Assets > Count System > Asset Count Confirm

Asset Count Confirm

You use this program to confirm the count quantities captured using the Asset Count Capture or Asset Count Import programs.

General Ledger entries can be created for acquisitions and disposals based on the counted quantities.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Processing

Select this to process the function you selected in the Processing options.

When processing an Update:

  • The Quantity field against the Book Value depreciation book of the asset is updated with the Counted quantity. The Verified quantity is ignored.

  • If the Counted quantity is equal to the Extracted quantity, then the asset is not updated, but a CTN entry is created if you selected the option: Include assets with no quantity change (Assets Setup). This entry can be seen in the Asset Query program and is useful for proving that the asset was counted.

  • If you selected the option: Allow change of ID, then the ID/Serial no field against the asset is updated.

  • If you selected the option: Allow change of location, then the location field against the asset is updated.


    If the count details for a single asset are recorded in more than one Branch/Location, then the last occurrence of the count confirmation overrides the previous confirmation for both location and quantity.

    If you deselect the option: Allow change of location, then the location is not updated, however the quantity is still updated.

  • If the Counted quantity is less than the Extracted quantity, then a disposal is processed.

    • The Quantity field against the asset is decreased to equal the Counted quantity.

      This is irrespective of whether you selected the Perform action option.

    • If you selected the Perform action option, then General Ledger entries are created for the disposal cost and the accumulated depreciation.

      The disposal cost is calculated as the average cost of the asset as follows:

      Current cost / Asset quantity = Average cost of single asset.

      This is multiplied by the quantity disposed (i.e. the difference between the Extracted quantity and the Counted quantity).

      A Disposal (Asset count) entry is displayed in the Asset Entries - Book value pane of the Asset Query program.

  • If the Counted quantity is greater than the Extracted quantity, then an acquisition is processed.

    • The Quantity field against the asset is increased to equal the Counted quantity.

      This is irrespective of whether you selected the Perform action option.

    • If you selected the Perform action option, then General Ledger entries are created for the acquisition cost.

      The acquisition cost for a single quantity of the asset is:

      Current cost / Asset quantity

      If you manually changed the cost on the Acquisition Cost for Asset screen, then the cost you entered is used for the total quantity acquired. See Acquisition Costs for Asset.

      An Addition (Asset count) entry is displayed in the Asset Entries - Book value pane of the Asset Query program.

When processing a Validate, any errors or exceptions found are displayed in the Asset Count Confirmation Error Report pane, enabling you take the appropriate action.

Print Select this to print the information currently displayed in the Report panes.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Confirmation Options

Field Description
Posting information This displays the year and period your Assets module is currently in.
Selection information  
Asset branch Indicate the asset branch for which to confirm the counted quantities.
Location selection Indicate the asset location(s) for which to confirm the counted quantities.
Allow change of ID Select this to overwrite the existing ID or Serial number for the asset (Assets) with the ID or Serial number captured during the count (Asset Count Capture or Asset Import).
Allow change of location

Select this to overwrite the existing Location code for the asset (Assets) with the Location code captured during the count (Asset Count Capture or Asset Import).

You can only transfer assets between locations, when this option is enabled and the In count option is enabled against both locations (Asset Locations).


If you select this option and you deselect the option: Abort if exceptions found, then the location code is set to _UNKNOWN for all assets for which a count quantity was not captured. The quantity against the asset is not changed.

Abort if exceptions found

Select this to abort the update process if any of the following conditions are found:

  • a count quantity has not been captured for the asset
  • a verification quantity has not been captured for the asset. This only applies if verification was required when the count extract was performed (Asset Count Extract-Cancel).
  • the count quantity is not equal to the verified quantity. This only applies if verification was required when the count extract was performed (Asset Count Extract-Cancel).

It is not recommended that you deselect this option. If you deselect this option and you select the option: Allow change of location, then the location code is set to _UNKNOWN for all assets for which a count quantity was not captured. In this case, the quantity field of the asset is not updated.

Processing options  
Function It is strongly recommended that you run the Validate function before you run the Update function.
ValidateSelect this to display the asset count exceptions in the Asset Count Confirmation Error Report pane when you select the Start Processing function.
UpdateSelect this to update the Assets Register with the count information when you select the Start Processing function.
After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Asset Count Confirmation Error Report

Only asset entries with exceptions are displayed in this listview.

