SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Financial > Accounts Receivable Setup

Accounts Receivable Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for your Accounts Receivable system.

Before you can use Accounts Receivable, you need to decide how you want the module to be run (e.g. How many months would you like to retain your cash journals? Do you intend using permanent entries?).

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.


Field Description
Customer amendment journals required

This enables you to monitor information that has changed for customers held on file. This information is listed using the Customer Amendment Journal program.

In addition, you can monitor currency information that was changed using the Currencies program. This information is listed using the Currency Amendment Journal program.

No Select this if you do not want to monitor information that has changed for customers or currencies held on file.
Yes Select this to monitor information that has changed for customers and currencies held on file, excluding new customers and/or currencies added.
Yes, including additions Select this to monitor information that has changed for customers and currencies held on file, including details of new customers and currencies added.
Other options  
Bank deposit slip required Select this to generate a bank deposit slip for payments processed using the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

You cannot integrate Accounts Receivable payments to the Cash Book (Integration tab) if this option is not selected.

If you select this option and Accounts Receivable payments are not linked to the Cash Book (Integration tab), then the bank deposit slip can be used as a source document to manually post the payments into the Cash Book.

If the Accounts Receivable module is integrated to the Cash Book (Integration tab), then the bank deposit slip is the mechanism used to post Accounts Receivable payments directly into the Cash Book. The method of integration determines how payments are accumulated for generating the bank deposit slip:

  • If integration is Posted in detail or Posted by bank, then payments for a single bank, currency, posting period and year are accumulated and printed on a single deposit slip.
  • If integration is Posted by cash journal, then a new bank deposit slip is created for each cash journal generated when processing Accounts Receivable payments.

    In addition, if integration is Posted by cash journal and a bank deposit slip is required, then Cash Journals are not deleted by the Purge function of the AR Period End program if the bank deposit slip has not been printed.

Foreign currency sales required Select this to enable the processing of foreign currency transactions against customers.
Permanent entries invoice print required Select this if you want to be able to print an invoice for each posting made against a customer using the AR Post Permanent Entries program.
Consolidate brought-forward customers at month end Select this if, for each balance forward customer, you want to accumulate all invoices, debit notes and credit notes of a specific age (based on the ageing method) into a single invoice when you run the Month end function of the AR Period End program. Once consolidated, all original invoices and associated payments, adjustments, debit notes, credit notes, multimedia and invoice notes for the age are deleted.

Refer to Month End for detailed information on the consolidation process.

  • Reports that print detailed information on invoices and the transactions processed against them (e.g. AR Trial Balance, Statement Print and Credit Management) will only report on the consolidated invoices once the month end has been processed.

  • Invoices for foreign currency customers are not consolidated, because each invoice can have its own fixed exchange rate.

  • Future invoices (i.e. - that have an invoice date in the future) are not consolidated.

  • This option cannot be selected if you set the Invoice ageing method to be By invoice due date.

Validate customer class on customer master Select this to force the entry of a valid customer class when capturing details for your customers. Customer classes are captured using the Browse on Customer Classes program and assigned to customers using the Customers program.
Allow branch overwrite in payment and adjustment Enable this to be able to post to a different AR branch from the branch defined against the invoice when processing payments and adjustments in the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

When this option is not enabled, payments and adjustment are automatically posted to the same AR branch for which the invoice was created and cannot be changed.

Ignore POS transactions This prevents Point of Sale transactions from being posted by the AR Bank Deposit Slip program. This only applies in a SQL environment where the bank deposit slip is being used.
Invoice ageing method Indicate the default ageing method to use when producing AR statements, the AR Finance Charge Calculation and Accounts Receivable reports where ageing information is printed.

The ageing method selected here can be changed at the time of producing AR statements or Accounts Receivable reports.

Refer to Invoice Ageing for details on how the aged balances for a customer are determined.

By statement Select this to age invoices according to the last seven AR period end dates or according to your own defined ageing buckets. An invoice is defined as current if the invoice date is after the last AR period end date or after the last user-defined bucket end date as defined in the AR Invoice Terms program.

You must enable this option to be able to select the Number of days fixed option to define your own settlement discount and invoice ageing buckets in the AR Invoice Terms program.

