SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Stationery Formats > Purchase Order Document Format

Purchase Order Document Format

You use this program to define the page layout for printing purchase order documents created within the Purchase Order Entry program. Documents can be printed using pre-printed stationery, using MS Word with pre-defined templates or using SRS Document Printing.

A purchase order format must be defined before you can use the Purchase Order Print program.

Purchase Order Format

Field Description
Document type Indicate the type of document for to configure print settings.
LocalSelect this to define a purchase order format for orders placed with local suppliers.
ForeignSelect this to define a purchase order format for orders placed with foreign suppliers.
RequisitionsSelect this to define a purchase order requisition format.
Blanket contractSelect this to define a document for blanket purchase orders.
Print method Indicate the method to use to print the document.

If you change from a Word document to a Standard document format, then you need to define print positions for the custom form fields you want to print on your document.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.

Standard document

Select this to print the document using pre-printed stationery.


When using a standard document, the maximum number of characters that can be printed for any field is 60.

SRS document

Select this to print the document using SRS Document Printing.

See SRS Document Printing Overview for additional information.

Word document

Select this to print your Purchase Order document using MS Word.

Refer to Microsoft Word Printing for additional information about printing using MS Word.


Indicate the format for the document type.

You can define up to 62 different formats for each document type. This flexibility allows you to configure and print purchase documents according to your own requirements as well as those of your suppliers.

Description Enter a description for the document type and format you selected.
Format options

These options enable you to indicate which section of the document you want to maintain.

You select one of the options and then use the Change function to define the preferences and page layouts for your document (see Format Options).


The options available vary according to the type of Purchase Order document you select to configure as well as the Print method you select.

Change Select this to edit the preferences and print positions for the various sections of each document type (see Format Options).
Continuation Message Select this to specify the wording to print on the first and subsequent pages of your document to indicate that there are more pages to follow.
Schedule Date Message Select this to specify wording to print on Blanket contract type documents to indicate the schedule date of the blanket purchase order.
Copy Select this to copy a document type to another format, or to another document type.
Save Select this to save the details assigned to the document format.

Select this to print a document using test characters to verify that the print positions and fields you defined for the document are correctly aligned on your stationery.

It is advisable to print the alignment to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Print Select this to print the stationery format information you defined and saved.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.

Delete Select this to delete the selected document type and format.

See Deletion considerations in Notes and warnings


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made. If you made changes to the format, then the program prompts you to save or discard these changes.


The Copy function enables you to copy a document type to another format, or to another document type.

This is useful if you want to define multiple formats for the same document type, with minor differences in each. Instead of having to re-define the entire document, you can copy the original document to another format and then apply the required changes to the copied format. Similarly, assuming two document types are similar, you can define a document for one document type and copy this document format to the other document type. You can then amend the copied document as required.

Document types and formats can also be copied between companies (i.e. from one company to another).

Field Description
Company This indicates the company in which you are currently working.
Copy from document type

This indicates the document type you want to use to create the new document.

The document type you select here is copied to the document type you indicated in the Document type field on the previous screen.

Local Select this to copy a local purchase order document format to the new document.
Foreign Select this to copy a foreign purchase order document format to the new document.
Requisition Select this to copy a requisition document format to the new document.
Blanket contract Select this to copy a blanket contract document format to the new document.
Format Indicate the format of the document type you want to copy.
Change Company Select this to change to a different company from which you want to copy a purchase order document.
Copy from company Indicate a valid company from which you want to copy a document format.
OK Select this to accept the company id you entered at the previous prompt.
Cancel Select this to return to the Copy Format screen without changing the company id.

Select this to copy the document format you selected to the new document.


This option does not save the format you copied. To save the new format, you must select Save from the Purchase Order Format screen.

Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without performing the copy.


Total Section Message

The Continuation Message function enables you to specify wording that you want to print on the first and subsequent pages of your document to indicate that there are more pages to follow.

