SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Financial > Cash Book Setup

Cash Book Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for your Cash Book system.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.


These options enable you to configure the functionality you want to use within Cash Book, as well as restrict access to sensitive information.

Field Description
Foreign currency cash book required

Select this to be able to process foreign currency transactions in Cash Book by maintaining foreign currency banks, or by entering foreign currency transactions against local currency banks.

De-selecting this option (after having processed foreign currency transactions in your local bank) has no effect on foreign currency transactions because they have a local equivalent value based on the exchange rate used at the time the transaction was processed.

You will not be able to access any existing foreign currency banks because the currency associated with them is not the local currency.

When selecting this option, we recommend that you run the Balance function of the Cash Book Cash Book Period End program to ensure that the local value of the current balance is correctly calculated for foreign banks.


This option must be selected if Accounts Receivable is linked to the Cash Book (Accounts Receivable Setup - Integration tab) and you want to process payments against foreign currency customers.

Permanent entries required

Select this to be able to create and maintain a series of entries that must be posted automatically into Cash Book on a given day of a particular month.


De-selecting this option (after having created permanent entries) does not have any effect on the system.

However, if you later decide to make use of the facility, then any currently valid entries are automatically posted when next the CB Permanent Entries Posting program is run.

Ask notation per detail distribution entry

Select this to be able to enter a notation against each General Ledger distribution entry processed in the Deposits and Withdrawals program.

If Cash Book is linked to General Ledger in detail or summary, then the notation entered is passed through to the General Ledger system. The notation is printed on the following reports:

Display bank balance in deposits recap screen

This includes the current statement balance and current bank balance on the recap screen that is displayed when you exit the Deposits and Withdrawals program.

This option is selected by default, so we recommend that you deselect this if you do not want operators to be able to view this information.

Automatic bank reconciliation of deposits This enables you to indicate how you want to match deposit records that are imported using the Cash Book Automatic Bank Reconciliation program to deposit transactions in the cash book transaction file.
Reconcile by
Field Description
Value only Select this to reconcile deposits automatically only if the entry at the value field in the import file matches the entry at the value field in the transaction file.
Value, date and reference Select this to reconcile deposits automatically only if the entries at the value, date and reference fields in the import file match the entries at the value, date and reference fields in the transaction file.
Value and date Select this to reconcile deposits automatically only if the entries at the value and date fields of the import file match the entries at the value and date fields of the transaction file.
Save Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.

Select this to print a report of your Accounts Payable module setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.

Cancel Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.
Help Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.


These options enable you to indicate the length of time that you want to retain information in Cash Book.

Field Description
Number of months to retain These fields enable you to define the length of time you want to retain Cash Book information.

The minimum number of months you can retain this information is one month (i.e. you cannot delete any information until after at least one month end).

Cash book journals

This indicates the number of months that you want to retain your Cash Book journals.

Cash Book journals are deleted when next you use the Purge function of the Cash Book Period End program, if the have been held on file for at least the number of months entered here and they meet all the criteria for deletion (see Purge).

If Cash Book is linked to General Ledger, then you need to retain your Cash Book journals for as long as you want to be able to zoom on them from the General Ledger.

This determines the number of months for which you can reprint the Cash Book Journal Report and the Cash Book Distribution report.

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely.

Reconciled transactions

This indicates the number of months that you want to retain your reconciled transactions.

Reconciled transactions are deleted when next you run the Purge function of the Cash Book Period End program, if the have been held on file for at least the number of months entered here and they meet all the criteria for deletion (see Purge).

Enter 99 to retain this information indefinitely.


If you want to make use of the SYSPRO multi-period accounting facility (and ensure accurate reporting when producing the Cash Book Print, Reconciliation Statement and Consolidated Statement reports) then you should select to retain reconciled transactions for a minimum of three months so that, if required, reconciled transactions can be unreconciled in Previous period 1 or Previous period 2.

Tax distribution details

This field is displayed only if you enabled the option: EC VAT system required (Tax Options).

You use this field to enter the number of months you want to retain tax distribution details for Cash Book transactions.

This entry is used by the GL Global Tax Report to delete tax distribution details where the current General Ledger period and year exceeds the year and month of submission against the tax distribution record by more than the number of months specified here.


Field Description
Tax distribution method This indicates how you want to distribute the taxable portion of a transaction amount processed in the Deposits and Withdrawals and CB Permanent Entries Posting programs.
Not required Select this if you do not want tax distribution in the Cash Book.
Detail Select this to create tax entries for each transaction processed in the Deposits and Withdrawals and CB Permanent Entries Posting programs.

If you select this option, then you can print a DetailedCash Book Tax Report which lists each transaction within a journal individually together with a tax distribution breakdown at transaction level. A SummaryCash Book Tax Report can also be generated.

Summary Select this to create summarized tax entries for each journal processed in the Deposits and Withdrawals and CB Permanent Entries Posting programs.

If you select this option, then you can print a SummaryCash Book Tax Report listing totals for each journal together with a tax distribution breakdown at journal level.

If you select this option together with the option: Global tax file required (General Ledger Setup - General tab), then detailed tax entries are created for each transaction processed in the Deposits and Withdrawals and CB Permanent Entries Posting programs. These entries can be printed on the GL Global Tax Report.

Tax distribution required for This indicates the type of transactions for which you want to distribute a taxable portion when processing in the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals and CB Permanent Entries Posting programs.
Deposits Select this to distribute tax amounts only for deposit transactions processed.
Withdrawals Select this to distribute tax amounts only for withdrawal transactions processed.
Both Select this to distribute tax amounts for both deposit and withdrawal transactions processed.
Default tax code

The Descriptive tax code must be used if defined (Descriptive Tax Code Browse/Maintenance).


