually entered order discount will override any order discounts that were defined against the customer.

Select this to subtract a discount from the total sales value, based on up to 3 chained discount percentages.

This option is disabled if a password has been assigned to the function: S/Order - Changing sales order discounts (Password Definition).


Select this to add surcharges to the total sales value, based on up to 3 chained percentages.


This option is disabled if a password has been assigned to the function: S/Order - Changing sales order discounts (Password Definition).

OK Select this to apply the discount/surcharge entered.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen without applying the discount/surcharge entered.

Cash Drawer

You use the Change Cash Drawer option from the Cash Drawer menu to indicate the cash drawer you want to use, or to change the float amount for the drawer.

If you have not defined a default cash drawer against your operator code (Operators) then this screen is displayed when you select the Point of Sale Entry program.

Field Description
Cash drawer Enter the code of the cash drawer you are using.
Float Enter the float amount in the drawer. If a default float amount is defined against the cash drawer Browse on Cash Drawers then you are not required to specify a float amount.
Change float Select this to change the float value assigned to the cash drawer.
OK Select this to accept the cash drawer details you entered.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen, without changing the cash drawer details.

Order Header

This pane enables you to maintain the header details for the sales you are currently processing.

The order header information applies to the sales as a whole.

The following order header details can be maintained from the Order Header pane:

Field Description
Document format Select the document format you want to use when printing the Point of Sale invoice (see Document Format).
Salesperson This indicates the salesperson assigned to the customer.
Order branch  
Customer purchase order Enter the purchase order reference supplied by your customer for the sale.
A/R invoice terms This defines the period in which the customer qualifies for discount and the period within which the invoice is due to be paid.

The default terms held against the customer (Customers) is reflected here, but you can select the invoice terms that you want to apply to the sale.

Area This indicates the geographic area applicable to the customer for this sale. The geographic area assigned to the customer is displayed by default (Customers).
Order type Enter the order type for the order. Order types are maintained using the SO Browse on Order Types program.

This field defaults to the order type defined against the customer (Customers). If this is not defined, then it defaults to the Order type default defined for Sales Orders (Sales Orders Setup).

Special instructions Indicate the message that you want to print on Point of Sale documents for the customer. If you have defined a special instruction against the customer (Customers) then this is displayed here by default.
Ship via

Indicate the shipping message that you want to print on the Point of Sale document.

If you entered a default shipping instruction message against the customer (Customers) then that message is automatically displayed in this field, but can be changed.

If you did not enter a default message against the customer, then the Shipping instructions default message defined in the Sales Orders Setup program is displayed.

Alternate key Capture user-defined information that can be used as an additional sequencing key for your orders.

The Description for alternate key indicated in Sales Orders Setup program is not applied to this field. You need to manually change the Alternate key caption. To do this, right click on the Alternate key field, select Field Properties and change the Caption field (see Field Properties for all Forms).

Tax status The following options enable you to define the tax applicable to the sale.
TaxableSelect this to apply tax to the sale based on the tax code assigned to the stock code (Stock Codes).
Non taxableSelect this process a sale for a customer who qualifies for tax exemption and no tax should be calculated.
Taxable (use 'other')Select this to apply tax to the sale based on the other tax code assigned to the stock code (Stock Codes).
Tax exemption You use this field to indicate the tax exemption number of the customer where the customer qualifies for tax exemption on certain goods.
Customer tax regn You use this field to indicate the customer's company tax registration number applicable to the sale. This information is defined against the customer using the Customers program.

This field is disabled if you are denied access to the field: S/O Customer company tax registration no (Operators).

If you enabled the options: Tax registration number mandatory and Request registration number upon - Invoicing (Sales Orders Setup) then an entry must exist here before you can print the counter sale document. If Request registration number upon - Order entry is enabled (Sales Orders Setup) then an entry must exist here before you can process the counter sale.

Ship to address These fields default to the shipping address defined against the customer, but can be changed.
Ship to name Enter the name of the customer to whom the goods must be shipped.
Address Enter the address to which the goods must be shipped.
Postal/zip code Enter the postal or zip code for the shipping address.
Geolocation This indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions.

An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default. SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider.

Multiple ship address Select this to use the SYSPRO Multiple Customer Address List program to view all multiple ship to addresses for a customer. You can then select a specific ship to address from a list of addresses for the customer. You typically use this option if the customer has more than one address to which you can ship items.
Intrastat details When creating a sale for an EC customer you must enter the EC information required for EC statistical reports.
Nationality This indicates the nationality code for the country in which the account/supplier/customer is located.

