Work in Progress > Reports > Job Status

Job Status

You use this program to generate a report listing the status of each job currently held on file.

Report Options

Field Description
Print options  
Sub jobs under master jobs

Select this to print details for jobs occurring at all levels within a job structure. If you select this option, then details of master, sub and interim jobs are included on the report.

This report uses master and sub job flags. If you enter a sub job (which may be the ‘master’ job for other jobs, i.e. a sub-assembly) and you select the Sub-jobs under master jobs option, then nothing will print. If you de-select this option, and you print the report for the single sub-job of the sub-assembly, then the single job is printed.

Only completed jobs with WIP values Select this to include only completed jobs that have WIP values.

Note that the check for this option only applies to Master jobs. Therefore, if you select this option together with the option: Sub jobs under master jobs, then details of sub jobs and interim jobs are listed irrespective of whether or not these are complete or have WIP values.

New page per job Select this to print the information for each job on a new page.

Select this to print the following additional information on the report:

  • the number of completed jobs
  • the report total work in progress value
  • the value of issues from work in progress
  • the work in progress value of the job

If you do not select this option, then the Highest op w/center field is printed on the report to indicate the work center of the highest operation to which labor postings have been made.

Print manufacturing u/m quantities This prints quantities in the manufacturing unit of measure, providing that this is configured against the relevant stock items and you selected to use this unit of measure in the bill of materials. Otherwise quantities are printed in the stocking unit of measure.
Jobs on hold  
Include Select this to include jobs on hold.
Exclude Select this to exclude jobs on hold.
Only Select this to only include jobs on hold.
Completed jobs

You cannot access this field if you selected the option: Only completed jobs with WIP values.

Include Select this to include completed jobs.
Exclude Select this to exclude completed jobs.
Only Select this to only include completed jobs.
Unconfirmed jobs  
Include Select this to include unconfirmed jobs.
Exclude Select this to exclude unconfirmed jobs.
Only Select this to only include unconfirmed jobs.
Values by  
Notional part

Select this to print the values for each notional part.

These are the total work in progress values of materials and labor for the notional part.

Co-product Select this to print the details for each co-product attached to a notional part on the report.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Job selection Indicate the job(s) for which you want to generate the report.
Job classification Indicate the job classes for which you want to include jobs in the report.
Customer selection Indicate the customer(s) for which you want to include jobs in the report.
Stock code selection Indicate the stock item(s) for which you want to include jobs in the report.

Date Options

The options on this tab page enable you to indicate date(s) according to which you want to generate the report.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Delivery date selection Indicate the delivery date(s) for which you want to include jobs in the report.
Completion date selection Indicate the job completion date(s) for which you want to generate the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

For each material allocation, the report indicates the quantity and value originally required and the quantity and value actually issued to date.

For each operation, the report indicates the run and setup times originally required and the time actually booked to date.

If you selected the Print option: Sub jobs under master jobs, then the <mast> field indicates that the job is a master job; the <sub> field indicates that the job is a sub job; and the <int> field indicates an interim job (i.e. a sub job to which is attached other sub jobs).