SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Financial > Asset Register Setup

Asset Register Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for your Assets Register module.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.


Field Description
Book Value depreciation posted to G/L code

These options enable you to specify the manner in which book value depreciation values are posted to the General Ledger.


This option is disabled from the time the Asset Depreciation Calculation has been run and the month end is completed. This is to prevent you changing the integration method between running the depreciation calculation and completing the Assets month end routine.

You can, therefore, only change this option after completing an Assets month end and before running the Asset Depreciation Calculation for the current month.

Integration setup

Select this to post book value depreciation to the General ledger according to the settings defined for asset integration (General Ledger Integration).


If you select this option, you can still define a different ledger code for the posting of book value depreciation for selected assets.

To do this, you select the Depreciate by asset option (Assets - Asset information) and define a Ledger code for the asset. The ledger code defined against the asset is then used to post the book value depreciation.

Individual asset

Select this to post book value depreciation values to the General ledger code defined against each asset (Assets - Asset information).


If you select this option, then you must define a valid Ledger code for book value depreciation against each asset using the Assets program.

If you select to depreciate assets at Individual asset level and no ledger code for book value depreciation is defined against the asset, then the transaction journal is created with a blank ledger code.

In this case, when you use the Asset GL Integration or GL Journal Entry programs to update the General Ledger, depending on your integration level for Assets (General Ledger Integration), these entries are listed as errors which you will need to manually fix using the GL Journal Entry program.

Sub assets allowed

Select this to be able to link assets together as master and sub assets.

You would typically use sub-assets for single assets which comprise components of significant value and which can be identified separately. Depreciation for the master and the sub-assets can be calculated at different rates.

In addition, you would select this option to comply with Paragraph 43 of IAS 16, which states "Each part of an item of property, plant and equipment with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of the item shall be depreciated separately."

Master/Sub Asset links are maintained using the Asset Master Sub-assets program.

Reports such as the Asset Movement Schedule and Asset Tax Values Schedule optionally enable you to print totals for each individual asset and for the sum of the master and its sub assets.

Options on addition  
No depreciation calculation - add historically Select this if, when adding a new asset purchased before your current financial month, you do not want the system to calculate the (historical) book and tax depreciation automatically up to the end of the last financial month (i.e. no catch-up depreciation is calculated).

If you select this option, then you will need to enter the historical depreciation information for each prior period and year manually using the Asset Acquisition program.

No depreciation calculation - add in current period Select this if, when adding a new asset purchased before your current financial month, you do not want the system to calculate the (historical) book and tax depreciation automatically up to the end of the last financial month.

If you select this option, then you will need to enter the historical depreciation information for the prior periods manually using the Asset Acquisition program.


The historical depreciation can only be added into the current year.

Calculate depreciation - add historically

Select this if, when adding a new asset purchased before your current financial month, you want the system to calculate the (historical) book and tax depreciation automatically up to the end of the last financial month.

A 'brought forward' balance is created, which could mean that historical reports may not balance to current year reports. This may be useful in take-on situations, but may not be desirable thereafter.

The system attempts to spread the book value depreciation across historical periods depending on the period end dates defined for the Assets Register module (Asset Register Setup - Periods tab) and the Start depreciation date defined against each asset (Assets - Book Value Details).

When you add an asset into a prior year, Addition and Catch-up depreciation (accumulated) entries are created plus the current year entries. These entries are displayed in the Asset Query program.

Regardless of your selection against this option, tax (wear and tear) depreciation is always calculated automatically up to the end of the last financial month.

Calculate depreciation - add in current period Select this if, when adding a new asset purchased before your current financial month, you want the system to calculate the (historical) book and tax depreciation automatically up to the end of the last financial month and place the total value of the historical depreciation into the current period.

No 'brought forward' balance is created.

Asset amendment journals required

This enables you to monitor changes made to asset information. Refer to Asset Amendment Journal for a list of the programs for which amendment journals are created.

If you select to retain this information, then it can be listed using the Asset Amendment Journal program.


Select this if you do not want to monitor or retain information on changes made to assets held on file.


Select this to monitor and retain information on changes made to assets held on file.

Yes, including additions

Select this to monitor and retain information on changes made to assets as well as details on the addition of new assets.

