Accounts Payable > Browses > AP Registered Invoices

AP Registered Invoices

You use this program to view details of registered invoices held on file for suppliers.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Zoom View purchase order numbers related to the currently highlighted entry.
Cancel Invoice Cancel the currently highlighted invoice (see Cancel Registered Invoice).
Return/Reinstate Uses the AP Invoice Registration program to record the return of an invoice to the supplier, or to reinstate an invoice that was previously returned to a supplier (see Return / Reinstate Registered Invoice).
Notes Uses the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to assign free format notes to the entry.
Supplier Enter the code of the supplier against whom the invoices were processed.

Once a valid supplier is entered and accepted, all registered invoices processed for the supplier are displayed.

Listview columns

Column Description

The current status of the invoice, which determines the functions available:

Status Function available
Registered or normal invoice Cancel, Return, Notes
Cancelled invoice Notes
Returned invoice Cancel, Reinstate, Notes

When you reinstate an invoice from the supplier, the status is set to registered invoice.

Invoice amount The total invoice amount including tax.
Discount date

The date by which the invoice must be paid to qualify for settlement discount.

The system determines the discount date for each transaction according to the invoice terms of the supplier (Suppliers).

Due date The date the invoice is due for payment.
Notes Indicates whether any notes were captured against the invoice.

Notes and warnings

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).