Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Order Entry > Purchase Order Header Information

Purchase Order Header Information

You use this program to maintain purchase order information unrelated to the line details of the items being purchased.

The header section enables you to confirm/amend information required to be held against the purchase order (e.g. the delivery address, currency, type of order, processing dates, etc).

Purchase Order Header

Field Description
Order Information  
Purchase order This displays the purchase order number for which you are maintaining the header details.

Indicate the buyer responsible for purchasing the goods on the purchase order.

This defaults from the Operators program, if a buyer has been setup against the operator.

Your entry in this field is validated according to the selection made against the Validate buyer upon order creation option (Purchase Orders Setup).

If set to mandatory or if entered, and you are creating a purchase order from one or more requisition lines (see Requisition Create Purchase Orders) then the buyer defined against the requisition line(s) is automatically entered in this field. If you enter a different buyer code, then the requisition lines are updated with the buyer code you entered.

Tax status This defaults to the Default tax status set in the Purchase Orders Setup program, but can be changed.
TaxableIf you select this option and a default tax code is defined in the preferences (see Preferences) then that tax code is used. Otherwise, the tax code defined against the stock code is used.
ExemptIf you select this, then tax is not applicable and the tax fields are disabled.
Purchase order type

The default entry at this field is determined by the currency code of the supplier and the local currency code defined within the company options.

The order type can be used for selection purposes within the Purchase Order Print program and the Purchase Orders by Order Number report.

A/P invoice terms This defaults to the terms defined against the supplier (Suppliers) but can be changed.
Payment terms Enter the payment terms for the order (e.g. COD to indicate cash on delivery).
Customer Indicate a customer code if the purchase order is to be processed for a customer.
Customer purchase order Enter the customer's purchase order number to be used for cross-referencing purposes.
Shipping instructions This defaults to the Default shipping instruction message defined in the Purchase Orders Setup program, but can be changed.
Supplier details  
Supplier This indicates the supplier's code.
Supplier name This indicates the supplier's name.
Currency This indicates the default currency defined against the supplier (Suppliers).
Auto vouchering required This displays the auto vouchering selection defined against the supplier in the Suppliers program.
YesThe supplier uses auto vouchering, but this can be overridden during purchase order processing.
NoThe supplier never uses auto vouchering.
AlwaysThe supplier always uses auto vouchering and this cannot be overridden during purchase order processing.
Supplier address This indicates the supplier's address as defined against the supplier (Suppliers).
Geolocation This indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions.

An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default. SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider.

Intrastat details  
Nationality This indicates the nationality code for the country in which the account/supplier/customer is located.

This field is mandatory when the EC Vat system required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

Delivery terms This indicates the three-character alphanumeric Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery.

The Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.

For example, the Delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. Shipping location).

Shipping location This indicates the default Shipping location associated with the Delivery terms.
Language You can indicate the language code to use if you enabled the option: Multi-language for document printing in the System Setup program.

The drop down option Global is the default selection and refers to the default language at the time of the entries' creation.

Order dates  
Purchase order date

This defaults to the current system date, but can be changed.

It can be printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report.

Due date

This defaults to the current system date, but can be changed.

If you are using Commitment accounting (General Ledger Setup) then commitments are updated when the due date is changed here and applied to all the non stocked lines on the order.

This can be printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report.

The order due date is also used in the Requirements Calculation program.

Memo date

This defaults to the Default days until memo date preference (Purchase Order Entry).

The memo date can be set to a few days before the order due date, and when running the Purchase Orders by Order Number report, you can check all the orders which are due on a specific date.

If you entered a value at the Default days until memo due field (Purchase Order Entry) then SYSPRO automatically calculates the memo date when you create a purchase order using the default memo code.

Memo code Enter a single character memo code.

It can be printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report.

In addition, if you enter a value at the Default days until memo due preference field (Purchase Order Entry) then SYSPRO automatically calculates the memo date when you create a purchase order using the default memo code.

For example: For Default memo code A you enter 10 at the Default days until memo due field. When you create a new purchase order using the default memo code, SYSPRO calculates the memo date by adding 10 days to the system date.

Exchange rate details You can only access these options when processing an order for a foreign currency supplier and the Allow entry/maintenance of exchange rate option is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup).
Fixed rate Enable this to set the exchange rate for purchase order lines entered and optionally for existing outstanding lines.
Apply fixed rate to all outstanding linesYes updates the header and all purchase order lines not marked as complete are updated according to the Exchange rate entered.
 No changes the rate against the header, but leaves the outstanding purchase order lines unchanged.
Exchange rate

Enter the fixed exchange rate to be applied to lines on this order. All foreign prices entered are converted to local currency values using this fixed exchange rate.

