Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > AP Invoice Registration

AP Invoice Registration

You use this program to add or maintain details of registered invoices, credit notes or debit notes for a supplier.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Option Description
Default element value to fixed cost

Select this to set the Element value to apportion to default to the Fixed cost defined against the element (LCT Elements). If this cost exceeds the undistributed amount, it cannot be posted.

If you do not select this option, then the element value to apportion defaults to the undistributed amount.

Save Preferences Select this to save the preferences you selected against your operator code. The preferences are saved until next you change them.
Close Select this to save the preferences for the current run of the program only.
Notes Select this to use theAdmin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to assign free format notes to the entry. This only applies to registered Invoices.
Transaction Type

Indicate the specific type of transaction which you want to record or maintain.

You can select to add or maintain an invoice, credit note or debit note against a supplier or supplier invoice, however the transaction types available depend on the access control defined against the transaction in the eSignature Setup program.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.


Enter the code of the supplier for whom to process or maintain a registered invoice / credit note / debit note. Although a warning message is displayed if the supplier is on hold, the registered invoice can still be captured.


Enter the transaction number you want to add or maintain.

When adding a debit or credit note, you can link it to an existing invoice or create a new debit note or credit note invoice. If you choose not to enter an existing invoice number, then the debit or credit note invoice must be re-established when it is approved in the AP Invoice Posting program.

Supplier Invoices Select this to use the AP Supplier Invoices program to select the invoice to which to link a credit or debit note.
Cancel Select this to cancel the transaction currently displayed.
Return Select this to record that the transaction was returned to the supplier.
Reinstate Select this to reinstate the transaction if it was previously returned to the supplier.

AP Registered Invoice Details

Field Description
Transaction details  
Invoice This indicates the transaction number entered in the Invoice field on the toolbar.
Entry number This indicates the entry number of the registered invoice / credit note / debit note and is determined by the system.
Invoice status This indicates the current status of the transaction and is determined by the system.
Reason This indicates the reason entered if the transaction was either cancelled, returned or reinstated.
Branch If adding an invoice, enter the branch for the invoice.

(This defaults to the branch associated with the supplier.)

this field displays the branch captured in the original transaction when maintaining an Invoice or when adding a Credit or Debit note.

Invoice amount Enter the total transaction amount inclusive (amount including tax).
Invoice reference

Enter a reference to use as the transaction reference for both the Work in Progress detail transaction reference and the Purchase Order history of receipts reference.

This reference is printed on the AP Invoice Journal and General Ledger reports and displays in GL Query.

Exchange rate

This indicates the exchange rate to use to re-calculate the local value of a purchase order line for foreign currency suppliers.

The exchange rate is determined in the following order:

  1. The rate against the LCT invoice if it was changed, unless the option Use fixed exchange rates is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup)

  2. The Purchase Order header exchange rate if it is fixed.

  3. The rate defined against the company currency table (Currencies).

Authorizing person This indicates the person who must authorize the transaction or indicates who did the authorization.
Buyer This indicates the person who placed the order on the supplier.
Department This indicates the department code of the department that bought the item.
Amount subject to discount This defaults to the Invoice amount.
Discount percentage Enter the discount percentage if you want to override the amount calculated by the system.

This defaults to the discount percentage against the supplier's invoice terms.

The discount percentage defaults to zero when no discount percentage is defined against the supplier's invoice terms.

When the discount percentage is changed in the AP Invoice Terms program, then this field is not automatically updated.

Discount amount Enter the discount amount if you want to override the amount calculated by the system.

The Discount amount is calculated by the system based on the Amount subject to discount and the Discount percentage.

Invoice date Enter the date on the supplier's invoice.

(This defaults to the current system date.)

Discount date

The system determines this date according to the Invoice Terms of the supplier (Suppliers).

If you make a payment to the supplier before or on the Discount date, you qualify for a discount on the invoice, as defined against the Invoice Terms of the supplier.

You can only access this field if a Discount amount or Discount percentage was entered.

The Discount date cannot be earlier than the Invoice date.

Due date

This indicates the date on which the transaction is due for payment.

Enter the due date that you want to use for this transaction. The system calculates the default due date for each transaction according to the Invoice Terms for each Supplier (Suppliers).

The supplier of the invoice must be paid before or on this date.

The Due date cannot be earlier than the Invoice date or the Discount date.

Date sent

This indicates the date on which the transaction was sent for approval.

This defaults to the invoice date.

Follow up date

Enter the date on which this transaction needs to be followed up to see if it was approved or if any problems exist.

This defaults to the invoice date.

