Assets > Transaction Processing > Asset Acquisition

Asset Acquisition

You use this program to maintain the financial information for your assets.

The program enables you to:

  • initially acquire assets
  • process additional acquisitions on existing acquired assets
  • calculate and view depreciation calculations for each depreciation book for first acquisitions before updating

Acquisitions can be processed for all depreciation books simultaneously or for individual books as required.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Asset Indicate the code of the asset you want to acquire. This code must already exist.

For a first acquisition, the program checks that the asset has not been sold, has no depreciation and that the Asset quantity is zero.

For additional acquisitions, the program checks that the asset has not been sold and that the Asset quantity is non-zero.

Calculate History Select this to calculate the depreciation history for the acquisition.

This calculation can be performed for all depreciation books simultaneously or individual by depreciation book.

The results are displayed in the relevant History pane for the each depreciation book.

This function is only available for a first acquisition.

You can use the editable History listviews to change the 'catch up' depreciation values. Note that once you have posted the values, they cannot be changed using this program.

This function merely performs the calculation, but does not update the asset. It enables you to view the effect of your entries and to amend them if required, before using the Post function to actually update the asset.


You do not have to select this function before you post the acquisition details.

If you selected Calculate History, changed the history details and then select Calculate History again, your changes will be lost.

If you then select the Post function, the program will post the values it calculated and not your changed values.

Post Select this to post the financial information for the asset acquisition.
  • Once you have posted the information you cannot change it using this program.

    If you have made an error, you need to use the appropriate Asset transaction program to fix it.

  • You do not have to select the Calculate History function before posting. The program will merely post the values it calculated without first displaying them.

  • An additional acquisition (i.e. an acquisition posted after the first acquisition) adds quantity and/or value to an existing asset in the current period only.

This function updates the relevant depreciation books with the information entered and calculated.

If your Assets Register module is integrated to the General Ledger, then General Ledger entries are created according to your selections for Assets in the General Ledger Integration program when you add or delete an asset using this program. Refer to Effect of automation level selected.

When you do an initial asset acquisition for an asset with a depreciation start date in a prior year, then the accumulated depreciation (catch-up) is posted to the current Asset period and year.

For an initial acquisition with a depreciation start date in the current year, the depreciation history is created in the relevant history files/tables and the asset entries are created for the current year.

These can be viewed in the Asset Query program.

Entries and history for depreciation basis Period is created as "Depreciation on addition" and for depreciation basis Year as "Depreciation".

For depreciation basis Life of asset, the accumulated depreciation prior to the current year is created as "Depreciation on addition" and for the current year as "Depreciation." The reason for this is that the current year depreciation for basis Life of Asset is deleted and re-calculated each time the depreciation calculation is run. No asset entries are created for basis Life of Asset books.


Values are calculated according to all of the following:

  • your entries in this program.

  • the depreciation Options on addition selected (Assets Register Setup).

  • the Exclude residual from depreciation for options enabled (Assets Setup).

  • the options indicated against the Basis for depreciation and Date conventions options in the Assets Register Setup program.

Acquisition Details

Field Description
Asset information You can only enter the Acquisition quantity and the Acquisition tax. The rest of the fields are displayed for information purposes only
Asset code This indicates the code of the asset for which you are processing the acquisition.
Description This indicates the description of the asset.
Asset quantity This displays the current quantity defined against the asset.

When you add a new asset using the Assets program, then this value is zero until you process an acquisition against the asset.

Tax paid This indicates the Total tax paid value entered when the asset was added (Assets - Asset Details).
Acquisition quantity Indicate the quantity of the asset to acquire.

For example, if you purchased 10 chairs and want to treat these as a single asset, you enter 10 in this field.

This quantity need not be a whole number. You could, for example, enter 0.5 or 0.1, etc.

This quantity can be negative providing it does not reduce the Asset quantity to zero or less than zero.

  • Each Acquisition quantity you enter and post adds to the quantity of the asset.

  • The quantity cannot be zero or negative for the first acquisition.

  • The quantity can be zero for additional acquisitions. For example if you add a new Alternate valuation book to the asset, you can enter the values for the new book without adding a quantity in this field.

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

Acquisition tax Indicate the tax value applicable to the Acquisition quantity.

Each Acquisition tax value you enter and post adds to the tax value of the asset.

Purchase period This indicates the period in which the asset was purchased (Assets - Asset Details).
Purchase year This indicates the year in which the asset was purchased (Assets - Asset Details).

Book Value

Field Description
Book value depreciation detail  
Cost/cash price This indicates the current cost/cash price of the asset for Book value purposes.

This is zero if no acquisitions have been processed for the asset.

Acquisition cost/cash price You use this field to indicate the total acquisition cost/cash price of the Acquisition quantity for Book value purposes.

This must be the total price (not unit price) for the total quantity acquired.

