You use this program to add and maintain General Ledger account codes.
Field | Description |
New | Select this icon to add a new ledger code. |
Delete | Select this icon to delete the ledger code currently
displayed. See Deletion considerations in Notes and warnings |
Save | Saves the details you entered or changed. This icon is only enabled after the information in at least one field is changed. |
Ledger code |
Indicate the General Ledger account code you want to add or modify. Once created, you can change the ledger code throughout SYSPRO using the GL Code Conversion program. |
Field | Description | ||||||||
Ledger code | This indicates the ledger code you are currently maintaining. | ||||||||
Description | This indicates the description for the ledger account code entered above. This description is displayed throughout the SYSPRO system whenever the ledger code is entered. | ||||||||
Group |
Assign the ledger account to a specific ledger group. This provides you with an alternative method of grouping your accounts (other than by account type). It can also be used as a selection and sequencing tool for viewing and printing your ledger accounts. General Ledger Group codes are defined using the GL Groups program. |
Tax code |
The tax code entered here is used as the default tax code for distribution entries posted from either the AP Invoice Posting program or the withdrawal function of the Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals program. When left blank, the Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals program uses the Default tax codes defined in the Cash Book Setup program. The Descriptive tax code must be used if defined (Descriptive Tax Code Browse/Maintenance). In the AP Invoice Posting program, the tax code you entered when processing the Transaction Details is used if the tax code here is blank. If the tax code here is blank, then the Default tax code defined in the Accounts Payable Setup program is used. |
QST code |
This field is displayed when the Second tier taxrequired option is enabled (Accounts Payable Setup). The entry made here determines the default second tier tax code assigned to each distribution entry posted from the AP Invoice Posting program. The tax code can be left blank. If left blank, then the tax code entered when capturing the Transaction Details is used. Only if that tax code is also blank, is the Default tax code defined in the (Accounts Payable Setup program used. |
Report index 1 |
This index can be used for accumulation purposes within the Report Writer as well as sequencing within the Trial Balance and Financial Report Writer. For example: If the ledger code is 100-AAA-400, (100 refers to the branch, AAA refers to the cost center, and 400 refers to the expense type) you could define your financial index 1 as AAA-400-100 and financial index 2 as 400-100-AAA. |
Report index 2 |
This is a second index that can be used for accumulation purposes within the Report Writer as well as sequencing within the Trial Balance and Financial Report Writer. For example: If the ledger code is 100-AAA-400, (100 refers to the branch, AAA refers to the cost center, and 400 refers to the expense type) you could define your financial index 1 as AAA-400-100 and financial index 2 as 400-100-AAA. |
Revaluation category |
This relates to alternate currency ledgers only. Alternate currency ledgers are created using the GL Alternative Currency Setup program. You use this to define a revaluation category against this ledger code. Revaluation categories determine how the transactions in the ledger code must be revalued when you select the GL Alternate Currency Valuation program. Revaluation categories are maintained using the GL Revaluation Categories program. |
Account type |
Use this to classify your ledger codes to provide for balancing controls and flexible reporting. See Coding considerations in Notes and warnings |
Asset |
Defines the account code as an asset account. By default, this is set to be a non-current asset, but you can select Current asset/liability option to define the account as a current asset. Asset account types are balance sheet accounts and their balances are therefore not transferred to the Retained Earnings account when a Year end is performed (GL Period End). |
Capital |
Defines the account code as a capital account. Capital account types are balance sheet accounts and their balances are therefore not transferred to the Retained Earnings account when a Year end is performed (GL Period End). |
Liability |
Defines the account code as a liability account. By default, this is set to be a non-current liability, but you can select Current asset/liability option to define the account as a current liability. Liability account types are balance sheet accounts and their balances are therefore not transferred to the Retained Earnings account when a Year end is performed (GL Period End). |
Revenue |
Defines the account code as a revenue account. Revenue account types are Income Statement (Profit and Loss) accounts. When a year end is performed (GL Period End) you can select the option Set expense and revenue accounts to zero, to automatically transfer the balances in these account types to the retained earnings account defined against the individual revenue type ledger codes (General Ledger Codes) or (if not defined) to the retained earnings account defined in the General Ledger Integration program. |
Expense |