LCT invoice  
LCT registered invoice Select this to indicate that the invoice is an LCT registered invoice.

This option is automatically selected if the option LCT required is selected against the supplier (Suppliers). You can, however deselect this option to capture a non-LCT registered invoice against the supplier.

If you select this option, but do not distribute any LCT Apportionments, then the invoice reverts to a normal registered invoice.

If LCT is not required for the supplier, then you cannot select this option as only normal registered invoices can be processed for the supplier.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Total tax value

Enter the tax value applicable to the LCT invoice.

The tax value reduces the undistributed invoice value by the tax amount you enter.

This field is only available if you are entering an invoice for a local currency supplier and you indicated that a Global tax file is required (General Ledger Setup) or that the Tax distribution method is required in Detail or Summary (Accounts Payable Setup).

The Total tax value cannot exceed the Invoice amount.

Supplier Information

This pane displays information defined against the supplier (see Suppliers).

Related Purchase Orders

This pane enables you to associate related Purchase Orders with the invoice and cross-refer GRNs with the GRN Cross Reference option.

Note that this merely creates a link to indicate that there is a related purchase order. It does not return the GRNs for that purchase order when the invoice is being approved.

The purchase order(s) currently associated with the invoice are displayed in this listview.

Registered credit notes and debit notes do not apply to related Purchase Orders.

Field Description
Add Select this to add purchase orders to the list, to associate them with the invoice.
Delete Select this to remove the currently highlighted associated purchase order from the list. This removes the association with the invoice.
GRN Cross Reference Select this to use the AP Browse on GRN Cross Ref program to view details of related purchase orders and goods received notes.
Purchase order Indicate the purchase order number you want to associate with the invoice.

No duplicate purchase order numbers can be entered.

LCT Apportionment

You use the LCT Apportionment Maintenance pane to apportion the invoice amount of a registered invoice across one or more LCT shipments that have been received.

Registered credit notes and debit notes do not apply to LCT invoices.

LCT Apportionment Maintenance

This pane is enabled when you select the LCT registered invoice option in the AP Registered Invoice Details pane.

Field Description
Add Select this to add an apportionment to an element.
Change Select this to change the LCT apportionment for the element currently highlighted in the LCT Element Apportionment Details listview.
Save Select this to save the element apportionment details you entered.

A line is added to the LCT Element Apportionment Details listview.

Delete Select this to delete the LCT apportionment for the element currently highlighted in the LCT Element Apportionment Details listview.
Cancel Select this to cancel the apportionment you are currently entering.
Shipment reference

Enter the Waybill or Consignment reference of the shipment to which you want to apportion the invoice amount.

If there is more than one vessel and/or departure date for the same invoice, you can use the Browse icon to view and select the appropriate shipment reference.

The shipment reference entered must exist and cannot be spaces.

If the shipment has already been received into stock, then a warning message is displayed.

Vessel This displays the vessel assigned to the selected shipment reference.
Departure date This displays the departure date of the vessel for the selected shipment reference.

Indicate the cost element code of the shipment to which you want to apply a portion of the invoice value.

Once you have entered the cost element, SYSPRO ensures that the element exists against at least one purchase order line for the given shipment reference.

You can only apply an amount from a supplier's invoice to a cost element within a shipment once.

The element must exist and cannot be spaces.

No duplicate element per shipment reference, vessel and departure date may be used.

Apportionment method This displays the apportionment method defined against the selected element (see LCT Elements).
Minimum charge This displays the Minimum charge defined against the element (LCT Elements).
Fixed cost This indicates the Fixed cost value defined against the element (LCT Elements).
Element value Enter the amount (in the supplier's currency) that you want to apportion to the shipment.

SYSPRO converts this amount to the local currency using the exchange rate entered against the registered invoice.

This value cannot be zero or greater than the Invoice amount.

This defaults to the Fixed cost for the element when the preference Default element value to fixed cost is selected. If this preference is not selected, then the Element value defaults to the Undistributed invoice amount.

Undistributed invoice amount

This indicates the amount that must still be apportioned to elements and is displayed in the currency defined against the supplier (Suppliers).

If this value is not zero when you save the invoice, all apportionments are discarded and it is converted into a normal registered invoice.

This value becomes zero when you deselect the LCT Registered invoice option.

Before you apportion any amounts, the LCT value to be distributed is the Invoice amount less the Total tax value entered.

Distributed invoice amount This indicates the amount of the invoice which is currently apportioned to LCT elements.

This value becomes zero when you deselect the LCT Registered invoice option.

LCT Element Apportionment Details

This pane displays details of the apportionments currently allocated to the shipment.

