> PO Creation

PO Creation

You use this program to create a purchase order for both bought out and non-stocked items for a specific sales order or from the Advanced Trial Kitting (Legacy) program.

Create Purchase Order

Field Description

For non-stocked items you must enter a valid supplier.

For stocked items, the supplier assigned to the item is displayed automatically as the default, but can be changed.

Alternate suppliers Select this to specify an alternate supplier to use for the purchase order being created.
Create P/order / Update P/order

If you select the Add to existing purchase order option, then the wording of this option changes to Update P/order. This enables you to insert a detail line into an existing purchase order.

If you did not select the Add to existing purchase order option, then the wording of this option is Create P/order. You use the Create P/order function to accept the details entered and create the purchase order. Once created, the program allows you to print the purchase order.

Dangerous goods text held against the stock item is included as a comment line on the purchase order created.

A warning message is displayed if conditions relating to minimum mass, volume and value (defined against the Supplier) are not met.

A purchase order containing only the header information but no detail lines can only be created when the option: Retain order when created without lines (Purchase Orders Setup) is enabled. When this option is not enabled, a purchase order with no detail lines cannot be created.

When you create a multi-line purchase order from the Advanced Trial Kitting (Legacy) program, the job number is attached to the purchase order lines only if that job is the only source of demand (i.e. if you create a purchase order for multiple jobs, then the job number is not attached to the order lines).

The following validation is done before adding to an existing purchase order (Update P/order):

  • Customer and Customer Purchase order number

    This is validated according to the setup option: When appending from sales order to order (Purchase Orders Setup).

    • When Retain original customer and customer purchase order is enabled:

      • The customer and customer purchase order numbers on the Sales order must match those on the Purchase order. The error message: Customer does not match that of this purchase order is displayed when this is not the case and the line cannot be appended to the purchase order.

      • When the customer on the Purchase order header is blank, the customer and customer purchase order on the Sales order are ignored A warning is displayed and the blank customer remains on the purchase order, but the line is appended to the purchase order.

    • When Optionally change original customer and customer purchase order is enabled, the customer and customer purchase order number fields are enabled to allow you to change either prior to updating the Purchase order.

      • When the customer/customer purchase order numbers differ, a warning is displayed giving you the option to update the purchase order.

        If you chose not to, then the customer/customer purchase order numbers remain unchanged on the purchase order, but the line is still appended to the purchase order. If you chose to update the purchase order, then the purchase order is updated and the line is appended to the purchase order.

      • When the customer/customer purchase order is blank, a warning is displayed giving you the option to update the purchase order.

        If you chose not to, then the customer/customer purchase order number remains blank but the line is still appended to the purchase order. If you chose to update the purchase order, then the purchase order is updated and the line is appended to the purchase order.

    • When Ignore differences in customer and customer purchase order is enabled, no validation occurs and the customer/customer purchase order numbers remain unchanged on the purchase order.

  • Warehouse

    The warehouse on the Sales order must match the warehouse on the Purchase order when the option: Restrict order to single warehouse is enabled (Purchase Orders Setup). You will be forced to enter a valid warehouse if the default warehouse at operator or company level is invalid.

Purchase Order Created

This screen is displayed when you select the Create P/order option and the purchase order is successfully created.

Field Description
Purchase order This displays the purchase order number created.
Purchase order document  
Local Select this to print an on-line order document based on the page layout assigned to your local document format.
Foreign Select this to print an on-line order document based on page layout assigned to your foreign document format.
Format This indicates the purchase order print format to use for this purchase order.
Preview Document Select this to view the document on the screen before printing it.
Test Alignment

Select this to print the document using test characters.

This enables you to ensure that your stationery is correctly aligned on your printer before printing the actual document.

Define Format Select this to define a purchase order document format using the Purchase Order Format program.
Print document if faxing/mailing Select this if, after faxing/mailing the document, you also want to print the document.
XML Export

Select this to output the purchase order to a file in XML format.

The file is output to the destination folder specified using the XML Document Control program. Although you can enter a different folder, it must already exist on file. You can optionally select to email the order file to the supplier.

Alternatively, you can use the program Purchase Order Export program to create the XML file.

Print Select this to print the purchase order according to your selections.
Close Select this to return to the listview without printing the purchase order document.
Fax Purchase Order (icon)

Select this icon to fax the purchase order document to the supplier.

You can only select this function if the Office Automation & Messaging module is installed and option: Fax/mail integration is required must be enabled against the Operator.

