Requirements Planning > Requirements Planning > Job Review

Job Review

You use this program to review and update existing/suggested jobs that require changes as indicated by the snapshot files. You can change suggested jobs before converting them into live jobs create new jobs from suggested jobs.

Reviewing production requirements is an ongoing activity of both production planning and shop floor control. This activity is undertaken by planners to ensure that they are meeting the material requirements plan, generated during each planning interval. It involves reviewing what new jobs they may need to raise and whether to re-schedule jobs and job operations, due to demand, capacity or other operational issues.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Review Select this to display suggested jobs according to the review criteria you selected.
Change Criteria Select this to indicate different review criteria. This function only becomes enabled after you select the Start Review function.

Review Criteria

These options enable you to indicate the criteria according to which you want to review the jobs.

Field Description
Review type You can use the Preferences function to set the Review type to default to either existing or suggested jobs according to your requirements.
Existing jobsSelect this to review details of existing jobs (and allocations) in either the snapshot or live job files.
Suggested jobsSelect this to review details of suggested jobs residing within the snapshot directory, as well as create live jobs from the suggested jobs.
Factory documentation for job creation  
Print documentation for confirmed jobs Select this to print factory documentation on-line when creating a confirmed job.

When you enable this option, the Factory Documentation program is loaded when you use the Create option in the Suggested Job Review pane.

Document format 1 - 4 Indicate the document format number to use as the default for printing factory documentation for jobs.
Action selections Indicate the job(s) you want to include in the review according to the actions suggested by MRP (i.e. the action messages displayed against them).
Overdue Select this to include jobs with a delivery date before the latest requirements calculation date, that can be actioned (Reschedule, Reschedule Out, etc).

Selecting only the Overdue option will not display any jobs. The program also requires you to indicate the action(s) you want to execute for these jobs.

Cancel Select this to include all jobs and operations with a suggested delivery date later than 01/01/2046. The Requirements Calculation program reschedules jobs and purchase orders for which there is no demand to beyond this date.
Reschedule Select this to include all existing jobs that have a planned start date that is not equal to the suggested start date, or a planned delivery date that is not equal to the suggested delivery date.
Reschedule in

Select this to include all existing jobs and operations not started, where the suggested delivery and start dates are both earlier than the live delivery and start dates.

Expedited jobs (i.e. existing jobs and operations started where the suggested delivery dates are earlier than the live job delivery date) are also included.

Reschedule out

Select this to include all existing jobs and operations not started, where the suggested start and delivery dates are both later than the live delivery and start dates.

De-expedited jobs (i.e. existing jobs and operations started where the suggested delivery dates are later than the live delivery dates) are also included.

Increase qty

Select this to include all existing jobs where the suggested quantity is greater than the quantity on the live job. The Requirements Calculation program will not suggest quantity changes.

This message is printed if the quantity was manipulated using the Requirements Planning Query program, or manually changed using the Work in Progress module without re-running the snapshot.

Decrease qty

Select this to include all existing jobs where the suggested quantity is less than the quantity on the live job. The Requirements Calculation will not suggest quantity changes.

This message is printed if the quantity was manipulated using the Requirements Planning Query program, or manually changed using the Work in Progress module without re-running the snapshot.

Exclude actions  
Confirmed jobs Indicate what you require for jobs that are confirmed.
IncludeSelect this to include jobs that are confirmed.
ExcludeSelect this to exclude jobs that are confirmed.
OnlySelect this to only include jobs that are confirmed.
Less than (days)

If the number of days by which a job must be rescheduled is less than the entry made here, then the job is excluded from the report.


You will only be able to access this field if you enabled one of the following Action selections: Reschedule, Reschedule in, Reschedule out.

Jobs on hold Indicate what you require for jobs that are in a status of 'on hold'.
IncludeSelect this to include jobs that are on hold.
ExcludeSelect this to exclude jobs that are on hold.
OnlySelect this to only include jobs that are on hold.
Not loaded during F.F.S. Select this to include jobs not loaded when the Forward Finite Scheduling program was last run.