This field is mandatory when the EC Vat system required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

Shipping location This indicates the default shipping location assigned to the customer or warehouse, but can be changed if required.
Delivery terms This indicates the three-character alphanumeric Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery.

The Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.

For example, the Delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. Shipping location).

This field defaults to the delivery terms defined against the customer. If the terms are not defined against the customer, then this field defaults to the delivery terms for dispatches defined for the company.

The default can be changed if required.

Nature of transaction This indicates the type of transaction being declared on the Supplementary Declaration.

This field defaults to the nature of transaction code defined against the customer.

If this code is not defined against the customer, then this field defaults to the nature of transaction code for dispatches defined for the company.

The default can be changed if required.

Mode of transport This indicates a two-character numeric code denoting the mode of transport used to deliver the goods.

This field is for documentary purposes and is printed on the Supplementary Declaration for dispatches.

Process This indicates a single-character numeric code denoting the process used.

This field is for documentary purposes and is printed on the Aggregate Sales Listing summary report.

Triangulation required Select this if you need to convert from one currency to another currency via an intermediate currency (to conform with European Monetary Union regulations).

For the triangulation feature to work, you need to select the option: Triangulation required (Company Maintenance).

In addition, you need to use the Currencies program to define the Triangulation options for the currencies in which you want to process sales orders.

Document Format

You select the Document Format option from the Order Header pane to indicate the document format you want to use to print the Point of Sale invoice.

Field Description
Document format Select the document format you want to use to print your Point of Sale invoice.
Define Format Select this to use the SO Document Formats program to define a format for your Point of sale document.
OK Select this to accept the format you selected.
Close Select this to ignore any selection you made and to return to the previous screen.

Order Lines

You can use the tabs to add and maintain fields for the following types of lines:

Field Description
Look-up Sequence Your selection here determines the sequence in which stock items are displayed in the Stock Code Look-up listview when you select the Go icon to browse on stock items.

The listview can be ordered according to one of the following:

  • Stock code
  • Description
  • Supplier
  • Product Class
  • Long Description
  • Alternate Key 1
  • Alternate Key 2
Go icon Select this to display stock item in the Stock Code Look-up listview in the sequence you selected.
Save Select this to save the details of the line you entered.

If the stock item is traceable or serialized or multiple bins are in use, then you use the SO Lots, Bins, Serials Allocations program to allocate the lots, bins and serials for the item being sold. Lots and bins can automatically be depleted by selecting the setup option: Automatic depletion in - Point of Sale (Inventory Setup). However, if the stock item is serialized, then the serial numbers must be allocated as serials are not automatically depleted.

If the customer is defined as a trade promotions customer (Customers) and one of more promotions apply to the order line, then these promotions are/can be applied. See Promotion Selection.

Payment Select this to use the SO Counter Sales program to process the payment details for the sale.
  • Although you can close a counter sale without taking a payment, this facility is not available in the Point of Sales system.

  • You cannot process payment details for the point of sale entry if the option: Tax registration number mandatory is enabled (Sales Orders Setup) and a blank entry exists against the Customer company tax regn no field (SO Header Maintenance).

If the customer is defined as a trade promotions customer (Customers) and one of more global promotions apply to the order, then these promotions are/can be applied. See Promotion Selection.
Cancel Change Select this to ignore any changes you made to any existing point of sales line, before saving the line.


The Comment option enables you to attach comments to the entire sale or to a specific line.

Field Description
Free Format Comment Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to enter comments manually for a sales line using the text editor.
Standard Comment Select this to insert pre-defined comments into the point of sales order. When you select the comment code, the associated text is retrieved automatically into the order.
Stock S/Order Text

Select this to insert sales order additional text that is defined against the stock item being processed for the order line.

Sales order additional text is assigned to a stock item using the Notes function of the Inventory Query program.

You can only view this text if you enabled the option: Auto insert sales order additional text (Sales Orders Setup).

Stock D/Goods Text

Select this to insert dangerous goods comments relating to the dangers of handling the stock item being processed for the order line.

Dangerous goods text is assigned to a stock item using the Notes function of the Inventory Query program.

You can only view this text if you enabled the option: Auto insert dangerous goods text (Sales Orders Setup).

Stocked Line

You use this screen to enter details of stocked items you are selling.

Field Description
Warehouse Indicate the warehouse from which to ship the stock. The item must be stocked in the warehouse entered here.