Defines the account code as an expense account. Expense account types are Income Statement (Profit and Loss) accounts. When a year end is performed, (GL Period End) you can select the option Set expense and revenue accounts to zero, to automatically transfer the balances in these account types to the retained earnings account defined against the individual expense type ledger codes (General Ledger Codes) or (if not defined) to the retained earnings account defined in the General Ledger Integration program. |
Statistical |
Defines the account code as a statistical account. You can only process transactions to statistical accounts from within the General Ledger module. Statistical accounts are automatically defined as control accounts by the system to prevent transactions being processed to them from other modules. Statistical accounts are used for the analysis of non-financial information within the General Ledger. They do not affect any normal financial accounting processes. If you define the account code as statistical, then you must enter the unit of measure in which the statistical data must be measured. An existing General Ledger account code cannot be re-defined as a statistical account type if:
When you create alternate currencies using the GL Alternative Currency Setup program, statistical journals are created in the alternate currency with an exchange rate of 1. If you are using alternate currency ledgers, then statistical journals update the alternate currency tables at an exchange rate of 1. |
Template | Defines the ledger code as a template account. A template account is used to post a single transaction value, from any module within SYSPRO, to multiple accounts in the General Ledger. In addition, you can use template account types when processing normal, standard and recurring journals. When you select this option, you need to use the fields in the Templates pane to link the accounts to which you want to distribute the value of the transaction. In addition, you define the percentage of the transaction value to be posted to each of the linked accounts (see Template). Although you can select to 'post' to a template account, the template account itself is never updated. Transaction values are posted only to the accounts linked to the template account, based on the percentages defined against these linked accounts. Details of these postings are printed on the GL Journal Report providing you select the Report option: Include template details. Template accounts cannot be used for GL analysis purposes. |
Current asset/liability |
Indicate whether the account is a current or non-current asset or liability. This applies when you set the Account type for a General Ledger code to Asset or Liability. It is important that you define these correctly, as the ratio analysis calculations are based on account types. If the ledger code is an Asset account type, then you select this option to indicate that it is a current asset account. If you do not select this option for an Asset account type, then by default, the account is assumed to be a non-current asset. If the ledger code is a Liabilityaccount type, then you select this option to indicate that it is a current liability account. If you do not select this option for a Liability account type, then the account is considered to be a non-current liability by default. |
Expense type |
An entry can only be made here if you set the Account type to Expense. The selection made here is used by the Accounts Payable module (if integrated to General Ledger) to determine the category into which purchases are accumulated during expense distribution (see AP Invoice Posting).
Control account |
Defines the account as a control account. This option is automatically selected for statistical account types. Control accounts represent the transactions that have taken place in the sub ledgers. These accounts are, and should only be, updated by the sub ledgers (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Cash Book, Inventory, Work in Progress and Fixed Assets), if these sub ledgers are integrated to the General Ledger (General Ledger Integration). |
Account on hold | Select this to prevent any further postings/distributions from being made to this account. | ||||||||
Gain/Loss account |
Select this to define the account as a Gain/Loss account. Gain/Loss accounts relate to the revaluation of alternate currency ledgers. Alternate currency ledgers are created using the GL Alternative Currency Setup program. The GL Alternate Currency Valuation program posts variances in revaluation to the Gain/Loss accounts defined in the Revaluation categories (see GL Revaluation Categories). |
GL analysis required |
Select this to set the ledger code to be subject to account analysis. If you select this option, then analysis information must be entered when processing journals or distribution entries from a sub-ledger to this ledger code. Note that this does not apply when the ledger code is defined in GL integration. You cannot select this option if you selected the option: Control account. When you select this option, you must specify an Analysis category. When you select this option and you want to process analysis entries from sub modules, then the General Ledger integration method for the sub module(s) must be set to Detail either at company level (General Ledger Integration) or against the individual General Ledger account code(s). Failure to do this results in analysis entries not being posted. When using the GL Copy, Merge and Delete program to copy G/L codes to another company, your selection at this option is ignored. The G/L codes are copied to the new company without G/L analysis set to required and without any analysis categories defined against them. Transactions which use the GL control accounts defined in the General Ledge Integration programs do not cause the Capture GL Analysis Entries program to be loaded. This is irrespective of whether GL analysis is set to required for these accounts. Care must be taken when enabling account analysis for a ledger code, as the Capture GL Analysis Entries program is automatically loaded each time you process a transaction to an account requiring analysis. You may, for example, not want to select G/L analysis for accounts defined in integration programs such as Browse on Banks, Browse on Tax Codes, Browse on AR Branches, AR Sales Ledger Interface, AR Payments Ledger Interface, Assets Ledger Interface, etc. If you no longer require GL analysis for a ledger code, then this option must be disabled against that GL code. If you no longer require GL analysis at all, then this option must be disabled against all GL codes. |