Rounding options The rounding options apply to the calculation of depreciation and enables you to indicate how the depreciation amounts must be rounded.
Up Select this to always round depreciation amounts up to the nearest unit defined in the Round to nearest field.
Down Select this to always round depreciation amounts up to the nearest unit defined in the Round to nearest field.
Normal rounding

Select this to round up decimal places of .5 or larger, and to round down decimal places of .4 or less.

All monetary values in SYSPRO are rounded to 2 decimal places by default.


If the amount to be rounded is 2.1553, then SYSPRO automatically rounds this to 2.16.

If the amount to be rounded is 2.1543, then SYSPRO automatically rounds this to 2.15.

Round to nearest Indicate the monetary unit or decimal unit to which you want to round depreciation amounts.

For example, if your smallest monetary unit of currency is 5 cents, then you would probably enter 5 in this field.


Select this if the value entered in the Round to nearest field represents the nearest monetary unit of currency (e.g. cents).

For example: If you entered 1 in the Round to nearest field and you select Decimals, then rounding is done to the nearest cent, not to the nearest 1 decimal place.


Select this if the value entered in the Round to nearest field represents the nearest local currency unit (e.g. dollars or yen).

For example: If you entered 1 in the Round to nearest field and you select Units, then rounding is done to the nearest dollar or yen.

Exclude residual from depreciation for

This enables you to include or exclude the residual value of your assets when calculating depreciation.

Book value

Select this to deduct the residual book value of the asset (Assets - Book Value Details pane) from the cost of the asset before calculating the book value depreciation.

If you do not select this option, then the book value depreciation is calculated on the cost of the asset (i.e. ignoring the residual value).

You typically select this option to comply with Paragraph 53 of IAS 16 which states that depreciation should be calculated after deducting the residual value.

Irrespective of your selection, the asset is depreciated only until the book value residual amount is reached.

If you select this option in the middle of an asset's lifetime, then the historical depreciation values for the asset are not changed, but the depreciation will be based on the difference between the asset's original cost and its residual value from this point onwards.

Tax valuation

Select this to deduct the residual tax value (Assets - Tax Details pane) from the cost of the asset before calculating the tax value depreciation.

If you do not select this option, then the tax value depreciation is calculated on the tax cost of the asset.

Irrespective of your selection, the asset is depreciated only until the tax residual amount is reached.

Alternate valuation 1 - 10 These options enable you to deduct the Residual value defined against an alternate valuation (Assets) before calculating the depreciation value for that alternate valuation.
Asset count  
Include assets with no quantity change Select this to create entries for assets with no count differences when you confirm an asset count (see Asset Count Confirm). Count differences occur when the asset quantity counted is not equal to the asset quantity saved in SYSPRO.

These CNT type entries are displayed in the Asset Entries pane for the Book value of the Asset Query program and are useful for audit purposes (i.e. to prove that an asset was counted).


Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Assets module setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.

Basis and Date Conventions

Field Description
Basis for Depreciation

Great care must be taken when changing the Basis for depreciation, as changing a basis can result in loss of historical data and entries.

The Asset conversion program which converts your assets from a previous version of SYSPRO to SYSPRO 6.1 sets the Basis for depreciation as follows:

  • Book value - Period
  • Tax value - Year
  • Alternate values - Life of asset
Book value This indicates the basis for depreciation for the Book value of your assets.
PeriodThis indicates that the basis for depreciation for Book value is set to Period. This cannot be changed.

Only the current period depreciation is calculated at period end. All prior year(s) depreciation values are considered historical and fixed and cannot be changed.

Changes to depreciation for any period in the current year can only be effected using the Asset Depreciation Adjustment program.

Although the Asset Depreciation Calculation can be re-run in a single period for depreciation books set to Period, depreciation is only calculated the first time the Asset Depreciation Calculation is run in Generate & update mode. Thereafter, the initial values calculated are displayed when you re-run the depreciation calculation.

Asset entries are retained according to your selections on the History tab of the Asset Register Setup program.

Tax valuation Indicate the basis for depreciation for the tax value of your assets.

When you select this option, only the current period depreciation is calculated at period end.

All prior year(s) depreciation values are considered historical and fixed and cannot be changed.

Changes to depreciation for any period in the current year can only be effected using the Asset Depreciation Adjustment program.

Although the Asset Depreciation Calculation can be re-run in a single period for depreciation books set to Period, depreciation is only calculated the first time the Asset Depreciation Calculation is run in Generate & update mode. Thereafter, the initial values calculated are displayed when you re-run the depreciation calculation.

