Work in Progress > Job Postings > WIP Reservations Review

WIP Reservations Review

You use this program to review and maintain reserved quantities for specific jobs and specific material allocations.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Review Select this to display job and allocation details in the Jobs to Review grid according to the Review Criteria indicated.
Change Criteria Select this to reset the Review Criteria to their defaults and to enable changes to the criteria.
Close Select this to exit the program.

Review Criteria

Indicate the criteria according to which you want to display details in the Jobs to Review grid.

Field Description
Reload after update Enable this to refresh the Jobs to Review grid with the updated quantities after changes have been made.

You must select Start Review to see any changes when this option is not enabled.

Specific allocation Indicate the single specific allocation for which you want to display jobs in the review. Only jobs containing this allocation are displayed and only this allocation is displayed, irrespective of other criteria selected.
Jobs Indicate the jobs to include in the review.
Warehouses Indicate the warehouses for the jobs to include in the review.
Stock codes Indicate the parent stock codes of the jobs to include in the review.
Start dates Indicate the job start dates of the jobs to include in the review.
Product classes Indicate the product classes for the jobs to review.
Planners Indicate the planners for the jobs to review.
Buyers Indicate the buyers for the jobs to review.
Job classification Indicate the job classifications of the jobs to review.

Jobs to Review

Details are displayed in this grid according to the Review Criteria you indicated.

Field Description
Apply Specific Changes Saves the changes made to the grid and updates the relevant tables.
Release All Releases all reservations for all allocations against all jobs listed in the review.

The Jobs to Review grid is refreshed, when the Reload after update option is enabled, to show zero reserved.

Reserve All Reserve quantities for all allocations for all jobs listed in the review.

Reservations are applied from the top of the grid downwards, using up available stock as quantities are reserved.

Partial reserving takes place up to the stock quantity available when not enough stock exists for the item.

If an allocation is linked to a sub job or a purchase order then the sub job or purchase order quantity is used first to satisfy the quantity required for the allocation. Thereafter, if there is still a remaining quantity to be reserved, then this must be reserved manually using this program.

See Restrictions and limits.

The Jobs to Review grid is refreshed when the Reload after update option is enabled.

Job Indicates the job number.
Stock code Indicates the parent stock code for each job followed by the allocation stock code(s).
Line Indicates the material allocation line number.
UOM Indicates the unit of measure for the allocation.
Quantity required Indicates the quantity still required in the UOM displayed.

This is calculated as the Total Quantity Required for the job less the quantities attached to Sub jobs, Purchase orders and quantities already Issued to the job.

Quantity to reserve Indicates the quantity to be reserved for the allocation in the UOM displayed.

Stock is automatically reserved when the Automatically reserve allocations option is enabled for a confirmed job within a program. See Restrictions and limits.

Enter the quantity to reserve. This column is validated. The quantity cannot exceed the Quantity available to reserve or the Quantity required to reserve. After validation, if the quantity exceeds either of these, then the quantity is adjusted and updated.

The quantity entered here replaces any existing quantity to reserve. It is not added to, or subtracted from the quantity currently reserved.

For lot traceable and serialized allocations, you must select the Maintain option in the Reserved lots and serials column to manually reserve the required quantity from specific lots and to reserve the required serials.

The Jobs to Review grid is refreshed when the Reload after update option is enabled.

Quantity issued Indicates the quantity already issued to the job allocation in the UOM displayed.
Quantity reserved for lots Indicates the quantity reserved for a lot traceable allocation. This is not the same as the Quantity to reserve.

You must use the Quantity reserved for serials column to reserve stock for lot traceable items.

Quantity reserved for serials Indicates the quantity reserved for a serialized allocation. This is not the same as the Quantity to reserve.

You must use the Quantity reserved for serials column to reserve stock for serialized items.

Reserved lots and serials Select this to use the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance program to reserve the required quantity of specific serials and the required quantity from a specific lot.
Quantity available to reserve Indicates the total quantity available to reserve in the UOM displayed.

This is calculated as the Quantity on hand for the allocation plus the quantity on back order less the quantity allocated.

Stock quantity required Indicates he quantity required in the stocking unit of measure.
Quantity currently reserved Indicates the quantity currently reserved for the allocation in the UOM displayed.

Job Details

Details of the job currently highlighted in the Jobs to Review pane are displayed in this pane.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • This program applies only when the Reserve stock for confirmed jobs option (Work in Progress Setup) is enabled.

  • Only confirmed and incomplete jobs that contain at least one valid allocation with the following criteria are included in the review:

    • The allocation is not complete

    • The allocation is not for a Bulk Issue or Floorstock item

    • The allocation is for a stocked item

    • The quantity required is not negative

    • The total quantity required has not been fully satisfied by a sub job. If it has been partially satisfied by a sub job, then the difference is available to reserve.

    • The total quantity required has not been fully satisfied by a Purchase Order. If it has been partially satisfied by a Purchase Order, then the difference is available to reserve.

  • Stock for the following items must be manually reserved using the Reserved lots and serials column of the WIP Reservations Review program:

    • serialized items

    • lot traceable items

    • ECC controlled items which are lot traceable and stock control is at revision or release level

  • Stock cannot be reserved for:

    • Bulk issue items - unless these are added as normal allocations to the job

    • Floorstock items

    • Non stocked items

    • Allocations with a negative quantity required

Error messages

  • Reserve stock for allocations not enabled

    You need to enable the Reserve stock for confirmed jobs option in the Work in Progress Setup program.