GL analysis category |
Specify the analysis category to use when processing transactions to this ledger code. Analysis categories are defined using the GL Analysis Categories and Codes program. This only applies if you selected the option: GL analysis required. |
Statistical UOM |
This descriptive field indicates the unit of measure in which the statistical data must be measured. It must be defined for all Statistical account types. This field is only enabled for Statistical account types. |
Sub-ledger integration method |
Indicate the method of integration required for this particular ledger code. This is only available if the option: Integration from sub-ledger is enabled (General Ledger Setup). Additionally, the sub-ledger must be linked to General Ledger in detail or summary (General Ledger Integration). Integration of the sub-ledgers is defined at sub-ledger level using the General Ledger Integration program, however, you can use this Integration function to define a different integration level for this specific account code only. The integration level you define against an account takes precedence over the integration level defined at sub-ledger level. Defining integration at ledger code level can be useful when the sub-ledger is linked to the General Ledger in detail, but for specific ledger accounts against which postings are made, you only want summary information passed through to the General Ledger (and vice versa). Typically, you would not want to integrate to a control account in detail because of the volume of entries that would be created in the control account.
Business process enabled | Select this to define the valid business processes for the account code. By default, transactions relating to all business processes can be processed to a General Ledger account. If you select this option, then you must define at least one business process that is enabled for the ledger code. If you do not select this option, then transactions relating to all business processes can be processed to this account. Refer to Customize business process properties for information on how to customize business process properties. |
Tax account | Select this to indicate that the account is an Income Tax income or expenditure account. When you select this option, the ledger code is included in the breakdown of tax amounts in the financial ratio queries.The financial ratio queries to include tax breakdowns are currently still under development. Selecting this option will therefore only have an effect once the queries are released. This option applies only to Expense and Revenue account types. |
Interest account | Select this to indicate that the account is an Interest Received revenue or Interest paid expense account. When you select this option, the ledger code is included in the breakdown of interest amounts in the financial ratio queries.The financial ratio queries to include tax breakdowns are currently still under development. Selecting this option will therefore only have an effect once the queries are released. This option applies only to Expense and Revenue account types. |
Retained earnings account |
Indicate the retained earnings account to use for this ledger account code. If no retained earnings account is defined against this ledger account code, then the retained earnings account defined in the General Ledger Integration program is used. The retained earnings account is used when you run the Year end function of the GL Period End program and you select the option: Set expense and revenue accounts to zero. The balance of this ledger account code is set to zero and the other side of the entry is posted to the retained earnings account defined here. When you make a prior period adjustment to a previous year for this ledger account code, the other side of the entry is posted to the retained earnings account defined here. If the retained earnings account defined here is invalid, then a warning message is displayed and the retained earnings account defined in the General Ledger Integration program is used. This option applies only to Expense and Revenue account types. |
Password |
Select this to use the Password System program to define a password against the ledger code. This enables you to prevent the unauthorized manual posting of detail ledger distributions to this account code. This option is only available if you selected the setup option Individual ledger accounts password (General Ledger Setup). Defining a password against an account prevents:
The password is not required when copying or reversing a journal in the GL Journal Entry program as it is assumed that the password would have been entered when the journal was originally created. |
The Business Processes pane enables you to define the valid business transactions for the account code. The fields within the pane are only enabled when you enable the Business process enabled field.