These jobs are excluded by default as the dates are irrelevant because they were not loaded. You may, however, still want to view these jobs to manually reschedule them for example.

IncludeSelect this to include jobs not loaded during forward finite scheduling.
ExcludeSelect this to exclude jobs not loaded during forward finite scheduling.
OnlySelect this to only include jobs not loaded during forward finite scheduling.
Part category selection  
Part category Select the jobs to include in the review based on the part category of the parent item (Stock Codes).
AllSelect this to include jobs for all items irrespective of their part category.
B-Bought outSelect this to include jobs for items that are bought out.
M-Made inSelect this to include jobs for items that are made in.
S-SubcontractedSelect this to include jobs for items that are subcontracted.

Select this to include jobs for items that are co-products

Only jobs where the co-product is the parent item are included in the review.

N-Notional partSelect this to include jobs for items that are notional parts.
Excluded jobs Select this to include jobs you previously excluded from the review using the Include/Exclude function.

This option is automatically selected if you selected the preference: Include excluded jobs.

Purged jobs Select this to include jobs purged using the WIP Period End program after the Requirements Calculation program was run.
Job selection Indicate the job(s) to include in the review.
Warehouse selection Indicate the warehouse(s) for which to include job in the review.
Stock codes  
Stock code selection Indicate the stock code(s) for which to include job in the review.

If you selected the option: Browse stock codes with requirements (Requirements Planning Setup) then the MRP Stock Codes with Demand listview is displayed when you browse on stock codes. Otherwise, the Browse on Stock Codes listview is displayed.

Start dates  
Start date selection Indicate the start date(s) for which you want to include jobs in the review.
Product classes  
Product class selection Indicate the product class(es) for which to include jobs in the review.
Planner selection Indicate the planner(s) for which you want to include jobs in the review.
Buyer selection Indicate the buyer(s) for which to include jobs in the review.
Job classifications  
Job classification selection Indicate the job class(es) for which to include jobs in the review.
WIP Reserving  
Automatically reserve allocations

Enable this to automatically reserve stock for allocations when creating or maintaining jobs subject to the following:

  • The option: Reserve stock for confirmed jobs (Work in Progress Setup) is enabled.

  • The job is set to Confirmed.

  • If an allocation is linked to a Sub job or a Purchase order, then the Sub job or Purchase order quantity is used first to satisfy the quantity required for the allocation.

    Thereafter, any remaining quantity still to be reserved must be reserved manually using the WIP Reservations Review program.

  • Reservations are recalculated when you change the Quantity to make for a confirmed job.

    However, allocations linked to Sub jobs and Purchase orders are not recalculated. These must be adjusted using the WIP Reservations Review or WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance programs.

  • If an allocation is ECC controlled at revision or release stock level and the item is not lot traceable but multiple bins are installed, then the reservation takes place based on the quantity available in the default bin against the stock code warehouse.

  • The total quantity required is reserved for each allocation unless the stock quantity available is not enough. In this case, the total available quantity is reserved.

  • Stock for the following items must be manually reserved using the Reserved lots and serials column of the WIP Reservations Review program:

    • serialized items

    • lot traceable items

    • ECC controlled items which are lot traceable and stock control is at revision or release level

  • Stock cannot be reserved for:

    • Bulk issue items - unless these are added as normal allocations to the job

    • Floorstock items

    • Non stocked items

    • Allocations with a negative quantity required

You need to manually create reservations using the WIP Reservations Review or WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance programs when this option is not enabled.

Existing Job Review

This pane is displayed when you selected to review Existing jobs in the Review Criteria pane.

The program compares the snapshot file to the live job and displays the relevant status and action messages. If no action is required, then the job is excluded from the review.

You can view actions required on all included jobs and can apply actions from within the review against jobs which have not yet started.

Details of existing jobs (and allocations) in both the snapshot and live job files are displayed.

Field Description

Indicate the existing jobs to include when applying the actions.

You cannot include jobs in warehouses to which you have been denied access and to jobs for which you have been denied access to the job classification for that job (Operators).