Exceptions include:

  • Extracted not counted
  • Counted not extracted
  • Verified not counted
  • Counted not verified
  • Difference in branch code
  • Difference in location code
  • Difference in ID code
  • Differences in counted/verified/extracted quantities

Exception error messages are displayed together with suggested remedies.

Field Description
Capture Costs Select this to enter the costs required for asset acquisitions.

This is only enabled when no assets with a Suggested action of Review are displayed and you selected at least one line with a Suggested action of Acquisition.

Select All This places a tick in the Perform action column for all assets displayed.

This is only enabled when no assets with a Suggested action of Review are displayed.

Unselect All

This removes any ticks in the Perform action column for all assets displayed.

This is only enabled when no assets with a Suggested action of Review are displayed.
Perform action Select this to perform the action displayed in the Suggested action column and to create General Ledger entries accordingly.

This option is not available when the Suggested action is Review.


If this option is not selected, then only the quantity of the asset is updated when you run the Update function.

No General Ledger entries for costs or depreciation are created.

Extracted quantity This indicates the quantity held on file at the time the count extract was done using the Asset Count Extract-Cancel program.
Counted quantity This indicates the quantity counted by the counter and was entered using either the Asset Count Capture or Asset Count Import program.
Verified quantity This indicates the quantity counted by the verifier and was entered using either the Asset Count Capture or Asset Count Import program.

This is not mandatory and only applies of you selected the option: Verification required when you performed the asset count selection using the Asset Count Extract-Cancel program.

ID/serial code This displays the ID or serial code entered against the asset when the count quantities were captured using either the Asset Count Capture or Asset Count Import program.

If you select the Allow change of ID option when you run the Update function of the Asset Count Confirm program, then the ID/serial code displayed here is written to the asset. If you did not allow change of ID, then the entry displayed here is ignored when the asset is updated with the counted quantity.

Error message This indicates the reason for the exception (i.e. the reason that the line is being displayed in the Asset Count Confirmation Error Report listview.
Suggested action This indicates the action that should be taken to resolve the exception error.

The following actions can be displayed:

ReviewUse the Asset Count Capture or Asset Count Review program to change the Counted quantity or the Verified quantity for the asset.
DisposalIndicates that the Counted quantity is less than the Extracted quantity.
AcquisitionIndicates that the Counted quantity is more than the Extracted quantity.

Acquisition Costs for Asset

This screen is displayed when you select the Perform action option or the Capture Costs option in the Asset Count Confirmation Error Report pane.

Field Description
Save Select this to save the values you entered.
Cancel Select this ignore any values you entered and to return to the previous screen.
Asset Costs  
Book value Indicate the total acquisition cost for the acquisition quantity for Book Value purposes.

This defaults to Current cost / Asset quantity multiplied by the quantity you are acquiring from the count.

For example:

The Extracted quantity for an asset is 5. The Current cost for these 5 assets is 500.

The Counted quantity is 7. You are therefore acquiring an additional quantity of 2 for this asset.

The system calculates the asset cost as:

500 / 5 = 100 and multiplies this by 2 (the additional 2 assets you counted). The default cost displayed in this field is therefore 200.

If you change the cost, then the value you enter becomes the total acquisition cost for the 2 additional assets.

Note that the value you enter is the total cost for the quantity you are acquiring.

Tax Indicate the total cost at which you want to acquire the asset quantity from the count for the Tax Value depreciation book.
Alternate Valuation 1-10 Indicate the total cost at which you want to acquire the asset quantity from the count for the Alternate Valuation books 1-10 where applicable.

Asset Count Confirmation Report

When you select the Update function from the Confirmation Options pane and select Start Processing, the assets which were updated are displayed in this pane.

Entries created can be viewed in the Asset Entries pane of the Asset Query program.

Notes and warnings

Processing considerations

  • It is strongly recommended that you run the Validate function of this program before you run the Update function.

    The Asset Count Exception Report report can be generated prior to confirming the asset count. All errors displayed on this report should be investigated and the appropriate action taken before proceeding with the count confirmation.

    Counting errors can be fixed using the Asset Count Exception Report program.

  • Only the Book Value depreciation book of the asset is affected by any changes. All other depreciation books remain unchanged.

Hints and tips

Record amendments

  • Changes to the Assets Register are recorded on the Asset Amendment Journal report providing you enabled the option: Asset amendment journals required (Assets Setup).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.