By default, the warehouse defined against your operator code (Operators) is automatically used for the sale. If no default warehouse is defined against your operator code, then the default warehouse defined against the company is used.

If the setup option: Branch to be warehouse (Sales Orders Setup is enabled, then:

  • the warehouse defaults to the branch defined against your operator code if:

    • the sale is for the default counter sales customer (Sales Orders Setup) and
    • a default A/R branch is defined against your operator code (Operators)
  • if the sale is not for the default counter sales customer, then the warehouse defaults to the branch defined against the customer entered.
  • In both cases, if you selected the option Override customer's branch code (Define Branch), then the warehouse defaults to the branch entered.
Stock code

Indicate the stock code of the item being ordered.

By default, you enter the SYSPRO stock code in this field. You can, however, use the Field Selector to enter a stock code linked to a SYSPRO stock code in this field (see Stock Code Interchange).

Not all types of stock codes are supported in Point of Sale Entry, as the intention is to have quick processing without the operator interaction that is required for such items as kits, dimensions and Product Configurator. All these features are available with a counter sale order in Sales Order Entry.

Description This indicates the description of the item. This is the description assigned to the item (Stock Codes).
Long description This indicates the long description of the item. This is the long description assigned to the item (Stock Codes).
Order quantity

Indicate the quantity of the item being sold.

If you indicated that 1 must be used as the default order quantity (Sales Orders Setup) then a quantity of 1 is automatically entered here. You can accept the default entry of 1 or enter the sales quantity.

Order uom

This indicates the unit of measure in which you are selling the item.

Unit mass Indicate the weight of one unit of the selected item and defaults to the value configured against the stock item. You can change this value.
Unit volume Indicate the volume of one unit of the selected item and defaults to the value configured against the stock item. You can change this value.
Price code override Select this to change the default price code displayed.
Price code For a pricing method other than Manual, the system determines which price code applies to this transaction.

Price codes are maintained using the Browse on Stock Code Pricing program.

Price override Select this to change the default price displayed.

This indicates the price of the item and is determined by the price code associated with the item (unless manual pricing is enabled).

Price u/m

This indicates the pricing unit of measure for the item where Manual pricing is enabled (Sales Orders Setup) or where you have chosen to override the price. This can be the stocking, alternate or other unit of measure held against the stock item.

For example:

Your order quantity u/m is BOX. You defined a box to be 10 of EA and the price of a BOX is $100. Your Order quantity is 2; your Price is $11 and the pricing U/m is EA. The total value is calculated as follows:

Total Quantity: 10 EA x 2 boxes = 20 EA

Price = $11 per EA


Discount Select this to enter a discount on the stocked line (see the Line Discount).
Commission code

Assign commission to the salesperson responsible for the sale, for each line added.

You can only access this field if a manual price was entered, or if you are using coded prices and you require commission codes for coded prices (Sales Orders Setup).
Stock Code Interchange

The Field Selector at the Stock code field enables you to select which stock code linked to a SYSPRO stock code you want to enter in the Stock code field when adding a stocked order line.

Field Description
Select Using Alternate key 1 Select this to be able to enter the code defined in the Alternate key 1 field of the stock item (Stock Codes) in the Stock code field.
Select Using Customer Interchange

Select this to enter the customer's stock code that is linked to a SYSPRO stock code in the Stock code field.

After you enter and accept the customer's stock code, the equivalent SYSPRO stock code is entered in the Stock code field.

Providing a link exists between the customer's stock code and the SYSPRO stock code, the customer's stock code is saved against the sales order line. This is regardless of whether you enter the customer's stock code or the SYSPRO stock code on the sales order line. The customer's stock code can be printed on sales order documents.

If you enter a SYSPRO stock code and more than one customer stock code is linked to this stock code, then the first customer stock code detected is saved against the order line.

To enable the interchange of stock codes for the customer, you must select the option: Stock code interchange required against the customer (Customers). In addition, you must use the Customer Stock Codes program to define the link between the customer's stock code and the SYSPRO stock code.

Select Using Supplier Interchange Select this to be able to enter the supplier's catalogue number that is linked to a SYSPRO stock code in the Stock code field. After you enter and accept the supplier's catalogue number, the equivalent SYSPRO stock code is entered in the Stock code field.