Include Selected lines Select this to include the line(s) currently highlighted in the listview for action. A tick is placed in the first column of these lines to indicate that they are included.

You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer in the listview to individually highlight the items you want to include.

Include All Select this to include all lines currently displayed in the listview for action. A tick is placed in the first column of all currently displayed lines to indicate that they are included.

Indicate the existing jobs to exclude from the review.

You cannot exclude jobs in warehouses to which you have been denied access and to jobs for which you have been denied access to the job classification for that job (Operators).
Exclude Selected Lines Select this to exclude the line(s) currently highlighted in the listview from being actioned. Any tick in the first column of these lines is removed.

You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer in the listview to individually highlight the items you want to exclude.

Exclude All Select this to exclude all lines currently displayed in the listview from being actioned. Any tick in the first column of the lines is removed.
Apply Actions You cannot apply actions to jobs in warehouses to which you have been denied access and to jobs for which you have been denied access to the job classification for that job (Operators).

Job amendment journals are created for Actions applied to live jobs if the option: Capture job amendment journals is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).

Apply Selected Select this to apply the changes suggested by the action messages to all the selected (included) jobs. Actions are not applied to any jobs against which a tick does not exist in the first column of the listview.
Apply Single Select this to apply the changes suggested by the action messages to the single job currently highlighted in the listview. Note that this job must contain a tick in the first column to indicate that it is included for action.
Query Job The job query can be performed on either the live or snapshot files.
Query Live Job Select this to use the WIP Query program to view details of the live job for the line currently highlighted in the listview.
Query Snapshot Job Select this to use the WIP Query program to view details of the snapshot job for the line currently highlighted in the listview.
Requirements Planning Query Select this to use the Requirements Planning Query program to view details of the results of the Requirements Calculation for the line currently highlighted in the listview.
View Allocations Allocation details can be viewed on either the live or snapshot files.
Live Material Select this to use the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program to view details of live material allocations for the line currently highlighted in the listview.
Snapshot Material Select this to use the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program to view details of snapshot material allocations for the line currently highlighted in the listview.
Live Operations Select this to use the WIP Browse on Labor Allocations program to view details of live operation allocations for the line currently highlighted in the listview.
Snapshot operations Select this to use the WIP Browse on Labor Allocations program to view details of snapshot operation allocations for the line currently highlighted in the listview.

Existing Job Review Listview

Column Description
Included A tick in this column indicates that the job will be included when applying the actions.
Sug. start This indicates the suggested start date for the job.
Sug. delivery

This indicates the suggested delivery date for the job.

When suggested jobs are created as live jobs the suggested job's delivery date is used as the original delivery date.

Sug. quantity This indicates the suggested quantity for the job.
Status If a job is confirmed and either material, labor or hours (at zero value) posted to it, then the status of the job is set to Started. If all these allocations are reversed, then the status of the job reverts to Confirmed (see Job Status Messages).

This indicates the action which the system indicates that you should consider taking (see Job Action Messages).

You can press Ctrl+Q from within the listview to use the Listview Styles program to customize lines in the listview according to the following entries in the Action column:

  • Cancel
  • Reschedule
  • Reschedule in
  • Reschedule out
  • Increase quantity
  • Decrease quantity
  • Change
  • Capacity requirement

Job Action Messages

The following table indicates the job action messages included in the Job Review program:

Action Description
Cancel The live job should be cancelled (there is no longer a demand for the finished part).
Reschedule The live job should be re-scheduled (the suggested start and delivery dates are not the same as the planned dates, however, neither Reschd in nor Reschd out are applicable).
Reschd in The live job should be scheduled earlier (suggested start and delivery dates are both earlier than the planned dates).
Reschd out The live job should be scheduled later (suggested start and delivery dates are both later than the planned dates).
Incrse qty The live job quantity should be increased (this suggestion is not made by the Requirements Calculation program - the implication being that the snapshot quantity has been increased using the Requirements Planning Query program).
Change The live job should be changed (any combination of more than one of the other messages causes this message to be displayed).
Reschd cap The work center capacity requirements for the live job should be changed (when the snapshot job has been changed in some way but there are no differences in quantities or dates on either the job header or the allocations, it is assumed that the changes were made to the work center capacity requirements records).
Decrse qty The live job quantity should be decreased (this suggestion is not made by the Requirements Calculation program - the implication being that the snapshot quantity has been decreased using the Requirements Planning Query program).