The fax number against the supplier is used by default.

Purchase Order Header

Field Description
Header information  
Purchase order date The order entry date defaults to the current system date, but can be changed.
Due date

The due date defaults to the current system date, but can be changed.

If you are using Commitment Accounting (General Ledger Setup) then commitments are updated when the due date is changed here and applied to all the non stocked lines on the order.

This can be printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report.

The order due date is also be used in the Requirements Calculation program.

Memo code Enter a single character memo code.

It can be printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report.

Memo date

The memo date defaults from the Preferences option: Default days until memo date in the Purchase Order Entry program.

If you entered a value at the Default days until memo due field in the Preferences of the Purchase Order Entry program, then when you create a purchase order using the default memo code, SYSPRO automatically calculates the memo date.

The memo date can be set to a few days before the order due date, and when running the Purchase Orders by Order Number report, you can check all the orders which are due on a specific date.


Enter the buyer responsible for purchasing the goods on the purchase order.

This defaults from the Operators program, if a buyer has been setup against the operator.

Your entry in this field is validated according to the selection made against the setup option: Validate buyer upon order creation (Purchase Orders Setup) as follows:

  • If the option: Mandatory is selected, then a valid buyer code must be entered.
  • If the option: If entered is selected, then the buyer code is validated if it is entered. You can leave this field blank.
  • If the option: No is selected, then no validation is performed on the buyer code. You can enter any code or leave the field blank.
Buyer name This indicates the name defined against the Buyer code.
Tax status The tax status for the order defaults from the Purchase Orders Setup program, but can be changed.

Select this to indicate that the purchase is taxable.

When creating a purchase order from a back ordered sales order, a Taxable check box is enabled against the sales order line, if the Default tax status is defined as Taxable (Purchase Orders Setup).
ExemptSelect this to indicate that the purchase is exempt from tax.
Purchase order type

The default entry at this prompt is determined by the currency code of the supplier and the Local currency defined in the Company Maintenance program.

The order type can be used for selection purposes within the Purchase Order Print program and the Purchase Orders by Order Number report.

One of the following types can be selected:

  • Local
  • Import
  • Other
A/P invoice terms The invoice terms default to the terms defined against the supplier, but can be changed.
Payment terms Enter the payment terms for the order (e.g. COD to indicate cash on delivery).
Customer This indicates the code of the customer for whom you are processing the purchase order.
Customer purchase order Enter the customer's purchase order number to be used for cross-referencing purposes.
Order discount Enter/change the discount percentages to be applied to the order.
Shipping instructions The shipping instructions for the order default from the Purchase Orders Setup program, but can be changed.
Include in MRP Deselect this to exclude the entire purchase order from the Material Requirements Planning calculation. When orders are excluded at header level, their detail lines are excluded, regardless of whether they are included at line level.

When you exclude the purchase order from MRP, it is no longer seen as a source of supply by the requirements calculation. Therefore, if demand exists for the stocked or non-stocked items on the purchase order, then a suggested purchase order is raised by the requirements calculation to meet that demand.

This field is not displayed by default and, if required, must be added using the Show Captions form function. It is enabled by default.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Delivery address  
Delivery name Enter the delivery name and address for the purchase order.
Postal/zip code Enter the postal or zip code for the address.
Geolocation This indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions.

An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default. SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider.

Language You can indicate the language code to use if you enabled the option: Multi-language for document printing in the System Setup program.

The drop down option Global is the default selection and refers to the default language at the time of the entries' creation.

Select delivery address Select this to use the Purchase Order Header Information program to maintain the delivery address.

This option is not available if you selected the setup option: Restrict order to single warehouse and use for delivery address and you did not select the option: Allow maintenance of delivery address (Purchase Orders Setup).

Intrastat details  
Nationality This indicates the nationality code for the country in which the account/supplier/customer is located.

This field is mandatory when the EC Vat system required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

Delivery terms You use this field to optionally define the three-character alphanumeric Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery for purchase order documents.

The Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.

For example, the Delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. Shipping location).

This code is also used when processing a purchase order for a supplier in an EC Member State and ultimately for use on the Supplementary Declaration.

If this field is left blank, then the default delivery terms defined against the company for Arrivals in the Intrastat Setup program is used.

Shipping location You use this field to optionally define the default Shipping location associated with the Delivery terms.

Supplier Information

Field Description
Supplier information  
Supplier This indicates the code of the supplier against whom the purchase order was raised.