To enable the interchange of supplier catalogue numbers and SYSPRO stock codes, you must enable the option: Supplier/stock code interchange system is required (Inventory Setup). In addition, a supplier code must be defined against the SYSPRO stock code (Stock Codes). You use the Supplier Stock Code Cross Reference program to create links between the supplier's catalogue numbers and SYSPRO stock codes.

You cannot use the supplier/stock code interchange system if you enabled stock code interchange for the customer (Customers)

Providing a link exists between the supplier's catalogue number and the SYSPRO stock code, the supplier's catalogue number is saved against order line. This is regardless of whether you enter the supplier's catalogue number or the SYSPRO stock code on the sales order line. The supplier's catalogue number can be printed on sales order documents.

Select Using Matching Stock Codes Select this to be able to enter a partial SYSPRO stock code in the stock code field and view the stock codes matching your partial entry in a listview. This enables you to select the full stock code you require from the listview.
Select Using Approved Manufacturers Select this to be able to enter an approved manufacturer's part number in the stock code field.

You use the Browse on Approved Manufacturer Parts program to define details of approved manufacturers' part numbers and to link these part numbers to your SYSPRO stock codes.

Remove This Selection Select this to be able to enter only the full SYSPRO stock code in the Stock code field.
Line Discount

You use the Discount option to apply discount to an order line.

Field Description
Discount %

Select this to enter up to 3 chained discount percentages to apply to the line.

For example: Your line total is $100 and you define chained discount percentages of 10% and 5%. The calculation of discount is performed in the order listed:

  • The system calculates 10% discount on $100. The result is $10. 2.
  • The system subtracts $10 from $100. The result is $90.
  • The system calculates 5% of $90. The results is $4.50.
  • The system adds up the two discount values and the total discount on the order line is $14.50.
Discount percentage(s)  
Less Select this to apply the percentages as a discount on the order line.
Plus Select this to add the percentages to the order line as a surcharge.
Discount Enter up to 3 chained discount percentages that you want to apply to the order line.
Total discount value

Select this to subtract a discount amount from the total shipped value of the stocked or non-stocked line.

Discount value Indicate the total discount amount that must be deducted from the order line value.
Unit discount value

Select this to subtract a discount calculated per unit of measure for the stocked or non-stocked items in the detail line.

For example: If 3 units were entered, the unit discount value is multiplied by three and then subtracted from the total line value of the stocked or non-stocked line.

Discount value Enter the discount value that applies to one unit of measure. This value is multiplied with the number of units in the Order quantity field or in the Ship quantity field, depending on your selection at the Unit discount calculated on field (Sales Orders Setup).
OK Select this to apply the discount to the order line.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen.

Non-stocked Line

You use this screen to enter details of stocked items you are selling.

Field Description
Non-stocked code A non-stocked item is one that does not exist in your inventory control system, and is usually a custom made item on special request.

You need to enter a code to identify this item.

Description Enter a description for the non-stocked item. This description can be printed on the Point of Sale document.
Order qty Indicate the quantity of the item being sold.
Order u/m Indicate the default unit of measure in which you are selling the item.
Unit cost Indicate the cost of one unit of the item.
Product class Indicate the product class for the non-stocked item.
Price Enter the unit selling price for the item.
Price u/m

Enter the unit of measure for the selling price.

Discount Enter a discount for the non-stocked line (see the Line Discount).
Unit mass Enter the mass of one unit of the item.
Unit volume Enter the volume of one unit of the item.
Commission code

Assign commission to the salesperson responsible for the sale, for each line added.

You can only access the Commission field if a manual price was entered, or if you are using coded prices and you require commission codes for coded prices (Sales Orders Setup).

Miscellaneous Line

This pane enables you to enter the details of a miscellaneous charge to the point of sale.

A miscellaneous line generated from a Free goods or Off invoice Trade promotion can only be maintained if the option: Maintain miscellaneous line is enabled (Trade Promotions Setup). If maintenance is allowed on a miscellaneous promotion line, then only the cost and tax values can be changed. If the cost is changed, then any subsequent recalculation of the promotion line will not change the cost.

The cost of a miscellaneous promotion line can be set to zero by selecting the option: Miscellaneous cost zero is enabled (Trade Promotions Setup).

Field Description
Description Enter a description for the miscellaneous charge you are adding to the sale.
Amount Enter the amount for the miscellaneous charge.
Product class Indicate the product class to use for the miscellaneous charge.

When defined, the Free goods product class against a free good promotion (Promotion Code) is used for a free good item instead of the product class defined against the free good item in Inventory, providing the option: Free goods use merchandise line product class is not enabled.