Job Status Messages

The following table indicates the job status messages included in the Job Review program:

Status Description
Excluded The job has been excluded from the current or a previous review.
Started The live job has been started (since taking the snapshot).
Purged The job has been purged from the live files (since taking the snapshot).
On hold The live job has been put on hold (since taking the snapshot).
Updated The live job has been updated by the review, or by other programs (since taking the snapshot).
Complte The live job has been completed (since taking the snapshot).
Confirm The live job has been confirmed (since taking the snapshot).
Cancld The live job has been cancelled (since taking the snapshot).

Live Details

The information displayed in this pane relates to the line currently highlighted in the Existing Job Review listview.

This pane displays the information for the job from the live data directory.

The field headings correspond to those in the Snapshot Details pane. This enables you to compare existing jobs residing in the snapshot directory to the equivalent jobs residing in the live data directory.

Snapshot Details

The information displayed in this pane relates to the line currently highlighted in the Existing Job Review listview.

This pane displays the information for the job in the snapshot directory.

The field headings correspond to those in the Live Details pane. This enables you to compare existing jobs residing in the snapshot directory to the equivalent jobs residing in the live data directory.

The changes indicated within the snapshot files are generated by the Requirements Calculation program, and by any subsequent manual manipulation of the snapshot files. The suggested changes can be applied to the live jobs in the system.

Suggested Job Review

This pane is displayed when you selected to review Suggested jobs in the Review Criteria pane.

The suggested jobs residing within the snapshot directory are displayed, enabling you to create live jobs from the suggested jobs. Suggested jobs can be changed before they are converted into live jobs.

If demand is created for a parent item either through a forecast or a sales order and this exceeds the quantity available, then the MRP system will suggest a quantity to make to meet these orders.

If you selected the option: Consolidate selected warehouses (Requirements Planning Setup) then the warehouse defined at the Component warehouse to use field in the Warehouses program is used by the Requirements Calculation program. If this is blank, then MRP cannot raise suggested supply.

If you have an ECC controlled item and a sales order is generated for a quantity of 1000 items of a previous revision/release and there are only 900 available, then a quantity of 100 will be suggested by MRP, irrespective of whether the revision/release is still being manufactured. If only sales are allowed for a revision/release (i.e. it is no longer being manufactured) then you need to ensure that demand does not exceed the quantity available for that revision/release. An ECC item which has demand against it cannot be excluded from the MRP calculation.

Field Description
Include Indicate the suggested jobs to include when creating live jobs.
Include Selected Lines Select this to include the line(s) currently highlighted in the listview for live job creation. A tick is placed in the first column of these lines to indicate that they are included.

You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer in the listview to individually highlight the items you want to include.

Include All Select this to include all lines currently displayed in the listview for live job creation. A tick is placed in the first column of all currently displayed lines to indicate that they are included.

This enables you to indicate the suggested jobs to exclude when creating live jobs.

Exclude Selected Lines Select this to exclude the line(s) currently highlighted in the listview from being actioned. Any tick in the first column of these lines is removed.

You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer in the listview to individually highlight the items you want to exclude.

Exclude All Select this to exclude all lines currently displayed in the listview from live job creation.

Any tick in the first column of the lines is removed.


Material allocations are reserved for the job(s) if the Automatically reserve allocations option is enabled and the job is set to Confirmed.

If a Custom form with mandatory fields is defined for jobs, then you are prompted to enter the custom form details for each job before it is created.

Job amendment journals for live jobs created from suggested jobs are generated when the option: Capture job amendment journals is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).

Create Selected

Select this to create live jobs from all the selected (included) suggested jobs, excluding jobs that have already been created or excluded. Jobs are not created for suggested jobs against which no tick exists in the first column of the listview.