![]() |
By defining the business processes against a ledger code, you can ensure that the code is only used for appropriate transactions.
When you process a transaction and browse on the ledger code, only the ledger codes enabled for the business process related to the transaction you are processing are displayed. Business processes for GL browsing are defined in the IMPGLP.IMP file.
Refer to Customize business process properties for information on how you can customize business process properties.
Field | Description |
Column 1 |
A tick in this column indicates that the account code is enabled for processing to the business process. If the entry in this column is blank, it indicates that the ledger code cannot be used for this business process. |
Business process |
This column lists the business processes for which the account code can be enabled. You can select up to 10 business processes for the ledger code. |
Up to 10 of the following business processes can be defined against each ledger code:
Business Process | Where Used |
ABC Element Descriptor Maint | Browse on Element Descriptors |
Admin Extended Tax Code Maint | Extended Tax Code Maintenance |
Admin Import Extended Tax Code | Admin Load VERAZIP Import File (AP 1099 Label Format). |
Admin Tax Code Maint - AP | Admin Tax Codes (AP 1099 Label Format) |
Admin Tax Code Maint - Sales | Admin Tax Codes (AP 1099 Label Format) |
AP Branch Maint - Control | AP Branches |
AP Branch Maint - Discount | AP Branches |
AP Int Contra Suspense | |
AP Integration Freight | |
AP Integration Input Tax | |
AP Integration Merchandise | |
AP Integration QST | |
AP Invoice Posting | AP Invoice Posting). This performs GL validation when doing the GL distribution and when issuing to a job, however a separate business process (AP Invoice Posting - Job Posting) can be used to configure the business process differently for posting to a job. |
AP Invoice Posting - Job Posting | AP Invoice Posting - only when using the Issue to Job function. |
AP Permanent Entries Maint | AP Permanent Entries) |
AP Revaluation | |
AP Supplier Maint - Freight | Suppliers |
AP Supplier Maint - Merch | Suppliers |
AR Customer Branches | |
AR Customer Branches -Asset | |
AR Customer Branches - Expense | |
AR Customer Branches - Liability | |
AR Customer Branches - Revenue | |
AR Int Contra Suspense | |
AR Int Exchange Rate Variance | |
AR Invoice Adjustments | AR Payments and Adjustments |
AR Misc Receipts - Cr | AR Payments and Adjustments |
AR Misc Receipts - Dr | AR Payments and Adjustments |
AR Payment Interface - Asset | AR Payments Ledger Interface |
AR Payment Interface - Expense | AR Payments Ledger Interface |
AR Payment Interface - Liability | AR Payments Ledger Interface |
AR Pmt Exchange Rate Variance | AR Payments and Adjustments |
AR Revaluation | |
AR Sales Interface - Expense | AR Sales Ledger Interface |
AR Sales Interface - Revenue | AR Sales Ledger Interface |
Asset Int Asset Control | |
Asset Int Profit and Loss | |
Assets GL Interface - Asset | |
Assets GL Interface - Capital | |
Assets GL Interface - Depreciate | |
Assets GL Interface - Expense | |
Assets GL Interface - Revenue | |
Assets Maintenance | Assets |
Assets Maintenance EUL | |
BOM Cost Centers | |
BOM Work Centers | |
CB Bank Maint - Bank Charge | Banks |
CB Bank Maint - Cash Account | Banks |
CB Bank Maint - Exchange | Banks |
CB Integration Inter-Comp | |
CB Integration Withdrawal | |
CB Posting | Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals. This performs GL validation when doing the
GL distribution and when posting to a job, however a
separate business process (CB Posting - Job
Posting) can be used to configure the business
process differently for posting to a
job. Cash Book Permanent Entries Maintenance) |
CB Posting - Job Posting | Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals - only when using the Post to Job function. |
Dispatch Note Trial Balance | |
GIT Receipts with Apportionment | GIT Receipt with Apportionment) |