Asset entries are retained according to your selections on the History tab of the Asset Register Setup program.

YearWhen you select this option, the full current year's depreciation is re-calculated at each period end.

The Asset Depreciation Calculation can be re-run at any time in Generate & update mode.

Changes made to a depreciation type can be effected by running the Asset Depreciation Calculation which will re-calculate the current year's depreciation, taking into account acquisition dates and disposal date (if in the current period).

All depreciation prior to the current year is considered historical and fixed and cannot be adjusted and is not re-calculated.

Asset entries are retained according to your selections on the History tab of the Asset Register Setup program.

This is the default selection for Tax value depreciation, but can be changed.

Life of assetWhen you select this option, the depreciation is always re-calculated for the full life of the asset.

Changes made to a depreciation type can be effected by running the Asset Depreciation Calculation which will re-calculate the depreciation for the full life of the asset.

The Asset Depreciation Calculation can be re-run at any time in Generate & update mode.

No history is retained and no depreciation adjustments can be made as the depreciation is constantly re-calculated.

If you set the number of Accounting periods per year to 13 (Company Maintenance - General tab), then this option is not available for tax value depreciation.

Alternate valuation 1 - 10 Indicate the basis for depreciation for each of the Alternate valuations of your assets.

The default basis is Life of asset, but can be changed. The various depreciation basis are explained above.

The Asset Depreciation Calculation can be re-run at any time in Generate & update mode for any Alternate valuation depreciation book.

Date conventions
  • If you set the number of Accounting periods per year to 13 (Company Maintenance - General tab), then only the Full month and Full year date convention options are available.

  • Date conventions also apply to the Revaluation of assets (Asset Revaluation).

  • Some of the Date conventions options only apply when your nationality is set to USA or Canada (Company Maintenance).

Defined by Indicate whether the date conventions defined on this tab page must be used or whether the date conventions defined against each individual depreciation code must be used.
Depreciation bookSelect this to use the date conventions defined on this tab page against the various asset valuations, for all assets in that asset valuation.

The Date convention option against the depreciation code is not displayed (Asset Depreciation Codes).

Depreciation codeSelect this to use the date conventions defined against each individual depreciation code must be used (see Asset Depreciation Codes).
Book value Indicate the date convention you require for Book value depreciation.
Full monthIf you select this option then book value depreciation is calculated as follows:
  • Acquisitions

    Depreciation is calculated from the 1st day of the month, irrespective of the day of the month defined on the depreciation start date.

  • Disposals

    Depreciation is calculated for the full month, irrespective of which day of the month the asset is disposed.

Mid-monthIf you select this option then book value depreciation is calculated as follows:
  • Acquisitions

    If the depreciation start date is less than or equal to 15, then depreciation is calculated from the 1st day of the month.

    If the depreciation start date is greater than 15, then depreciation is calculated from the 1st day of the next month (i.e. there is no depreciation for the month in which the asset was acquired).

  • Disposals

    Depreciation is calculated for the full month if the asset is disposed of after the 15th of the month.

    No depreciation is calculated for the month of disposal if the asset was disposed of on or before the 15th of the month.

Half-yearIf you select this option then:
  • Acquisitions

    Depreciation is calculated for half the year, irrespective of the start depreciation date.

  • Disposals

    Depreciation is calculated for half the year, irrespective of the disposal date.

Modified half-yearIf you select this option then:
  • Acquisitions

    When the depreciation start date falls in the first half of the year, depreciation is calculated from the 1st day of the current year.

    When the depreciation start date falls in the second half of the year, depreciation is calculated from the 1st day of the next year.

  • Disposals

    When the disposal date falls in the first half of the year, depreciation is calculated to the last day of the previous year.

    When the disposal date falls in the second half of the year, depreciation is calculated to the last day of the current year.

Full yearIf you select this option then:
  • Acquisitions

    Depreciation is calculated for the full year irrespective of the depreciation start date.

  • Disposals

    Depreciation is calculated for the full year irrespective of the disposal date.

This is set as the default for Tax value depreciation when you upgrade to SYSPRO 6.1 from a prior version of the software.

Tax valuation Indicate the date convention you require for Tax value depreciation.

The available options are the same as for Book value.

Alternate valuation 1 - 10 Indicate the date convention you require for depreciation for each of your Alternate valuations.