Field Description
Continuation message  
Row Indicate the row number on which the continuation message must be printed.
Column Indicate the column number at which the continuation message must be printed.
Message Indicate the text you want to print for the continuation message.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

Schedule Date Message

The Schedule Date Message function enables you to specify wording that you want to print on Blanket contract type documents to indicate the schedule date of the blanket purchase order.

Field Description
Schedule date message  
Column Indicate the column number at which the schedule date message must be printed.
Message Indicate the schedule date message that must be printed.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

Format Options

You use the format options to select the preferences and sections for which you want to define the print positions for your document(s).

The following sections are available depending on the Document type you selected to configure and the Print method you selected:

  • MS Word Options
  • SRS Options (see SRS Document Print Setup and Maintain SRS Document Templates)

When you highlight a section for a Standard document format and select the Change function, the fields for which print positions can be defined are displayed.

The following options are used to indicate the print positions for these fields:

Field Description
Clear Row/Column

Select this to set the row and column print positions for the highlighted field to zero, so that the field is not printed.

Text Fields Select this to enter the text to print and its specific position on each document.
Change Select this to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window. You save the changes you made when exiting the program.

Text Fields

The Text Fields function enables you to enter up to 8 lines of text (30 characters per line) that you want to print at a specific position on each document.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Field Description
Clear text Select this to clear the text and print positions for the highlighted text field.
Change Select this maintain the highlighted text line.
Text Indicate the actual text that must be printed on the document.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.

OK Select this to accept the information you entered for the text field.
Cancel Select this to ignore the information you entered for the text field and to return to the previous screen.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


You use the Change function from within each section to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field in the section.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Field Description

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

For some fields, only the Row or only the Column may be available for you to indicate.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, you can use the Print Mask program to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.


Indicate the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Custom Field Positions

This screen is displayed when use the Change function to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field from within a section for custom forms.

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

For some fields, only the Row or only the Column may be available for you to define.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, select the Print Mask to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Field Description
Field Indicate which custom form field to print.

This indicates the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The row specification for any field cannot exceed 65.


This indicates the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.


You use the Preferences section to define the default page layout for each of the purchase order document types.


These preferences are defined separately for each document.

Field Description
Total number of lines on page

Indicate the total number of lines you require on the document.

This cannot exceed 99.

Highest start column across page Indicate the maximum column number that can be specified when defining the column print positions for fields on the document.

This must be in the range 1-150.

See also Preference restrictions.

First detail line starts on line

Indicate the line number from the beginning of the page at which the first detail line must be printed, within the block of detail line information.

The entry made here cannot exceed 65.

Last detail line ends on line

Indicate the line number at which the last detail line must be printed. This must be from the beginning of the page, within the block of detail line information.

The entry made here cannot exceed 65.

Number of spaces between detail lines

Indicate the number of blank lines you want to insert between detail lines.

An entry of zero indicates that no blank lines are required.

Merchandised items print block size Indicate the number of multiple lines (up to five lines is permitted) for each detail line.
Gap from one schedule to next This indicates the number of characters that must be allowed between each group of schedule information (blanket purchase orders only).
No of schedule dates across page This indicates the number of schedule date and purchase order combinations that can be printed on the same line (blanket purchase orders only).
Print date format

Indicate the format in which you want to print dates on your stationery.

This can be based on your system date format or a user defined date format (i.e. Short date or long date).

These formats are defined within the Company Maintenance program.

Approved Manufacturer print options  
Print approved manufacturers Select this to print approved manufacturers' details on the purchase order. This prints all the approved manufacturers attached to a stock code.
Vendor specific Select this to print approved manufacturers' details on the purchase order only if a supplier is attached to the approved manufacturer.
Include inactive manufacturer stock

By default, only details of active approved manufacturers are included on the purchase order.

Select this to print details of inactive approved manufacturers on the purchase order.

Print only if used in selection

Select this to print only the details of the approved manufacturer against whom the purchase order line was raised.

If you do not select this option and you have linked more than one approved manufacturer to a single stock item, then when you raise a purchase order for that stock item, the details of all approved manufacturers linked to that stock item are printed on the purchase order.