By aged statement Select this to age invoices according to the last seven period end dates. An invoice is defined as current if the invoice date is after the second last period end date.
By invoice date Select this to age invoices according to the difference between the invoice date and the system run date.
By invoice due date Select this to age invoices according to the due date of the invoice. This is calculated as the invoice date plus the days till due as defined within the AR Invoice Terms program. The invoice remains current for as long as the due date remains greater than the ageing date.
Finance charges  
Terms Indicate the terms code to use for invoices created by the AR Finance Charge Calculation program (i.e. for finance charge invoices).

The code you enter here is not validated. This means that the AR Invoice Terms program is not checked to ensure that the terms code entered here exists. However, if you want to compound finance charges (AR Finance Charge Calculation) then you need to enter a valid terms code in this field. In addition, for credit control purposes, you should enter a valid terms code in this field.

Default option  
Default customer browse to operator branch Select this for the browse on customers to default to displaying only those customers linked to the AR branch associated with the operator. The AR branch default is configured using the Operators program.

Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Accounts Receivable module setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.

Cancel Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.
Help Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.

Terms Discount

Field Description
Calculation of terms discount Terms discount is calculated according to the invoice terms code defined against the transaction (Browse on AR Invoice Terms), together with the options selected here.

If you do not select to include tax, freight or other charges, then the terms discount is calculated only on the merchandise portion of the transaction.

Refer to Pricing and Discounts for additional information.

Include taxSelect this if you require the tax value to be added to the merchandised value before calculating terms discount.
Include freightSelect this if you require the freight value to be added to the merchandised value before calculating terms discount.
Include other chargesSelect this if you require other charge values, such as miscellaneous charge lines, to be added to the merchandised value before calculating terms discount.

If you are using Trade Promotions, and you do not select this option, then the terms discount is calculated on the gross amount of the invoice. Off-invoice or line promotion values that appear as negative miscellaneous charges on the order are ignored.

For example:

A sales order for $1000 is subject to a Line Promotion of $200 and a Terms Discount of 3% if paid within 10 days.

If this option is not selected, then the Terms Discount is calculated on the gross amount of the invoice before the Line Promotion: $1000 x 3% = $30.

If this option is selected, then the Terms Discount is calculated on the net amount of the invoice after the Line Promotion: $800 x 3% = $24.

Calculate terms discount for credit/debit notesSelect this if you require terms discount to be calculated for credit and debit notes.
Print credit/debit notes for settlement discount

This enables you to indicate whether debit and credit notes must be generated when settlement discount is processed as part of a customer's payment.

Tax regulations in your country may require a credit note to be generated when settlement discount is processed against a customer payment and a debit note to be generated when a payment that includes settlement discount is reversed. Discount credit and debit notes indicate the settlement discount value and the tax portion applicable to the settlement discount value.

To print credit/debit notes for settlement discount you need to:

  1. Enable the Calculate terms discount for credit/debit notes option above.
  2. Select either Always or As required at the Print credit/debit notes for settlement discount option.
  3. Enable the Request tax portion for invoice adjustments/discounts setup option on the Tax tab.
  4. Ensure that the customer is defined as taxable (Customers)
Option Description
Always Select this if discount credit and debit notes relating to tax on settlement discount must always be generated.
As required Select this to generate discount credit and debit notes only if the option: Create discount credit/debt notes is selected in the AR Payments and Adjustments program.
Never Select this if discount credit and debit notes for tax on settlement discount are not required.
Allow multiple invoices per credit/debit settlement note Select this to generate a single discount note document per payment processed using the AR Payments and Adjustments program. A line is printed on the note document (Settlement Discount Notes) for the discount values for each individual invoice paid with the payment.

When you select this option, ensure that the Next discount credit note and Next discount debit note numbers specified on the Numbering tab have not previously been used. Otherwise this will result in duplicate transactions being printed on the discount notes.

If you do not select this option, then one discount note is printed for each invoice paid.

For example:

  • You receive a payment from a customer for four invoices.

  • You process the payment to the four invoices and allow settlement discount on each invoice.

    If you select this option, then a single settlement discount note is generated. Each invoice is listed on the note, together with the discount amount given and the tax applied to the settlement discount amount.