The available options are the same as for Book value.


Field Description
Retain asset details (periods)

These options enable you define the number of periods for which you want to keep asset information.

The minimum number of periods for which you can retain this information is 24.

Distribution entries

This indicates the number of months for which you want to retain your Assets Register GL distribution entries.

When distribution records have been held on file longer than the number of periods specified here, they are deleted when running the Purge function of the Assets Period End program.

The number of periods specified here also determines the number of periods for which you can reprint General Ledger distribution entries using the Asset Distribution program.

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely.

Disposed Assets

This indicates the number of periods for which you want to retain entries for assets that have been disposed of using the Asset Disposal program.

When records have been held on file longer than the number of periods specified here, they are deleted when running the Purge function of the Assets Period End program.

The number of periods specified here also determines the number of periods for which you can view asset information on disposed assets using the Asset Query and Asset List of Disposals programs.

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely.


This indicates the number of periods for which you want to retain Assets Register transactions processed using the Asset Transactions program.

When entry records have been held on file longer than the number of periods specified here, they are deleted when running the Purge function of the Assets Period End program.

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely.

Capex items

Indicate the number of periods that you want to retain a record of capex items that are in a status of Closed.

Capex items are deleted when next you purge records using the Assets Period End program, if:

  • the Start Period of the capex item is less than the difference between the number of periods entered in this field and the current Assets period.
  • all capex lines for the item are in a status of Closed

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely.

Capex requisition lines

Indicate the number of periods that you want to retain a record of capex requisitions lines that are in a status of Closed.

Capex lines are deleted when next you purge records using the Assets Period End program if:

  • the Start Period of the capex line is less than the difference between the number of periods entered in this field and the current Assets period
  • the capex line is not linked to a Purchase Order Requisition, Purchase Order or Job that has not yet been purged.
  • there is no asset in suspense for the capex line (see Assets in Suspense)

The number of periods for which you want to retain capex requisition lines cannot exceed the number of periods for which you want to retain capex items.

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely.

Retain entries (periods)

This indicates the number of periods that you want to retain Assets Register entries. These are the detail entries for transactions processed against your assets.

If entry records have been held on file longer than the number of periods specified here, then they are deleted when running the Purge function of the Assets Period End program.

The number of periods specified here also determines the number of periods for which you can view asset transaction entries using the Asset Query program.

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely.

Book value Indicate the number of periods for which you want to retain book value asset entries. The minimum is 24 periods.
Tax valuation Indicate the number of periods for which you want to retain taxation valuation asset entries.

An entry of 00 indicates that no entries must be retained.


If the Basis for depreciation for Tax value is set to Period or Year, then you must retain tax valuation entries for at least 24 periods.

Alternate valuation 1- 10 Indicate the number of periods for which you want to retain each of the alternate value asset register entries.

An entry of 00 indicates that no entries must be retained.


If the Basis for depreciation for an Alternate value is set to Period or Year, then you must retain tax valuation entries for at least 24 periods for that alternate valuation.

Retain history (years)

This indicates the number of years that you want to retain Assets history.

These are the summary records of the transactions processed against your assets.

When entry records have been held on file longer than the number of years specified here, they are deleted when running the Purge function of the Assets Period End program.

The number of years specified here also determines the number of years for which you can view asset history using the Asset Query program.

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely. An entry of 00 indicates that no history must be retained.

Book value Indicate the number of periods for which you want to retain book value history. The minimum is 02 years.
Tax valuation Indicate the number of periods for which you want to retain tax value history.

If the Basis for depreciation for Tax valuation is set to Period or Year, then you must retain tax valuation history for at least 02 years.

Alternate valuation 1- 10 Indicate the number of periods for which you want to retain history for each of your alternate valuations.

If the Basis for depreciation for an Alternate valuation is set to Period or Year, then you must retain tax valuation history for at least 02 years for that alternate valuation.


Field Description
Current year

Change Current

Select this to maintain the period end dates for the current year, and control how information is posted to the Assets Register module.

The control of information posted is achieved by defining the access status (i.e. open or closed) for the current period. A status of open allows postings to be made to the period, while a status of closed prevents further postings from being made to the period.

  • Postings cannot be made to a future period, regardless of whether the period is open or closed.

Period This is the period to which the end date and status relate for the current year.
End date

This is the period end date defined for each period in the current year.

