Work in Progress > Job Postings > Job Issues > Parent/Lot Serial Reservation

Parent/Lot Serial Reservation

You use this program to reserve lots and/or serials for parent parts and components or to maintain previously reserved lots.

Lots and serials reserved for a parent item are reserved until you use either the Job Receipts or WIP Inspection Maintenance programs to receipt the item into stock. Lots and serials reserved for allocations are reserved until the allocations are issued to the job.

Parent/Lot Serial Reservation

This screen is displayed when you create a job for a lot traceable and/or serialized item and you selected the option: Prompt operator at the Reserve serials for parent, Reserve lots for parent, Reserve serials for allocations or Reserve lots for allocations options (Work in Progress Setup).

Field Description
Lot reservation required Select this to reserve lot numbers for a parent or a component item.

This option is only enabled if the item is defined as lot traceable (Stock Codes).

Serial reservation required Select this to reserve serial numbers for a parent or a component item.

This option is only enabled if the item is defined as serialized (Stock Codes).

OK Select this to accept your selections.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without reserving either lots or serials.

Reserve Lots for Job

You use this screen to reserve lots for the parent item being manufactured.

Lots for a parent item are reserved until the item is receipted into stock using the Job Receipts or WIP Inspection Maintenance programs.

This screen is only displayed if:

  • the parent part or co-product is defined as lot traceable (Stock Codes) and
  • you selected to reserve lots for parent parts (Work in Progress Setup).

When you create a job for a notional part, you reserve the lots against the individual co-products.

Field Description
Stock code This displays the stock code of the parent item.
Description This displays the description for the parent item.
Co-product line This displays the line of the co-product for which you are currently reserving lots. This is only displayed if the job is for a notional part.
Reserve lot Enter the lot you want to reserve.

If you selected the option: Lot is equal to job (Set Key Information) then this field defaults to the job number, but can be changed. The lot number may be either an existing lot or a new lot. You can reserve more than one lot for the parent items.

You will be unable to select a lot that expires before the job delivery date.

Unless you selected the option: Same lot to be used on multiple stock codes (Lot Traceability Setup) you cannot enter a lot number which is already on file for another stock code.

If the parent item is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes), then the revision/release for the parent item for the current job must be the same as the revision/release for the lot.

Quantity to reserve Enter the quantity you want to reserve in the lot you entered in the previous field.

The quantity to reserve should be equal to the quantity to manufacture for the job.

Expiry date Enter the expiry date for the lot. You cannot enter a lot expiry date that is earlier than the job delivery date.

If you are reserving an existing lot, then you cannot change the expiry date.

If you reserve an existing lot for a co-product, then the expiry date cannot be before the co-product's due date.

If a shelf life is defined against the parent item (Stock Codes), then the lot expiry date for new lots defaults to the job delivery date plus the shelf life of the parent item.

If you reserve a lot which does not currently exist or was previously reserved for a co-product, then the Lot expiry date defaults to: co-product due date plus co-product shelf life. You may enter an expiry date, but this date may not be before the co-product's due date.

Add Select this to add the lot to the listview of reserved lots.

The following information is displayed in the listview for each reserved lot:

  • Lot

    This displays the lot number.

  • Quantity

    This displays the quantity reserved against the lot.

  • Expiry date

    This displays the expiry date of the lot.

Change Select this to change the quantity for the currently highlighted lot.
Remove Select this to delete the currently highlighted lot from the listview of reserved lots.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity of the item for which you still need to reserve lots. The value in this field decreases whenever you use the Add function.
Next Select this to proceed to the next screen once you have allocated all lots for the parent item.
Close Select this to exit the lot reservation screen. You can reserve the lots later using the Browse on Jobs program. The lots you reserved during the current run of the program can be released or retained.

Reserve Lots for Allocation for Job

You use this screen to reserve lots for the components of the parent item being manufactured.

Lots cannot be reserved for material allocations where a sub-job was created for the allocation. In this case, lots are reserved against the parent part for the sub-job.

