Work in Progress > Browses > Browse on Job Classification

Browse on Job Classification

You use this program to view details of classifications for the different types of jobs that you typically process.

Classifications enable you to group or arrange your jobs according to similar characteristics (e.g. STD - Standard Jobs; RWK - Rework; URG - Urgently required).


Column Description
Job class Indicates the code allocated to the job classification.
Description Indicates the description of the job classification.
Next job prefix

Indicates the characters that must be used to prefix all jobs that are created using this job classification.

This applies only if you are numbering your jobs by job classification (Set Key Information) and the job numbering key is defined as alpha (Company Maintenance).

Next job suffix

Indicates the job number that will be used for any newly-created job that is assigned this job classification.

This applies only if you are numbering your jobs by job classification (Set Key Information).

Security considerations

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this list view if access for this program is set to Browse only but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).
  • You can only generate a report of job classifications if you have access to the List of Job Classes program.