GIT Warehouse Matrices | GIT Warehouse Matrices (GIT Receipt with Apportionment) |
GL Alternative Currency Setup | GL Alternative Currency Setup |
GL Balance of Recurring Jnl | GL Journal Entry - when the journal type is recurring and the entry type is balance. |
GL Initial History | GL Initial History |
GL Integration - Revenue | |
GL Integration balance | |
GL Journal Posting | GL Journal Entry - when the journal type is normal and the type of normal journal is normal, provision, user-defined, inter-company (excluding Inter-Company Details), period end adjustment and auditors' adjustment. When the journal type is standard. When the journal type is recurring and the entry type is amount. |
GL Journal Posting Recurring | |
GL Percentage of Recur Jnl | GL Journal Entry - when the journal type is recurring and the entry type is percent. |
GL Prov of Recur Jnl - Cr | General Ledger Journal Entry (GL Journal Entry) when the journal type is recurring and the entry type is provision. |
GL Prov of Recur Jnl - Dr | GL Journal Entry - when the journal type is recurring and the entry type is provision. |
GL Retained Earnings Balance | |
GL Revaluation Category Maint | |
GL Statistical Accounting | GL Journal Entry - when the journal type is normal and the type of normal journal is statistical. |
GL Template Maintenance | |
GRN Adjustments | GRN Adjustment - when adding a GRN. |
Inv GL Interface PPV | Inventory Ledger Interface |
Inv GL Interface Ledger Acc | Inventory Ledger Interface |
Inv Integration Costs | |
Inv Integration Non-Stock | |
Inv Integration Operation | |
Inv Movements | |
Inv Movements - Change Cost | Inventory Movements |
Inv Movements - Change Qty | Inventory Movements - when processing a GIT Transfer In and changing the quantity for the line. |
Inv Movements - Cost Mod | Inventory Movements |
Inv Movements - Issues & Adj | Inventory Movements |
Inv Movements - Non Merch | Inventory Movements |
Inv Movements - Physical Count | Inventory Movements |
Inv Movements - Receipts | Inventory Movements |
Inv Movements - Transfers | Inventory Movements |
Inv Receipts | GRN Adjustment - when maintaining a GRN. |
Inv Stock Code Maint | Stock Codes |
Inv WH for Stock Code | Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code |
Inventory Warehouse - Assets | |
Inventory Warehouse - Expense | |
Inventory Warehouse - Liability | |
LCT Element Maintenance | LCT Elements |
C Job Billing Adjustment | P&C Adjust Billing Value |
PO Blanket PO Contract Maint | Contract Maintenance |
PO Entry |
PO Creation
Purchase Order Entry |
PO Receipts & Inspection Credit | Purchase Order Inspection |
PO Receipts & Inspection Debit | Purchase Order Inspection) |
PO Receipts & Inspection Nonm | |
Product Config Maint | Product Configurator Header Maintenance (Configuration Maintenance) |
Quotation Non-Stocked | Non-stocked Codes |
Requisition Entry | Requisition Entry |
SO Counter Sale Pay Interface | Counter Sales Payments Interface (Counter Sales Payments Interface) |
SO Counter Sales | SO Counter Sales |
Statistical Transfers | |
Trade Promotions Accrual | |
Trade Promotions Accrual Def | |
Trade Promotions Deduction Def | |
Trade Promotions Expense | |
Trade Promotions Expense Def | |
Trade Promotions Resolution De | |
Trade Promotions WriteOff Def | |
WIP Inspection Maint - Other | WIP Inspection Maintenance (WIP Inspection Maintenance) |
WIP Inspection Maint - Rework | WIP Inspection Maintenance (WIP Inspection Maintenance) |
WIP Integration | |
WIP Job Closure | Job Closure |
WIP Job Creation and Maint |
Quotation Job Loading
WIP Job Creation and Maintenance (Job Entry) |
WIP Job Issues | Job Issues |
WIP Job Receipts | Job Receipts |
WIP Non-productive Code Maint | BOM Non-Productive Codes (Non-productive Codes) |
WIP Non-stk Job Create & Maint | |
WIP P&C Standard Hierarchy | |
WIP Part Billing | Part Billings |
The pane enables you to enter up to 10 different budgets that you want to assign to your General Ledger accounts. These include budgets for the current year, next year and up to 8 alternates budgets.