This screen is only displayed if:

  • a component used in the job is defined a lot traceable (Stock Codes) and
  • you selected to reserve lots for allocations (Work in Progress Setup).
Field Description
Stock code This displays the stock code of the component item.
Description This displays the description for the component item.
Reserve lot Enter the lot you want to reserve.

You cannot select a lot that expires before the material demand date. This is either the job delivery date less the offset days or operation queue date.

This defaults to the job number if you selected the option: Lot is equal to job (Set Key Information) but can be changed.

You can only reserve more than one lot for a component if the option: Allow issues from multiple lots is selected against the component (Stock Codes).

Unless you selected the option: Same lot to be used on multiple stock codes (Lot Traceability Setup) you will not be able to enter a lot number which is already on file for another stock item.

Quantity to reserve Enter the quantity you want to reserve from the lot you entered in the previous field.

The quantity to reserve should equal the quantity to issue for the allocation.

You cannot reserve a quantity greater than that available for the lot (i.e. quantity on hand less quantity shipped less quantity previously reserved).

Expiry date This indicates the expiry date for the selected lot.
Add Select this to add the lot to the listview of reserved lots.

The following information is displayed in the listview for each reserved lot:

  • Lot

    This displays the lot number.

  • Quantity

    This displays the quantity reserved against the lot.

  • Expiry date

    This displays the expiry date of the lot.

Change Select this to change the quantity for the currently highlighted lot.
Remove Select this to delete the currently highlighted lot from the listview of reserved lots.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity of the item for which you still need to reserve lots. The value in this field decreases whenever you use the Add function.
Skip Select this to skip the reservation of lots for the current allocation and move on to the next allocation.
Next Select this to proceed to the next allocation. You would typically use this function when you partially allocated lots (which you want to save), and need to proceed to the next allocation. This could be because there is insufficient stock in the lots you want to reserve. You can reserve the lots later using the Browse on Jobs program.
Close Select this to exit the lot reservation screen. You can reserve the lots later using the Browse on Jobs program. The lots you reserved during the current run of the program can be released or retained.

Reserve Manual Serials for Job

You use this screen to reserve serials for a parent part which has its Serial tracking method defined as Manual (Stock Codes).

When you create a job for a notional part, you reserve the serials against the individual co-products.

Field Description
Stock code This indicates the stock code of the parent item or co-product.
Description This indicates the description for the parent item or co-product.
Co-product line This indicates the line of the co-product for which you are currently reserving serials. This is only displayed if the job is for a notional part.
Reserve serial Enter the serial number you want to reserve.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity to reserve against the serial number entered in the previous field. This defaults to one and cannot be changed. The total number of serials to reserve should equal the quantity to make for the job.
Add Select this to add the serial to the listview of reserved serials.

The following information is displayed in the listview for each reserved serial:

  • Serial

    This displays the serial number.

  • Quantity

    This displays the quantity reserved against the serial.

  • Expiry date

    This displays the expiry date of the serial.

  • Location

    This displays the location of the serial.

Change Select this to change the quantity for the currently highlighted serial.
Remove Select this to delete the currently highlighted serial from the listview of reserved serials.
Serial details  
Expiry date Indicate the expiry date you want to allocate to the serial number you entered.

If you reserve an existing serial for a co-product, then the expiry date cannot be before the co-product's due date.

If you reserve a new serial for a co-product, then you can enter an expiry date, but this date may not be before the co-product's due date.
Location Enter the location of the serial.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity of the item for which you still need to reserve serials. The value in this field decreases whenever you use the Add function.
Enter Range Select this to reserve a range of serial numbers to the parent item.
Add Serials This function is not available when reserving serials for parent parts. You can reserve serials that do not yet exist. These reserved serials are taken into stock once the job is receipted.
Next Select this to proceed to the next screen once you have allocated all serials for the parent item.

For co-products, you do not have to reserve serials for the entire quantity to make for the co-product. You can use the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program to reserve the serials at a later stage.