  • If you require job classification (Work in Progress Setup) then you can only use this option if a default job classification is defined against your operator code (Operators).
  • Job numbers are assigned automatically as the jobs are created, even if manual job numbering or scripted job numbering is required (Set Key Information). The program emulates automatic numbering and uses the next job number defined in the WIP control for each job created.

  • If you selected to reserve lots and/or serials (Work in Progress Setup) and the parent item or a component is defined as lot traceable or serialized, then the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance screen is not displayed when you select to Create All jobs. You will need to manually reserve lots/serials for the parent item and its components using the Browse on Jobs program.
  • Live jobs cannot be created for suggested jobs which are on hold.
Create Single Select this to create a live job for the suggested job currently highlighted in the listview. Note that this job must contain a tick in the first column to indicate that it is included for job creation (see Create a Single Job).

If using scripted job numbering, a script can be built to populate the NewJob field against the OnLoad event on the MRPCreateSingleJob window.

Change Select this to use the Job Entry program to update the snapshot details for the currently highlighted job in the listview.
Query Job Select this to use the WIP Query program to view detailed information for the highlighted job.
Query Job Select this to view details of the job in the live data.
Req. Planning Query Select this to view details of the job from the snapshot data.
View Allocations Select this to view material and operation allocations for the currently highlighted job.
Material Select this to use the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program to view details material allocations for the line currently highlighted in the listview.
Operations Select this to use the WIP Browse on Labor Allocations program to view details operation allocations for the line currently highlighted in the listview.

Create a Single Job

This screen is displayed when you select the Create Single option from the Create function.

You can use the Change icon from the Suggested Job Review pane to use the Job Entry program to change suggested jobs before converting them into live jobs.

Field Description
Create Select this to create a live job from the suggested job.

Material allocations are reserved for the job if the Automatically reserve allocations option is enabled and the job is set to Confirmed.

The Factory Documentation program is displayed when one or more jobs are created if you enabled the Preference: Print documentation for confirmed jobs.

Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the previous screen. No job is created.
Create a single job  
Stock code This indicates the code of the parent item to be made.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse to be used for the finished stock code.
Quantity This indicates the quantity of the finished stock item that is required to be made.
Unit of measure This indicates the unit of measure for the Quantity.
New job Indicate the job number for the new job that will be created. You can only access this field if you are numbering your jobs manually (Set Key Information).
Description Indicate up to 30 characters to describe the new job entered.
Job classification

Indicate the job classification you want to assign to the job that will be created. A valid entry must be made here if you indicated that the job classification is required when creating jobs (Work in Progress Setup).

The job classification assigned to the parent stock code is used as the default. If this is blank, then the job classification assigned to the operator is used (Operators). If this is blank then you will be required to manually enter a job classification.

If you are numbering your jobs by job classification (Set Key Information) then the next number for this classification will be assigned to the job.

Suggested Job Review Listview

The following information is included in this listview:

Column Description
Included A tick in this column indicates that the suggested job will be included when creating live jobs.
Temp job This indicates the suggested job created by MRP to satisfy demand. However, these jobs will not exist in the live files until you run the Job Review and create them.

You can press Ctrl+Q from within the listview to use the Listview Styles program to customize lines in the listview according to the following entries in the Status column:

  • New
  • Created
  • Excluded
The following are the possible job statuses:
  • New - Applies to all suggested jobs having none of the other status messages.

  • Excluded - The job has been excluded from a previous or the current review.

  • Created - A live job has been created from this suggestion during the current review.

Warehouse When a live job is created from a suggested job, the warehouse defined against the job header is the warehouse used for co-products if you selected the option: Consolidate selected warehouses (Requirements Planning Setup).

Suggested Job Details

The information displayed in this pane relates to the suggested job currently highlighted in the listview.

You can use the Change icon from the Suggested Job Review pane to change suggested jobs before converting them into live jobs.

