Sales Orders > Sales Order Query

Sales Order Query

You use this program to view sales order information held in the Sales Order module.

A typical use of this program would be to track the status of an order. This could be driven internally from your sales department, or externally in response to a customer request.

Orders can be queried provided you know either the sales order number, the customer, or the customer purchase order number. Alternatively, you can locate orders using the browse or find facility within the browse.

This program can be run at any time.

There are no dependencies between this program and any other program.

If you are new to this query, then the following information will help you achieve the best results:

  • The information shown is always up to date (i.e. the query will reflect the latest information for orders captured or maintained).
  • If you know the order number, then you can enter it directly and press the tab key to view the information.

    If you do not know the order number, then you can use a number of methods to find the order. These include:

    • using the browse function to locate the order
    • using the Find function (i.e. Ctrl+F) within the browse to search for the order
    • using the Backlog By Customer or Backlog By Stock Code functions (selected from the Query menu)
  • You can personalize this query in a number of ways. These include:

    • setting preferences that are retained for future use
    • setting options that affect the orders/order lines displayed
    • configuring property sheets (e.g. the section headed Order Header ). This includes being able to sequence items by dragging them up or down, to show important items first
    • configuring the Detail Lines listview. This includes being able to sequence columns by dragging them left or right, sorting columns and changing column widths
    • configuring the layout of the panes on the screen, including hiding or displaying panes
    • customizing the menu and toolbars

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Find Select this to use the Key Search program to locate sales order numbers according to extensive search criteria.
Preferences Select this to configure options that will determine the level of detail you want to view within the query.
Sequence Indicate the sequence in which you want to query sales orders.
By Sales Order

Select this to view sales order information by entering a sales order number.

You can only view sales orders in a status of Cancelled(\) or Cancelled during entry(*) in this sequence.

Sales Orders by Customer

Select this to view sales order information by entering a customer code.

To view Cancelled(\) or Cancelled during entry(*) sales orders, you need to select the By Sales Order sequence.

By Customer Purchase Order Select this to view sales order information by entering a customer purchase order number.

If you select this option, then you must know the customer's purchase order number to enter it (i.e. there is no browse available on customer purchase order numbers).

You typically select this sequence when customers give you their purchase order number because that is the only reference they have to give to you.

To view Cancelled(\) or Cancelled during entry(*) sales orders, you need to select the By Sales Order sequence.


Select this to use the SO Value Sales Orders program to establish the value of a specific sales order based on the original and outstanding amounts.

For foreign currency customers you can alternate between viewing order values in local or foreign currency. This is achieved by selecting the option: Convert to Foreign Currency Values. The currency in which the order values are being displayed is indicated in the window title bar.


Select this to establish how many items are on backorder for a specific stock code or a specific customer.

You can also establish the total monetary value that the backorder quantity represents.

By Customer

Select this to view the order backlog information by customer.

You are prompted to enter the customer for whom you want to display this information.

By Stock Code

Select this to view the order backlog information by stock code.

You are prompted to enter the stock code for which to display this information. The following information is then displayed:

  • Customer

    This indicates the customer code. For SCT (Supply Chain Transfer) orders, the target warehouse is displayed in this column.

  • Name

    This indicates the customer name. For SCT (Supply Chain Transfer) orders, the target warehouse name is displayed in this column.

  • Order
  • Customer purchase order
  • Ship date
  • Warehouse
  • Unit of measure
  • Backorder quantity
  • Total backorder quantity

    This field displays the total quantity on backorder for the selected stock code.

Dispatches Select this to use the Dispatch Note Browse program to view the dispatch note(s) for the sales order.

This option is only enabled if you created a dispatch note from the sales order.

Archived Orders Select this to use the SO Browse Archived Sales Orders program to view details of sales orders than were archived.
Quotation Query

Select this to use the Quotations Query program to view the information for the quotation.

This is only applies when the sales order was created from a quotation.

View in Browser Select this to view the current sales order information in a browser window when the preference: View live orders in browser is not enabled.
Sales Order Commitment Graph Select this to use the SO Graph Sales Order Commitment program to graphically represent details of your sales order commitments projected into the future for a range of selected customers.
Sales order Enter the sales order number to query.

You can use the Browse icon to use the SO Sales Orders program to select the order number to query.

Play Select this to view any multimedia objects assigned to the order.
Edit Select this to maintain multimedia objects for the order (see Multimedia).
Notepad Select this to capture text for the current order using the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program.
Customer Indicate the customer code of the customer to query if you selected Sales Order by Customer from the Sequence menu.
Customer p/o Indicate the customer purchase order number to query if you selected By Customer Purchase Order from the Sequence menu.