Print options  
Print detail freight line

Select this to print details of freight charges.

A purchase order that contains only freight lines is only set to complete when the order is printed. You therefore need to select this preference if you have orders containing only freight lines and you want to set them to complete once printed.

Print detail other charges Select this to print details of other charges.
Print tracking notes Select this if you want to print the tracking notes you entered against the purchase order (using the Purchase Order Entry program) on the purchase order documents.
Print confirmed schedule Select this to print all the schedule dates where a purchase order has been generated for that date (blanket purchase orders only).
Print unconfirmed schedule Select this to print all the schedule dates where no purchase order has been generated for that date (blanket purchase orders only).
Print cancelled requisition lines

Select this to print cancelled requisition lines on requisition documents.

This option is only enabled for the Requisition Document type.

Reprint completed lines

Select this to reprint completed (receipted) lines on a purchase order when reprinting it online using the Purchase Order Entry program.

This option also sets the default for the Exclude complete lines option in the Purchase Order Print program. Therefore, if Reprint complete lines is selected here, then Exclude complete lines is deselected in Purchase Order Print and vice versa.

Use 1000 separator in values and prices

Select this to apply the 1000 separator configured within the Company Maintenance program (Options tab) to all numeric values and prices, including values and prices defined in custom form fields.

Override no. of decimals to print for quantities

Select this to specify the minimum number of decimals to print for line quantities entered on a purchase order.

If you do not select this option then the number of decimals printed is determined by the maximum number of decimals configured against the stock item (Stock Codes).

For non-stocked items, order quantities are printed as they were captured on the purchase order.

Minimum no. of decimals to print for quantities

Specify the number of decimals to print for line quantities entered on the purchase order, if you selected to override the number of decimals to print for line quantities.

Use alternate supplier price

Select this to be able to print alternate supplier prices on purchase order documents for local suppliers.

The alternate price is captured using the Supplier Stock Code Cross Reference program.

If no alternate price is entered, the price held against the purchase order line is printed.

  • This option is enabled only if the option Use alternate document price is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup).

  • Although this option is available for all document types, alternate supplier prices can only be printed if the purchase order is for a local currency supplier.

Value order with order quantity

Select this to calculate the total document value based on the original order quantity, ignoring partial receipts against the order.

You would select this option if you wanted to reprint a partially receipted purchase order, using the original order quantity (i.e. you want to reprint the original purchase order).

If you do not select this option, then the total document value is calculated based on the outstanding order quantity.

Do not select this option if you want to reprint a partially receipted purchase order for the outstanding order quantity only.

This option is only enabled for Local and Foreign Purchase order document types.

Format is 6.1 compatible This applies to stationery formats defined in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software and is enabled by default for stationery formats defined in that version.

When enabled, the document is printed in the format specified in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software providing no presentation lengths are changed against the Keys defined in the Setup Options program.

Bitmap Forms Specify bitmap images that you want to print on your purchase order documents when they are faxed and/or printed. See Bitmap forms.
Notepad Options Specify the print position at which you want to print the contents of any Notepad text attached to a Purchase Order. See Notepad options.

Select this to return to the previous screen.

You save the changes you made when you exit the program.

Bitmap forms


If you require bitmaps to be printed on your stationery, then Microsoft Paint must be installed.

Field Description
Bitmap for faxing

Enter the name of the bitmap that you want to associate with the faxing of the stationery format.

The file must have a .BMP extension.


Your entry at this field is used only if your Fax settings are configured to use a 3rd party fax application to fax your documents.

Bitmap for printing

Enter the name of the bitmap that you want to associate with the printing of the stationery format.

The file must have a .BMP extension.

Bitmap width

Indicate the width of the bitmap image that you want to print on the document and the measurement factor to use (i.e. inches or millimetres).

The bitmap is scaled automatically according to the specifications entered, retaining the aspect ratio (i.e. width to height).

Millimeters / Inches Indicate whether the value you entered in the Bitmap field is in inches or millimeters.
Close Select this to return to the Preferences screen.