Close Select this to exit the serial reservation screen. You can reserve the serials later using the Browse on Jobs program. The serials you reserved during the current run of the program can be released or retained.

Reserve Serial Range Entry

You use the Enter Range function to reserve a range of serial numbers for the parent item.

If you are using manual serial number tracking (Set Key Information) then you can create sequential ranges of manual serial numbers either at company or stock code level. These serial numbers are created by combining the values in the Prefix and Next suffix fields defined either at company or stock code level.

Field Description
Quantity to reserve This indicates the number of items for which you want to reserve the current range of serial numbers.

This indicates the character(s) that must be attached to the beginning of the serial number.

The prefix can only be entered if you defined your serial numbers to be alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

Although you can enter 15 characters at the prefix field, the total number of characters for the serial number cannot exceed 20.

If you are using manual serial number tracking (Set Key Information) then this field defaults to the value defined in the Prefix field against either the Company or the stock code, but can be changed.


This indicates the character(s) that must be attached to the end of the serial number.

The suffix can only be entered if you defined your serial numbers to be alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

The number of numeric characters entered for the suffix must allow for the total number of serial numbers specified at the Quantity to receive field.

If you are using manual serial number tracking (Set Key Information) then this field defaults to the value defined in the Next suffix field against either the Company or the stock code, but can be changed.

The system automatically increments the Next suffix for each new serial number created in the range, providing the number was created using the prefix defined in the Prefix field (Set Key Information or Stock Codes).

Starting serial number

This indicates the first number that must be used for this range of serial numbers.

This field can only be accessed if you are using numeric serial numbers (Set Key Information).

OK Select this to accept the information you entered and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without saving any information you entered.

Reserve Batch Serials for Job

You use this screen to reserve serials for a parent part which has its Serial tracking method defined as Batch (Stock Codes).

When you create a job for a notional part, you reserve the serials against the individual co-products.

Field Description
Stock code This indicates the stock code of the parent item.
Description This indicates the description for the parent item.
Co-product line This indicates the line of the co-product for which you are currently reserving serials. This is only displayed if the job is for a notional part.
Reserve serial Enter the serial number to reserve.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity to reserve against the serial number entered in the previous field. The total number of serials to reserve should equal the quantity to make for the job.
Add Select this to add the serial to the listview of reserved serials.

The following information is displayed in the listview for each reserved serial:

  • Serial

    This displays the serial number.

  • Quantity

    This displays the quantity reserved against the serial.

  • Expiry date

    This displays the expiry date of the serial.

  • Location

    This displays the location of the serial.

Change Select this to change the quantity for the currently highlighted serial.
Remove Select this to delete the currently highlighted serial from the listview of reserved serials.
Serial details  
Expiry date Indicate the expiry date you want to allocate to the serial number you entered.

If you reserve an existing serial for a co-product, then the expiry date cannot be before the co-product's due date.

If you reserve a new serial for a co-product, then you can enter an expiry date, but this date may not be before the co-product's due date.

Location Enter the location of the serial.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity of the item for which you still need to reserve serials. The value in this field decreases whenever you use the Add function.
Add Serials This function is not available when reserving serials for parent parts. You can reserve serials that do not yet exist. These reserved serials will be taken into stock once the job is receipted.
Next Select this to proceed to the next screen once you have allocated all serials for the parent item.

For co-products, you do not have to reserve serials for the entire quantity to make for the co-product. You can use the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program to reserve the serials at a later stage.

Close Select this to exit the serial reservation screen. You can reserve the serials later using the Browse on Jobs program. The serials you reserved during the current run of the program can be released or retained.

Reserve Manual Serials for Allocation

You use this screen to reserve serials for component parts that have a Serial tracking method defined as Manual (Stock Codes).

Field Description
Stock code This indicates the stock code of the component item.
Description This indicates the description for the component item.
Reserve serial Enter the serial number you want to reserve. The serial number must exist on file as this serial will be taken out of stock to issue to the job. You can use the Add Serials function to add serials that you know will be coming into stock and will be issued to the job.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity to reserve against the serial number entered in the previous field. This defaults to one and cannot be changed. The total number of serials to reserve should equal the quantity to issue for the allocation to the job.
Add Select this to add the serial to the listview of reserved serials.