You use the Preferences option from the Options menu to define the amount of information you want to view in the query.

Field Description
Sales Order Selection The options on this tab enable you to define the sales orders you want to include in the query, based on the order status.
Sales Order Selection Indicate the sales orders for viewing based on the status of the order.

These include:

  • In process (0)
  • Open backorder (2)
  • In warehouse (4)
  • Complete (9)
  • Forward (F)
  • Suspense (S)
  • Open order (1)
  • Released backorder (3)
  • Ready to invoice (8)
  • Cancelled during entry (*)

    This preference only applies when sales orders are queried in By Sales Order sequence.

  • Cancelled (\)

    This preference only applies when sales orders are queried in By Sales Order sequence.

Select All Select this to mark all statuses as selected. This saves you from having to individually select all the statuses.
Deselect All Select this to mark all statuses as deselected. You can then select only the few statuses you want to include.
Detail Line Selection Indicate the types of sales order lines to display in the Detail Lines listview of the query.
Detail Line Selection Indicate the sales orders for viewing according to the detail lines type. This enable you to define the types of sales order lines you want to view in the Detail Lines listview of the query.

These include:

  • Stocked detail
  • Non-stocked detail
  • Freight
  • Other charges
  • Comments
  • Completed sales order lines
Select All Select this to mark all line types as selected. This saves you from having to individually select all line types.
Deselect All Select this to mark all line types as deselected. You can then select only the few line types you want to include.
General This table enables you to set general preferences relating to the query.
View live orders in browser

Select this to view live orders in a browser window. By default, archived orders can only be viewed in a browser window.

If you do not select this option, then individual orders can still be viewed in a browser window by selecting the View in browser option from the Query menu.

Show jobs that are complete or jobs linked to a completed detail line

Select this to be able to view completed jobs for detail lines.

This information can be viewed from within the Detail Lines listview pane using the right mouse button to select Jobs from the shortcut menu.

Show purchase orders and requisitions that are complete or purchase orders and requisitions linked to a completed detail line

Select this to be able to view purchase orders and requisitions that are complete, or purchase orders and requisitions linked to a completed detail line.

This information can be viewed from within the Detail Lines listview pane by using the right mouse button to select Purchase Order or Requisition from the shortcut menu.

The data may take longer to appear on the screen when you select this option.

Include only active orders

Select this to include only active orders in the query.

If you select this preference, then you cannot view orders that are complete (i.e. status 9) orders that were cancelled during order entry (i.e. status *) and orders that were cancelled (i.e. status \).

Default sales order query sequence
Option Description
Order Select this to use the sales order number as the basis for the query.
Customer Select this to use the customer code as the basis for the query.
Customer purchase order Select this to use the customer's purchase order number as the basis for the query.
Save Preferences Save these preferences against your operator code and use them for future runs of the program until next you change them.
Close Save the preferences for the current run of the program only.

Order Header

Details that can be viewed in this pane include the following:

Field Description
Order status This indicates the current status of the order (see Select New Order Status).
Sales order
  • Sales Order Quick View
  • Order Maintenance - see Sales Order Entry.
Supply message This indicates whether a job, requisition, purchase order or supply chain transfer is attached to the order.
Currency This indicates the currency used for the order.
  • Currency Quick View
  • Query - see Browse on Currencies.
  • Multimedia
Customer branch
  • Customer Branch Quick View
  • Query - see Browse on AR Branches.
  • Multimedia
Salesperson See Browse on Salespersons.
Special instructions The wording for this field is derived from your entry at the Special Instructions prompt (Sales Orders Setup)
Tax status flag This indicates the status applicable to the currently highlighted sales order, and not the tax status assigned to the customer.
Invoice terms
  • Query - see Browse on AR Invoice Terms.

  • Multimedia

Geographic area
  • Query - see Browse on Geographic Areas.
  • Multimedia
Last invoice number used
  • Query - see Sales Invoice Query.
  • Proof of delivery - see Proof of Delivery.

Select this to use the SO Browse on Sales Invoices program to view information for invoices created from the sales order.

Delivery note number generated This indicates the last delivery note number generated against the order.
RMA number This is displayed if the order was created from a Return Merchandise Advice.
Delivery route

This indicates the delivery route on which the order was placed (see Browse on Delivery Routes).

This is only displayed if Load Planning is required (Sales Orders Setup).

Ship to address

This indicates the Order Header ship to address for the order. See also: Fix ship address at time of order entry (Sales Orders Setup).

For a Supply Chain Transfer order, the address of the target warehouse is displayed.

