Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Purge

Purchase Order Purge

You use this program to maintain the integrity of purchase order data held on file. This is achieved by selecting from a list of functions that enable you to:

  • purge purchase orders
  • remove completed lines held against purchase orders
  • update stock descriptions from the inventory file
  • purge records from the history of receipts file
  • validate the accuracy of inventory on order quantities

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Processing Select this to begin processing the function you selected.
Print This prints the information currently displayed in the Purchase Order Purge Report output pane.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.


Field Description
Last date balance was run

This indicates the date on which the Balance function was last run.

Processing options  
Option Description
Purge This deletes completed purchase orders (i.e. those for which all goods have been received) according to the retention options defined in the Purchase Orders Setup program.

Refer to Purge for details.


This validates your inventory on order quantities for the selected warehouse(s). The program processes purchase order records for all companies that share the inventory file.

Refer to Balance for details.

Balance and purge This deletes completed purchase orders and validates your inventory on order quantities for the selected warehouse(s).
Companies This indicates all the companies that share the current company's inventory file (Company Maintenance).
Warehouse selection Indicate the warehouse(s) for which you want to validate inventory on order quantities.
Include balance function

This option is ticked automatically if the Last date balance was run field does not reflect today's date. This could have implications when using the Automation Design program where, for example, you don't want to run a Balance function before running another function.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Update stock desc from inventory file This updates the descriptions for stocked merchandise lines with the description from the current inventory master file.
Remove completed lines This removes all purchase order lines that are complete, regardless of whether any outstanding lines exist against the order and the number of days that you specified you wanted to retain completed purchase orders.

We don't recommend you use this option if you need to reverse receipts (e.g. using the two-stage receipt process) as the purchase order line will be unavailable if you need to return goods to the supplier and require an update to the outstanding quantity on the purchase order.

This option is only available if you have enabled the Automatic removal of completed lines setup option (Purchase Orders Setup).

Purge history of receipts file

This purges the history of receipts file of any history records that are no longer required.

This option is only available if you have enabled the Receipts by supplier/stock code setup option (Purchase Orders Setup).

Print completed orders This prints a list of purchase orders marked as completed by the Purchase Order Purge program on the date that the Purchase Order Purge program is run - typically the system date.

If you run the Purchase Order Purge program more than once on the same day, then all purchase orders set to complete on that day are listed each time.

Purchase orders dated before (Informational only) This indicates the date before which completed purchase orders will be deleted if you selected the Purge or Balance and purge function.

No purge indicates that you have not selected to purge any records.

999 indicates that you are retaining the history for that item indefinitely, so no records will be deleted for those items.

History of receipts dated before (Informational only) This indicates the date before which records in the history of receipts file will be deleted.

No purge indicates that you have not selected to purge any records.

999 indicates that you are retaining the history for that item indefinitely, so no records will be deleted for those items.

After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).


This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

Purchase Order Purge Report

This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).


Step Details
1. Purchase orders are deleted if they meet the following criteria:
  • The order must be in a status of <9>.

    The purge program moves an order from a status of <4> into a status of <9> when all order lines for the order have been marked as complete.

  • The order must be inactive.

    • If the option Allow maintenance of completed orders (Purchase Orders Setup) is enabled, then orders which were completed and are in a status of <4>, remain in a status of <4> until the number of days to retain completed purchase orders (Purchase Orders Setup) is exceeded. At that point, the orders are purged without being moved to a status of <9>. The reason that these orders remain in a status of <4> is that they can be maintained and are therefore regarded as active and cannot be purged.

      If you do not allow the maintenance of completed purchase orders, then orders that are complete and are in a status of <4> are set to a status of <9>.

    • To prevent Purchase orders in a status of <1> being moved to <9> (complete) when the order has no lines, both the options Allow maintenance of completed ordersandRetain order when created without lines must be enabled (Purchase Orders Setup).

  • The number of days for which you are retaining completed purchase orders must be exceeded (Purchase Orders Setup).