Notes and warnings

Warning messages

  • If the option Warn about incomplete cost implosion is enabled (Bill of Materials Setup) then the message: BOM costs may be incorrect due to last implosion run. OK to continue? is displayed if the Cost Implosion was not run for all stock codes and warehouses. This merely indicates that the costs of the excluded items may not be correct.

Restrictions and limits

  • The Requirements Calculation program creates suggested jobs that you can convert to live jobs. Existing/suggested jobs that could not be successfully loaded using the Forward Finite Scheduling program are not included in the job review.

  • If you require job classification (Work in Progress Setup) then you can only select to simultaneously create multiple jobs from the suggested job review if you assigned a default job classification against the operator (Operators).

  • Only existing jobs that re not on hold at the time of taking the snapshot are included in the review.

  • Suggested actions cannot be applied to jobs that have started. To change these jobs, you need to use the relevant programs in the Work in Progress module. You can print the Job Actions report as a guide for this task.

  • If no action is required, then the job is excluded from the review.

  • No sub jobs are created when you create a live job from a suggested job when the option: Create sub job for component is enabled against the Bill of Material for the job (Structures and Routings). The reason is that MRP never creates sub jobs, because MRP needs to apply batching rules, etc., to the components and therefore demand is 'containerized' into daily demand (as opposed to individual demand).

ECC consumption method deplete oldest considerations

  • When you manually add an ECC controlled allocation in snapshot (for a suggested or existing job) you can only add the allocation for a specific rev/rel.

  • When you maintain an ECC controlled allocation in snapshot (for a suggested or existing job) you cannot change the ECC consumption method.

  • When you maintain an ECC controlled allocation in snapshot (for a suggested or existing job) which uses the consumption method deplete oldest, then you cannot change the warehouse against the allocation.

Deplete oldest processing considerations

  • If the quantity of the allocation is increased and you can issue from multiple rev/rels then the processing will start from the earliest rev/rel checking if there is available quantity for the difference between the old and the new quantity (the available quantity is checked by getting the last record against the MRP master table for the rev/rel) and this is applied against the pegging table and demand field of the master table.

  • If the quantity of the allocation is increased and you cannot issue from multiple rev/rels (either the BOM setup option to issue from multiple rev/rels is not switched on or the option to issue from multiple lots is not allowed), then the processing will start at the specific rev/rel used and if the difference between the old and the new quantity can be satisfied by the available quantity against the specific rev/rel then this will be done and the pegging table and demand field on the master updated accordingly else the pegging will be deleted and the demand removed off the master table and the processing will start from the earliest rev/rel until a specific rev/rel can satisfy the entire new quantity required and when this happens the new quantity will be applied against the pegging table and against the demand field of the master table.

  • If the quantity of the allocation is decreased and you can issue from multiple rev/rels then the processing will start at the most current rev/rel used up for the allocation and take the difference between the old and the new quantity required of the allocation and subtract that from the pegging quantity. If the pegging quantity is not greater than zero the pegging record is deleted. The demand against the master table will also be adjusted accordingly. The processing then continues backwards until the entire difference has been removed.

  • If the quantity of the allocation is decreased and you cannot issue from multiple rev/rels (either the BOM setup option to issue from multiple rev/rels is not switched on or the option to issue from multiple lots is not allowed), then the specific rev/rel used will be read and the difference between the old and the new quantity is subtracted from the pegging table and the demand field on the master table.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
WIP Job creation from MRP Job Review

Controls access to the job creation function in the Job Review program.

WIP Job maintenance

Controls access to the maintenance of jobs in the Job Review and Job Entry programs.

WIP Job deletion

Controls access to the deletion of jobs in the Job Review and Job Entry programs.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
WIP Deleting a job This password restricts access to deleting a job using the Job Review, Browse on Jobs or WIP Query programs.

A job cannot be deleted using the Job Entry program, as you cannot delete the job you are currently maintaining.

This is a transactional based password, which means the password is requested for each job you try to delete.

MRP Preventing exclusion/inclusion of jobs in Job Review This password restricts access to including jobs for action or excluding jobs from action in the Job Review program.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.