You can define the descriptions for your alternate budgets in the Budget Descriptions section of the General Ledger Setup program.
Budgets can also be imported using the Import GL Budgets program.
Field | Description |
Distribute |
Select this to distribute an amount over selected budgets. |
Copy |
Select this to copy any one set of budgets (Current year, Next year or Alternate budgets 1-8) to another set of budgets. |
Budgets |
This column lists the 10 budgets that are available. |
Current year |
Select this if you want to maintain the budget figures for your current financial year. |
Next year |
Select this if you want to maintain the budget figures for the next financial year. |
Alternate budget 1 to 8 |
Select one of these alternate budgets to maintain additional budget figures. The wording Alternate budget 1, Alternate budget 2, etc, is the default wording for these options. The wording displayed is the wording defined in the (General Ledger Setup program. |
Period 1 - 14 |
You can only enter budgets for the number of accounting periods in the year that are defined for your company (Company Setup). If you require an additional budget period for the year end period, then you need to enable the option Budge - Required for year end period (General Ledger Setup). You can then enter budgets for one extra period. |
Total |
For each budget row, the total amounts entered for the periods is displayed in these fields. |
Revision level |
A reference of up to 15 characters can be entered here to indicate the latest revision level. |
Last change |
This field indicates the date on which the amounts for the budget row were last amended. |
You use the Distribute option to distribute an amount over selected budgets.
Field | Description | ||||
Amount |
This indicates the budget amount and can be the monthly or annual budget amount for this account. |
Change Company Budget Spread |
Define a set of percentages according to which variable budgets are to be spread over a year. This option can only be selected if the option Divide amount by variable budget spread is enabled and budget spreads are required at company level (General Ledger Setup). |
Save |
Select this to save the percentages you entered and to return to the previous screen.
Apply Undistributed |
Select this to allocate the undistributed percentage amount to the highlighted period. The undistributed percentage allocated to the highlighted period could be negative. |
Budget spread | The periods and current percentages allocated to each period are displayed in this table. | ||||
Period 1-14 |
Select the period for which want to enter the budget spread percentage. You indicate the percentage of the budget spread you are allocating to the period displayed in the row. The total budget spread for all periods must equal 100%. |
Total | |||||
Distributed |
This indicates the total percentages currently allocated to the periods. You cannot select the Save icon to exit the Budget Spread screen until this value is 100. |
Undistributed |
This indicates the total percentages that must still be distributed to make up 100%. If this figure is negative, then more than 100% has been allocated to the periods displayed. You cannot select the Save function to exit the Budget Spread screen until this value is zero. The total budget spread must equal 100%. |
Distribute over | Indicate which budgets must be included in the
distribution. You can select one or more of the following budgets:
Method |
Indicate how the amount entered above must be allocated. |
Divide amount equally |
Select this to divide the amount entered evenly by the number of periods in the year. If necessary, the last period is rounded to total the amount entered. |
Divide amount by variable budget spread |
Select this to divide the amount entered according to the percentage spread defined for the company or group code. |
Repeat amount across all periods |
Select this to repeat the amount in each period. For example: If you entered a budget amount of 10 000 then this amount would appear in each period. |
OK |
Select this to accept the information you entered and to return to the previous screen. The budget values in the listview will have changed according to the information you entered.
Close |
Select this to ignore the information you entered and to return to the previous screen. |
You use the Copy option to copy any one set of budgets (Current year, Next year or Alternate budgets 1-8) to another set of budgets.