Indicate the default tax code for deposit transactions processed in the Deposits and Withdrawals and CB Permanent Entries Posting programs.


Indicate the default tax code for withdrawal transactions processed in the Deposits and Withdrawals and CB Permanent Entries Posting programs.

The tax code entered here is always the default code for withdrawal transactions processed in the CB Permanent Entries Posting program. In addition, it is always the default code used in the Deposits and Withdrawals program when the Cash Book is not linked to the General Ledger (i.e. Distribution report only).

If the Cash Book is linked to the General Ledger and you want the default tax code for withdrawals to be determined by the ledger code to which you are distributing the amount, then you must assign a tax code to the ledger code using the General Ledger Codes program.

Calculated and entered tax amounts not equal
Warning when calculated tax not equal to entered tax Enable this to display a warning message when posting a Cash Book transaction Exclusive of tax and the Calculated tax and Entered tax differ. The transaction can be completed by accepting the message.
Error when calculated tax not equal to entered tax Enable this to display an error message when posting a Cash Book transaction Exclusive of tax and the Calculated tax and Entered tax differ. The transaction cannot be completed.


These options enable you to view and change the current or previous year period end dates, as well as the status of the periods.

Field Description
Current year

Change Current

Select this to maintain the period end dates for the current year, and control how information is posted to the Cash Book module.

The control of information posted is achieved by defining the access status (i.e. Open or closed) for the current and previous two periods.


Postings cannot be made to a future period, regardless of whether the period is open or closed.

Period This column displays the periods to which the end dates and statuses relate for the current year.
End date

This column displays the period end dates defined for each period in the current year.

If a password for posting to previous periods in Cash Book is defined, operators are requested to enter a password when selecting to post into a month other than the current month.


This column indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.

A status of open allows postings to be made to the period, while a status of closed prevents further postings from being made to the period.

Previous year  
Change Previous Select this to maintain the period end date and access status for the selected period for the previous year.

This column displays the periods for the previous year.

End date This column displays the period end dates defined for each period for the previous year.
Status This column indicates whether or not posting can currently be made to the period.
Current month This indicates the period your Cash Book module is currently in.

Current Year

You use the Change Current function to define the period end dates for the current year.

Field Description
Period end date

Indicate the period end date for the selected period.

This is the anticipated month end date for the selected period. This is compared to the company date when processing the Cash Book Period End program. If both dates are the same, then the program continues processing the month end. If these dates are different, you will be prompted to accept the company date as the month end date.

These dates should be entered when you first set up the Cash Book module. Thereafter, the dates are entered automatically when you run the Month end function of the Cash Book Period End program.

Period is

Postings cannot be made to a future period or opened manually for posting. The new period is automatically opened during the Month end function of the Cash Book Period End program when it becomes the current period. If Cash Book is integrated to General Ledger, then the General Ledger period must also be open for posting.


Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.


Within a sub-ledger only the current and previous two periods can be defined as open.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.
OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Previous Year

You use the Change Previous function to define the period end dates for the previous year.

Field Description
Period end date Indicate the period end date for the selected period.
Period is  

Select this to allow postings to be made to the period.


You can only define the current and previous two periods as open.

If your current Cash Book period is period 1 then you may optionally open period 11 and 12 of the previous year for posting. Similarly, if Cash Book is currently in period 2 then you may optionally open only period 12. Only enter these dates when it is a new system.

Closed Select this to prevent further postings from being made to the period.
OK Select this to set the end date and status for the selected period and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Current Month

These options provide you with information relating to the calendar year in which the current financial year ends and the number of periods defined at company level for the General Ledger and subsidiary ledgers.

The year and month is defined at the time you add your company.

Field Description
Cash Book year

This indicates the calendar year in which your current financial year ends.

You can change this only if no active data is held within the history, details, entries and journal files.

Cash Book month

This indicates the period in which your company is running Cash Book, in relation to the start of your financial year.

For example: if your financial year starts in March and the current calendar month is May, then the Cash Book month would indicate 3. If your financial year starts in January and the current calendar month is May, then the Cash Book month would indicate 5.

You can change this only if no active data is held within the history, details, entries and journal files.

Number of months per year This indicates the number of accounting periods per year as defined at company level (Company Maintenance).


These options enable you to view the current Cash Book financial period and year, and the next number that will be automatically assigned to the Cash Book audit trails.

Field Description
Current cash book  
Current year

This is the calendar year in which your current financial year ends. This is defined when you first add the company.

You can change this only if no active data is held within the history, details, entries and journal files.

Current month

This defines the period in which your company is running Cash Book, in relation to the start of your financial year. This is defined when you first add the company.

You can change this only if no active data is held within the history, details, entries and journal files.

Next cash book journal numbers

Previous year

This indicates the next number that will be assigned to the next Cash Book journal for transactions processed into the previous year.

Current year

This indicates the next number that will be assigned to the next Cash Book journal for transactions processed into the current year.

Next year

This indicates the next number that will be assigned to the next Cash Book journal for transactions processed into the next year.

Next on-line payment register

Previous year

This indicates the next number that will be assigned to the on-line payments register when on-line payments are processed in Cash Book for the previous year.

You can only post transactions to the previous year using the multi-period accounting facility if the last two periods in the previous year are open for posting in Cash Book and the General Ledger.
Current year This indicates the next number that will be assigned to the on-line payments register when on-line payments are processed in Cash Book for the current year.
Next year This indicates the next number that will be assigned to the on-line payments register when on-line payments are processed in Cash Book for the next year.