This indicates the currency as defined against the supplier.

The message Converted price discrepancy can be displayed when you create a purchase order for a local currency sales order on a foreign supplier. This can occur because the local price from the sales order is converted to the currency of the supplier and then back again to the local currency and compared with the unit cost on the sales order. If the exchange rate is defined to 5 decimal places, rounding differences occur. If this message is displayed, then you need to check that the foreign currency value in the Purchase price field is correct.

Supplier class This indicates the class defined against the supplier.
Auto vouchering required This displays the auto vouchering selection defined against the supplier in the Suppliers program.
YesThe supplier uses auto vouchering, but this can be overridden during purchase order processing.
NoThe supplier never uses auto vouchering.
AlwaysThe supplier always uses auto vouchering and this cannot be overridden during purchase order processing.
Intrastat details  
Nationality This indicates the nationality code for the country in which the account/supplier/customer is located.

This field is mandatory when the EC Vat system required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

Delivery terms This indicates the three-character alphanumeric Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery for the supplier.

The Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.

For example, the Delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. Shipping location).

Shipping location This indicates the Shipping location associated with the Delivery terms.

Detail Line

Field Description

This indicates the purchase order quantity for the item.

This defaults to the quantity required to meet the demand on the sales order, but can be changed.

Order uom This indicates the unit of measure applicable to the quantity ordered.

You can only access this field if you selected the setup option: Use alternate unit of measure (Purchase Orders Setup).

Stocking u/mSelect this if the quantity in the Quantity field is in the stocking unit of measure of the item.
Alternate u/mSelect this if the quantity in the Quantity field is in the alternate unit of measure of the item.
Due date This indicates the due date for the purchase order line.
Supplier prices

Select this to use the PO Browse on Contract Prices program to select the price to use tor this order line.

The PO Browse on Contract Prices program is automatically displayed when a purchase order contract exists for the supplier if all of the following apply:

  • The Default price method for entry is set to Purchase Price in the Purchase Orders Setup program.
  • A valid supplier/stock code cross reference is defined in the Supplier Stock Code Cross Reference program.
  • A valid, non-expired supplier contract exists for the item (refer to the Contract Price Maintenance program).
  • The preference: Automatic selection of supplier prices is enabled in the Purchase Order Entry program.
Purchase price

This indicates the purchase price for the item.

A warning message is displayed if a zero purchase price is entered.

The purchase order price is assumed to be in the stocking unit of measure.

The purchase order price defaults to the price selection specified within the Purchase Orders Setup program.

If the purchase order is being created from a back ordered non-stocked sales order line (from either Sales Order Entry or the Back Order Review programs), then the cost that was entered for the item on the sales order becomes the default price on the purchase order.

If the purchase order is for a foreign currency supplier but the sales order is for a local currency customer, the message Converted price discrepancy may be displayed at the Currency field. If this message is displayed, then you need to check that the foreign currency value in this field is the price you want to use for the purchase order.

Price uom This indicates the unit of measure for the purchase price.

Enter the pricing unit of measure for the order line, if manual pricing is being used (Purchase Orders Setup).

Discount Select this to define the discount(s) applicable to this purchase order line.
Receive into inspection

Select this option to receive the non-stocked order line into inspection and perform two-tier receipting of the item using the Purchase Order Receipts and Purchase Order Inspection programs.

Once the items are in inspection, you can count the non-stocked quantity, scrap quantities, reject quantities, return quantities, and receive the non-stocked item into stock.

Any linked sales orders or jobs are updated and the ledger codes entered against the purchase order line are used for distribution.

Ledger code

Indicate the ledger code that must be debited when processing a purchase order receipt. This ledger code can be printed on purchase orders documents, if required.

Your entry at this field is validated only if you indicated that Inventory is integrated to General Ledger in Detail or Summary (General Ledger Integration).

Ledger description This indicates the description of the Ledger code.
Taxable Select this if the order line is taxable.
Tax code/GST code

If Canadian GST is required, then the wording for this field is GST code.

When creating a purchase order for a stocked line, the tax code defined against the stock code is displayed as the default tax code. If this tax code is blank then no default tax code is displayed.

When creating a purchase order for a non-stocked line, the tax code defined against the non-stocked sales order line is carried through as the default tax code for the purchase order line.

Add to existing purchase order

Select this to add this order line to an existing purchase order.

You indicate the purchase order in the Purchase Order field below.

