Cash Book > Cash Book Period End

Cash Book Period End

You use this program to maintain the integrity of data in your Cash Book module, to close the current month and open up a new month for processing your cash book transactions and to delete cash book information that is no longer required in the system.

This is achieved through the following functions:

  • Balance
  • Month end
  • Year end
  • Purge

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Processing Select this to begin processing the function you selected.
Print Select this to print the information currently displayed in the Report pane.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.


Field Description
Control details  
Current month number This indicates the current month number of your Cash Book module.
Period end date This indicates the period end date for the current month as defined in the Cash Book Setup program.
Last date balance was run

This indicates the date on which the Balance function was last run.

Processing options  

Indicate the processing function to perform.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Option Description

Select this to verify the Cash Book bank balances to ensure account and transaction accuracy.

Although you can run this function at any time, you should run the Balance function before you perform either the month or year end routines, and after any system problems are encountered (i.e. where you suspect that information has become corrupted).

Month end only

Select this to open up a new month for processing deposits and withdrawals.

If you also want to delete records no longer required in the system then you can run the Month end and purge function to perform the month end and purge at the same time. Alternatively, you can run the Purge function as a separate process to speed up the month end processing.

  • You cannot run a Cash Book month end if any Cash Book EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) transactions are in progress. i.e. All Cash Book EFT transactions must be completed and allocated to batches using the EFT Payments Extract program before you can run the Cash Book month end function.
  • The final month end of the year is performed as part of the Year end routine.
Month end and purge Select this to open up a new month for processing deposits and withdrawals and delete information that is no longer required in the system.
Year end only

Select this to perform the final month end of the year and to start a new financial year in the Cash Book module.

If you also want to delete records no longer required in the system then you can run the Year end and purge function to perform the year end and purge at the same time. Alternatively, you can run the Purge function as a separate process to speed up the year end processing.


You cannot run a Cash Book year end if any Cash Book EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) transactions are in progress. i.e. All Cash Book EFT transactions must be completed and allocated to batches using the EFT Payments Extract program before you can run the Cash Book year end function.

This option is only displayed when your Cash Book module is in the final month of your financial year.
Year end and purge Select this to perform the final month end of the year, start a new financial year in the Cash Book module and delete information that is no longer required in the system.

This option is only displayed when your Cash Book module is in the final month of your financial year.

Purge only Select this to delete information that is no longer required within the Cash Book module.
Reset lowest unprocessed journal

Select this to locate the earliest Cash Book journal that has not been posted.

The Cash Book GL Integration program creates and/or posts General Ledger journals from Cash Book transaction journals according to your General Ledger Integration settings. The Cash Book GL Integration program uses the lowest unprocessed Cash Book journal number as a starting point to create/post these General Ledger journals.

Selecting this option therefore ensures that no Cash Book journal is skipped when the General Ledger journals are created/posted for the Cash Book module.

This option is only available when you select to process a Balance function.

This function can also be performed using the GL Integration Utility program.

Use statement balance for balance calculation Select this to balance the bank values based on the current statement balance.

Before selecting this option, you need to use the Banks program to maintain the bank you want to balance and enter the correct values in the Statement balance in bank's currency and Statement balance in local currency fields.

If you fail to do this, then the resultant calculations will be incorrect, because the closing balance in local currency and the statement balance in local currency are recalculated based on the current statement balance in local currency.

For example, the calculation of the local currency balance for Previous Period 2 is:

(Closing balance for Previous Period 1) less (Sum of local value transactions (i.e. deposits less withdrawals) for Previous Period 1) less (Sum of adjustments from CSHBAL file for Previous Period 1)

You typically select this option when the Cash Book Print Opening and Closing balances for consecutive months are incorrect.

You cannot use this option if the number of months for which you are retaining reconciled transactions is less than three months (Cash Book Setup).

Include balance function

This lets you choose whether you want to run the Balance function when you run a Month end or Year end function (i.e. it does not apply when processing the Balance or Purge only functions).