    If the number of days for which you are retaining completed purchase orders is set to 0, then completed purchase orders are purged immediately.

    If the number of days for which you are retaining completed purchase orders is set to a value greater than 0, then the deletion is not performed immediately. Instead, the order is placed in a ready for deletion status and is removed only when the number of days that you are retaining completed purchase orders is exceeded (i.e. when the difference between the completion date of the order and the current run date exceeds the number of days that you are retaining completed purchase orders).

  • The order has been exported (i.e. the supplier is defined as an EDI trading partner).

    Orders for suppliers with a purchase order transmission method of EDI can be deleted only if the order has been exported.

    See Prerequisites in Notes and warnings.

2. Cancelled orders are deleted automatically
3. 'In process' orders are reset to their previous status
4. If the Remove completed lines option is selected, then completed purchase order lines are removed.

Purchase order lines are marked as complete under the following conditions:

  • when the quantity received is greater than (or equal to) the quantity ordered
  • if the quantity received is less than the quantity ordered, but where the operator indicated manually that the line is now complete.
  • when all merchandise lines are completed, regardless of the print status of freight and miscellaneous lines.


    Completed lines are removed from file regardless of whether any outstanding lines exist against the order and regardless of the number of days that you specified you wanted to retain completed purchase orders (Purchase Orders Setup).


If the Purge history of receipts file option is selected, then any receipt history records that are no longer required are removed. This purge phase is performed after the purchase order file has been purged.

Any scrap and/or rejected records (if they exist) are also deleted based either on the age of each record, or on the number of records still pertaining to each supplier. If you indicated that history records must be deleted by date, then the system date can be used as the comparison date against the date of receipt held against each history record.

During this purge phase, the program checks that each supplier in the history file is still held on file. If a supplier has been deleted then all history records and any comment records attached to that supplier are automatically removed from the history file.

6. If the Print completed orders option is selected, then a list of purchase orders marked as completed by the Purchase Order Purge program on the date that the Purchase Order Purge program is run is generated - typically the system date.

Dates used

The following table indicates the dates used by this program to identify records that require purging:

Purge function Table Date field used
PO history record PorScrapRejectIns ScrapRejecDate
  PorHistReceipt DateReceived
Matched GRN GrnDetails GrnMatchedYear


Completed PO PorMasterHdr DatePoCompleted
Requisition lines ReqDetail DatePoConfirmed


Completed shipments before archiving LctCostingReg ReceiptArchDate
Archived shipments before deletion LctCostRegArc DateArchived
GRN journals GrnJournal AdjDate
GRN price variances GrnPriceVariance VarDate
Completed BPO contracts BpoMaster DatePoCompleted


Step Details

The system validates quantities by resetting fields to zero and updating them with quantities held against your purchase order records.

  • The program processes purchase order records for all companies that share the inventory file.

  • Purchase orders in a status of <0> (in process) are set to a status of <1> unless they have been printed (print count > 0) in which case they are set to a status of <4>.

    The Inventory warehouse is not cleared for the quantity on order on the purchase order.


The following fields are updated against the warehouse record:

  • Quantity on order
  • Quantity in inspection
  • Quantity allocated to WIP

The following field is updated against the inspection record:

  • Quantity on order

Notes and warnings


  • It is advisable to take a backup of your data before purging purchase orders, removing completed lines or purging history of receipts.

  • Ensure that you export orders for suppliers with a purchase order transmission method of EDI before running the Purge purchase orders function, otherwise these orders may remain on file indefinitely. The reason is that the Purchase Order Purge program marks orders as complete, but cannot remove orders that have not yet been exported. The Purchase Order Export program, however, cannot export orders that have been marked as complete.

Data integrity considerations

The following warning message is displayed if the current date is not the same as the date displayed in the Last date balance was run field: Imbalances may occur if you continue as the 'Balance' function has not been run today. Do you wish to continue?