This date cannot be overridden when processing a month end or year end using the Assets Period End program.

This indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.

A status of open allows postings to be made to the period, while a status of closed prevents further postings from being made to the period.

Previous year

Change Previous

Select this to maintain the period end dates for the previous year.

Current month

This is the current Assets Register period and is automatically changed when a month end is performed using the Assets Period End program.

Current Year

You use the Change Current function to define the period end dates for the current year.

Field Description
Period end date Indicate the period end date for the selected period.

It is essential that the correct period end dates are defined as these period end dates are used to calculate depreciation values for assets.

If your financial year is configured for 12 periods ( ), then the period end dates you entered are validated as follows:

  • that the date you enter is the last day of the calendar month
  • a month end date is defined for each calendar month
  • the month end dates entered follow one another in 1 month increments

This date cannot be overridden when processing a month end or year end using the Assets Period End program.

Period is  

Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.


Within a sub-ledger only the current and previous two periods can be defined as open.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.

If you select the company setup option: Close previous month automatically (Company Maintenance - Options tab), then the current Assets Register period is automatically closed once you have completed the month end function (Assets Period End).

OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Previous Year

You use the Change Previous function to define the period end dates for the previous year.

Field Description
Period end date Indicate the period end date for the selected period.
Period is  
Open Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.

You can only define the current and previous two periods as open.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.
OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Current Month

Field Description
Current (transactions)  
Current week

This indicates the current labor analysis week number.

The week number is incremented by 1 each time you run the Labor weekly update function in the Assets Period End program.

It is reset to 1 after the Month end function is run.


This option affects only the labor analysis system, which is controlled on a weekly/monthly basis.

Current month

This indicates the current labor analysis month number. This month number is incremented by 1 each time you run the Month end function of the Assets Period End program. It is reset to 1 by the Year end function when month 13 is reached.


This option affects only the labor analysis system, which is controlled on a weekly/monthly basis.

Year selection

This indicates the calendar year in which your current financial year ends.

You cannot change this field if any depreciation data already exists in either the Assets History file or the Assets Entries file.

Month selection

This indicates the month in which your company is running, in relation to the start of your financial year.

You cannot change this field if any depreciation data already exists in either the Assets History file or the Assets Entries file.

Number of periods per year

This indicates the number of accounting periods per year as defined at company level (Company Maintenance - General tab).


Field Description
Asset numbering method This option applies to adding new assets using the Assets program.
Manual Select this to manually allocate a unique asset code to identify each new asset added.
Automatic Select this to automatically allocate an asset code when you add new assets. This will be based on the entry made at the Next asset number field below.

You can only assign asset codes automatically if the Asset code key type is set to Numeric (Set Key Information).

Next asset number Indicate the next asset code number to use when the next asset is added.
Capex numbering method This applies to adding new capex items using the Asset Capex Items program.
Manual Select this to manually allocate a unique capex code to identify each new capex item added.

Select this to automatically allocate a capex code when you add new capex items. This will be based on the entry made at the Next capex number field below.


You can only assign asset codes automatically if the Capex code key type is set to Numeric (Set Key Information).

Next capex number Indicate the next capex number to use when the next capex item is added.

User Defined

Field Description

The wording you assign to these fields is the wording displayed in entry/display forms.

Alternate valuation 1 - 10

Specify your own wording for each of 10 the alternate valuation books. The wording you enter is used instead of the default 'Alternate Valuation' wording in the Assets programs.


The fields on this tab are displayed for information purposes only and cannot be changed using this program.

Field Description
Distribution register number

The distribution register numbers refer to the reference numbers allocated to each group of entries generated by the Asset GL Integration program.

This number is incremented by one each time a new group of ledger entries is generated. It is reset to 1 when the Year end function of the Assets Period End program is run.

Next distribution register number

This indicates the reference number that will be allocated to the next group of entries generated by the Asset GL Integration program.

Last month-end

This indicates when the last Month end function of the Assets Period End program was run.

Last year end

This indicates when the last Year end function of the Assets Period End program was run.

Last depreciation calculation period number

This indicates the period in which the last depreciation calculation was processed using the Asset Depreciation Calculation program.

Print assets register setup options

  1. From the Asset Register Setup program, select the Print function.

  2. From the Print screen displayed, select OK to generate a list of the current setup options defined against the Assets Register module.