Cash Book > Reports > Cash Book Print

Cash Book Print

You use this program to print all deposits and/or withdrawals processed against banks in the Cash Book module for the selected month, regardless of whether entries have been reconciled (Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals).

Report Options

Field Description
Print as of

Select the Period for which you want to print the cash book.

A drop down selection box is available, with the options Current month, Previous month 1 and Previous month 2. The default is the Current month.
A/P and A/R transactions The Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable modules can be running in a later period than the Cash Book.

If transactions are created from these sub-modules that are in a period ahead of Cash Book, they will be created as transactions in the Cash Book files with a 'future' posting month and year.

Include future transactions

If you select this option, then all Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable transactions that have a posting month/year ahead of the current Cash Book period/year, are included in the report.

If you do not select this option, then these future transactions are excluded from the report.

This option is only available if you have selected to Print as of Current month. If you have selected Previous month 1 or Previous month 2 it will be disabled.

This option is also not available if you have selected to Sequence by Transaction Date. This is because the index by transaction date means that the transactions are in Bank/Transaction date sequence and therefore you may get transactions for a future period that appear before transactions for the current period.

Report sequence

The Cash Book Print program reads through the Cash Book Transaction Detail file and sequences the transactions according to the report sequence you select.

Posting date

Select this to generate the report by Bank for the period selected, using the primary key (Posting date) for the sequence of the report.

The report sequence is Posting Date, Transaction type, Reference, Posting month/year, Check number, Reconciled month/year, etc.


Select this to generate the report by Bank for the period selected, using the alternate key (Transaction date) for the sequence of the report.

The report sequence is Transaction Date, Transaction type, Reference, Posting month/year, Check number, Reconciled month/year, etc.


Select this to generate a report by Bank for the period selected, using the alternate key (Check number) for the sequence of the report.

The report sequence is Check number, Transaction type, Reference, Date, Posting month/year, Reconciled month/year, etc.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Bank Indicate the bank(s) for which you want to generate the Cash Book report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

The program reads through the Cash Book Transaction Detail file, using the primary key (for Posting date sequence) or the alternate keys (for check number or transaction date sequence). It only includes a transaction if its posting month/year is equal to the selected period/year.

Regardless of the Report sequence selected, the date which prints on the report is the posting date.

If the Opening balance for a month does not equal the Closing balance for the corresponding previous month, then you use the Banks program to maintain the bank you want to balance. Enter the correct values in the Statement balance in bank's currency and Statement balance in local currency fields. Then run the Balance function of the Cash Book Period End program and select the Balance option: Use statement balance for balance calculation.