Field | Description | ||||
Copy from |
This indicates the budget that must be copied. |
Copy to |
This indicates the budget you want to create using the copy function. |
Multiply option | |||||
Apply percentage |
Select this to apply a percentage to the copied budget. |
Percentage to be added |
Indicate the percentage amount that must be used. You can enter a positive or negative value to increase or decrease the copied budget values. |
OK |
Accepts the information you entered and returns to the previous screen. The budget values will have changed according to the information you entered.
Cancel |
Ignores the information you entered and to return to the previous screen. |
This pane displays a graphical representation of the budget values for the row currently highlighted in the Budgets listview.
When you enter budgets using the Distribute option, you need to select the Save icon from the Ledger Code Maintenance screen and then tab off the Ledger code field to refresh the Budgets graph.
The graph is refreshed as you enter the budget values in the periods on the Budgets tab.
You can also define budgets from the graph itself. To do this, you use your mouse pointer to grip the top edge of the graph column (period) you want to maintain. You then drag the graph column up to increase the budget value for the selected period or down to decrease the budget amount for the selected period. The amount in the corresponding row and column in the Budgets listview is changed accordingly.
This enables you to define the accounts linked to a Template type account, together with the percentage of the transaction value to be distributed to each of these linked accounts.
The main differences between templates and weighted transfers are:
When using templates, each transaction value 'posted' to a template account is immediately distributed to the accounts linked to the template, based on the percentage indicated against each linked account. No values are distributed to the template account. The template account is therefore only a nominal account to which the actual accounts to be posted to are linked.
The Weighted Transfers system (GL Weighted Transfer Processing) creates journals to distribute the balance in a specific ledger account to various other ledger accounts based on the rules defined. These journals must then be posted. The transaction values are initially posted to one account and are then distributed to various other accounts based on the rule defined.
Templates use percentages for distributing a transaction value to the linked accounts.
Weighted transfers use rules for transferring balances from a source account to multiple destination accounts based on a predetermined criteria.
Template accounts do not cater for GL analysis. You can therefore not make use of a template account and add template codes that are linked to a GL Analysis category.
The Templates pane can only be accessed when the Account type for the ledger code is Template.
Field | Description |
Apply Undistributed | Select this to apply the undistributed percentage to
the ledger code currently highlighted in the Templates
listview. The Undistributed percentage is the difference between 100% and the percentage value displayed in the Total field. |
Ledger code | Indicate the ledger code to which transactions posted to the template account must be processed. |
Percentage | Indicate the percentage of the transaction value you want to post to this ledger account. |
Description | This indicates the description for the ledger code you selected to link to the template account. |
Total | This indicates the total percentages currently
allocated to the linked accounts. This total must equal 100.00 before you can save the details for the template account. |
This pane can be used to add any additional fields you want to display on the General Ledger code screen.
Field | Description |
Custom information | This field is defined by default, as a pane cannot be
created without any fields. Once you have added at least one other field, you can delete this Custom information field from the pane. |
Access to this program can be restricted per operator group (see Security Access).
Additional security can also be implemented in the following areas:
Functions/Activities can be restricted:
per operator (see Security Activities).
per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance).
using Electronic Signatures (see eSignature Setup).
Fields can be restricted:
per operator (see Security Fields and Access).
per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance and Role Access Control Maintenance).
You can only change accounts if you are performing a browse on your current company, because this program is accessible from many places (and different companies).
Ledger account balances are only displayed in the listview if the option: Show account balance in ledger browse is enabled (General Ledger Setup).
Account type
Do not change Balance Sheet account types (Asset, Capital and Liability) to Income Statement account types (Revenue, Expense) as this causes data corruption.
If you change a Balance Sheet account type to another Balance Sheet account type, or a Revenue account to an Expense account or vice versa, then you must run the Balance function of the GL Period End program for each year for which you are retaining General Ledger history (General Ledger Setup).
You can only change the account type if the ledger code has a zero account balance and a zero opening balance for the current year and a zero history record for the current year.