    Note that you need to define the print positions for this information in the Details section of the AR Discount Notes Format program.

    If you do not select this option, then a separate discount note is generated for each invoice paid. In this example, four discount notes are printed.


Field Description
Default sales tax code Indicate a valid default tax code to which the tax amount must be posted in the AR Invoice Posting program when no tax integration is selected (i.e. when Sales tax integration to general ledgeris not set to be By branch (Accounts Receivable Setup) or set at Tax code level.

The Descriptive tax code must be used if defined (Descriptive Tax Code Browse/Maintenance).

This option is available regardless of settlement tax or tax method selected.

Default sales GST code

Indicate a valid default GST tax code to which the tax amount must be posted in the AR Invoice Posting program when using the Basic tax system.

If no default GST code is entered, then the tax status of the transaction in the AR Invoice Posting program is set to Exempt.

This option is only enabled when your nationality code is defined as CAN and Canadian GST is required (Company Tax Options Setup).

Payments and adjustments  
Request tax portion for invoice adjustments/discounts Select this to automatically calculate the taxable portion on adjustments and discount entries processed using the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

Although the tax value is calculated from the tax code entered at the Default tax code field below, you can override this value.


You cannot select this option if the Withholding Tax system is being used (Company Tax Options Setup).

If your Sales tax integration to general ledger is set to Branch level (Company Tax Options Setup), then the tax value calculated is posted to the Adjustment value (tax) account (General Ledger Integration).

If set to Tax code level then:

  • if the Sales tax ledger code against the tax code is not defined (Browse on Tax Codes), the tax portion of the discount is posted to the Adjustment value (tax) code (General Ledger Integration).

  • if the Sales tax ledger code against the tax code is defined (Browse on Tax Codes) but you did not enable the Disburse tax portion to GL code setup option (Accounts Receivable Setup) then for adjustments, tax is posted to the Adjustment value (tax) code (General Ledger Integration) and for discounts, tax is posted to the GL account defined for Sales tax against the tax code (Browse on Tax Codes).

  • if the Sales tax ledger code against the tax code is defined (Browse on Tax Codes) and you enabled the Disburse tax portion to GL code setup option (Accounts Receivable Setup) then for both adjustments and discounts, tax is posted to the GL account defined for Sales tax against the tax code (Browse on Tax Codes).

Default tax code The tax rate assigned to the tax code specified here is used to calculate the taxable portion of an adjustment or discount amount entered within the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

The Descriptive tax code must be used if defined (Descriptive Tax Code Browse/Maintenance).

Select {none} if you do not want the system to calculate the tax on settlement discount automatically. You can enter the tax manually when processing the payment.

This applies only when the Request tax portion for invoice adjustments/discounts option is enabled.

Tax portion of adjustment  
Disburse tax portion to G/L code against tax code Select this if (during processing in the AR Payments and Adjustments program) you want to disburse the taxable portion of an adjustment to the Sales tax ledger code defined against the tax code (Browse on Tax Codes).

You can only define a sales tax ledger code against a tax code if you have configured sales tax integration to general ledger at tax code level (Company Tax Options Setup).

If you do not select this option (or the Sales tax ledger code assigned to the tax code is blank) then the taxable portion is disbursed to the Adjustment value (tax) G/L control account (General Ledger Integration).

This option only applies if your Sales tax integration to general ledger is set to Tax code level (Company Tax Options Setup).


Field Description
Retain payments details Select this to keep on file a detail record of each payment received from the customer. This information is stored for the number of months you are retaining payment history. These details can be printed on customer statements.

You must select this option to be able to calculate the average number of days it takes a customer to pay invoices in full.

Purge customer sales movements by  
Date Select this for customer sales movements to be purged at month end according to a specific number of days.
Number Select this for customer sales movements to be purged at month end according to a specific number of records held against each customer.
Average number of days to pay calculation  
Number of months to use The number of months entered here determines the cut-off point for including paid invoices (i.e. zero balance invoices) in the average number of days to pay calculation. This cannot exceed the number of months for which you are retaining zero balance invoices. The average number of days to pay is calculated for each customer as the total number of days taken to pay invoices divided by the total number of zero balance invoices.