This option is ticked automatically if the Last date balance was run field does not reflect today's date. This could have implications when using the Automation Design program where, for example, you don't want to run a Balance function before running another function.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Suppress warning messages This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design) and allows you to indicate that warning messages must be ignored when the program is run in automated mode.
After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Purge details These details relate only to the Purge function and are displayed for information purposes only.

Refer to Purge for additional information.


This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).


The system performs the following routine for a Balance:

  • Outstanding deposits and withdrawals are accumulated for each bank.

    If no variance is detected between the current balance of the bank and the new calculated balance, then the program prints a report indicating the different balances for each bank.

    If a variance is detected between the current balance of a bank and the new calculated balance, then the program updates the current balance of the bank with the calculated variance. It also updates the local equivalent of the bank (if applicable). This update applies to the Current Month, Previous Month 1 and Previous Month 2.

  • A report is printed indicating the different balance for each bank.

    If variances are encountered, a single line is printed for the relevant bank indicating by how much the balance was raised/lowered.

Month End

The system performs the following routine for a Month end:

  • The current financial period is incremented by 1, and the applicable monthly status flags are set to open/closed.

  • The values for each period are rolled over for each bank, and the closing Cash Book balance is calculated.

  • Any applicable permanent entries are updated so that recurring entries will get posted in the new month.

  • Temporary entries residing within the permanent entries file are deleted, together with any entry where the expiry date has been reached.

Year End

The system performs the following routine for a Year end:

  • The current month, journal numbers and on-line check register is reset to 1.

  • The values for each period are rolled over for each bank, and the closing Cash Book balance is calculated.

  • Any applicable permanent entries are updated so that recurring entries will get posted in the new month.

  • Temporary entries residing within the permanent entries file are deleted, together with any entry where the expiry date has been reached.


A purge can be run together with either a month end or year end, or as a separate process.

The system performs the following routine when doing a Purge:

  • Reconciled transactions are deleted if the year and month in which the transaction was reconciled is earlier than the Number of months to retain - Reconciled transactions entry (Cash Book Setup) and the transactions are not EFT transactions with a status of Captured, Released or Extracted.

    If the source of the transaction is either the Accounts Payable Payment Register or the Accounts Receivable Bank Deposit Slip, then the associated payment details are also removed.

  • Cash Book journals are deleted if: if

    • the General Ledger journals for the transactions have been created (Cash Book GL Integration)
    • the General Ledger journals for the transactions have been posted (GL Journal Entry)
    • the journals have been retained for the required number of months specified the Number of months to retain - Cash book journals field (Cash Book Setup).
  • Checks that have been issued are deleted if the difference between the check issued date and the company date is equal to (or exceeds) the number of days you are retaining Payment cycle details (Accounts Payable Setup).

  • Withholding tax information is deleted according to the number of days you are retaining Payment cycle details (Accounts Payable Setup).

  • Permanent entries are deleted if they have been posted and they have either expired or are temporary (see Cash Book Permanent Entries Maintenance).

  • A report is generated which includes the following summary for each file processed:

    • the number of expired permanent entries deleted
    • the number of reconciled transactions deleted
    • the number of journals deleted
    • the number of checks issued records deleted

Notes and warnings


  • It is advisable to take a backup of your data before processing a Month end, a Year end or a Purge.

Data integrity considerations

  • To prevent data imbalances occurring, it is advisable to either process a Balance function immediately before processing any Month end or Year end function, or to enable the Include balance function option when processing any Month end or Year end function.

    The following warning message is displayed if the current date is not the same as the date displayed in the Last date balance was run field: Imbalances may occur if you continue as the 'Balance' function has not been run today. Do you wish to continue?

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
CB Month-end performed

Controls access to the Month-end processing function in the Cash Book Period End program.

CB Year-end performed

Controls access to the Year-end function in the Cash Book Period End program.

CB Purge performed

Controls access to the Purge processing option in the Cash Book Period End program.

CB Balance function performed

Controls access to the Balance processing function in the Cash Book Period End program.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.