The following information is displayed in the listview for each reserved serial:

  • Serial

    This displays the serial number.

  • Quantity

    This displays the quantity reserved against the serial.

  • Expiry date

    This displays the expiry date of the serial.

  • Location

    This displays the location of the serial.

Change Select this to change the quantity for the currently highlighted serial.
Remove Select this to delete the currently highlighted serial from the listview of reserved serials.
Serial details  
Expiry date You use this field to indicate the expiry date you want to allocate to the serial number you entered.
Location You use this field to enter the location of the serial.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity of the item for which you still need to reserve serials. The value in this field decreases whenever you use the Add function.
Enter Range Select this to reserve a range of serial numbers to the item.
Add Serials Select this to use the SO Add Serial Numbers program to capture serial numbers that you want to reserve.
Skip Select this to skip the reservation of serials for the current allocation and to move on to the next allocation.
Next Select this to proceed to the next allocation. You would typically use this function if you want to save the serials you have allocated so far and proceed to the next allocation.
Close Select this to exit the serial reservation screen. You can reserve the serials later using the Browse on Jobs program. The serials you reserved during the current run of the program can be released or retained.

Reserve Batch Serials for Allocation for Job

You use this screen to reserve serials for component parts that have a Serial tracking method defined as Batch (Stock Codes).

Field Description
Stock code This indicates the stock code of the component item.
Description This field displays the description for the component item.
Reserve serial Enter the serial number you want to reserve. The serial number must exist on file as this serial will be taken out of stock to issue to the job. You can use the Add Serials function to add serials that you know will be coming into stock and will be issued to the job.
Quantity to reserve Enter the quantity to reserve against the serial number entered in the previous field. The total number of serials to reserve should equal the quantity to issue for the allocation to the job.
Add Select this to add the serial to the listview of reserved serials.

The following information is displayed in the listview for each reserved serial:

  • Serial

    This displays the serial number.

  • Quantity

    This displays the quantity reserved against the serial.

  • Expiry date

    This displays the expiry date of the serial.

  • Location

    This displays the location of the serial.

Change Select this to change the quantity for the currently highlighted serial.
Remove Select this to delete the currently highlighted serial from the listview of reserved serials.
Serial details  
Expiry date Indicate the expiry date you want to allocate to the serial number you entered.
Location Enter the location of the serial.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity of the item for which you still need to reserve serials. The value in this field decreases whenever you use the Add function.
Add Serials Select this to use the SO Add Serial Numbers program to capture serial numbers that you want to reserve.
Skip Select this to skip the reservation of serials for the current allocation and to move on to the next allocation.
Next Select this to proceed to the next allocation. You would typically use this function if you want to save the serials you have allocated so far and proceed to the next allocation.
Close Select this to exit the serial reservation screen. You can reserve the serials later using the Browse on Jobs program. The serials you reserved during the current run of the program can be released or retained.

Reserved Lots and Serials Maintenance for Job

This screen is displayed when you select the Maintain Reserved Lots/Serials option from the Edit menu of the Browse on Jobs program or from the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program.

Field Description

Once a job is set to Complete, you will only be able to release reserved lots/serials for the parent part, or to release all reserved lots/serials.

Add Reserved Lot Select this to reserve an additional lot.
Change Reserved Lot Select this to change the currently highlighted lot.
Release Reserved Lot Select this to release the reserved lot (i.e. if you no longer want to reserve the lot). If you select this option, then the lot remains on the lot reservation file, but is flagged as not reserved.
Delete Reserved Lot Select this to delete the reservation for the currently highlighted lot. If you select this option, then the lot is removed from the lot reservation file. You can only delete a lot if no transactions were processed against it.
Add Reserved Serial Select this to add a serial to reserve.
Change Reserved Serial Select this to change the currently highlighted serial.
Release Reserved Serial Select this to release the reserved serial (i.e. if you no longer want to reserve the serial). If you select this option, then the serial remains on the serial reservation file, but is flagged as not reserved.
Delete Reserved Serial Select this to delete the reservation for the currently highlighted serial. If you select this option, then the serial is removed from the serial reservation file.