If you change your entry at this field, then you must run the Balance function of the AR Period End program to recalculate the average number of days to pay against all customers.

Maximum age/number of records to retain  
Customer sales movements If purging customer sales movements by date, then the entry made here refers to the maximum number of days that movement records will be retained. If purging customer sales movements by number, then the entry made here refers to the maximum number of movement records that will be retained.

An entry of 99999 indicates that movement records are to be retained indefinitely, while an entry of 0 (zero) indicates that all movement records for all customers are removed at month end.

Number of months to retain  
Zero balance invoices You use this field to indicate the number of months for which you want to retain zero balance invoices. The minimum number of months you can retain this information is one month.

This option does not apply to consolidated invoices. Zero balance consolidated invoices are deleted by the month end routine of the AR Period End program when their balance is zero for the current and previous two periods.

Cash Journals You use this field to indicate the number of months you want to retain cash journals. The minimum number of months you can retain this information is one month.

This determines the number of months for which you can reprint the AR Cash Journal and AR Payments Distribution reports.

Payment history You use this field to indicate the number of months for which you want to retain payment history. The minimum number of months you can retain this information is one month.

Payment history is retained only if you are retaining payment details.

Sales transaction summary records You use this field to indicate the number of months you want to retain sales transaction summary records. The minimum number of months you can retain this information is one month.

This determines the number of months for which you can reprint the AR Sales Distribution and AR Invoice Register reports.

Sales transaction detail records You use this field to indicate the number of months you want to retain sales transaction detail records. The minimum number of months you can retain this information is one month.

This determines the number of months for which you can reprint the AR Sales Distribution and AR Invoice Register reports.

Discount credit notes You use this field to indicate the number of months you want to retain discount credit note detail records. The minimum number of months you can retain this information is one month.
Discount debit notes You use this field to indicate the number of months you want to retain discount debit note detail records.

The minimum number of months you can retain this information is one month.

AR payment run detail Indicate the number of months that you want to retain details for the payment runs created using the AR Payment Run program.

This includes cancelled and closed collector runs associated with the payment run.

Number of G/L periods to retain

These options no longer apply in SYSPRO 6.1.

In SYSPRO 6.1 the journal and distribution entries tables/files were combined and the distribution entries tables/files were removed. Therefore, the number of months you select to retain the cash journals and sales transaction records also determines the number of months for which the distribution entries prior to SYSPRO 6.1 are retained.


Field Description
Invoice numbering method  
By branch Select this to generate invoice, credit note and debit note numbers from the Accounts Receivable branch associated with the transaction. The next invoice, credit note and debit note numbers are maintained against individual branches using the AR Branches program.

If your Accounts Receivable Invoice number key type is set to Alphanumeric (Set Key Information), then you can assign a single character as a prefix to the document numbers generated by each branch. This enables you to easily identify the branch that generated the document.

By company Select this to generate invoice, credit note and debit note numbers at company level (i.e. the next invoice, credit note and debit note numbers below are used).

If you select this option, then the branch associated with the transaction has no bearing on the document number generated.


You cannot add Retentions to a contract in the Projects and Contracts module (specifically in the P&C Contract Maintenance program), if you select this option and you set the AR Invoice number key type to Alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

Duplicate invoice numbers
  • This option applies to invoice numbering using the AR Invoice Posting program and to sales invoices created within this SYSPRO company.

  • The check for duplicate invoice numbers is done in the following programs in SYSPRO that allocate or use invoice numbers:

    • AR Post Permanent Entries
    • Sales Order Entry
    • Document Print
    • SO Header Maintenance
    • SO Counter Sales
    • Quick Sales Order Entry
    • Sales Order Import
    • Dispatch Note Consolidation
    • Dispatch Note Maintenance
    • Part Billings
    • AR Invoice Posting

  • The ArInvoiceReference table is used in both Accounts Receivable and Sales Orders.

Same number for different customers Select this to be able to use duplicate invoice numbers when processing invoices using the AR Invoice Posting program or Sales order invoicing providing these are for different customers (i.e. you want to be able to use the same invoice number against different customers in AR Invoice Posting.