Sales order notes

The first three lines of notes entered against the order using the Notepad editor are displayed. You can view and edit all the note lines by typically using your right mouse button to select the first line of notes.

  • Click to add notes

    Select this to add rich format text to the sales order (see Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text)).

Include item in MRP Indicates whether the order is included in the Material Requirements Planning calculation.

Customer Information

This displays information defined against the customer for the order (Customers).

Field Description
  • Customer Quick View
  • Query - see Customer Query.
  • Customer Setup - see Customers.
  • Multimedia
Source warehouse See Warehouses.
Target warehouse See Warehouses.
Customer class See Browse on Customer Classes.
Tax code See Browse on Extended Tax Codes. This is only displayed when using USA tax (Company Tax Options Setup).

See also: Tasks.

Ship to Address This indicates the ship to address currently defined against the customer (Customers).

Custom Form

This displays custom form information attached to the sales order header.

You cannot maintain custom form information for cancelled orders.

You can only maintain customer forms for a completed order if you have the appropriate authority.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Field Description
Custom Form Data Entry Select this to use the Custom Form Data Entry program to enter custom form data against the sales order header.

Additional Information

Details that can be viewed in this pane include the following:

Field Description
Order Capture information
  • Operator who last changed this order

    This indicates the operator who last maintained the order using the Sales Order Entry program. If the order was maintained using the Document Print, program, then that operator code is not displayed in this field.

  • Operator who last released this order

    This relates to credit checking and indicates the operator who released the order from suspense.

Sales Order text This displays text entered against the sales order using the Order Comments function from the End Order screen of the Sales Order Entry program.
Intrastat details

The following information is displayed when the EC Vat system required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup):

  • Nationality

    This displays the nationality code defined against the customer (see Customers).

Detail Lines

This enables you to view detail line information for the currently highlighted sales order.

You use the Preferences option from the Options menu to indicate the line types you want to display in the Detail Lines section.

You can right click on a line to view additional information applicable to the order line, including lots, serials and bin allocations for the order, as well as purchase order, requisition and job details attached to the line. However, details for completed purchase orders and requisitions, or purchase orders and requisitions linked to a completed detail line, are only displayed when the Preference: Show purchase orders and requisitions that are complete or purchase orders and requisitions linked to a completed detail line is enabled. Similarly, details for completed jobs are only displayed when the Preference: Show jobs that are complete or jobs linked to a completed detail line is enabled.

You can press Ctrl+Q from within the listview to use the Listview Styles program to customize lines in the listview with the following characteristics:

  • Quantify on back order
  • Ship quantity or back order quantity overdue (occurs when the customer request date is earlier than the company date)
  • Back order quantity with attachment job (job, requisition, purchase order or supply chain transfer)
  • Back order quantity with attachment overdue

You use the Ctrl+F1 shortcut to display the functions you can apply to the listview.

Not all columns are displayed by default. You can click in any of the listview column headings and select the Field Chooser option to add columns you require to the listview.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Field Description
Stock code This indicates the code of the item sold.
Description This indicates the description for the stock code sold.
Order quantity This indicates the quantity of the stock code ordered.
Uom This indicates the unit of measure for the order quantity.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse from which the stock item was sold.
Ship quantity This indicates the quantity of the item which was shipped.
Back order quantity This indicates the quantity of the item not yet shipped.
Price This indicates the unit price of the item.
Price uom This indicates the unit of measure for the price.
Ship date

This indicates the ship date for the order.

For Scheduled Orders, Forward Orders and Supply Chain Transfers, this displays the ship date defined against the order line and is the ship date for the order line.

For all other order types, this displays the ship date defined against the order header and is the ship date for the order.


This indicates the sales order line number.

Line status

This indicates the sales order line status and is currently only used by the Release Reserved Stock and WMS Pick Slip programs. When using the Release Reserved Stock program to release reserved stock, the status is set to 8 - Ready to Invoice (or status 7 - Ready to be dispatched) and to a status of 9 - Complete when invoiced. The WMS Pick Slip program sets the line status to 6 when a picking slip is printed.


This applies to freight and miscellaneous charge order lines only and indicates whether these have been invoiced.

Rev This indicates the revision number of the stock item and is displayed if the item is ECC controlled (Stock Codes).
Rel This indicates the release number of the stock item and is displayed if the item is ECC controlled (Stock Codes).
Tax code/GST code

For a stocked line, this indicates the tax or GST code defined against the stock item (Stock Codes) when the customer is taxable.

For a non-stocked line, this indicates the tax or GST code for the non-stocked line if it was defined in the Sales Order Entry program or a blank if the Tax status on the Order Header is set to Non-taxable.