Purchase order Enter the purchase order number to which you want to add the order line. This field is only enabled if you selected the option: Add to existing purchase order.
Asset capex Where applicable, this indicates the asset capex number to which the purchase order line is linked in the Asset Capex Items program.
Asset capex line This indicates the asset capex line to which the purchase order is linked, if applicable.
Expense type This indicates the expense type defined in the Stock Codes program.
  • This is only available when withholding tax is required (Company Tax Options Setup).

  • The expense type applies to both stocked and non-stocked items.

  • The Goods expense type is used by default when no expense type was assigned.

Include in MRP

Deselect this to exclude the purchase order line from the Material Requirements Planning calculation.


Your selection here has no effect when the entire purchase order is excluded from the MRP calculation at Purchase Order Header level.

When excluded, the item is not seen as a source of supply in the requirements calculation. Therefore, if demand exists for the item, then a suggested purchase order will be raised by the requirements calculation to meet that demand.

This field is not displayed by default and, if required, must be added using the Field Selector form function. It is enabled by default.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Line Discount

This screen is displayed when you select the Edit option at the Discount field.

Field Description
Discount % Select this to apply a discount percentage to the order line.
Discount value Select this to apply a discount value to the order line.
Discount percentage(s) These options are enabled if you selected to apply a discount % to the order line.

Select this for a discount to be applied.

Enter the chained discounts to be applied.


Select this for a surcharge to be applied.

Enter the chained surcharges to be applied.

Discount value

This indicates the discount value to be applied to the order line.

This field is only available if you selected to apply a discount value above.

OK Select this to accept the discount information you entered.

Line Information

Column Description
Sales order This indicates the sales order from which (and for which) you selected to create the purchase order.
Job number This indicates the job number associated the purchase order line.

This number becomes the default job number when performing a purchase order receipt using the Purchase Order Receipts program.

Job description This indicates the description for the job number.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for the stock code selected. It is the Warehouse to use as defined against the stock code.
Stock code This indicates the stock code for the order line.
Stock description This indicates the description for the stock code.
Long description This indicates the long description for the stock code.

This indicates the revision number for the stock code and only applies if the stock item is ECC controlled.

This is the default wording for this field, but is replaced by whatever wording you assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).


This indicates the release number for the stock code and only applies if the stock item is ECC controlled.

This is the default wording for this field, but is replaced by whatever wording you assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program is accessed from the following programs:

    • Sales Order Entry
    • Back Order Review
    • Trial Kitting
    • Advanced Trial Kitting (Legacy)
    • Advanced Trial Kitting

    • Sales Order Entry Express

    • Multi-level Trial Kitting - Legacy

    • Multi-level Trial Kitting

    • Asset Capex Items

Intrastat considerations

  • Delivery Terms and Shipping Location's can only be captured if:

    • a valid Nationality code has been entered, and EC Vat is in force, or

    • the option Capture non EC members delivery terms is enabled in the Intrastat Setup program.

  • The Delivery Terms and Shipping Location defaults defined in Suppliers and Customers take precedence over those defined in the Intrastat Setup program.

  • To reflect the Delivery Terms and Shipping Location on sales order and purchase order documents, ensure that these fields are enabled in the document format setup programs (only available with Word and SRS document printing).

  • Delivery terms are maintained using the Intrastat Delivery Terms program.

  • Shipping locations are maintained using the Shipping Locations program.

  • Nature of transaction codes are maintained using the Intrastat Transaction Nature program.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
PO Add purchase order

Controls access to the Create P/order and New P/order functions in the PO Creation, Requisition Create Purchase Orders and Purchase Order Entry programs.

PO Maintain purchase order

Controls access to the maintenance of purchase orders in the following programs:

  • PO Creation

  • Requisition Create Purchase Orders

  • Purchase Order Entry

PO Add purchase order merchandise line

Controls access to the Enter Stocked Line and Enter Non-stocked Line functions in the following programs:

  • PO Creation

  • Purchase Order Entry

  • Requisition Create Purchase Orders

PO Print purchase order

Controls access to the printing and reprinting of purchase orders online in the PO Creation and Purchase Order Entry programs.

Batch printing of purchase orders is not affected.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
PO Include/Exclude in MRP calculation Controls whether an operator can exclude or include a purchase order (or order line) for stocked and non-stocked items from the requirements calculation:
  • when adding or maintaining purchase orders using the Purchase Order Entry program,

  • when creating purchase orders using the PO Creation program, or

  • when reviewing items using the Included/Excluded Item Review program.