If you do not select this option, then all Accounts Receivable invoices created using the AR Invoice Posting program as well as all Sales invoices created must have an unique number within this SYSPRO company. An error message is displayed when you attempt to use an existing invoice number.

This option applies irrespective of what your Invoice numbering method is set to.

Invoice numbering You can only access these fields if your Invoice numbering method is set to By company.

If your Invoice numbering method is set to By branch, then you use the AR Branches to define the equivalent numbering options by branch.

Refer also to Document numbering.

Next invoice

Indicate the next invoice number to use for the company.


Increasing this value after invoices have been generated will result in missing invoice numbers being displayed on the AR Invoice Register and Sales Turnover.

Next credit note

Indicate the next credit note number to use for the company.

Next debit note

Indicate the next debit note number to use for the company.

Discount notes numbering Discount credit and debit notes are numbered at company level.
Next discount credit note This indicates the next discount credit note number that will be used by the system.
Customer numbering method These options enable you to indicate how the Customer code must be allocated to new customers added using the Customers program.
Manual Select this if you want to manually allocate a unique customer code to identify a new customer added.
Automatic Select this to automatically assign the next customer code when you add a new customer, based on the entry made at the Next customer number field.

You can only assign customer codes automatically when the Customer Key type is set to Numeric (Set Key Information).

Scripted Select this if you want the system to assign the next customer code automatically when you add a new customer, based on a user defined script.

You can use the VBScript Editor, accessed from the Customers program, to build an unique customer code for each new customer added

The scripted customer code can be built up using values from other entered fields. For example, using characters from the customer name together with the customer branch code and the customer class.

Next customer number Indicate the next customer number to be allocated to the customer code field when next you add a customer using the Customers program.

This number is incremented automatically by the system as you add new customers.

This only applies to Customer numbering method - Automatic.


Field Description
Link Accounts Receivable to Cash Book

Your selection at this option determines how Accounts Receivable payments processed using the AR Payments and Adjustments program are posted to the Cash Book.

When payments are integrated to the Cash Book, the payment type defined against the Deposit Slip Details together with your selection at this option determines how the transactions are created in the Cash Book.


Accounts Receivable payments cannot be integrated to the Cash Book unless deposit slips are required (General tab).

Refer to AR Payments and Adjustments - Post function for information on the posting of transactions to the Cash Book depending on your selection at this option.

Payments not linked Select this if you do not require payments to be integrated to the Cash Book module.

If you select this option, then payments processed using the AR Payments and Adjustments program must be manually posted into the Cash Book. This manual posting method is prone to possible duplicate postings or to operator error. In addition, when payments are not linked, you will be unable to drill down to view the Accounts Receivable payment details from the Cash Book.

Posted in detail

If you select this option, then payments for a single bank, currency, posting period and year are accumulated and printed on a single Bank Deposit Slip.

When you select this option, the following transactions are created in the Cash Book:

  • Individual transactions are created for each payment with a payment type of Check.
  • A single transaction is created for the total of all payments with a payment type of Cash.
  • A single transaction is created for the total of all local currency payments with a payment type of Other
  • Individual transactions are created for each foreign currency payment
Posted by bank

If you select this option, then payments for a single bank, currency, posting period and year are accumulated and printed on a single Bank Deposit Slip.

When you select this option, the following transactions are created in the Cash Book:

  • A single transaction is created for the total of all payments made with a payment type of Cash or Check
  • A single transaction is created for the total of all local currency payments with a payment type of Other
  • A single transaction is created for the total of all foreign currency payments
Posted by cash journal

If you select this option, then a new Bank Deposit Slip is created for each Cash Journal generated when processing payments.

When you select this option, the following transactions are created in the Cash Book:

  • A single transaction is created per journal for the total of all payments made with a payment type of Cash or Check
  • A single transaction is created per journal for the total of all local currency payments with a payment type of Other
  • A single transaction per journal is created for the total of all foreign currency payments


    The transaction date indicates the date when the journal was processed.

Allow operator override in A/R payments Select this if you want to override the Cash Book integration level at the time of capturing Accounts Receivable payments.

This option is enabled only if the integration method is set to Posted by cash journal.