When you change the Tax/GST status on the Order Header after capturing order lines, only the order totals are recalculated and refreshed when the order header is saved. The Tax and GST codes for the existing order lines are not changed.

This means that the tax or GST code displayed may not have been used for the line.

For example:

You capture a stocked line when the Tax status on the Order header is set to Taxable. The tax code defined against the stock code is displayed in the Tax (or GST) field on the order.

You then change the Tax status to Non-taxable. The tax code in the Tax (or GST) is not set to spaces, but still displays the tax (or GST) code previously displayed.

Customer This indicates the code of the customer against which the order was raised.
Customer name This indicates the customer's name.
Unit mass This indicates the mass of one unit of the item.
Unit volume This indicates the volume of one unit of the item.
Customer/supplier stock code This displays either the customer's or the supplier's stock code captured when the sales order was created.
Long description This column displays long description for the stock code.
Reserved quantity This indicates the quantity of the item which was placed in reserve.
Detail ship date This indicates the actual ship date from the sales order line (as opposed to the ship date on the order header). This is displayed for all order types.
Sales order

This indicates the requisition linked to the sales order, where applicable.

Include item in MRP Indicates whether the line item is included in the Material Requirements Planning calculation.

SO Line Information

The information displayed in this pane relates to the order line highlighted in the listview.

You can view completed jobs or jobs linked to a completed detail line providing you enabled the related options within the Preferences. Similarly, completed purchase orders and requisitions or purchase orders and requisitions linked to a completed detail line can also be viewed if this option is enabled within the Preferences function.

Field Description
Stock code This indicates the code of the item sold.
Stock description This indicates the description for the stock code sold.
Long description This indicates the long description for the stock code sold.
Product class See Product Classes.
Selection key

This indicates the alternate stock code that was entered on the order line to obtain the SYSPRO stock code (see Stock Code Interchange).

This is only displayed for stocked order lines.

Selection method

This indicates the type of alternate stock code used on the order line and can be one of the following:

  • SCI - Customer Interchange
  • SSI - Supplier Interchange
  • STA - Approved Manufacturers
  • STM - Matching Stock Codes
  • ST1 - Alternate key 1

This is only displayed for stocked order lines.

Multiple bins

When Multiple bins are enabled (Inventory Setup) you can select this option to use the SO Lots, Bins, Serials Allocations program to view information on the bin(s) allocated to the detail line, providing the order is not in a status of 9 (complete). The reason for this is that once a sales order is complete, the bins are attached to the invoice and no longer to the sales order.

To view bin number information against completed sales orders, you can use the Customer Query program to select the invoice for the order and view the order details using the SO Browse on SO Lines program.

This option is disabled if the stock item is traceable, as the bins are inextricably linked to the lot number and are therefore queried via the lot number.


If the order line is for a lot traceable item, then you can view the lot numbers allocated to the line, providing the order is not in a status of 9. The reason for this is that once a sales order is complete, the lot numbers are attached to the invoice and no longer to the sales order.

To view lot number information against completed sales orders, you can use the Customer Query program, select the invoice for the sales order and view the order details using the SO Browse on SO Lines program.


If the order line is for a serialized item, then you can view the serial numbers allocated to the line, providing the order is not in a status of 9. The reason for this is that once a sales order is complete, the serial numbers are attached to the invoice and no longer to the sales order.

To view serial number information against completed sales orders, you can use the Customer Query program, select the invoice for the sales order and view the order details using the SO Browse on SO Lines program.

If a dispatch note was printed for the sales order, then serials must be viewed using the SORP32; program. Sales orders with serial allocations that have been Dispatched are not displayed when selecting the Serials hyperlink.

This option is disabled if the stock item is traceable, as the serials are inextricably linked to the lot number and are therefore queried via the lot number.

Reserved allocations

Select this to use the SO Lots, Bins, Serials Allocations program to view any lots, bins and serials allocated to reserved stock.

Stock is placed in reserve using the Sales Order Entry program. If lot, bin and serial information was entered at that time (see SO Reserve or Ship Stock), then that information can be displayed.


This indicates the purchase order requisition linked to the sales order line if applicable.

Details for completed requisitions, or requisitions linked to a completed detail line, are only displayed when the Preference: Show purchase orders and requisitions that are complete or purchase orders and requisitions linked to a completed detail line is enabled.

Purchase order

This indicates the purchase order linked to the sales order line if applicable.

Details for completed purchase orders, or purchase orders linked to a completed detail line are only displayed when the Preference: Show purchase orders and requisitions that are complete or purchase orders and requisitions linked to a completed detail line is enabled.


This indicates the job linked to the sales order line if applicable.