Cancel Registered Invoice

This screen is displayed when you select the Cancel Invoice option from the Browse on AP Registered Invoices program.

Once the invoice, credit note or debit note is cancelled, you cannot make any changes to it.

Refer to Cancel LCT Registered Invoice for details on cancelling an LCT Registered invoice.

Field Description
Cancel Invoice Select this to cancel the selected transaction.
Purge date The date entered here is used by the Purge Invoices function of the AP Registered Invoice Purge program, to determine when the transaction must be deleted from the registration file.

Enter the reason for cancelling the transaction.

Supplier This indicates the supplier against whom the transaction was processed.
Supplier name This indicates the name of supplier against whom the transaction was processed.
Invoice This indicates the supplier's invoice number.
Currency This indicates the currency of the supplier (Suppliers).
Branch This is the supplier branch associated with the transaction.
Due date This indicates the date on which the transaction is due for payment.
Invoice amount This indicates the transaction amount including tax.
Invoice date This is the date on the supplier's invoice.
Discount amount This indicates the discount amount processed against the invoice.
Discount date This indicates the discount date for the invoice.
Reference This indicates the reference captured against the invoice.

Cancel LCT Registered Invoice

Process 1

  1. Cancel the invoice using the Browse on AP Registered Invoices program.

  2. Run the Purge Invoices function of the AP Registered Invoice Purge program to clear the invoice because the Invoice number is the key.

  3. Re-add the invoice using the AP Invoice Posting program (if required) and attach it to the shipment.

Process 2

  1. Reverse the Inventory receipt in the Inventory module by processing a negative receipt (see Inventory Movements)

    This creates the following ledger entries:

    • Credit Warehouse Control account
    • Debit General Ledger code for Inventory transaction
  2. Reverse the GRN by doing a GRN Adjustment (see Browse on GRNs) and posting the expense back to the General Ledger code that was used for the negative inventory receipt.

    This creates the following ledger entries:

    • Credit General Ledger code for Inventory transaction
    • Debit GRN Suspense account
  3. Cancel the invoice using the Browse on AP Registered Invoices program.

  4. Run the Purge Invoices function of the AP Registered Invoice Purge program to clear the invoice because the Invoice number is the key

  5. Re-add the purchase order and attach the shipment to the order, to complete the process.

Process 3

  1. Reverse the Inventory receipt in the Inventory module by processing a negative receipt (see Inventory Movements)

    This creates the following ledger entries:

    • Credit Warehouse Control account
    • Debit General Ledger code for Inventory transaction
  2. Process a credit note to reverse the invoice.

    The GRN will have been matched via AP Invoice Posting, so the credit note must be matched back to the original GRN, thereby re-instating the GRN value.

    This creates the following ledger entries:

    • Debit Accounts Payable control
    • Credit GRN Suspense account
  3. Process a GRN adjustment to post the expense back to the General Ledger code that was used for the negative inventory receipt.

    This creates the following ledger entries:

    • Credit General Ledger code for Inventory transaction
    • Debit GRN Suspense account
  4. Re-add the purchase order and attach the shipment to the order, to complete the process.

Process 4

If the shipment was for a non-stocked item, then the above process applies, but will exclude processing a negative receipt in the Inventory module. Only the steps in Accounts payable and GRN will have to be followed.

Return / Reinstate Registered Invoice

This screen is displayed when you select the Return option to record that an invoice, credit note or debit note was returned to the supplier or the Reinstate option to reinstate a transaction that was previously returned to a supplier.

The fields displayed are identical for each function and the only entry you can make is the Reason.

Field Description
Return Registered Invoice Select this to return a registered invoice / credit note / debit note.

This option is displayed when you select the Return option.

Reinstate Registered Invoice Select this to reinstate a previously returned invoice / credit note / debit note.

This option is displayed when you select the Reinstate option.

Reason Enter the reason for returning or reinstating the transaction.
Supplier This indicates the supplier against whom the transaction was processed.
Supplier name This indicates the name of supplier against whom the transaction was processed.
Currency This indicates the currency of the supplier.
Branch This is the supplier branch associated with the transaction.
Due date This indicates the date on which the transaction is due for payment.
Invoice amount This indicates the transaction amount including tax.
Invoice date This is the date on the supplier's invoice.
Discount amount This indicates the discount amount processed against the invoice.
Discount date This indicates the discount date for the invoice.
Reference This indicates the reference captured against the invoice.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • Access to this program can be restricted per operator group (see Security Access).

  • Additional security can also be implemented in the following areas:

    • Functions/Activities can be restricted:

      • per operator (see Security Activities).