Order discount percentage

Enter up to three chained discount or surcharge percentages to apply to the entire purchase order.

For example:

Your order total is 100 and you define chained discount percentages of 10% and 5%. The calculation of discount is performed in the order listed below:

  • The system calculates 10% discount on 100. The result is 10.
  • The system subtracts 10 from 100. The result is 90.
  • The system calculates 5% of 90. The results is 4.50.
  • The system adds up the two discount values and the total discount for the order is 14.50.
Discount percentage Indicate whether the percentages must be added to (i.e. surcharge) or deducted from (i.e. discount) the purchase order.
LessApplies the percentages as a discount on the order.
PlusAdds the percentages to the order as a surcharge.
Discount % 1 - 3 Enter the discount/surcharge percentages to apply.

Purchase Order Delivery Address

This pane enables you to define a different delivery address to the default address defined against the company (Company Maintenance).

You typically use this facility when you place a purchase order for direct delivery to a customer rather than for delivery to your usual warehouse address.

Field Description
Address This is only available when the Allow maintenance of delivery address option is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup).
Company Address Select this to enter the delivery address defined against the company (Company Maintenance).
Alternative Address Select this to use the Browse on Alternate Delivery Addresses program to select an alternate delivery address for the order.
Customer Address

Select this to use the Ship to address defined against the customer (Customers) as the delivery address for the purchase order.

This option is only enabled if you entered a customer code in the Customer field of the Purchase Order Header pane.

Multiple Address

Select this to use the Browse on Multiple Ship to Addresses program to select one of the multiple addresses defined against the customer.

This option is only enabled if you entered a customer code in the Customer field of the Purchase Order Header pane.

Sales Order Shipping Address

Select this to use the delivery address defined against the sales order as the delivery address for the purchase order.

You typically use this option when creating a purchase order from the Sales Order Entry program for a specific customer and delivery must be made to the customer's address defined on the sales order.

This option is only available when the program is called with a sales order number as a parameter. This happens when it is called from PO Creation when adding a purchase order for a sales order.

When you are updating a purchase order, there is no record of the original sales order at purchase order level, as it is on the purchase order line. There could be different orders on different lines, so there is no order passed at this point.

Warehouse Address

Enter the warehouse address for the order.

This applies when the Restrict order to single warehouse option is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup).

If the address you enter differs from the warehouse address for the Delivery warehouse, then you are given the option of applying the warehouse address instead.

Delivery address

Enter the delivery name and address to which the goods you are ordering must be delivered.

By default, this displays your company's name and delivery address as defined against the company (Company Maintenance) but can be changed using the Address function.

You cannot edit the delivery address when the option Allow maintenance of delivery address is disabled (Purchase Orders Setup).

Geolocation This indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions.

An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default. SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider.

Language You can indicate the language code to use if you enabled the option: Multi-language for document printing in the System Setup program.

The drop down option Global is the default selection and refers to the default language at the time of the entries' creation.

Intrastat details  
Nationality This indicates the nationality code for the country in which the account/supplier/customer is located.

This field is mandatory when the EC Vat system required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

Delivery terms Optionally indicate the three-character alphanumeric Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery.

The Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.

For example, the Delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. Shipping location).

This code is also used when processing a purchase order for a supplier in an EC Member State and ultimately for use on the Supplementary Declaration.

If this field is left blank, then the default delivery terms defined against the company for Arrivals is used (Intrastat Setup).

Shipping location Optionally define the default Shipping location associated with the Delivery terms.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the P/order Header function in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Restrictions and limits

  • The Field Selector option enabling you to add custom form fields to the Purchase Order Header Information pane is disabled until the purchase order number has been allocated (because the order number forms part of the key).

Intrastat considerations

  • Delivery Terms and Shipping Location's can only be captured if:

    • a valid Nationality code has been entered, and EC Vat is in force, or

    • the option Capture non EC members delivery terms is enabled in the Intrastat Setup program.

  • The Delivery Terms and Shipping Location defaults defined in Suppliers and Customers take precedence over those defined in the Intrastat Setup program.

  • To reflect the Delivery Terms and Shipping Location on sales order and purchase order documents, ensure that these fields are enabled in the document format setup programs (only available with Word and SRS document printing).

  • Delivery terms are maintained using the Intrastat Delivery Terms program.

  • Shipping locations are maintained using the Shipping Locations program.

  • Nature of transaction codes are maintained using the Intrastat Transaction Nature program.