Details for completed jobs are only displayed when the Preference: Show jobs that are complete or jobs linked to a completed detail line is enabled.

No jobs are displayed when more than one job is linked to the sales order. You need to right-click on the sales order line in the Detail Lines pane and select the Job option to view all jobs linked to the sales order lines.

Line value Select this to use the SO Value Sales Orders program to view the line value information.
Cost This indicates the cost for a non-stocked, freight or miscellaneous charge line. This displays as zero for a stocked line.
Multiple ship address code This indicates the code of the ship address for the order line. This applies if the option: Ship address per line was enabled against the order header (Sales Order Entry).
Service charge details

See Service Charges)

The information is displayed when you highlight a service charge line in the Detail Lines pane.

Reason for credit note See Browse on Reason codes.
Delivery load

This indicates the load on which the currently highlighted sales order line was or is to be delivered (see Delivery Loads).

This is only displayed if Load Planning is required (Sales Orders Setup).

Promotion type

This indicates whether a trade promotion was applied to the line. If a trade promotion is attached to the line, then the comment "Attached to this line" is displayed.

For the actual promotion line, the type of promotion is displayed. For example for a free goods line, the comment "Free goods" is displayed.

This is only displayed for orders for Trade Promotions customers.

Promotion code

This indicates the promotion code applied to a trade promotions line.

This is only displayed for orders for Trade Promotions customers.

Product code

Select this hyperlink to use the Configuration Maintenance program to view details of the product configurations currently defined.

For this to apply to a non-stocked item, you must have created an Estimate for the non-stocked item.

This applies when the sales order line is linked to a configuration and the Allow in process configurations option is enabled against the configuration used (Product Configurator Header Maintenance).

Library code

Select this hyperlink to use the Product Configurator Configuration Library Selections program to view details of the components and operations library selections for the configuration library linked to the sales order line.

This applies when the Allow in process configurations option is enabled against the configuration used (Product Configurator Header Maintenance).

Include item in MRP Indicates whether the line item is included in the Material Requirements Planning calculation.

Detail Line Custom Form

This pane displays custom form information attached to the order detail line.

Field Description
Detail Line Custom Form Data Entry Select this to use the Custom Form Data Entry program to enter custom form data against the RMA detail line.

Order Values

The order values for a local currency customer order are displayed in this pane.

This information can also be displayed using the SO Value Sales Orders program.

Field Description
Outstanding values These values are based on items with quantities in back order and to ship status.
Original values These values are based on the original order quantities entered, before any invoicing of order items.
To invoice values

If you are using delivery notes and invoices, then these values are based on items with quantities in the Ship Qty field, excluding any previously invoiced items.

If you are using Dispatch notes then these values are based on items with quantities in the Ship Qty field, excluding any previously dispatched items.

Order Values - Foreign Currency

The order values for a foreign currency customer order are displayed in this pane.

See Order Values.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Cost and Profit values are only displayed when the Cost and gross profit in order totals option is enabled (Sales Orders Setup).

Security considerations

  • You can only view orders for the AR Branches to which you have access (Operators).

  • You can only view sales order detail lines for Warehouses to which you have access (Operators).

  • You can only view orders for Salespersons to which you have access (Operators).

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
SO Maintenance of custom forms for a completed order Controls whether an operator can use the Sales Order Query program to maintain custom form information for an order which is in a Status of 9 (complete).
SO Show cost/profit

Controls whether an operator can view the price and value of a sales order line and the order value, merchandise value and invoice total when creating, maintaining or querying sales orders.

In addition, the transfer cost is not displayed when creating supply chain transfers or when browsing on sales order lines.


If the operator is allowed to print supply chain documents on-line (SO Print SCT transfer) then the value of the order is printed and costs are revealed.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.

Displaying the USA extended tax code browse by default

By default, the Browse on Tax Codes program is displayed when selecting a hyperlink to query a tax code, irrespective of the tax system in use.

This task describes how you can change this to display the Browse on Extended Tax Codes program when using the USA extended tax codes system.

  1. Right-click on the Tax code caption in the Customer Information pane and select Customize > Customize Hyperlink to load the Customize Hyperlink-Exception program.

  2. Enter the required Description. This is what will be displayed on the context menu.

  3. Enter IMPTXE in the Program to launch field, and select the Browse style program option.

  4. Select OK to save your changes.

    Once saved, a CUSLNK.IMP file is created in the ..\Base\CusProg folder. This folder is defined in System Setup.

  5. The change can be saved system-wide or by role.

    If saved system wide, then wherever the caption Tax code exists, you can right-click and query the Browse on Extended Tax Codes program to view the extended tax codes.