Tax information  
Taxable Select this if the customer must be charged tax on the miscellaneous amount.
Tax code

This indicates the tax code to be used for calculating the tax rate for the charge if you indicated that the charge is taxable.

This field is disabled if the customer is defined as being Non-taxable (Customers).

Freight Line

This pane enables you to enter the details of a freight charge to the point of sale.

Field Description
Product class Enter the product class to use for the freight charge (see Product Classes).
Amount Enter the amount for the freight charge.
Cost Enter the cost to you of the freight charge.
Tax information  
Taxable Select this if the customer must be charged tax on the freight amount.
Tax code

This indicates the tax code to be used for calculating the tax rate for the charge if you indicated that the charge is taxable.

This field is disabled if the customer is defined as being Non-taxable (Customers).

Detail Lines

This section displays the lines you have entered and accepted in the entry section.

You can change these lines by highlighting the line you want to change and pressing the Enter key.

The information in this listview relates to the currently highlighted Order Line.

Column Description
Net price This indicates the net price after discount.

Stock Code Look-up

This listview can be used to both query stocked items and to select the stocked items to process for sale. The order in which items are displayed depends on your selection at the Look-up Sequence field.

The first 50 items stocked in the default warehouse specified for your operator code (Operators) or stocked in the warehouse you selected, are displayed when you select to browse on the stock item.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You cannot run this program

    • if you have not specified a default warehouse against the operator (Operators).

    • when General Ledger integration is required for Inventory and/or Accounts Receivable and these modules are in different periods.

  • The setup option: Sales order moved to invoice (Set Key Information) does not apply to the Point of Sale Entry program.

    The Point of Sale Entry program simply uses the next available invoice number. This differs from a counter sale, which is treated as a normal order and therefore applies the sales order numbering rules.

  • Kit types are not supported in Point of Sale Entry.

Coding considerations

  • The sales order number is only allocated (according to the Sales order numbering method (Set Key Information) once the first order line is added and saved to the order.

    Note that if the Sales order numbering method is set to Manual, then a sales order number is allocated as if the numbering method were defined By company.

  • You can prevent an operator cancelling the order after it has been invoiced by deselecting the option: Cancel open order previously invoiced (Sales Orders Setup).

Intrastat considerations

  • Delivery Terms and Shipping Location's can only be captured if:

    • a valid Nationality code has been entered, and EC Vat is in force, or

    • the option Capture non EC members delivery terms is enabled in the Intrastat Setup program.

  • The Delivery Terms and Shipping Location defaults defined in Suppliers and Customers take precedence over those defined in the Intrastat Setup program.

  • To reflect the Delivery Terms and Shipping Location on sales order and purchase order documents, ensure that these fields are enabled in the document format setup programs (only available with Word and SRS document printing).

  • Delivery terms are maintained using the Intrastat Delivery Terms program.

  • Shipping locations are maintained using the Shipping Locations program.

  • Nature of transaction codes are maintained using the Intrastat Transaction Nature program.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
Point of Sale Cancel line/order This password restricts access to cancelling a line or an entire Point of sale order when using the Counter Sales - Point of Sale Entry program.
Point of Sale Add non-stocked line This password restricts access to adding a non-stocked line when using the Counter Sales - Point of Sale Entry program.
Point of Sale Change order discount This password restricts access to changing the discount for a Point of sales order when using the Counter Sales - Point of Sale Entry program.
Point of Sale Change price code This password restricts access to changing the price code for an order line when using the Counter Sales - Point of Sale Entry program.
Point of Sale Change price This password restricts access to changing the price for an order line when using the Counter Sales - Point of Sale Entry program.
Counter Sales/Point of Sale Changing the float value This password restricts access to using the Counter sales - Point of Sale Entry program to change the float value against a cash drawer.
Counter Sales/Point of Sale Paying cash out This password restricts access to using the Counter sales - Point of Sale Entry program to pay money which is not attributable to a customer, or an invoice, out of a cash drawer.
Counter Sales/Point of Sale Taking cash in This password restricts access to using the Counter sales - Point of Sale Entry program to receive money that is not attributable to a customer, or an invoice, into a cash drawer.
Counter Sales/Point of Sale Opening the cash drawer This password restricts access to using the Counter sales - Point of Sale Entry program to open a cash drawer without printing an invoice.
Point of Sale Line maintenance This password restricts access to the Change Line option of the Counter Sales - Point of Sale Entry program.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.