Notepad options

Field Description
Print notepad These options only apply to Standard printing of requisitions. When using SRS or Word printing, the notepad text is printed where it is placed in the Detail section of the SRS or Word format.
Not printed Select this if Notepad text defined against a purchase order is not required to be printed.
Before first detail line Select this to print Notepad text defined against a purchase order before the first detail line on the document.
After last detail line Select this to print Notepad text defined against a purchase order after the last detail line on the document.
Print on separate page(s) Select this to print Notepad text defined against a purchase order on a separate page.
Column to start print Indicate the horizontal (left to right) position on the document at which you want to begin printing the Notepad text.
Length of each note line Indicate the number of characters to print on each line of Notepad text.

This cannot exceed 60.

Close Select this to return to the Preferences screen.

Heading Section

You use this function to define the row and column at which you want to print each of the heading fields on the order document.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Header section of purchasing documents:


Fields that can be printed as barcodes are denoted with the words (with attribute). Refer to Barcode Printing.

Field Origin/Comment
Company name Company Maintenance - Address tab
Company address line 1 -3 Company Maintenance - Address tab
Company tax registration number This prints your company's tax registration number as defined against the company (Company Maintenance - General tab).
Supplier name  
Supplier address line 1 - 5 Suppliers
Supplier postal/zip code Suppliers
Delivery address name This prints the name of the addressee to which the goods must be delivered.
Delivery address line 1 -5 This prints the address to which the goods must be delivered.
Delivery address postal/zip code  
Supplier check print name This prints the supplier's name as displayed in the Supplier name field on the purchase order (Purchase Order Entry - Supplier Information).
Supplier E-mail This prints the supplier's email address as defined in the Supplier email address field on the purchase order (Purchase Order Entry - Supplier Information).
Page number This prints page numbers on the documentation.
Company registration number This prints your company's registration number as defined against the company (Company Maintenance - General tab).

If your nationality code is set to CAN and you require the Canadian GST system, then this field is not available.

Purchase order tax status This prints the value in the Tax status field on the purchase order (Purchase Order Entry - Purchase order Header).
GST registration number If your nationality code is set to CAN and you require the Canadian GST system (Company Tax Options Setup) then you can define a print position for the GST registration number field instead of the Company registration number.
Customer This prints the customer's account code.

You would use this if the order document relates specifically to one of your customers (e.g. you are placing a purchase order against your supplier to fill a customer's order).

Supplier This prints the supplier's code.
Supplier (with attribute)

This prints the supplier's code with the attributes you defined for this field.

You use the Print Setup (non-Windows) program to define attributes against specific fields.

Customer purchase order

This prints your customer's purchase order number.

You would use this if you are placing an order on the supplier to fill a customer's order.

Order date This prints the order date entered when you processed the purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry program.
Order due date This prints the order due date entered on the purchase order header (see Purchase Order Entry).
Memo date This prints the memo due date entered on the purchase order header (see Purchase Order Entry).
System date  
Shipping instructions This prints the shipping instructions entered on the purchase order header (see Purchase Order Entry).
Memo code This prints the memo code entered on the purchase order header (see Purchase Order Entry).
Purchase order This prints the purchase order number.
Purchase order (with attribute)

This prints the purchase order number with the attributes you defined for this field.

You use the Print Setup (non-Windows) program to define attributes against specific fields.

Purchase order number in full This prints the purchase order number without suppressing any leading zeros.
Document print count This prints the document print count, which is the number of times that the document was printed. For example, if you are printing the document for the 4th time, then the document print count is 4.
Reprint message position

You use this field to enter the position in which the reprint message must be printed on the document.

The reprint message that is printed is "Reprint"

Purchase order type This prints the purchase order type entered on the purchase order header (see Purchase Order Entry).
Supplier class This prints the supplier class as defined against the supplier (Suppliers).
Payment terms This prints the payment terms entered on the purchase order header (see Purchase Order Entry).
Foreign currency
Foreign currency description  
Foreign exchange rate  
Issue number This prints the number of times the purchase order was amended.
Customer name

This prints your customer's name on the purchase order document.