You can only delete a serial if no transactions were processed against it.

Release All Select this to release all reserved lots and serials for the currently displayed parent or allocation.
Release All for Entire Job Select this to release all reserved lots and serials for the entire job.
Include Completed Lots Select this to include lots set to complete in the listview.

For parent items, reserved lots are set to complete when the quantity receipted into stock plus the quantity scrapped plus the quantity reworked is equal to the quantity reserved. For material allocations, lots are set to complete when the reserved quantity is equal to the quantity issued to the job.

Include Completed Serials Select this to include lots set to complete in the listview.

For parent items, reserved serials are set to complete when the quantity receipted into stock plus the quantity scrapped plus the quantity reworked is equal to the quantity reserved. For material allocations, serials are set to complete when the reserved quantity is equal to the quantity issued to the job.

Stock Details  
Job This indicates the job number.
Stock code This indicates the stock code of the item you are currently maintaining.

If you selected the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance program from the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program, then the stock item refers to a component.

If you selected the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance program from the Browse on Jobs program, then the stock item refers to the parent part.

Description This indicates the description for the stock code.
Long description This indicates the long description defined against the stock code.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for the stock item.
Rev/Rel This indicates the revision/release of the item if it is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes).
Traceable This indicates whether the stock item is defined as traceable (Stock Codes).
Serialized This indicates whether the stock item is defined as serialized (Stock Codes).
Reserved Quantities These fields are displayed for information purposes.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the total quantity to reserve for the job, irrespective of the quantity already reserved.
Quantity reserved for lots This indicates the quantity to reserve for the lot.

For parent items, the quantity to reserve is the quantity to manufacture for the job. For components, the quantity to reserve is the quantity allocated to the job.

Quantity reserved for serials This indicates the quantity to reserve for the serial.

For parent items, the quantity to reserve is the quantity to manufacture for the job. For components, the quantity to reserve is the quantity allocated to the job.

Reserved Lots  
Lot This indicates the lot number for the parent item or component.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse in which the lot is reserved.
Qty reserved This indicates the quantity currently reserved from the lot.
Qty issued This indicates the quantity currently issued to the job from the reserved lot.
Qty receipted This indicates the quantity of the item currently receipted into stock.
Qty in inspection This indicates the quantity of the item currently in inspection.
Qty scrapped This indicates the quantity of the item currently scrapped.
Qty reworked This indicates the quantity of the item currently being reworked.
Completed This indicates whether the reserved lot is complete.

For parent items, reserved lots are set to complete when the quantity receipted into stock plus the quantity scrapped plus the quantity reworked is equal to the quantity reserved. For material allocations, lots are set to complete when the reserved quantity is equal to the quantity issued to the job.

Expiry date This indicates the expiry date for the lot.
Reserved Serials  
Serial This indicates the serial number reserved
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse in which the serial is reserved.
Qty reserved This indicates the quantity reserved for the item.
Qty receipted This indicates the quantity of the item currently receipted into stock.
Qty in inspection This indicates the quantity of the item currently in inspection.
Qty scrapped This indicates the quantity of the item currently scrapped.
Qty reworked This indicates the quantity of the item currently being reworked.
Completed This indicates whether the reserved serial is complete.

For parent items, reserved serials are set to complete when the quantity receipted into stock plus the quantity scrapped plus the quantity reworked is equal to the quantity reserved. For material allocations, serials are set to complete when the reserved quantity is equal to the quantity issued to the job.

Expiry date This indicates the expiry date for the serial.
Lot This indicates the lot number.
Location This in indicates the serial location.

Change Reserved Lot

This screen is displayed when you select the option: Change Reserved Lot from the Edit menu of the Reserved lots and Serials Maintenance for Job screen.