For example, if you are adding 10 chairs and each chair has a unit cost of 500 then you enter 5000 in this field (not 500).

Each Acquisition cost/cash price entered and posted adds to the cost/price of the asset.

This year depreciation This indicates the accumulated Book value depreciation applied to the asset for the current year to date.
Accumulated depreciation This indicates the total accumulated Book value depreciation for the asset.
Last year depreciation This indicates the total accumulated Book value depreciation for the asset for the previous year.
Date convention start details This is displayed for information purposes only.
Date convention This indicates the date convention according to which Book value depreciation is calculated for the acquisition.

These conventions are defined for the various depreciation books in the Assets setup program - see Assets Register Setup.

Start date This indicates the date from which Book value depreciation commences.
Start period no This indicates the period from which Book value depreciation commences.
Start year no This indicates the year from which Book value depreciation commences.

Tax Details

Field Description
Tax depreciation detail  
Cost/cash price This indicates the current cost/cash price of the asset for Tax value purposes.

This is zero if no acquisitions have been processed for the asset.

Acquisition cost/cash price Indicate the cost or value for the asset for tax value purposes. This is the value on which the tax depreciation is based.
This year depreciation This indicates the accumulated Tax value depreciation applied to the asset for the current year to date.
Accumulated depreciation

This indicates the current net tax value of the asset.

It is calculated as the original cost of the asset less the accumulated tax depreciation amount as at the end of the previous financial year.

Last year depreciation This indicates the total accumulated Tax value depreciation for the asset for the previous year.
Investment allowance %

Enter the tax allowance percentage to be used after the first year of depreciation. This cannot exceed 100%.

This field is for documentation purposes only.

You can only access this field when you are adding an asset.

Initial allowance %

Enter the initial tax allowance percentage to be used only for the first year of depreciation. This cannot exceed 100%.

This value refers to the percentage deducted from the full cost of the asset before tax allowance depreciation is calculated, and affects tax allowance (wear and tear) values, but not the book value.

If a residual value is also defined and the option: Exclude residual from depreciation for is set to Tax value (Assets Setup) then the residual value tax value is deducted after the initial tax allowance percentage has been deducted, before calculating the tax value depreciation.

You can only access this field when you are adding an asset.

Capital gains tax cost

This indicates the value of the asset for Capital Gains Tax purposes.

This is a notational field only.

Date convention start details This is displayed for information purposes only.
Date convention This indicates the date convention according to which Tax depreciation is calculated for the acquisition.

These conventions are defined for the various depreciation books in the Assets Register Setup program.

Start date This indicates the date from which Tax value depreciation commences.
Start period no This indicates the period from which Tax value depreciation commences.
Start year no This indicates the year from which Tax value depreciation commences.

Alternate Valuations

You use these panes to enter the financial details of the Alternate valuations you selected to define for the asset. Only the alternate depreciation books the selected Alternate valuation flags are enabled (Assets - Asset Details).

The same fields are available against each Alternate valuation as against the Book Value Details.

The details entered for each alternate valuation book are used for information purposes only. This information does not affect the General Ledger.

The wording displayed for these tabs defaults to Alt valuation 1, Alt valuation 2,etc., but is replaced by whatever wording is assigned to these user-defined fields (Assets Setup).


When you select the Calculate History function, this pane displays the depreciation history for the selected depreciation book(s).

These are the 'catch up' depreciation values that are recorded against the asset when you select the Post function.

This applies only to the initial acquisition of the asset (when you process an additional acquisition, no catch-up depreciation is calculated). Subsequent depreciation will occur only at month-end when running the Asset Depreciation Calculation.

History values are not calculated for a subsequent addition as no 'catch up' depreciation applies.


History values are created according to:

  • the depreciation Options on addition selected (Assets Register Setup).

  • the Exclude residual from depreciation for options selected (Assets Setup).

  • the options indicated for Basis for depreciation and Date conventions in the Assets Register Setup program.

You use the editable listview to adjust these values if required.


If you select the Calculate History function after having changed these values, then the values are reset to the values calculated by the program (i.e. your changes are lost).

Once you select the Post function, you cannot change these values using this program.

Notes and warnings


  • Before using this program you need to have used the Assets program to define the static/descriptive information for the asset you want to acquire.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
Asset Acquired

Controls access to the Asset Acquisition and Asset Initial Capture programs.

Asset Additional acquisition

Controls access to the addition of acquisitions in the Asset Acquisition program.

Field considerations

Operator access to the following fields within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Security Fields function of the Operators program.

Field Description
AS Assets financial fields Controls whether an operator can change financial information within the Assets program. This includes the Purchase date, Purchase period, Purchase year, Deposit paid and Total tax paid fields.

It also controls whether an operator can process acquisitions which alter the asset quantity (Asset Acquisition).

Hints and tips

Record amendments

  • You can generate a report of asset acquisitions if you enable the Amendment journals required option (Assets Setup).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.