Purchase Orders > GRN system > Browse on GRNs

Browse on GRNs

You use this program to view details of the outstanding GRNs (Goods Received Notes) for a supplier.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Display Matched GRNs Toggles between displaying matched or unmatched GRNs in the listview.
View Journals

View the details relating to the inventory journals for the selected line.

Change Supplier Enables the Supplier field.
GRN Adjustment Use this to perform GRN adjustment functions including assigning GRNs to a different supplier and un-matching GRNs.

This is only enabled when unmatched GRNs exist against the selected supplier and when you have access to the GRN Adjustment program.

Supplier Indicate the code of the supplier code for whom you want to display GRNs.

Listview columns

The GRNs currently defined for the selected Supplier are displayed in a listview.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Column Description
GRN Indicates the GRN reference number.
Purchase order Indicates the purchase order to which the GRN is linked.

This column is blank when a GRN is entered via the Landed Cost Tracking system (LCT) for element costs such as freight, duty, etc.

Del note Indicates the supplier's delivery note reference number.

This displays the LCT Shipment reference when a GRN is entered via the Landed Cost Tracking system (LCT) for element costs such as freight, duty, etc.

Outstanding value Indicates the current value not yet matched against this GRN. Calculated as Original GRN value less Matched GRN value.
Matched Indicates whether or not the GRN is currently matched.
Stock code Indicates the code of the stock item on the GRN line.
Quantity Indicates the GRN quantity.
Date Indicates the GRN date.
Rev Indicates the revision number for the stock item, if the stock item is defined as ECC controlled.
Rel Indicates the release number for the stock item, if the stock item is defined as ECC controlled.
Supplier Indicates the supplier to whom the GRN is assigned.
Line Indicates the GRN line number.

Indicates the inventory journal number created for the transaction.

Journal entry

Indicates the inventory journal number created for the line entry.

Notes and warnings

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).

Listview considerations

  • Sequencing

    Numerous programs call the Browse on GRNs program, which affects the listview sequence.

    When the calling program passes a Purchase order number, the listview is displayed in Purchase order sequence. When the calling program passes a Supplier code, the listview is displayed in GRN sequence.

    When called from the Main Menu, the listview is sequenced according to the Sequence option indicated.

    The listview heading changes according to the sequence displayed.

  • GRNs displayed

    All GRNs for a specific Purchase order are displayed when you access this program from within the Purchase Order Query program, irrespective of the supplier against the GRN. The reason is that the query is raised for a specific Purchase order from the Purchase Order Query program and not for a specific Supplier.