Field Description
Lot Details  
Reserved lot This field displays the lot currently reserved for the item.
Reserved quantity  
Quantity to reserve You use this field to indicate the quantity to reserve against the lot.

For parent items, the quantity to reserve should be equal to the quantity to manufacture for the job. You may not enter a quantity which is less than the total of the quantity receipted into stock plus the quantity scrapped plus the quantity reworked.

For components, the quantity to reserve should equal the quantity to issue for the allocation. You cannot reserve a quantity greater than that available for the lot (i.e. quantity on hand less quantity shipped less quantity previously reserved).

You cannot change the quantity to less than that already issued to the job.

All over-reserved lots are released when the job is closed.

Expiry details  
Expiry date Enter the expiry date for the lot. You cannot enter a lot expiry date that is earlier than the job delivery date.

If you are reserving an existing lot, then you cannot change the expiry date.

Save Select this to save your changes and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the previous screen.

Change Reserved Serial

This screen is displayed when you select the option: Change Reserved Serial from the Edit menu of the Reserved lots and Serials Maintenance for Job screen.

Field Description
Reserved serial  
Reserved serial This indicates the serial currently reserved for the item.
Reserved quantity  
Quantity to reserve Indicate the quantity to reserve against the serial.

For parent items, the total quantity to reserve should be equal to the quantity to manufacture for the job. You may not enter a quantity which is less than the total of the quantity receipted into stock plus the quantity scrapped plus the quantity reworked.

For components, the total quantity to reserve should equal the quantity to issue for the allocation. You cannot change the quantity to less than that already issued to the job.

Serial details  
Expiry date Enter the expiry date for the serial. You will be unable to enter a serial expiry date that is earlier than the job delivery date.

You will be unable to change the serial expiry date for a material allocation.

For parent items, the total quantity to reserve should be equal to the quantity to manufacture for the job

For components, the total quantity to reserve should equal the quantity to issue for the allocation

Location Enter the location of the serial.
Save Select this to save your changes and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the previous screen.

Reserve Bins for Lot for Allocation

This screen is displayed if you selected the setup option: Multiple bins (Inventory Setup).

Field Description
Stock code This indicates the stock code of the component item.
Description This indicates the description for the stock code of the component item.
Lot This indicates the lot number reserved for the item.
Reserve bin Enter the bin number you want to reserve for the allocation.
Quantity to reserve Enter the quantity you want to reserve against the bin number entered in the previous field.
Add Select this to add the bin to the listview of reserved bins.

The following information is displayed in the listview for each reserved bin:

  • Bin

    This displays the bin number.

  • Quantity

    This displays the quantity reserved against the bin.

Change Select this to change the quantity for the currently highlighted bin.
Remove Select this to delete the currently highlighted bin from the listview of reserved bins.
Quantity to reserve This indicates the quantity for which bin numbers must still be reserved.
Close Select this to exit the bin reservation screen.

Change Bin Quantity

This screen is displayed when you select the Change function.

Field Description
New quantity Enter the new quantity you want to reserve from the selected bin.
OK Select this to change the bin quantity to the quantity entered in the previous field.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without changing the bin quantity.

Hints and Tips

  • A new program which allows the capture of WIP reservations for lots and serials using editable listview grids has been released.

    To run the new program instead of this program, you need to add the following entry to the IMPNUI.IMP file in your SYSPRO program directory:


Notes and warnings

Program access

This program can be run from the following programs:

  • when you create a job using the Job Entry program

  • when you receipt or maintain a job using the Browse on Jobs program

  • when you maintain material allocations for a job using the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program

  • when you use the Job Issues program to issue materials to a job

This program is not run from the Job Review program when you select to create all jobs for the suggested jobs.

ECC lots and serials

  • When the consumption method for an ECC controlled item is Deplete oldest, the allocation lots and serials cannot be reserved.

  • If any lots or serials are reserved, the ECC consumption method is changed from Use current to Specified and the current revision/release at that point is used.