It is important to define your account types correctly, as these account types are used in the ratio analysis calculations. Therefore, if your account types are incorrectly defined, your ratios will be incorrect.
You cannot delete a ledger code if ANY of the following conditions apply:
You cannot delete the Forced balance account if it has been defined as a rounding ledger code for an alternate currency (see GL Alternative Currency Setup).
If you delete the Forced balance account, you cannot use the GL Period End program until you recreate (add) the forced balance account.
Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.
Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.
eSignature Transaction | Description |
GL Code added |
Controls access to the Add or New function in the General Ledger Codes Browse, Browse on General Ledger Codes and General Ledger Codes programs. |
GL Code changed |
Controls access to the Change function in the Browse on General Ledger Codes, General Ledger Codes Browse and General Ledger Codes programs. |
GL Code deleted |
Controls access to the Delete function in the Browse on General Ledger Codes, General Ledger Codes Browse and General Ledger Codes programs. |
Customize business process properties
This task describes how you can modify existing business process properties and retain these custom settings without being affected by future SYSPRO installations.
To modify the properties of existing business processes, you need to create a file called CUSGLB.IMP in the custom program directory. The file must be in the same format as the IMPGLB.IMP file in the program directory. Only processes you want to modify must be entered into the CUSGLB.IMP file. Do not modify the IMPGLB.IMP file, as this file will be overwritten by future installations/upgrades of SYSPRO.
The program that is used to look up businesses process and their properties first checks the CUSGLB.IMP file. If the business process is not defined in that file, then the standard business process file, IMPGLB.IMP, is used.
From the System Setup program, select the Other Paths tab.
Enter a path and directory name for your customized program in the Custom directories: Program directory field.
If a directory is already defined in this field, then make a note of the full path and directory name.
Create a file called CUSGLB.IMP in the custom program directory, by copying the IMPGLB.IMP file from your program directory to a file called CUSGLB.IMP in your custom program directory.
This ensures that the format of the CUSGLB.IMP file is the same as the format of the IMPGLB.IMP file.
The CUSGLB.IMP file must only contain those business processes for which you want to change the properties.
Edit the CUSGLB.IMP file and remove all processes you do not want to modify.
Modify the check columns for the remaining business processes in the CUSGLB.IMP file according to your requirements.
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The following tables describe the permissible entries for each type of check column:
Table 1. Permissible Entries for Control Check Column
Entry | Description |
I | Ignore check (i.e. do not check) |
W | Display a warning message if this is a control account |
E | Display an error message if this is a control account. Use this check to prevent operators from posting to a control account. |
M | This must be a control account |
C | Display a warning message if this is not a control account |
Table 2. Permissible Entries for Password Check Column
Entry | Description |
Y | Check the password |
I | Ignore the password check (i.e. do not check) |
Table 3. Permissible Entries for On Hold Check Column
Entry | Description |
W | Display a warning message if the account is on hold |
I | Ignore the on hold check (i.e. do not check) |
E | Display an error message if the account is on hold |
Table 4. Permissible Entries for Gain/Loss Check Column
Entry | Description |
M | The ledger code must be a gain/loss account type |
I | Ignore the gain/loss account type check (i.e. do not check) |
E | Display an error message if the ledger code is a gain/loss type account |
Table 5. Permissible Entries for Account Type Check Column
Entry | Description |
W | Display a warning message if there is an account type mismatch |
I | Ignore the account type check (i.e. do not check) |
E | Display an error message if there is an account type mismatch |
Table 6. Permissible Entries for Account Types to Check Column
Entry | Description |
E | Check Expense account types |
R | Check Revenue account types |
C | Check Capital account types |
L | Check Liability account types |
A | Check Asset account types |
S | Check Statistical account types |
You enter all the account types that you require to be checked in this column (e.g. enter ERCLAS to check all account types).
Save the CUSGLB.IMP file to save the changes you made.
Inserting Application Help
You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.
Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.
Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.
This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.
Right-click any form field.
You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.
Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.
The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.
Removing the Application Help pane
If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.
Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.
Confirm that you want to delete the pane.