      • per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance).

      • using Electronic Signatures (see eSignature Setup).

    • Fields can be restricted:

      • per operator (see Security Fields and Access).

      • per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance and Role Access Control Maintenance).

Maintenance considerations

  • Invoice Maintenance

    You cannot maintain registered invoices, credit notes or debit notes that are approved, cancelled or returned to the supplier.

  • Related Purchase Orders

    This pane is only enabled when the GRN suspense system is required (Purchase Orders Setup) and you are processing a registered Invoice.

  • AP Branch access

    You can only process transactions for suppliers who belong to branches to which you have access (Operators).

LCT Apportionment considerations

  • The LCT Apportionment pane is only enabled when the Landed Cost Tracking (LCT) module is installed and the supplier is configured to require LCT (Suppliers).

  • You cannot maintain the LCT apportionments once the registered invoice and LCT apportionments are saved. The LCT apportionment details are, however, displayed when you select to maintain the invoice.

  • If the LCT apportionments are not fully distributed, then the invoice becomes a normal registered invoice (i.e. if you do not complete the LCT apportionment and you save the registered invoice, then it is converted into a normal registered invoice).

  • The additional LCT apportionment costs added are only included in the Last cost of the item if you selected the option: Include landed costs in last cost (Purchase Orders Setup) and the supplier is a foreign currency supplier.

  • When you apportion to an element with an Apportionment method of ENT - Manual entry, the LCT Manual Entries Apportionment program apportions the manual entry when you save the Registered invoice.

  • The following applies to apportionments using the Apportionment method of LINE - Number of lines:

    • the element apportioned amount is round down (i.e. 0.06666667 is rounded to 0.06 and not 0.07).

    • the last remaining element apportioned inherits the remainder of the invoiced amount.

      For example:

      An invoice amount of 5.00 would be apportioned over 75 elements as follows:

      • 5.00 / 75 = 0.06 each to element 01 - 74

        This gives a total of 0.06 * 74 = 4.44 distributed to elements 01 to 74

      • 5.00 - 4.44 = 0.56 distributed to element 75 (i.e the remainder of the invoiced amount)

  • LCT Variances

    If a percentage is defined in the Acceptable cost percentage variance - Expected for accounts payable posting field (Purchase Orders Setup) then variances for LCT element apportionments are calculated.

    If the expected costs and the actual invoice value are greater than the allowed percentage, a warning message is displayed before saving the entry in the LCT Apportionment Maintenance pane.

    If a password is defined for the function: AP Override on expected costs percentage variance (LCT system) (Password Definition) then you are prompted to enter the password before the entry can be saved in the LCT Apportionment Maintenance pane.

Processing considerations

Transactions processed using this program are excluded from the Accounts Payable or General Ledger balances until approved. The supplier's account balance is not updated and no GRN matching or expense distribution occurs.

Once entered into the registration system, the invoice, credit note or debit note can be sent to the authorizing person. Changes required by the authorizing person can be made using the AP Invoice Registration program. After these changes are made, the transaction can be approved using the approval functions in the AP Invoice Posting program. At this stage the supplier's balance is updated and GRN matching (if required) and expense distribution continues as normal.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
AP Post registered invoice

Controls access to adding invoice transactions in the AP Invoice Registration program.

AP Post LCT registered invoice

Controls access to adding LCT invoices in the AP Invoice Registration program.

AP Post registered credit notes

Controls access to the Add credit note function in the AP Invoice Registration program.

AP Maintain registered credit notes

Controls access to the Change credit note function in the AP Invoice Registration program.

AP Post registered debit notes

Controls access to the Add debit note function in the AP Invoice Registration program.

AP Maintain registered debit notes

Controls access to the Change debit note function in the AP Invoice Registration program.

Access to the program is denied when access to all these eSignatures is denied.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
AP Register invoice Controls whether an operator can add a registered invoice using the AP Invoice Registration program. This does not prevent the operator from adding and changing debit and credit notes for registered invoices.
AP LCT register invoice Controls whether an operator can select the LCT register invoice option in the AP Invoice Registration program to indicate whether or not an invoice is a LCT registered invoice.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
AP Override on expected costs percentage variance (LCT system) This password restricts access to overriding the acceptable cost percentage variance when using the AP Invoice Registration program to apportion LCT elements. The password is requested when you select Yes at the LCT Apportionment message indicating that the value of actual costs exceeds the expected costs percentage. The acceptable cost percentage variance is defined against the Expected for accounts payable posting field (Purchase Orders Setup).