You would use this if you are placing an order on the supplier to fill a specific customer's order.

Contact This prints the Contact specified against the supplier (Suppliers).
Telephone This prints the Telephone number specified against the supplier (Suppliers).
Fax This prints the Fax number specified against the supplier (Suppliers).
Customer E-mail This prints the email address defined against the customer (Customers). This applies if you entered a customer against the purchase order (Purchase Order Entry - Purchase Order Header).
User defined field This prints the text defined in User field 1 again the supplier (Suppliers).
Nationality This prints the supplier's Nationality code (Suppliers).
Delivery terms This prints the Delivery Terms defined against the Purchase Order Header.
Delivery terms description This prints the description for the Delivery Terms defined against the Purchase Order Header.
Shipping Location This prints the Shipping Location defined against the Purchase Order Header.

Only available with Word and SRS document printing.

Shipping Location Description This prints the description for the Shipping Location defined against the Purchase Order Header.

Only available with Word and SRS document printing.

Tax registration number This prints the supplier's VAT registration number (Suppliers).

This field is only displayed if EC VAT is required (Company Tax Options Setup)

Invoice terms description This prints the description for the invoice term (see AP Invoice Terms).
User who confirmed p/order

This field relates to the Requisition system.

You use this field to print the requisition user who confirmed the purchase order.

Buyer This prints the buyer code entered on the purchase order header (see Purchase Order Entry and Contract Print).
Buyer name This prints the name relating to the buyer code entered on the purchase order or blanket purchase order header (see Purchase Order Entry and Contract Print).
Buyer E-mail address This prints the buyer's email address relating to the buyer code entered on the purchase order or blanket purchase order header ((see Purchase Order Entry and Contract Print).
Warehouse This prints the warehouse code defined against the Header of the purchase order (see Purchase Order Header Information).
Warehouse description This print the description for the warehouse printed in the previous field (see Warehouses).
Blanket purchase order
Transmission fax

This prints the Fax number specified against the supplier (Suppliers - Purchasing tab).

This option is available for Local and Foreign purchase order Document

Transmission contact

This prints the Contact specified against the supplier (Suppliers).

This option is available for Local and Foreign purchase order Document types.

Purchase Order Custom Form Fields

You use this section to print custom form information attached to a purchase order on the purchase order document.

Custom form information is attached to purchase orders using the Purchase Order Entry and Contract Maintenance programs.

The Purchase order custom form fields section is not available if you selected the Document type: Requisitions.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.



When you enter custom form information for an alphanumeric field, you can enter up to 100 characters of text, but only the first 60 characters are printed on purchase order documentation.

Field Description
Custom form field 1 - 10 You use these fields to print the custom form information held against a purchase order or blanket purchase order on the documentation.

Purchase Order Line Custom Form Fields

You use this section to print custom form information attached to a purchase order line on the purchase order document.

Custom form information is attached to purchase order lines using the Purchase Order Entry program.

The Purchase order line custom form fields section is not available if you selected the Document type: Requisitions.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.



When you enter custom form information for an alphanumeric field, you can enter up to 100 characters of text, but only the first 60 characters are printed on purchase order documentation.

Field Description
Custom form field 1 - 10 You use these fields to print the custom form information held against a purchase order line on the documentation.

Supplier Custom Form Fields

You use this section to print custom form information attached to a supplier on the purchase order document.

You use the Suppliers program to attach custom form information to suppliers.

The Supplier custom form fields section is not available if you selected the Document type: Requisitions.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.



When you enter custom form information for an alphanumeric field, you can enter up to 100 characters of text, but only the first 60 characters are printed on purchase order documentation.

Field Description
Custom form field 1 - 10 You use these fields to print the custom form information held against the supplier on purchase order documentation.

Stock Code Custom Form Fields

You use this section to print custom form information attached to a stock code on the purchase order document.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.


Custom form information attached to a stock code cannot be printed on Purchase Requisitions or on Blanket Purchase Orders.



