> AP Browse on GRN Cross Ref

AP Browse on GRN Cross Ref

You use this program to view purchase order/goods received note cross reference information.

This enables you to cross refer purchase orders with their associated goods received notes.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start at Purchase Order Number Enter the purchase order number to which you want to navigate in the listview.
Supplier This indicates the code of the supplier against which the purchase orders were raised.

Listview columns

The purchase order/GRN combinations currently defined for the selected supplier are displayed in a listview.

Column Description
Purchase order This column displays the purchase order to which the GRN is related.
GRN This column displays the GRN reference number.

This indicates the completed date for the purchase order.

The order completed date is set by the Purchase Order Purge program when all purchase order lines for a purchase order have been receipted. This indicates the date on which the Purchase Order Purge program was run.

Value This indicates the value of the purchase order line.
Matched This indicates whether the purchase order and GRN have been matched.
Stock code This indicates the stock item purchased.
Quantity This indicates the quantity of the item purchased.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the GRN Cross Reference option from the AP Invoice Registration program.