If you select this option, then at the time of posting the payment in the AR Payments and Adjustments program, you can select to override the Posted by cash journal option and select the option: Post payments in detail. This means that even if you selected to post by cash journal, the operator can still select to post in detail (refer to Posted in detail option above). In this case, the following transactions are created in the Cash Book:

  • Individual transactions are created for each payment with a payment type of Check.
  • A single transaction per journal is created for the total of all payments with a payment type of Cash.
  • A single transaction is created per journal for the total of all local currency payments with a payment type of Other
  • Individual transactions are created for each foreign currency payment
Consolidate payment types at line level

Consolidate the payment types (cash, check, other, pd checks) into one amount before integrating to the cash book.

This only applies in the AR Payment Run progam.

User Defined

Field Description
Description for user defined fields The wording you assign to these fields is the wording displayed in entry/display forms.

User-defined fields are defined against each customer. Such fields may hold any specific information that you may care to enter for each customer. These captions are also used in Contact Management.

Description for field 1 Assign your own wording for this customer field.

The wording defined here is also used in the Contact Management System

This is a text field held against the customer that can contain any information you require (see Customers).
Description for field 2 Assign your own wording for this customer field.

The wording defined here is also used in the Contact Management System

This is a numeric field held against the customer that can contain any information you require (see Customers).
Customized filter selections

These selections were added specifically for use with the Number of days fixed invoice terms option which enables you to define your own ageing buckets (AR Invoice Terms). When customer accounts are set up to use user defined ageing buckets, you can add up to two custom form fields against these customers to enable you to filter reports based on the ageing buckets defined.

Custom form filter 1 - 2 Indicate up to two custom form fields to use to filter customers for inclusion in Accounts Receivable reports. The values displayed in the drop down are the caption names of the custom form fields you added to your customers (Customers).


Field Description
Current year

Change Current

Select this to maintain the period end dates for the current year, and control how information is posted to the Accounts Receivable module.

The control of information posted is achieved by defining the access status (i.e. Open or closed) for the current and previous two periods.

Postings cannot be made to a future period, regardless of whether the period is open or closed.

Period This column displays the period to which the end date and status relate for the current year.
End date

This column displays the period end dates defined for each period in the current year.

These dates should be entered when you first set up the Accounts Receivable module. Thereafter, the dates are entered automatically when you run the Month end function of the AR Period End program.

If a password for posting to previous periods in Accounts Receivable is defined, operators are requested to enter a password when selecting to post into a month other than the current month.


This column indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.

A status of open allows postings to be made to the period, while a status of closed prevents further postings from being made to the period.

Previous year  
Change Previous Select this to maintain the period end dates for the previous year.
Period This column displays the periods for the previous year.
End date This column displays the period end dates defined for each period for the previous year.
Status This column indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.
Current month

This indicates the period your Accounts Receivable module is currently in.

Current Year

You use the Change Current function to define the period end dates for the current year.

Field Description
Period end date You use this field to indicate the period end date for the selected period.

This is the anticipated month end date for the selected period. These dates are used by the Credit Management program to assign your invoices to the correct ageing bucket, if you are ageing your invoices by statement or aged statement date.

This will be compared to the company date when processing the AR Period End program. If both dates are the same, the program continues processing the month end. If these dates are different, you are prompted to accept the company date as the month end date.

Period is The control of information posted is achieved by defining the access status (i.e. open or closed) for the current and previous two periods.

Postings cannot be made to a future period or opened manually for posting. The new period is automatically opened during the Month end function of the AR Period End program when it becomes the current period. If Accounts Receivable is integrated to General Ledger, then the General Ledger period must also be open for posting.


Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.


Within a sub-ledger only the current and previous two periods can be defined as open.

If your current Accounts Receivable period is period 1 then you may optionally open period 11 and 12 of the previous year for posting. Similarly, if Accounts Receivable is currently in period 2 then you may optionally open only period 12. Only enter these dates when it is a new system.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.

If you generally post only to the current month, then you may find it useful to select the option: Close previous month automatically (Company Maintenance).

This enables you to close a sub-ledger's month automatically once you have completed the month end function within the relevant module.

OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Previous Year

You use the Change Previous function to define the period end dates for the previous year.

Field Description
Period end date You use this field to indicate the period end date for the selected period.
Period is  
Open Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.

You can only define the current and previous two periods as open.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.
OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Current Month

Field Description
Year selection

This indicates the calendar year in which your current financial year ends.

You can change this only if no active data is held within either the invoice file or the sales transaction file.

Month selection This indicates the month in which your company is running, in relation to the start of your financial year. You can change this only if no active data is held within either the invoice file or the sales transaction file.
Number of months per year This indicates the number of accounting periods per year as defined at company level (Company Maintenance).


The fields on this tab page are displayed for information purposes only. The same information can be viewed by selecting the Posting Information function from the AR Company Control Balances program.

Field Description
Current ledger  
Current financial year This indicates the financial year that your Accounts Receivable module is currently in.
Current financial month This indicates the period of the financial year that your Accounts Receivable module is currently in.
Next cash journal numbers  
Previous year This indicates the next journal number that will be allocated to payment transactions if you process them into the previous year.
Current year This indicates the next journal number to be allocated to payment transactions processed for the current year.
Next invoice register numbers  
Previous year This indicates the next invoice register number that will be allocated to invoicing transactions if you process them into the previous year.
Current year This indicates the next invoice register number that will be allocated to invoicing transactions if you process them into the current year.
Next contra number  
Next contra number This indicates the next contra reference number the system will use when you contra customer invoices against supplier invoices. This number is automatically incremented by the Customer-Supplier Contra program. The contra number is appended to the AP-AR notation for each customer invoice adjustment transaction created by the contra process.

Payment Run

Field Description
Payments by salesperson Enable this to generate a collector list for a specific salesperson using the AR Collector Run Maintenance program and to capture payments collected for that salesperson.
Payments by geographic area Enable this to generate a collector list for a specific geographic area using the AR Collector Run Maintenance program and to capture payments collected for that area.
Collector required

Enable this to generate documents for purposes of debt collection and to record the outstanding invoice amounts collected from customers.

Collector documents are typically used when the salesperson is required to collect payment from the customer before being paid the commission on the sale. The collector could, however, also be a debt collector or a credit controller.

You use the AR Collectors program to define collectors and the Salesperson is collector option in the Salespersons program to set a salesperson as a collector.

The AR Collector Run Maintenance program is used to generate a collector list of invoices for which payment must be collected and to capture payments collected from customers against those invoices. The AR Payment Run program is then used to post the payments received to the customers' accounts.

A salesperson cannot be added to multiple AR branches when this option is enabled.

Authorization required Enable the option to authorize the payment run before it is created.
Allocate invoices to PD checks Enable this to allocate Post Dated check amounts to specific invoices in the AR Post Dated Checks program.

This is enabled (and cannot be disabled) when the Collector required option is enabled.

PD check status required

Select this to:

  • enable the AR Post Dated Check Status program, which allows you to maintain the status of post dated checks

  • enable the Status field in the AR Post Dated Checks program

  • ensure only cleared post dated checks are posted during a payment run

    The post dated checks in the AR Payment Run program will not be available for selection unless the status is flagged as Cleared. Validation is only performed if this option is enabled.

Payment run numbering method Define the numbering method for Accounts Receivable payment runs created in the AR Payment Run program.
Manual Manually assign a unique payment run code to each payment run created.
Automatic Assign a payment run number automatically to each new payment run created using the AR Payment Run program.

Payment run numbers are allocated according to the number defined in the Next payment run field.

You can only select this option when the Key type for Payment run is Numeric.
Next payment run Enter the number to allocate to the next payment run created.

This number is automatically incremented by one for each payment run created.

This is only enabled if you selected Automatic at the Payment run numbering method field.
Collector run numbering method Define the numbering method for collector payment runs created using the AR Collector Run Maintenance program. This only applies when the Collector required option is enabled.
Manual Manually assign a unique payment run code to each collector run created.
Automatic Assign a collector run number automatically to each new collector run created using the AR Collector Run Maintenance program.

Collector run numbers are allocated according to the number defined in the Next collector run field.

Next collector run Enter the number to allocate to the next collector run created.