When you enter custom form information for an alphanumeric field, you can enter up to 100 characters of text, but only the first 60 characters are printed on purchase order documentation.

Field Description
Custom form field 1 - 10 You use these fields to print the custom form information held against the stock code on purchase order documentation.

Detail Section

You use this function to define the row and column at which you want to print each of the detail fields on the order document.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Detail section of purchasing documents:


Fields that can be printed as barcodes are denoted with the words (with attribute). Refer to Barcode Printing.

Field Origin/Comment
Detail line  
Outstanding order quantity  
Received quantity  
Order unit of measure  
Stocking unit of measure  
Stock description  
Stock code  
Stock code (with attribute)  
Unit price (foreign currency)  
Unit price (local currency)  
Price unit of measure  
Line discount percentage(s)  
Gross amount (local currency)  
Original order quantity  
Stock code long description  
Tax code This prints the tax code defined against the purchase order line. The descriptive tax code is printed if defined (Descriptive Tax Code Browse/Maintenance).
Net amount (local currency)  
Unit factor  
Line due date  
Gross amount (foreign currency)  
Drawing number This prints the drawing number defined against the stock item (Suppliers) at the time the purchase order is created.
Job (with attribute)  
Ledger code  
Stock revision  
Stock release level  
Total mass  
Total outstanding mass  
Total volume  
Total outstanding volume  
Catalogue (from xref file)  
Net amount (foreign)  
Current inventory cost  
Supplier's stock desc (from xref) This prints the suppliers stock code description from the Supplier/Stock Code Cross-Reference.
Supplier's long desc (from xref) This prints the suppliers long description from the Supplier/Stock Code Cross-Reference.
P/order text Line 1 - 4 (from xref) These fields print the notes held against the Supplier/Stock Code Cross-Reference.
Sales tax (per line) (local)  
Net amount including tax (local)  
Tariff code  
Requisition line  
Originator of requisition  
Originators name  
Reason for requisition  
Capex number  
Purchase order number  
Purchase order line  
Purchase order date  
Requisition Buyer name This prints the name relating to the buyer code defined against the Detailed Information for the requisition line (see Requisition Entry Maintenance).
Requisition Buyer e-mail address This prints the email address defined against the buyer code defined against the Detailed Information for the requisition line (see Requisition Entry Maintenance).
Current holder code  
Current holder name  
Start print line - Requisition notes  
Start print line - P/order comments  
Requisition line status

This prints the current status of the requisition line (e.g. Normal, cancelled, etc).

This option is only available for Requisitions document types.

Sales order  
Product class  
Product class description  
Projects & contracts head code  
Projects & contracts section code  
Inventory alternate key  
Inventory master user field 1 - 5 This prints the information in the user defined fields 1-5 defined against the stock item (Stock Codes - Other tab).
Inv warehouse location This prints the Default bin location defined against the warehouse for the stock item (see Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code).
Original P/order line due date This prints the date in the Original due date field on the purchase order line (Purchase Order Entry).

Comment Section

You use this function to define the column at which you want to print each of the comment fields on the order document.

The column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Comment section of purchasing documents:

Field Origin/Comment
Comment line  
Comment description  

Miscellaneous/Freight Section

You use this function to define the column at which you want to print each of the miscellaneous and freight charge fields on the order document.

The column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields that you can print in the Miscellaneous and Freight Charges section:

Field Origin/Comment
Misc/frt charges line This prints the miscellaneous or freight charge line number as defined against the purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry and Contract Maintenance programs.
Misc/frt charges description This prints the miscellaneous or freight charge description as defined against the purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry and Contract Maintenance programs.
Misc/frt charges amt (local) This prints the miscellaneous or freight charge amount in local currency as defined against the purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry and Contract Maintenance programs.
Misc/frt charges amt (foreign) This prints the miscellaneous or freight charge amount in foreign currency as defined against the purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry and Contract Maintenance programs.
Misc/frt tax code This prints the miscellaneous or freight charge tax code as defined against the purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry and Contract Maintenance programs.
Misc/frt tax amount This prints the miscellaneous or freight charge tax amount as defined against the purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry and Contract Maintenance programs.

Approved Manufacturers Section

You use this section to define the column at which you want to print details of approved manufacturers on the order document.

The the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.

The following fields can be printed on a purchase order document:

Field Description
Manufacturer This prints the manufacturer code (see Browse on Approved Manufacturers).
Manufacturer name This prints the manufacturer name assigned to the manufacturer code.
Manufacturer part number This prints the manufacturer's part number which is linked to the SYSPRO stock code (see Browse on Approved Manufacturer Parts).
Manufacturer part number status This prints the status (active or inactive) of the manufacturer's part number.
Manufacturer part revision number This prints the current revision of the manufacturer part number/SYSPRO stock code combination (see Browse on Approved Manufacturer Parts).
Effective date This prints the date from which the manufacturer part number/SYSPRO stock code link can be used for purchasing purposes (see Browse on Approved Manufacturer Parts).
Preferred flag This prints the preferred setting for the manufacturer part number/SYSPRO stock code link (see Browse on Approved Manufacturer Parts).

Total Section

You use this section to define the row and column at which you want to print each of the total fields on the order document.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.



The fields that are available for printing on a purchase order document depend on the document type you are defining.

The following table lists the fields you can print in the Total section of purchasing documents:

Field Origin/Comment
Amount on which tax is payable

This prints the total value on which tax is payable.

Amount on which tax is payable = Merchandise value + Freight charges + Other charges

Taxable amount (Foreign cur)  
Sales tax amount  
Total merchandise tax  
Hash quantity total  
Total gross amount  
Total net amount

This prints the total net merchandise amount, excluding freight, other charges, discount and tax.

Total net amount = Merchandise value.

Total line discount amount  
Total order discount amount  
Total order discount percent  
Total net amount including tax

This prints the total net merchandise value including tax.

Total net amount including tax = Merchandise value + Merchandise tax value.

Total document amount

This prints the total document amount.

Total document amount = Merchandise value + Merchandise Tax + Freight value + Freight tax + Miscellaneous charge + Tax on miscellaneous charge.

Total document amt (foreign cur)

This prints the total document amount for foreign currency orders.

Total document amount = Merchandise value + Merchandise Tax + Freight value + Freight tax + Miscellaneous charge + Tax on miscellaneous charge.

Total freight amount  
Total misc charges amount  
Total gross amount (foreign cur)  
Total discount amt (foreign cur)  
Total net amount (foreign cur) This prints the total merchandise amount, excluding discount and tax for foreign currency orders.
Total mass  
Total outstanding mass  
Total volume  
Total outstanding volume  
Price variance

This prints the price variance amount.

A price variance occurs if there is a difference between the current inventory cost and the current purchase price entered for the purchase order (see Purchase Order Entry). This does not apply if FIFO valuation is enabled (Inventory Setup).

The price variance is displayed as a negative value if the purchase price exceeds the inventory unit cost.

The price variance is always shown in the local currency.

Price variance percentage

This prints the price variance percentage.

This is the price variance amount represented as a percentage.

Total freight (foreign cur)  
Total misc charges (foreign cur)  
Sales tax amount (foreign cur)  
Total net incl tax (foreign cur)  
Foreign exchange rate  

MS Word Options

As an alternative to printing your documents on pre-printed stationery, you can configure SYSPRO to allow you to print your stationery documents using Microsoft Word.

Refer to Microsoft Word Printing for additional information about printing using MS Word.

MS Word Options

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Print using MS Word. It enables you to open the applicable Word template and insert the fields that you want to print on your stationery.

Refer to Template design for additional information.

Notes and warnings

Deletion considerations

  • Format 0 cannot be deleted, as a number of purchase order programs currently rely on this format's existence.

Restrictions and limits

  • If you activated Windows printing within SYSPRO, then you cannot use stationery format fields designated as (with attribute).